Spelling suggestions: "subject:"carbon fabric"" "subject:"carbon sabric""
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[pt] A busca por novos materiais que possibilitem a construção de estruturas mais esbeltas, leves e de menor custo vem crescendo nos últimos anos. Concretos têxteis reforçados com tecido de carbono aparecem como uma solução interessante capaz de atingir resultados mecânicos elevados. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar o comportamento mecânico de concretos têxteis reforçados com tecidos de carbono no âmbito estrutural e material. O comportamento do material compósito foi avaliado por meio de ensaios de tração direta, flexão e arrancamento. As variáveis utilizadas foram: tipo do tecido de carbono (flexível e rígido), número de camadas (1 ou 2), e adição ou não de coating de resina epóxi e areia. Os compósitos reforçados com tecido rígido apresentaram desempenho mecânico superior. A utilização do coating gerou melhores resultados para ambos os tecidos, ainda que sua influência tenha sido mais significativa na impregnação de tecidos flexíveis. Estas superioridades foram comprovadas por meio dos resultados de arrancamento. O aumento da fração volumétrica também gerou uma melhora no desempenho final do compósito. Além disso, foi realizada uma analise do comportamento do concreto têxtil estrutural por meio de vigas curtas submetidas a flexão. Utilizou-se uma matriz autoadensável, com e sem a incorporação de fibras curtas de aço. Novamente, foram utilizados os dois tipos de tecidos de carbono na direção longitudinal. A influência da utilização de reforço têxtil na direção transversal também foi analisada. As vigas reforçadas com tecido rígido apresentaram maior rigidez para pequenas deflexões. A incorporação de fibras curtas de aço aumentou as cargas de primeira fissura e ultima, ainda que não tenham impedido totalmente a ruptura por cisalhamento. A adição do reforço têxtil transversal alterou o modo de ruptura para flexão, e elevou a carga ultima. / [en] The search for new materials that allow the construction of thinner, lighter and less expensive structures has grown considerably in the last years. Carbon textile reinforced concretes appear as interesting solutions capable of reaching higher mechanical results. The aim of this research was to evaluate the mechanical behavior of carbon textile reinforced concretes regarding their material and structural aspects. The behavior of the composite was evaluated through direct tensile, bending and pullout tests. The variables used were: the type of fabric (flexible and rigid), number of reinforcement layers (1 or 2), and the impregnation or not with a coating made with epoxy resin and sand. The composites reinforced with the rigid fabric showed superior mechanical performance. The use of the coating provided better results for both textiles, even though its influence appeared to be most significant in the impregnation of flexible fabrics. These superiorities were confirmed by pullout results. The increment of reinforcement layers also resulted in an improvement in the composite final behavior. Furthermore, an analysis of structural textile reinforced concrete was performed with short beams subjected to bending tests. A self-consolidating concrete with and without the incorporation of short steel fibers was used as matrix. Once again, the carbon fabrics were used as reinforcement in the longitudinal direction. The influence of the textile reinforcement in the transversal direction was also analyzed. The beams reinforced with rigid fabrics showed higher stiffness in small deflections. The incorporation of short steel fibers enhanced the first crack and ultimate loads, even though they were not able to prevent the shear failure of the beams. The addition of the transversal textile reinforcement modified the failure mode to a flexural one, and increased the ultimate load.
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Leporello: Suggestion von Bewegung in statischer Präsenz: 1. PlatzNeumann, Ekkehard 17 November 2023 (has links)
Wechselnde Richtungen von Flächen in unterschiedlichen „Amplituden“ ... – Das Leporello kann in seinen unterschiedlichen Ausdehnungen in verschiedener Weise gesehen, gelesen werden: nach außen, über die Faltungen oben und unten sich öffnend – oder – von außen über die obere und unterer Ebene einander zusammenführend.
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[pt] Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo a análise experimental do comportamento à flexão,
a curto e longo prazo, de vigas de seção I de concreto reforçado com tecido de
carbono (Textile Reinforced Concrete - TRC). Foram utilizados quatro tipos de
tecido de carbono, sendo eles diferenciados pelas dimensões da malha e seção
transversal dos cordões, assim como pelo revestimento do tecido. As amostras
foram identificadas de acordo com o nome do revestimento, sendo eles de estireno
butadieno (SBR) e SBR com impregnação de areia (SND), acrilato (ACR) e epóxi
(EPX). Inicialmente, foram realizados ensaios de flexão em quatro pontos nas
vigas, considerando o tecido SBR e as seguintes condições: (a) matriz cimentícia
simples; (b) matriz simples e têxtil revestido de areia; e (c) matriz strain hardening
cement‐based composite (SHCC). O principal objetivo foi correlacionar as
melhorias nas propriedades da interface e da matriz com o padrão de fissuração,
modo de falha e ductilidade. Foi utilizado um método teórico para avaliação do
comportamento à flexão das vigas, que obteve boa concordância com os resultados
experimentais. Na etapa seguinte, as propriedades mecânicas de diferentes tipos de
TRC e sua interface foram estudadas através de ensaios de tração direta,
arrancamento e compressão. A influência de diferentes configurações de ensaio e a
eficácia dos parâmetros obtidos nestes ensaios foram verificados para a previsão do
desempenho de vigas de TRC ensaiadas em flexão de forma monotônica. O estudo
foi capaz de indicar os métodos de caracterização mais adequados para derivar
propriedades mecânicas a serem utilizadas em métodos analíticos, assim como a
influência dos diferentes parâmetros de ensaio na capacidade de carga do
compósito. Finalmente, foi investigado o comportamento de longo duração das
vigas de seção sob carregamento permanente de 4 kN. Um modelo analítico foi
usado para analisar os resultados em termos de módulo efetivo do tecido, resistência
à tração do concreto e tensão nominal de aderência. O modelo mostrou que o tecido
SBR é fortemente afetado pela carga permanente. As vigas SND, ACR e EPX
formaram novas fissuras durante os ensaios de fluência e a redução do módulo
efetivo observada não foi acompanhada pelo aumento da abertura da fissura.
