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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O’r Gymru ‘Ddu’ i’r Ddalen ‘Wen’ : Darllen Amlddiwylliannedd ac Aralledd o’r Newydd yn Ffuglen Gyfoes De Cymru, er 1990

Sheppard, Lisa Caryn January 2015 (has links)
Mae’r traethawd hwn yn archwilio’r portread o amlddiwylliannedd yn ne Cymru a geir mewn ffuglen Gymraeg a Saesneg er 1990. Trwy ddefnyddio cysyniad theoretig yr ‘arall’ a damcaniaethau ôl-drefedigaethol cysylltiedig, mae’r astudiaeth hon yn ceisio osgoi pegynu rhwng cymunedau Cymraeg a Saesneg eu hiaith Cymru, fel y mae astudiaethau eraill ar amlddiwylliannedd Cymreig wedi’i wneud. Eir ati, yn hytrach, i drafod sut y mae’n bosib i gymeriadau o unrhyw gefndir ethnig, hiliol, crefyddol neu ieithyddol brofi aralledd oherwydd safbwyntiau goddrychol gwahanol, ac oherwydd y cyfuniad o wahanol elfennau sy’n creu hunaniaeth yr unigolyn. Trwy ystyried yr hybridedd hwn a berthyn i’r cymeriadau a’r nofelau fel ei gilydd, cynigir ffordd newydd o feddwl am amlddiwylliannedd yng Nghymru. Gesyd fframwaith theoretig trwy olrhain datblygiad cysyniadau aralledd a hybridedd yng ngwaith Hegel, de Beauvoir, Fanon, Said a Bhabha, gan fanylu ar berthnasedd eu damcaniaethau i ddadleuon am amlddiwylliannedd yng Nghymru. Ceir wedyn bedair pennod o ddadansoddi testunol. Mae’r cyntaf yn tynnu ar waith Bakhtin i drafod sut y mae awduron yn defnyddio nofelau hybrid, aml-leisiol fel gofod hybrid lle y gall cymeriadau archwilio’u haralledd. Defnyddia’r ail bennod ddamcaniaethau Bhabha am yr ystrydeb drefedigaethol a phegynau deuaidd i ystyried sut y mae aralledd a hybridedd cymeriadau’r nofelau yn herio delweddau ystrydebol a phegynol o Gymreictod. Mae’r drydedd bennod yn troi at ystrydebau am y siaradwyr Cymraeg a Saesneg a thrafodir sut y mae’r cymeriadau yn defnyddio lleoliad y dafarn er mwyn eu herio. Ystyria’r bedwaredd pennod effaith mudo a mewnfudo ar aralledd y mudwyr yng ngoleuni theorïau Said am alltudiaeth. Daw’r traethawd i gasgliad ar berthynas y portread llenyddol hwn ag amlddiwylliannedd yn y byd go iawn, gan awgrymu bod darllen testunau Cymraeg a Saesneg ochr yn ochr â’i gilydd yn gallu’n annog i ddatblygu’n genedl fwy cynhwysol.

Independent Wales? : the impact of devolution on Welsh fiction in English

Schofield, Emma January 2014 (has links)
This thesis traces the relation between Anglophone Welsh fiction and politics, in light of the campaign for, and introduction, of devolution. Focusing primarily on the period 1970 – 2011, the thesis analyses a range of novels, short stories and journal articles produced in this period. The Introduction begins with an analysis of the history of devolution in Wales and considers theories of nationalism proposed by theorists including Benedict Anderson and Raymond Williams, both of whom suggest that heightened awareness of a wider national community is integral to the development of a cohesive nationalist impulse. Chapter I commences with an analysis of the relation between literature and politics in the years prior to the 1979 referendum on Welsh devolution. Taking as its starting point Fredric Jameson’s theory of political allegory in literature, this chapter considers the way in which the presentation of politics in Anglophone Welsh fiction becomes gradually more overt by the close of the 1970s. Chapter II examines the way in which Anglophone Welsh fiction writers responded to the outcome of the 1979 referendum, alongside other political events of the 1980s such as the Falklands War and widespread industrial decline. Chapter III charts the development of the relation between fiction and politics in 1990s Wales, suggesting that the years preceding the 1997 referendum on devolution witnessed a more overt engagement between Anglophone Welsh fiction and politics than had been evident in the 1970s. The final chapter argues that in the wake of devolution fiction from Wales has responded by presenting an increasingly diverse and multi-faceted image of Wales, characterised by a more overt engagement with politics and nationalism. The Conclusion considers how the changes outlined in this thesis relate to wider cultural developments in Wales and suggests how this research may be expanded to incorporate broader areas of the arts in Wales.

