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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modifications of canine secreted ocular mucins in Keratoconjunctivitis sicca

Donapaty, Sreenivasa Reddy January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Uncovering a Novel Pathway for Autoinflammation : With a Little Help from a Wrinkled Friend

Olsson, Mia January 2012 (has links)
A major challenge in medical genetics is to identify the mutations underlying heritable diseases. Dogs are excellent genetic models in the search for causative mutations, as they constitute a large library of naturally occurring heritable diseases many of which are analogous to those suffered by man. In addition, these animals have a genome structure well suited to gene mapping. The Shar-Pei dog has two breed-specific features; a strongly selected for wrinkled skin and a high predisposition to an autoinflammatory disease (AID). Abnormalities in the innate immune system cause this type of disease, presenting as spontaneous attacks of inflammation. Persistent inflammation puts an affected Shar-Pei at risk of amyloidosis, organ failure and premature death. In humans, similar AIDs occur and for a majority of cases, no underlying genetic cause has yet been identified. The aim of this thesis was to use the Shar-Pei as a genetic model for autoinflammation in order to find new genes and signalling pathways involved in disease. In paper I, a pleiotropic mutation was identified that could explain both the wrinkled skin and autoinflammation in Shar-Pei. The mutation is associated with an up-regulation of Hyaluronic Acid Synthase 2 (HAS2). Increased expression of HAS2 leads to abnormal depositions of hyaluronic acid (HA) in the skin, resulting in the wrinkled appearance. When fragmented, HA also function as a damage signal sensed by the innate immune system which then responds with inflammation. By selecting for the wrinkled skin, the autoinflammatory disease has inadvertently been enriched in the breed. In paper II, five different inflammatory signs could be associated with the same genetic risk factor, allowing the introduction of a new terminology: Shar-Pei autoinflammatory disease (SPAID) to describe the whole disease complex. In addition, a modifying locus containing several biologically attractive genes was suggested to contribute to varying incidence of amyloidosis in Shar-Pei. In paper III, signs of pathological changes in HA metabolism were investigated in human AID. HA concentration was found to be both higher in subjects with no molecular diagnosis and also associated to disease activity and severity. Taken together, this suggests HA is also involved in human AID.

Genetic Studies in Dogs Implicate Novel Genes Involved in Atopic Dermatitis and IgA Deficiency

Tengvall, Katarina January 2015 (has links)
This thesis presents genetic studies of atopic dermatitis (AD) and IgA deficiency in dogs. AD is a chronic inflammatory and pruritic skin disorder caused by allergic reactions against environmental allergens. Both genetic and environmental factors are involved in the development of Canine AD (CAD) and human AD. In Paper I, we performed genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and identified a locus on chromosome 27 significantly associated with CAD in German shepherd dogs (GSDs). The locus contains several genes and fine-mapping indicated strongest association close to the candidate gene PKP2. In Paper II, we performed additional fine-mapping and identified four highly associated SNPs located in regions with transcriptional regulatory potential in epithelial and immune cells. The risk alleles were associated with increased transcriptional activity and the effect on expression was cell-type dependent. These data indicate that multiple cell-type specific enhancers regulate the expression of PKP2, and/or the neighboring genes YARS2, DNM1L and FGD4, and predispose GSDs to CAD. IgA deficiency is the most common primary immune deficiency disorder in both humans and dogs, characterized by a higher risk of recurrent mucosal tract infections, allergic and other immune-mediated diseases. In Paper III, we performed the widest screening (to date) of serum IgA levels in dog breeds (Ndogs=1267, Nbreeds=22) and defined eight breeds as predisposed to low IgA levels. In Paper IV, we performed GWAS in four of the breeds defined as prone to low IgA levels. We used a novel percentile groups-approach to establish breed-specific cut-offs to perform analyses in a close to continuous manner. In total, 35 genomic loci were suggestively associated (p<0.0005) to IgA levels, and three genomic regions (including the genes KIRREL3 and SERPINA9) were genome-wide significantly associated with IgA levels in GSDs. A ~20kb long haplotype on chromosome 28, significantly associated to IgA levels in Shar-Pei dogs, was positioned within the first intron of the gene SLIT1 overlapping with a possible dog domestication sweep. This thesis suggests novel candidate genes involved in two immune-mediated disorders in the dog. Hopefully, these results will become an important resource for the genetic research of the corresponding human diseases.

