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A CRM system implementation study for small companies.Gwizdak, Elise January 2021 (has links)
Introduction. The implementation of CRM systems for small companies have not been widely explored by previous literatures, giving me the opportunity to research the system implementation process of Company X. The purpose of this research is to understand how to process implementation of a CRM system within the frame of a small company. Theoretical Framework. The theoretical framework encompasses the concepts of CRM and previous theories on implementation processes: one focusing on business implementation of CRM (Chalmeta, 2006), and another focusing on the IS implementation of CRM (Cooper and Zmud, 1990). The literature represents a ground to understand the implementation process of Company X. Methodology. The paper is an action research, a relevant research design to the implementation process of Company X in real-world settings. The sampling is 1. project documents from the CRM projects implementation, implicating technical records from Company X, and 2. an interview with a key actor of Company X implementation process. Empirical findings. The results showcased different themes and subthemes that arose in the system implementation process of Company X which are correlated in the analysis to previous theories. Analysis. The analysis of this action research explores the question of Company X's implementation stages. Because CRM is a multidisciplinary subject, grouping technology, people and processes creates a systematic perspective over Company X’s results with 2 theories: one emphasizing a business implementation perspective (Chalmeta, 2006), and one information system implementation perspective (Cooper and Zmud, 1990). Conclusion. The implementation process was executed, having a large scope grouping 3 themes: problem discussion, implementation, and management of change (Chalmeta, 2006). These 3 themes revealed implementation stages such as initiation, adoption, adaptation, acceptance, routinization, and infusion (Cooper and Zmud, 1990). The implementation process approached different factors in Company X: user, organization, task, and technology.
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Návrh dílčí části informačního systému / Design of an Information System PartMastná, Anna January 2020 (has links)
This master´s thesis focuses on the integration between ERP system and CRM system on Microsoft´s platform as a part of solution that has been developed by Navertica, a.s. for the use in healthcare facilities. As a part of this thesis the technologies to implement this integration will be evaluated and the integration proposal will be introduced on a chosen entity.
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Návrh na zavedení CRM systému ve zvolené společnosti / Proposal for the implementation of a CRM system in a selected companyKameník, Tomáš January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the implementation of a CRM system in a selected company dealing with the sale of medical supplies in the Vysočina region. The theoretical part of the work contains a basic definition of concepts falling into the field of modern technologies of the 21st century. The aim of the theoretical part is to create a means for the reader to search for selected analyzes, which will be used in the next part of the work. These are the Canvas business model, SWOT analysis, risk analysis and other use of tools. The analytical part creates an overview of the use of methods and analyzes in a particular company and shows the direct application in practice. The final part of the work is devoted to the process of implementing a CRM system into business practice with subsequent use in specific internal processes within business activities. This design part describes the internal processes before implementation and then outlines the methodological work after the already implied system into the process.