Kilroy F****n Jones : a novel

Morais, Joâo Owain January 2017 (has links)
Kilroy F****n Jones is a PhD thesis of two parts: a novel, and an evaluative critical commentary based around elements explored in Kilroy F****n Jones. The novel itself is about a young man still grieving for what he sees as his abandonment by both parents. Denied a stable family home, he has set out on a path of hedonism and reactionary thinking which can only inevitably lead to tragedy. The critical commentary, consisting of five chapters, explores the themes of identity, masculinity, the underclass, the Welsh novel, and the two primary dialects of south east Wales: Cardiff English and Wenglish. These chapters demonstrate the critical decisions I made during the creative process, which in turn substantiate the significance of such elements as Kilroy's point of view and character. Taken as a whole, they explain the Welsh - and indeed Cymraeg - nature of the story itself.

Celtic studies in higher education : the construction of interdisciplinarity in academe /

Tatum, Ronald E. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Oregon, 2004. / Typescript. Includes vita and abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 232-241). Also available for download via the World Wide Web; free to University of Oregon users.

A portfolio of acoustic/electroacoustic music compositions & computer algorithms that investigate the development of polymodality, polyharmony, chromaticism & extended timbre in my musical language

Hughes, Gareth Olubunmi January 2016 (has links)
The emphasis of this PhD is in the field of original/contemporary musical composition and I have submitted a portfolio of original compositions (volume 1/2, comprising of music scores of both acoustic and electroacoustic music compositions [totalling c. 114:30 minutes of music] as well as written material relating to notation and artistic motivation), along with an academic commentary (volume 2/2 [totalling c. 19,500 words], which places the original compositional work in the portfolio in its academic context). The composition works in first volume are varied and broad ranging in scope. In terms of pitch organisation, the majority of works adopt some form of modality or polymodality, whilst certain works also incorporate post-tonal chromaticism and serialism into their syntax. Certain key works also explore extended timbre and colouration (in particular for bowed strings, voices, flute and electronics) and adopt the use of timbral modifications, harmonics, microtones, multiphonics, sprechgesang (i.e. ‘speech-song’), phonetics and the incorporation of electroacoustic sampling, sound synthesis and processing. The academic commentary in the second volume sets out several initial theoretical pitch organisation models (namely relating to modes, polymodes, rows, serial techniques and intervallic cells), with a particular emphasis placed on the formation of a melodic/harmonic language which is fundamentally polymodal, polychordal and polyharmonic. The commentary then takes a closer look at various works within the portfolio which adopt modal, polymodal and chromatic forms of pitch-organisation (whilst intermittently discussing wider musical parameters, such as rhythm, counterpoint, timbre, structure etc.). Separate chapters also discuss a work for flute and electronics and a lengthy work for string quartet (inspired by urban dystopian film) in greater depth. The commentary also discusses my style of writing, placing individual works within the portfolio in their academic context alongside key influences as well as contextualising non-musical aesthetics and sources of artistic inspiration relating to my work.

The Autonomous and the Passive Progressive in 20th-Century Irish

Hansson, Karin January 2004 (has links)
<p>The present study deals with the use of two Irish verb constructions, the autonomous (e.g. <i>cuireadh litreacha chun bealaigh</i>, ‘letters were dispatched’)<i> </i>and the passive progressive (e.g. <i>bhí m’athair á leigheas acu</i>, ‘my father was being cured by them’), in a corpus of 20th-century texts. From this corpus, 2,956 instances of the autonomous and 467 instances of the passive progressive were extracted and included in the analysis. Dialectal variation concerning the use of these two constructions is also surveyed.</p><p>The study explores and compares the use of the autonomous and the passive progressive. The main aim of the study is to investigate the two constructions with regard to their textual functions. The features studied relate to verb and clause type, as well as the measuring of topicality of patients, implicit agents, and – in the passive progressive only – overt agents. </p><p>The autonomous tends to be used when the patient is topical, or central, in the text. The passive progressive, on the other hand, is mainly used with an overt agent that is considerably more topical than the patient. In agent-less passive progressives, patients and implicit agents are equally low in topicality. The autonomous occurs about equally often in main and subclauses, while the passive progressive is used primarily in subclauses, mainly non-finite ones. This difference is connected to the finding that 24% of the clauses containing the autonomous denote events as part of a sequentially ordered chain of events, compared to 4% of those containing the passive progressive.</p><p>The most salient dialectal variation concerns the frequency of the passive progressive: 73% of the instances of the passive progressive in the database occur in the Munster texts, compared to 22% in Connacht 5% in Ulster. The autonomous, in contrast, is fairly evenly distributed across the dialects.</p>

