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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pintura histórica no Salão do Centenário da Independência do Brasil / Historical painting at Salon of the Centennial of the Brazil Independence.

Vincentis, Paulo de 06 November 2014 (has links)
O centenário da independência do Brasil, comemorado em 1922, mostrou-se uma oportunidade excepcional para as elites brasileiras exporem projetos de identidade nacional, de predominância europeia, no que diz respeito à cultura, o que inclui considerações racistas, e de manutenção da estrutura social, calcada no capitalismo liberal. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo investigar como tais projetos impactaram as exposições, congressos, e outros eventos comemorativos. A Exposição Internacional e os congressos de História do Brasil e Internacional de Americanistas mostraram um país inserido na economia mundial, buscando os fatos e os personagens fundadores da nacionalidade, interessado em se aproximar dos demais países do continente e que considerava a miscigenação uma aliada para promover o branqueamento da população. O estudo também se volta ao mecenato estatal, cuja intenção de adquirir quatro quadros de assunto histórico, relacionados aos acontecimentos de 1822, estimulou alguns artistas a retomar a produção de tal gênero de pintura, porém algo distanciados dos cânones acadêmicos e incorporando questões e discursos em pauta naquele momento histórico. O juri encarregado selecionou, para aquisição, as obras: Sessão do Conselho de Estado, de Georgina de Albuquerque; Primeiros sons do Hino da Independência, de Augusto Bracet; Tiradentes, o precursor, de Pedro Bruno; Minha terra, de Hélios Seelinger. Os eventos retratados, apesar da presença de personagens históricos, abordaram o direito de voto à mulher; a revisão do período monárquico e da figura de Pedro I; a trajetória do país de 1500 a 1889, sob a perspectiva da miscigenação e do branqueamento; o papel do Estado, enquanto instância de repressão. / The centennial of Brazil independence, celebrated in 1922, was an exceptional opportunity for Brazilian elites expose projects of national identity, of European predominance, with respect to culture, which includes racists considerations, and maintenance of the social structure, based on liberal capitalism. The present study aims to investigate how these projects impacted the exhibitions, conferences, and other commemorative events. The International Exhibition and the Congress of History of Brazil and the International Congress of Americanists showed a country inserted in a world economy, looking for facts and founders for a nationality, interested in being closer to the other countries of the continent, considering miscegenation as an allied to promote whitening of the population. This work studies the acquisition of four historical paintings, related to the events of 1822, under the state commitments which led some artists to resume the production of this genre, although something distanced from academic canons but incorporating questions and speeches of that historical moment. The responsible committee selected for purchase the works: Sessão do Conselho de Estado, by Georgina de Albuquerque; Primeiros sons do Hino da Independência, by Augusto Bracet; Tiradentes, o precursor, by Peter Bruno; Minha terra, by Helios Seelinger. The paintings portrayed, despite the presence of historical characters, the womans right to vote; the revision of the monarchic period and the figure of D. Pedro I; the country history from 1500 to 1889, from the perspective of miscegenation and whitening; the state\'s role as an institution of repression.

Pintura histórica no Salão do Centenário da Independência do Brasil / Historical painting at Salon of the Centennial of the Brazil Independence.

