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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influence of boundary conditions on the hydraulic-mechanical behaviour of an unsaturated swelling soil

Siemens, Gregory Allen 12 July 2006 (has links)
The hydraulic-mechanical behaviour of swelling clay is examined in this thesis. The study includes laboratory testing and numerical modeling which considers the influence of boundary conditions on the hydraulic-mechanical behaviour of a compacted unsaturated swelling clay soil. The laboratory testing component of this research consists of three (3) series of tests using a newly modified triaxial apparatus on which mechanical and hydraulic boundary conditions are altered during liquid infiltration. Mechanical boundary conditions range from constant volume to constant mean stress and also include constant stiffness which is a spring type boundary consisting of both volume expansion and mean stress increase. Hydraulic boundary conditions include drained and undrained flow into triaxial specimens. The numerical modeling component of this research includes the creation of a new capillary tube model for swelling clay materials and incorporates dynamic changes to the cross-sectional area for flow. Laboratory results are modeled using the capillary tube model, an empirical hydraulic model, D’Arcy’s Law, and in an elastic-plastic context for unsaturated soil. Results of the laboratory and numerical modeling components show that boundary conditions dominate the hydraulic-mechanical behaviour of unsaturated swelling clay soil during liquid infiltration. In particular, a mechanism is shown to explain how hydraulic conductivity of a swelling soil can decrease with increasing water content at constant void ratio. Finally hydraulic and mechanical behaviour cannot be considered separately in swelling materials due to the intimate relationship in their response. / October 2006

Influence of boundary conditions on the hydraulic-mechanical behaviour of an unsaturated swelling soil

Siemens, Gregory Allen 12 July 2006 (has links)
The hydraulic-mechanical behaviour of swelling clay is examined in this thesis. The study includes laboratory testing and numerical modeling which considers the influence of boundary conditions on the hydraulic-mechanical behaviour of a compacted unsaturated swelling clay soil. The laboratory testing component of this research consists of three (3) series of tests using a newly modified triaxial apparatus on which mechanical and hydraulic boundary conditions are altered during liquid infiltration. Mechanical boundary conditions range from constant volume to constant mean stress and also include constant stiffness which is a spring type boundary consisting of both volume expansion and mean stress increase. Hydraulic boundary conditions include drained and undrained flow into triaxial specimens. The numerical modeling component of this research includes the creation of a new capillary tube model for swelling clay materials and incorporates dynamic changes to the cross-sectional area for flow. Laboratory results are modeled using the capillary tube model, an empirical hydraulic model, D’Arcy’s Law, and in an elastic-plastic context for unsaturated soil. Results of the laboratory and numerical modeling components show that boundary conditions dominate the hydraulic-mechanical behaviour of unsaturated swelling clay soil during liquid infiltration. In particular, a mechanism is shown to explain how hydraulic conductivity of a swelling soil can decrease with increasing water content at constant void ratio. Finally hydraulic and mechanical behaviour cannot be considered separately in swelling materials due to the intimate relationship in their response.

Influence of boundary conditions on the hydraulic-mechanical behaviour of an unsaturated swelling soil

Siemens, Gregory Allen 12 July 2006 (has links)
The hydraulic-mechanical behaviour of swelling clay is examined in this thesis. The study includes laboratory testing and numerical modeling which considers the influence of boundary conditions on the hydraulic-mechanical behaviour of a compacted unsaturated swelling clay soil. The laboratory testing component of this research consists of three (3) series of tests using a newly modified triaxial apparatus on which mechanical and hydraulic boundary conditions are altered during liquid infiltration. Mechanical boundary conditions range from constant volume to constant mean stress and also include constant stiffness which is a spring type boundary consisting of both volume expansion and mean stress increase. Hydraulic boundary conditions include drained and undrained flow into triaxial specimens. The numerical modeling component of this research includes the creation of a new capillary tube model for swelling clay materials and incorporates dynamic changes to the cross-sectional area for flow. Laboratory results are modeled using the capillary tube model, an empirical hydraulic model, D’Arcy’s Law, and in an elastic-plastic context for unsaturated soil. Results of the laboratory and numerical modeling components show that boundary conditions dominate the hydraulic-mechanical behaviour of unsaturated swelling clay soil during liquid infiltration. In particular, a mechanism is shown to explain how hydraulic conductivity of a swelling soil can decrease with increasing water content at constant void ratio. Finally hydraulic and mechanical behaviour cannot be considered separately in swelling materials due to the intimate relationship in their response.

