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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Einfluss von Zungenreinigern vor einer antibakteriellen Therapie bei Multiband-Patienten auf die Rekolonisationszeit von Mutans-Streptokokken / Influence of tongue cleaners before antibacterial therapy in multiband patients to the recolonization time of mutans streptococci

Rusch, Ingmar A. C. 21 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Comparación del riesgo de caries dental utilizando dos herramientas de evaluación en niños de 7 a 11 años / Comparison of dental caries risk using two assessment tools in children aged 7 to 11

Fortun Junco, Blanca Lisset, Manrique Flores , Vanessa Maritza 27 July 2020 (has links)
Objetivo: Comparar el riesgo de caries dental utilizando dos herramientas de evaluación en niños de 7 a 11 años que asisten a la Institución Educativa Policía Nacional del Perú Juan Ingunza Valdivia en el año 2019 en el distrito del Callao-Perú. Materiales y Métodos: El grupo de estudio estuvo conformado por 265 niños entre 7 a 11 años de edad, las herramientas utilizadas para comparar el riesgo de caries dental fueron: Cariograma Reducido el cual evalúo experiencia de caries, consumo y frecuencia de la dieta, flúor, presencia de enfermedad, higiene oral y dictamen clínico. Por otro lado, la herramienta Riesgo Biológico de Caries evaluó la experiencia de caries, higiene oral y diario dietético. El exámen clínico se realizó en un solo tiempo para ambas herramientas, evaluando la higiene oral según Greene y Vermillion y la experiencia de caries con el índice CPOD y ceod. Resultados: Se determinaron los datos sociodemográficos, identificándose mayor población en el género femenino con 58.11%, la edad de 9 años predominó con 33.96% y en cuanto al nivel socioeconómico la clase D predominó con 67.55%. Por otro lado, cuando se determinó el riesgo de caries dental utilizando la herramienta Cariograma Reducido según los datos sociodemográficos, se identificó que existen diferencias significativas entre la edad y nivel socioeconómico, mientras que no existe diferencia en relación al género. (p= 0.372). Al determinar el riesgo de caries con la herramienta Riesgo Biológico de Caries con los datos sociodemográficos, se encontró que existen diferencias significativas entre la edad y nivel socioeconómico con el uso de esta herramienta, pero no existe diferencia en relación al género. (p= 0.777). El análisis estadístico univariado se realizó mediante la estadística descriptiva (frecuencia relativa y absoluta) y el análisis bivariado mediante la prueba Chi- cuadrado de Pearson para comparar el riesgo de caries con ambas herramientas. Conclusión: Existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las herramientas Cariograma Reducido y Riesgo Biológico de Caries en los diagnósticos de riesgo de caries en sus niveles moderado y alto. (p < 0.001). / Objective: Compare the risk of dental caries using two assessment tools in children from 7 to 11 years old who attend the Juan Ingunza Valdivia National Police Educational Institution in 2019 in the Callao district -Perú. Materials and Methods: The study group consisted of 265 children between 7 to 11 years of age, the tools used to compare the risk of dental caries were: Reduced Cariogram which evaluated the experience of caries, consumption and frequency of diet, fluoride, presence of disease, oral hygiene and clinical opinion. On the other hand, the Biological Caries Risk tool evaluated the experience of caries, oral hygiene and dietary diary. The clinical examination was performed in a single time for both tools, evaluating oral hygiene according to Greene and Vermillion and the experience of caries with the CPOD and ceod index. Results: Sociodemographic data were determined, identifying a greater female population with 58.11%, the age of 9 years prevailed with 33.96% and as for the socioeconomic level, class D predominated with 67.55%. On the other hand, when the risk of dental caries was determined using the Reduced Cariogram tool based on sociodemographic data, it was identified that there are significant differences between age and socioeconomic level, while there is no difference in relation to gender. (p = 0.372). When determining the risk of caries with the Biological Caries Risk tool with sociodemographic data, it was found that there are significant differences between age and socioeconomic level with the use of this tool, but there is no difference in relation to gender. (p = 0.777). The univariate statistical analysis was made using descriptive statistics (relative and absolute frequency) and bivariate analysis using Pearson's Chi-square test to compare caries risk with both tools. Conclusion: There are statistically significant differences between the Reduced Cariogram and Caries Biological Risk tools in caries risk diagnoses at their moderate and high levels. (p <0.001). / Tesis

