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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo do comportamento de argamassas colantes com aditivação de látex acrílico. / Study of behavior of dry set mortar modified with acrylic latex.

Matsusato, Marcelo 24 July 2007 (has links)
Os revestimentos cerâmicos aderidos têm grandes vantagens estéticas e funcionais e seu emprego no mercado nacional vem sendo crescente, sobretudo com o uso de placas de porcelanato. Essas vantagens somente se concretizam com uma adequada durabilidade e vida útil, o que não vem ocorrendo com esses revestimentos aplicados em bases sujeitas a deformações e ou movimentações, como o caso de fachadas. Como camada de ligação entre o substrato e a placa cerâmica, as argamassas colantes apresentam papel fundamental para o revestimento cerâmico, tais como: suportar deformações e ou movimentações diferenciais, apresentar resistência mecânica duradoura e ter capacidade de aderir com segurança em qualquer substrato e placa cerâmica. O objetivo desse trabalho foi de estudar o comportamento de argamassas colantes com a aditivação de látex acrílico. Foi realizado um estudo experimental comparativo entre argamassas colantes monocomponentes e argamassas colantes aditivadas com látex acrílico. Para verificar o comportamento que essa aditivação proporciona, foram realizados ensaios de resistência de aderência, flexibilidade, resistência à compressão, resistência à tração na flexão com determinação de módulo de deformação e tempo em aberto com placas de porcelanato. Os resultados mostraram de uma forma geral que a aditivação de argamassas colantes proporcionam aumento significativo na flexibilidade. Ocorre melhora na resistência de aderência, resistência à compressão e resistência à tração na flexão e também na capacidade de absorver deformações com o aumento do teor de polímero/argamassa. A aderência em placas de baixa porosidade como o porcelanato é melhorada e o tempo em aberto de laboratório também é estendido para as argamassas modificadas com látex. / The directed adhere ceramic tiles has aesthetic and functional advantages, and its use in the national market is increasing specially with the use along with porcelain tile. These advantages can only be seen though, if the system has adequate durability and service live, which doesn\'t happen once it is applied on irreversible or cyclic movement basis as building façades. As the clingy layer between the ceramic tile and the substrate, the tile adhesives have fundamental importance for the directed adhered ceramic tile, working on deformation and movements support capability, long-term durability mechanic resistance and safety and reliability to adhere on all type of substrates and ceramic tile. The purpose of this work was to study the behavior of dry set mortar modified with acrylic latex. An experimental study has been done, comparing dry set mortar to acrylic latex Portland cement mortar. To verify the behavior that the latex provides, the following tests were realized: tensile bond adhesion, deformability, compressive strength and tensile strength with deformation modulus and open time with porcelain tile. The results showed in general, that the latex improved the flexibility of dry set mortar and the improvement of the tensile adhesion, compressive and tensile strength and deformability capacity by increasing the polymer/mortar content. The adhesion and open time in porcelain tile has been improved with latex Portland cement mortar.

Considerações sobre metodologias para o dimensionamento estrutural de pavimentos reciclados com camada cimentada. / Considerations on methodologies for the structural design of recycled pavements with cemented layer.

Lima, Gabriel Garcia de Abreu 12 November 2018 (has links)
As alternativas de reciclagem se apresentam com elevado potencial para acrescentar ganho à capacidade estrutural de um pavimento, simultaneamente, aproveitando os materiais compostos do pavimento existente, acarretando benefícios econômicos e ambientais, quando comparadas às soluções de reconstrução tradicionais. Diversos métodos de reciclagem de pavimentos têm sido aplicados no Brasil, particularmente, a reciclagem com adição de cimento, entretanto, não há um método consolidado para o dimensionamento estrutural dessa solução, o que gera dificuldades e muitas vezes desconfiança no seu emprego. Para se desenvolver um procedimento de dimensionamento que contemple esse tipo de solução, foram estudados métodos presentes na bibliografia internacional. Uma abordagem detalhada sobre cada método é apresentada, denotando seus principais aspectos, resultando em uma proposta de procedimento para o dimensionamento estrutural de pavimentos com camadas recicladas com cimento, de forma a atender a metodologia do Manual de Pavimentação do Departamento Nacional de Infraestrutura de Transportes (DNIT) aplicando conceitos de análise mecanicista. A fim de corroborar os assuntos abordados, foi realizado um estudo paramétrico com o desenvolvimento de equações para correlação entre as deformações críticas esperadas na estrutura reciclada, resultando em modelos de dimensionamento para a camada reciclada com cimento e, por fim, o estudo de caso com o dimensionamento estrutural pelos métodos abordados em segmentos da rodovia SP 270. / Recycling alternatives are presented with a high potential to add gain to the structural capacity of a pavement, making use of the existing pavement composite materials while bringing economic and environmental benefits when compared to traditional reconstruction techniques. Several methods of pavement recycling have been applied in Brazil, particularly the recycling with cement addition; however, there is no consolidated method for the structural design of this solution, which generates difficulties and often distrust regarding its employment. In order to develop a design procedure taking into account this sort of solution, methods described in international bibliography have been examined. A detailed approach to each method denoting its main aspects is presented, resulting in a proposed procedure for the structural design of pavements with cement recycled layers so as to comply with the methodology contained in the Paving Manual of National Department of Transport Infrastructure (DNIT) by applying concepts of mechanistic analysis. In order to corroborate the issues discussed, a parametric study has been carried out with the development of equations to correlate the critical deformations expected in the recycled structure, resulting in design models for the cement recycled layer and finally, the case study of a structural design on segments of Highway SP 270 using the methods discussed.

