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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sexual violence:voiced and silenced by girls with multiple vulnerabilities

Louhela, H. (Helena) 12 November 2019 (has links)
Abstract Inspired by feminist standpoint theory, this doctoral thesis studies what the voices and silences about experiences of sexual violence tell us when voiced by adolescent girls who have been in residential care institutions. This group of girls evidently experience more sexual violence compared to their peers. This dissertation is based on four scientific Articles. In Article I, Erving Goffman’s theory is used to analyse the girls’ experiences of being in residential institutions and Articles II–IV focus on their sexual violence experiences. Data is generated in 2013 through semi-structured interviews with 11 girls aged 14–17 years old, and through interviews with one of these girls from 2013–2017. Data from Bulgaria, Catalonia and Italy regarding the violent experiences of 46 girls is also used in Article II. Qualitative content analysis (Articles I–III) and the Listening Guide method (Article IV) were used in data analysis. The Articles reveal that the girls have multiple vulnerabilities that affect on creating safe connections, as well as voicing their experiences. The majority of the girls did not voice their experiences of sexual violence as violence and based on the data it can be interpreted that the sense of being cared for by someone might impact on what was named and/or recognised as sexual violence. The phenomenon was named abusive illusion of care and proposed to be included in Jenny Pearce’s social model of abused consent. A new term was also suggested for the area of girls’ sexually risky behaviour, which is further developed in this compilation report as sexism-related internalised sexual violence. In this compilation report, the main results of the Articles are combined and re-read in the light of Carol Gilligan’s theorisations. Those findings confirm that girls’ voices and silences about their sexual violence experiences are a complex and multidimensional combination of self-silence and being silenced, connection and resistance. Sexual violence experiences should be considered as contextual, relational, contradictory and situational phenomena. It is suggested that violence prevention programmes be organised in a gender-responsible way for all from an early age. Furthermore, professionals should be educated to recognise the hidden aspects in sexual violence and conceptualisations of sexual violence needs to be developed further. / Tiivistelmä Feministisen standpoint-teorian inspiroimana tässä väitöskirjassa tutkitaan, mitä lastensuojelulaitoksissa asuneiden tyttöjen äänellisyydet ja vaikenemiset kertovat heidän kokemastaan seksuaalisesta väkivallasta. Aiempi tutkimustieto osoittaa tämän tyttöryhmän kokevan vertaisiaan enemmän seksuaalista väkivaltaa. Väitöskirjaan sisältyy neljä tieteellistä artikkelia. Artikkeli I:ssa analysoidaan tyttöjen laitoskokemuksia Erving Goffmanin teorian avulla. Artikkeleissa II–IV keskitytään tyttöjen seksuaalisen väkivallan kokemuksiin. Aineisto koostuu yhdentoista 14–17-vuotiaan tytön puolistrukturoidusta haastattelusta vuodelta 2013 sekä yhden tytön haastatteluista vuosilta 2013–2017. Artikkeli II:ssa on otteita Bulgariasta, Italiasta ja Kataloniasta kerätyistä aineistoista koskien neljänkymmenenkuuden tytön väkivaltakokemuksia. Analyysissa käytettiin sisällönanalyysiä (Artikkelit I–III) ja Listening Guide -metodia (Artikkeli IV). Osatutkimuksista selvisi, että tyttöjen moniulotteiset haavoittuvuudet vaikuttavat turvallisten yhteyksien luomiseen sekä omien kokemusten kertomiseen. Suurin osa tytöistä ei sanallistanut seksuaalisen väkivallan kokemuksiaan väkivallaksi, ja tyttöjen kokema välittäminen näytti vaikuttavan siihen, minkä he tunnistivat ja/tai nimesivät seksuaaliseksi väkivallaksi. Ilmiö nimettiin “vahingolliseksi välittämisen illuusioksi,” ja se esitetään lisättäväksi Jenny Pearcen seksuaalista suostumusta koskevaan malliin. Tyttöjen seksuaalisen riskikäyttäytymisen alueelle ehdotettiin uutta termiä, ja tässä yhteenveto-osuudessa se on edelleen kehiteltynä “seksismiin perustuva sisäistetty seksuaalinen väkivalta.” Yhteenveto-osuudessa artikkeleiden päätulokset on yhdistetty ja niitä on uudelleen luettu Carol Gilliganin teoriaa hyödyntäen. Näin saadut tulokset osoittavat, että tyttöjen äänellisyydet ja vaikenemiset seksuaalisesta väkivallasta sisältävät moniulotteisen yhdistelmän vaikenemista ja vaietuksi tulemista, kuulumisen tunnetta sekä vastarintaa. Seksuaalisen väkivallan kokemukset tulisikin nähdä relationaalisena ja moniäänisenä, sekä tilanne- ja kontekstisidonnaisena ilmiönä. Lapsille tulisi suunnata varhaisessa vaiheessa väkivaltaa ennaltaehkäiseviä sukupuolivastuullisia koulutuksia. Lisäksi ammattilaisille tulisi järjestää koulutusta seksuaalisen väkivallan piiloisten muotojen tunnistamiseksi ja seksuaalisen väkivallan sanallistuksia tulisi edelleen kehittää.

