Spelling suggestions: "subject:"celestial"" "subject:"celestials""
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Barns tankar och idéer om himlakropparnas rörelse : Vanliga astronomiska missförstånd / Children’s Thoughts and Ideas About Celestial Motion : Common astronomical misconceptionsJohansson, Elin January 2014 (has links)
Sammanfattning De flesta barn fängslas och visar intresse för temat rymden och finner vanligtvis att det är ett mycket intressant ämne. Fokusgruppen har varit elever i årskurs 4-6 och efter några större bortfall var det slutligen elever ifrån 8 klasser som deltog, totalt 94 elever. Eleverna fick svara på en enkät där eleverna i både text och bild bland annat fick förklara hur de trodde att objekten i sol–jord–månsystemet samverkade och rörde sig i förhållande till varandra, vad de placerade i centrum för detta system, hur de såg på orsaken till årstider samt varför vi har dag och natt. De två pedagogerna som undervisade klasserna fick svara på några frågor om hur de såg på undervisningen om astronomi, om den undervisningsmetod de använde sig av och på elevernas lärande och förståelse för ämnet astronomi. I denna undersökning kunde samma typer av missuppfattningar ses hos dessa elever, som de missuppfattningar som har dykt upp i en rad olika undersökningar som genomförts tidigare år med andra barn ifrån olika länder. Några av de missuppfattningar som fanns hos eleverna i denna undersökning var bland annat att jorden var mittpunkten, något som en femtedel av eleverna visade. Att sol och måne låg i samma omloppsbana runt jorden, årstiderna orsakas av att avståndet till solen förändras och att dag/natt beror på jordens omloppsbana runt solen var några andra missuppfattningar som rådde bland eleverna. Användandet av konkret material och 3D-modeller i undervisningen om rymden tycks vara en viktig del för elevernas förståelse av området. Nyckelord: undervisning om rymden – astronomiska missförstånd – årstider – dag/natt – omloppsbanor i sol–jord–månsystemet / Abstract Most children find astronomy an interesting subject and usually show an interest during lessons about the subject. The focus group in this paper is Swedish students in school year 4-6. In total there were 94 students from eight classes who answered the survey with simple drawings and explanations about for example how they thought the objects Sun–Earth–Moon orbit each other, which object they placed as the center in this system, what causes season and the reason behind day and night. Two teachers whom educate the students answered some questions about their teaching method, their thoughts about the subject in question and the students learning and understanding of astronomy. In the study that are presented in this paper the same types of astronomical misconceptions can be seen amongst these students, that has been shown in similar studies of children all over the world. 20 % of the children in this study showed an earth centered Sun–Earth–Moon system. Other misconceptions that were shown was: the sun and the moon shares the same orbit around the earth, that the seasons are caused by the distance to the sun changing and that day and night happens because the earth orbits the sun. The use of concrete material and 3D-models in the education seemed to be important for the students understanding of the subject. Keywords: Astronomy education – astronomy misconceptions – seasons – day/night – Celestial Motion in the Sun–Earth–Moon system
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Dissipation des marées thermiques atmosphériques dans les super-Terres / Tidal dissipation of thermal atmospheric tides in super-EarthsAuclair-Desrotour, Pierre 16 September 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse traite de la modélisation des marées fluides des planètes telluriques du système solaire et des systèmes exoplanétaires.En premier lieu, nous examinons la réponse de marée des couches atmosphériques, soumises au potentiel de marée gravifique et au forçage thermique de l’étoile hôte du système. Nous proposons un nouveau modèle global prenant en compte les processus dissipatifs avec un refroidissement newtonien, modèle à partir duquel nous traitons la dynamique des ondes de marées engendrées par ces forçages, et quantifions leur dissipation, le nombre de Love et le couple de marée exercé sur la couche atmosphérique en fonction de la fréquence de forçage. Ceci nous permet d'étudier l'ensemble des configurations possibles depuis les planètes au voisinage de la synchronisation telles que Vénus jusqu'aux rotateurs rapides tels que la Terre.En second lieu, nous développons une approche similaire pour les océans de planètes de type terrestre, où la friction visqueuse effective de la topographie est prise en compte, à partir de laquelle nous quantifions la réponse de marée d’un océan global potentiellement profond et sa dépendance à la fréquence d’excitation. Dans ce cadre, et ce grâce à des modèles locaux, nous caractérisons de manière détaillée les propriétés des spectres en fréquence de la dissipation engendrée par les ondes de marées au sein des couches fluides planétaires (et stellaires) en fonction des paramètres structurels et dynamiques de ces dernières (rotation, stratification, viscosité et diffusivité thermique). / This