Pertinence et validations préclinique et clinique du modèle spontané canin de mélanome dans le développement thérapeutique en oncologie / Spontaneous canine melanoma : relevance, preclinical and clinical validations in the human drug development process

Segaoula, Zacharie 07 April 2017 (has links)
En recherche et développement pharmaceutiques un candidat thérapeutique doit passer plusieurs barrières précliniques afin de déterminer certains paramètres pharmacocinétiques et pharmacodynamiques avant toute administration à l’homme. Malgré les efforts investis en R&D ces dernières années, l’industrie du médicament a souffert d’un ralentissement dans le développement de nouvelles molécules innovantes. Car avant sa mise sur le marché, tout candidat doit justifier de la sécurité liée à son utilisation mais aussi de sa balance bénéfice/ risque. Les modèles standards utilisés en développement en oncologie ne sont pas assez prédictifs et bien souvent non-adaptés, avec une niche tumorale inexistante. C’est pourquoi il est aujourd’hui essentiel de travailler sur des systèmes plus sensibles et mimant plus fidèlement la pathologie humaine afin d’obtenir des médicaments plus efficaces et moins toxiques pour une meilleure prise en charge. L’utilisation du modèle spontané de cancers comme approche prédictive en oncologie comparée a été rapportée par plusieurs équipes à travers le monde. En effet, les fortes similitudes au niveau histologique, moléculaire et clinique rapportées entre les tumeurs humaines et canines, font de ce modèle un allié essentiel pour l’optimisation du développement pharmaceutique chez l’homme ayant un bénéfice réciproque à la fois à la médecine humaine et vétérinaire.Chez l’homme, les mélanomes constituent l’une des formes les plus agressives des cancers cutanés. Ils représentent 4 à 11% des néoplasies cutanées et seulement 2% des cancers de l’épiderme. Ce sont des tumeurs très immunogènes et de très mauvais pronostic au stade métastatique contribuant au développement d’une réponse immunitaire anti-tumorale bien souvent responsable d’échappements et de résistances au traitement. Et malgré l’amélioration de 50 à 80% de la survie globale à 5 ans ces vingt dernières années, son incidence ne cesse d’augmenter et environ 7000 cas sont rapportés chaque année en France avec plus de 75% de décès liés à ces tumeurs.Bien que rares, ces tumeurs représentent 7% des cancers diagnostiqués chez le chien et environ 160000 cas sont recensés chaque année au niveau mondial. Sa localisation est buccale dans plus de 50% des cas. C’est aussi l’un des cancers les plus agressifs chez le chien, avec une survie globale post-opératoire de 173 jours associé à des métastases ganglionnaires et pulmonaires le plus souvent.Le but de ce travail a été la validation préclinique et clinique du modèle tumoral spontané canin dans la compréhension des mécanismes de cancérogenèse, de dormance tumorale et de développement thérapeutique. Validation préclinique, dans un premier temps via le développement et la caractérisation de modèles cellulaires et murins de mélanomes canins. Puis, dans un second temps, la validation clinique par le biais d’essais thérapeutiques chez le patient chien.A partir de prélèvements issus de deux profils cliniques distincts, deux lignées cellulaires de mélanome canin ont été développées et caractérisées sur le plan pharmacologique, génomique et fonctionnel. Une liste d’altérations génétiques a été établie sur ces deux profils en accord avec la littérature et présentant des points communs avec la pathologie humaine. De plus, il est bien établi que l’hétérogénéité tumorale est responsable de résistances au traitements conduisant aux rechutes, c’est pourquoi nous nous sommes par la suite intéressés à l’étude des populations souches tumorales au sein de notre modèle et à l’identification de marqueur permettant le ciblage de ces cellules pouvant contribuer ainsi à l’avancement de l’enrichissement