Avaliação macroscópica e microscópica do cimento Portland comum - CP I e do cimento Portland branco não estrutural - CPB incluídos na calvária de ratos / Macroscopic and microscopic evaluation of Portland Cement Joint - CP I and the Portland Cement White not structural - CPB included in the skull of rats

Simões, Fabiano Geronasso 21 January 2009 (has links)
Os biomateriais podem ser definidos como substâncias de origem natural ou sintética que são tolerados de forma transitória ou permanente pelos diversos tecidos que constituem os órgãos dos seres vivos. Dentre esses biomateriais podemos citar o Agregado de Trióxido Mineral (ATM), que foi desenvolvido na Universidade de Loma Linda na década de 90. Desde então, não cessaram trabalhos de pesquisa envolvendo esse material e o Cimento Portland (CP); que embora não seja um material de uso odontológico direto, pode-se afirmar que possui basicamente os mesmos componentes químicos do ATM. O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi avaliar a biocompatibilidade do cimento Portland comum (CP-I) e do cimento Portland branco (CPB) não estrutural, incluídos na calvária de ratos. Foram selecionados vinte ratos, dois foram previamente utilizados como grupo piloto; os dezoito restantes foram distribuídos em três grupos de seis ratos que avaliados nos tempos experimentais de 30, 60, 90 dias foram mortos para análise histopatológica. Cada animal recebeu um implante, sendo três de Cimento Portland Comum (CP-I) e três de Cimento Portland Branco (CPB). Os resultados mostraram que não houve conseqüências de uma proliferação microbiológica em nenhum dos cimentos e tempos pesquisados. Observou-se tecido conjuntivo denso, celular e ricamente vascularizado. Também foi visualizado uma matriz óssea recém formada, adjacente aos osteoblastos ativos e que não estava ainda calcificada; apresentava-se menos mineralizada e com ausência de lamelas. Durantes os tempos histológicos de 30, 60 e 90 dias, o infiltrado inflamatório disperso no tecido apresentou-se: intenso, moderado e discreto. Sugerindo a mudança do processo inflamatório de agudo a crônico respectivamente / The biomaterials can be defined as substances of natural or synthetic origin that are tolerated on a temporary or permanent by the various tissues that make up the organs of living beings. Among these biomaterials can quote the mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), which was developed at the University of Loma Linda, in the 90s. Since then, it stopped work on research involving this material and Portland cement (PC), which although not a dental material to use direct, one can say that basically has the same chemical components of the ATM. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the biocompatibility of common Portland cement (PC-I) and the white Portland cement (CPB) no structural, included in the skull of rats. Twenty rats were selected, two were previously used as a pilot group and the eighteen others were divided into three groups of six rats that were killed and evaluated in experimental stroke, 30, 60, and 90 days. Each animal received an implant, three of Common Portland Cement (PC-I) and three of White Portland Cement (CPB). The results show that there were no consequences of a microbial proliferation in any of cement and times searched. There was also the formation of bone tissue with characteristics of immaturity, showing gaps in some areas without osteocytes; presence of moderate and cell tissue, richly vascularized, showing characteristics of biocompatibility, and the potential for bone and cell differentiation.

Pozolanicidade do metacaulim em sistemas binários com cimento Portland e hidróxido de cálcio. / Pozzolanic metakaolin in the binary systems with Portland cement and calcium hidroxide.

