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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Critério para manejo de pastagens fundamentado no comportamento ingestivo dos animais : um exemplo com pastoreio rotativo conduzido sob metas contrastantes / Grazing management strategies based on animal ingestive behavior : an example of the rotational stocking with contrasting grazing management targets

Schons, Radael Marinho Três January 2015 (has links)
A hipótese desse estudo foi de que o manejo do pasto baseado no comportamento ingestivo (pastoreio Rotatínuo - RN) resulta em maior eficiência de utilização do pasto, mas menor eficiência de colheita quando comparado ao manejo clássico (pastoreio rotativo). O experimento ocorreu na Estação Experimental Agronômica da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, onde foram contrastadas duas estratégias de manejo (tratamentos) em pastos de azevém anual pastejados por ovinos. No primeiro tratamento foi utilizado o pastoreio Rotativo (RT), com metas de altura de manejo pré-pastejo de 25 cm e pós-pastejo de 5 cm. Este tratamento representou o conceito clássico de manejo que privilegia o período de descanso para acumular forragem, e a ocupação da faixa de forma tal a colher o máximo da massa de forragem acumulada. No segundo tratamento foi utilizado o método RN, onde as metas de pré-pastejo foram de 18 cm e pós-pastejo de 11 cm, metas essas definidas objetivando maximizar a taxa de ingestão. Os animais tinham aproximadamente 10 meses de idade com peso vivo médio de 26,2±0,95 kg, e eram oriundos do cruzamento das raças Texel e Ideal. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos completos casualizados com quatro repetições. Os resultados demonstraram que o RN resultou em ciclos de pastejo mais curtos do que o RT (13 vs 35 dias) que aconteceram em maior quantidade (11 vs 4). A maior quantidade (~20%) de massa de lâminas foliares verdes no pós-pastejo do tratamento RN possibilitou maior interceptação luminosa pela planta (78% vs 63%) resultando em maior produção de matéria seca (PMS) no método RN (9023 kg MS ha-1) comparado ao RT (6819 kg MS ha-1). As diferentes metas de manejo resultaram em maior oferta de lâminas foliares verdes para o RN comparado ao RT, gerando maiores ganhos médio diários por animal (GMD) e também por área (GPV), embora a carga animal tenha sido maior no RT. A eficiência de colheita do pasto (ECP) foi similar entre tratamentos. Por outro lado, registrou-se maior eficiência de utilização do pasto (EUP) no RN, sendo que para cada 1 kg de ganho de peso os animais necessitaram consumir 16,2 e 28,1 kg MS, respectivamente para RN e RT. Conclui-se que as metas de manejo do pasto do método RN, baseadas na maximização da taxa de ingestão, resultam em maior eficiência de utilização sem comprometimento da eficiência de colheita. / We hypothesized that grazing management based on ingestive behavior (named rotatinuos stocking – RN) results in better herbage use efficiency, but in lower harvesting efficiency when compared to classic rotational stocking (RT). This experiment was conducted at the Agronomic Experimental Station of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil. Two stocking strategies (RN and RT) were used as treatments in annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) pasture grazed by sheep. In the RT treatment, target height for grazing initiation and stubble were 25 and 5 cm, respectively. This represented the classical management approach where long regrowth intervals are allowed for accumulating maximum forage and pasture is grazed down to a low stubble for maximum harvesting efficiency. In the alternative treatment RN, pre- and post-grazing target heights were 18 and 11 cm, respectively, for maximizing ingestion rate. Animals were Texel and Ideal crossbreed, of approximately 10 months old and averaged 26.2±0.95 kg live weight. The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design, with four replicates. Compared with RT, the RN treatment had resulted in shorter (13 vs 35 days, compared to RT) and more frequent (11 vs. 4 days, for RT) regrowth cycles. The greater green leaf blade mass (~20%) post-grazing in the RN treatment allowed more light interception compared with RT (78 vs. 63%, respectively), resulting in greater herbage accumulation (9020 vs. 6819 kg MS ha-1 for RN and RT, respectively). The different grazing strategies resulted in greater allowance of green leaf blades in RN than in RT, resulting in a greater live weight gain per hectare and per animal despite the lower stocking rate in RN. The herbage harvesting efficiency was similar for both treatments. On the other hand, herbage use efficiency was greater for RN, where for 1 kg of live weight gain animals ate 16.2 kg dry matter, compared with 28.1 kg in the RT treatment. In conclusion, pasture management based on maximizing the ingestion rate resulted in greater herbage use efficiency without compromising harvesting efficiency.