de l’arsenal thérapeutique oncologique.En conclusion, le patient chien est doté d’un système immunitaire intact et d’une niche tumorale complète, constituant ainsi un système in-vivo très intéressant pour l’homme, pouvant contribuer à avancer la recherche et améliorer grandement nos connaissances sur cette pathologie. / Pharmaceutical development is a long and fastidious process. In fact, each drug candidate has to meet with a certain safety criteria list, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics profiles need to be determined prior to first use in humans and market approval.For years, the pharmaceutical industry has been suffering from a lack of innovative molecules and thus despite the efforts and cost increases in R&D programs. And most novel drug candidates entering clinical trials fail to reach approval, largely because preclinical models used in development do not provide adequate information about their efficacy or toxicity. That’s why; more predictive models of efficiency in oncology, shaping more precisely the human pathology are needed.The study of novel drug candidates in dogs with naturally occurring tumors allows drug assessment in neoplasms sharing many fundamental features with its human counterparts, and thus provides an opportunity to answer questions guiding the cancer drug development path in ways not possible in more conventional models. Moreover, the strong homologies in clinical presentation, morphology, and overall biology between dogs and their human counterparts make companion animals a good model to investigate tumor process from ætiology to tailored treatments.The aim of this project was to validate the canine spontaneous tumor model, by combining preclinical and clinical approaches, in the comprehension of the underlying mechanisms of cancer from carcinogenesis to drug resistance and tumor dormancy and also the discovery of new tools essential for the prediction, diagnosis clinical follow-up and treatment.Metastatic melanoma is one of the most aggressive forms of cutaneous tumors in humans. It constitutes 4 to 11% of skin malignancies and only 2% of the cancers of the epidermis. These highly immunogenic tumors hold a severe prognosis when metastasized and contribute to an immune anti-tumor reaction which could potentially lead to immune escape and resistance to most standard treatment protocols. And even if the 5-year survival has been improved to 50 – 80% over the past decades, its incidence is still in the rise with 7000 cases and 75% related deaths reported every year in France.In dogs, melanomas are one of the most frequently diagnosed malignancies of the oral cavity. These cancers account for 7% of all malignant tumors in dogs and 160000 reported every year worldwide. It also constitutes one of the most aggressive metastasizing tumors with a median post-surgery survival rate of 173 days.We developed and characterized immunucytochemically, pharmacologically and genomically two canine melanoma cell lines from naturally occurring dog tumors with distinct clinical profiles. A list of genetic alterations of these two profiles has also been established and is in accordance with the published literature, presenting same features as human tumors. And because tumor heterogeneity is responsible of resistance to treatment and relapse, we isolated and investigated cancer stem cell populations in our cell line models in order to identify the linked biomarkers which may constitute future potential targets for the expansion of the oncological therapeutic panel.In conclusion, due to its intact immune system, tumor niche and also because it shares the same environment as we do, the canine patient represent a promising opportunity in the advancement of cancer research, the acceleration of translation process and the setting up of more effective and less toxic molecules with dual benefits for the human and veterinary medicine toward better patient care.

