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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jak reagují čerpací stanice v České Republice na změnu ceny ropy na burze? / How does gasoline stations in Czech republic react to change of crude oil price on commodity exchange?

Hrabalík, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
Aim of this thesis was finding out whether there is asymmetry on gasoline market in Czech republic, which is common knowledge or if asymmetry is only illusion. With daily data about gasoline and diesel prices from CZ market and also daily Brent Crude Oil price, thesis tires to prove that there is no asymmetry on the market. Analysis was done with asymmetric error correction model and further testing of asymmetry with koeficients from ECM. Results yield that both gasoline and diesel markets show rather symmetrical reaction on entry price change. Asymmetry was proven only in few lags and final statement is that asymmetry on market in Czech republic is rather illusion then reality.

Acúmulo e valor nutritivo da forragem do capim Convert HD 364 (Brachiaria híbrida) sob taxas contrastantes de crescimento em resposta à altura do dossel mantida por lotação contínua / Forage accumulation and nutritive value of Convert HD 364 (Brachiaria hybrid) under contrasting growth rates in response to canopy height maintained by continuous stocking

Ianê Correia de Lima Almeida 13 October 2014 (has links)
As pastagens ocupam uma grande extensão territorial no Brasil constituindo a principal fonte de alimento para os ruminantes. Entretanto, seu manejo, ainda é frequentemente realizado de forma extensiva e extrativista, tornando a atividade pouco competitiva. O estudo de estratégias de manejo do pastejo sob lotação contínua contribui para a diversificação e intensificação dos sistemas de produção de ruminantes baseados em pastagens. O objetivo foi descrever e explicar diferenças no potencial produtivo e nas características qualitativas, através de atributos estruturais e químico-bromatológicos da Brachiaria híbrida (Brachiaria ssp.) Convert HD 364 em resposta ao manejo do pastejo sob lotação contínua mimetizada e taxa de lotação variável. O experimento foi conduzido em Piracicaba, no verão de 2013. Foram testadas três intensidades de desfolhação determinadas por alturas de manejo de dossel (10, 25 e 40 cm) em combinação com dois ritmos de crescimento (50 e 250 kg N ha-1 ano-1) num arranjo fatorial (3 x 2) e delineamento em blocos completos casualizados. Variáveis-resposta medidas incluíram massa, acúmulo e taxa de acúmulo de forragem, IAF, composição morfológica e valor nutritivo (Proteína bruta - PB, Fibra insolúvel em detergente neutro- FDN, Digestibilidade in vitro da matéria orgânica - DIVMO) da forragem. Os maiores valores de acúmulo e taxa de acúmulo foram registrados para os dosséis mantidos a 40 cm de altura (12650 kg MS ha-1ano-1 e 110 kg MS ha-1 dia-1, respectivamente) e para dosséis adubados com 250 kg N ha-1(13974 kg MS ha-1ano-1 e 126 kg MS ha-1dia-1, respectivamente). Esse mesmo tratamento apresentou os maiores valores de IAFs (8,1). A massa de forragem não sofreu influência do N, mas respondeu ao aumento da altura e foi maior para os pastos mantidos a 40 cm (14650 kg MS ha-1). Mais N (250 kg ha-1) resultou em maior proporção de folhas (26 %). Maior proporção de colmo (40%) ocorreu no dosséis de 40 cm e adubados com 50 kg N ha-1 e proporções de material morto foram maiores (49%) nos tratamentos de 10 cm de altura e 50 kg de N ha-1. Dosséis de 10 cm adubados com 50 kg N ha-1, embora com menor produtividade, resultaram em maior DIVMO (670 g kg-1) e PB (153 g kg-1 e 165 g kg-1, para 10 cm e 250 kg N ha-1, respectivamente). O teor de FDN foi maior para 40 cm (545g kg-1) e com 50 kg N ha-1(550 g kg-1). A adubação nitrogenada promove ganhos em produtividade e resulta em forragem com melhor valor nutritivo, enquanto que incrementos em altura do dossel promovem maior acúmulo total e taxa média de acúmulo de forragem, até o ponto em que ocorre estabilidade da produção (25 cm), sendo assim o tratamento que apresentou melhor eficiência produtiva aliada a um bom valor nutritivo foi o com 25 cm de altura do dossel e 250 kg ha-1 de N. / Pastures occupy a large area in Brazil and are key to the country\'s livestock industry, which is almost exclusively forage-based. Grazing management, however, is largely empirical in the country, and technical guidelines for managing specific grasses are either scarce or poorly adopted, which hinders the competitiveness of the activity. Establishing sound management guidelines for key grasses can improve animal output and profitability of the livestock enterprise. The objective was to describe and explain differences in the productive potential and the qualitative traits of Convert HD 364 brachiariagrass through the characterization of agronomic and sward structural attributes as well as forage nutritive in response to three grazing intensities and under two growth rates under continuous stocking and variable stocking rate in a mob-grazing experimental protocol. The study was conducted in Piracicaba, in summer of 2013. Experimental paddocks received treatments corresponding to all possible combinations among three sward heights (10, 25, and 45 cm) and two growth rates generated by two N rates (50 and 250 kg N ha-1) split-applied monthly during the experimental period. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with a factorial arrangement. Response variables included forage accumulation and accumulation rate, LAI, plant-part composition of forage on offer, as well as plant-part composition and nutritive value (crude protein - CP, neutral detergent insoluble fiber - NDF digestibility in vitro organic matter - IVDMD) of forage. The highest values of forage accumulation and accumulation rate were recorded for swards kept at 40 cm (12650 kg DM ha-1 yr-1 and 110 kg ha-1 d-1, respectively) and for swards fertilized with 250 kg N ha-1 (13974 kg DM ha-1 yr-1 and 126 kg DM ha-1 day-1, respectively). This same combination resulted the highest LAI (8.1). Forage mass was affected by sward height but not by N rates being higher for 40-cm (14650 kg DM ha-1). Treatments with higher N (250 kg ha-1) resulted in forage with a higher proportion of leaf (26%). Higher percentages of stem (40%) were measured in swards grazed at 40 cm and fertilized with 50 kg N ha-1 while the proportion of dead material was higher (49%) in 10-cm swards receiving 50 kg N ha-1 of N. Swards kept at 10 cm and receiving 50 kg N ha-1, although less productive, resulted in forage with higher IVOMD (670 g kg-1). Forage in 10-cm swards had 153 g kg-1 crude protein and that from swards receiving 250 kg N ha-1 had 165 g kg-1. Neutral detergent fiber concentration was higher in forage from 40-cm swards (545 g kg-1) and from those receiving 50 kg N ha-1 (550 g kg-1), which is also associated with the maturity of the tissues at the time of harvest. Nitrogen fertilization promotes gains in productivity and results in forage with better nutritive value, whereas increases in canopy height promote higher total accumulation and rate of herbage accumulation, up to 25 cm. The treatment that combines high productivity with high nutritive value is 25 cm canopy height and 250 kg ha-1.