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Цифровизация бизнес-процессов на малом промышленном предприятии : магистерская диссертация / Digitalization of business processes in a small industrial enterpriseГилемшина, А. Р., Gilemshina, A. R. January 2024 (has links)
The WRC (master's thesis) consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, and a bibliographic list including 62 titles. The work includes 3 tables and 14 figures. The total volume of the WRC (master's thesis) is 82 pages. The purpose of the study is to study and analyze the impact of the introduction of a CRM system on the digitalization of business processes of a small industrial enterprise, as well as to develop recommendations for the effective use of a CRM system. The object of the study is LLC "MR". The scientific novelty of the results of this study lies in the analysis and formulation of the key tasks that the CRM system should solve. First of all, this is due to an increase in the efficiency of managers and an increase in sales revenue due to automation and digitalization of business processes. The practical significance of the study lies in the development and analysis of recommendations for the implementation of a CRM system at the enterprise LLC "MR". Effectiveness of recommendations – the recommendations proposed by the author on the implementation of a CRM system will allow the company "MR" LLC to optimize the process of interaction with customers by automating routine tasks such as contact management, transaction tracking and visualization of sales reports, etc. The payback rate for investments in the CRM system at the MR LLC enterprise was 227%. / ВКР (магистерская диссертация) состоит из введения, трех глав, заключения, библиографического списка, включающего 62 наименования. Работа включает 3 таблицы и 14 рисунков. Общий объем ВКР (магистерской диссертации) – 82 страницы. Цель исследования – изучить и проанализировать влияние внедрения CRM-системы на цифровизацию бизнес-процессов малого промышленного предприятия, а также разработать рекомендации по эффективному использованию CRM-системы. Объектом исследования выступает ООО «МР». Научная новизна результатов данного исследования заключается в анализе и формулировании ключевых задач, которые должна решать CRM-система. В первую очередь, это связано с повышением эффективности работы менеджеров и увеличением доходов от продаж за счет автоматизации и цифровизации бизнес-процессов. Практическая значимость исследования заключается в разработке и анализе рекомендаций по внедрению CRM-системы на предприятии ООО «МР». Эффективность рекомендаций – предложенные автором рекомендации по внедрению CRM-системы позволит предприятию ООО «МР» оптимизировать процесс взаимодействия с клиентами путем автоматизации рутинных задач, такие как управление контактам, отслеживание сделок и визуализации отчетов по продажам и др. Показатель окупаемости инвестиций в CRM-систему на предприятии ООО «МР» составил 227%.
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Strävan mot lojalitet : Åtta e-handelsföretags erfarenheter och upplevelser av CRM-system och systemens påverkan på lojalitet / Striving towards Loyalty : Eight Online Apparel Retail Businesses Share TheirExperiences of CRM Systems and the Systems’ Influence on LoyaltyForsberg, Karl, Samuelsson, Hugo January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: CRM säljs ofta in som ett verktyg för att uppnå kundlojalitet. Forskningen är tvetydig på om sambandet mellan CRM och lojalitet gäller, och en rad problem som sägs hämma CRM-satsningar tas upp. Trots svårigheterna med CRM är ordet fortfarande lite av ett buzzword, och aktuellt än idag. CRM har utvecklats mycket sedan 1995, då begreppet först myntades, men innebörden är det samma: det är viktigt att fokusera på kunderna och bibehålla den kundbas som finns idag. Klädbranschen har upplevt en nedåtgående trend, och har endast vuxit online de senaste åren. E-handel är ett område där företag är extra utsatta för konkurrens, och ett sätt att hantera detta är att försöka bibehålla befintliga kunder. I studien undersöks svenska små och medelstora e-handelsföretag i klädbranschen ur ett fenomenologisktperspektiv; deras upplevelser och erfarenheter av CRM-lösningar och dessa lösningars påverkan på lojalitet. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur e-handelsföretags CRM-ansvariga ser på sina system och hur de upplever att deras CRM-lösningar bidrar till lojala kunder. Metod och genomförande: Studien har en fenomenologisk och hermeneutisk utgångspunkt, med kvalitativ och induktiv forskningsstrategi. Metod för datainsamling är semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta fallföretag i Sverige som bedriver handel med kläder online. Resultat: Studien visar att fallföretagen upplever allt mer konkurrens, samt att kundernas beteende blir allt mer utmanande. Intervjupersonernas uppfattning är lojalitet är viktigt, då kunder som återkommer är lätta att påverka, vilket är bra ur ettkostnadsperspektiv. Studien kartlägger också vilka former av CRM-lösningar som används idag, och konstaterat att småföretag använder relativt enkla lösningar. Slutligen upplever intervjupersonerna att deras CRM-lösningar har någon form av påverkan på kunderna, men att system som erbjuder till exempel