Asymptotic Behaviour of Capillary Problems governed by Disjoining Pressure Potentials

Thomys, Oliver 12 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The ascent of liquids with low dielectric constant on straight cylinders are obtained.

Characterization of Blood Flow in a Capillary Tube

Ladner, Tammy Lynn 11 August 2007 (has links)
To better understand how platelets behave when exposed to high shear stress, computational fluid dynamic (CFD) models for single-layer (uniform and constant) viscosity flow and two-layer (two distinct regions of different viscosities) viscosity flow were developed. The single-layer model, which represents common standard practice, did not predict the pressure drop correctly; the error produced from using the single-layer model was approximately 95%. However, the two-layer model produced results that were within 6% of the experimental results. Experimental results used to validate CFD models were obtained from data gathered by researchers at University Medical Center (UMC) in Jackson, MS. Using Fluent 6.2, simulations were performed that showed the characteristics of blood flow in a long stenosis. The beginning of the development of a blood damage model was also investigated. This thesis could provide researchers with information that will eventually allow the prediction of platelet activation and hemolysis.

Non-adiabatic capillary tubes in high efficiency household refrigerator: an experimental study

Bardoulet, Laëtitia Véronique 21 November 2018 (has links)
El tubo capilar con intercambio de calor líquido-succión (CT-LSHX) es un componente ampliamente utilizado en refrigeradores domésticos. Trabajos recientes han indicado que la entrada del tubo capilar era bifásica, aunque condiciones subenfriadas estaban medidas a la salida del condensador. El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es examinar las condiciones reales a la entrada del tubo capilar de un refrigerador doméstico mediante el uso de un banco de pruebas innovador. Se instalaron tubos transparentes a la salida del condensador y a la entrada del tubo capilar con el fin de visualizar el flujo. La campaña de visualización experimental revela que el flujo a la entrada del tubo capilar era bifásico a pesar de la medición de un cierto subenfriamiento, independientemente de la posición del filtro instalado a la entrada del capilar (horizontal o vertical), la dirección del flujo (hacia arriba o hacia abajo) y la carga de refrigerante. Este estudio demuestra también que el filtro no estaba actuando como un acumulador ya que el nivel de líquido del capilar siempre siguió la entrada del tubo capilar, independientemente de la longitud del tubo capilar dentro del filtro. Se plantearon dos hipótesis para explicar el fenómeno: una condición de no equilibrio del refrigerante y/o un desequilibrio entre el caudal másico del compresor y del capilar, es decir, el sistema estaría equipado con un capilar no bastante restrictivo en comparación con las necesidades del compresor. El condensador original refrigerante-aire fue reemplazado por un condensador refrigerante-agua para evaluar, a partir del balance de calor en el condensador de agua, las condiciones del refrigerante a la salida del condensador y, por lo tanto, a la entrada del tubo capilar. Las mediciones indican un flujo bifásico no equilibrado compuesto de vapor y líquido subenfriados a la entrada del tubo capilar. Para verificar si la presencia de flujo bifásico se debía a un desequilibrio entre el caudal másico del compresor y del capilar, el diseño del banco de prueba se modificó utilizando un diámetro de tubo capilar más pequeño y aumentando la velocidad del compresor. Con esta nueva configuración, se alcanzó a llenar de líquido el filtro y, por lo tanto, tener condiciones exclusivamente líquidas a la entrada del tubo capilar. Se realizó una comparación de prestaciones entre un flujo bifásico y un flujo únicamente líquido a la entrada del capilar. Los resultados revelan que el COP fue mayor cuando la entrada del capilar era sólo líquida. / El tub capil·lar amb intercanvi de calor líquid-succió (CT-LSHX) és un component àmpliament utilitzat en refrigeradors domèstics. Treballs recents han indicat que l'entrada del tub capil·lar era bifàsica, encara que condicions sub-refredades estaven mesurades a l'eixida del condensador. