Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cathodic"" "subject:"pathodicy""
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Desenvolvimento e teste de um prot?tipo de reator de plasma com gaiola cat?dica rotat?ria para nitreta??o em lote de pequenas pe?asAra?jo Filho, Lino 09 August 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-08-09 / The technique of ion nitriding, despite being fully consolidated in the industry, has
great limitations when applied to the treatment of small parts. This is because effects
that occur due to non-uniformity of the electric field, generate localized heating in
parts, damaging the uniformity of nitrided layer. In addition, because the samples are
treated static parts thereof are untreated. To expand the use of plasma nitriding, this
work presents the development, assembly and testing of a prototype plasma reactor
with rotatory cathodic cage [patent pending], able to meet these needs, giving the
material a uniform treatment and opening doors to industrial scale production. The
samples tested with hexagonal nuts are 6.0 mm in diameter, made of stainless steel
AISI 304 nitrided at a pressure of 1 mbar in an atmosphere of 20% H2 + 80% N2 for
1 h. After treatment, testing visual inspection, optical microscopy and microhardness
were carried out to check the effectiveness of the process for uniformity and
hardness of the parts. All samples exhibited uniform color, and matte brownish,
unlike the untreated samples, silver color and gloss. The hardness of the surface (top
and sides) was 65% and even higher than the original hardness. The nitrided layer
showed great uniformity in microstructure and thickness. It is concluded, therefore,
that the unit was effective constructed for the purposes for which it was designed / A t?cnica de nitreta??o i?nica, apesar de estar plenamente consolidada na ind?stria,
possui grande limita??o quando aplicada ao tratamento de pe?as pequenas. Isso
acontece porque efeitos que ocorrem devido a n?o uniformidade do campo el?trico,
geram aquecimentos localizados nas pe?as, prejudicando a uniformidade da
camada nitretada. Al?m disso, pelo fato das amostras serem tratadas de maneira
est?tica, partes das mesmas ficam sem tratamento. Para ampliar o uso da nitreta??o
a plasma, este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento, montagem e teste de um
prot?tipo de reator de plasma com gaiola cat?dica rotat?ria [patente requerida],
capaz de atender a essas necessidades, conferindo ao material um tratamento
uniforme e abrindo portas ? produ??o em escala industrial. As amostras submetidas
ao teste s?o porcas sextavadas de 6,0 mm de di?metro, fabricadas em a?o
inoxid?vel AISI 304, nitretadas numa press?o de 1 mbar em atmosfera de 20%H2 +
80%N2, durante 1 h. Ap?s o tratamento, ensaios de inspe??es visuais, microscopia
?tica e microdureza foram realizadas a fim de conferir a efic?cia do processo quanto
? uniformidade e dureza das pe?as. Todas as amostras apresentaram cor uniforme,
amarronzada e fosca, ao contr?rio das amostras sem tratamento, de cor prata e
brilhosas. A dureza da superf?cie (topo e lateral) mostrou-se uniforme e 65% superior
? dureza original, considerado o tempo de tratamento. A camada nitretada
apresentou grande uniformidade na microestrutura e espessura. Conclui-se,
portanto, que o equipamento constru?do mostrou efic?cia para os fins a que foi
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Desenvolvimento de um equipamento para avaliação da susceptibilidade à fragilização por hidrogênio / Development of an equipment to evaluate the susceptibility to hydrogen assisted crackingMartiniano, Guilherme Antonelli 28 December 2016 (has links)
FAPEMIG - Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / A fragilização por hidrogênio tem sido um problema constante em diferentes setores da indústria. Por ser o menor átomo existente, o hidrogênio difunde-se na microestrutura dos materiais metálicos, inserindo tensões mecânicas internas que podem, eventualmente, levar a uma falha catastrófica. Atualmente, os métodos mais comuns existentes para analisar este fenômeno são lentos e caros, configurando-se assim a necessidade de desenvolver um método de ensaio que não possua tais desvantagens. No presente trabalho, apresenta-se o desenvolvimento de um equipamento cuja função é avaliar de forma rápida a susceptibilidade à fragilização por hidrogênio (SFH) dos materiais metálicos através de ensaios de carregamento progressivo em meio assistido (RSL). Este equipamento apresenta uma grande vantagem em relação aos outros