thesis deals with the modeling of fluid tides in terrestrial planets of the Solar system and exoplanetary systems.First, we examine the tidal response of atmospheric layers, submitted to the tidal gravitational potential and the thermal forcing of the host star of the system. We propose a new global model taking into account dissipative processes with a Newtonian cooling, model that we use to treat the dynamics of tidal waves generated by these forcings, and to quantify their dissipation, the Love number and the tidal torque exerted on the atmospheric layer as a function of the forcing frequency. This allows us to study possible configurations from planets close to synchronization such as Venus to rapid rotators such as the Earth.Second, we develop a similar approach for the oceans of terrestrial planets where the action of topography is taken into account thanks to an effective viscous friction. From this modeling, we quantify the tidal response of a potentially deep global ocean and its dependence of the tidal frequency. In this framework, and by using local models, we characterize in detail the properties of the frequency spectra of dissipation generated by tidal waves within fluid planetary (and stellar) layers as functions of the structural and dynamical parameters of these latters (rotation, stratification, viscosity and thermal diffusivity).
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Rotation à long terme des corps célestes et application à Cérès et Vesta / Long-term rotation of celestial bodies and application to Ceres and VestaVaillant, Timothée 06 July 2018 (has links)
Le sujet de cette thèse est l'étude de la rotation à long terme des corps célestes.La première partie est consacrée à l’étude de la rotation à long terme de Cérès et Vesta, les deux corps les plus massifs de la ceinture principale d’astéroïdes. Ils sont l’objet d’étude de la sonde spatiale Dawn, qui a permis de déterminer précisément les caractéristiques physiques et de rotation nécessaires au calcul de leurs rotations. La distribution de glace sous et à la surface de Cérès dépend du mouvement de son axe de rotation par le biais de l’obliquité, inclinaison de l’équateur sur l’orbite. Les rotations de Cérès et Vesta étant rapides, l’évolution à long terme des axes de rotation de Cérès et Vesta a été obtenue à l'aide d'une intégration symplectique des équations de la rotation, où une moyenne a été réalisée sur la rotation propre rapide. La stabilité des axes de rotation de Cérès et Vesta a été étudiée en fonction des paramètres de la rotation avec un modèle séculaire semi-analytique, qui a permis de montrer que les axes de rotation ne présentaient pas de caractère chaotique.La seconde partie concerne le développement d'intégrateurs symplectiques dédiés au corps solide. L'intégration de la rotation propre d'un corps solide nécessite d’intégrer les équations issues du hamiltonien du corps solide libre. Ce hamiltonien est certes intégrable et présente une solution explicite nécessitant l’usage des fonctions elliptiques de Jacobi, cependant le coût numérique de ces fonctions est élevé. Lorsque le hamiltonien du corps solide libre est couplé avec une énergie potentielle, l’orientation du corps doit être calculée à chaque pas d’intégration, ce qui augmente le temps de calcul. Des intégrateurs symplectiques ont ainsi été précédemment proposés pour le corps solide libre. Dans ce travail, des intégrateurs spécifiques au corps solide ont été développés en utilisant les propriétés de l’algèbre de Lie du moment cinétique. / This thesis concerns the long-term rotation of celestial bodies.The first part is a study of the long-term rotation of Ceres and Vesta, the two heaviest bodies of the main asteroid belt. The spacescraft Dawn studied these two objects and determined the physical and rotational characteristics, which are necessary for the computation of their rotations. The ice distribution under and on the surface of Ceres depends on the evolution of the obliquity, which is the inclination of the equatorial plane on the orbital plane. As the rotations of Ceres and Vesta are fast, the long-term evolution of the spin axes of Ceres and Vesta was obtained by realizing a symplectic integration of the equations of the rotation averaged on the fast proper rotation. The stability of the spin axes of Ceres and Vesta was studied with respect to the parameters of the rotation with a secular and semi-analytical model, which allowed to show that the spin axes are not chaotic.The second part concerns the development of symplectic integrators dedicated to the rigid body. The integration of the proper rotation of a rigid body needs to integrate the equations given by the Hamiltonian of the free rigid body. This Hamiltonian is integrable and presents an explicit solution using the Jacobi elliptic functions. However, the numerical cost of these functions is high. When the Hamiltonian of the free rigid body is coupled to a potential energy, the orientation of the body is needed at each step, which increases the computation time. Symplectic integrators were then previously proposed for the free rigid body. In this work, symplectic integrators dedicated to the rigid body were developed using the properties of the Lie algebra of the angular momentum.
