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Propriedades físico-químicas e biológicas de cimento experimental à base de Portland associado a diferentes radiopacificadores / Physical, chemical and biological properties of an experimental Portland-based cement with different radiopacifier agentsSilva, Marina Angélica Marciano da 07 July 2014 (has links)
O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar as propriedades físicas, químicas e biológicas de um cimento experimental à base de Portland contendo diferentes agentes radiopacificadores. Os cimentos foram divididos em 6 grupos: 1. MTA-Angelus branco (controle), 2. cimento Portland branco (CP), 3. CP com 20% de óxido de zircônio (OZ), 4. CP/50% OZ, 5. CP com 20% de tungstato de cálcio (TC) e 6. CP/50% TC. As proporções foram determinadas em peso (80 e 50% de CP para 20 e 50% de radiopacificadores, respectivamente). Os cimentos experimentais foram manipulados utilizando 0,3 mL de líquido composto por 80% de água destilada e 20% de propilenoglicol, em volume. A caracterização dos materiais foi realizada em microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), no modo EDS e em difratômetro de raios-X (XRD). Para os testes de radiopacidade, escoamento, espessura de filme e solubilidade foram seguidas as especificações no 57 da ANSI/ADA (2000). Na determinação do tempo de presa, foi empregada a norma ASTM C266/2008. Na análise do pH e liberação de íons cálcio foram analisados os períodos de 3, 24, 72 e 168 horas. Para análise da descoloração dentária, foram realizadas análises em espectrofotômetro, estereomicroscopia e MEV. Para análise da resposta inflamatória, foi utilizado o teste de implantação em subcutâneo de ratos. A utilização do óxido de zircônio e do tungstato de cálcio em combinação com o cimento Portland resultou no desenvolvimento de cimentos que exibiram uma radiopacidade próxima (20% de radiopacificadores) ou acima (50%) do recomendado pela norma no 57 da ANSI/ADA; tempo de presa mais prolongado, espessura de filme menor e escoamento mais elevado em comparação com o MTA-Angelus; solubilidade adequada e comparável ao MTA-Angelus, elevado pH e liberação de íons cálcio superior ao MTA-Angelus nos períodos iniciais e similar aos 7 dias, ausência de descoloração dentária e resposta inflamatória semelhante ao MTA-Angelus. / The aim of the study was to evaluate the physical, chemical and biological properties of an experimental calcium silicate-based cement with different concentrations of the radiopacifiers zirconium oxide and calcium tungstate. The materials were divided in 6 groups: 1. White MTA (control), 2. White Portland cement (PC), 3. PC with 20% zirconium oxide (ZO), 4. PC/50% ZO, 5. PC with 20% calcium tungstate (CT) and 6. PC/50% CT. The proportions were determined by weight. The cements were manipulated using 0.3 mL of liquid composed of 80% distilled water and 20% propylene glycol. The control was manipulated according to manufacturers instructions. The characterization of the materials was performed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in EDS mode and X-ray diffractometrer (XRD). For radiopacity, flowability, film thickness and solubility test, the specifications no 57 of ADA (2000) was followed. To determine the setting time, ASTM C266/2008 specifications was followed. For pH and calcium ion release assessment, the periods of 3, 24, 72 and 168 hours were evaluated. The analysis of dental discolouration was performed using spectrophotometer, stereomicroscopy and SEM. To evaluate the inflammatory response, the test of subcutaneous implantation in rats was used. The use of zirconium oxide and calcium tungstate in association with Portland cement resulted in development of cements with radiopacity nearly (20% radiopacifiers) or above (50%) the recommended by ANSI/ADA specifications n a 57, more prolonged setting time, lower film thickness and higher flowability in comparison with MTAAngelus, an adequate and comparable solubility with MTA-Angelus, high pH and calcium ion release higher than MTA-Angelus in the initial periods and similar at 7 days, absence of dental discolouration and inflammatory response similar to that presented by MTA-Angelus.
