Spelling suggestions: "subject:"well junction"" "subject:"cell junction""
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Numerous three-dimensional model systems have emerged for emulating the biochemical and physiological states of native tissue. Yet little is known about the effects of mechanical forces on cell behavior in the context of an organized tissue structure in three-dimensional cell-culture. Epithelial cells cultured in a three-dimensional environment comprised of extracellular matrix proteins form spheroids of polarized cells. Cellular responses to mechanical cues, generated from dynamic interactions with the extracellular matrix and neighboring cells, are known to influence cellular behavior to a great extent. Previous studies have shown that tumorigenic progression has been frequently linked to the down regulation of E-cadherin, a cell-cell adhesion protein. This work proposes that E-cadherin plays a pivotal role in maintaining epithelial tissue integrity and homeostasis. Novel FRET-based biosensors were used to measure force across E-cadherin. First, I observed that 3D acini had significantly higher force than 2D monolayers. Next, I determined that low-force mutant phenotypes of E-cadherin resulted in impaired lumen formation. In order to examine the effects of E-cadherin force on the disruption of homeostasis, TGF-b was used to induce epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT). TGF-b resulted in a decrease in E-cadherin force, even at early time points prior to transcriptional changes. Forskolin, a known regulator of acini lumen size, was shown to increase E-cadherin force. Furthermore, forskolin was able to prevent TGF-b disruptions in acini homeostasis. Finally, I examined how changes in substrate stiffness, known to affect acini lumen structure, altered E-cadherin forces. Stiffer substrates (mediated by collagen doping of Matrigel) delivered higher E-cadherin forces while simultaneously including acinar luminal filling. It is possible that signaling through non-junction forces, due to changes in ECM proteins, may mediate loss of the lumen. Thus, the major conclusion of these studies is that higher E-cadherin force is required for the formation and maintenance of a single central lumen in epithelial acini. Lower junctional forces induced acinar luminal filling, possibly through disruption in the polarity and subsequent cellular reorganization. This work, thus, establishes the role of E-cadherin as a key regulator of tissue homeostasis.
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Les protéines Gα12 et Gα13 dans la mucoviscidose : Rôle dans la dégradation de la protéine CFTR mutée F508del et dans le contrôle des jonctions intercellulaires. / Gα12 and Gα13 in cystic fibrosis : Role in F508del-CFTR degradation and in the control of intercellular junctionsChauvet, Sylvain 15 December 2011 (has links)
70% des mutations identifiées sur le gène responsable de la mucoviscidose correspondent à la délétion de la phénylalanine en position 508 (F508del) de la protéine CFTR (Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane conductance Regulator). Cette mutation est responsable, à 37°C, d'un mauvais repliement, du blocage et de la dégradation rapide de CFTR au niveau du réticulum endoplasmique (RE), et par conséquent de l'absence de sécrétion des ions Cl- au niveau de la membrane apicale des cellules épithéliales. Deux conséquences principales de cette mutation sont un épaississement important du mucus bronchique et une diminution de l'intégrité de la barrière luminale de l'épithélium bronchique. Ces deux phénomènes participent à l'invasion et à l'infection du tissu pulmonaire par des bactéries pathogènes comme Pseudomonas aeruginosa, exacerbant l'inflammation et la destruction tissulaire au niveau des poumons. L'objectif de cette étude a été de déterminer le rôle de deux protéines appartenant à la famille des protéines G hétérotrimériques, G12 et G13, dans la dégradation de la protéine CFTR-F508del ainsi que dans le contrôle des complexes jonctionnels au niveau de l'épithélium bronchique sain et mucoviscidosique. Nos travaux démontrent pour la première fois que dans la mucoviscidose, l'expression des protéines G12 et G13 est faible. Nous avons aussi montré que G12, et non G13, est impliquée dans le contrôle de la