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Právní režim přírodních zdrojů na nebeských tělesech / Legal regime of natural resources o f celestial bodiesPepřík, Šimon January 2021 (has links)
1 Legal regime of natural resources of celestial bodies Abstract The aim of this thesis is to describe the legal regime of the natural resources of celestial bodies. In recent months and years, there has been an increase in debates regarding mining on the moon and asteroids and this thesis dedicates its seven parts to the legal regime of such activities. In particular, whether such activities are possible from the point of view of international law, how are they regulated and what are the potential future developments in this area. In order to understand the legal regime governing the natural resources of celestial bodies, it is necessary to first become acquainted with the essential concepts of space law, including outer space, celestial bodies and outer space resources, whose definition is the subject of the first part of the thesis. The second part describes the development of international space law, from the first mentions in legal commentary to the creation of two important international documents in this area, the Outer Space Treaty and the Moon Agreement. Both international treaties are analysed and compared in individual chapters both in terms of their international acceptance and in terms of the regulation of activities in the field of outer space resources. Subsequently, their possible future...
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Dynamique résonante des systèmes de Super-Terres / Resonant dynamics of Super-Earth systemsPichierri, Gabriele 23 September 2019 (has links)
Les observations de centaines de systèmes d’exoplanètes nous ont fourni un large échantillon de configurations orbitales. Les périodes orbitales figurent parmi les données les mieux connues et les plus étonnantes. Les Super-Terres, ces planètes caractérisées par une masse entre 1 et 20 masses terrestres et une période typiquement de moins de 100 jours, sont présentes autour de la plupart des étoiles. La distribution des rapports de leurs périodes orbitales défie les astrophysiciens : pendant leur formation et migration au sein de leur disque protoplanétaire, elles devraient former des chaînes de résonances de moyen mouvement, c’est-à-dire que les rapports des périodes orbitales de planètes voisines devraient être proches de fractions simples. Toutefois, la plupart des systèmes de Super-Terres ne sont pas résonants. Dans cette thèse, je traite les aspects clés des chaînes résonantes : leur formation, leur évolution et leur stabilité. Premièrement, j’introduis les idées modernes en théorie de formation planétaire, et les méthodes utilisées dans la thèse : la mécanique Hamiltonienne, le problème planétaire et la théorie perturbative. Deuxièmement, je présente le processus de capture en résonance de moyen mouvement du premier ordre k : k − 1 par migration convergente des planètes, avec une nouvelle description analytique de l’évolution planétaire qui en suit, et je décris la dynamique résonante dans le plan orbital commun. La description analytique est confirmée par des intégrations N-corps qui incluent les interactions disque-planète. Ensuite, je me base sur des résultats existants concernant l’évolution dissipative de deux planètes en résonance qui engendre la divergence de leurs demi-grands axes. Par une approche similaire, je présente une méthode statistique qui permet de déterminer dans quelle mesure l’architecture observée d’un système de trois planètes est compatible avec une histoire dynamique résonante dissipative. Je considère par la suite la stabilité des chaînes résonantes. Des études antérieures ont montré que l’absence de systèmes exoplanétaires résonants n’est pas en contradiction avec le modèle de capture en résonance par migration dans le disque, si une phase d’instabilité est très commune après la disparition du disque. On observe un taux d’instabilité plus élevé dans les systèmes synthétiques plus compacts et peuplés par des planètes plus massives. Des simulations N-corps dédiées à l’étude de la stabilité des chaînes résonantes ont montré qu’il y a une masse planétaire maximale qui garantit la stabilité ; cette masse limite diminue si les planètes sont plus massives et/ou si la chaîne résonante est plus compacte. J’étudie la stabilité des chaînes résonantes de planètes en fonction de leur masse commune, et j’examine de façon analytique et numérique des cas spécifiques de systèmes comprenant deux ou trois planètes. Je découvre un mécanisme dynamique qui peut déclencher une excitation du système, et qui mène à une phase de rencontres proches et collisions. Ce mécanisme se généralise à différents nombres de planètes et/ou à des chaînes résonantes plus ou moins compactes, et donne une prédiction analytique de la masse critique qui est en accord qualitatif avec les expériences numériques mentionnées précédemment. Enfin, je décris un scénario dynamique qui peut expliquer la pollution des naines blanches en éléments lourds. Les systèmes planétaires compacts peuvent devenir instables pendant la phase de perte de masse qui marque la fin de l’évolution stellaire, et les impacts entre planètes génèrent des débris. En m’appuyant sur des résultats précédents, je