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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les lampes en terre cuite du centre-est de la Gaule (Ier siècle av. J.-C. - IV° siècle ap. J.-C.) : production, diffusion et consommation / The roman and provincial oil lamps of east central Gaul (1st century BC to 4th century AD) : production, distribution and consumption

Malagoli, Claude 28 September 2016 (has links)
Les études dédiées aux lampes en terre cuite en Gaule et dans l’Empire romain sont relativement abondantes. Depuis le travail fondateur de S. Loeschcke (1919), nous avons aujourd’hui une idée relativement précise des différents modèles qui sont apparus entre la période tardo-républicaine et la fin du Haut-Empire. Toutefois, le luminaire est avant tout considéré, de par la multitude des formes et des décors, comme un objet muséographique ou pédagogique car il représente le mode d’éclairage par excellence de l’Antiquité. En archéologie, il sert de moyen de datation au même titre que la terre sigillée ou les monnaies. Mais on oublie trop souvent que la lampe en terre cuite est d’abord un objet manufacturé, fruit de l’industrie humaine. À cet effet, elle peut fournir de précieuses informations sur l’artisanat antique et plus particulièrement, sur la manière dont les potiers ont réussi à produire un objet qui leur était étranger, sur les problèmes qu’ils ont rencontrés et les solutions qu’ils ont appliquées. L’étude des caractéristiques techniques d’une lampe permet aujourd’hui de tracer la production d’un atelier spécifique et en même temps, grâce à des cartes, d’en définir l’aire de diffusion à différentes échelles spatiales (région, pays). Enfin, l’adoption de cet éclairage artificiel, typiquement méditerranéen, parles populations indigènes, est l’un des facteurs de romanisation que l’on perçoit, le plus souvent, à travers les pratiques funéraires et cultuelles.Ce travail de recherche, novateur, permet de revenir sur ces différentes problématiques dans un espace confiné au Centre-Est de la Gaule. Les résultats obtenus nous ont permis d’identifier différentes entités productrices et leurs réseaux de distribution au cours de diverses phases chronologiques comprises entre le Ier s. av. J.-C. et le IVe s. apr. J.-C. et qu’accompagne une réflexion sur la consommation des lampes en terre cuite durant cette période. / There are quite many articles and monographs dedicated to terracotta lamps in Gaul and Roman Empire. Since the pioneer work done by S. Loeschcke (1919), we have been developing till today, abetter understanding of the lamps that have appeared between the post-republican to the Early Roman empire period. But very often, due to the various shapes and decorated medallions, the lamps are only considered as museum or educational items, because they represent the ultimate lighting mode during Antiquity. In archeology, they are used as a dating tool as well as the terra sigillata or the antique coins.However, we usually forget that the terracotta lamp is a manufactured product issued from the human work and therefore, is able to provide invaluable information on antique craft industry. Through their study, we are able to understand how the Gallo-roman potters have been adapting themselves to the manufacturing of a product they did not know, to new technical challenges and new processes. Also, thanks to the analysis of the technical aspects of the lamp itself we can track the products belonging to the same potters’ workshop as well as we can map the distributed market areas at various scales (regional, country-wide). Finally, the adoption by the local people of this lighting mode that is typically Mediterranean is a clear sign of Romanization, especially through the funeraland religious practices. This innovating study is focusing on these issues within a defined area, the East Central Gaul. The results have enabled the identification of several workshops and their distribution network during the different chronological phases from 1st century BC to 4th century AD and have also opened adevelopment on the way of consuming the terracotta lamps during this period