Utvärdering av behandlingsutfallet hos patienter vid cariologiavdelningen på Tandvårdshögskolan - En beskrivande studie

Holmgren, Fanny, Nordström, Elin January 2020 (has links)
Syfte: Att vid Tandvårdshögskolan i Malmö utröna i vilken grad revisionspatienterna följs upp av studenterna, hur studenternas kariesbehandling planeras och utförs, effektiviteten av denna samt överlevnad hos studenternas utförda kompositfyllningar. Material och metod: Studien baseras på analys av patienters arbets- och revisionsblad, ifyllda av studenter på cariologiavdelningen under åren 2015-2018. Resultat: Totalt inkluderades 68 av 225 patienter. Vid första undersökningen hade 32% hög kariesrisk, vilket minskade till 19% vid revisionsundersökning. Patienter med låg kariesrisk ökade från 22% till 32%. Majoriteten av patienterna fick en minskad kariesincidens, i genomsnitt med 0,375 enheter. Vid första undersökningen hade 18% kariesincidens 0, vilket ökade till 68%. Samtliga patienter behandlades med fyllningsterapi och 7% av fyllningarna bedömdes som misslyckade, främst på grund av retentionsförlust. Den vanligaste kariespreventiva åtgärden var fluoridlackning vilket inkluderades i 73% av terapiplanerna. Fluorid- och kostråd utfördes hos 45% av patienter med hög kariesrisk, jämfört med 13% hos patienter med låg kariesrisk. Fluoridlackning och munhygieninstruktioner utfördes i lika stor utsträckning oavsett riskgruppering.Slutsatser: Majoriteten av revisionspatienterna på studentkliniken följdes upp och fick en minskad kariesincidens. Patienterna bedömdes ha en lägre kariesrisk efter utförd behandling. Fluorid- och kostråd ses i större utsträckning hos patienter med riskgruppering medel till hög. Ingen procentuell skillnad kan ses mellan riskgrupperna gällande behandling med fluoridlack och munhygieninstruktioner. Studien påvisar inga tydliga skillnader mellan behandlingsval och patientens kariesincidens efter utförd behandling. 7% av det totala antalet utförda fyllningar bedömdes som misslyckade, främst på grund av retentionsförlust. / Objective: To determine to which degree the recall of patients is executed at Tandvårdshögskolan in Malmö, how the students’ caries treatment is planned and performed, the effectiveness of this and the survival of the students’ composite restorations.Material and methods: The study is based on analysis of patient worksheets and recall sheets, completed by students in the Department of Cariology during the years 2015-2018. Results: A total of 68 out of 225 patients were included. At the first examination, 32% had high caries risk, which decreased to 19% in the recall examination. Patients with low caries risk increased from 22% to 32%. The majority of patients had a reduced caries incidence, averaging 0.375 units. In the first examination, 18% had caries incidence 0, which increased to 68%. All patients were treated with composite restorations and 7% of the restorations were considered unsuccessful, mainly due to loss of retention. The most common caries preventive measure was fluoride varnish, which was included in 73% of the treatment plans. Fluoride and dietary advice were performed in 45% of patients with high caries risk, compared with 13% in patients with low caries risk. Fluoride varnishing and oral hygiene instructions were performed to an equal extent regardless of caries risk.Conclusions: The majority of the patients at the student clinic were followed up and had a reduced caries incidence. Patients were assessed to have a lower caries risk after treatment. Fluoride and dietary advice are seen to a greater extent in patients with medium to high caries risk. No difference can be seen between the risk groups regarding treatment with fluoride varnish and oral hygiene instructions. The study shows no clear differences between treatment choices and the caries incidence of the patient after treatment. 7% of the total number of composite restorations was considered unsuccessful when followed up, mainly due to loss of retention.