Apaza Medina, Engler 23 September 2011 (has links)
O metacaulim é um material pozolânico que vem sendo pesquisado e adotado em vários países. O metacaulim é constituído basicamente de sílica (SiO) e alumina (Al2O3) na fase amorfa, capaz de reagir com o hidróxido de cálcio Ca(OH) gerado durante a hidratação do cimento Portland, formando produtos hidratados similares aos decorrentes da hidratação direta do clinquer Portland. Esta pozolana acelera o processo de hidratação do cimento, formando silicato de cálcio hidratado (C-S-H) adicional. O conhecimento das características do metacaulim que influenciam a interação com a cal, se faz necessário para subsidiar medidas preventivas com relação ao consumo de portlandita. O presente trabalho visa determinar as características físico-químicas relevantes para o entendimento da atividade pozolânica, avaliando as reações propiciadas pelo metacaulim em sistemas binários. Para este propósito, realizaram-se estudos experimentais em pasta e concreto, usando as técnicas de difratometria de raios X e de termogravimetria. As etapas experimentais consistiram: na caracterização do metacaulim, com ênfase na determinação do teor da fase amorfa; a avaliação da cinética da reação em sistema metacaulim/hidróxido de cálcio e análise da evolução da hidratação de cimento com alto teor de metacaulim. Nos sistemas cimenticios de concretos com diferentes teores de substituição de metacaulim com e sem cal hidratada, foi avaliado o comportamento da resistência à compressão. No metacaulim estudado, o teor da fase amorfa foi de 74,60% e o restante (25,40%) atua como material inerte, e o consumo máximo por atividade pozolânica, foi de 1,34 gr de Ca(OH)/grama de fase amorfa de metacaulim. Na evolução das reações, por atividade pozolânica o C-S-H foi formando gradativamente. A adição de 15% de metacaulim e 5% de cal hidratada em concretos proporcionou um ganho de resistência de 17% a mais em função do concreto de referência. / The metakaolin is a pozzolanic material that has been investigated and adopted in several countries. The metakaolin consists primarily of silica (SiO) and alumina (Al2O3) in the amorphous phase, and can react with calcium hydroxide Ca (OH) generated during hydration of Portland cement to form products similar to those obtained during Portland clinker basic hydration. This pozzolana could accelerate the hydration of cement, forming calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) additional. The knowledge of the characteristics of metakaolin that influence the interaction with lime provides the necessary subsidize to prevent excessive consumption of portlandite. This paper aims to determine the physical and chemical relevant characteristics in order to understand the pozzolanic activity, evaluating the responses provided by the metakaolin in binary systems. For this purpose, experimental studies were conducted in paste and concrete, using the techniques of X-ray diffraction and thermogravimetry. The experimental steps consisted of: the characterization of metakaolin, with emphasis on determining the amorphous phase content, this evaluation of the kinetics of the reaction system metakaolin and calcium hydroxide; The analysis of the evolution of the cement hydration with high content of metakaolin. In cementitious systems of concrete with different metakaolin replacement levels with and without hydrated lime, was rated the behavior of the compressive strength. The content of amorphous phase In the studied metakaolim was 74.60% and the remainder (25.40%) acts as an inert material, and the máximum consumption by pozzolanic activity was 1.34 g of Ca (OH)/g amorphous phase of metakaolin. During the evolution of pozzolanic reactions, the C-S-H was gradually formed. The addition of 15% metakaolin and 5% hydrated lime in concrete has a strength gain of 17% more depending on the reference concrete.

