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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Některé aspekty kaklulace solventnosti pojišťoven podle principů Solvency II / Some aspects of calculating solvency of insurance companies according to the principles of Solvency II

Hradecký, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the topic of the future regulatory regime of the insurance and reinsurance market of the European Union called Solvency II. Currently the most discussed issue without a final structure is an extensive set of legislative and technical changes not only in the area of solvency treatment. Primarily, the work focuses on the standard formula calculation of capital requirements that reflect the solvency position of companies on the market. The first part deals with the theoretical description of the calculating methods of the required capital levels under current and future rules on the basis of available official documents. Further the general overview of the Solvency II is presented, a more detailed description of the valuation techniques of balance sheet items for the purposes of Solvency II, dealing with company's own funds and possible ways to optimize the asset portfolio are also included. Some theoretical descriptions of computational procedures applied on a fictitious life insurance company are presented in the second, more practical part of the diploma thesis.

Výpočet kapitálového požadavku za tržní riziko pro opce na koš akcií / Calculation of capital requirements of market risk for options on stock's basket

Lendacký, Peter January 2016 (has links)
The goal of the paper is to compare different approach in calculation of capital requirement of market risk for options on stock's basket and describe their impact on selected instrument. The first part of the paper describes possible approaches for the capital requirement calculation, namely Standardized approach and Internal model approach, and the theoretical base for option pricing. An instrument with the embedded option on equities was chosen to show the impact. Although the instrument is valued using Monte Carlo simulation, one chapter is devoted to Black-Scholes model as the base model for option pricing. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Developing an Advanced Internal Ratings-Based Model by Applying Machine Learning / Utveckling av en avancerad intern riskklassificeringsmodell genom att tillämpa maskininlärning

Qader, Aso, Shiver, William January 2020 (has links)
Since the regulatory framework Basel II was implemented in 2007, banks have been allowed to develop internal risk models for quantifying the capital requirement. By using data on retail non-performing loans from Hoist Finance, the thesis assesses the Advanced Internal Ratings-Based approach. In particular, it focuses on how banks active in the non-performing loan industry, can risk-classify their loans despite limited data availability of the debtors. Moreover, the thesis analyses the effect of the maximum-recovery period on the capital requirement. In short, a comparison of five different mathematical models based on prior research in the field, revealed that the loans may be modelled by a two-step tree model with binary logistic regression and zero-inflated beta-regression, resulting in a maximum-recovery period of eight years. Still it is necessary to recognize the difficulty in distinguishing between low- and high-risk customers by primarily assessing rudimentary data about the borrowers. Recommended future amendments to the analysis in further research would be to include macroeconomic variables to better capture the effect of economic downturns. / Sedan det regulatoriska ramverket Basel II implementerades 2007, har banker tillåtits utveckla interna riskmodeller för att beräkna kapitalkravet. Genom att använda data på fallerade konsumentlån från Hoist Finance, utvärderar uppsatsen den avancerade interna riskklassificeringsmodellen. I synnerhet fokuserar arbetet på hur banker aktiva inom sektorn för fallerade lån, kan riskklassificera sina lån trots begränsad datatillgång om låntagarna. Dessutom analyseras effekten av maximala inkassoperioden på kapitalkravet. I sammandrag visade en jämförelse av fem modeller, baserade på tidigare forskning inom området, att lånen kan modelleras genom en tvåstegs trädmodell med logistisk regression samt s.k. zero-inflated beta regression, resulterande i en maximal inkassoperiod om åtta år. Samtidigt är det värt att notera svårigheten i att skilja mellan låg- och högriskslåntagare genom att huvudsakligen analysera elementär data om låntagarna. Rekommenderade tillägg till analysen i fortsatt forskning är att inkludera makroekonomiska variabler för att bättre inkorporera effekten av ekonomiska nedgångar.

Výpočet rizikového kapitálu pro investiční životní pojištění / Výpočet rizikového kapitálu pro investiční životní pojištění

Coufal, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
Title: Risk capital calculation in invesment life insurance Author: Bc. Tomáš Coufal Department/Institute: Department of Probability and Mathematical Statis- tics Supervisor of the master thesis: Mgr. Josef Lukášek Supervisor's e-mail address: Josef.Lukasek@allianz.cz Abstract: Unit linked insurance is a modern and flexible life insurance product. The last decade was marked by the raising popularity of unit linked insurance. The discussions conserning the impact of the new directive Sol- vency II on the life insurance business focus mainly on the traditional life insurance. This paper examines the issue of the calculation of the risk capital for unit linked insurance. Analysis of the impact of different death guaran- tees, forms of premium payment, time to maturity and dynamic policyholder bahaviour on the risk capital is presented. Keywords: Unit linked insurance, Solvency II, Risk capital, Solvency capital requirement