Modèles spontanés de sarcomes chez l'Homme : le sarcome histiocytaire et le dermatofibrosarcome protubérant du chien / Spontaneous models for human sarcomas : histiocytic sarcoma and dermatofibrosarcoma in dogs

Rault, Mélanie 12 December 2016 (has links)
Lors de ma thèse, je me suis intéressée à la recherche d’altérations somatiques dans deux sarcomes : le sarcome histiocytaire (SH) et le dermatofibrosarcome protubérant (DP). Pour étudier ces cancers sur les plans moléculaire et thérapeutique le chien apparaît comme un modèle naturel unique. En effet, il développe spontanément des cancers homologues aux cancers humains avec de fortes prédispositions raciales. De plus, le chien partage notre environnement et est l’espèce la mieux suivie médicalement après l’Homme, ce qui en fait un modèle de tumeurs spontanées inégalable. Le SH est rare chez l’Homme, mais fréquent dans une race de chien en particulier : le bouvier bernois. Ce cancer a fait l’objet d’études antérieures dans l’équipe et dans ce contexte j’ai identifié des mutations somatiques récurrentes dans 102 cas de SH canin. Un gène de la voie MAPK a particulièrement retenu notre attention, je l’ai retrouvé muté dans 54 cas de SH canin, soit 53%. En collaboration avec le « groupe de travail des histiocytoses humaines », nous avons aussi montré la présence de mutations de ce gène dans 1 cas sur 16 cas de SH humain. Par la suite, j’ai (1) montré le rôle activateur de ces mutations de la voie MAPK dans le SH (2) ciblé cette voie de signalisation par 4 molécules inhibitrices sur 8 lignées cellulaires de SH canin, dont 7 développées dans l’équipe. J’ai alors montré que le tramétinib possédait le meilleur potentiel thérapeutique pour le SH, et l’équipe projette maintenant de tester cette molécule dans un essai préclinique chez le chien. En ce qui concerne le DP, c’est un fibrosarcome déjà bien décrit chez l’Homme mais dont le diagnostic n’est pas réalisé en médecine vétérinaire. J’ai pu mettre en évidence, dans un cas de DP canin, l’existence d’une fusion de gènes similaire à la fusion pathognomonique des DP humains. En effet, cette fusion implique les mêmes mécanismes : des points de cassures similaires, plaçant le gène PDGFB sous le contrôle du promoteur d’un gène de collagène, et a pour conséquence une surexpression du facteur de croissance PDGFB. Une thérapie ciblée étant utilisée pour les DP humains porteurs de cette fusion, nous supposons qu’elle pourrait l’être aussi pour les DP canins. Ainsi, ces travaux ont permis de mieux caractériser ces sarcomes sur le plan moléculaire et ouvrent des perspectives diagnostiques et thérapeutiques profitant à la recherche translationnelle à fois en médecine vétérinaire et humaine. / During my thesis I searched for somatic alterations in two sarcomas: histiocytic sarcoma (HS) and dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DP). To study these cancers on the molecular and therapeutic aspects, the dog appears as a unique natural model. Indeed, dogs spontaneously develop cancers that are homologous to human cancers with strong racial predispositions. In addition, dogs share our environment and it is the species with the best medical care after humans. HS is rare in humans, but frequent in a particular dog breed: Bernese mountain dog. This cancer has been the subject of previous studies in the team and in this context I identified recurrent somatic mutations in 102 cases of canine HS. A gene of the MAPK pathway has caught our attention, I found mutations in 53% of canine HS cases. In collaboration with the “working group on human histiocytosis”, we also showed the presence of mutations of this gene in 1 case out of 16 human cases of HS. Subsequently, I showed the activating role of these mutations in the MAPK pathway and I targeted this pathway by 4 inhibiting molecules on 8 canine HS cell lines, including 7 developed in the team. I then highlighted the trametinib with the best therapeutic potential for HS and the team now plans to test this molecule in preclinical assays in dogs. Regarding the DP, it is a fibrosarcoma already well described in humans but the diagnosis is not routinely made in veterinary medicine. In one case of canine DP, I was able to highlight the existence of a similar gene fusion to the pathognomonic fusion of the human DP. Indeed, this fusion involves the same mechanisms: similar breakpoints placing the PDGFB gene under the control of the promoter of a collagen gene, resulting in the overexpression of the growth factor PDGFB. A targeted therapy is available for human patients carrying this gene fusion; thus, we suppose it could also be used in therapy for canine DP. In conclusion, this work has further characterized these sarcomas at the molecular level and now opens diagnostic and therapeutic opportunities, benefiting to the translational research in both veterinary and human medicine.