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi doctoral és examinar les condicions reals a l'entrada del tub capil·lar d'un refrigerador domèstic mitjançant l'ús d'un banc de proves innovador. Es van instal·lar tubs transparents a l'eixida del condensador i a l'entrada del tub capil·lar amb la finalitat de visualitzar el flux. La campanya de visualització experimental revela que el flux a l'entrada del tub capil·lar era bifàsic malgrat el mesurament d'un cert sub-refredament, independentment de la posició del filtre instal·lat a l'entrada del capil·lar (horitzontal o vertical), la direcció del flux (cap amunt o cap avall) i la càrrega de refrigerant. Aquest estudi demostra també que el filtre no estava actuant com un acumulador ja que el nivell de líquid del capil·lar sempre va seguir l'entrada del tub capil·lar, independentment de la longitud del tub capil·lar dins del filtre. Es van plantejar dues hipòtesis per a explicar el fenomen: una condició de no equilibri del refrigerant i/o un desequilibri entre el cabal màssic del compressor i del capil·lar, és a dir, el sistema estaria equipat amb un capil·lar no bastant restrictiu en comparació amb les necessitats del compressor. El condensador original refrigerant-aire va ser reemplaçat per un condensador refrigerant-aigua per a avaluar, a partir del balanç de calor en el condensador d'aigua, les condicions del refrigerant a l'eixida del condensador i, per tant, a l'entrada del tub capil·lar. Els mesuraments indiquen un flux bifàsic no equilibrat compost de vapor i líquid sub-refredats a l'entrada del tub capil·lar. Per a verificar si la presència de flux bifàsic es devia a un desequilibri entre el cabal màssic del compressor i del capil·lar, el disseny del banc de prova es va modificar utilitzant un diàmetre de tub capil·lar més xicotet i augmentant la velocitat del compressor. Amb aquesta nova configuració, es va aconseguir omplir de líquid el filtre i, per tant, tindre condicions exclusivament líquides a l'entrada del tub capil·lar. Es va realitzar una comparació de prestacions entre un flux bifàsic i un flux únicament líquid a l'entrada del capil·lar. Els resultats revelen que el COP va ser major quan l'entrada del capil·lar era només líquida. / Capillary tube with liquid-to-suction heat exchanger (CT-LSHX) is a component widely used in household refrigerators. Recent works have indicated that even when measuring subcooled conditions at the condenser outlet, the actual capillary tube inlet is two phase-flow. The aim of this PhD thesis is to examine the actual conditions at the capillary tube inlet of a household refrigerator by using an innovative test bench. Transparent tubes were set up at the condenser outlet and capillary tube inlet. The experimental visualisation campaign reveals that the capillary tube inlet was two-phase flow despite the measurement of a certain subcooling, regardless of the filter position (horizontal or vertical), flow direction (upward or downward) and refrigerant charge. This study also demonstrates that the filter was not acting as an accumulator since the liquid level of the capillary always followed the capillary tube entrance, regardless of the capillary tube length inside the filter. Two hypotheses were then posed to explain the phenomenon: a non-equilibrium condition of the refrigerant and/or an unbalanced matching between compressor and capillary tube, that is, the system would be equipped with a capillary tube with a notably large expansion capacity compared to the needs of the compressor. The original refrigerant-to-air condenser was replaced by a refrigerant-to-water condenser to assess, from the heat balance at the water condenser, the refrigerant conditions at the condenser outlet and therefore, at the capillary tube inlet. Measurements indicate a non-equilibrium two-phase flow composed of subcooled vapour and liquid at the capillary tube inlet. To verify if the presence of two-phase flow was due to unbalanced matching between the capillary tube and compressor, the test bench design was modified by using a smaller capillary tube diameter and increasing compressor speed. Fully liquid conditions at the capillary tube inlet were reached with this new configuration. A performance analysis comparison between a capillary tube inlet composed of vapour and liquid and a capillary tube inlet composed of only liquid was also performed. Results reveal that COP were higher in cases of fully liquid conditions at the capillary tube inlet. / Bardoulet, LV. (2018). Non-adiabatic capillary tubes in high efficiency household refrigerator: an experimental study [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/113170

