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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Historical inventory of sedimentary carbon and metals in a Bay of Fundy salt marsh

Clegg, Yolanda. January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Long-term effects of tillage and residues on selected soil quality parameters

Callum, Ian R. January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Environmental controls on methane comsumption and carbon dioxide production in upland boreal forest soils, Thompson, Manitoba

Savage, Kathleen, 1967- January 1995 (has links)
No description available.

Treatment of Dye Wastewater using Dehydrated Peanut Hull

Shamirpet, Nikitha 27 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.

A Study of Certain Organic Compounds of the Bottom Sediments of the Dundas Marsh, Hamilton, Ontario

Larner, Elizabeth Anne 09 1900 (has links)
In the course of a little over a year, from January, 1950, to March, 1951, core samples of bottom sediments were collected at three different stations in the Dundas Marsh, Hamilton, Ontario. A number of the samples were analysed for total carbon content, bitumen, pectins, hemicelluloses, and cellulose and lignin content. This study is part of a larger investigated by the Department of Zoology to ascertain the relationships between the biological productivity in lakes and the rate of mineralization of the organic detritus in lake bottom sediments. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

Effect of nano-carburization of mild steel on its surface hardness

Hassan, Ajoke Sherifat 14 April 2016 (has links)
There has been progress in the surface modification of low carbon steel in order to enhance its surface hardness. This study contributes to this by investigating the introduction of carbon nanotubes and amorphous carbon in the carburization of mild steel. In order to achieve the goal, carbon nanotubes were synthesized in a horizontal tubular reactor placed in a furnace also called the chemical vapor deposition process at a temperature of 700oC. Catalyst was produced from Iron nitrate Fe(NO3)3.9H2O and Cobalt nitrate Co(NO3)2.6H2O on CaCO3 support while acetylene C2H2 was used as the carbon source and nitrogen N2 was used as contaminant remover. The as-synthesized carbon nanotubes were purified using nitric acid HNO3 and characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA) and fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). It was found that as-synthesized carbon nanotubes had varying lengths with diameters between 42-52 nm from the SEM and the TGA showed the as-synthesized CNTs with a mass loss of 78% while purified CNTs had 85% with no damage done to the structures after using the one step acid treatment. The as-synthesized and purified carbon nanotubes were used in carburizing low carbon steel (AISI 1018) at two austenitic temperatures of 750oC and 800oC and varying periods of 10-50 minutes while amorphous carbon obtained by pulverizing coal was also used as comparison. The mild steel samples were carburized with carbon nanotubes and amorphous carbon in a laboratory muffle furnace with a defined number of boost and diffusion steps. The carburizing atmosphere consisted of heating up to the varying temperatures at a speed of 10oC/minute, heating under this condition at varying periods, performing a defined number of boost and diffusion processes at the varying temperatures and cooling to room temperatures under the same condition. The carburized surfaces were observed with the Olympus SC50 optical microscope and the hardness distribution of the carburized layer was inspected with a Vickers FM 700 micro-hardness tester. The as-synthesized and purified CNT samples showed higher hardness on the surface of the mild steel than the amorphous carbon. In the same vein, the change in the microstructures of vi the steel samples indicated that good and improved surface hardness was obtained in this work with the reinforcements but with purified CNT having the highest peak surface hardness value of 191.64 ± 4.16 GPa at 800oC, as-synthesized CNT with 177.88 ± 2.35 GPa and amorphous carbon with 160.702 ± 5.79 GPa which are higher compared to the values obtained at 750oC and that of the original substrate which had a surface hardness of 145.188 ± 2.66 GPa. The percentage hardness obtained for the reinforcement with the amorphous carbon, the CNT and the pCNT showed an increase of 5.47%, 10.04% and 15.77% respectively at 750oC when compared to that of the normal substrate carburized without reinforcements. Furthermore, at 800oC, the reinforcement with the amorphous carbon, the CNT and the pCNT show a percentage hardness increase of 7.04%, 14.68% and 22.05% when compared to that of the normal substrate carburized without reinforcements. Comparing the reinforcement potential of the amorphous carbon, the CNT and the pCNT at 750oC, the percentage hardness reveal that using pCNT displayed an increase of 10.89% over that of amorphous carbon and of 6.37% over that of CNT. In addition, the use of CNT as reinforcement at 750oC displayed a percentage hardness increase of 4.83% over that of the amorphous carbon carburized at the same temperature / Civil and Chemical Engineering / M. Tech. (Chemical Engineering)