métodos avaliação da SFH, que é o menor tempo de ensaio para se ter resultados representativos. Na presente dissertação foram realizadas a concepção, projeto, simulação em elementos finitos, construção e validação do equipamento. Sua validação foi realizada ensaiando-se uma amostra sem entalhe,cuja tensão mecânica medida foi comparada com aquela retornada pelo software do RSL. Além disso, foi calculada a incerteza de medição relacionada ao cálculo da tensão mecânica na amostra. Os ensaios de verificação do desempenho do RSL foram realizados em amostras de aço AISI 4140 beneficiado com dureza de 40HRC, onde foi avaliada a relação entre o nível de potencial catódico aplicado e a SFH do material das amostras. Os resultados obtidos na validação do equipamento mostraram erros inferiores a 1%. Os resultados mostraram um aumento da SFH com o aumento da dureza indicando que há uma elevada sensibilidade da SFH em relação à dureza da amostra. Os ensaios com variação do potencial catódico mostraram uma relação direta entre esse parâmetro e a SFH da amostra, havendo uma saturação na SFH a partir de -1,1 VAg/AgCl. / Hydrogen embrittlement of metallic materials has been a frequent problem in different
industry sectors. Because it is the smallest existing atom, hydrogen diffuses into the
microstructure of metallic materials, resulting in internal mechanical stresses that may
eventually lead to a catastrophic failure. The most common methods available to analyze this
phenomenon are time consuming and expensive. For this reason, it is desired to develop a
test method that does not have such disadvantages. In this work it is presented the
development of an equipment to rapidly evaluate the susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement
(SHE) of the metallic materials using the rising step load (RSL) bend testing in assisted
environment. This equipment has a great advantage over the other evaluation methods of
SHE, which is the shortest test time to have representative results. The validation of the
infrastructure was performed by testing bars without notches to, whose measured
mechanical stress was compared with that returned by the RSL software. In addition, the
measurement uncertainty related to the calculation of the mechanical stress in the sample
was calculated. The tests to verify the performance of the RSL equipment were carried out
on samples of steel AISI 4140 heat treated to a hardness of 40HRC. The effect of the
cathodic potential applied to notched bars of AISI 4140 on the SHE was evaluated. The
results obtained in the validation phase of the equipment showed errors lower than 1%. The
results showed also an increase in SHE with increasing material hardness indicating that
there is a high sensitivity to the SHE with respect to the hardness of the sample. The tests
carried out using cathodic potential variation showed a direct relationship between this
parameter and the SHE of the sample, with saturation of the SHE at -1.1 VAg/AgCl. / Dissertação (Mestrado)
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Corrosion Protection of Aluminum Alloy 2024-T3 by Al-Rich PrimerWang, Xi 17 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Electrolyte Transport And Interfacial Initiation Mechanisms Of Zinc Rich Epoxy Nanocoating/Substrate System Under Corrosive EnvironmentMaya Visuet, Enrique 26 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Voltametrijske metode zasnovane na ugljeničnim elektrodama modifikovane kompozitima na bazi višezidnih ugljeničnih nanocevi i čestica bizmuta ili antimona za određivanje odabranih ciljnih analita / Voltammetric methods based on carbon electrodes modified with multi walled carbon nanotubes and bismuth and antimony particles based composites for determination of selected target analytesPetrović Sandra 12 September 2019 (has links)
<p>Cilj ove doktorske disertacija bio je razvoj novih, osetljivih, selektivnih i ekonomski<br />isplativih voltametrijskih radnih elektroda za praćenje odabranih analita kako u<br />laboratorijskim tako i pri terenskim uslovima. Ispitivana je mogućnost primene ovih radnih elektroda primenom voltametrijskih metoda kako u model rastvorima tako i u pojedinim realnim sistemima. SW-ASV zasnovana na elektrodama od staklastog ugljenika površinski modifikovanim Bi-MWCNT i BiOCl-MWCNT je primenjena za određivanje jona Pb(II) i Cd(II) pri optimizovanim uslovima merenja. Određivanje ciljnih jona vršeno je pri radnom potencijalu od -1,2 V (izmeren u odnosu na zasićenu kalomelovu elektrodu) i vremenu<br />elektrodepozicije jona od 120 s. Sva