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Fixação de placas de rochas ornamentais: estudo da aderência com argamassa colante / Setting of dimension stones: study of the tack with adhesive mortarNogami, Lizandra 22 November 2007 (has links)
Nos revestimentos de paredes a fixação de placas de rochas pode ser feita com inserts metálicos ou por aderência com argamassas. Nos assentamentos com argamassas os valores de aderência, por norma, devem ser superiores a 1 MPa e a altura máxima do revestimento não pode ultrapassar 3 m. No presente trabalho foram feitos ensaios com ladrilhos de três tipos de \"granitos\" para comparar a aderência da argamassa existente no mercado, específica para estas rochas, com uma argamassa colante para porcelanatos, de mesmo custo de produção, desenvolvida por pesquisadores do Departamento de Arquitetura da Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos da Universidade de São Paulo. As rochas escolhidas foram \"Vermelho Brasília\" (sienogranito), \"Verde Labrador\" (charnoquito) e \"Preto Indiano\" (migmatito) apresentam características petrográficas e serrabilidades diferentes, o que implica em valores distintos de rugosidade das chapas obtidas pelo desdobramento dos blocos em teares. A aderência destas rochas com as com argamassas foi determinada, tanto na face rugosa como na face polida por meio do ensaio de arrancamento por tração, normatizado para cerâmica. Os resultados mostraram para estas rochas que a aderência das argamassas está relacionada à rugosidade e à mineralogia/textura. A aderência obtida para a argamassa colante desenvolvida para porcelanato foi aproximadamente 2 vezes superior a encontrada para argamassa comercial, mostrando sua excelente qualidade para o assentamento de placas de \"granitos\". / In coverings of walls the setting of dimension stones can be made with metallic inserts or by tack with mortar. In the nestings with mortar the values of tack, for norm, must be superior the 1 MPa and the maximum height of covering cannot exceed 3 m. In the present work, assays with floor tiles of three types of \"granites\" had been made to compare the tack of the existing mortar in the market, specific for these granites, with a adhesive mortar for porcelain, of same cost of production, developed for researchers of the Department of Architecture of the School of Engineering of São Carlos of the University of São Paulo. The chosen stones had been \"Vermelho Brasília\" (sienogranite), \"Verde Labrador\" (charnockite) and \"Preto Indiano\" (migmatite) they present petrographics analysis and saw different, what implies in distinct values of the rugous of plates gotten for the unfolding of the blocks in sewing presses, that use grain of steel as abrasive element. The tack of plates of these stones with mortar was determined in such a way in the rugose face as in the polishing face by way of the assay of pulling up for traction, prescriptive for ceramics. The results had shown that the tack of mortar is related to the rugous and mineralogy/texture for these stones. The tack gotten for the developed adhesive mortar for porcelain was approximately two times superior the found one for commercial mortar, showing its excellent quality for the nesting of \"granite\" plates.
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Spectrophotometric determination of aluminium oxide, calcium oxide and iron (III) oxide in Portland cement.January 1993 (has links)
Shu King-hung. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1993. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 80-81). / ABSTRACT --- p.1 / Chapter CHAPTER I. --- INTRODUCTION --- p.3 / REFERENCES --- p.6 / Chapter CHAPTER II. --- BRIEF REVIEW OF THE ANALYTICAL METHODS USED / Chapter 1. --- Spectrophotometry --- p.8 / Chapter 2. --- Derivative spectrophotometry --- p.9 / Chapter 3. --- Atomic absorption spectrometry --- p.12 / Chapter 4. --- X - Ray fluorescence --- p.12 / REFERENCES --- p.14 / Chapter CHAPTER III. --- SIMULTANEOUS DETERMINATION OF ALUMINIUM OXIDE AND IRON (III) OXIDE / Chapter 1. --- Introduction / Review of the reported methods --- p.15 / Determination of aluminium and iron with / 8-hydroxyquinoline --- p.18 / Chapter 2. --- Experimental --- p.21 / Chapter 3. --- Results and discussion / Determination of iron --- p.28 / Determination of aluminium --- p.38 / Chapter 4. --- Conclusion --- p.52 / REFERENCES --- p.53 / Chapter CHAPTER IV. --- RAPID DETERMINATION OF CALCIUM OXIDE / Chapter 1. --- Introduction --- p.56 / Chapter 2. --- Experimental --- p.62 / Chapter 3. --- Results and discussion --- p.66 / Chapter 4. --- Conclusion --- p.79 / REFERENCES --- p.80 / FIGURES / Chapter II-1 --- Attenuation of a beam of radiation by an absorbing solution --- p.8 / Chapter II-2 --- Gaussian curve and its first to fourth derivatives --- p.11 / Chapter III-l --- Effect of pH on the extraction of metals with8- hydroxyquinoline --- p.19 / Chapter III-2 --- "Normal absorbance spectra of the metal - oxinates: A1 (5ppm), Fe (5ppm)" --- p.20 / Chapter III-3 --- Effect