personlig anpassning av kommunikation skulle bidra ännu mer då kommunikationen anses bli mer relevant. / Background: CRM is often proposed as tool for achieving customer loyalty. However, research conducted in this field is ambiguous on the correlation between CRM and customer loyalty, and many obstacles that hinder CRM projects are found. Despite the difficulties associated with CRM, CRM is still a buzzword today and the concept is present. The acronym was introduced in 1995 and has since developed a lot, however, the concept still has the same implication: it is important to be customeroriented and maintaining the extant group of customers. The apparel retail sector has experienced a decline, with growth exclusively in the ecommercechannel. E-commerce is a sector where companies are exposed tocompetition, and one possible strategy for dealing with the competitiveness is focusing more on maintaining the base of extant customers. In this project Swedish SMEs running e-businesses in the apparel retail sector are studied by using phenomenology, in order to assess their experiences of CRM systems and the systems’ perceived impact on customer loyalty. Aim: The purpose of this project is assessing how the CRM managers of e-commerce companies experience their CRM systems and the systems’ perceived impact on customer loyalty. Research method and execution: The project is based on phenomenology and hermeneutics, and uses a qualitative and inductive approach. The method used to gather information is semi-structured interviews with eight e-commerce companies in the apparel retail sector. Results: This study shows that the companies experience a high level of competition and the customer behavior to be more challenging. The people interviewed consider loyalty as important, due to the fact that recurring customers are more easily influenced, which is cost effective approach. The study also maps the current use of CRM systems and finds that small companies use relatively simple solutions. In the end the people interviewed express that they perceive that their CRM-systems influence the customers to some extent, but point out that solutions that provide customized communication would have a greater influence due to increasingly relevant content.
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Customer Relationship Management (CRM) : A multiple case study: analysing the critical factors of CRM implementationGruber, Jacqueline, Svensson, Mei Hong January 2012 (has links)
Nowadays a company’s focus has shifted from a product-centric view to a more customer-centric view. Customers play a major role for doing business with companies. That leads to the purpose of this research, which is to identify critical factors of CRM implementation and to gain a deeper understanding of how companies deal with those critical factors. This was done with the help of a qualitative method, where six case companies were taken under the research. These six case companies are operating in different industries (1) laundry system industry, (2) printing industry and (3) heavy industry. In addition, the aim of this thesis was to find out how CRM implementation is influenced by critical factors in terms of CRM process and CRM system, interaction of sales force, information / communication flow and organizational structure / culture. The main points which influence the critical factors of CRM implementation were (1) customer-focused, (2) create trust, (3) sharing information and knowledge and (4) decision-making. To overcome these points at first companies need to be customer-focused their sales force need to be able to create trust with customers. Also it is important that companies have a well-implemented information / communication flow to optimise the decision-making process. Within the research more points for how an international organization can manage these critical factors are described. The collected data was analysed with the help of the theoretical framework. The conclusion could be drawn that, a well implemented CRM would help companies to build a better customer relationship and to be able to know as much about customers as possible.
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CRM jako prvek další možnosti rozvoje péče pro zákazníky vybrané obchodní společnosti / CRM as part of another possibility for developing care for the company's clienteleKOPECKÝ, Miroslav January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the topic of customer relationship management in a company, where one of the main objectives of this work was the proposal to implement a CRM system. Implementation of the CRM system was proposed for company (Union co-operative association) Co-op Ceske Budejovice.
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Využití CRM pro posílení konkurenční pozice vybrané společnosti / Application of CRM for Strengthening Competitive Position of Chosen CompanyVašková, Helena January 2019 (has links)
Customer relationship is the theme across all segments. Its importance consists especially in building long-term relationships with customers. This master‘s thesis deals with customer relationship management using information system. The aim of the thesis is to analyse current CRM level in chosen company and to give the improvement proposals.
