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Critical Success Factors Influencing the Degree of Alignment Between a Business Process and a CRM System : A Case Study of an IT Company / Kritiska framgångsfaktorer som påverkar matchningsgraden mellan en affärsprocess och ett CRM-system : En fallstudie av ett IT-företagTegelberg, Charlotta January 2018 (has links)
The need for information in real time and the technology development has become more fast and more efficient. Companies today need to be more responsive to their customers to stay on top. Also, companies’ business processes need effective support from information technology solutions. The fit, or alignment, between the business process and the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system design is crucial in order to leverage efforts within marketing and sales. If there is a misfit, companies do not take full advantage of the potential that CRM systems can leverage in terms of better managing relationships with customers, which in turn may result in higher rates of closed deals. The main purpose of this bachelor thesis in Information Systems is to identify and describe critical success factors influencing on the degree of alignment between a business process and a CRM system from an organisational perspective. The sub-purpose is to identify and describe the influence of process−system alignment on performance. The IT company Apica has been used as the case study company in the bachelor thesis. Apica is suitable for this study since it has already adopted a CRM system related to its sales process. A research literature-based analysis model was developed in order to be able to more precisely investigate the chosen purpose. The intention is to review critical success factors that influence the success of the process−system alignment. In the chosen qualitative approach, a semi-structured interview guide was developed, based on the analysis model. Five interviews with co-workers in the case study company were conducted. The analysis of the collected primary empirical data has led to the following conclusions. A high degree of process−system alignment concerning a well-defined and functional business process in relation to a CRM system has a positive influence on the company’s sales process performance. A higher degree of process−system alignment can improve the company’s process performance, increase the sales force productivity and lead to better decision making. According to the findings, the positive outcome of a process−system alignment depends mainly on three factors: management commitment, data management, and system integrations. The empirical results also suggests a new finding: A successfully aligned sales process with the CRM system also lead to knowledge sharing. Knowledge sharing contributes to that salespeople learn from deals made in the past. The historical data help salespeople in managing customer relationships, which may lead to shorter sales cycles and larger deal sizes, which implies increased sales.
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CRM jako prvek optimalizace obchodních a marketingových aktivit / CRM as a system of business and marketing activities optimisationVANĚČEK, Jan January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis maps the theoretical starting points of the issue of customer relationship management. The practical part analyzes the current state of customer relationship management, marketing and business activities of the selected company. The analysis also focuses on the market for CRM systems, which then selects the most appropriate system for the company. It proposes its implementation, including a quantifying of benefits and costs.
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Trh CRM systémů a jeho vývoj / The market of CRM systems and future developmentDudek, Martin January 2008 (has links)
The main aim of this diploma thesis is to create an overview of analytic CRM systems which are offered in the Czech Republic with the emphasis on systems which can be used for marketing processes of the firms. The overview contains the reflection of new trends in CRM systems and marketing and the development to the future. In the last decade there is a huge development of CRM systems, which are generally known as sales force automation and less as an instrument for marketing management of the companies. Last but not least CRM is mistaken with information systems, even if the CRM concept is known for a lot of years and was developed from marketing, which is very often forgotten. The topic of this diploma thesis is originally view on CRM from marketing perspective and creation of compact view of analytic CRM systems, which are offered in the Czech Republic. Emphasis is put on using of these systems for marketing management and the target is disproving the myths, which are spoken about CRM as well CRM systems. Orientation of this document is mainly on analytic CRM systems, which has the most development in the last decades and can be used very well for marketing functions in companies. There is also a large development of marketing and CRM systems. The target is also making a summary of these trends and makes a hypothesis if CRM systems are developed according the future of marketing, if the CRM systems manage the reaction on this things.
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Optimalizace CRM řešení / CRM System OptimizationFučík, Ivan January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on CRM solutions in small and medium-sized organizations with respect to the quality of their customer relationship. The main goal of this work is to design an optimal CRM solution in the environment of real organization. To achieve this goal it is necessary to understand the theoretical basis of several topics, such as organizations and their relationship with customers, CRM systems, their features and trends. On the basis of these theoretical topics it is possible to analyze current CRM solution in the organization. From the data obtained by the methods of observation and controlled interview it was possible to prepare a design for optimal CRM solution. This optimal solution comes also from user and organization requirements. The optimal CRM solution saves time and costs associated with current CRM solution and replaces existing and ineffective CRM tools.
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Implementace CRM v bankovním sektoru / Implementation of CRM in banking sectorPernikl, Michal January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis is concerned with the information systems used to support customer relationship management in organizations. The issue of CRM systems is discussed in this thesis in terms of their implementation and focusing on the banking sector. The aim of this work is to design the physical procedure of implementation of the CRM system in the banking sector, which will provide guidance, whose purpose will be to provide advice and highlighting the critical success factors in each phase of the project. The created instructions disposing fairly detailed description of each phase of the project will be very beneficial especially for banking institutions, which will be avoided well-known problems in the course of the project , and lead the CRM system implementation project to a successful conclusion. In the theoretical part the work user will be familiar with the theoretical concept of CRM and subsequently in detail with its sub-areas. Great emphasis is placed in this section in particular CRM processes. Subsequently, there will be presented the CRM systems itself, the basic distribution, functionality and, ultimately, their integration into the IS / ICT architecture of the organization. At the end of the theoretical part, the identification of the specific needs of the CRM system in terms of the banking sector will be performed. Practical work has been devoted to the implementation of the CRM system in the banking sector. In the introduction to this part the access to the draft proposal of the progress of implementation of CRM in banking sector is presented to the work user and consequently it is more generally introduced in the proposal itself. In order to thus created proposal considered is correct, this proposal was needed to confront the real CRM implementation projects in the real banking institution. Therefore, there is introduced a banking institution whose project of implementation of the CRM system will be compared with the designed physical procedure of implementation of the CRM system in other work parts. The conclusion then proceeded to a detailed presentation of the designed procedure and its confrontation with the real CRM implementation project in the banking sector.