of pH on the determination of iron (5ppm) --- p.29 / Chapter III-4 --- Calibration curve for the determination of iron (III) by spectrophotometry at 580 nm --- p.33 / Chapter III-5 --- "The first derivative spectra of metal-oxinates A1: 5ppm, Fe : 5ppm" --- p.39 / Chapter III-6 --- "The second derivative spectra of metal-oxinates, A1: 5ppm, Fe : 5ppm" --- p.39 / Chapter III-7 --- "Normal absorption spectra of the metal-oxinates : A1(5 ppm), Ti (5 ppm)" --- p.41 / Chapter III-8 --- Effect of pH on the determination of aluminium --- p.43 / Chapter III-9 --- Calibration curve for the determination of aluminium by second derivative spectrophotometry at 390 nm --- p.47 / Chapter IV-1 --- "Effect of pH on the development of colour of Ca- GBHA complex. Ca : 1.2 ppm, wavelength : 530 nm" --- p.68
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Determination of some minor elements in cement by energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectrometry and determination of mercury in water by static cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry.January 1994 (has links)
by Wong Chi Kin. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1994. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 131-133). / Acknowledgement / Abstract --- p.1 / General introduction --- p.4 / Part I Determination of Some Minor Elements in Cement by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry / Introduction --- p.7 / Experimental --- p.14 / Results and discussions --- p.18 / Part II Determination of Mercury in Water by Static Cold Vapour Atomic Absorption Spectrometry / Introduction --- p.78 / Experimental --- p.84 / Results and discussions --- p.89 / Conclusion --- p.130 / References --- p.131
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Comportamento mecânico e desempenho em campo de base de solo-cimento. / Mechanical behavior and field performance for soil-cement base.Kendi Sanbonsuge 18 December 2012 (has links)
A base de solo-cimento é um material de alta qualidade e durabilidade empregada na pavimentação rodoviária. Atualmente no Brasil, sua dosagem é realizada a partir de ensaios mecânicos, de forma a definir um valor mínimo de cimento que apresente resistência satisfatória. O foco da pesquisa consiste no estudo de prováveis diferenças na forma da adição do cimento: (i) mistura realizada com o solo seco, procedimento comumente adotado para dosagem, ou ainda (ii) mistura realizada com solo úmido, condição que representa o processo de produção em pista, ou usina. Ensaios mecânicos de resistência e rigidez foram realizados para as duas condições de umidade de mistura e para quatro tempos de cura (3, 7, 14 e 28 dias). As amostras moldadas a partir da umidade higroscópica apresentaram maiores valores de resistência à compressão simples e módulo de resiliência, porém menores de valores de resistência à tração por compressão diametral. O grau de saturação obtido na compactação Proctor das amostras de solo mostram que o solo compactado na umidade de campo atinge menores índices de vazios, resultando em massa específica aparente seca superiores ao solo compactado a partir da umidade higroscópica. Através do acompanhamento de um trecho experimental, foram realizadas medidas de bacias de deflexão com equipamento FWD, com o objetivo de retroanalisar os módulos resilientes das camadas constituintes da estrutura do pavimento. Os valores de módulo de resiliência retroanálisados apresentaram variações quando comparados com as determinações de rigidez determinadas em laboratório. / The soil-cement base-layer is a high quality and durable material employed in construction road. In Brazil, the soil-cement mix design is based on mechanical tests, in order to define a minimum cement content to assure satisfactory strength. The aim of this research is to study possible differences in the way cement is added to the mixture: (i) soil in the dry moisture condition (hygroscopic), common procedure adopted in laboratory for the mixture design, or (ii) soil in the wet moisture condition, common procedure during the road construction, or in the mix plant. Mechanical tests for strength and stiffness measurement were performed using both initial moisture conditions, and for four curing times (3, 7, 14, and 28 days). The sample compacted in the hygroscopic moisture condition showed higher strength in ultimate compressive strength (UCS) and resilient modulus (RM) tests. The degree of saturation calculated for the soil samples from the compaction test (Proctor) showed that the soil at wet moisture condition decreased the air voids. It resulted in higher dry density when compared with the soil at the dry moisture condition. One experimental test site, with soil-cement in the base layer was constructed and monitored. Its structural evaluation with Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) was used for backcalculation of the resilient modulus of the pavement layers. The backcalculated resilient modulus results were smaller than the values obtained from laboratory sample testing.