Morfogênese e dinâmica do acúmulo de forragem em capim-elefante cv. Napier submetido a alturas de resíduo pós-pastejo / Morphogenesis and dynamics of forage accumulation in elephant grass cv. Napier submitted to residual post-grazing heights

Sousa, Braulio Maia de Lana 03 1900 (has links)
No período de fevereiro a maio de 2009 (experimento 1) e dezembro de 2009 a maio de 2010 (experimento 2) foram avaliados os efeitos de três alturas pós-pastejo (30, 50 e 70 cm) sobre as características morfogênicas e estruturais e a dinâmica do acúmulo de forragem e dos componentes morfológicos em pastos de capim-elefante cv. Napier quando atingidos 95% de interceptação luminosa pelo dossel durante a rebrotação. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos completos casualizados com três repetições. Nos dois experimentos e para perfilhos basais e aéreos e para o dossel, pastos manejados com altura pós-pastejo 30 cm apresentaram os menores valores de taxa de alongamento de folhas, duração de vida das folhas, taxa de alongamento de colmos, comprimento final da lâmina foliar e número de folhas vivas por perfilho. Esse padrão resultou em menores taxas de crescimento de folhas e de colmos, de crescimento total e de acúmulo de forragem nos pastos manejados com altura pós-pastejo de 30 cm relativamente àqueles manejados a 50 e 70 cm. As características morfogênicas e estruturais pouco diferiram entre as alturas pós-pastejo 50 e 70 cm. Contudo, pastos manejados a 50 cm apresentaram menores taxas de alongamento e de acúmulo de colmos e taxas de acúmulo de forragem relativamente estáveis, especialmente no experimento 2, em comparação àqueles manejados a 70 cm, sugerindo que essa altura pós-pastejo seria a mais indicada. A estratégia de decapitar a maioria dos meristemas apicais no primeiro pastejo (experimento 2) resultou em valores de características morfogênicas e estruturais relativamente mais estáveis e em menor taxa de acúmulo de colmos, sugerindo necessidade de controle minucioso da elevação dos meristemas apicais no primeiro ciclo de crescimento na primavera como forma de assegurar controle da estrutura dos pastos e produção de forragem com elevada proporção de folhas._________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: From February to May in 2009 (experiment 1) and from December and May in 2010 (experiment 2) the effects of three post-grazing heights (30, 50, and 70 cm) on the morphogenetic and structural characteristics, and the dynamics of the forage accumulation and of the morphologic components were evaluated in pastures of Elephant grass cv. Napier when the sward reached 95% of light interception during regrowth. A complete randomized block design with three replications was used. In both experiments and for aerial and basal tillers, pastures managed with a 30 cm post-grazing height presented lower values of leaf appearance and elongation rates, of leaf lifespan, of stem elongation rate, of final leaf lamina length, and of number of live leaves per tiller. This pattern resulted in lower rates of growth of leaves and of stems, of total growth, and of forage accumulation in the pastures managed at a 30 cm post-grazing height relatively to the ones managed at 50 and 70 cm. The morphogenetic and structural characteristics slightly differ between the 50 and 70 cm post-grazing heights. Nevertheless, pastures managed at 50 cm presented the lowest rates of elongation and accumulation of stems and relatively stable rates of forage accumulation, especially in the experiment 2, in comparison to the ones manages at 70 cm, suggesting that this post-grazing height would be the most indicated one. The strategy of decapitating the majority of the apical meristems in the first grazing (experiment 2) resulted in relatively more stable values of morphogenetic and structural characteristics and in lower stem accumulation rates, suggesting the need for a thorough control of the elevation of the apical meristems in the first cycle of growth in the spring as a way of assuring the control of the structure of the pastures and forage production with elevated leaf proportion.