Influência da espessura da cerâmica, do tempo de fotopolimerização e do cimento resinoso na resistência de união à microtração de uma cerâmica vítrea cimentada à dentina humana /

Barca, Diana Capelli. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Carlos Augusto Pavanelli / Banca: Henrique Cerveira Netto / Banca: Rodrigo Othavio de Assunção e Souza / Resumo: Este estudo avaliou a influência da espessura da cerâmica, do tempo e tipo de fotopolimerização do cimento resinoso na resistência da união entre uma cerâmica vítrea e a dentina coronária humana. A hipótese é a de que o tipo e o tempo de fotopolimerização do agente cimentante e a espessura da cerâmica influenciem na resistência de união entre cimento e dentina. Foram selecionados cento e doze dentes molares humanos hígidos que foram incluídos em resina acrílica e tiveram a superfície oclusal cortadas em máquina Labcut, expondo a dentina planificada. Dois grupos foram tiveram a dentina condicionada com ácido fosfórico 37% lavada e aplicado adesivo (Excite, Ivoclar) fotopolimerizando por 20s. No grupo controle (n=16), utilizou-se cimento auto-adesivo. Foram confeccionados cento e doze blocos (6 x 6 mm) de cerâmica feldspática (Vita PM9) com três espessuras: 1, 2 e 3 mm que tiveram a superfície de cimentação tratad a com ácido fluorídrico 10%, lavada, seca e silanizada. Os blocos cerâmicos foram cimentados, de acordo com o grupo experimental: Variolink II (Ivoclar Vivadent); e fotopolimerizados com LED por 40 ou 80 segundos de fotopolimerização ou cimento Multilink II (no grupo controle). Assim, formaram-se sete grupos (n=16). Os espécimes foram armazenados em água destilada (37°C) por 24 horas e seccionados em dois eixos, X e Y, para a obtenção dos espécimes. Cada grupo (N=16) foi subdividido em 2 (n=8) onde um grupo foi termociclado e o outro submetido ao ensaio de microtração 24 horas após a cimentação. Esse palito (cerâmica/dente) foi fixado no dispositivo de microtração Erios, levado à máquina de ensaio universal e testado com velocidade de 1 mm/min. Os valores médios obtidos (MPa) foram à análise de Variáveis ANOVA 3- fatores, teste de Dunnett e ao teste de Tukey (5%). A resistência adesiva foi significantemente influenciada pelos fatores... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This study evaluated the influence of the thickness of the ceramic, time and type of light curing resin cement on bond strength between a ceramic and glass human dentin. The hypothesis is that the type and time of curing luting agent and the thickness of the ceramic bearing on the bond strength between cement and dentin. We selected one hundred and twelve healthy human molar teeth were embedded in acrylic resin and were cut in the occlusal surface Labcut machine, exposing the dentin. Two groups have had to dentin conditioned with 37% phosphoric acid washed applied adhesive (Excite, Ivoclar) light cured for 20s. In the control group (n = 16), we used self-adhesive cement. We made one hundred and twelve blocks (6 x 6 mm) ceramic feldspathic (Vita PM9) with three thicknesses: 1, 2 and 3 mm that had cement surface treated with hydrofluoric acid 10%, washed, dried, and silanized. The ceramic blocks were cemented according to the experimental group: Variolink II (Ivoclar Vivadent) and cured with LED for 40 or 80 seconds of curing cement Multilink or II (control group). Thus, they formed seven groups (N = 16). The specimens were stored in distilled water (37 ° C) for 24 hours and sectioned in two axes, X and Y, to obtain the specimens. Each group (N = 16) was subdivided into two (n = 8) where a group was thermocycled and another test by microtensile 24 hours after cementation. This toothpick (ceramic / tooth) was mounted in microtensile Erios, led to a universal testing machine and tested at a speed of 1 mm / min. The average values (MPa) were the ANOVA analysis of three variables - factors, Dunnett test and Tukey test (5%). The bond strength was significantly influenced by light irradiation time, thickness of the ceramic thermal cycling / Mestre