Nogueira, Helena Maria Camilo de Moraes 07 October 2016 (has links)
The production potential of the sugar-alcohol market and increased demand for ethanol makes the sugarcane the most important source of energy biomass for Brazilian agribusiness. This study aimed to evaluate the technical and economic performance of the culture of sugarcane under different levels of supplemental irrigation management for the production of ethanol in the Central Region of RS. The test was developed in the experimental area at the Polytechnic School of the Federal University of Santa Maria-RS in agricultural crops in the years 2013-2014 and 2014-2015. The treatments consisted of four blades of supplemental irrigation: 30, 60, 90 and 120% with control without irrigation. The variety used was RB93-5581 early cycle, planted on November 14, 2013. The experimental design was a randomized block design with six replications. Each experimental unit consisted of 4 rows with a spacing of 1 m and 5 m in length, each block of 20 m2 and a total area of 600 m2. Irrigation management was based on crop evapotranspiration, according to the methodology proposed by FAO. The irrigation system used was located drip between spacing each emitter and 0.2 m flow of 0.8 L h-1, and the frequency of irrigation was every seven days. It was carried out chemical analysis and physical soil. The monitoring of soil moisture was the time domain reflectometry (TDR). The following parameters were evaluated: tillering, plant height, diameter, leaf area, total weight, dry weight, yield, technological parameters, was also carried out the economic viability. The highest yield was in ratoon cane, with 190 t ha-1 in treatment 60% of ETc and the lowest yield was in the plant cane in the treatment of to rainfed 158.80 t ha-1. The difference between the highest and the lowest yield was approximately 11% and 7% in plant cane and tamp respectively. The rate of technical efficiency was maximum yield in 78% of ETc. The total mass and obtain dry mass increment of 20% to 25% by ratoon cane, respectively. The largest number of tillers, leaf area and the number of green leaves was in the treatment 120% of ETc. The deficit and excess moisture affected the number of tillers, plant height, the stalk diameter, leaf area, total mass, dry matter, yield and technological parameters for the production of ethanol. In sugarcane plant in rainfed and irrigated, the variable cost represented 54.40% and 66.81% and the fixed cost of 45.60% and 33.19%, respectively. The difference in the cost of production in rainfed and irrigated was 27.23% and 57.20% for the plant cane and tamp respectively. Presented economic viability, sugarcane grown in rainfed and 60% of ETc, with differences in the cost of production and net profit of 53.94% and 52.20%, with financial return in the year of implementation and 4 years and 4 months, respectively. / O potencial de produção do mercado