Forest structure and disturbance dynamics detected with high-resolution airborne LIDAR / 高解像度航空機LIDARによって検出した森林構造と撹乱ダイナミクス

Md, Farhadur Rahman 23 March 2022 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(農学) / 甲第23949号 / 農博第2498号 / 新制||農||1091(附属図書館) / 学位論文||R4||N5384(農学部図書室) / 京都大学大学院農学研究科森林科学専攻 / (主査)教授 北島 薫, 教授 神﨑 護, 教授 北山 兼弘 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DGAM

Estimativa da altura e produtividade da cana-de-açúcar utilizando imagens obtidas por aeronave remotamente pilotada / Height and productivity estimation of sugarcane using images obtained by remotely piloted aircraft

Martello, Maurício 20 June 2017 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, acompanhar o desenvolvimento de uma cultura tem se tornado cada vez mais imprescindível para a tomada de decisões. Sistemas aéreos remotamente pilotados são muito promissores em aplicações de monitoramento. Sua flexibilidade, facilidade de operação e construção relativamente barata os tornam os melhores candidatos para monitorar atividades na agricultura de precisão, onde as reações imediatas de manejo às doenças das plantas, à falta de nutrientes das plantas e às mudanças ambientais são o ponto focal para eficiência e produtividade das plantações. No entanto, no Brasil a utilização desta tecnologia ainda é limitada e o número de publicações científicas sobre o assunto é escasso. No caso específico da cana-de-açúcar, a utilização de aeronave remotamente pilotada (RPA) é bastante promissora e publicações científicas internacionais são limitadas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a potencialidade de imagens obtidas a partir de câmeras com diferentes bandas espectrais embarcadas em RPA para obtenção de modelos tridimensionais para estimativa de altura, produtividade e variabilidade espacial. As coletas foram realizadas ao longo da safra 2014/2015, durante o período de um ano. Foi utilizada uma aeronave remotamente pilotada equipada com uma câmera digital com sensibilidade na região espectral do visível (RGB) e outra na região espectral do infravermelho próximo (IVP) sincronizadas com um sistema de navegação global por satélite (GNSS). Este sistema possibilitou a aquisição de imagens com altíssima resolução (3 cm pixel-1) e permitiu a geração de orto-mosaicos e modelos digitais de superfícies (MDS) através de métodos de reconstrução automática em 3D, ajustados por pontos de controle em solo. O RPA seguiu um plano de voo pré-determinado sobre o local do estudo para garantir a aquisição de imagens com cruzamento e sobreposição superior a 90%. O método de validação foi conduzido a partir das medidas de altura obtidas a campo com o auxílio de régua topográfica. Após o processamento das imagens aéreas foi possível a identificação das áreas com ausência de fechamento de dossel, observando também a relação desses locais com o baixo desenvolvimento da altura das plantas ao longo de seu ciclo. A regressão entre os valores da estimativa de altura obtidas com as simulações apresentou erro relativo inferior a 13%, já a estimativa da produtividade apresentou erro na faixa de 6%. A estimativa de altura e produtividade demonstram o alto potencial para o monitoramento e avaliação de talhões de cana-de-açúcar, podendo ser uma ferramenta utilizada no apoio a gestão destas áreas. / In the last few years, monitoring the development of a culture has become increasingly imperative for decision-making. Remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPA) are very promising in monitoring applications. Their flexibility, ease of operation, and relatively inexpensive construction make them the best candidates to monitor precision farming activities where immediate management responses to plant diseases, lack of plant nutrients, and environmental changes are the focal point for efficiency And productivity of plantations. However in Brazil the use of this technology is still limited and the number of scientific publications on the subject is scarce. In the specific case of sugarcane the use of RPA is very promising and international scientific publications are limited. The objective of this work was to evaluate the potentiality of images obtained from cameras with different spectral bands embedded in RPA to obtain three - dimensional models for estimation of height, productivity and spatial variability. The collections were carried out during the 2014/2015 harvest, during a period of one year, using a remotely piloted aircraft equipped with a digital camera with sensitivity in the visible spectral region (RGB) and another in the near infrared spectral region (NIR) Synchronized with a GNSS. This system allowed the acquisition of images with very high resolution (3 cm pixel-1) allowing the generation of ortho-mosaics and digital surface models (DSM), through automatic 3D reconstruction methods adjusted by control points in soil. The RPA followed a pre-determined flight plan on the study site to ensure cross-over and overlapping acquisition of over 90%. The validation method was carried out from the height measurements obtained in the field with the aid of topography. After the aerial images processing, it was possible to identify the areas of crop failure, also observing the relation of these locations with the low development of plant height throughout its cycle. The regression between the values of the height estimation obtained with the simulations resulted in a relative error of less than 13%. The results obtained demonstrate the high potential of this technique for monitoring and evaluation of sugarcane fields, and can be a tool used to support the management of these areas.