The Autonomous and the Passive Progressive in 20th-Century Irish

Hansson, Karin January 2004 (has links)
The present study deals with the use of two Irish verb constructions, the autonomous (e.g. cuireadh litreacha chun bealaigh, ‘letters were dispatched’) and the passive progressive (e.g. bhí m’athair á leigheas acu, ‘my father was being cured by them’), in a corpus of 20th-century texts. From this corpus, 2,956 instances of the autonomous and 467 instances of the passive progressive were extracted and included in the analysis. Dialectal variation concerning the use of these two constructions is also surveyed. The study explores and compares the use of the autonomous and the passive progressive. The main aim of the study is to investigate the two constructions with regard to their textual functions. The features studied relate to verb and clause type, as well as the measuring of topicality of patients, implicit agents, and – in the passive progressive only – overt agents. The autonomous tends to be used when the patient is topical, or central, in the text. The passive progressive, on the other hand, is mainly used with an overt agent that is considerably more topical than the patient. In agent-less passive progressives, patients and implicit agents are equally low in topicality. The autonomous occurs about equally often in main and subclauses, while the passive progressive is used primarily in subclauses, mainly non-finite ones. This difference is connected to the finding that 24% of the clauses containing the autonomous denote events as part of a sequentially ordered chain of events, compared to 4% of those containing the passive progressive. The most salient dialectal variation concerns the frequency of the passive progressive: 73% of the instances of the passive progressive in the database occur in the Munster texts, compared to 22% in Connacht 5% in Ulster. The autonomous, in contrast, is fairly evenly distributed across the dialects.

'Jysd enjoia'r geiria fel tasa nhw'n dda-da yn dy geg di' : cyfnewid cod mewn llenyddiaeth o Gymru a Chanada

Orwig, Sara January 2018 (has links)
Term i ddisgrifio'r ffenomen o gyfuno dwy iaith mewn un datganiad yw 'cyfnewid cod'. Mae defnyddio geiriau ac ymadroddion Saesneg yn nodwedd gyffredin o Gymraeg llafar, anffurfiol nifer o siaradwyr. Nid yw'r ffenomen hon yn unigryw i'r Gymraeg; yn rhyngwladol, ceir cymdeithasau sy'n defnyddio cyfnewid cod, gan gynnwys Canada ffrancoffon. Yn ogystal â bod yn nodwedd o iaith lafar, mae'n nodwedd hefyd mewn rhai testunau llenyddol. Bwriad y traethawd hwn yw astudio rhai o'r testunau hyn, gan archwilio patrymau o gyfnewid cod a'u cymharu â damcaniaethau ysgolheigion eraill. Datblygwyd methodoleg wreiddiol i ddadansoddi'r testunau'n ieithyddol gan dynnu ar fethodoleg ysgolheigion megis Callahan (2004) a Montes-Alcalá (2013b; 2015). Yn ogystal â thrafodaeth ieithyddol, dadansoddir y testunau yng ngoleuni damcaniaethau ôl-drefedigaethedd ac ôl-foderniaeth, gan bontio maes ieithyddiaeth a theori lenyddol er mwyn archwilio pa fath o destunau sy'n defnyddio cyfnewid cod ac i ba bwrpas. Rhennir y traethawd yn bedair prif adran. Mae'r bennod gyntaf yn cynnig arolwg o'r maes ac yn trafod gwaith ysgolheigion sy'n astudio cyfnewid cod, yn ogystal â darparu cyd-destun hanesyddol a chymdeithasol ar gyfer Cymru a Chanada. Mae'r ail bennod yn trafod methodoleg yr ymchwil presennol, yn arbennig y fethodoleg a ddefnyddir i ddadansoddi'r testunau. Yna, symudir i drafod canlyniadau'r gwaith codio (penodau 3-8), cyn trafod y corpws yn ei gyfanrwydd (pennod 9). Yn y bennod olaf, ehangir y drafodaeth gan ddadansoddi'r testunau fel llenyddiaeth yn hytrach na'u trin fel corpws ieithyddol. Bwriad y traethawd hwn yw deall elfennau o Gymru a Chanada'n well - eu hieithoedd, eu llenyddiaeth a'u cymdeithasau - drwy drafod y defnydd o gyfnewid cod mewn sampl o'u llenyddiaeth greadigol. Defnyddir methodoleg wreiddiol, sy'n defnyddio elfennau rhyngddisgyblaethol blaengar, gan gyfrannu at faes cyfnewid cod llenyddol a datblygu ar y modelau sy'n bodoli eisoes. Gobeithir y bydd yr astudiaeth yn cyfrannu at y drafodaeth ryngwladol wrth gymharu cyfnewid cod mewn llenyddiaeth o ddwy gymdeithas a chanddynt ieithoedd lleiafrifol.