Imbibition of anionic surfactant solution into oil-wet matrix in fractured reservoirs

Mirzaei Galeh Kalaei, Mohammad 09 October 2013 (has links)
Water-flooding in water-wet fractured reservoirs can recover significant amounts of oil through capillary driven imbibition. Unfortunately, many of the fractured reservoirs are mixed-wet/oil-wet and water-flooding leads to poor recovery as the capillary forces hinder imbibition. Surfactant injection and immiscible gas injection are two possible processes to improve recovery from fractured oil-wet reservoirs. In both these EOR methods, the gravity is the main driving force for oil recovery. Surfactant has been recommended and shown a great potential to improve oil recovery from oil-wet cores in the laboratory. To scale the results to field applications, the physics controlling the imbibition of surfactant solution and the scaling rules needs to be understood. The standard experiments for testing imbibition of surfactant solution involves an imbibition cell, where the core is placed in the surfactant solution and the recovery is measured versus time. Although these experiments prove the effectiveness of surfactants, little insight into the physics of the problem is achieved. This dissertation provides new core scale and pore scale information on imbibition of anionic surfactant solution into oil-wet porous media. In core scale, surfactant flooding into oil-wet fractured cores is performed and the imbibition of the surfactant solution into the core is monitored using X-ray computerized tomography(CT). The surfactant solution used is a mixture of several different surfactants and a co-solvent tailored to produce ultra-low interfacial tension (IFT) for the specific oil used in the study. From the CT images during surfactant flooding, the average penetration depth and the water saturation versus height and time is calculated. Cores of various sizes are used to better understand the effect of block dimension on imbibition behavior. The experimental results show that the brine injection into fractured oil-wet core only recovers oil present in the fracture; When the surfactant solution is injected, the CT images show the imbibition of surfactant solution into the matrix and increase in oil recovery. The surfactant solution imbibes as a front. The imbibition takes place both from the bottom and the sides of the core. The highest imbibition is observed close to the bottom of the core. The imbibition from the side decreases with height and lowest imbibition is observed close to the top of the core. Experiments with cores of different sizes show that increase in either the length or the diameter of the core causes decrease in the fractional recovery rate (%OOIP). Numerical simulation is also used to determine the physics that controls the imbibition profiles. %The numerical simulations show that the relative permeability curves strongly affect the imbibition profiles and should be well understood to accurately model the process. Both experimental and numerical simulation results imply that the gravity is the main driving force for the imbibition process. The traditional scaling group for gravity dominated imbibition only includes the length of the core to upscale the recovery for cores of different sizes. However based on the measurements and simulation results from this study, a new scaling group is proposed that includes both the diameter and the length of the core. It is shown that the new scaling group scales the recovery curves from this study better than the traditional scaling group. In field scale, the new scaling group predicts that the recovery from fractured oil-wet reservoirs by surfactant injection scales by both the vertical and horizontal fracture spacing. In addition to core scale experiments, capillary tube experiments are also performed. In these experiments, the displacement of oil by anionic surfactant solutions in oil-wet horizontal capillary tubes is studied. The position of the oil-aqueous phase interface is recorded with time. Several experimental parameters including the capillary tube radius and surfactant solution viscosity are varied to study their effect on the interface speed. Two different models are used to predict the oil-aqueous phase interface position with time. In the first model, it is assumed that the IFT is constant and ultra-low throughout the experiments. The second model involves change of wettability and IFT by adsorption of surfactant molecules to the oil-water interface and the solid surface. Comparing the predictions to the experimental results, it is observed that the second model provides a better match, especially for smaller capillary tubes. The model is then used to predict the imbibition rate for very small capillary tubes, which have equivalent permeability close to oil reservoirs. The results show that the oil displacement rate is limited by the rate of diffusion of surfactant molecules to the interface. In addition to surfactant flooding, immiscible gas injection can also improve recovery from fractured oil-wet reservoirs. In this process, the injected gas drains the oil in the matrix by gravity forces. Gravity drainage of oil with gas is an efficient recovery method in strongly water-wet reservoirs and yields very low residual oil saturations. However, many of the oil-producing fractured reservoirs are not strongly water-wet. Thus, predicting the profiles and ultimate recovery for mixed and oil-wet media is essential to design and optimization of improved recovery methods based on three-phase gravity drainage. In this dissertation, we provide the results from two- and three-phase gravity drainage experiments in sand-packed columns with varying wettability. The results show that the residual oil saturation from three-phase gravity drainage increases with increase in the fraction of oil-wet sand. A simple method is proposed for predicting the three-phase equilibrium saturation profiles as a function of wettability. In each case, the three-phase results were compared to the predictions from two-phase results of the same wettability. It is found that the gas/oil and oil/water transition levels can be predicted from pressure continuity arguments and the two-phase data. The predictions of three-phase saturations work well for the water-wet media, but become progressively worse with increasing oil-wet fraction. / text