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En förbättrad kundresa med ett CRM-system som möjliggörare : En fallstudie om framgångsfaktorer för en förbättrad relationmellan en försäkringsförmedlare och dess privatkunder urett kundreseperspektiv / An improved customer journey with a CRM-system as anenabler : A case study on success factors for an improved relationshipbetween an insurance broker and its private customersOlsson, Lowe January 2023 (has links)
Att utveckla bra relationer med sina kunder är en avgörande faktor för ett företags framgång. Deinteraktioner med företaget som kunden gör kan ses som en resa där bland annat framgångsfaktorernakommunikation, transparens och intern kompetens är väsentliga för en stor kundnöjdhet. Det är mångaföretag idag som utesluter det ena eller det andre på bekostnad av kundnöjdheten.Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats i informatik är att identifiera och beskriva framgångsfaktorer för enförbättrad relation mellan kund och företag samt hur ett CRM-system fungerar som möjliggörare medutgångspunkt i ett kundreseperspektiv. Metoden för denna uppsats är fallstudiemetoden, dåundersökningen gäller en viss situation och unika processer hos det valda fallföretaget. För att fångaspecifika erfarenheter och uppfattningar för fallet, så har semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts.De viktigaste slutsatserna från denna studie är att relationen mellan kund och företag utifrånett kundreseperspektiv bör ses utifrån hur både kunden och företaget upplever det. Båda parternasgrundtankar överensstämmer i hög grad gällande kundens resa, såsom att det finns beröringspunktersom är väsentlig för kundnöjdhet. Det som detta bidrar till är att öka en förståelse för vad som faktisktupplevs värdefullt i en relation mellan kund och företag. Framgångsfaktorerna kunnig personal,kundinformationshantering, att ta hand om kundens förväntningar, kommunikation och transparensoch stöd från ledningen, är alla framgångsfaktorer som hör till kundresans olika faser och bidrar till ennöjd kund. Slutligen har stödfunktioner hos ett CRM-system identifierats för varje fas i kundresan:fördefinierade frågor till kunden, stötta kundsupport, prioritera och hantera ärenden och förmedlaersättningsbeslut till kunden.
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Внедрение системы оповещений пользователей в crm-системе банка на основе low-code платформы Pega : магистерская диссертация / Implementation of a user notification system in the bank's CRM system based on the Pega low-code platformЗахаров, Е. Л., Zakharov, E. L. January 2022 (has links)
Актуальность темы обусловлена потребностью предприятия АО «Альфа-Банк», для улучшения процесса работы системы оповещений, для увеличения осведомленности пользователей системы SFA о новых обновлениях системы. Цель работы: улучшение качества работы системы оповещений и увеличении количества читаемости оповещений пользователями с целью увеличения осведомленности об обновлениях SFA, чтобы уменьшить количество консультаций с пользователями по поводу обновлений системы. Объектом исследования данной выпускной работы является информационная система SFA для работы с клиентами банка, а именно с системой оповещений пользователей о новых обновлениях системы. Предметом исследования является бизнес-процесс работы с системой оповещений. Научная новизна исследования состоит в том, что созданы новые методы для запуска модальных окон при загрузке приложения в low-code платформе Pega, создан метод для работы слайдеров изначально не заложенных в систему. Тем самым были выполнены уникальные доработки платформы Pega. Практическая значимость заключается в том, что данную систему оповещений можно применить в любой компании, в которой есть платформа PEGA и необходимость оповещать пользователей об обновлениях системы. / The relevance of the topic is due to the need of Alfa-Bank JSC to improve the process of the notification system, to increase the awareness of users of the SFA system about new system updates. The purpose of the work: to improve the quality of the alert system and increase the amount of readability of alerts by users in order to increase awareness of SFA updates in order to reduce the number of consultations with users about system updates. The object of study of this graduation work is the SFA information system for working with bank customers, namely, with a system for alerting users about new system updates. The subject of the study is the business process of working with the notification system. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that new methods have been created for launching modal windows when loading an application in the Pega low-code platform, a method has been created for the operation of sliders that were not originally included in the system. Thus, unique improvements to the Pega platform were made. The practical significance lies in the fact that this notification system can be applied in any company that has a PEGA platform and the need to notify users about system updates.
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