Kariesriskbedömning inom barn- och ungdomstandvård

Brax Österholm, Tintin, Muric, Emina January 2019 (has links)
Aim: The aim of the study was to compile scientific studies that studied the reliability of the caries risk assessment instruments (CAMBRA, Cariogram and R2) and their capacity to predict future caries development in children and adolescents. Method: The study is a general literature study based on scientific articles obtained from the databases Dentistry &amp; Oral Sciences source (DOSS), PUBMED, CINAHL, SwePub and SveMed+. The articles were selected according to inclusion-/exclusion criteria. The included studies were reviewed with modified review template to present studies of strong value. The result is based on a total of 17 scientific articles that respond to the study's purpose and questions. Result: Caries risk assessment instrument is a useful tool in dental care, as it facilitates work with the risk grouping of patients. However, there is a need for further development of the various instruments in order for these to be considered fully reliable. Conclusion: The common feature of the three caries risk assessment instruments is that these should be reviewed and further developed in order to achieve full reliability. / Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att sammanställa vetenskapliga studier som studerat tillförlitligheten av kariesriskbedömningsinstrumenten (CAMBRA, Cariogram och R2) och deras kapacitet att förutse framtida kariesutveckling hos barn och ungdomar. Metod: Studien är en allmän litteraturstudie baserad på vetenskapliga artiklar hämtade från databaserna Dentistry &amp; Oral Sciences source (DOSS), PUBMED, CINAHL, SwePub och SveMed+. Artiklarna har valts ut med hjälp av inklusion- och exklutionskriterier. De inkluderade artiklarna granskades med hjälp av en modifierad kvalitetsgranskningsmall för att fastställa att studierna vara av hög validitet, reliabilitet och kvalitet. Resultatet baseras på totalt 17 vetenskapliga artiklar som svarar på studiens syfte och frågeställning. Resultat: Användning av de tre kariesriskbedömningsinstrumenten är ett bra hjälpmedel inom tandvården, då det underlättar vid riskgruppering av patienter. Dock finns ett stort behov av vidareutveckling av de olika instrumenten för att dessa ska anses fullt tillförlitliga. Slutsats: Gemensamt för de tre kariesriskbedömningsinstrumenten är att dessa bör granskas och vidareutvecklas för att full tillförlitlighet ska kunna uppnås.

Övervikt/fetma hos barn, ungdomar och unga vuxna i relation till vikt, viktutveckling och kariesförekomst.