Estimativa da altura e produtividade da cana-de-açúcar utilizando imagens obtidas por aeronave remotamente pilotada / Height and productivity estimation of sugarcane using images obtained by remotely piloted aircraft

Maurício Martello 20 June 2017 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, acompanhar o desenvolvimento de uma cultura tem se tornado cada vez mais imprescindível para a tomada de decisões. Sistemas aéreos remotamente pilotados são muito promissores em aplicações de monitoramento. Sua flexibilidade, facilidade de operação e construção relativamente barata os tornam os melhores candidatos para monitorar atividades na agricultura de precisão, onde as reações imediatas de manejo às doenças das plantas, à falta de nutrientes das plantas e às mudanças ambientais são o ponto focal para eficiência e produtividade das plantações. No entanto, no Brasil a utilização desta tecnologia ainda é limitada e o número de publicações científicas sobre o assunto é escasso. No caso específico da cana-de-açúcar, a utilização de aeronave remotamente pilotada (RPA) é bastante promissora e publicações científicas internacionais são limitadas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a potencialidade de imagens obtidas a partir de câmeras com diferentes bandas espectrais embarcadas em RPA para obtenção de modelos tridimensionais para estimativa de altura, produtividade e variabilidade espacial. As coletas foram realizadas ao longo da safra 2014/2015, durante o período de um ano. Foi utilizada uma aeronave remotamente pilotada equipada com uma câmera digital com sensibilidade na região espectral do visível (RGB) e outra na região espectral do infravermelho próximo (IVP) sincronizadas com um sistema de navegação global por satélite (GNSS). Este sistema possibilitou a aquisição de imagens com altíssima resolução (3 cm pixel-1) e permitiu a geração de orto-mosaicos e modelos digitais de superfícies (MDS) através de métodos de reconstrução automática em 3D, ajustados por pontos de controle em solo. O RPA seguiu um plano de voo pré-determinado sobre o local do estudo para garantir a aquisição de imagens com cruzamento e sobreposição superior a 90%. O método de validação foi conduzido a partir das medidas de altura obtidas a campo com o auxílio de régua topográfica. Após o processamento das imagens aéreas foi possível a identificação das áreas com ausência de fechamento de dossel, observando também a relação desses locais com o baixo desenvolvimento da altura das plantas ao longo de seu ciclo. A regressão entre os valores da estimativa de altura obtidas com as simulações apresentou erro relativo inferior a 13%, já a estimativa da produtividade apresentou erro na faixa de 6%. A estimativa de altura e produtividade demonstram o alto potencial para o monitoramento e avaliação de talhões de cana-de-açúcar, podendo ser uma ferramenta utilizada no apoio a gestão destas áreas. / In the last few years, monitoring the development of a culture has become increasingly imperative for decision-making. Remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPA) are very promising in monitoring applications. Their flexibility, ease of operation, and relatively inexpensive construction make them the best candidates to monitor precision farming activities where immediate management responses to plant diseases, lack of plant nutrients, and environmental changes are the focal point for efficiency And productivity of plantations. However in Brazil the use of this technology is still limited and the number of scientific publications on the subject is scarce. In the specific case of sugarcane the use of RPA is very promising and international scientific publications are limited. The objective of this work was to evaluate the potentiality of images obtained from cameras with different spectral bands embedded in RPA to obtain three - dimensional models for estimation of height, productivity and spatial variability. The collections were carried out during the 2014/2015 harvest, during a period of one year, using a remotely piloted aircraft equipped with a digital camera with sensitivity in the visible spectral region (RGB) and another in the near infrared spectral region (NIR) Synchronized with a GNSS. This system allowed the acquisition of images with very high resolution (3 cm pixel-1) allowing the generation of ortho-mosaics and digital surface models (DSM), through automatic 3D reconstruction methods adjusted by control points in soil. The RPA followed a pre-determined flight plan on the study site to ensure cross-over and overlapping acquisition of over 90%. The validation method was carried out from the height measurements obtained in the field with the aid of topography. After the aerial images processing, it was possible to identify the areas of crop failure, also observing the relation of these locations with the low development of plant height throughout its cycle. The regression between the values of the height estimation obtained with the simulations resulted in a relative error of less than 13%. The results obtained demonstrate the high potential of this technique for monitoring and evaluation of sugarcane fields, and can be a tool used to support the management of these areas.