Novostavba ústavu sociální péče - Bílá voda / Residential care home, Bílá voda

Tušl, David January 2018 (has links)
The subject of my master’s thesis deals with design of a new social care institution building. The building is located on land with spectacular view in Kratochvilka village. The building has four floors and basement. The building has forty beds for seniors and limited options of catering service. The building consists dining room, offices and nurse room on the first floor. Surgery, massage saloon and technical background is located in the basement. On the second, third and fourth floor are senior’s rooms. The walls will consist of bricks with an additional contact thermal insulation system ETICS, the ceiling will be reinforced concrete constructions and the house will have a walkable flat green roof. Design documentation was processed using the program AutoCAD 2014.

Diriger une maison d'enfants à caractère social : regard clinique sur la fonction de direction / Leading a children’s care home : a clinical look at the function of leadership

Guetat-Calabrese, Narjès 17 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la fonction de direction d’une maison d’enfants à caractère social (MECS). Le travail réalisé s’inscrit dans une approche clinique d’orientation psychanalytique. À partir de quatre entretiens cliniques de recherche auprès de deux directrices et deux directeurs de MECS, la chercheuse, occupant elle-même des fonctions de direction de MECS, propose de poser un regard clinique sur les différentes postures sous-jacentes à l’exercice de cette fonction. La thèse est organisée en trois parties : la première partie analyse l’itinéraire professionnel de la chercheuse et témoigne de l’évolution de son positionnement dans une démarche clinique d’abord en tant que professionnelle puis en tant que chercheuse. La deuxième partie présente le champ de la Protection de l’Enfance, la spécificité des MECS comme institutions de la mésinscription et des adolescents qui y sont accueillis, la fonction de direction à travers plusieurs ouvrages consacrés à cette question mis en écho avec l’expérience de fonction de direction occupée par la chercheuse. Un dernier chapitre propose quelques éclairages théoriques à propos de la pulsion et la pulsion de mort. La troisième et dernière partie est dédiée à l’analyse des entretiens et à la mise en perspective de ces analyses dans laquelle sont avancées des hypothèses de compréhension des enjeux conscients et inconscients dans l’exercice de la fonction de direction de MECS. / This thesis focusses on the role of leadership in Children’s Social Care Homes (MECS) and on the analysis of the psychological sources which underlie this role. The work is done as part of a clinical approach from a psychoanalytical position. Based on clinical interviews conducted with directors of MECS, the researcher proposes to take a clinical look at the different aspects of this function. The thesis is organised in three parts : the first part traces the professional journey of the researcher and shows the evolution of her position in a clinical approach to psychoanalytical orientation, first as a professional and then as a researcher. The second part presents an overview of child protection as well as the specificities of the “MECS” as institutions of care (mesinscription) linked to the characteristics of the adolescents they welcome. Based on the reading of several works on the function of leadership in this type of institutions and using her own experience as a director of a MECS countertransferentially, the researcher analyses the outlines of the definition of this function. The third and final part is dedicated to the analysis of the interviews and putting into the perspective of these analyses in which are advanced hypotheses for understanding of the conscious and unconscious stakes process of “déliaison” in such an institution and to the dualism of the impulse to life/impulse to death.