montre que l’excentricité orbitale des débris qui résident en résonance de moyen mouvement avec une planète externe peut devenir suffisamment élevée pour que les débris soient engloutis par l’étoile, ce qui peut expliquer la pollution observée. / Observations of hundreds of exoplanetary systems have produced a huge sample of orbital configurations, and the orbital periods are one of their better constrained and most astonishing properties. A common type of exoplanets are the Super-Earths, which have a mass between 1 and 20 Earth masses and a typical period of less than 100 days. The period ratio distribution of these planets poses a challenge to astrophysicists: during their formation, still embedded in the protoplanetary disc, we expect them to form chains of mean motion resonances, where the period ratio of neighbouring planets is close to a low-integer ratio. However, most Super-Earth systems are not close to resonance. In this thesis, I discuss key dynamical aspects of resonant chains: their formation, their evolution and their stability. I first give an overview of our current understanding of planetary formation, and an introduction of the methods used in the thesis: the tools of Hamiltonian dynamics, the planetary problem and perturbation theory. Then, I present the process of capture of planets migrating in protoplanetary discs into first order k : k − 1 mean motion resonances, including a novel analytical description of the corresponding planetary evolution, and I describe the relevant aspects of resonant dynamics in the planar approximation. The analytical treatment is supported by numerical N-body simulations which include the planet-disc interactions. Next, I expand on previous results on two-planet dissipative evolution in mean motion resonance and the resulting divergence of the planets’ semi-major axes. With a similar approach, I present a statistical method which allows to determine to what extent the observed architecture of a three-planet system is compatible with a dissipative resonant dynamical history. I then address the main problem of the stability of resonant chains. Previous works have shown that the over-all lack of resonances in the exoplanet sample is not in contradiction with resonant capture, if a post-disc phase of planetary instabilities is extremely common. Higher rates of instabilities are observed in synthetic systems where planets are most massive and the configurations most compact. Specific N-body experiments on the stability of resonant chains found that there is a critical planetary mass allowed for stability, which decreases with increasing number of planets and/or increasing value of k in the chain. The origin of these instabilities was however not discussed. I study the stability of resonant chains of equal-mass planets in terms of their mass, investigating analytically and numerically specific cases of two- and threeplanet systems. I find a dynamical mechanism which can trigger an excitation of the system, leading to mutual close-encounters and collisions. This can be generalised to an arbitrary number of planets and/or value of k in the resonant chain, and gives an analytical prediction for the critical mass allowed for stability which agrees qualitatively with the aforementioned numerical experiments. Finally, I describe a dynamical scenario that can explain the pollution of White Dwarfs with heavy elements. The idea is that compact planetary systems become unstable during the mass-loss phase characterising the end of the stellar evolution, so that impacts among planets lead to the generation of collisional debris. Expanding on previous works, I show that debris residing in mean motion resonance with an outer planetary perturber can have their orbital eccentricity excited to largeenough values to be engulfed by the host star, causing the observed pollution.
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Analýza map nebeské sféry / Analysis of the celestial mapsPovažan, Juraj January 2020 (has links)
Analysis of the spheric map Abstract The master thesis deals with cartometric analysis of maps of the celestial sphere using image correlation. The main goal of this work was to design an algorithm for the identification of stars on old maps of the starry sky using a normalized cross-correlation and the application of a median and Gaussian filter. The analysis itself takes place on small scale maps or. the whole visible sky divided into two hemispheres, shown in a stereographic projection and also takes into account the influence of the cartographic map display on the position of objects, which it tries to eliminate by Helmert transformation, and also the influence of precession, which affects the position of astronomical objects over time. The accuracy of the drawing of the positions of the objects is evaluated by means of isolines drawn on the basis of positional coordinates. The algorithm was implemented in the Matlab programming environment and old maps from the Mapová sbírka PřF and the 5th edition of Bright Star Cataloque were used as test data, which contains the positions of stars with precisely determined coordinates. The achieved results are presented in the form of images of captured objects and created isolines over old maps as well as tables of the three nearest neighbors of the most important...