Componentes da biomassa e estrutura do capim-aruana sob duas frequÃncias e duas intensidades de desfolhaÃÃo / Components of biomass and structure of the grass aruana under two frequencies and two intensities of defoliation

Leane Veras da Silva 19 February 2015 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / Avaliou-se os componentes da biomassa e a estrutura do dossel em capim-aruana sob duas frequÃncias (FD - nÃveis de interceptaÃÃo de 85 e 95% da radiaÃÃo fotossinteticamente ativa incidente no topo do dossel) e duas intensidades (ID - Ãndices de Ãrea foliar residual de 1,0 e 1,8) de desfolhaÃÃo, em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, num arranjo fatorial 2x2, com cinco repetiÃÃes (piquetes). O experimento foi conduzido no campo avanÃado do NÃcleo de Ensino e Estudos em Forragicultura, situado na Fazenda experimental Vale do CurÃ, localizada no municÃpio de Pentecoste-CE. Os momentos de entrada e saÃda dos animais foram determinados utilizando-se o Analisador PAR/LAI em Agricultura DECAGON PAR-80 para as leituras da interceptaÃÃo de radiaÃÃo fotossinteticamente ativa (IRFA) e do Ãndice de Ãrea foliar (IAF). Foram avaliadas no inÃcio e no final do perÃodo de descanso de cada um dos cinco piquetes experimentais, as seguintes caracterÃsticas estruturais: altura do pasto; altura da primeira lÃgula viva, a mais velha abaixo do dossel; horizonte de pastejo e densidade populacional de perfilhos. Os componentes da biomassa de forragem total (BFT) foram quantificados no inÃcio e final do perÃodo de descanso, a partir da colheita com duas molduras de 0,25 mÂ, sendo encaminhadas ao laboratÃrio para separaÃÃo dos componentes: folha, colmo e material morto. ApÃs a separaÃÃo dos componentes da BFT, as amostras foram levadas à estufa de ventilaÃÃo forÃada à 55 ÂC atà peso constante para estimativa das seguintes variÃveis: biomassa de forragem total (BFT kg&#8729;ha-1&#8729;ciclo-1), de forragem morta (BFM kg&#8729;ha-1&#8729;ciclo-1 ), de forragem verde (BFV kg&#8729;ha-1&#8729;ciclo-1), de lÃmina foliar verde (BLV kg&#8729;ha-1&#8729;ciclo-1), de colmo verde (BCV kg&#8729;ha-1&#8729;ciclo-1), alÃm das relaÃÃes material vivo/material morto (MV/MM) e folha/colmo (F/C). O maior tempo de descanso foi verificado para os pastos manejados com menor IAFr e menor frequÃncia de desfolhaÃÃo (95% de IRFA), com mÃdia de 24 dias. Os componentes da biomassa e as caracterÃsticas estruturais na condiÃÃo prÃ-pastejo foram afetados (P<0,05) pelas FDs, onde a menor frequÃncia de desfolhaÃÃo proporcionou maiores produÃÃes, com considerÃvel contribuiÃÃo de biomassa de colmos verdes e de forragem morta. A altura prÃ-pastejo apresentou boa correlaÃÃo com a %IRFA na condiÃÃo prÃ-pastejo (r=0,9285; P=0,0001). Pastos manejados com menor FD proporcionaram baixa F/C, com mÃdia de 1,65, enquanto pastos manejados com maior FD apresentaram mÃdia de 2,40. Com o aumento da %IRFA, foram verificados maiores horizontes de pastejo, com mÃdias de 20,2 e 14,2 cm para as frequÃncias de 95 e 85%IRFA, respectivamente. Os componentes da biomassa residual foram afetados (P<0,05) pelas IDs, com maior biomassa de forragem residual observada para os pastos manejados com IAFr de 1,8. Os pastos manejados com 95x1,8 apresentaram BCVr e BFMr superiores (P<0,05) aos demais manejos. Pastos manejados com 95x1,0 apresentaram incremento (P<0,05) de BFT ao longo de ciclos sucessivos de pastejo. O capim-aruana, para utilizaÃÃo com ovinos, deve ser manejado com frequÃncia de 85% de IRFA e intensidade de desfolhaÃÃo equivalente a IAFr de 1,0. / This study evaluated the components of biomass and the canopy structure of aruana grass managed under two frequencies (FD, interception of the photosynthetically active radiation at 85 and 95% incident on the top of the canopy) and two intensities (ID, residual leaf area index of 1.0 and 1.8) of defoliation in a completely randomized design in a 2x2 factorial arrangement with five replications (paddocks). The experiment was conducted at the advanced field of Teaching and Study Center Forage, located in the municipality of Pentecoste, Cearà State. The times of entry and exit of animals were determined using the PAR/LAI Analyzer in Agriculture DECAGON PAR-80 for reading photosynthetically active radiation interception (PARI) and leaf area index (LAI). At the beginning and end of the rest period of each of the five experimental paddocks, the following structural characteristics were evaluated: sward height (cm); height of the first ligule, the oldest below the canopy; grazing horizon and tiller population density. The components of total forage biomass (TFB ha-1 cycle-1) were also quantified at the beginning and end of the rest period, from the collection using two frames of 0.25 mÂ, and sent to the laboratory to separate the components: leaf, stem and dead material. After separation of the TFB components, samples were dried to constant weight in a forced ventilation oven at 55ÂC to constant weight to estimate the following parameters: total forage biomass (TFB kg ha-1 cycle-1), dead forage biomass (DFB kg ha-1 cycle-1), green forage biomass (GFB kg kg ha-1 cycle-1), green leaf biomass (GLB kg ha-1 cycle-1), green stem biomass (GSB kg ha-1 cycle-1), and green/dead material ratio (GM/DM) and leaf/stem ratio (L/S). The longest rest period was observed in pastures managed with lower rLAI and lower defoliation frequency (95% PARI), with average of 24 days. Biomass components and structural characteristics in the pre-grazing condition were affected (P <0.05) by FD, where the lower defoliation frequency resulted in higher production with considerable contribution of biomass of green stems and dead forage. The pre-grazing height showed a high correlation with the %PARI in the pre-grazing condition (r = 0.9285, P = 0.0001). Pastures managed with lower FD had low L/S, with average of 1.65, while those managed with higher FD, an average of 2.40. With increasing %PARI, we verified higher grazing horizons, with averages of 20.2 and 14.2 cm, for 95 and 85 %PARI, respectively. The components of the residual biomass were affected (P <0.05) by ID, with higher residual forage biomass observed for pastures managed with rLAI of 1.8. Pastures managed with 95x1.8 exhibited higher rGSB Âand rDFB (P <0.05) compared to the other managements. Pastures managed with 95x1.0 showed an increase in TFB (P <0.05) over successive grazing cycles. Aruana grass supplied to sheep should be managed under 85% PARI frequency and defoliation intensity equal to 1.0 rLAI.