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Adesão e grau de conversão: efeito das cores da cerâmica e do agente de fixação resinoso /Passos, Sheila Pestana. January 2010 (has links)
Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a translucidez de diferentes cores da cerâmica, o grau de conversão de diferentes cores do agente de fixação resinoso e a resistência de união entre a cerâmica e a dentina, variando as cores da cerâmica e do agente de fixação e o tempo de fotoativação. A hipótese é que quanto mais escuros o agente de fixação resinoso e a cerâmica, menor translucidez, menor conversão dos monômeros, mais baixa será a resistência adesiva, portanto maior tempo necessário para fotoativação. Três discos da cerâmica Vita VM7 com dimensão de 20 x 2 mm nas cores Base Dentine 0M1, Base Dentine 2M2 e Base Dentine 5M3 e dois discos com 20 x 2,5 mm da mesma cerâmica nas cores Base Dentine 0M1 e Base Dentine 5M3 foram usados para determinar a percentagem de translucidez através do espectrofotômetro MiniScan. Para se obter o grau de conversão (GC), os cp do agente de fixação (Variolink II; A3 Amarelo e transparente; espessura: 100 μm) foram fotoativados sob um bloco cerâmico (espessura: 2 mm; Base Dentine 0M1, Base Dentine 2M2 e Base Dentine 5M3) por 20 ou 40 s. Cp fotoativados sem o bloco cerâmico foram usados como controle. Dezesseis grupos (n=3) foram avaliados. Espectrometria de Micro- ATR/FTIR foi utilizada para avaliar a extensão da polimerização de todos os cp depois de 24 h. A %GC foi calculada e os dados foram analisados através de ANOVA 1-fator e teste de Tukey ( =0,05). Para avaliar adesão, a dentina da superfície oclusal de 80 molares humanos hígidos foi exposta e condicionada com ácido fosfórico 37% e adesivo (Excite DSC). Oitenta blocos (7,2 x 7,2 x 2,5 mm) da mesma cerâmica, nas cores Base Dentine 0M1 e Base Dentine 5M3, foram confeccionados de acordo com as instruções do fabricante. A superfície cerâmica foi tratada com ácido fluorídrico 10% por 60 s e silanizada. Os blocos cerâmicos de cada cor foram cimentados... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the translucency of different ceramic shades, degree of conversion of different resin cement and the bond strength between a feldspathic ceramic and dentin using different resin cement and ceramic shades, and the activation time. The hypothesis is the darker the resin cement and ceramic, lower the translucency; the lower the degree of monomers conversion, lower the bond strength, then the activation time should be higher. Three discs of Vita VM7 ceramic with 20 x 2 mm and shades: Base Dentine 0M1, Base Dentine 2M2 and Base Dentine 5M3, and two discs with 20 x 2.5 mm of the same ceramic and shades: Base Dentine 0M1 and Base Dentine 5M3 were used to determine the translucency percentage of each sp using the MiniScan espectrophotometer. For measure the degree of conversion (DC), the resin cement (Variolink II; A3 Yellow and transparent) specimens (thickness: 100 μm) were photocured under a ceramic block (2mm-thick; Base Dentine 0M1, Base Dentine 2M2 and Base Dentine 5M3) for 20 or 40 s. Specimen photocured