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Joseph Smith's Vision of the Celestial Kingdom: Context, Content, Ritualization, Canonization and Theological ImplicationsLotze, Jubal John 18 March 2020 (has links)
While administering ordinances in preparation for the dedication of the Kirtland temple, on 21 January 1836, Joseph Smith again experienced a vision of the celestial kingdom. In the vision, he saw God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and Biblical Patriarchs—but significantly, he also beheld his father and mother who were living at the time, as well as his older brother Alvin who had died twelve years earlier. Joseph then “beheld” children who died in infancy saved in the celestial kingdom. The significance of this vision as a catalyst for Joseph Smith’s theological development has been underestimated. Joseph Smith envisioned his parents in the celestial kingdom at a time when his understanding of the eternality of marriage was expanding. This 1836 vision contributed to the doctrinal development of eternal marriage and the ritual of sealing husbands and wives. The vision was likewise a catalyst for what became the doctrine of the redemption of the dead. Beholding his unbaptized brother Alvin in the celestial kingdom, provoked Joseph theologically toward an expanded heaven and a contracted hell. Vicarious rituals became the practical way to offer redemption to the dead, thus resolving the soteriological problem of evil, and revealing that God’s plan was mercifully calculated to make salvation universally available. Joseph knew in 1836 that infant children who died prematurely received salvation in the kingdom of heaven. This vision further inspired Joseph toward the development of the ritual of child-to-parent sealings, which could ensure eternal bonds between parents and their posterity who lived to maturity—ultimately making it possible to link the whole human family back to Adam and Eve. Though the vision of the celestial kingdom significantly influenced the doctrinal development of Joseph Smith, the vision and associated revelations, remained an obscure journal entry during the lifetime of the prophet. After 140 years, the vision achieved canonization status as Doctrine and Covenants section 137.
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The Zulu literary artist's conception of celestial bodies and associated natural phenomenaMathenjwa, L. F. (Langalibalele Felix), 1962- 11 1900 (has links)
This study gives the Zulu's views and ideas about celestial
bodies and associated natural phenomena and how they
illustrate features in both the oral and written literature.
It sketches various
focussing mainly on
The concentration is
conceptions about the whole universe
celestial bodies and natural phenomena.
on the sun, moon, stars, thunder and
lightning in poetry and prose both modern and traditional.
Emphasis is on the fact that Zulus do not perceive celestial
bodies as mere bodies but assign certain beliefs and
philosophies to them. In examining these different
conceptions, Western as well as African literary theories have
been used in this study.
I~ ~r=rli~ional izibongo amakhosi are associated with the sun,
the moon as well as the stars. Their warriors' attack is
associated with the thunderstorm.
These celestial bodies are also used as determinants of time
in terms of day and night, seasons and different times for
different daily chores. In modern poetry these bodies are
mainly associated with God and in some instances they are
referred to as God himself. In prose they are used as
determinants of time and are also used figuratively to
describe certain circumstances.
The study gives an idea of how Zulus in general perceive these
celestial bodies and natural phenomena. / African Languages / D.Litt. et Phil. (African Languages)
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Μελέτη περιοδικών και ασυμπτωτικών λύσεων στο περιορισμένο πρόβλημα των τεσσάρων σωμάτων / Periodic and asymptotic solutions of the restricted four body problemΜπαλταγιάννης, Αγαμέμνων 11 October 2013 (has links)
Στην παρούσα διατριβή ασχολούμαστε με την μελέτη περιοδικών και ασυμπτωτικών λύσεων στο περιορισμένο πρόβλημα των τεσσάρων σωμάτων. Πιο συγκεκριμένα:
Στο κεφάλαιο 1 περιγράφουμε το πρόβλημα των τριών και των τεσσάρων σωμάτων, κάνοντας μια ιστορική αναδρομή και παραθέτουμε τις αρχικές εξισώσεις της κίνησης.