dégradation de la protéine CFTR-F508del via les protéines chaperonnes Calnexine et HSP90, et dans la formation et le maintien des jonctions cellulaires bronchiques via E-cadhérine et ZO-1 de manière inverse par rapport à l'épithélium rénale. Ces travaux placent donc G12 comme un acteur non négligeable de la maladie de la mucoviscidose. / F508del, the most frequent mutation found in cystic fibrosis (CF) population, impacts CFTR (Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane conductance Regulator) trafficking and causes its rapid degradation at the endoplasmic compartment, resulting in a significant decrease in Cl- secretion at the apical membrane of epithelial cells. F508del has two main features, significant thickening of the bronchial mucus and a reduction in the integrity of the luminal barrier of the bronchial epithelium. These two phenomena are involved in the invasion and infection of lung tissue by pathogenic bacteria such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, exacerbating the inflammation and lung destruction. The objective of this study was to determine the role of two proteins member of the heterotrimeric G proteins family, G12 and G13, in the degradation of the F508del CFTR, and in the control of junctional complexes in the normal and CF bronchial epithelium. Our results show for the first time that G12 and G13 are down expressed in CF. G12, but not G13, is involved in the control of F508del-CFTR degradation through its interaction with Calnexin and HSP90 chaperones. Unlike kidney epithelia cells, G12 promotes the formation and maintenance of cell junctions in the bronchial epithelium by affecting E-cadherine and ZO-1 stability. Altogether, our results set therefore G12 as a significant actor of the CF disease.
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Angiopoietin 1 and 2-regulated Tie2 receptor translocation in endothelial cells and investigation of Angiopoietin-2 splice variant 443Pietilä, R. (Riikka) 19 May 2015 (has links)
Angiopoietins 1 and 2 (Ang1 and Ang2) are the ligands of the Angiopoietin/Tie signalling system, which is a binary pathway offering mechanisms for healthy vessels to reach and maintain their quiescence but also to rapidly respond to activating stimuli leading to a remodelling of endothelium. The latter is linked to disease settings such as inflammation and cancer where endothelial cell (EC) integrity is compromised and is often related to an increase in Ang2 expression. This study focused on the mechanisms enabling Ang1 to mediate both EC stability and migration and molecular and cellular determinants for ligand-specific functions of Ang2 and its isoform Ang2443.
The findings revealed that Ang1 induces differential signalling depending on whether it anchors and activates Tie2 in cell-cell junctions in quiescent ECs, or in cell-matrix contacts in mobile ECs, thus leading to cellular phenotypes characteristic of resting and mobile ECs, respectively. In the second part of the thesis Ang2-Tie2 specific cell-extracellular matrix (ECM) contact sites were studied. Formation of Ang2/Tie2 EC-ECM contact sites was dependent on the collagen I and IV matrices, low Ang2 oligomerization state, α2β1-integrins, and intact microtubules. In the third part of the thesis the comparison of Ang2 mRNA splice variant Ang2443 with full length Ang2 (Ang2FL) revealed both redundant and ligand form–specific effects, expression of Ang2443443 increased the amount of monomeric ligand forms due to proteolytic processing and promoted transendothelial migration of cancer cells in vitro. On the other hand, both Ang2443 and Ang2FL were stored in endothelial Weibel-Palade bodies (WPBs), similarly induced Ang2-specific Tie2 cellular redistribution, and were mostly comparable in developmental angio- and lymphangiogenesis. / Tiivistelmä
Angiopoietiinit 1 ja 2 (Ang1 ja Ang2) ovat Ang/Tie signalointireitin kasvutekijöitä. Ang1 kasvutekijää tarvitaan sydämen ja verisuoniston sikiöaikaiseen kehittymiseen, se vähentää Tie2 reseptorin kautta verisuonten läpäisevyyttä, mutta edistää myös yksittäisten endoteelisolujen liikkumista. Saman Tie2 signalointireitin toisen kasvutekijän Ang2:n ilmeneminen johtaa verisuonten läpäisevyyden kasvuun tulehduksessa, uusien verisuonten muodostumiseen syöpäkasvaimissa ja syöpäsolujen leviämiseen elimistössä.