without the ceramic block were used as control. Sixteen groups (n=3) were evaluated. Micro-ATR/FTIR spectrometry was used to evaluate the extent of polymerization of all sp after 24 h. The %DC was calculated and the data were analyzed using ANOVA 1-way and Tukey test ( =0,05). For the microtensile bond strength test, the occlusal dentin surface of eighty molars were exposed and etched with 37% phosphoric acid and an adhesive (Excite DSC) was applied. Eighty blocks (7.2 x 7.2 x 2.5 mm) of Base Dentine 0M1 and Base Dentine 5M3 of Vita VM7 ceramic were produced according to the manufacturers. The ceramic surface was etched with 10% hydrofluoric acid for 60 s, followed by the application of a silane agent and a dualcured resin cement (Variolink II; base and catalyst: A3 Yellow; base and catalyst: transparent), according to the manufacturers' ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Orientador: Estevão Tomomitsu Kimpara / Coorientador: Amin Sami Rizkalla / Banca: Anderson Pinheiro de Freitas / Banca: Marco Antonio Bottino / Banca: Mario Alexandre Coelho Sinhoreti / Banca: Paula Komori / Doutor
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Low Temperature Calorimetry and Alkali-Activated SlagsFreeman, Gregory Edward 29 April 2014 (has links)
The American Society of Civil Engineers’ (ASCE’s) “2013 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure” estimated that “32% of America’s major roads are in poor or mediocre condition.” An estimated $100 billion dollars are needed to maintain that condition, and an additional $79 billion is needed to improve the quality of American roadways to an acceptable level. In many regions around the US, the service lives of concrete pavements are limited by the damage caused by freezing and thawing of pore solution inside the pavements. Alkali-activated slags (AAS) are produced from ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS), a byproduct of iron production, and exhibit cementitious properties. AAS concretes have been shown to have improved corrosion and freeze/thaw resistance compared to traditional cementbased concretes. A Guarded Longitudinal Comparative Calorimeter (GLCC) was used to determine when the freezing and thawing of internal water occurs in three AAS mortars using solutions of NaOH, Na2CO3, or waterglass compared to a control Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) mortar. AAS mortars using NaOH and Na2CO3 showed comparable thermal properties to the OPC mortar using the GLCC, and the AAS mortar using waterglass was shown to have higher heat capacity compared to the other AAS mixes. The compressive strengths varied by the alkaline solution used, with AAS with Na2CO3 showing inferior compressive strength to OPC, AAS with NaOH showing similar compressive strength to OPC, and AAS with waterglass showing superior compressive strength to OPC, but poor workability. A computer model of the GLCC testing procedure was created and showed good agreement with the experimental data. The GLCC model can be modified to approximate the results of the GLCC using a wider range of materials and internal solutions, like PCMs.