Στο κεφάλαιο 2 μελετάμε αριθμητικά το περιορισμένο πρόβλημα των τεσσάρων σωμάτων, στην Lagrangian διαμόρφωση. Υπολογίζουμε τα σημεία ισορροπίας, καθώς και τις επιτρεπτές περιοχές κίνησης του τέταρτου σώματος.
Στο κεφάλαιο 3 μελετάμε την ευστάθεια των σημείων ισορροπίας. Επίσης υπολογίζουμε και παρουσιάζουμε τις περιοχές έλξης, για το δυναμικό σύστημα των τεσσάρων σωμάτων.
Στο κεφάλαιο 4 μελετάμε οικογένειες απλών συμμετρικών και μη συμμετρικών περιοδικών τροχιών του περιορισμένου προβλήματος των τεσσάρων σωμάτων. Υπολογίζουμε για κάθε περίπτωση τιμών των μαζών, σειρές κρίσιμων περιοδικών τροχιών κάθε οικογένειας ξεχωριστά.
Τέλος στο κεφάλαιο 5 μελετάμε αριθμητικά οικογένειες απλών ασύμμετρων περιοδικών τροχιών στο περιορισμένο πρόβλημα των τεσσάρων σωμάτων, έχοντας θέσει ως πρωτεύοντα σώματα τους ΄Ηλιο - Δία και έναν Τρωικό Αστεροειδή και θεωρώντας ως τέταρτο αμελητέας μάζας σώμα ένα διαστημόπλοιο. Τα πρωτεύοντα σώματα υπακούουν στην ευσταθή Lagrangian τριγωνική διαμόρφωση. Μελετήσαμε επίσης αναλυτικά και αριθμητικά τις λύσεις στην περιοχή των ευσταθών σημείων ισορροπίας του συστήματος, βρήκαmε οικογένειες περιοδικών λύσεων και μελετήσαμε την γραμμική ευστάθεια τους.
Τα αποτελέσματα των κεφαλαίων 2,3,4 και 5 έχουν δημοσιευτεί σε τρία διεθνή περιοδικά και ένα κομμάτι του κεφαλαίου 5 παρουσιάστηκε σε διεθνές συνέδριο (με συγγραφείς τους Μπαλταγιάννη Α. και Παπαδάκη Κ.). Πιο συγκεκριμένα η μελέτη των κεφαλαίων 2 και 3 έχει δημοσιευτεί στο περιοδικό “International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 21, 2011, pp. 2179-2193” με τον τίτλο: “Equilibrium Points and their stability in the restricted four-body problem”. Τα αποτελέσματα του κεφαλαίου 4 δημοσιεύτηκαν mε τον τίτλο: “Families of periodic orbits in the restricted four-body problem” στο περιοδικό “Astrophysics and Space Science, 336, 2011, pp. 357-367”. Επίσης το κεφάλαιο 5 υπό τον τίτλο “Periodic solutions in the Sun - Jupiter - Trojan Asteroid - Spacecraft system”, δημοσιεύτηκε στο περιοδικό ”Planetary and Space Science, 75, 2013, pp. 148-157”. Το διεθνές συνέδριο στο οποίο παρουσιάστηκε τμήμα του κεφαλαίου 5 ήταν το : “10th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, Proceedings of the conference held at Ioannina, Greece, 5-8 September 2011, pp. 23-24” και η εργασία είχε τίτλο: “Families of periodic orbits in the Sun - Jupiter - Trojan Asteroid system”.
Η παρούσα διατριβή εκπονήθηκε με την οικονομική υποστήριξη του ερευνητικού προγράμματος του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών: Κ. Καραθεοδωρή. / In this thesis we are concerned with the periodic and asymptotic solutions of the restricted four - body problem.
In chapter 1 we describe the three - body and four - body problem, starting with historical information. We also present the needed equations of motion and integrals of the problem.
In chapter 2 we study numerically the problem of four - bodies, according to the Lagrangian equilateral triangle configuration. We find the equilibrium points and the allowed regions of motion.
In chapter 3 we study the stability of the relative equibrium solutions. We also illustrate the regions of the basins of attraction for the equilibrium points of the present dynamical model.
In chapter 4 we present families of simple symmetric and non-symmetric periodic orbits in the restricted four-body problem. Series of critical periodic orbits of each family and in any case of the mass parameters are also calculated.