Celsing Fåhraeus, Christina January 2012 (has links)
Fetma är en av världens snabbast växande sjukdomar och karies är fortfarande en vanlig sjukdom hos barn och ungdomar. Syftet med denna licentiatavhandling har varit att: beskriva frekvensen av övervikt och fetma från födseln till tjugo års ålder. analysera vikt och viktutvecklingen från födseln till vuxen ålder. undersöka prevalens av approximal karies hos femtonåringar i förhållande till deras åldersspecifika BMI (isoBMI). undersöka tidiga mellanmålsvanor och karies vid femton års ålder. I studien ingick 671 barn följda från 1 till 20 års ålder. Studien har en populationsbaserad longitudinell design och analyserna baserar sig på uppgifter från barnhälsovårds (BHV) -, skolhälsovårds (SHV)- och folktandvårdsjournaler (FTV) från fyra distrikt i Jönköpings kommun. Längd, vikt och födelsediagnoser är inhämtade från BHV- journaler. Från SHV journaler inhämtades längd och viktuppgifter vid 15 år och från FTV journaler inhämtades uppgifter om kariesförekomst vid 15 och 20 års ålder. Dessutom inhämtades data från intervjuer och frågeformulär, som samlats in då barnen var 1 och 3 år gamla. Studien visade att det finns ett samband mellan övervikt/fetma vid 20 års ålder och övervikt/fetma vid 5½ och 15 års ålder. Emellertid var 70 % av dem som hade övervikt/fetma vid 20 år normalviktiga vid 5½ år och 47 % av dem med övervikt/fetma var normalviktiga vid 15 års ålder. Studien visade också att tonåringar med övervikt och fetma hade en signifikant högre prevalens av approximal karies än de som var normalviktiga. Vidare påvisades ett samband mellan förtäring av kariesriskprodukter vid 1 och 3 år och kariesförekomst vid 15 år. Det framkom inget samband mellan födelsevikt och senare övervikt/fetma vid 20 års ålder. Studien visade inte heller något tydligt mönster av viktutvecklingen från tidig barndom till ung vuxen. Ett barn kunde t ex ha övervikt vid ett mättillfälle för att vid nästa mättillfälle vara normalviktig och sedan överviktig igen. Framtida preventionsprogram för att förebygga både fetma och karies bör samordnas mellan de olika hälsoprofessionerna. Med tanke på att minst hälften av individer som utvecklar övervikt/ fetma till 20 års ålder rekryterades efter 15 års ålder bör denna tonårsgrupp ges särskild uppmärksamhet och nya former för prevention och behandling behöver utvecklas. För barn i förskoleåldern bör primär prevention riktas till hela populationen. / Obesity is one of the most rapid growing illnesses and dental caries is still a common illness by children and youth. The aims of this licentiate thesis were: describe frequency of overweight and obesity from birth to twenty years of age. analyze weight and weight development from birth to adult age. examine prevalence of approximal dental caries by teenagers fifteen years of age comparing to their age-specific BMI (isoBMI). examine early snacking habits and dental caries at the age of fifteen. The investigations have a population based longitudinal design and the analyses are based on data from 671 children followed from birth to 20 years of age. Information about weight and height were collected from health records at child health centers and school health care. At 20 years of age, weight and height measurements were performed by one of the authors. Data were also selected from caries examinations, interviews and questionnaires when the children were 1 and 3 years of age and from the children’s bitewing radiographs at 15 years of age. The result showed an association between overweight/obesity at 20 years and overweight/obesity at 5½ and 15 years. However, 70% of those who were overweight/obese at 20 years were of normal weight at 5½ years and 47% at 15 years. The majority of those who were overweight/obese at 20 years of age were recruited after 5.5 years of age and half of them in their late teens. Another finding was that overweight and obese adolescents had more approximal caries than normal-weight adolescents. Furthermore, consumption of snacking products and soft drinks at an early age appears to be associated with caries at 15 years of age. There was no connection found between birth weight and later overweight/obesity at 20 years of age. The study could not demonstrate any distinct patterns of the weight development from early childhood to young adult. A child could, for example, have overweight/obesity at one measurement, have normal weight at the next and then again have overweight/obesity at the third measurement. Because dental caries and overweight/obesity have common determinants further prevention measures should include strategies to prevent and reduce both overweight/obesity and dental caries in the young population. During the preschool period, the entire population should be the target of primary prevention from overweight/obesity, while, in the case of teenagers, prevention strategies should be developed for the whole population and treatment strategies for teenagers with established overweight/obesity.