Kapitaltäckningsregler med valfrihet : en kvalitativ studie om bankers frihet att välja beräkningsmetod för kapitalkravet

Cavdarovski, Jove, Wallvik, Jesper January 2013 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of how a bank’s features and internal factors have affected its choice of method in calculating the capital requirement. Theoretical and Empirical Method: The research strategy of this study has been of a qualitative nature with a deductive approach. The choice of method was depth interviews with respondents from a targeted sample of Swedish banks. These respondents were chosen based on the knowledge they possess as key employees in the capital requirement process and their involvement in choosing their banks’ method for calculating the capital requirement. The interviews were semi-structured, with open questions that allowed a dialogue with the respondents in which they could express their opinions and knowledge regarding the factors affecting their banks’ choice of method. Theoretical Approach: The study is based on the new institutional economics theory of how institutions affect organizational behavior. It’s also based on earlier research within the regulation Basel II by, among others, Hakenes and Schabel (2011), Rime (2005) and Wahlström (2009). Conclusions: The results of this study show that banks have identified different factors that affect their choice of calculation method for the capital requirement. The choice the banks are facing is to keep the standardized method, develop an advanced internal based method, create partnerships with other banks or focus on alternative clientele portfolios. The two factors that were considered to be have the greatest significant for the choice of calculation method were resources associated with the implementation of the IRB approach models and how the banks’ clientele portfolio was designed. How these were distributed and to what extent they influenced the choice was highly individual for the chosen banks. / Syfte: Syftet med den här studien är att öka förståelsen om hur en banks förutsättningar och interna faktorer har påverkat dess val av beräkningsmetod för kapitalkravet. Teoretisk och empirisk metod: Forskningsstrategin för studien har varit av den kvalitativa typen med en deduktiv ansats. Valet av metod var djupintervjuer med respondenter från ett målinriktat urval av svenska banker. Respondenterna valdes utifrån de kunskaper som de besitter genom sin position på respektive bank, där deras deltagande i metodvalsprocessen påverkade valet av beräkningsmetod. Intervjuerna var av typen semistrukturerade, med öppna intervjufrågor för att få till en dialog med respondenterna och ta del av deras åsikter och kunskaper gällande de olika faktorerna till metodvalet. Teoretisk referensram: Studien utgick från den nyinstitutionella teorin, om hur institutioner påverkar organisationers beteenden. Den har baserats på tidigare forskning inom regelverket Basel II av bland annat Hakenes och Schnabel (2011), Rime (2005) samt Wahlström (2009). Slutsats: Resultatet av denna studie visar på att bankerna har identifierat olika faktorer som påverkar valet av beräkningsmetod för kapitalkravet. Valet som bankerna står inför är att behålla Schablonmetoden, utveckla en IRK-metod, skapa samarbeten med andra banker eller fokusera på alternativa klientelportföljer. De två faktorer som ansågs ha störst signifikans för valet av beräkningsmetod var resurserna som förknippades med implementeringen av modellerna i IRKmetoden och hur bankens klientelportfölj var utformad. Hur dessa var fördelade och i vilken grad de påverkade valet var högst individuellt för de utvalda bankerna.

THE CAPITAL REQUIREMENT DIRECTIVE IV : A study of national divergences in Sweden, Denmark and Germany´s financial markets and the ability to implement the CRD IV

Larsson Nyheim, Robin, Larsson Nyheim, Kim January 2012 (has links)
The global financial market has been under a lot of stress in the past years. With the financial crisis that started in 2008, in the US and spread around the world, it created awareness that the world’s financial market requires more regulation to withstand such a crisis. Therefore a new recommended framework for the global financial market was developed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision; Basel III. Basel III presented a new era with stricter supervision of banks and tighter regulations. As the European Union is one of the world’s most integrated regions, it strives to be the first to implement the Basel III framework. In order to achieve this, the European Union created its own legislative package, the Capital Requirement Directive IV.The research purpose of this dissertation is to examine how divergences in Sweden, Denmark and Germany’s national financial markets will affect their ability to implement the new CRD IV regulations. Based on the research the conclusion is that our Swedish respondent is most prepared in meeting the new regulations of our three respondents; the characteristics of the Swedish financial market seem well fit to meet the new requirements. Both Germany and Denmark seems to be experiencing problems; the characteristics of their financial markets create obstacles when implementing the new regulations. Denmark has difficulties with their mortgage lending market due to their unique mortgage model. Germany will have problems with the leverage ratio and their inflexible three pillar banking system. Germany’s government has been skeptical to the new CRD IV regulations and this might also have affected our German respondent in a negative way. With the implementation of the regulations the European Commission aims to improve the banking sector in the member states, so that they will be able to endure stress periods better and help to prevent another financial crisis. However, the implementation of the new regulations puts a lot of pressure on the banks and how well they can perform during the implementation process. With this research a questionnaire is created that will help understand how three major banks in Sweden, Denmark and Germany will be affected by the new regulations and if the characteristics of their national financial markets will give them advantages or disadvantages when implementing them. The answers also give us a conclusion to which of the new regulations each respondent will have the most difficulty of implementing. Future research is suggested to be done into the Danish mortgage lending market and their unique mortgage model, to see if it can co-exist with the new CRD IV regulations. Also an in-depth research into the German three pillar banking system can be interesting, to find out if they are able to maintain it or if they have to restructure it.