Use of adipose tissue-derived stromal cells for prevention of esophageal stricture after circumferential EMR in a canine model / 脂肪由来間質細胞の自家移植は食道粘膜切除後の狭窄を予防する(イヌモデルによる検討)

Honda, Michitaka 24 March 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医学) / 甲第18131号 / 医博第3851号 / 新制||医||1001(附属図書館) / 30989 / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 千葉 勉, 教授 坂井 義治, 教授 羽賀 博典 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

The effect of β-2 adrenoreceptor agonist inhalation on lungs donated after cardiac death in a canine lung transplantation model / イヌ肺移植モデルにおける心停止ドナー肺に対するβ2アドレナリン受容体刺激剤吸入の効果

Sakamoto, Jin 23 May 2014 (has links)
2017-02-09全文追加 / 京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医学) / 甲第18453号 / 医博第3908号 / 新制||医||1004(附属図書館) / 31331 / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 坂田 隆造, 教授 木村 剛, 教授 小池 薫 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

Genetic Studies of Immunological Diseases in Dogs and Humans

Bianchi, Matteo January 2017 (has links)
This thesis presents genetic studies aiming at enlarging our knowledge regarding the genetic factors underlying two immune-mediated diseases, hypothyroidism and autoimmune Addison’s disease (AAD), in dogs and humans, respectively. Genetic and environmental factors are indicated to contribute to canine hypothyroidism, which can be considered a model for human Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT). In Paper I we performed the first genome-wide association (GWA) study of this disease in three high-risk dog breeds (Gordon Setter, Hovawart and Rhodesian Ridgeback). Using an integrated GWA and meta-analysis strategy, we identified a novel hypothyroidism risk haplotype located on chromosome 12 being shared by the three breeds. The identified haplotype, harboring three genes previously not associated with hypothyroidism, is independent of the dog leukocyte antigen region and significantly enriched across the affected dogs. In Paper II we performed a GWA study in another high-risk breed (Giant Schnauzer) and detected an associated locus located on chromosome 11 and conferring protection to hypothyroidism. After whole genome resequencing of a subset of samples with key haplotypes, we fine mapped the region of association that was subsequently screened for the presence of structural variants. We detected a putative copy number variant overlapping with the upstream region of the IFNA7 gene, which is located in a region of high genomic complexity. Remarkably, perturbed activities of type I Interferons have been extensively associated with HT and general autoimmunity. In Paper III we performed the first large-scale genetic study of human AAD, a rare autoimmune disorder characterized by dysfunction and ultimately destruction of the adrenal cortex. We resequenced 1853 immune-related genes comprising of their coding sequences, untranslated regions, as well as conserved intronic and intergenic regions in extensively characterized AAD patients and control samples, all collected in Sweden. We identified BACH2 gene as a novel risk locus associated with AAD, and we showed its independent association with isolated AAD. In addition, we confirmed the previously established AAD association with the human leukocyte antigen complex. The results of these studies will hopefully help increasing the understanding of such diseases in dogs and humans, eventually promoting their well-being.

Malformation Chiari-Like : l’investigation d’une maladie complexe par l’utilisation d’un modèle canin