Etude comparative de la diffusion d'espèces anioniques et cationiques dans les matériaux cimentaires : étude expérimentale et numérique / Comparative study of anionic and cationic species diffusion in cement materials : experimental and numerical study

Sanchez, Thomas 15 January 2018 (has links)
Dans le cadre du projet Cigeo (centre industriel pour le dépôt géologique de déchets radioactifs), le comportement diffusif des radionucléides dans les matériaux cimentaires est un sujet d’étude de l’Andra. Après la fermeture du site d’entreposage de déchets radioactifs, les radionucléides se retrouveront à terme en solution sous forme d’ions. Ils seront alors susceptibles de migrer vers la roche argileuse entourant le site d’entreposage et ses ouvrages en béton seront la première barrière qu'ils rencontreront lors de leur diffusion. Lorsque l'eau provenant de la roche se trouvera en contact avec les ouvrages, cela entrainera une décalcification et une dégradation progressive du matériau cimentaire. De nombreux travaux de recherche traitent de la diffusion d’espèces ioniques dans les matériaux cimentaires. Il existe cependant très peu d'études comparatives sur la diffusion de traceurs différemment chargés dans les matériaux cimentaires à différents états de dégradation, et notamment sur le matériau qui est à l'étude par l'Andra (à base de CEM V). Cette thèse a donc pour objectif d’étudier la diffusion de différentes espèces anioniques, cationiques et neutres dans un matériau cimentaire à base de CEM V à différents états de dégradation. Dans cette optique, un protocole expérimental optimisé a été mis au point et une étude numérique sur un logiciel de transport réactif multi-espèces a été menée. Des essais de diffusion sur des pâtes de ciment à base de ciment CEM I ont d'abord été réalisés afin de calibrer la procédure. Les essais principalement réalisés sont des essais de diffusion accélérée sous champ électrique, appelés aussi essais de migration. Des essais complémentaires de diffusion naturelle, tels que les essais de lixiviation et d’immersion, permettent de valider et de compléter les résultats des essais de migration. On utilise le logiciel PhreeqC (v3.3.12 Ampère prenant en compte l'application d'un champ électrique lors de la diffusion). Il permet de comparer les comportements diffusifs des traceurs utilisés à l’aide d’un facteur unique, appelé facteur de formation F(i) = D(E,i) / D(L,i) qui représente le chemin accessible à la diffusion de l'espèce i. Ce facteur prend en compte la topologie de la microstructure (porosité, tortuosité…) et les phénomènes électro-capillaires d’adsorption. Afin d'affiner notre modèle numérique, nous nous appuyons sur les courbes d’évolution du courant électrique et des concentrations (traceurs et espèces secondaires). L'étude comparative a été réalisée sur des pâtes de ciment puis du béton à base de CEM V. Les pâtes ont été conservées à différents états de dégradation : sain (la solution porale du matériau est riche en alcalins), lixivié (le matériau s’appauvrit en alcalins au contact d'une solution d'eau pure) et dégradé à pH 12,5 (une solution calcaire remplace la solution porale du matériau sans modifier sa microstructure). Il a alors été observé que les espèces ioniques ne diffusaient pas de la même manière suivant leur charge et l’état de dégradation du matériau (donc de la composition de sa solution porale). Cette observation a été confirmée par les essais de diffusion sur du béton, un matériau de microstructure plus complexe. Sur un type de matériau donné, le facteur de formation F(i) varie d'une espèce à l'autre alors que la géométrie macroscopique du matériau est la même. Cela semble donc faire apparaitre des phénomènes microscopiques qui pourraient influencer la diffusion de l'espèce i et qui dépendent de l’espèce étudiée et de la composition de la solution porale du matériau. / Radionuclides diffusive behavior in cement materials is one of the topics studied by Andra for the Cigeo project (industrial center for geological disposal of radioactive waste). After the site closure, radionuclides will be released in solution by the end as ionic species. Therefore, it has high potential to migrate to the argillaceous rock surrounding the disposal site and its concrete vaults will be the first barriers against radionuclides diffusion. When water coming from the argillaceous rock is in contact with concrete vaults, it will lead to a decalcification and a progressive degradation of the cement materials. Numerous research works deal with diffusion of ionic species in cement materials. However, there are very few comparative studies about diffusion of tracer differently charged in cement material untainted and at different degraded states, particularly on the material studied by Andra on its Cigeo project (based on CEM V cement). The aim of this thesis is to study ionic diffusion of different anionic, cationic and neutral species in a cement material based on CEM V at different degradation states. In this purpose, an optimized experimental protocol has been developed and a numerical multi-species reactive transport software study has been lead. Firstly, diffusion tests on CEM I cement paste have been carried out in order to calibrate the procedure. Main tests are electrical field applied accelerated diffusion, also named migration tests. Complementary tests of natural diffusion, like in-diffusion or out-diffusion tests, allow us to validate and round off migration test results. We use PhreeqC software (v3.3.12 Ampère taking into account the application of an electrical field during the diffusion). It permits us to compare diffusive behavior of the studied tracers thanks to a unique factor, named formation factor F(i) = D(E,i) / D(L,i), which represents the accessible way for a ionic species i diffusion. This factor takes into account the microstructure topology (porosity, tortuosity…) and electro-capillarity adsorption phenomenon. In order to improve the numerical model, we use electrical current and concentrations (tracer and secondary species) evolution curves. Comparative study has been conducted on cement pastes and concrete based on CEM V. Pastes were stored at different degradation states : untainted (material pore solution full of alkaline), leached (material depleted in alkaline on contact with pure water) and degraded at pH 12.5 (a calcium solution replace the pore solution without modifying microstructure). We notice that ionic species do not diffuse the same way depending on their charge and the material state (it is therefore a function of the pore solution). These observations had been corroborated by diffusion tests on concrete, a material whose microstructure is more complex. On a given material, the formation factor F(i) changes with the studied ionic species, whereas the macroscopic geometry of the material is the same. It seems to emphasize that microscopic phenomenon influence the species diffusion that depends on the species studied, as well as the pore solution composition of the material.