ANA PAULA MIRANDA NEVES 16 December 2020 (has links)
[pt] O envelhecimento vem provocando mudanças significativas na vida das pessoas. De acordo com as Nações Unidas, o número de indivíduos com mais de 80 anos, no mundo, deve triplicar até 2050. Devem triplicar, também, os casos de demência. A longevidade é uma conquista, mas traz consigo o risco de que um maior número pessoas se mostrem incapazes de se cuidar sozinhas. No Brasil, a Constituição estabelece que o amparo ao idoso deve ser executado, preferencialmente, em seus lares. Todavia, cuidar de um idoso com limitações funcionais é complexo e as famílias nem sempre tem condições de fazê-lo. As Instituições de Longa Permanência para Idosos (ILPIs) podem oferecer o apoio que as famílias necessitam no cuidado de seus idosos. Contudo, enfrentam preconceito social e não estão consolidadas como um serviço capaz de ajudar a sociedade a lidar com os desafios do envelhecimento. Esta dissertação fundamenta-se na abordagem do design para a inovação social, de Ezio Manzini, segundo a qual designers devem criar as condições favoráveis para que pessoas sem conhecimento formal em design desenvolvam, de forma colaborativa, soluções adequadas às suas necessidades. A pesquisa teve como objetivo explorar o campo de possibilidades das ILPIs. Para tanto, ferramentas do design de serviços foram utilizadas para conhecer as ILPIs; identificar as principais demandas da família no cuidado do idoso e os principais desafios dos gestores de ILPIs na gestão do serviço. O estudo mostrou a pertinência e a urgência da contribuição do designer especializado no fortalecimento do serviço das ILPIs, via aplicação de métodos e ferramentas colaborativas junto aos diversos stakeholders deste serviço. / [en] Aging has been causing significant changes in people s lives. According to the United Nations, the number of individuals over 80 in the world is expected to triple by 2050. Dementia cases are also expected to triple. Longevity is an achievement, but it brings along a greater number of people in risk of becoming unable to take care of themselves. In Brazil, the Constitution establishes that support for the elderly must be carried out in their homes preferably. However, caring for an elderly person with functional limitations is complex and families are not always able to do so. Long-term care Institutions (LTCIs) can offer the support that families need to care for their elderly. However, they face social prejudice and are not consolidated as a service capable of helping society to deal with the challenges of aging. This dissertation is based on Ezio Manzini s approach to design for social innovation, according to which designers must create favorable conditions for people without formal design knowledge to develop, in a collaborative way, solutions appropriate to their needs. The research aimed to explore the field of possibilities of LTCIs. Therefore, tools of service design were used to get to know the LTCIs; to identify the main demands of the family in the care of the elderly and the main challenges of the LTCIs managers in service management. The study showed the relevance and the urgency of the contribution of the designer specialized in strengthening the service of ILPIs, through the application of collaborative methods and tools with the various stakeholders of this service.

Investigating the psycho-social needs of orphaned adolescent learners in the context of HIV and AIDS : a case study of a high school in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

Phuthi, Kesiwe 06 1900 (has links)
Orphans from child care institutions and from extended families attend the same schools as non-orphans. They are often given the same psycho-social support yet it is clear that they have different psycho-social needs. Their backgrounds are usually different from those of other adolescent learners because, often, they would have observed or nursed sick parents who eventually died from AIDS-related illnesses. This qualitative study aimed at investigating the psycho-social needs of orphaned adolescent learners in child care institutions and those in extended families in the context of HIV and AIDS. The study further sought to find out how the psycho-social needs affected the HIV- and AIDS-affected orphans’ school performance and social behaviour. In-depth interviews were conducted with four orphaned learners from child care institutions and four from extended families using open-ended questions. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. Findings of the study were that the psycho-social needs of AIDS-affected orphans in families were met by relatives more than those of AIDS-affected orphans in child care institutions. The results of the study also revealed that there was not much difference in school performance between HIV- and AIDS-affected orphans from extended families and those from child care institutions. Thus this study contributes to Sociological and Behavioural literature in the area of HIV and AIDS as well as the education literature of the vulnerable groups like orphans. The school offered psycho-social support en masse with no special programme for orphans affected by HIV and AIDS for fear of stigmatising the orphans. / Health Studies / M.A. (Social Behaviour Studies in HIV/AIDS)

Investigating the psycho-social needs of orphaned adolescent learners in the context of HIV and AIDS : a case study of a high school in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

Phuthi, Kesiwe 06 1900 (has links)
Orphans from child care institutions and from extended families attend the same schools as non-orphans. They are often given the same psycho-social support yet it is clear that they have different psycho-social needs. Their backgrounds are usually different from those of other adolescent learners because, often, they would have observed or nursed sick parents who eventually died from AIDS-related illnesses. This qualitative study aimed at investigating the psycho-social needs of orphaned adolescent learners in child care institutions and those in extended families in the context of HIV and AIDS. The study further sought to find out how the psycho-social needs affected the HIV- and AIDS-affected orphans’ school performance and social behaviour. In-depth interviews were conducted with four orphaned learners from child care institutions and four from extended families using open-ended questions. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. Findings of the study were that the psycho-social needs of AIDS-affected orphans in families were met by relatives more than those of AIDS-affected orphans in child care institutions. The results of the study also revealed that there was not much difference in school performance between HIV- and AIDS-affected orphans from extended families and those from child care institutions. Thus this study contributes to Sociological and Behavioural literature in the area of HIV and AIDS as well as the education literature of the vulnerable groups like orphans. The school offered psycho-social support en masse with no special programme for orphans affected by HIV and AIDS for fear of stigmatising the orphans. / Health Studies / M.A. (Social Behaviour Studies in HIV/AIDS)

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