Lemay, Philippe 08 1900 (has links)
La malformation de Chiari type 1 (MCI) est une anomalie congénitale de la jonction cranio-cérébrale fréquente avec une incidence de 1:1280. MCI est caractérisée par la descente des amygdales cérébelleuses à travers le foramen magnum et est souvent associée à la syringomyélie. Les causes de cette maladie semblent être multifactorielles incluant des facteurs génétiques. La MCI est similaire à une malformation fréquente chez la race des Griffon Bruxellois (GB) connue sous le nom de Malformation Chiari-like (MCL). Le modèle canin offre l’avantage d’une forte homogénéité génétique réduisant ainsi la complexité de la maladie et facilitant l’identification d’un locus causatif. Une étude d’association du génome entier sur une cohorte de 56 GB suivie d’une cartographie fine sur une cohorte de 217 GB a identifié un locus fortement associé à la MCL sur le chromosome 2 (22 SNPs, valeur P= 7 x 10-8) avec un haplotype de 1.9 Mb plus fréquent chez les non affectés. Une seconde étude d’association du génome entier sur une cohorte de 113 GB a permis d’identifier un 2 ème locus fortement associé à la MCL sur le chromosome 13 (25 SNPs , valeur P= 3 x 10 -7) avec un haplotype de 4 Mb surreprésenté chez les non affectés. Ces régions candidates constituent la première étape vers l’identification de gènes causatifs pour la MCL. Notre étude offre un point d’entrée vers une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires sous-tendant la pathogénèse de la MCI humaine. / Chiari I malformation (CMI) represents a common congenital abnormality of the craniocerebral junction with an estimated incidence of 1 in 1280. CMI is characterized by a descent of the cerebellar tonsils into the foramen magnum, often in association with syringomyelia. The developmental defect in CMI is thought to be the result of an underdeveloped occipital bone and small posterior fossa. The etiology of CMI is thought to be multifactorial involving genetic factors. CMI in humans is similar to a condition in the dog called Chiari-like malformation (CM) that is particularly common in the Griffon Bruxellois (GB) breeds. A genome wide association study on a 56 GB cohort followed by a fine mapping in a 217 GB cohort have identified a locus on chromosome 2 that was strongly associated with CM (22 SNPs, P value= 7 x 10-8). Haploview analysis of this locus identified a haplotype of 1.9 Mb that was more frequent in non-affected dogs. A second genome wide association study in a 113 GB cohort lead to the identification of another locus on chromosome 13 that was strongly associated with CM (25 SNPs , P value= 3 x 10-7). Analysis of this region identified a 4Mb haplotype that was more frequent in non-affected dogs. Our study constitutes the first essential step towards identification of the causative genes in CM. Our study provides an entry point for better understanding of the molecular genetic mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of human CMI.

Estudo da biodistribuição de células tronco de polpa de dente decíduo humana (CTPDDh) após o transplante intra-uterino no modelo canino (Canis lupus familiares) / Biodistribution of human immature dental pulp stem cells following in utero transplantation in canine model (Canis lupus familiaris)