Impact de la carbonatation sur les propriétés de transport d'eau des matériaux cimentaires / Impact of carbonation on water transport properties of cementitious materials

Auroy, Martin 02 October 2014 (has links)
Le futur site de stockage géologique des déchets MAVL français intègre, dans sa conception, des éléments de structure en béton armé (alvéole et conteneurs). Prédire leur durabilité à l'échelle de la phase d'exploitation (environ 100 ans) est décisif. En conditions de service, le système de ventilation assurerait un approvisionnement constant de CO2, soumettant le béton à des phénomènes de séchage et de carbonatation. L'effet de la température (dû à l'exothermie des déchets) et du séchage sur la carbonatation a été évalué par le passé. Les données acquises à ce jour se doivent cependant d'être complétées. Dans ce sens, la prise en compte des transferts hydriques simultanés à la carbonatation est indispensable. D'une part, car la carbonatation est une pathologie courante du béton armé qui mène, à terme, à une corrosion généralisée des armatures. D'autre part, car la durabilité des structures en béton armé est conditionnée par l'évolution de leur état hydrique tout au long de leur période de service. L'évaluation des propriétés de transport d'eau dans les matériaux carbonatés, en milieu insaturé, constitue un enjeu important pour l'Andra chargée de la gestion des déchets radioactifs.Des essais de carbonatation accélérée sont conduits sur quatre pâtes de ciment durci (CEM I, CEM III/A, CEM V/A et un mélange Bas-pH) à une teneur en CO2 de 3%. Les propriétés hydriques des matériaux carbonatés sont évaluées à partir d'une approche simplifiée nécessitant la connaissance de 3 paramètres physiques accessibles par l'expérience : (i) porosité, (ii) isotherme de désorption de la vapeur d'eau et (iii) perméabilité.Les résultats mettent en évidence des modifications minéralogiques et microstructurales majeures engendrées par la carbonatation : décomposition des hydrates et précipitation de carbonate de calcium (CaCO3) selon différents polymorphes. La décalcification forte des C S H et la polymérisation des chaines silicatées, menant à la formation d'un gel de silice enrichi en calcium, sont constatées. La conséquence directe est l'apparition d'un retrait de carbonatation, lui-même à l'origine d'un phénomène de microfissuration. D'autre part, une réduction du volume poreux et de la surface spécifique des matériaux sont observées. Les carbonates formés obturent les pores, réduisant ainsi la porosité totale. Dans ce sens, plus la teneur initiale en portlandite est élevée, plus la quantité de CaCO3 formée est importante et, par conséquent, plus la chute de porosité résultante est marquée. La structure d'un matériau carbonaté n'a alors plus rien à voir avec son état initial. Ces changements se traduisent par une baisse significative de la teneur en eau à l'équilibre et un changement de morphologie des isothermes, en lien direct avec les évolutions microstructurales. Une baisse de la perméabilité est obtenue dans le cas du ciment Portland (CEM I), en raison du large colmatage de la porosité. Par contre, elle augmente dans le cas des ciments avec ajouts (CEM III/A, CEM V/A et Bas-pH), fait directement imputé à l'effet de la microfissuration, qui prédomine devant la chute de porosité. Le cortège minéralogique initial (teneurs en portlandite et C-S-H) joue donc un rôle déterminant vis-à-vis du comportent des matériaux cimentaires face à la carbonatation. La représentativité de la carbonatation accélérée vis-à-vis de la carbonatation naturelle a, par ailleurs, été vérifiée. Le jeu de données récolté au cours de ces travaux peut être étendu et, appliqué avec confiance, en condition de carbonatation réelle / The French design of deep geological repository involves the use of cement-based materials (vault cell and containers). The durability assessment over the operational phase (supply 100 years) is decisive. In operating conditions, a ventilation system would maintain the CO2 partial pressure within the disposal, subjecting concrete to drying and carbonation. The temperature (due to the waste thermal output) and drying effects on carbonation have been studied in the past. The data acquired must however be complemented. In this sense, taking into account the water transfers simultaneously to carbonation is essential. On the one hand, because carbonation is a common pathology of reinforced concrete that leads to rebar corrosion. On the other hand, because the durability of reinforced concrete structures is dependent on their water content evolution all along their service life. The assessment of water transport properties in carbonated materials, under unsaturated conditions, is an important issue for Andra in charge of the management of radioactive waste in France.Accelerated carbonation test are performed on four hardened cement pastes (CEM I, CEM III/A, CEM V/A and a Low-pH mix) at 3% CO2 content. The water transport properties of carbonated materials are evaluated using a simplified approach, requiring the knowledge of 3 physical parameters, accessible through experimental way: (i) porosity, (ii) water vapour desorption isotherm and (iii) permeability.The results highlight mineralogical and microstructural changes induced by carbonation: hydrates decomposition and calcium carbonate precipitation (CaCO3) according to various polymorphs. The high decalcification of C-S-H and the polymerisation of silicates chains, leading to the formation of a calcium-enriched silica gel, are found. This results in carbonation shrinkage, responsible of microcracking. On the other hand, the reduction of porosity and specific surface area are observed. The formed carbonates fill the pores, reducing the total porosity. In this sense, the higher the initial portlandite content, the higher the amount of CaCO3 and, consequently, the more the porosity decrease. The structure of the carbonated materials is totally different from the initial state. These changes result into a significant reduction of the water content at the equilibrium and a modification of the isotherms morphology, directly related to the microstructure evolutions. The permeability is found to decrease in the case of Portland cement (CEM I), due to porosity clogging. By contrast, it was found to increase significantly for blended cements (CEM III/A, CEM V/A and Low-pH mix), this is directly attributed to the microcracking effect which is more significant compared to porosity clogging. The initial mineralogy (portlandite and C-S-H contents) therefore plays a determinant role regarding to the carbonation impact on the cementitious materials behaviour. Furthermore, the representativeness of accelerated carbonation compared to natural one was verified. The data set acquired during this work can be extended and, applied confidently under real carbonation conditions

Effet des additions minérales et organiques sur le comportement rhéologique du béton / mineral and organic admixtures effect on the rheologie of concrete