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Aplikace nových komunikačních technologií do firemní počítačové sítě / Aplication of New Communication Technologies into Company´s Computer NetworkŠafránek, Filip January 2009 (has links)
The target of master's thesis is implementation solution of communication VoIP technologies and connection recording system and CRM system in order to saving costs for company INTERNET TRADING s.r.o..
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Návrh koncepce a projektu implementace CRM ve firmě / Company CRM Concept and Implementation ProjectŠpringl, Petr January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with analysis and possibilities of improvements in the area of customer relationship management in a company. There is a theoretical framework regarding customer relationship management and CRM systems including their implementation. The thesis includes analysis of current state of CRM in a concrete company and a proposal of a new CRM system implementation schedule based on the analysis. Finally, there is a discussion of benefits of the proposed project and author's proposals heading to improvements of CRM in the company.
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Posouzení informačního systému firmy a návrh změn / Information System Assessment and Proposal of ICT ModificationHorák, Zdeněk January 2011 (has links)
This graduation theses treats of the system for return mechandise authorization processing for the organization Digilive s.r.o. The system should improve and modernize work of the employees and the clients in the process of attending the sales return. The system will contain two kinds of the users. The client can make sales returns and view data about his sales returns. The employee can edit all data about the sales returns and the clients. The employee segment is implemented with the 5-dimension model access data.
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Автоматизация деятельности предприятия малого бизнеса в индустрии красоты : магистерская диссертация / Automation of small business in the beauty industryБанникова, Н. Д., Bannikova, N. D. January 2019 (has links)
Актуальность темы обусловлена высокой конкуренцией на рынке. Цель магистерской диссертации – исследование и внедрение информационной системы для оптимизации бизнес-процессов организации. Задачи работы: - проанализировать работу салона без внедрения системы; сделать обзор и анализ программного обеспечения для внедрения CRM-системы; оценить экономическую эффективность внедряемого проекта. Объект исследования данной работы является информационное веб-пространство салона красоты. Предмет исследования является информационное и программное обеспечение бизнес-процессов салона красоты. Результаты работы: практическим результатом работы является план внедрения информационной системы на предприятии, для автоматизации бизнес-процесса «Запись клиента на услугу» в салоне красоты «NB Nail Studio». / The relevance of the topic is due to high competition in the market. The purpose of the master's thesis is the research and implementation of an information system to optimize the organization's business processes. Tasks of work: analyze the operation of the cabin without introducing a system; make a review and analysis of software for the implementation of a CRM system; evaluate the economic efficiency of the implemented project. The object of study of this work is the information web space of a beauty salon. The subject of the research is information and software for business processes of a beauty salon. Results of the work: the practical result of the work is the plan for the implementation of the information system at the enterprise, to automate the business process “Registering a client for a service” in the NB Nail Studio beauty salon.
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Автоматизация бизнес-процесса по работе с клиентами с применением CRM-системы : магистерская диссертация / Automation of a business process for working with clients using a CRM systemДемидова, Р. Э., Demidova, R. E. January 2020 (has links)
В современном мире рынок фотографических услуг развивается семимильными шагами. Фотосалоны и фотостудии особенно актуальны среди начинающих бизнесменов. Чтобы повысить продажи, многие компании все чаще предлагают возможность записать клиента онлайн с помощью CRM. CRM-система актуальна по разным причинам: развитие бизнес-процессов, роли интернета и использование мобильных устройств в бизнесе, развитие и удешевление технологий обработки данных и ИТ-инфраструктуры. И, конечно же, большую роль сыграл тот факт, что технические возможности CRM-систем достигли совершенства. Они позволяют отследить путь покупателя с момента первого контакта с ним для перепродажи. Она создает технологию продаж, связывая рекламу, аналитические инструменты и саму систему продаж в единую систему. Результаты выпускной квалификационной работы будут использованы в фотостудии при внедрении CRM-системы AppEvent. / In the modern world, the photographic services market is developing by leaps and bounds. Photo salons and photo studios are especially relevant among novice businessmen. To boost sales, many companies are increasingly offering the option to sign up a customer online using CRM. The CRM system is relevant for various reasons: the development of business processes, the role of the Internet and the use of mobile devices in business, the development and reduction of the cost of data processing technologies and IT infrastructure. And, of course, the fact that the technical capabilities of CRM systems have reached perfection played an important role. They allow you to track the path of the buyer from the moment of the first contact with him for resale. It creates sales technology by linking advertising, analytical tools and the sales system itself into a single system. The results of the final qualifying work will be used in the photo studio when implementing the AppEvent CRM system.
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