sucroalcooleiro e o aumento na demanda por etanol fazem da cana-de-açúcar a mais importante fonte de biomassa energética para a agroindústria brasileira. Esse estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho técnico e econômico da cultura da cana-de-açúcar submetida a diferentes níveis de manejo de irrigação suplementar para a produção de etanol na Região Central do RS. Desenvolvido na área experimental do Colégio Politécnico da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria-RS nas safras agrícolas nos anos 2013-2014 e 2014-2015. Os tratamentos foram compostos por quatro lâminas de irrigação suplementar: 30, 60, 90 e 120% da ETc e com testemunha sem irrigação. A variedade utilizada foi de ciclo precoce RB93-5581, plantada em 14 de novembro de 2013. O desenho experimental foi blocos ao acaso, com seis repetições. Cada unidade experimental foi constituída por 4 linhas com espaçamento de 1 m e 5 m de comprimento, cada bloco com 20 m2 e a área total de 600 m2. O manejo da irrigação foi realizado com base na evapotranspiração da cultura, conforme a metodologia proposta pela FAO. O sistema de irrigação utilizado foi localizado por gotejamento, com espaçamento entre cada emissor de 0,2 m e vazão de 0,8 L h-1 e a frequência de irrigação foi a cada sete dias. Foi realizada a análise química e física do solo. O monitoramento da umidade do solo foi pela reflectômetria no domínio do tempo (TDR). Avaliaram-se os seguintes parâmetros: perfilhamento, altura das plantas, diâmetros, área foliar, massa total, massa seca, rendimento, os parâmetros tecnológicos e, também foi realizado a viabilidade econômica. O maior rendimento foi na cana soca, com 190 t ha-1, no tratamento 60% da ETc e, o menor rendimento foi na cana planta, no tratamento de sequeiro, de 158,80 t ha-1. A diferença entre o maior e o menor rendimento foi de aproximadamente 11% e 7%, na cana planta e soca, respectivamente. A taxa da máxima eficiência técnica foi no rendimento de 78% da ETc. A massa total e a massa seca obtiverem incremento de 20% e 25% em cana soca, respectivamente. Os maiores número de perfilhos, de área foliar e de número de folhas verdes foi no tratamento 120% da ETc. O deficit e o excesso de umidade afetaram o número de perfilhos, a altura da planta, os diâmetros do colmo, a área foliar, a massa total, a massa seca, o rendimento e os parâmetros tecnológicos para a produção de etanol. Na cana planta em sequeiro e sob irrigação, o custo variável representou 54,40% e 66,81% e o custo fixo de 45,60% e 33,19%, respectivamente. A diferença do custo de produção em sequeiro e sob irrigação foi de 27,23% e 57,20%, para a cana planta e soca, respectivamente. Apresentaram viabilidade econômica, a cana-de-açúcar cultivada em sequeiro e com 60% da ETc, apresentando diferença no custo de produção de 53,94% e do lucro líquido de 52,20%, com retorno financeiro no ano de implantação e com 4 anos e 4 meses, respectivamente.