Adjoudj, Mhamed 06 April 2015 (has links)
L'emploi de certaines additions minérales et organiques dans la confection du mortier et du béton contribue à une modification du processus d'hydratation du ciment. L'incorporation de ces additions minérales entraîne également une modification de la distribution granulaire, l'apparition de nouveaux sites de nucléation et une nouvelle activité des surfaces des grains. Ceci nécessite le malaxage avec des superplastifiants qui viennent défloculer les grains, libérer l'eau piégée dans les interstices et améliorer l'ouvrabilité du béton. Ces modifications des propriétés physicochimiques des composants du béton affectent directement les propriétés rhéologiques du mortier et du béton à l'état frais ainsi que ses composantes finales.L'objectif principal de ce travail est focalisé sur la prédiction des modifications rhéologiques apportées par les additions minérales aux mortiers afin de trouver les meilleures compositions d'une mise en œuvre convenable. Une étude expérimentale est entamée sur des mortiers normalisés où le ciment ordinaire est substitué partiellement par différentes additions minérales telles que la fumée de silice, le laitier des hauts fourneaux, la pouzzolane naturelle et le calcaire. Avec l'eau de gâchage, on a ajouté plusieurs types de superplastifiants avec différents dosages où les paramètres rhéologiques du mortier ont été mesurés respectivement par un mini cône et un rhéomètre.Les paramètre rhéologiques obtenus varient sensiblement avec chaque type d'addition minérale et dépendent de ses propriétés et son interaction avec le superplastifiant et les grains de ciment. Le superplastifiant à base de polycarboxylates est plus efficace en présence du ciment contenant du calcaire ou du laitier conduisant à une amélioration des propriétés rhéologiques. Par contre, le mortier devient plus visqueux s'il contient un fort pourcentage de pouzzolane naturelle. Une relation mathématique est proposée qui exprime la variation de chaque paramètre rhéologique selon le taux de substitution du ciment et le dosage en superplastifiant. Cette relation est exprimée par le produit de trois paramètres; l'effet de l'addition minérale, l'effet du superplastifiant et l'effet de leur interaction. Les coefficients de corrélation trouvés sont proches de l'unité et justifient bien la convenance de ce choix. L'application de cette nouvelle relation à d'autres résultats trouvés par d'autres chercheurs présente une grande satisfaction avec des résultats satisfaisant et des coefficients de corrélation allant 0,9 à 0,98. / The use of some organic and inorganic admixtures in the production of mortar and concrete contributes to a change in the cement hydration process. The incorporation of these mineral additions also causes a change in the grain distribution, the appearance of new nucleation sites and a new activity of the grain surfaces. This requires mixing with superplasticizers which deflocculates grains, releases the trapped water in the interstices and improves the workability of concrete. These changes in the physicochemical properties of the cement paste directly affect the rheological properties of mortar and concrete in the fresh state and its final components.The main objective of this work is focused on the prediction of rheological changes of mineral additions mortars and finds the best composition for a suitable casting. An experimental study is underway on standardized mortars where ordinary cement is partially substituted by different mineral additions such as silica fume, blast furnace slag, natural pouzzolan and limestone powder. With the mixing water, was added several types with different dosages of superplasticizers where the rheological parameters of the mortar were measured respectively by a rheometer apparatus and a mini cone test.The Theological parameters obtained vary with each type of mineral addition and depend on its properties and its interaction with the superplasticizer and cement grains. The polycarboxylate superplasticizer is more effective in the presence of limestone powder or cement containing slag resulting in improved rheological properties. However, the mortar becomes more viscous if it contains a high percentage of natural pozzolan. A mathematical relationship is provided which expresses the variation of each rheological parameter according the substitution rate of the cement and superplasticizer dosage. This relationship is expressed by the product of three parameters; the effect of the mineral addition, the effect of the superplasticizer and the effect of their interaction. The correlation coefficients found are close to unity and well justify the appropriateness of this choice. The application of this new relationship to other results found by other researchers has high satisfaction with satisfactory results and correlation coefficients ranging from 0.9 to 0.98

Considerações sobre metodologias para o dimensionamento estrutural de pavimentos reciclados com camada cimentada. / Considerations on methodologies for the structural design of recycled pavements with cemented layer.

Gabriel Garcia de Abreu Lima 12 November 2018 (has links)
As alternativas de reciclagem se apresentam com elevado potencial para acrescentar ganho à capacidade estrutural de um pavimento, simultaneamente, aproveitando os materiais compostos do pavimento existente, acarretando benefícios econômicos e ambientais, quando comparadas às soluções de reconstrução tradicionais. Diversos métodos de reciclagem de pavimentos têm sido aplicados no Brasil, particularmente, a reciclagem com adição de cimento, entretanto, não há um método consolidado para o dimensionamento estrutural dessa solução, o que gera dificuldades e muitas vezes desconfiança no seu emprego. Para se desenvolver um procedimento de dimensionamento que contemple esse tipo de solução, foram estudados métodos presentes na bibliografia internacional. Uma abordagem detalhada sobre cada método é apresentada, denotando seus principais aspectos, resultando em uma proposta de procedimento para o dimensionamento estrutural de pavimentos com camadas recicladas com cimento, de forma a atender a metodologia do Manual de Pavimentação do Departamento Nacional de Infraestrutura de Transportes (DNIT) aplicando conceitos de análise mecanicista. A fim de corroborar os assuntos abordados, foi realizado um estudo paramétrico com o desenvolvimento de equações para correlação entre as deformações críticas esperadas na estrutura reciclada, resultando em modelos de dimensionamento para a camada reciclada com cimento e, por fim, o estudo de caso com o dimensionamento estrutural pelos métodos abordados em segmentos da rodovia SP 270. / Recycling alternatives are presented with a high potential to add gain to the structural capacity of a pavement, making use of the existing pavement composite materials while bringing economic and environmental benefits when compared to traditional reconstruction techniques. Several methods of pavement recycling have been applied in Brazil, particularly the recycling with cement addition; however, there is no consolidated method for the structural design of this solution, which generates difficulties and often distrust regarding its employment. In order to develop a design procedure taking into account this sort of solution, methods described in international bibliography have been examined. A detailed approach to each method denoting its main aspects is presented, resulting in a proposed procedure for the structural design of pavements with cement recycled layers so as to comply with the methodology contained in the Paving Manual of National Department of Transport Infrastructure (DNIT) by applying concepts of mechanistic analysis. In order to corroborate the issues discussed, a parametric study has been carried out with the development of equations to correlate the critical deformations expected in the recycled structure, resulting in design models for the cement recycled layer and finally, the case study of a structural design on segments of Highway SP 270 using the methods discussed.