Electron acceleration and betatron radiation driven by laser wakefield inside dielectric capillary tubes / Accélération d’électrons et rayonnement betatron générés par sillage laser dans des tubes capillaires

Ju, Jinchuan 27 June 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le rayonnement X bêtatron généré par des électrons accélérés par sillage laser plasma dans des tubes capillaires diélectriques. En l’état actuel de la technologie des impulsions laser multi-térawatts, on peut produire des faisceaux ayant une intensité crête élevée, de l’ordre de 1018 W/cm2 dans le plan focal. Une telle impulsion laser se propageant au sein d’un gaz sous-dense conduit à des phénomènes d’interaction laser-plasma non-linéaires, tels que la création d’une bulle de plasma, i.e. une bulle ne contenant aucun électron, suivant le laser. La séparation spatiale des charges en résultant crée des champs électriques très élevés au sein de la bulle, de l'ordre de 100 GV/m, ce qui offre la possibilité d'accélérer des électrons jusqu'au GeV après seulement quelques centimètres d’interaction. En outre, un rayonnement synchrotron ultra-bref, appelé rayonnement bêtatron, est produit lors de l’accélération des électrons puisque ces derniers, soumis au champ électrique radial de la bulle plasma, ont une trajectoire oscillante. Cette thèse présente des résultats expérimentaux sur la génération et l'optimisation de faisceaux d'électrons et de leur rayonnement X, en particulier lorsque le tube capillaire est utilisé pour recueillir l'énergie du halo laser dans le plan focal facilitant l’autofocalisation du laser sur de longues distances. Des faisceaux d’électrons de quelques dizaines de picocoulomb, avec une énergie maximale allant jusqu’à 300 MeV, et dont le spectre est soit piqué à haute énergie soit exponentiellement décroissant, ont été produits dans des tubes capillaires de 10 mm de long avec l’installation laser du Lund Laser Center (LLC, en Suède) par une impulsion laser de 40 fs d’un 16 TW Ti: Saphir. Un rayonnement bêtatron a également été mesuré, il se compose de de photons X dont l’énergie est comprise entre 1 et 10 keV et atteint une luminosité maximale d’environ 1021 photons/s/mm²/mrad²/0.1%BW. Cela équivaut à environ 30 fois l’intensité des faisceaux générés dans le cas des jets de gaz de longueur 2 mm ne disposant pas de guidage optique externe. La compensation des fluctuations de pointé laser permet de minimiser les fluctuations des propriétés du faisceau d’électrons. On obtient des faisceaux d'électrons dont les fluctuations tir-a-tir sont de 1 mrad en pointé, de quelques pourcents en énergie et d’environ 20% RMS en charge. La fluctuation en charge du faisceau, qui peut être considérée comme relativement grande, s’avère être principalement corrélée à la fluctuation en puissance du laser. De plus, il a été montré que le rayonnement bêtatron pouvait être utilisé pour caractériser le processus d'accélération des électrons en caractérisant le nombre moyen d'oscillations bêtatron effectuées par les électrons à l'intérieur de la bulle plasma. La taille typique des sources de rayonnement X (dimension pour laquelle