Kariesprophylaxe als multifaktorielle Präventionsstrategie

Zimmer, Stefan 19 September 2000 (has links)
Gesundheitspolitische Bestrebungen haben im Bereich der zahnmedizinischen Prophylaxe unter anderem die Förderung der häuslichen Mundhygiene sowie Programme zur Kariesprophylaxe bei Risikogruppen im Rahmen der Gruppenprophylaxe zum Ziel. Daher wurden in zwei Studien unterschiedliche Programme zur Betreuung von Kariesrisikokindern untersucht. In drei weiteren Studien wurde die Wirksamkeit neu entwickelter manueller und elektrischer Zahnbürsten im Rahmen der häuslichen Mundhygiene untersucht. ·Studien zur Betreuung von Kariesrisikokindern a)Ein individualisiertes Programm mit vierteljährlich durchgeführten professionellen Zahnreinigungen und der Anwendung eines niedrig dosierten Fluoridlackes (0,1% Fluorid) zeigte nach zwei Jahren im Vergleich zu einer Kontrollgruppe keinen kariesprophylaktischen Effekt. Die Kinder waren zu Beginn neun Jahre alt. Die Maßnahmen fanden in der Zahnklinik statt. b)Bei Grundschülern ergab eine zweimal jährlich durchgeführte Touchierung der Zähne mit einem Lack mit 2,26% Fluorid eine Kariesreduktion von 37% (p / In these days, politics is aimed at enhancing dental prophylaxis by supporting non professional oral hygiene measures. In addition, special programs are promoted which focus on caries prevention in high risk groups as part of dental group prophylaxis. In two studies, therefore, the effectiveness of different programs for caries risk-children was examined. In three other studies, the effectiveness of newly developed manual and electrical toothbrushes was tested. ·Caries risk studies a)An individualized program with professional toothcleaning and the application of a low dose fluoride varnish (0.1% fluoride) was performed four times a year. After two years of implementation this program did not show a caries preventive effect when compared to a control group. b)In primary school children a high dose fluoride varnish (2.26% fluoride) was applicated two times a year over a period of four years. This was done in the school within the group prophylaxis. This measure resulted in a 37% caries reduction (p

Children with orofacial clefts : dental caries and health-related quality of life

Sundell, Anna Lena January 2016 (has links)
Background. The current understanding on caries and enamel developmental defects prevalence and frequency, caries risk, health-related quality life (HRQoL) and stress response in young children with cleft lip and/or palate (CL/P) are sparse. In this thesis these aspects were investigated in 5- and 10- year-old children with CL/P in comparison to non-cleft children in the same ages. Design. The studies in this thesis have a cross-sectional case-control design. Participants. The study group consisted of 139 children with CL/P (80 children aged 5 years and 59 aged 10 years) and 313 non-cleft controls (144 children aged 5 years and 169 aged 10 years). Method. Caries was scored according to International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS II) and developmental enamel defects were measured as presence and frequency of hypoplasia and hypomineralization. Oral hygiene was assessed using Quigley-Hein plaque index. Stimulated saliva samples were analyzed for mutans streptococci, lactobacilli, buffering capacity and secretion rates. Information regarding children’s oral hygiene routines, dietary habits and fluoride exposure were collected with questionnaires. Caries risk was evaluated with algorithm-based software, Cariogram while HRQoL was perceived with KIDSCREEN-52. Stress response was analyzed with cortisol concentration in saliva at three different time points using a commercial competitive radioimmunoassay. Results. Caries prevalence (36% versus 18%) and caries frequency (1.2 dmfs versus 0.9 dmfs) was significantly higher in 5-year-old children with CL/P in comparison to non-cleft controls. In 10-yearolds no significant difference was found between children with CL/P and non-cleft controls in caries prevalence (47% versus 38%) or in caries frequency (0.7 DMFS versus 0.5 DMFS). Children with CL/P had significantly higher prevalence of enamel defects, higher counts of salivary lactobacilli and less good oral hygiene. The odds of being categorized with high caries risk were elevated in children with CL/P. Children with CL/P had similar HRQoL and salivary cortisol concentrations as non-cleft controls. However, 10-year-old boys with CL/P had significantly higher cortisol concentrations in the evening than non-cleft boys. Conclusions. Preschool children with CL/P seem to have more caries in the primary dentition than non-cleft controls. Children with CL/P had increased odds of being categorized as high caries risk individuals compared to controls. Some of the contributing factors seem to be higher prevalence of enamel defects, impaired oral hygiene and elevated salivary lactobacilli. Furthermore, as measured with the help of cortisol concentrations in saliva, children with CL/P were not more stressed than noncleft controls and their HRQoL was comparable to a European norm population. It appears that regular comprehensive preventive oral care in children with CL/P is effective in preventing caries development in permanent teeth. However, children with CL/P are at risk of caries development and preventive oral care should be implemented and started earlier than today.

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