Aishwarya Chandrasekaran (9175433) 29 July 2020 (has links)
Recently, products of Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) integrated through SIFT algorithm and dense cloud matching using structure from motion has gained prominence with tree-level inventory maintenance in forestry. Various studies have been carried out by using UAS imagery to quantify and map forest structure of simple coniferous stands. However, most of the previous works employ methodologies that require manual inputs and lack of reproducibility to other forest systmes. Manual detection of trees and calculation of their attributes can be a time-consuming and complicated process which can be overcome with an automated technique applied by forest managers and/or landowners is highly desired to take full advantage of the readily available UAS remote sensing images. This study presents a methodology for automated measurements of tree height, crown area and crown diameter of hardwood species using UAS images. Different UAS platforms were employed to gather digital data of two hardwood plantations at Martell, Indiana. The resulting aerial images were used to generate the Digital Surface Model (DSM) and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for the forest stand from which the Crown Height Model (CHM) was derived. The canopy height model can be inputted to the web platform deployed through shiny server (https://feilab.shinyapps.io/Crown/) to derive individual tree parameters automatically. The results show that this automated method provides a high accuracy in individual tree identification (F-score> 90%) and tree-level measurements (RMSEht<1.2m and RMSEcrn<1m). Moreover, tree-level parameter estimation for 4,600 trees were calculated in less than 30 minutes based on a post-processed DSM from UAS-SfM derived images with minimal manual inputs. This study demonstrates the feasibility of automated inventory and measure of tree-level attributes in hardwood plantations with UAS images.

Mapping forest structure in Mississippi using LiDAR remote sensing

Rai, Nitant 09 December 2022 (has links)
This study aimed at evaluating the agreement of spaceborne Light Detection and Ranging (lidar) ICESat-2 canopy height with Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) derived canopy height to inform about the performance of ICESat-2 canopy height metrics and understand its uncertainties and utilities. The agreement was assessed for different forest types, physiographic regions, a range of percent canopy cover, and diverse disturbance histories. Results of this study suggest that best agreements are found using strong beam data collected at night for canopy height retrieval using ICESat-2. The ICESat-2 showed great potential for estimating canopy heights, particularly in evergreen forests with high canopy cover. Statistical models were developed using fixed-effects and mixed-effects modeling approaches to predict ALS canopy height metrics using ICESat-2 parameters and other attributes. Overall, ICESat-2 showed good agreement with ALS canopy height and showed its predictive ability to characterize canopy height. The outcome of this study will help the scientific community understand the capabilities and limitations of ICESat-2 canopy heights; the study also provides a new approach to obtain wall-to-wall ALS standard canopy height maps at landscape level.