The banking firm under ambiguity aversion

Broll, Udo, Welzel, Peter, Wong, Kit Pong 09 September 2016 (has links)
We examine risk taking when the bank's preferences exhibit smooth ambiguity aversion. Ambiguity is modeled by a second-order probability distribution that captures the bank's uncertainty about which of the subjective beliefs govern the financial asset return risk. Ambiguity preferences are modeled by the (second-order) expectation of a concave transformation of the (first-order) expected utility of profit conditional on each plausible subjective distribution of the return risk. Within this framework, the banking firm finds it less attractive to take risk in the presence than in the absence of ambiguity. This result extends to the case of greater ambiguity aversion. Given that the competitive bank's smooth ambiguity preferences exhibit non-increasing absolute ambiguity aversion, imposing a more stringent capital requirement to the bank reduces the optimal amount of loans, if the bank's coefficient of relative risk aversion does not exceed unity. Ambiguity and ambiguity aversion as such have adverse effect on the bank's risk taking.

Fatores determinantes da necessidade de capital de giro corporativa

Pires, Clênia de Oliveira 26 February 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Maicon Juliano Schmidt (maicons) on 2015-04-18T14:27:10Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Clênia de Oliveira Pires.pdf: 707674 bytes, checksum: b4276c388f57247620d9631ff43fdd42 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-18T14:27:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Clênia de Oliveira Pires.pdf: 707674 bytes, checksum: b4276c388f57247620d9631ff43fdd42 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-26 / UNISINOS - Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos / Esta dissertação teve como objetivo identificar e analisar os fatores determinantes da necessidade de capital de giro corporativa, partindo de teorias robustas de finanças (Theory of Asymmetric Information, Agency Theory, Pecking Order Theory e Theory of Financial Distress) e de estudos empíricos que também tiveram como objeto a NCG. Para isto, este estudo teve como base um painel de dados não balanceado, com informações de 222 companhias brasileiras não financeiras com ações listadas na BM&FBOVESPA e presentes na Base de Dados Compustat, durante um período de 11 anos (2000 a 2010), totalizando 2.278 observações. Foram testadas diferentes variáveis, utilizando-se modelos de regressões lineares de complexidades distintas. A partir dos resultados da regressão final, gerada pelo Painel Dinâmico, foram identificados dez fatores determinantes da necessidade de capital de giro corporativa, todos significantes. O modelo evidencia a importância da NCG do ano anterior na explicação da NCG do ano corrente e mostra que empresas maiores, com vendas mais voláteis, maior fluxo de caixa livre, maior índice de endividamento e em dificuldades financeiras adotam uma necessidade de capital de giro proporcionalmente reduzida, tornando-se mais eficientes na sua gestão do capital de giro. Por outro lado, as evidências mostram que uma maior margem de contribuição, um maior índice market-to-book e a presença de remuneração anual vinculada ao lucro levam a um aumento da necessidade de capital de giro corporativa. Além disso, os resultados sugerem que um menor risco país encoraja o investimento em capital de giro, evidenciando que fatores exógenos a empresa também determinam o volume da sua NCG. Assim, esta dissertação pretende contribuir com pesquisas futuras, visto que é a primeira a investigar os determinantes do investimento líquido em capital de giro operacional sob a ótica de quatro teorias robustas de finanças. / This thesis aims to identify and analyze the determinants of the working capital requirement corporate, from robust theories of finance (Theory of Asymmetric Information, Agency Theory, Pecking Order Theory and Theory of Financial Distress) and empirical studies that also had as object the WCR. Therefore, this study was based on a panel data unbalanced, with information of 222 Brazilian companies non-financial with stocks listed on the BM&FBOVESPA and presents in Compustat Database, for a period of 11 years (2000 to 2010), totaling 2278 observations. We tested different variables, using linear regression models of different complexities. From the results of the final regression, generated by Dynamic Panel, ten factors determinants of the working capital requirement corporate were identified, all significants. The model evidences the importance of WCR last year in explaining the WCR this year and shows that larger companies, with more volatile sales, higher free cash flow, higher debt ratio and financially distressed adopt a working capital requirement proportionally reduced, making it more efficient in its management of working capital. Moreover, the evidence shows that a higher contribution margin, a higher rate market-to-book and the presence of annual compensation tied to earnings lead to an increased working capital requirement corporate. Furthermore, the results suggest that a lower country risk encourages investment in working capital, showing that company exogenous factors also determine the volume of your WCR. Thus, this thesis aims to contribute to future research, since it is the first to investigate the determinants of the net investment in operating working capital from the perspective of four robust theories of finance.