Carvalho, Ananda de 26 March 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Consented by the State, the territorial configuration of rural areas in Brazil is marked by uneven processes that favored restricted portion of the population, instead of family farmers, maroon people, indigenous people, rural workers and participants of the agricultural reform. However, recently, in order to ease these social disparities, the Brazilian government has granted remedial public policies directed to this issue due to the demands from popular movements. One of these policies that stand out is the implementation of the Citizenship Territories Program, whose principle is to put together different federal agencies with the state, civil and municipal administrations, in order to enhance, expand and internalize public access policies for excluded rural populations. To accomplish that, territorial and functional units were imposed, based on the territorial approach to development, which requires the valuation of multi-dimensions, multiple scales of power, social participation, as well as the association between city and countryside with the various productive sectors located in rural areas. Considering these units, one highlights the Central Region Territory / RS, whose council belongs to Santa Maria. This study aimed to identify the effects of the Citizenship Territories Program implementation, through an analysis of the examples seen in Santa Maria city. Moreover, this research discusses the use of a territorial approach as a basis to mitigate the social inequalities in Brazil in order to promote development. This analysis was organized into four components: a) the firstly, a theoretical research was carried out; b) second, an analysis of documents produced by the program; c) the third section consisted of the primary data collection through participatory field work through visitations to the entities benefitting from the program in Santa Maria city, as well as application of questionnaires for the subjects involved in this policy; d) finally, the last section of this research tried to systematize the data, by analyzing, comparing, and contrasting them in a critical and qualitative process, observing historical facts and establishing associations between theory and practice. As a result, it was found that the Citizenship Territories Program, besides both being unknown and the territorial development not being considered as the main strategy of governance in the country, it does give the opportunity to the civil society organizations to intervene in the course of state actions, besides subsidizing the democratization of access to basic rights. The case of Santa Maria city, in particular, has helped to strengthen cooperatives and rural workers union, therefore fulfilling a secondary role. Regarding the Central Region Territory / RS, it was found that it has been consolidating as a representative institution of the disposed rural areas, although there are political conflicts and realities socially and environmentally distinct. / A configuração territorial do espaço rural brasileiro, com consentimento do Estado, historicamente, é marcada por processos desiguais, que privilegiaram restrita parcela da população, alijando maior parte dela como os agricultores familiares, povos quilombolas, indígenas, trabalhadores rurais assalariados e assentados da reforma agrária. Entretanto, mais recentemente, visando amenizar essas disparidades sociais, principalmente, em decorrência das reivindicações dos movimentos populares, os governos brasileiros têm concedido políticas públicas paliativas dirigidas a esta questão. Entre essas se destaca a implementação, em 2008, do programa Territórios da Cidadania, o qual tem como princípio articular a atuação de diferentes órgãos do governo federal, com gestões estaduais, municipais e sociedade civil, sobretudo com o objetivo de potencializar, interiorizar e expandir o acesso as políticas públicas, em especial, para as populações rurais excluídas. Para a efetivação dessas intenções foram instituídas unidades territoriais funcionais e fundamentou-se na abordagem territorial do desenvolvimento, a qual pressupõe a valorização das multidimensionalidades, das múltiplas escalas de poder, da participação social, da associação entre cidade e campo e dos diversos setores produtivos situados no espaço rural. Em meio a essas unidades territoriais, salienta-se o Território Região Central/RS, do qual o município de Santa Maria faz parte. Esta pesquisa visou identificar por meio do estudo desse território e dos exemplos verificados em Santa Maria, os efeitos da implantação do programa Territórios da Cidadania, bem como, discutindo, a utilização da abordagem territorial como fundamento para amenizar as desigualdades sociais no Brasil e promover o desenvolvimento. A realização do trabalho consistiu em quatro eixos: a) o primeiro referiu-se a pesquisa teórica; b) o segundo correspondeu à análise de documentos elaborados pelo programa; c) o terceiro consistiu no levantamento de dados primários, por meio de trabalhos a campo participativos, em visitações nas entidades beneficiarias do programa em Santa Maria e na aplicação de questionamentos para os sujeitos envolvidos nessa política; d) o último eixo buscou sistematizar os dados obtidos, analisando-os, comparando-os e os confrontando de forma crítica e qualitativa, observando o processo histórico dos fatos e exercitando associações entre o estudo teórico e a prática. Portanto, a partir disso constatou-se que o programa Territórios da Cidadania, apesar de ser desconhecido e o desenvolvimento territorial não configurar-se como a principal estratégia de gestão governamental do país, oportuniza a sociedade civil organizada a intervir nos rumos da atuação do Estado e subsidia a democratização do acesso aos direitos básicos. Especialmente, em Santa Maria tem auxiliado o fortalecimento de cooperativas e do sindicato dos trabalhadores rurais, entretanto cumprindo um papel secundário. A respeito do Território Região Central/RS averiguou-se que o mesmo, politicamente vem se consolidando, enquanto instituição representativa das populações rurais expropriadas, embora existam conflitos políticos e realidades socialmente e ambientalmente distintas.