The status of soil organic carbon under indigenous forests, grasslands, wetlands and pine plantations in Woodbush, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Mongwe, Hlamalani Godfrey 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Storing soil organic carbon (SOC) is a possible way of reducing atmospheric CO2 and potentially mitigating the effects of global warming. This study looks at soil carbon stocks, the sampling methodology and modelling of soil organic carbon in indigenous forests, wetlands, grasslands and pine plantations in Woodbush in the North-Eastern escarpment of Limpopo Province, South Africa. Dominant Pine species planted in Woodbush are Pinus patula, Pinus elliotti and Pinus taeda. Woodbush plantation was selected as study area because it provided easy access to all the ecosystems that were to be studied. All ecosystems in Woodbush are located in such a way that it was easy to compare them, as they existed under similar environmental and climatic conditions. The climatic conditions of Woodbush promote accumulation of SOC due to relatively higher precipitation and cooler temperatures than most parts of Limpopo Province. Five transects were made: two in indigenous forests and three in plantations. Only the surface (0-7 cm) layer was sampled with a distance of 20 m between sampling points. Transects were not made in grasslands and wetlands because of the patchy occurrence of these ecosystems. In addition to transects, eight 1ha plots, two in each ecosystem, were sampled. Surface (0- 7 cm depth) samples were collected on a grid of 20 x 20 m in each sampling plot. Two soil profile pits were sampled in each sampling plot, with samples being taken at 5, 10, 15, 20 30, 40, 50 60, 75 and 100 cm depth. The average carbon stocks per hectare of land to a soil depth of 100 cm were as follows: 71 t.ha-1 in wetlands, 28 t.ha-1 in grasslands, 64 t.ha-1in indigenous forests, and 46 t.ha-1 in pine plantations. Although wetlands sequestered large amounts of SOC per hectare, their relative contribution to carbon sequestration was low because of the relatively small area (87.2 ha) they occupy in the study area (and in South Africa). Prediction models for vertical distribution of SOC were developed using STATISTICA 6.0 for each ecosystem in order to estimate the carbon stocks to a depth of 100 cm based on SOC content and soil bulk density of the surface samples. These models were developed from observed values in soil profiles for each ecosystem. SOC content and carbon stocks were analyzed using GIS (ARCVIEW). The GIS analysis was aimed at assessing the effect of topography, elevation, soil type, and vegetation on accumulation and distribution of SOC stocks. Most shallow Inanda soils were distributed at elevations between 1545 m and 1777 m, and on a gentle slope in the Northern aspect of the mountain. Deep Inanda soils were found mostly in the lower elevation range of 967 m and 1545 m on moderate slopes. Deep and shallow Inanda soils were found on the southern aspect. Deep Kranskop soils are evenly distributed and mostly found at an elevation range of between 1080 and 1430 m on gentle slopes, while at an elevation range of between 1430 and 1780 m, they were found on moderate slopes. Deep soils had higher SOC stocks than shallow soils and soils in the southern aspects had higher SOC stocks than in the northern aspects. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die berging van grond organiese koolstof is ‘n moontlike manier om atmosferiese koolsuurgas (CO2) te verminder en dus om die invloed van globale verwarming te versag. In hierdie studie was die grond-koolstof voorraad bestudeer, asook die metodologie van die monsterneming en modellering van organiese grond-koolstof van inheemse woude, vleie, grasvelde en denneplantasies. Die studie was uitgevoer op Woodbush plantasie gele op die Noord-Oosterlike platorand van die Limpopo Provinsie, Suid-Afrika. Die algemeenste dennespesies in Woodbush is Pinus patula, Pinus elliotti en Pinus taeda. Die Woodbush plantasie was gekies as studiegebied omdat dit oor al die ekosisteme wat bestudeer moet word, beskik. Die ekosisteme in Woodbush is naby mekaar en dus maklik vergelykbaar want die omgewings- en klimaatstoestande is eenders. Die klimaatstoestande van Woodbush bevorder die akkumulasie van grond organiese koolstof omdat die reënval hoër en die temperature laer is as in die meeste ander dele van die Limpopo Provinsie. Vyf dwarssnitte was gemaak, twee in inheemse woude en drie in plantasies. Monsters was net uit die grondoppervlak laag geneem (7 cm) met 20 m tussen monsterpunte. Dwarssnitte was nie in grasvelde en vleie gemaak nie want hierdie sisteme is te gelokaliseerd. Monsters was ook geneem in agt 1 ha persele, twee in elke ekosisteem. Oppervlakmonsters (tot ‘n diepte van 7 cm) is op ‘n ruitnet van 20 x 20 m uit elke perseel versamel. Monsters was verder ook geneem uit twee profielgate per perseel, op dieptes 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 75 en 100 cm. Die gemiddelde koolstof voorraad per hektaar, op ‘n gronddiepte van 100 cm, was as volg: 71 t.ha –1 in vleie, 28 t.ha-1 in grasvelde, 64 t.ha-1 in inheemse woude en 46 t.ha-1 in denneplantasies. Alhoewel vleie groot hoeveelhede grond organiese koolstof akkumuleer, is hulle bydrae tot koolstof akkumulasie laag want hulle beslaan ‘n klein oppervlak binne die studiegebied (87.2 ha) asook klein oppervlaktes binne Suid-Afrika. Voorspellingsmodelle vir die vertikale verspreiding van grondkoolstof was met die gebruik van STATISTICA 6.0 ontwikkel ten einde te skat wat die koolstofvoorrraad op ‘n diepte van 100 cm was. Die skattings was gebaseer op organiese grondkoolstofinhoud en die gronddigtheid van oppervlakmonsters. Hierdie modelle was ontwikkel vanaf die waargenome waardes van grondprofiele vir elke ekosisteem. Die organiese koolstofinhoud van die grond en die koolstofvoorraad is ontleed met behulp van GIS (ARCVIEW). Die GIS ontleding was daarop gemik om die effek van topografie, hoogte bo seespiëel, grondtipe en plantegroei, op die akkumulasie en verspreiding van organiese grondkoolstof, te beraam. Die meeste vlak Inanda grondvorms kom voor tussen 1545 m en 1777 m bo seespiëel, asook op effens steil hellings op die Noordelike berghang. Die diep Inanda grondvorms is geleë op laer hoogtes bo seespiëel, gewoonlik tussen 967 en 1545 m, op effens steil hellings. Beide diep en vlak Inanda gronde word gevind op die suidelike berghang. Diep Kranskop gronde is eweredig versprei en word gewoonlik tussen 1080 en 1430 m bo seespiëel, op effens steil hellings, gevind. Dit kom ook voor op matig steil hellings, tussen 1430 en 1780 m bo seespiëel. Daar is meer organiese koolstof in diep grond as in vlak grond en meer in gronde teen die suidelike hang as op die noordelike hang.