Paulo de Vincentis 06 November 2014 (has links)
O centenário da independência do Brasil, comemorado em 1922, mostrou-se uma oportunidade excepcional para as elites brasileiras exporem projetos de identidade nacional, de predominância europeia, no que diz respeito à cultura, o que inclui considerações racistas, e de manutenção da estrutura social, calcada no capitalismo liberal. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo investigar como tais projetos impactaram as exposições, congressos, e outros eventos comemorativos. A Exposição Internacional e os congressos de História do Brasil e Internacional de Americanistas mostraram um país inserido na economia mundial, buscando os fatos e os personagens fundadores da nacionalidade, interessado em se aproximar dos demais países do continente e que considerava a miscigenação uma aliada para promover o branqueamento da população. O estudo também se volta ao mecenato estatal, cuja intenção de adquirir quatro quadros de assunto histórico, relacionados aos acontecimentos de 1822, estimulou alguns artistas a retomar a produção de tal gênero de pintura, porém algo distanciados dos cânones acadêmicos e incorporando questões e discursos em pauta naquele momento histórico. O juri encarregado selecionou, para aquisição, as obras: Sessão do Conselho de Estado, de Georgina de Albuquerque; Primeiros sons do Hino da Independência, de Augusto Bracet; Tiradentes, o precursor, de Pedro Bruno; Minha terra, de Hélios Seelinger. Os eventos retratados, apesar da presença de personagens históricos, abordaram o direito de voto à mulher; a revisão do período monárquico e da figura de Pedro I; a trajetória do país de 1500 a 1889, sob a perspectiva da miscigenação e do branqueamento; o papel do Estado, enquanto instância de repressão. / The centennial of Brazil independence, celebrated in 1922, was an exceptional opportunity for Brazilian elites expose projects of national identity, of European predominance, with respect to culture, which includes racists considerations, and maintenance of the social structure, based on liberal capitalism. The present study aims to investigate how these projects impacted the exhibitions, conferences, and other commemorative events. The International Exhibition and the Congress of History of Brazil and the International Congress of Americanists showed a country inserted in a world economy, looking for facts and founders for a nationality, interested in being closer to the other countries of the continent, considering miscegenation as an allied to promote whitening of the population. This work studies the acquisition of four historical paintings, related to the events of 1822, under the state commitments which led some artists to resume the production of this genre, although something distanced from academic canons but incorporating questions and speeches of that historical moment. The responsible committee selected for purchase the works: Sessão do Conselho de Estado, by Georgina de Albuquerque; Primeiros sons do Hino da Independência, by Augusto Bracet; Tiradentes, o precursor, by Peter Bruno; Minha terra, by Helios Seelinger. The paintings portrayed, despite the presence of historical characters, the womans right to vote; the revision of the monarchic period and the figure of D. Pedro I; the country history from 1500 to 1889, from the perspective of miscegenation and whitening; the state\'s role as an institution of repression.

Jovens universitários brasileiros nas linhas de produção japonesas: uma contribuição ao estudo do fenômeno migratório entre o Brasil e o Japão (1908-2008) / Young Brazilian university students in Japanese production lines: a contribution to the study of migration between Brazil and Japan (1908-2008)