Analýza současného stavu MSP ve Středočeském kraji a možnosti jeho dalšího rozvoje / Analysis of current situation of SMEs in the Central region and possibilities for future development

KENDEL, Fabien Gaidoum January 2012 (has links)
conditions of the current situation of small and medium business. There are suggestions given to measures that may be involved in the development of small medium enterprises in the Central Region.


Santos, Letícia de Oliveira dos 04 March 2016 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul / It was identified Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange (STE) events on Southern South America and their effects in the Ozone Total Column (OTC) above Central Region of Rio Grande do Sul (CRRS), Brazil, in the period between 2005 and 2014. To this end, it was developed a methodology able to verify the tropopause height and the descend mass flux in this region, using reanalysis 2 data provided by NCEP/DOE. Furthermore, these cases must have wind cores above 40m/s (Upper-level Jet Stream - ULJS) acting between 30 and 80°W and 20 and 50°S. The arrival confirmation of air parcels from the STE at the CRRS was made through HYSPLIT trajectory analysis model from NOAA. For cases that acted at the CRRS, it was computed the OTC variation in relation to five days prior to the STE effects, through daily OTC data obtained from the OMI instrument for Santa Maria city (29.72°S; 53.72°W). This methodology proved to be effective in identifying 755 STE events on Southern South America, from which 103 came to act on CRRS, with 65% of cases increasing and 35% reducing the OTC in this region. Seasonal analysis showed that most cases happens in winter, followed by spring and in less quantity in summer and fall. Averaged fields of the vertical wind profile, mass flux, temperature and potential vorticity, showed that STE events occur more often in post-frontal situations at the Bacia do Prata region. Moreover, it was analyzed the convergence role in relation to jet streak s vertical transversal circulations, demonstrating that, in STE cases, these circulations increase even more the stratospheric air intake into the troposphere by strong convergence in the ULJS level. In short, it was verified that STE events on Southern South America act as a stratospheric ozone-rich air source to the CRRS, having as an allied the ULJS, which increase the phenomena. / Foram identificados eventos de Troca Estratosfera-Troposfera (TET) sobre o Sul da América do Sul e seus efeitos na variação da Coluna Total de Ozônio (CTO) Região Central do Rio Grande do Sul (RCRS), Brasil, no período entre 2005 e 2014. Para este fim, desenvolveu-se uma metodologia capaz de verificar a altura da tropopausa e o fluxo de massa descendente nesta região, utilizando dados de reanálise 2 fornecidos pelo NCEP/DOE. Além disso, os casos deveriam possuir núcleos de vento acima de 40 m/s (Corrente de Jato em Altos Níveis - CJAN) atuando entre 30 e 80°O e 20 e 50°S. A confirmação da chegada das parcelas de ar provenientes da TET na RCRS deu-se através da análise das trajetórias do modelo Hysplit da NOAA. Para os casos que atuaram na RCRS, calculou-se a variação da CTO em relação aos cinco dias anteriores aos efeitos da TET, através de dados diários da CTO obtidos do instrumento OMI para a cidade de Santa Maria (29.72°S; 53.72°O). Esta metodologia mostrou-se eficaz na identificação de 755 eventos de TET sobre o Sul da América do Sul, dos quais 103 vieram a atuar na RCRS, com 65% dos casos aumentando e com 35% reduzindo a CTO nesta região. A análise sazonal mostrou que a maioria dos casos acontece no inverno, seguido da primavera e em menor quantidade no verão e outono. Campos médios do perfil vertical de vento, fluxo de massa, temperatura e vorticidade potencial, mostraram que os eventos de TET ocorrem com mais frequência em uma situação pós-frontal na região da Bacia do Prata. Além disso, analisou-se o papel da convergência relacionada às circulações verticais transversais do núcleo da CJAN, mostrando que, em casos de TET, estas circulações intensificam ainda mais a entrada de ar estratosférico para dentro da troposfera por intermédio da forte convergência no nível da CJAN. Em suma, verificou-se que os eventos de TET sobre o Sul da América do Sul atuam como uma fonte de ar estratosférico rico em Ozônio para a RCRS, tendo como um de seus aliados a CJAN, a qual intensifica o fenômeno.

Podpora důstojného života seniorů - terénní sociální služby / Assistance of dignified life for the elderly - Social services in field

Tvrdíková, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
Diploma Thesis "Assistance of dignified life for the elderly - Social services in field" is focused on the field of social services for the elderly, which's main function is to enable seniors to remain as long as possible at home, despite difficulties with self-sufficiency and independence, leading to a better quality of life. Due to the aging of population and new trends in the way of care for the elderly, it was necessary to fundamentally change the way of this kind of care in the Czech Republic- the current requirements are quality of life, individual approach and subsidiarity. To create the background leading to providing quality services and care, there was the need to change the law. In 2007 came into force the Act 108/2006 Coll. on social services, which changed the setting of social services, their definitions, rights and responsibilities, funding, but also shifted the responsibility for providing services and quality control on the region, as well as for the availability of services. At the same time steps have been taken, which should support the market behaviour of service providers to achieve their accessibility, affordability and quality. The content of this work is to evaluate the Social Services Act in relation to European trends of care and assessment of the law, its applicability...

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