In chapter 5 we study, numerically, families of simple non-symmetric periodic orbits of the restricted four-body problem, where we consider the three primary bodies as Sun, Jupiter and a Trojan Asteroid and as a massless fourth body, a spacecraft. The primary bodies are set in the stable Lagrangian equilateral triangle configuration. We also study analytically the solutions in the neighborhood of the stable equilibrium points and the linear stability of each periodic solution.
The results of the chapters 2,3,4 and 5 have been published in three journals and a part of chapter 5 has been presented in an international conference. Chapters 2 and 3 have been published in “International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 21, 2011, pp. 2179-2193” under the title of “Equilibrium Points and their stability in the restricted four-body problem”.
Chapter 4 has been titled “Families of periodic orbits in the restricted four- body problem” and published in “Astrophysics and Space Science, 336, 2011, pp. 357-367”. Chapter 5 has been titled “Periodic solutions in the Sun - Jupiter - Trojan Asteroid - Spacecraft system,” and published in “Planetary
and Space Science, 75, 2013, pp. 148-157”. The conference was the “10th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, Proceedings of the conference held at Ioannina, Greece, 5-8 September 2011, pp. 23-24” and part of the chapter 5 was presented under the title of “Families of periodic orbits in the Sun - Jupiter - Trojan Asteroid system”.
This thesis was compiled while the author was in receipt of “K.Karatheodory” research grant.
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Le problème mathématique des trois corps, abordé simultanément sous l'angle de la recherche théorique et celui de la diffusion auprès de publics variés / The mathematical three body problem, simultaneoulsy addressed through theoretical research, and through popularization toward various publicsLhuissier, Marie 21 November 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse contient deux parties distinctes, reliées par le thème de l’étude géométrique du problème à trois corps. La première partie présente un point de vue sur les enjeux et les perspectives liés à la diffusion des mathématiques, et illustre ce point de vue à l’aide de deux projets de diffusion « grand public » : une exposition virtuelle autour de la mécanique céleste et du problème à trois corps, et un duo de contes mathématiques pour enfants, l’un sur la forme de la lune, et l’autre sur l’enlacement de courbes fermées. La présentation de ces projets est suivie d’une analyse a priori et d’une étude des observations recueillies lors de différentes expérimentations auprès de publics variés. La deuxième partie est consacrée à l’étude – théorique et numérique – de l’enlacement des trajectoires de quelques systèmes dynamiques sur la 3-sphère, et en particulier de certaines instances du problème à trois corps. On y présente d’abord le problème à trois corps restreint, plan, circulaire, en s’intéressant tout particulièrement au cas où une des deux primaires disparait. On se ramène ainsi à un flot sur la 3-shpère dont on connaît explicitement des sections de Birkhoff en disque ou en anneau, et on met en lumière des éléments qui tendent à montrer le caractère lévogyre de ce flot. On explore ensuite, à l’aide de simulations numériques, la possibilité que le système reste lévogyre sur un domaine assez éloigné de ce cas dégénéré. Enfin, on s’intéresse aux flots sur la 3-sphère qui admettent une section de Birkhoff en disque et on traduit la notion d’enlacement de mesures invariantes pour le flot en termes d’enroulement de mesures invariantes pour le difféomorphisme de premier retour. / This thesis contains two distinct parts, connected by the subject of the geometric study of the three body problem.The first part presents a point of view about the stakes and prospects of the popularization of mathematics, and it illustrates this point of view with two projects of popularization for a general public : a virtual exhibition about celestial mechanics and the three body problem, and a pair of mathematical tales for children, one about the shape of the moon, and the other about the linking number of two closed curves. The presentation of these projects is followed by an initial analysis and by a study of the observations collected during different experimentations towards various publics. The second part is devoted to the theoretical and computational study of the linking number of trajectories from a few dynamical systems on the 3-sphere, and in particular from some cases of the restricted three body problem. We first present the planar, circular, restricted three body problem, with a particular attention to the case where one of the two heavy bodies vanishes. We thus restrict ourselves to a flow on the 3-shpere for which disk-like or annular-like Birkhoff sections are explicitely known, and we bring to light evidences of the right-handedness of this flow. Then we investigate, with the help of computer simulations, the possibility for the system to stay right-handed over a domain rather distant from this degenerate case. Finally, we consider the flows on the 3-sphere which admit a disk-like Birkhoff section, and we translate the notion of linking for measures that are invariant by a flow into the notion of winding for measures that are invariant by the first return map on the disk.
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