Väitöskirjatutkimuksessa selvitettiin niitä solutason mekanismeja, joilla Ang1 kykenee välittämään sekä endoteelisolujen tiiviyttä että liikkumista. Lisäksi tutkittiin niitä molekyyli- ja solutason mekanismeja, joilla Ang2 ja sen isomuoto Ang2443 välittävät kasvutekijäspesifisiä vaikutuksiaan.
Väitöskirjassa osoitettiin että Tie2 reseptori paikantuu verisuonten endoteelisoluissa Ang1 sitoutumisen seurauksena joko solu-soluliitoksiin, tai yksittäisissä endoteelisoluissa solu-soluväliaine rajapinnalle. Tie2:n siirtyminen solu-soluliitoksiin aktivoi soluissa signalointireittejä, jotka ovat tyypillisiä normaaleille tiiviille verisuonille ja solu-soluväliaineliitoksissa liikkuville endoteelisoluille tyypillisiä piirteitä.
Väitöskirjatyön toisessa osassa tutkittiin Ang2:lle ominaisia vaikutuksia ja Ang2-Tie2 kompleksin paikantumista erityisiin solu-soluväliaineliitoksiin. Tämä oli riippuvaista Ang2:n oligomerisaatiosta, kollageenisoluväliaineesta, α2β1-integriinistä ja normaalista mikrotubulusverkostosta.
Väitöskirjatyön kolmannessa osassa osoitettiin että Ang2443 isomuodolla on sekä yhteisiä että isomuotospesifisiä piirteitä verrattuna kokopitkään Ang2:een (Ang2FL). Liukoinen Ang2443, mutta ei Ang2FL, esiintyi yleisesti monomeerisenä ligandimuotona proteiinin multimerisaatio-osan pilkkomisen seurauksena. Ang2443 lisäsi myös syöpäsolujen liikkumista endoteelisolujen läpi. Toisaalta sekä Ang2443 että Ang2FL varastoitiin endoteelisoluissa Weibel-Palade varastokappaleisin, ne välittivät samanlaista Tie2 reseptorin paikantumista endoteelisoluissa ja toimivat pääsääntöisesti samanlaisina kasvutekijöinä veri- ja imusuonten kehityksen aikana hiiressä.
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Étude des propriétés oncogéniques des membres de la famille SNAIL / Analysis of the oncogenic properties of the SNAIL family membersGras, Baptiste 19 December 2012 (has links)
En parallèle à son rôle dans l’initiation de la cascade métastatique, la transition épithéliomésenchymateuse est capable de faciliter la transformation néoplasique par le biais de mécanismes encore indéfinis. Nous avons démontré que, comme SNAIL1 et SNAIL2, l’expression de SNAIL3 est réactivée de façon aberrante dans les cancers humains, en particulier dans les carcinomes mammaires, établissant un lien entre l’ensemble des membres de la famille SNAIL et la tumorigénèse. Expérimentalement, les trois protéines SNAIL induisent une EMT avec des efficacités différentes. Ce différentiel reflète leur capacité à protéger les cellules de l’anoikis et à favoriser la prolifération dans des conditions de faible adhérence en absence d’altération oncogénique. La réversion partielle du processus d’EMT en réponse à l’expression ectopique des protéines ST14/Matriptase ou de l’E-cadhérine inhibe le potentiel oncogénique des protéines SNAIL. Nous avons donc démontré que la perte de protéines responsables du maintien de l’intégrité de l’épithélium contribue à l’activité pro-tumorale des inducteurs d’EMT / Beyond its role in initiating the metastatic cascade, cell commitment to the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition program has been shown to facilitate neoplastic transformation, the underlying mechanisms yet remaining elusive. We herein demonstrate that likewise SNAI1 and SNAI2, the expression of SNAI3 is aberrantly reactivated in human cancers, mainly in breast carcinomas, linking all members of the SNAIL family to tumorigenesis. Experimentally, the three SNAIL proteins trigger EMT with unequal efficiencies. This differential mirrors their ability to protect cells from anoikis and to sustain proliferation in low-adherent conditions in absence of an oncogenic insult. Partial reversion of the EMT-process, achieved through forced expression of the ST14/Matriptase or E-cadherin proteins, alleviates the SNAIL oncogenic potential. We thus demonstrate that loss of epithelial integrity gatekeepers contributes to the tumor promoting activity of embryonic EMT-inducers
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Investigation on Cell-Cell Junctions by Inhibition of Na,K-ATPase Activity / Studie av cell till cell kontakter genom inhibering av Na,K-ATPas aktivitetBoström, Caroline January 2021 (has links)