The Celtic languages in contact : Papers from the workshop within the framework of the XIII International Congress of Celtic Studies, Bonn, 26-27 July 2007

January 2007 (has links)
This collection contains 13 papers presented in the workshop on the "The Celtic Languages in Contact" organised by Hildegard L. C. Tristram at the XIII International Celtic Congress in Bonn (Germany), July 23rd - 27th, 2007. The authors of two papers from another section also contributed their papers to this volume, as they deal with closely related issues. The time-span covered ranges from potential pre-historic contacts of Celtic with Altaic languages or Nostratic cognates in Celtic, through the hypothesis of Afro-Asiatic as a possible substrate for Celtic, Latin and Gaulish contacts in Gaul, the impact of Vulgar Latin on the formation of the Insular Celtic Languages as a linguistic area (Sprachbund), to various contact scenarios involving the modern Insular Celtic languages as well as English and French. The final paper reflects on the political status of the modern Insular Celtic languages in the Europe of the 27 EU countries.

Ymagwedd egwyddorol at ddatblygu deunyddiau ar-lein i ddysgwyr Cymraeg i Oedolion

Needs, Jennifer January 2015 (has links)
Yn y traethawd hwn, trafodir prosiect doethurol a chanddo ddau brif nod, sef: (1) cynhyrchu cyfres o adnoddau dysgu Cymraeg ar-lein yn arbennig ar gyfer Canolfan Iaith a Threftadaeth Cymru Nant Gwrtheyrn; a (2) ymchwilio i ac ysgrifennu traethawd ymchwil mewn maes cysylltiedig. Penderfynais gyfuno’r ddwy elfen, a defnyddio theori ac ymchwil fel sail ar gyfer y dasg greadigol. Fy ngobaith oedd dangos ymagwedd egwyddorol tuag at ddatblygu adnoddau e-ddysgu newydd, ac ysbrydoli eraill i wneud yr un fath yn y dyfodol, yn enwedig yng ngoleuni galwad diweddar Mac Giolla Chríost et al. (2012, t. 182) i ymarferwyr ym maes Cymraeg i Oedolion rannu ‘ymarfer da’. Mae allbynnau’r Ddoethuriaeth hon yn gwneud dau brif gyfraniad at y maes. Y cyntaf o’r rhain yw’r gyfres o adnoddau e-ddysgu unigryw o’r enw “e-nant” a fydd yn dechrau cael traweffaith yn syth ar ddysgwyr sy’n mynychu cyrsiau lefel Mynediad yn Nant Gwrtheyrn o nawr ymlaen. Ar ben hynny, mae’r traethawd hwn yn dangos yn glir sut y gellir seilio datblygiad deunyddiau dysgu newydd ar egwyddorion ymchwil. Bydd hwn yn adnodd defnyddiol iawn i awduron deunyddiau’r dyfodol, oherwydd ei fod yn darparu enghreifftiau clir o’r byd go iawn o sut mae rhoi cysyniadau theoretig ar waith yn ymarferol. Drwy ymgymryd ag ymchwil cyfrwng Cymraeg, yr wyf hefyd yn gwneud trydydd cyfraniad, sef hwyluso trafodaeth o bynciau tebyg drwy’r Gymraeg yn y dyfodol, a chyfrannu at godi statws y Gymraeg fel iaith academaidd – un o amcanion strategol Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru (2010). Casglwyd rhestr o dermau perthnasol i feysydd Caffael Ail Iaith a Dysgu Iaith drwy Gymorth Cyfrifiadur, y bydd ymchwilwyr y dyfodol yn gallu cyfeirio ati’n hawdd, a bathwyd sawl term newydd, er mwyn galluogi trafodaeth o gysyniadau nad ydynt erioed wedi’u trafod yn y Gymraeg o’r blaen. This thesis discusses a doctoral project with two main aims: (1) to produce a series of online Welsh learning resources especially for the Nant Gwrtheyrn Welsh Language and Heritage Centre; and (2) to research and write a research thesis in a related field. I decided to combine the two elements, and to use theory and research as a base for the creative task. My hope was to demonstrate a principled approach towards developing new e-learning resources, and to inspire others to do likewise in the future, especially in light of Mac Giolla Chríost et al.'s (2012, t. 182) recent call for Welsh for Adults practitioners to share ‘good practice’. The outputs of this Doctorate make two main contributions to the field. The first of these is the series of unique e-learning resources called “e-nant” which will immediately begin to have an impact on learners who attend Entry-level courses at Nant Gwrtheyrn from now on. In addition, this thesis clearly shows how the development of new learning materials can be based on research principles. This will be a very useful resource for future materials writers, since it provides clear real-world examples of how to put theoretical concepts into practice. By undertaking Welsh-medium research, I also make a third contribution, namely to facilitate discussion of similar subjects through Welsh in the future, and to contribute towards raising the status of Welsh as an academic language – one of the Welsh Assembly Government’s (2010) strategic aims. A list of relevant terms was compiled for the fields of Second Language Acquisition and Computer-Assisted Language Learning, which future researchers will be able to refer to easily, and several new terms were coined, in order to enable discussion of concepts which have never before been discussed in the Welsh language.

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