merenja su izvršena u rastvoru acetatnog pufera čija je pH-vrednost iznosila 4,0. Primenjeni koncentracioni opseg ciljnih analita iznosio je od 5 do 50 μg dm <sup>-3</sup> . Primenom ovog tipa elektrode dobijene su vrednosti granice detekcije za jone Pb(II) i Cd(II) 0,57 μg dm <sup>-3 </sup>i 1,2 μg dm<sup>-3</sup> , redom. Dobijena RSD iznosila je manje od 10% za oba jona. Ova metoda je primenjena i za određivanje ciljnih jona u realnom uzorku porne vode sedimenta a rezultati dobijeni optimizovanom voltametrijskom metodom su u dobroj saglasnosti sa rezultatima koji su dobijeni primenom komparativne GFAAS metode. Bizmut oksihlorid-višezidne ugljenične nanocevi kompozitni materijal je primenjen za površinsko modifikovanje elektrode od staklastog ugljenika za brzo i jednostavno voltametrijsko određivanje tragova Zn(II)-jona primenom SW-ASV metode. BiOClMWCNT/GCE je pokazala linearan analitički odgovor u osegu koncentracija od 2,50 do 80,0 μg dm <sup>-3 </sup>sa dobijenom vrednošću GD 0,75 μg dm<sup>-3 </sup>pri akumulacionom vremenu od 120 s i potencijalu elektrodepozicije -1,40 V u odnosu na ZKE. Merenja su vršena u acetatnom puferu pH 4,5. Dobijena RSD iznosila je 4,8 %. Upoređene su performanse novodizajnirane BiOCl-MWCNT/GCE elektrode i tradicionalne elektrode na bazi bizmut filma (BiF/GCE), MWCNT/GCE, BiF-MWCNT/GCE i nemodifikovane GC elektrode. Novodizajnirana elektroda je primenjena za detekciju i određivanje Zn(II)-jona u realnim uzorcima kao što su<br />dijetetski suplement i pekarski kvasac. Dobijeni rezultati su uporedivi sa deklarisanom vrednošću u slučaju dijetetskog suplementa a u slučaju pekarskog kvasca sa rezultatima dobijenih komparativnom FAAS .<br />Elektroda od ugljenične paste je površinski modifikovana pripremljenim kompozitom<br />koji je izgrađen od višezidnih ugljeničnih nanocevi i čestica Sb<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3.</sub> Kompozitni materijal je okarakterisan primenom TEM, EDS i XRD mernih tehnika. Sb<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>-MWCNT/CPE je okarakterisana primenom ciklične voltametrije a merenja su vršena u rastvoru hlorovodonične kiseline (pH 2,0). Primenom SW-ASV metode ova radna elektroda je upotrebljena za određivanje jona Pb(II) i Cd(II) u koncentracionom opsegu 2,0-40,0 μg dm <sup>-3 </sup>za Pb(II)-jon i 2,0-40,0 μg dm <sup>-3</sup> za Cd(II)-jon pri čemu su dobijene dobre linearne zavisnosti za oba ciljna jona. Optimalna procedura uključuje primenu Sb2O3-MWCNT/CPE u 0,01 mol dm <sup>-3</sup><br />hlorovodoničnoj kiselini uz vreme elektrodepozicije jona iz rastvora od 120 s na potencijaluod -1,2 V, pri čemu su dobijene vrednosti za GD 1,1 μg dm <sup>-3</sup> Cd(II) i 1,6 μg dm <sup>-3</sup> Pb(II). Optimizovana metoda zasnovana na ovom tipu voltametrijskog senzora je uspešno primenjena za određivanje jona Cd(II) u obogaćenom uzorku česmenske vode, gde su se dobijene vrednosti u saglasnosti sa očekivanom. Elektroda od ugljenične paste površinski je modifikovana primenom Sb<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>-MWCNT nanokompozitnog materijala i primenjena za direktno voltametrijsko određivanje imidakloprida u model rastvorima. U cilju postizanja što boljih analitičkih performansi optimizovani su eksperimentalni uslovi merenja kao što su pH-vrednost rastvora pomoćnog elektrolita i kondicioniranje površine voltametrijskog senzora. Kao optimalna pH-vrednost pomoćnog elektolita (Britton-Robinsonovog pufera) odabrana je pH 7,0, a ponavljanje ciklusa cikliranja najmanje 4 puta povoljno utiče na stabilnost voltametrijskih signala. Optimizovana metoda primenjena je za SW direktno katodno određivanje imidakloprida u koncentracionom intervalu od 1,41 do 32,77 μg cm <sup>-3</sup> uz dobijeni korelacioni faktor od 0,9995. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da su razvijene analitičke metode pre svega osetljive, selektivne, reproduktivne i jednostavne što omogućava njihovu primenu za veliki broj uzoraka. Merenjima u model i realnim rastvorima dokazana je mogućnost njihove primene u komplikovanim matriksima, pri različitim pH vredostima pri čemu su dobijeni<br />rezultati koji su u saglasnosti sa rezultatima primenjenih komparativnih metoda. Naravno, za dobijanje reprezentativnih rezultata neohodno je izvršiti optimizaciju uslova merenja što podrazumeva sam odabir supstrat-elektrode, odabir površinskog modifikatora i optimizaciju eksperimentalnih uslova merenja.