Elementární analýza sýrů s bílou plísní na povrchu / Elemental analysis of cheese with white mold on the surface

Pavlechová, Alžbeta January 2018 (has links)
This Master's thesis deals with elementary analysis of cheeses with white mold on the surface. Theoretical part describes general characteristics of cheese, classification of cheeses, their nutritional aspects and characteristics of cheeses with white mold on the surface. Large part is focused on description of mineral substances selected for analysis. At the end of the theoretical part, the Kjeldahl method and emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-OES) were described. Experimental part deals with preparation of samples, approach of analysis and processing of measured results. Eleven samples of cheeses were used for analysis. These samples were from Czech Republic, France and Slovak Republic. Kjeldahl method was used to determine protein contents and ICP-OES was used for elemental analysis. The results were compared to each other and also with results from other studies. Subsequently, they were statistically processed and evaluated in the final part.

Termické zpracování kalů z ČOV / Sewage sludge incineration

Švehlová, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
The master´s thesis deals with the problem of sewage sludge from wastewater treatment plants and their subsequent incineration. Main aim is compare some possibilities of the energy use of mechanically dewatered sewage sludge and sewage sludge with previous anaerobic pre-treatment for various levels of drying sludge.

Chemical and tannin composition of browsable species used as ruminant feed supplements in the Vhembe District of South Africa

Mahlako, Kgabo Tryphina 25 February 2013 (has links)
MSCAGR (Animal Science) / Department of Animal Science

Effectiveness of indigenous tree species (Spirostachys africana) extracts against Sitophilus Zeamais (Mostschulsky)

Ndou, Zwivhuya Leonard 11 February 2016 (has links)
MSCAGR / Department of Plant Production

Nutzbarmachung des Potentials naturfaserbasierter Werkstoffe als Leichtbau- bzw. Konstruktionsmaterial