Auswirkungen verschiedener Bodennutzungssysteme auf ausgewählte physiko-chemische Bodeneigenschaften und pflanzenbauliche Parameter in Berlin-Dahlem und Dedelow

Sümer, Mehmet Resat 19 February 2013 (has links)
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Auswirkungen verschiedener Bodennutzungssysteme auf ausgewählte physiko-chemische Bodeneigenschaften und pflanzenbauliche Parameter auf sandigen Böden auf den Dauerfeldversuchsflächen in Berlin-Dahlem und Dedelow zu untersuchen. Ein erster Arbeitsschwerpunkt am Standort Berlin-Dahlem bestand darin, die Wirkungen verschiedener Bodenbearbeitungstiefen (17 cm und 28 cm) in Abhängigkeit der drei Faktorstufen - mit und ohne Kalkdüngung, mit und ohne Stallmistdüngung, flache und tiefe Bodenbearbeitung - zu ermitteln. Im zweiten Arbeitsschwerpunkt wurden in einer fünffeldrigen Fruchtfolge am Standort Dedelow Vergleiche verschiedener Verfahren der konventionellen und konservierenden Bodenbearbeitung und deren Effekte untersucht. Die Durchdringungswiderstandmessungen in Berlin-Dahlem zeigten nach langjähriger Bodenbearbeitung höhere Bodenfestigkeitswerte in der tieferen Bodenbearbeitungsvariante als in der flachen Variante. Die wasserstabilen Aggregate in Berlin-Dahlem wiesen in der flachen Bodenbearbeitung höhere Werte auf. Die ermittelten Wasserspeicherkurven in Berlin-Dahlem zeigten in der flachen Bodenbearbeitungsvariante für die ausgewählten Parzellen in 10-15 cm Bodentiefe im Vergleich zu der tieferen Variante tendenziell höhere nutzbare Feldkapazitätswerte. In Dedelow zeigten die Wasserretentionskurven unter verschiedenen Bodenbearbeitungsverfahren unregelmäßige Streuungen auf. Die höchsten Gesamtkohlenstoffgehaltswerte wurden in der flachen Bodenbearbeitung unter dem Prüfglied „mit Kalk- und mit Stallmist“ gedüngten Parzellen erzielt. In Dedelow zeigten die Gesamtkohlenstoffgehalte zwischen konservierender und konventioneller Bodenbearbeitung in 10-15 cm Bodentiefe kaum Unterschiede. Der Einfluss von Düngung und Bodenbearbeitungstiefen auf den Kornertrag bei Hafer war mit einem Ertrag von 29,2 dt ha-1 am stärksten am Standort Dedelow in der tiefen Bodenbearbeitung unter dem Prüfglied „mit Kalk- und ohne Stallmistdüngung“. / On the basis of various long-term field trials it was the goal to investigate the influence of different tillage systems on soil physical, soil chemical and crop parameters on sandy loamy locations in Berlin-Dahlem and Dedelow. The first focus of the work in Berlin-Dahlem was to investigate the effects between different tillage depths (17 cm and 28 cm) and the selected factors “with and without liming”, “with and without manure fertilization” and “shallow and deep tillage”. The second focus was on a five-field crop rotation site in Dedelow to compare different methods of conventional and conservation tillage and their effects. The penetration resistance values in Berlin-Dahlem showed after long-time tillage in the deep soil tillage system higher compactions compared to shallow tillage systems. The soil aggregate stability values in Berlin-Dahlem showed in the shallow tillage higher values. The obtained soil water retention curves in Berlin-Dahlem showed an increase of the available water capacity for the selected plots in the shallow soil tillage system compared to the deep tillage system in the 10 - 15 cm soil depth. The soil water retention curves showed irregular variations under the different tillage systems in Dedelow. The highest total carbon content were observed in the shallow tillage system in the "with lime and with farmyard manure" treatments. In general, however, the total carbon content predominate nearly the same amounts in 10 - 15 cm soil depth in both conservation and conventional tillage systems in Dedelow. The influence of fertilization and tillage depth on grain yield in oats showed the maximum value as 29,2 dt ha-1 in the deep tillage system in the "with lime and without farmyard manure" treatments.