l’intensité gaussienne est égale à 1/e² de la valeur crête) est estimée à ~ 2.5 µm en utilisant un modèle de diffraction de Fresnel induite par une lame de rasoir. Cela correspond à une émittance RMS normalisée pour le faisceau d'électrons d’environ 0,83π mm.mrad. Des simulations tridimensionnelles particle-in-cell (PIC) ont été effectuées et confirment les résultats expérimentaux. Elles indiquent également que les paquets d'électrons générés ainsi que les flashs X directionnels sont ultra-brefs : ~ 10 fs. / This dissertation addresses electron acceleration and the associated betatron X-ray radiation generated by laser wakefield inside dielectric capillary tubes. Focusing the state-of-the-art multi-terawatt laser pulses, high peak intensity, of the order of 1018 W/cm2, can be achieved in the focal plane, where a plasma bubble free of electron is formed just behind the laser. Owing to space charge separation ultrahigh electric fields, of the order of 100 GV/m, occur inside the plasma bubble, providing the possibility to accelerate electrons up to GeV-class over merely a centimetre-scale distance. Furthermore, ultra-short synchrotron-like X-ray radiation, known as betatron radiation, is produced simultaneously when the accelerated electrons are transversely wiggled by the radial electric field inside the plasma bubble. This thesis reports experimental results on the generation and optimization of electron and X-ray beams, particularly when a capillary tube is used to collect the energy of laser halos in the focal plane to facilitate the laser keeping self-focused over a long distance. Employing the 40 fs, 16 TW Ti:sapphire laser at the Lund Laser Centre (LLC) in Sweden, either peaked or widely-spread accelerated electron spectra with a typical beam charge of tens of pC were measured with a maximum energy up to 300 MeV in 10 mm long capillary tubes. Meanwhile, betatron X-ray radiation consisting of 1-10 keV photons was measured with a peak brightness of the order of 1021 photons/s/mm2/mrad2/0.1%BW, which is around 30 times higher than that in the case of a 2 mm gas jet without external optical guiding. When the laser pointing fluctuation is compensated, exceptionally reproducible electron beams are obtained with fluctuations of only 1 mrad RMS in beam pointing, a few percent in electron energy, and around 20% RMS in beam charge. The relatively large instability of beam charge is found to be essentially correlated to laser power fluctuation. Moreover, betatron radiation is able to provide the diagnostics about electron acceleration process and average number of betatron oscillations fulfilled by electrons inside the plasma bubble. The typical X-ray source size (waist of Gaussian distribution at 1/e2 intensity) is quantified to be ~2.5 μm using Fresnel diffraction induced by a razor blade, which furthermore yields the corresponding normalized RMS emittance of electron beam 0.83π mm mrad. Three dimensional particle-in-cell (PIC) modelings are in good agreement with the experimental findings. The PIC simulations also reveal the generated electron bunches (or X-ray bursts) have pulse durations as short as 10 fs.