Kuntzsch, Timo, Miletzky, Frank January 2016 (has links)
Aus der Einleitung: "Ein wachsender Bedarf an nachhaltig verfügbaren Rohstoffen und knapper werdende Rohölressourcen steigern die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung natürlicher Faserstoffe. Das eröffnet neue, über den traditionellen Einsatz von Papier hinausgehende Anwendungen für cellulosische Fasern, beispielsweise in maßgeschneiderten 3D-Verpackungslösungen, im Leichtbau oder in Konstruktionswerkstoffen. Bei der Erschließung neuer Anwendungsbereiche steht neben der zentralen Kostenfrage das Ziel im Vordergrund, die Bauteile technologisch effizient herzustellen. Dafür sollen weitestgehend etablierte Technologien für die Verarbeitung der eingesetzten Halbzeuge einsetzbar sein, z.T. sind aber auch neue Technologien erforderlich, wie z.B. integriertes Fügen und Umformen. Diese Entwicklungen sind nicht auf die oft als Vorreiter angesehene Automobilbranche beschränkt, sondern betreffen z.B. auch die Möbelbranche, die Baustoffindustrie und zunehmend auch die Papierwirtschaft. ..."

Bewertungsmodell für die Wertschöpfungstiefe der Erdölverarbeitung in der Mongolei

Dashdavaa, Altantsetseg 01 August 2013 (has links)
Die Forschungsarbeit beschäftigte sich mit der Frage, ob es zielführend ist, die Mongolei durch Veredelung eigener Ölressourcen mit Mineralölprodukten zu versorgen. Die Mongolei ist ein Land mit großem mineralischen Rohstoffpotential, darunter auch Erdöl. Zurzeit wird der Bedarf an Mineralölprodukten ausschließlich durch Import gedeckt. Zur Untersuchung der technischen Machbarkeit einer Ölverarbeitungsindustrie wurden verschiedene Raffinieriekonzepte auf Basis des mongolischen Rohöls Tamsag erarbeitet. Anschließend wurde anhand einer Bewertungsmethode die gesamtwirtschaftliche Relevanz der Downstream-Industrie in der Mongolei geprüft. Im Ergebnis der Untersuchungen zeigte sich, dass eine Erdölindustrie für die Mongolei sinnvoll ist. Die Erdölveredelung, als neuer Wirtschaftszweig, würde Möglichkeiten wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung eröffnen und die Importabhängigkeit der strategisch wichtigen Mineralölprodukte vermeiden.

Life Cycle and Water Footprint Assessment of Palm Oil Biodiesel Production in Indonesia

Egeskog, Ylva, Scheer, Jannik January 2016 (has links)
No description available.


ELIANA PAOLA MARIN CASTANO 02 February 2021 (has links)
[pt] Esta pesquisa focou-se no estudo da reologia de emulsões A O preparadas com diferentes óleos crus, dando atenção especial ao seu comportamento quando sujeitas a forças brownianas e hidrodinâmicas. Em uma microescala, as interações partícula-partícula e partícula-meio, ambas envolvidas no fenômeno de agregação, definem o comportamento reológico da emulsão devido às complexas estruturas criadas pelas gotículas quando sua concentração aumenta. Um estudo experimental foi realizado para visualizar as características da emulsão de acordo com sua concentração de fase dispersa e a taxa de cisalhamento aplicada, verificando-se a existência de tanto o fenômeno de coalescência quanto o de floculação durante o cisalhamento. A modelagem das interações entre as gotículas permitiu a previsão do comportamento da emulsão a partir da termodinâmica de coloides. Com isso, uma metodologia que ajustasse os dados experimentais incluindo parâmetros da taxa de cisalhamento e da concentração da fase dispersa foi proposto. Essa metodologia foi então aplicada a algumas equações reológicas comuns, encontradas na literatura. Este trabalho enfatiza a importância do estudo de emulsões em escala micro a fim de obter uma melhor compreensão dos processos de formação e quebra das complexas estruturas randômicas de agregados. Isso permite prever seu comportamento reológico e propor um modelo fenomenológico que o descreva. / [en] This research focused on studying the rheology of W O emulsions formed by different crude oils, with special attention to their behavior when subjected to Brownian and hydrodynamic forces. At a microscale level, particle-particle and particle-medium interactions, both of which are involved in the phenomenon of aggregation, define the emulsion s rheological behavior due to the complex structures created by the droplets as their concentration rises. An experimental study was performed in order to visualize the emulsions characteristics according to its disperse phase concentration and the shear rate applied, verifying the existence of both coalescence and flocculation phenomena during shearing. The modeling of interactions between droplets allowed the prediction of the emulsion s behavior by colloidal thermodynamics. With it, a methodology to fit the experimental data that included both the shear rate and disperse phase concentration parameters was proposed. This work emphasizes the importance of studying emulsion systems at a micro-scale level in order to obtain a better comprehension of the formation and breakage processes of complex and random aggregate structures. This allows the prediction of the emulsion s rheological behavior, and the proposition of a phenomenological model to best describe it.

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