Fugii, William Kyoshi 16 February 2009 (has links)
A partir de meados da década de 1980, teve início o fluxo migratório de nipobrasileiros para o Japão, que ficou conhecido como Movimento Dekasegui. A gênese desse movimento no período mencionado está relacionada, entre outros aspectos, à realidade sócio-econômica diferenciada entre os dois países. O Brasil sentia de maneira profunda os impactos da crise mundial do sistema capitalista iniciada na década de 70 que, entre outros efeitos, aumentou significativamente a taxa de desemprego no país. O Japão, berço das inovações tecnológicas correspondentes ao período pós-fordista, via seu desenvolvimento econômico comprometido pela falta de mão-de-obra para suas indústrias em expansão. Houve, portanto, um encontro de interesses entre as partes que culminou com o início do movimento. A reforma da Lei de Imigração do Japão de 1990, que passa a autorizar descendentes dos imigrantes japoneses até a segunda geração, ou seja, os niseis e sanseis (e seus cônjuges) a ingressarem legalmente no país para trabalhar, abre caminho para o vertiginoso crescimento do movimento, atualmente representado por cerca de 350.000 brasileiros trabalhando no Japão. No final da década de 1990, contudo, o movimento dekasegui apresenta sinais de enfraquecimento, devido à redução dos ingressantes no mesmo. Em outras palavras, parece que os nipo-brasileiros suscetíveis à experiência imigratória no Japão estavam se esgotando. Nesse contexto, passamos a visualizar as estratégias das empresas contratadoras para atrair um novo segmento da comunidade nipo-brasileira, até então pouco envolvido no movimento: os jovens universitários. Sob a fachada de programa de férias, estágio ou algo parecido, a inserção desses jovens no movimento dekasegui tem crescido a cada dia, revelando uma das especificidades do fenômeno dekasegui, que são as constantes transformações em sua dinâmica. Para a compreensão dessa dinâmica, contudo, passamos a reconhecer principalmente a partir da realização de pesquisa de campo no Japão em julho de 2006 que além das motivações econômicas e macro-estruturais do movimento, existem também as motivações subjetivas dos imigrantes nipo-brasileiros, pois tratase de imigrar para o país dos antepassados. Ou seja, existem elementos subjetivos simbólicos, afetivos e identitários dos nipo-brasileiros envolvidos nesse movimento que, entre outros aspectos, têm legitimado a aceitação resignada de postos de trabalho sujos, perigosos e pesados por esses trabalhadores. / From the mid-80s, the Nippo-Brazilian migratory flow to Japan began in the dynamics that became known as Dekasegui Movement. The genesis of this movement in such period is related, among other aspects, to different social and economic reality between both countries. Brazil deeply experienced the impacts of the global crisis of the capitalist system of the 70s, which, among other effects, increased signficantly the unemployment rate in the country. Japan, which was the cradle of the technological innovations corresponding to the post-fordist period, realized that its economic development was affected by the lack of labor for its industries in expansion. There were, therefore, common interests between the parties, which culminated with the beginning of the dynamics. The reform of the Japanese Immigration Law of 1990, which starts to authorize descendants of Japanese immigrants until the second generation, i.e., niseis and sanseis (and their spouses) to enter legally in Japan to work, clears the way to a very fast growth of the development, presently represented by about 350,000 Brazilians working in Japan. At the end of the 90s, however, the dekasegui movement presented signs of weakness because of the reduction of people joining it. In other words, it seemed that the Nippo-Brazilians susceptible to the immigration experience in Japan were dwindling. In this context, we start to visualize the strategies of contracting companies to attract a new segment of Nippo-Brazilian communities that, up to that time, were not so involved in the movement: young universitarians. Behind the façade of vacation programs, internships or the like, the insertion of these young people in the dekasegui movement has increased day by day, revealing one of the peculiarities of the dekasegui phenomenum, which is the continuous transformation in its dynamics. In order to understand such dynamics, however, we recongnized specially based on the field research in Japan, in July 2006 that besides the economic and macrostructural motivations of the movement, there are also subjective motivations. of the Nippo-Brazilian immigrants, since it is a matter of immigrating to the country of the ancestors. In other words, there are subjective elements symbolic, affective and identity of the Nippo-Brazilians involved in the movement which, among other aspects, have legitimated a resigned acceptance of the dirty, dangerous and heavy work position by these workers.

Parameter estimation using a genetic algorithm for complex catchment modelling systems.

Fang, Tianjun, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
Implementation of physically distributed catchment modelling systems reshapes the fundamental philosophy of traditional calibration approaches by supporting the concept of equifinality. Arising from the concept of equifinality, alternative behavioural parameter sets within a given catchment modelling system structure can generate similar levels of simulation performance. This concept is motivated by the existence of a variety of uncertainties associated with a complex catchment modelling system, such as an imperfect model structure, measurement errors in both the input data and the recorded flows, and unknown, or poorly defined, interactions among parameters. However, the difficulty of searching for behavioural parameter sets increases as the complexity of the catchment modelling systems increases. This study undertook an investigation on the feasibility and robustness of a real-value coding genetic algorithm (GA) for calibrating the physically distributed Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) using the Centennial Park catchment in Sydney as a case study. It was found that a real-value coding GA was a robust technique suitable to search for behavioural parameter sets and, in particular, it was found that this approach was capable of identifying the promising range of values for spatially variable parameters. Moreover, the widespread use of physically distributed catchment modelling systems has highlighted the importance of estimating the uncertainty in the parameter values and in the predictions obtained from a complex catchment modelling system as well as in catchment averaged, or lumped, systems that have been the focus of many previous studies. Bayesian inference has been shown to be a tool suitable for parameter uncertainty estimation in catchment modelling. However, the application of Bayesian inference faces difficulties in complex high-dimensional systems where there is little if any a priori knowledge about the proposal distribution of the parameters. In this study, a real-value coding GA was used to undertake uncertainty estimation on spatially variable control parameters with little a priori knowledge about the proposal distribution of parameters. After 50,000 evaluations, the marginal posterior distributions of spatially variable parameters which are associated with behavioural parameter sets were identified. The performance of a behavioural parameter set under a range of hydrological conditions was evaluated. Updating of the marginal distributions of these control parameters was implemented by adding additional calibration data. Interactions among the spatially variable control parameters were investigated also. Results based on the Pearson Correlation method indicate no clear relationship between any two control parameters. However, a methodology to detect relationships among groups of parameters was developed. Application of this methodology suggests that the simulation performance of SWMM was influenced by combinations of parameter values rather than values of the individual parameters. Finally, the predictive uncertainty associated with the existence of behavioural parameter sets was considered. A number of alternative strategies were used to evaluate the predictive performance. Consideration of the results suggests that use of a small number of parameter sets randomly selected from the large number of behavioural parameter sets was the best strategy in terms of efficiently obtaining predictive performance.