</p> / <p>The aim of this Ph.D. thesis was the development of new, sensitive, selective and economically viable voltametric working electrode for continuous monitoring of different target analytes. The use of these advantaged working electrodes was investigated using voltametric methods both in model solutions and in certain real systems.SW-ASV based on glassy carbon electrode surface modified with Bi- MWCNT and BiOCl-MWCNT were applied for determination of Pb(II) and Cd(II) ions. Voltametric determination of Pb(II) and Cd(II) ions was performed at working potential of -1.2 V (measured against the saturated calomel electrode) and time of electrodeposition of 120 s. All measurements were performed in acetate buffer solution pH 4.0. Concentration range of targetanalites were 5-50 μg dm -3 . Using this type of electrode, obtained detection limits for Pb(II) and Cd(II) ions were 0.57 μg dm -3 and 1.2 μg dm -3 , respectively, with RSD lower than 10%.This method was applied for target ions determination in sediment pore water sample, and obtained results are comparable with those who are obtained using GFAAS method. Bismuth oxychloride-multiwalled carbon nanotubes composite material was applied for surface modification of the glass-carbon electrode for quick and simple voltametric determination of Zn(II) ions using the SW-ASV method. BiOCl-MWCNT/GCE showed a linear analytical response in a concentration from 2.50 to 80.0 μg dm -3 with a value of detection limit 0.75 μg dm -3 at a acumulation time of 120 s and an electrodeposition potential of -1.40 V vs. saturated calomel electrode. Measurements were carried out in acetate buffer pH 4.5. The obtained value of the RSD was 4.8%. The performance of the newly designed BiOCl-MWCNT/GCE electrode, traditional bismuth-based electrode (BiF/GCE), MWCNT/GCE, BiF-MWCNT/GCE and unmodified GC electrodes were compared. The applied electrode shows very good electroanalytic properties when determining this target ion. Obtained results are in good agreement with declared value in case of dietetic suplement, and in the brewer’s yeast sample results were comparable with FAAS results. Carbon paste electrode surface modified with new composite material based on multiwalled carbon nanotubes and Sb2O3 particles. The composite is characterized by TEM, EDS and XRD measurment. Sb2O3- MWCNT/CPE was characterized by cyclic voltammetry and measurements were carried out in a hydrochloric acid solution (pH 2.0). Using the SWASV method, this working electrode was used to determine Pb(II), Cd(II) ions in the concentration range from 2.0 to 40.0 μg dm -3 for Pb(II) and 2.0-40.0 μg dm -3 for Cd(II) ions. Newly designed sensor showed good linear dependences for both target ions. The most optimal procedure involving application of Sb2O3-MWCNT/CPE in .01 mol dm -3 hydrochloric acid, with electroposition time of target ions 120 s at a electrodeposition potential of -1.2 V. Obtained values of LOD 1,1 μg dm -3 for Cd(II) and for 1,6 μg dm -3 Pb(II) ions. An optimized method based on this type of voltametric sensor has been successfully applied for determination of Cd(II) ion in a spiked tap water sample. Results obtained during this measurment were in tune with expected results. CPE was surface modified using Sb2O3-MWCNT nanocomposite material and tested for direct voltametric determination of imidacloprid in model solutions. In order to achieve the best analytical performance, experimental conditions of measurement such as the pH value of the supporting electrolyte and conditioning of the voltametric sensor surface havebeen optimized. As an optimum pH value of the supporting electrolyte (Britton-Robinson buffer), a pH 7.0 was selected, and the repeating cycles of the cycling process at least 4 times favorably influenced the stability of the voltametric signals. The optimized method was applied for the SW direct cathodic determination of imidacloprid in the concentration range from 1.41 to 32.77 μg cm -3 with obtained correlation factor of 0.9995. Based on results it can be concluded that developed analytical methods are sensitive, selective, reproducibile and simple, which can enable their application for various number of samples. Measurements in the model and real solutions have demonstrated the possibility of their application in complicated matrices, at different pH, whereby obtained results are in accordance with the results of the applied comparative methods. For obtainig of representative results it is necessary to optimize conditions of measurment which include: selection of substrat electrode, surface modifier and optimization of experimental condition.</p>
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