Otimização e análise do desempenho de sistemas frigoríficos utilizando o método de superfície de resposta, o planejamento de experimentos e ensaios de protótipos / Optimization and analysis of the performance of refrigeration systems using response surface methodology, experimental design and prototype experiments

Oliveira, Sidnei José de 20 June 2001 (has links)
Os métodos de superfície de resposta e planejamento de experimentos foram utilizados no processo de análise e otimização de sistemas frigoríficos. Foram determinadas as dimensões do tubo capilar juntamente com a carga de refrigerante que proporcionaram as melhores condições de funcionamento a um protótipo. O comportamento de oito variáveis resposta foram estudadas, que são: Capacidade Frigorífica, Coeficiente de Eficácia, Temperatura de Descarga, Super Aquecimento, Sub resfriamento, Vazão de Refrigerante, Temperatura de Evaporação e Temperatura de Condensação. Superfícies de Resposta e Curvas de nível foram levantadas em diversas situações de interesse, visando revelar o comportamento e a sensibilidade do sistema. Alguns fatores revelaram níveis que propiciaram uma reduzida variabilidade para certas variáveis resposta demonstrando o conceito de sistema robusto. O método mostrou-se bastante adequado, contribuindo com resultados de grande valia para a otimização e análise do comportamento de sistemas frigoríficos, além de poder ter sua aplicabilidade ampliada para sistemas térmicos em geral. / The Response Surface Methodology and the Design of Experiments were applied on the analysis and optimization process of refrigeration systems. The dimensions of a capillary tube and refrigerant charge that provided the best working conditions to a prototype were determined. The behavior of the Refrigeration Capacity, Coeficient of Performance, Discharge Temperature, Super Heating, Sub Cooling, Mass Flow Rate, Evaporation Temperature and Condensing Temperature were studied in detail. Surface Response and Contour plots were constructed on many situations in order to reveal the system behavior and sensitivity. Some factor levels provided a small variability to certain responses, demonstrating the concept of robust system. The methodology contribuited properly with valuable results to the optimization and analysis of refrigeration system behavior; besides, its applicability can be easily generalised to thermal systems.

Electron acceleration and betatron radiation driven by laser wakefield inside dielectric capillary tubes

Ju, Jinchuan 27 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation addresses electron acceleration and the associated betatron X-ray radiation generated by laser wakefield inside dielectric capillary tubes. Focusing the state-of-the-art multi-terawatt laser pulses, high peak intensity, of the order of 1018 W/cm2, can be achieved in the focal plane, where a plasma bubble free of electron is formed just behind the laser. Owing to space charge separation ultrahigh electric fields, of the order of 100 GV/m, occur inside the plasma bubble, providing the possibility to accelerate electrons up to GeV-class over merely a centimetre-scale distance. Furthermore, ultra-short synchrotron-like X-ray radiation, known as betatron radiation, is produced simultaneously when the accelerated electrons are transversely wiggled by the radial electric field inside the plasma bubble. This thesis reports experimental results on the generation and optimization of electron and X-ray beams, particularly when a capillary tube is used to collect the energy of laser halos in the focal plane to facilitate the laser keeping self-focused over a long distance. Employing the 40 fs, 16 TW Ti:sapphire laser at the Lund Laser Centre (LLC) in Sweden, either peaked or widely-spread accelerated electron spectra with a typical beam charge of tens of pC were measured with a maximum energy up to 300 MeV in 10 mm long capillary tubes. Meanwhile, betatron X-ray radiation consisting of 1-10 keV photons was measured with a peak brightness of the order of 1021 photons/s/mm2/mrad2/0.1%BW, which is around 30 times higher than that in the case of a 2 mm gas jet without external optical guiding. When the laser pointing fluctuation is compensated, exceptionally reproducible electron beams are obtained with fluctuations of only 1 mrad RMS in beam pointing, a few percent in electron energy, and around 20% RMS in beam charge. The relatively large instability of beam charge is found to be essentially correlated to laser power fluctuation. Moreover, betatron radiation is able to provide the diagnostics about electron acceleration process and average number of betatron oscillations fulfilled by electrons inside the plasma bubble. The typical X-ray source size (waist of Gaussian distribution at 1/e2 intensity) is quantified to be ~2.5 μm using Fresnel diffraction induced by a razor blade, which furthermore yields the corresponding normalized RMS emittance of electron beam 0.83π mm mrad. Three dimensional particle-in-cell (PIC) modelings are in good agreement with the experimental findings. The PIC simulations also reveal the generated electron bunches (or X-ray bursts) have pulse durations as short as 10 fs.

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