Parameter estimation using a genetic algorithm for complex catchment modelling systems.

Fang, Tianjun, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
Implementation of physically distributed catchment modelling systems reshapes the fundamental philosophy of traditional calibration approaches by supporting the concept of equifinality. Arising from the concept of equifinality, alternative behavioural parameter sets within a given catchment modelling system structure can generate similar levels of simulation performance. This concept is motivated by the existence of a variety of uncertainties associated with a complex catchment modelling system, such as an imperfect model structure, measurement errors in both the input data and the recorded flows, and unknown, or poorly defined, interactions among parameters. However, the difficulty of searching for behavioural parameter sets increases as the complexity of the catchment modelling systems increases. This study undertook an investigation on the feasibility and robustness of a real-value coding genetic algorithm (GA) for calibrating the physically distributed Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) using the Centennial Park catchment in Sydney as a case study. It was found that a real-value coding GA was a robust technique suitable to search for behavioural parameter sets and, in particular, it was found that this approach was capable of identifying the promising range of values for spatially variable parameters. Moreover, the widespread use of physically distributed catchment modelling systems has highlighted the importance of estimating the uncertainty in the parameter values and in the predictions obtained from a complex catchment modelling system as well as in catchment averaged, or lumped, systems that have been the focus of many previous studies. Bayesian inference has been shown to be a tool suitable for parameter uncertainty estimation in catchment modelling. However, the application of Bayesian inference faces difficulties in complex high-dimensional systems where there is little if any a priori knowledge about the proposal distribution of the parameters. In this study, a real-value coding GA was used to undertake uncertainty estimation on spatially variable control parameters with little a priori knowledge about the proposal distribution of parameters. After 50,000 evaluations, the marginal posterior distributions of spatially variable parameters which are associated with behavioural parameter sets were identified. The performance of a behavioural parameter set under a range of hydrological conditions was evaluated. Updating of the marginal distributions of these control parameters was implemented by adding additional calibration data. Interactions among the spatially variable control parameters were investigated also. Results based on the Pearson Correlation method indicate no clear relationship between any two control parameters. However, a methodology to detect relationships among groups of parameters was developed. Application of this methodology suggests that the simulation performance of SWMM was influenced by combinations of parameter values rather than values of the individual parameters. Finally, the predictive uncertainty associated with the existence of behavioural parameter sets was considered. A number of alternative strategies were used to evaluate the predictive performance. Consideration of the results suggests that use of a small number of parameter sets randomly selected from the large number of behavioural parameter sets was the best strategy in terms of efficiently obtaining predictive performance.

Scarp analysis of the Centennial Normal Fault, Beaverhead County, Montana and Fremont County, Idaho

Petrik, Falene Elizabeth. January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (MS)--Montana State University--Bozeman, 2008. / Typescript. Chairperson, Graduate Committee: David R. Lageson. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 85-93).