Arnav Goel (17683527) 05 January 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Canopy height is a fundamental metric for extracting valuable information about forested areas. Over the past decade, Lidar technology has provided a straightforward approach to measuring canopy height using various platforms such as terrestrial, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), airborne, and satellite sensors. However, satellite Lidar data, even with its global coverage, has a sparse sampling pattern that doesn’t provide continuous coverage over the globe. In contrast, satellites like LANDSAT offer seamless and widespread coverage of the Earth's surface through spectral data. Can we exploit the abundant spectral information from satellites like LANDSAT and ECOSTRESS to infer structural information obtained from Lidar satellites like Global Ecosystem Dynamic Investigation (GEDI)? This study aims to develop a deep learning model that can infer canopy height derived from sparsely observed Lidar waveforms using multi-sensor spectral data from spaceborne platforms. Specifically designed for localized site, the model focuses on county-level canopy height estimation, taking advantage of the relationship between canopy height and spectral reflectance that can be established in a local setting – something which might not exist universally. The study hopes to achieve a framework that can be easily replicable as height is a dynamic metric which changes with time and thus requires repeated computation for different time periods.</p><p dir="ltr">The thesis presents a series of experiments designed to comprehensively understand the influence of different spectral datasets on the model’s performance and its effectiveness in different types of test sites. Experiment 1 and 2 utilize Landsat spectral band values to extrapolate canopy height, while Experiment 3 and 4 incorporate ECOSTRESS land surface temperature and emissivity band values in addition to Landsat data. Tippecanoe County, predominantly composed of cropland, serves as the test site for Experiment 1 and 3, while Monroe County, primarily covered by forests, serves as the test site for Experiment 2 and 4. When compared to the Airborne Lidar dataset from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) – 3D Elevation Program (3DEP), the model achieves a Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 4.604m for Tippecanoe County using Landsat features while 5.479m for Monroe County. After integrating Landsat and ECOSTRESS features, the RMSE improves to 4.582m for Tippecanoe County but deteriorates to 5.860m for Monroe County. Overall, the study demonstrates comparable results to previous research without requiring feature engineering or extensive pre-processing. Furthermore, it successfully introduces a novel methodology for integrating multiple sources of satellite data to address this problem.</p>

A Deep Learning Study on the Retrieval of Forest Parameters from Spaceborne Earth Observation Sensors

Carcereri, Daniel 25 July 2024 (has links)
The efficient and timely monitoring of forest dynamics is of paramount importance and requires accurate, high-resolution and time-tagged predictions at global scale. Despite numerous methodologies have been proposed in the literature, existing approaches often compromise on accuracy, resolution, temporal fidelity or coverage. To tackle these challenges and limitations, the main objective of this doctoral thesis is the investigation of the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) for the regression of bio-physical forest parameters from spaceborne Earth Observation (EO) data. This work explores for the first time the combined use of TanDEM-X single-pass interferometric products and convolutional neural networks for canopy height estimation at country scale. To achieve this, a novel deep learning framework is proposed, leveraging the capability of deep neural networks to effectively capture the complex spatial relationships between forest properties and satellite data, as well as ensuring the adaptability to different environmental conditions. The design and the understanding of the model is driven by explainable AI principles and by considerations on large-scale forest dynamics, with a great emphasis set on the challenges related to the variable acquisition geometry of the TanDEM-X mission, and by relying on the use of LVIS-derived LiDAR measurements as reference data. Moreover, several investigations are conducted on the adaptability of the developed framework for transferring knowledge to related domains, such as digital terrain model regression and above-ground biomass density estimation. Finally, the capability of the proposed approach to be extended to the use of other EO sensors is also evaluated, with a particular emphasis on the ESA Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 missions. The developed deep learning framework sets a solid groundwork for the generation of large-scale products of bio-physical forest parameters from spaceborne EO data. The approach achieves cutting-edge performance, significantly advancing the current state of forest assessment and monitoring technologies.

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