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Reactive MgO and self-healing microcapsules for enhanced well cement performanceMao, Wenting January 2019 (has links)
The annular cement sheath plays a crucial role in ensuring well integrity by providing adequate zonal isolation, stabilizing the formation, and protecting the casing from corrosion. A majority of well integrity problems originate from oil well cement shrinkage and shrinkage-induced cracking, as well as cracking induced by other external stresses. The addition of expansive additives is a commonly used way to compensate for shrinkage. Compared to conventional ettringite-based and CaO-based expansive additives, MgO has many advantages including a thermally stable hydration product, relatively low water requirements for hydration, and designable expansion properties. These make MgO a promising candidate for delivering the desired expansion under the complex and variable underground wellbore environment. Self-healing materials which have the capability for autonomous crack repair are an attractive solution for addressing cracking problems in oil well cement. Engineered additions of healing agents for autonomic self-healing via a delivery system have been reported as effective ways to promote self-healing in cementitious materials. Microcapsules that can be easily added to cement pastes and dispersed through the cement matrix are considered particularly suitable for use in oil well cement. This research project investigates the efficacy of reactive MgO expansive additives to reduce shrinkage, and of sodium silicate microcapsules to improve the self-healing properties of oil well cement, and explores the feasibility of their combined use in a high temperature oil well environment. Three types of reactive MgOs from different reactivity grades, high reactivity N50, medium reactivity MAG-R, and low reactivity 92/200, were characterised in terms of their expansion characteristics in cement paste prisms cured in water, and further tested on their autogenous shrinkage reduction at 80oC. The highly reactive N50 could only partially compensate for autogenous shrinkage, while the less reactive MAG-R and 92/200 completely compensated for autogenous shrinkage. MAG-R and 92/200 also showed effective drying shrinkage reduction at 90% RH. The restrained expansion of MAG-R and 92/200 during an early age was found to significantly improve the cracking resistance of oil well cement. The free expansion of 92/200, with low reactivity, caused significant strength reduction, but under restrained conditions the effect was mitigated as its compressive strength was enhanced by confined expansion. The addition of MAG-R increased compressive strength under both free and restrained conditions. Two groups of sodium silicate microcapsules, T1 with rigid polyurea shells and T2 with rubbery polyurea shells, were characterised in terms of their thermal stability, alkalinity resistance and survivability during cement mixing, and the results verified their suitability for use in oil well cement at the high temperature of 80 oC. The effects of the two types of microcapsules on the self-healing performance of oil well cement at 80 oC were monitored using a variety of techniques. Oil well cement itself showed very little healing capability when cured at 80 oC, but the addition of microcapsules significantly promoted its self-healing performance, showing reduced crack width and crack depth, enhanced tightness recovery against gas permeability and water sorptivity, as well as strength recovery. Microstructure analyses of the cracking surface further verified the successful release of the sodium silicate core and its reaction with the cement matrix to form C-S-H healing products. Both groups of microcapsules showed comparable self-healing efficiency. Their different shell properties mainly influenced the strength of oil well cement, with rigid shell microcapsules causing less strength reduction than rubbery shell microcapsules. The overall performance of oil well cement containing both reactive MgO and microcapsules were evaluated. The combined addition of MgO MAG-R and T1 microcapsules showed similar expansion performance and self-healing efficiency compared to their individual use. The use of MgO MAG-R compensated for the strength reduction caused by the addition of microcapsules, achieving an overall improvement in the cement strength.
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Investigation into the production of carbonates and oxides from synthetic brine through carbon sequestrationHao, Rui January 2017 (has links)
The cement industry contributes around 5-7% of man-made CO2 emissions globally because of the Portland Cement (PC) production. Therefore, innovative reactive magnesia cement, with significant sustainable and technical advantages, has been proposed by blending reactive MgO and hydraulic binders in various proportions. MgO is currently produced from the calcination of magnesite (MgCO3), emitting more CO2 than the production of PC, or from seawater/brine which is also extremely energy intensive. Hence this research aims to investigate an innovative method to produce MgO from reject brine, a waste Mg source, through carbon sequestration, by its reaction with CO2, to provide a comparable low carbon manufacturing process due to the recycling of CO2. The produced deposits are then calcined to oxides with potential usage in construction industry. The entire system is a closed loop to achieve both environmental optimisation and good productivity. This research focuses on the chemical manufacturing process, integrated with material science knowledge and advancements, instead of concentrating purely on chemistry evaluations. Six series of studies were conducted, utilising MgCl2, CaCl2, MgCl2-CaCl2, MgCl2-CaCl2-NaCl, and MgCl2-CaCl2-NaCl-KCl to react with CO2 under alkaline conditions. The precipitates include hydrated magnesium carbonates, calcium carbonates and magnesian calcite. Generated carbonates were then calcined in a furnace to obtain MgO, CaO or dolime (CaO•MgO). All six series of carbonation processes were carried out under a controlled pH level, to study the constant pH’s effect on the process and resulting precipitates. Other controllable factors include pH, temperature, initial concentration, stirring speed, and CO2 flux rate. In conclusion, the optimum parameters for the production of the carbonated precipitates are: 0.25MgCl2 + 0.05CaCl2 + 2.35NaCl + 0.05KCl, 700rpm stirring speed, 25oC room temperature, pH=10.5, and 500cm3/min CO2 infusion rate. Reaction time is within a day. These parameters are chosen based on the sequestration level, particle performance morphology and the operational convenience. The optimum calcination parameters are at 800oC heating temperature with a 4h retention time.