Jovens universitários brasileiros nas linhas de produção japonesas: uma contribuição ao estudo do fenômeno migratório entre o Brasil e o Japão (1908-2008) / Young Brazilian university students in Japanese production lines: a contribution to the study of migration between Brazil and Japan (1908-2008)

William Kyoshi Fugii 16 February 2009 (has links)
A partir de meados da década de 1980, teve início o fluxo migratório de nipobrasileiros para o Japão, que ficou conhecido como Movimento Dekasegui. A gênese desse movimento no período mencionado está relacionada, entre outros aspectos, à realidade sócio-econômica diferenciada entre os dois países. O Brasil sentia de maneira profunda os impactos da crise mundial do sistema capitalista iniciada na década de 70 que, entre outros efeitos, aumentou significativamente a taxa de desemprego no país. O Japão, berço das inovações tecnológicas correspondentes ao período pós-fordista, via seu desenvolvimento econômico comprometido pela falta de mão-de-obra para suas indústrias em expansão. Houve, portanto, um encontro de interesses entre as partes que culminou com o início do movimento. A reforma da Lei de Imigração do Japão de 1990, que passa a autorizar descendentes dos imigrantes japoneses até a segunda geração, ou seja, os niseis e sanseis (e seus cônjuges) a ingressarem legalmente no país para trabalhar, abre caminho para o vertiginoso crescimento do movimento, atualmente representado por cerca de 350.000 brasileiros trabalhando no Japão. No final da década de 1990, contudo, o movimento dekasegui apresenta sinais de enfraquecimento, devido à redução dos ingressantes no mesmo. Em outras palavras, parece que os nipo-brasileiros suscetíveis à experiência imigratória no Japão estavam se esgotando. Nesse contexto, passamos a visualizar as estratégias das empresas contratadoras para atrair um novo segmento da comunidade nipo-brasileira, até então pouco envolvido no movimento: os jovens universitários. Sob a fachada de programa de férias, estágio ou algo parecido, a inserção desses jovens no movimento dekasegui tem crescido a cada dia, revelando uma das especificidades do fenômeno dekasegui, que são as constantes transformações em sua dinâmica. Para a compreensão dessa dinâmica, contudo, passamos a reconhecer principalmente a partir da realização de pesquisa de campo no Japão em julho de 2006 que além das motivações econômicas e macro-estruturais do movimento, existem também as motivações subjetivas dos imigrantes nipo-brasileiros, pois tratase de imigrar para o país dos antepassados. Ou seja, existem elementos subjetivos simbólicos, afetivos e identitários dos nipo-brasileiros envolvidos nesse movimento que, entre outros aspectos, têm legitimado a aceitação resignada de postos de trabalho sujos, perigosos e pesados por esses trabalhadores. / From the mid-80s, the Nippo-Brazilian migratory flow to Japan began in the dynamics that became known as Dekasegui Movement. The genesis of this movement in such period is related, among other aspects, to different social and economic reality between both countries. Brazil deeply experienced the impacts of the global crisis of the capitalist system of the 70s, which, among other effects, increased signficantly the unemployment rate in the country. Japan, which was the cradle of the technological innovations corresponding to the post-fordist period, realized that its economic development was affected by the lack of labor for its industries in expansion. There were, therefore, common interests between the parties, which culminated with the beginning of the dynamics. The reform of the Japanese Immigration Law of 1990, which starts to authorize descendants of Japanese immigrants until the second generation, i.e., niseis and sanseis (and their spouses) to enter legally in Japan to work, clears the way to a very fast growth of the development, presently represented by about 350,000 Brazilians working in Japan. At the end of the 90s, however, the dekasegui movement presented signs of weakness because of the reduction of people joining it. In other words, it seemed that the Nippo-Brazilians susceptible to the immigration experience in Japan were dwindling. In this context, we start to visualize the strategies of contracting companies to attract a new segment of Nippo-Brazilian communities that, up to that time, were not so involved in the movement: young universitarians. Behind the façade of vacation programs, internships or the like, the insertion of these young people in the dekasegui movement has increased day by day, revealing one of the peculiarities of the dekasegui phenomenum, which is the continuous transformation in its dynamics. In order to understand such dynamics, however, we recongnized specially based on the field research in Japan, in July 2006 that besides the economic and macrostructural motivations of the movement, there are also subjective motivations. of the Nippo-Brazilian immigrants, since it is a matter of immigrating to the country of the ancestors. In other words, there are subjective elements symbolic, affective and identity of the Nippo-Brazilians involved in the movement which, among other aspects, have legitimated a resigned acceptance of the dirty, dangerous and heavy work position by these workers.