Confirmou-se a grande influência da adesão entre tecido e matriz na capacidade de
carga do compósito, a diminuição da resistência da matriz devido à incorporação
do tecido, bem como a divergência das condições dos ensaios de caracterização do
compósito. / [en] The present research aims to perform an experimental investigation on the short and
long-term flexural behavior of I-section textile reinforced concrete (TRC) beams.
Four types of carbon fabric were used, differentiated by the mesh dimensions and
yarn cross-section, as well as by the fabric coating. The samples were identified
according to the name of the coating, being styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) and
SBR impregnated with sand (SND), acrylate (ACR) and epoxy (EPX) resin.
Initially, four‐point bending tests were performed in I‐beams, considering SBR
fabric and the following conditions: (a) plain cementitious matrix; (b) plain matrix
and sand‐coated textile; and (c) strain hardening cement‐based composite (SHCC)
matrix. The main goal was to correlate the improvements on interface and matrix
properties with the crack pattern, failure mode and ductility. A theoretical method
was used to evaluate the flexural behavior of the beams and good agreement was
achieved with the experimental results. In the next step, the mechanical properties
of different types of carbon-TRC and their interface were studied through direct
tensile, pullout and compression tests. The influence of different test configurations
and the effectiveness of the parameters obtained in these tests were verified for the
performance prediction of TRC beams tested in bending in a monotonic way. The
study was able to indicate the most suitable characterization methods to derive
mechanical properties to be used in analytical methods, as well as to show the
influence of different testing parameters on the load capacity of the composite.
Finally, the long-term behavior of I-section beams reinforced with carbon fabric
under sustained loading of 4 kN was investigated. An analytical model was used to
analyze the results in terms of effective textile moduli, concrete tensile strength and
the nominal bond stress. The model showed that SBR textile is strongly affected by sustained load. SND, ACR and EPX beams formed new cracks during creep and
the reduction in effective modulus observed was not accompanied by increase in
crack width. It was confirmed the great influence of adhesion between fabric and
matrix on the load capacity of the composite, the decrease in matrix strength due to
fabric incorporation, as well as the divergence of the conditions of composite
characterization tests.
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Development of Anchor Systems for FRCM RetrofitsZahmak, Abdulla 16 June 2023 (has links)
Fabric Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) composites utilize a mineral mortar matrix as a
substitute for epoxy resin that is used for Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP). This eliminates issues
associated with the low thermal compatibility of FRP with concrete, susceptibility to UV radiation,
and sensitivity to high temperatures in which organic polymers undergo vitrification. This study
discussed the effect of varying parameters like the number of Carbon-FRCM (C-FRCM) layers (1,
2 and 3 layers), different anchorage configurations (non-anchored, spike anchor, wrap anchor and
mechanical anchor), bond length (300 or 200 mm), and the fabric type (unidirectional and
bidirectional) on the direct shear behaviour of C-FRCM composites bonded to a concrete substrate,
especially the fibre-matrix bond which is the most common debonding interface of FRCM
composites. Calibrated models of the bond – slip behaviour are provided based on the fabric type
and number of fabric layers.
The results indicate that the anchor type and the overall composite thickness are the main factors
that control the failure mode of the composite. All properly anchored specimens using spike and
wrap anchors failed due to fabric rupture. Moreover, a considerable number of the non-anchored
specimens failed due to composite-substrate debonding, although premature fabric rupture was
frequently observed.
Furthermore, specimens with bidirectional fabric demonstrated shallower penetration of the strain
into the composite which may be due to the horizontal fabric strands providing some anchorage
for the longitudinal strands. They also exhibited slip initiation at a higher stress compared to
unidirectional specimens. In addition, slip initiation stress of unidirectional specimens decreased
with more fabric layers which may indicate that the additional layers have a lower bond efficiency.
For the same reason, specimens with three layers of fabric generally experienced deeper strain
penetration into the composite than one-layered or two-layered specimens regardless of the anchor
type. The results also indicate that the use of bidirectional fabric and anchorage systems decreases
the strain penetration into the composite and correspondingly, the effective length is shortened.
Surface strain measurements captured using digital image correlation generally did not match the internal fabric strain values obtained from strain gauges.
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