Microbial community structure as influenced by season and stand age in a Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) ecosystem

Kucera, Jennifer Moore 01 June 2005 (has links)
Forest harvest can have significant impacts on forest ecosystems that may influence the capacity of soils to sequester carbon (C). The microbial community controls decomposition, which is a critical process in partitioning litter- and root-C between CO₂ and storage in semi-permanent soil-C pools. The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of clear-cutting and stand age on: 1) temporal dynamics of soil microbial community (SMC) structure and physiological status; and 2) shifts among microbial functional groups in taking up ¹³C-labeled plant materials during decomposition. The experiment was conducted in Douglas-fir ecosystems within the Gifford Pinchot National Forest, Washington. We chose stands of three different ages: old-growth where trees are between 300 and 500 years old; an 8-year old stand; and a 25-year old stand. Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiling and ¹³C-PLFA labeling techniques along with the ratio of saturated to monounsaturated PLFAs and the ratios of cyclopropyl PLFAs to their monoenoic precursors as microbial physiological stress markers were utilized. Microbial PLFA profiles showed that SMC structure and physiological status was most affected by season and secondarily by time since clear-cutting. Total microbial biomass and bacterial and fungal biomass were significantly reduced in CC8 but not in CC25 sites relative to old-growth sites. Total microbial biomass concentration was lowest and the stress indicators were highest in August, which corresponded to low soil moisture and high temperatures. The relative amount of ¹³C incorporated into PLFAs was also influenced by stand age and ¹³C source (¹³C-labeled litter vs. ¹³C-labeled root material). A significantly greater amount of ¹³C was incorporated in CC8 samples compared to OG1 samples in five out of the seven sample dates. Additionally, a significantly greater proportion of ¹³C was incorporated into soil samples containing the ¹³C-labeled litter material relative to samples containing ¹³C-labeled root material in four out of the seven dates. In general, 18:lω9 and 18:2ω6,9 (common fungal biomarkers) had the greatest amount of ¹³C incorporation throughout the study period in both clear-cut and old-growth sites, indicating the important role of fungi in the decomposition of litter and root material and translocation of C within soil layers. / Graduation date: 2006

Pacific Northwest rangeland carbon sequestration

Wiggins, Seth T. 01 June 2012 (has links)
This paper models the supply curve of carbon sequestration on Pacific Northwest rangelands. Rangeland managers have the ability to sequester carbon in agricultural soils by implementing alternative management practices on their farms. Their low adoption rate in practice suggests a high opportunity cost associated with their implementation. To increase their adoption, a payment for ecosystem services plan is proposed, where the public compensates farms for lost profits. The TOA-MD model is used to estimate the resulting sequestration incentivized by payments for soil carbon sequestration. Methodological questions of geographical stratification and estimating variation from available data are tested. Sensitivity analysis is also run on key assumptions in the study. Results show that while the economic potential of both systems is much lower than the technical potential, at reasonable CO��� payment levels rangeland sequestration could be a significant mitigation strategy for Pacific Northwest states. / Graduation date: 2012

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