This thesis report investigates the effect on cellcell junction proteins when the Na,K-ATPase (NKA) is inhibited. The main goal is to develop an understanding of how the NKA activity regulates the cell junction proteins. The investigated proteins are the adherens junction protein ECadherin, and the tight junction proteins Occludin and Claudin7.The NKA is inhibited by introducing the cardiotonic steroid Ouabain to the cells. The treatment is tested for different time lapse and different concentrations. The results show that all proteins are down regulated when treated with high concentrations (500 nM) of Ouabain. ECadherin is up regulated when treated with lower concentrations (10 nM) of Ouabain while Claudin7 is down regulated at low levels. / Detta examensarbete undersöker effekten på cell-cell junctions när Na,K-ATPas (NKA) inhiberas. Målet med rapporten är att få en förståelse för hur NKA aktiviteten reglerar cell-cell junction proteinerna. Proteinerna som undersöks är adherens junction proteinet ECadherin, och tight junction proteinerna Claudin7 och Occludin. NKA inhiberas genom att cellerna behandlas med den kardiotoniska steroiden Ouabain. Behandlingen testas under olika tidsperioder och för olika koncentrationer. Resultaten visar att alla proteiner är nedreglerade när de behandlas med höga koncentrationer (500 nM) av Ouabain. ECadherin blir uppreglerad när det behandlas med lägre koncentrationer (10 nM) av Ouabain medan Claudin7 nedregleras vid låga nivåer.
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Probing cellular mechano-sensitivity using biomembrane-mimicking cell substrates of adjustable stiffnessLin, Yu-Hung 12 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / It is increasingly recognized that mechanical properties of substrates play a pivotal role in the regulation of cellular fate and function. However, the underlying mechanisms of cellular mechanosensing still remain a topic of open debate. Traditionally, advancements in this field have been made using polymeric substrates of adjustable stiffness with immobilized linkers. While such substrates are well suited to examine cell adhesion and migration in an extracellular matrix environment, they are limited in their ability to replicate the rich dynamics found at cell-cell interfaces. To address this challenge, we recently introduced a linker-functionalized polymer-tethered multi-bilayer stack, in which substrate stiffness can be altered by the degree of bilayer stacking, thus allowing the analysis of cellular mechanosensitivity. Here, we apply this novel biomembrane-mimicking cell substrate design to explore the mechanosensitivity of C2C12 myoblasts in the presence of cell-cell-mimicking N-cadherin linkers. Experiments are presented, which demonstrate a relationship between the degree of bilayer stacking and mechanoresponse of plated cells, such as morphology, cytoskeletal organization, cellular traction forces, and migration speed. Furthermore, we illustrate the dynamic assembly of bilayer-bound N-cadherin linkers underneath cellular adherens junctions. In addition, properties of individual and clustered N-cadherins are examined in the polymer-tethered bilayer system in the absence of plated cells.
Alternatively, substrate stiffness can be adjusted by the concentration of lipopolymers in a single polymer-tethered lipid bilayer. On the basis of this alternative cell substrate concept, we also discuss recent results on a linker-functionalized single polymer-tethered bilayer substrate with a lateral gradient in lipopolymer concentration (substrate viscoelasticity). Specifically, we show that the lipopolymer gradient has a notable impact on spreading, cytoskeletal organization, and motility of 3T3 fibroblasts. Two cases are discussed: 1. polymer-tethered bilayers with a sharp boundary between low and high lipopolymer concentration regions and 2. polymer-tethered bilayers with a gradual gradient in lipopolymer concentration.
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