Risco operacional, crédito e crescimento econômico

Barros, Angelo Miguel de 28 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2018-07-27T15:11:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 AngeloMigueldeBarrosTese2018.pdf: 4790873 bytes, checksum: af9e45ba55effd3e90733c35bc01c1aa (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2018-07-27T15:12:41Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 AngeloMigueldeBarrosTese2018.pdf: 4790873 bytes, checksum: af9e45ba55effd3e90733c35bc01c1aa (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-27T15:12:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AngeloMigueldeBarrosTese2018.pdf: 4790873 bytes, checksum: af9e45ba55effd3e90733c35bc01c1aa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-06-28 / Amid the discussions about the new standardized approach (SMA) for capital requirements of operational risk and the possible extinction of the internal models (AMA), this study analyzes the effects of information asymmetry (a strong characteristic of operational risk) in the interactions between the regulator and the bank regarding the adoption of internal models in the current format. For this, we used the model from ELIZALDE and REPULLO (2007) adapted to operational risk in order to study the behavior of the shareholders of the banks in an internal model and the theory of sequential games of asymmetric information to evaluate the interaction between the regulator and the banks. The results indicate that adhesion to the AMA is not a Bayesian Perfect Equilibrium and that the return to a standardized model, either by the SMA or the current models, forms the only Bayesian Perfect Equilibrium strategy, which explains the low adhesion to the AMA even more than one decade after the proposition of this model and suggests the need to create mechanisms to reduce this asymmetry. As the inadequate capital requirement interferes in financial intermediation, this paper also analyzes a relationship between a credit grant and economic growth, making use of finance growth nexus theory and an empirical model applied to Brazilian municipalities. The results indicate that credit grant reduces economic growth volatility and, specifically in Sudeste and Nordeste regions, there was a strong evidence that credit stimulates economic growth of municipalities. / Em meio às discussões sobre o novo modelo padronizado (SMA) para requerimento de capital para risco operacional e a possível extinção dos modelos internos (AMA), este estudo analisa os efeitos da assimetria de informação (forte característica do risco operacional) nas interações entre o regulador e o banco quanto à adoção de modelos internos no formato atual. Para isso, foi utilizado o modelo de ELIZALDE e REPULLO (2007) adaptado para risco operacional para estudar o comportamento dos acionistas dos bancos em um modelo interno e a teoria de jogos sequenciais de informação assimétrica para avaliar a interação entre o regulador e os bancos. Os resultados indicam que a adesão ao AMA não representa um Equilíbrio Perfeito Bayesiano e que o retorno a um modelo padronizado, seja pelo SMA ou pelos modelos atuais, forma a única estratégia de Equilíbrio Perfeito Bayesiano, o que explica a baixa adesão ao AMA mesmo após mais de uma década de surgimento e sugere a necessidade de se criar mecanismos para reduzir essa assimetria. Como o requerimento inadequado de capital interfere na intermediação financeira (seja aumentando o custo de captação ou reduzindo possibilidade de concessão de crédito), este trabalho também analisa a relação entre a concessão de crédito e o crescimento econômico, utilizando a teoria sobre finance growth nexus e um modelo empírico aplicado aos municípios brasileiros. Os resultados indicam que a concessão de crédito reduz a volatilidade do crescimento econômico dos municípios brasileiros e, especificamente nas regiões Sudeste e Nordeste, houve forte evidência de que o crédito estimula crescimento econômico dos municípios.

Řízení operačního rizika ve finanční instituci / Operational risk management in financial institution

Wirthová, Petra January 2012 (has links)
The thesis "Operational risk management in financial institution" is focused on description, types of measurements, methods of control, analysis and possibilities for reducing of operational risk. The first part describes and defines operational risk and discusses the Basel accords. Next part is focused on operational risk management, methods reducing operational risk and there is also described the organizational structure of the bank associated with operational risk. The thesis also describes the methods of calculating of capital requirements and methods measuring operational risk. The practical part describes the most significant operational risk events and there is also a comparison analysis of calculation of capital requirement the specific bank.

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