Análisis de la influencia del hedonismo en centennials mediante la construcción de personajes retratado por la serie sex education / Analysis of the influence of hedonism on centennials through the construction of characters portrayed by the Sex Education series

Roca Yucra, Carla Pierina 10 June 2020 (has links)
El hedonismo y los Centennials son dos palabras que convergen para crear una actualidad en la que se ha banalizado el sexo y se han creado diversas nuevas formas de comunicación que se basa en características fijas de los adolescentes de hoy. Este trabajo pretende dar a entender la manifestación del hedonismo en la construcción de los personajes Centennial, retratado por la serie Sex Education, y justificada en las bases del imaginario social de sus personajes y la evolución de los mismos. En este sentido los objetivos específicos apuntan, en primer lugar, a la identificación de los personajes centennials y su relación con el hedonismo; en segundo lugar, la identificación de la construcción del personaje con respecto a su identidad y su contexto. La investigación aporta diferentes perspectivas sobre la presencia del hedonismo en la nueva generación y los efectos que genera en sus relaciones sociales y su mundo imaginario. Se analizan 5 de 8 capítulos de la primera temporada de la serie Sex Education, escogidos según los criterios estudiados como la utilización de estereotipos para la construcción de personajes y la evolución de personajes según proceso evolutivo y relación con un problema sexual. / Hedonism and Centennials are two words that converge to create an actuality in which sex has been trivialized and diverse new forms of communication have been created based on fixed characteristics of today's adolescents. This work aims to show the manifestation of hedonism in the construction of the Centennial characters, portrayed by the Sex Education series, and justified on the basis of the social imaginary of characters and their evolution. In this sense, the specific objectives are, firstly, the identification of the centennial characters and their relationship with hedonism; secondly, the identification of the character's construction with respect to its identity and context. The research provides different perspectives on the presence of hedonism in the new generation and the effects it generates in their social relations and their imaginary world. Five out of eight chapters of the first season of the Sex education series are analysed, chosen according to the criteria studied, such as the use of stereotypes for the construction of characters and the evolution of characters according to the evolutionary process and their relationship with a sexual problem. / Trabajo de investigación

The making of a historical consciousness in Henry County, Indiana: a case study of the Henry County Historical Society, 1887-1950

Badgley, Benjamin Joseph 08 1900 (has links)
The residents of Henry County, through the evolving practices of collecting and preserving local history, organized and developed a sustainable local historical society. The 1902 dedication ceremony, which signaled the beginning of the “museum” chapter of the HCHS, was only one of many steps in the institutionalization of local history in Henry County. The foundation of a sustainable local historical society is constructed upon permanent quarters and a historical collection. Additional requisite building blocks include wide public support, adequate and consistent funding, and a paid individual to facilitate and manage the museum, its collections, and various other day-to-day operations and activities. In Henry County, this blueprint for sustainability was greatly facilitated by the county’s territorial beginnings and its cultural development before the Civil War, as well as the county’s old settlers’ society movement and local history writing during the latter half of the nineteenth century. With this said, historical societies were “not created in a vacuum” but rather amid a complex historical framework encompassing local, regional, and national contexts. For Henry County, this framework consisted of many varied but constituent parts. The American Centennial in 1876, industrialization, Quakerism, the popularity of Civil War history and commemoration in Indiana that peaked around 1900, and a state historical movement and the simultaneous development of other historical organizations following the Indiana Centennial in 1916 were also instrumental in the county’s evolving dedication to preserving local history and the organization’s course toward sustainability.

The Fantastic Machine

Weinham, Nathaniel M. 01 January 2011 (has links)
The Fantastic Machine - the story of a man who struggles to keep family & friends safe when evil visits 1905 Portland, Oregon.

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