Efeito do tratamento do canal radicular com EDTA na retenção de pinos de fibra de vidro / Effect of surface treatment with EDTA on bond strength of an fiber post system

Gordillo, Luis Alfonso Arana 22 February 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-24T19:22:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luis Alfonso Arana Gordillo.pdf: 1025463 bytes, checksum: 5c067b2343a2b540759fb0b3f54a82f7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-02-22 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the treatment of dentin with EDTA on the bond strength of a fiber post to dentin, using two different types of resin cements. A total of 40 single canal, sound extracted human bicuspids were selected. After extraction the teeth were stored in water until use. Post spaces were prepared in extracted premolars and then the root canals were subjected to one of the following four groups (n = 10): Group 1 - self-adhesive cement RelyXTM U100, Group 2 - etching with 24% EDTA for 60 s before applying the cement RelyXTM U100, Group 3 - cementation as recommended by the manufacturer with Para Post® Para CoreTM Automix and self-etching adhesive, Group 4 - etching with 24% EDTA for 60 s before application of Para Post® Para CoreTM Automix cement and self-etching adhesive. The 10 roots per group were cut perpendicular to the long axis of the tooth in 6 slides 1 mm for push-out test (two slides for root third). After cutting one slide for each third was subjected to thermal cycling test of 5000 cycles at 5 º C and 55 ° C the slides were randomly divided into two subgroups, depending on testing time (imMédiate vs. termocycling ), for push-out test. The push out test was performed at a speed of 0.5 mm / min. Data were analyzed with a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey HSD test. ANOVA revealed that canal surface treatment with EDTA 24% affected the bond strength negatively at the cervical third of the two cements, but did not alter the bond strength of dentin cements tested in the middle and apical thirds in the imMédiate group, the group of thermocycling was no significant difference when compared with the group imMédiately with or without EDTA 24% for all groups tested Para Post® Para CoreTM Automix and self-etching adhesive showed higher bond strength values when compared with RelyXTM U100 resin cement. It was concluded that treatment with EDTA did not affect the bond strength except at the cervical third , EDTA 24% did not alter the of bond strength values in the groups of thermocycling test, the Para Post® Para CoreTM Automix and self-etching adhesive cement had better performance when compared with cement RelyXTM U100. / A proposição deste estudo foi analisar o efeito do tratamento da dentina radicular com EDTA na retenção de pinos de fibra de vidro utilizando dois tipos diferentes de cimentos resinosos. Foram utilizados 40 dentes humanos pré-molares hígidos. Após a extração os dentes foram armazenados em água até seu uso. Em seguida, os dentes foram tratados endodonticamente com técnica step back para ser obturados por condensação lateral com cones de guta percha e cimento endodôntico AH Plus. Após a obturação os dentes foram cortados perpendicularmente ao longo eixo do dente 2 mm acima da linha cemento esmalte e divididos em quatro grupos (n=10): grupo 1 - cimento autoadesivo RelyXTM U100; grupo 2 - condicionamento com EDTA 24% por 60 s antes da aplicação do cimento RelyXTM U100; grupo 3 - cimentação segundo as recomendações do fabricante com Para Post® Para CoreTM Automix e adesivo autocondicionante Para Bond e grupo 4 - condicionamento com EDTA 24% por 60 s antes da aplicação do cimento Para Post® Para CoreTM Automix e adesivo autocondicionante Para Bond. As 10 raízes por grupo foram cortadas perpendicularmente ao longo eixo do dente em 6 discos de 1 mm para teste de push out (dois discos por terço radicular). Após o corte um disco por cada terço foi submetido ao teste de termociclagem 5000 ciclos 5º C e 55º C obtendo assim um disco de cada terço submetido a teste de push out iMédiato e o disco restante foi submetido a teste de push out após a fadiga térmica o teste de push out foi realizado a uma velocidade de 0,5 mm/min. Após o teste os dados foram analisados estatisticamente com o teste de ANOVA e pos teste de Tukey dando como resultado que o tratamento de superfície dentinária com EDTA 24% alterou negativamente os valores de resistência de união para o terço cervical dos dois cimentos, mas não alterou a resistência de união a dentina dos cimentos testados nos terços médio e apical no grupo iMédiato, para o grupo de termociclagem não houve diferença significativa quando comparado com o grupo iMédiato com ou sem aplicação do EDTA 24%, para todos os grupos testados o cimento Para Post® Para CoreTM Automix obteve maiores valores de resistência de união quando comparado com o cimento RelyXTM U100. Concluiu-se que o tratamento com EDTA não afetou os valores de resistência de união exceto para o terço cervical; o EDTA 24% não alterou os valores de resistência de união nos grupos submetidos ao teste de termociclagem; o cimento Para Post® Para CoreTM Automix teve melhor comportamento quando comparado com o cimento RelyXTM U100.

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