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Atividade antimicrobiana de cimentos que contêm silicato de cálcio em dentina infectada por biofilme muiti-espécies : um estudo em microcospia confocal à laser / Antimicrobial effect of calcium silicatebased materials in dentin infected by multispecies biofilm : a confocal laser scanning microscopy studyJardine, Alexander Pompermayer January 2016 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar, em microscopia confocal à laser (CLSM), a ação antimicrobiana do Neo MTA Plus, do Biodentine e do MTA Angelus, utilizando um modelo de biofilme multi-espécies microcosmo, e descrever a morfologia dos microrganismos encontrados no biofilme, através da análise em microscópio eletrônico de varredura (MEV). Cinquenta e seis blocos de dentina, confeccionados a partir de raízes de dentes humanos, foram cortados em dimensões de 5 x 4 x 4 mm, limpos e esterilizados. Dois blocos foram utilizados para o controle do processo de esterilização. Os demais 54 foram fixados em placas de Hawley confeccionadas para 6 voluntários. Cada voluntário utilizou uma placa por 72 horas. Após esse período, os blocos foram mantidos em poços de cultura celular, contendo BHI, em estufa à 37ºC, por um período de 21 dias. Ao final do processo de maturação do biofilme, as amostras foram divididas aleatoriamente em 5 grupos, conforme os cimentos a serem testados e o método de análise: Neo MTA Plus (n=12), Biodentine (n=12), MTA Angelus (n=12), controle negativo (n=12) e grupo para análise em MEV (n=6). A seguir, os cimentos foram colocados em contato com o biofilme dos blocos dos grupos-teste e os conjuntos (bloco + cimento) ou os blocos do grupo controle e para análise em MEV foram recolocados em poços de cultura contendo BHI, onde permaneceram por 7 dias à 37ºC. A análise em CLSM foi realizada nos blocos de dentina e nos cimentos, separadamente. A analise em MEV foi realizada nas seis amostras do grupo correspondente. Todos os grupos apresentaram mais de 50% de bactérias viáveis. O Neo MTA Plus foi o único material a apresentar diferença significativa quando comparado ao grupo controle negativo (P=.0379). A análise em MEV mostrou um biofilme composto por bactérias de forma circular e de bastonetes, circundadas por matriz extra-celular. Em conclusão, todos os grupos apresentaram bactérias viáveis e o Neo MTA Plus teve a maior ação antimicrobiana. / This study aimed to assess, by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), the antimicrobial effect of Neo MTA Plus, Biodentine and MTA Angelus, using a microcosmo biofilm model, and to describe the microrganisms morphology, by SEM. Fifty-six dentin blocks were made from human teeth roots, cut in a size 5 x 4 x 4 mm, cleaned and sterelized. Two blocks were used to sterelization control. The others 54 blocks were fixed in Hawley retainers made for 6 volunteers that used it for 72h. After this period, they were placed in wells with BHI for 21 days, at 37ºC. At the end of the biofilm growth, the samples were randomly divided in 5 groups: Neo MTA Plus (n=12), Biodentine (n=12), MTA Angelus (n=12), negative control (n=12), and SEM analysis (n=6). The cements were placed in contact with the blocks of the tested groups. All samples were replaced in wells with BHI by 7 days at 37ºC. CLSM analysis evaluated the dentin blocks and cements isolated. SEM observation were performed in the six samples of the respective group. All groups presented a level of viable bacteria higher than 50%. Neo MTA Plus was the only one that showed significant difference from the negative control group (P=.0379). SEM analysis showed a biofilm composed of spherical and rod-shaped bacteria surrounded by extracellular matrix. All groups presented viable bacteria and Neo MTA Plus had the highest antimicrobial effect.
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