Reginato, Ana Luísa 19 June 2012 (has links)
O transplante intrauterino de células-tronco (TIUCT) é um método de tratamento de doenças genéticas, congênitas, hematológicas e imunológicas em um feto durante a gestação. Em pesquisa básica este modelo permite o estudo da dinâmica de migração, enxertia e estado funcional de diferentes tipos de células-tronco (CT). Estas células podem ser transplantadas em diferentes momentos do período gestacional, que pode ser dividido em três momentos do desenvolvimento fetal, sendo estes, diferentes funcionalmente. A escolha deste momento para o transplante influenciará tanto no comportamento celular quanto no resultado. Para o TIUCT são utilizadas as CT mesenquimais derivadas da medula óssea ou fetais ou hematopoiéticas. Para esta pesquisa utilizamos células-tronco derivadas da polpa dentária imatura humana (CTIPDh) as quais apresentam potencial pluripotente e propriedades imunomodulatórias. Nosso principal objetivo foi avaliar a capacidade migratória, bem como de proliferação e endereçamento (homing) das CTIPDh durante o terceiro período gestacional do desenvolvimento fetal no modelo canino. Todos os procedimentos experimentais foram elaborados sob protocolo anestésico apropriado e aprovados pelo comitê de ética da FMVZ da USP. Foram transplantadas via intraperitoneal (IP) 1x106 CTIPDh GFP+ em cada feto, durante procedimento cirúrgico de laparotomia exploratória com ultrassonografia guiada intraoperatóriamente em quatro fetos com idade gestacional aproximada de 45 dias, e outros dois fetos os quais não receberam o transplante, utilizados como controle. Avaliamos os fetos pré e pós-transplante através do ultrasson. Após sete dias, realizamos a ovário-salpingo-histerectomia (OSH) para a colheita dos fetos. Em seguida coletamos seus órgãos e tecidos os quais foram fixados em paraformoldeído a 4% e criopreservados a temperatura de -80oC. Analisamos a biodistribuição das CTIPDh dentro dos órgãos e tecidos em criocortes de 5µm sob microscopia Confocal. Constatamos o homing das CTIPDh nos órgãos derivados das linhas germinativas endodermais, ectodermais e mesodermais. No estômago e intestinos as CTIPD/GFP+ foram identificadas tanto no espaço intraglandular, como na camada muscular da mucosa; no fígado no parenquima hepático; no coração especialmente no tecido muscular do miocárdio; no cérebro nos vasos da substância branca, e cerebelo entre células de Purkinje. Na placenta estas células foram encontradas especialmente junto aos vasos. Quantificamos as CTIPD GFP+ utilizando a citometria de fluxo. Comparativamente dentre os órgãos analisados, obtivemos resultados expressivos do homing celular no miocárdio (~50%), no baço e fígado. Nossos resultados foram confirmados através das análises de imunohistoquímica e imunofluorescência utilizando os anticorpos Anti-núcleo (HuNu), Anti-CTIPD e Anti-GFP humanos. Concluímos que as CTIPDh apresentam grande potencial migratório e proliferativo após o TIUCT em fetos caninos. Estas células indiferenciadas demonstraram homing, especialmente nos tecidos: hematopoiéticos fetais (placenta, fígado e baço), tecido epitelial e glandular de órgãos, bem como de nichos perivasculares de CT. Estes dados sugerem que as CTIPD através do TIU, é uma alternativa viável, segura e promissora para o tratamento de doenças genéticas, congênitas, hematológicas e imunológicas. / Intra-uterine stem cells transplantation (IUSCT) is a method for the treatment of genetic, congenital, hematological, and immunological diseases. In basic research it provides a model for studying the dynamics of migration, graft and functional status of different types of stem cells. The cells can be transplanted in different moments of gestational period, which can be divided into quarters that are not functionally equivalent. The choice of the cells and quarter where the stem cells will be applied can influence cells behavior and results of transplantation. Fetal and adult hematopoietic or bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were mainly used for IUSCT. We previously obtained human immature dental pulp stem cell (IDPSCs), which showed pluripotent potential and immune-compatible properties. The goal of our study was to evaluate migration capacity, proliferation and homing of IDPSCs after IUSCT during the third fetal period in dogs. All experimental procedures were approved by the Ethical Committee of the School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science of São Paulo University and were performed under appropriate anesthesia. 1x106 of undifferentiated GFP-positive human IDPSCs were transplanted following laparotomy and intraperitoneal injection under intra-operative ultrasound control into 5 fetuses at the 45 days of gestation. Five fetuses, which did not receive IDPSCs, were used as a control. Ultrasound analyses were performed daily before collection of the fetuses. After 7 days ovarian hysterectomy was performed, fetuses were collected; organs and tissues were isolated and fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde or cryopreserved. Biodistribution of IDPSCs within the organs and tissues were analyzed on cryosections (5µm) under Confocal Microscopy. Homing of IDPSCs was observed in organs derived from three germ lines, endoderm, ectoderm and mesoderm. In stomach and in intestine GFP IDPSCs were found in intraglandular space as well as in muscularis mucosae. In liver they appeared in hepatic parenchyma; in heart in myocardium and in brain in bold vessels, in cerebellum within Purkinje cells. Using Flow cytometry assay GFP IDPSCs graft was quantified. Among the different organs an expressive homing was observed in myocardium of heart (~50%), in spleen and liver. The IDPSCs were also found in canine placenta, especially in blood vessels. These data were confirmed using anti-human nucleus (HuNu), anti-GFP and anti-IDPSCs anti-bodies. Human IDPSCs showed high migration and proliferation potential after IUSCT in dog fetuses. Undifferentiated IDPSCs demonstrated homing in fetal hematopoietic (placenta), epithelial (gastric glands) and perivascular stem cells niches. Our data suggest that IDPSCs is a new promising source for genetic, congenital, hematological, and immunological treatment for those diseases through IUSCT.

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