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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Electro-hydraulic SWOT-analysis on electro-hydraulic drives in construction machinery

Inderelst, Martin, Prust, David, Siegmund, Michael 26 June 2020 (has links)
This paper discusses the potential of centralized or decentralized electro-hydraulic (EH)-drives in comparison to conventional hydraulic systems. The systems are presented in diagrams covering the major electric and hydraulic components for an exemplary application, but also include specific technical data like the sizing of the components according to power, pressure, rotational speeds etc. In a second step, all systems are compared and evaluated based on criteria like design effort, energy saving potential, controllability, and servicing and maintenance of the machine. The resulting effects on fuel consumption are summarized as well. Finally, an evaluation of the potential of EH-drives in construction machinery and a derivation of the demands for future customization of electro-hydraulic linear drives is given on the basis of a SWOT-analysis from the point of view of a construction machinery OEM.

Совершенствование механизмов осуществления закупок товаров, работ, услуг для государственных нужд в субъекте Российской Федерации : магистерская диссертация / Improving the mechanisms for the procurement of goods, works, services for state needs in the subject of the Russian Federation

Плотников, В. Д., Plotnikov, V. D. January 2021 (has links)
Фокусом научного исследования, проведенного в рамках настоящей магистерской диссертации, является механизм осуществления закупок товаров, работ, услуг для государственных нужд в условиях его реформирования. Цель исследования: анализ механизмов осуществления закупок товаров, работ, услуг для государственных нужд в субъекте Российской Федерации и формирование рекомендаций для совершенствования их работы. Основными методами проведения исследования стали качественный и количественный анализ, а именно экспертное интервью, контент-анализ. В процессе исследования были изучены теоретические основы контрактной системе в сфере закупок товаров, работ, услуг в Российской Федерации; рассмотрена нормативно-правовая база закупочной деятельности на международном, федеральном и региональном уровнях; предложено новое определение механизма закупочной деятельности; сформированы модели организации закупочной деятельности в регионах Российской Федерации; подготовлены практические материалы, которые могут быть использованы специалистами по закупкам в их профессиональной деятельности. Предложенные автором рекомендации по совершенствованию механизма государственных закупок региона Российской Федерации внесут уточнения в действующее законодательство, а также упростят и ускорят работу специалистов по закупкам. / The focus of the research conducted within the framework of this master's thesis is the mechanism of procurement of goods, works, and services for state needs in the context of its reform. The purpose of the study: to analyze the mechanisms of procurement of goods, works, and services for state needs in the subject of the Russian Federation and to form recommendations for improving their work. The main methods of conducting the research were qualitative and quantitative analysis, namely expert interviews, content analysis. In the course of the research, the theoretical foundations of the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, and services in the Russian Federation were studied; the regulatory and legal framework of procurement activities at the international, federal, and regional levels was considered; a new definition of the procurement mechanism was proposed; models of the organization of procurement activities in the regions of the Russian Federation were formed; practical materials were prepared that can be used by procurement specialists in their professional activities. The recommendations proposed by the author on improving the mechanism of public procurement in the region of the Russian Federation will clarify the current legislation, as well as simplify and speed up the work of procurement specialists.

Information Supply Chain System for Managing Rare Infectious Diseases

Gopalakrishna-Remani, Venugopal 06 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Continuously Variable Amplification Device for Semi-Active Vibration Control of Seismically Loaded Structures

Grupenhof, Kyle D. 25 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Τεχνικές συμπιεσμένης καταγραφής για ανίχνευση φάσματος σε ασύρματα γνωστικά δίκτυα συνεργασίας / Compressed sensing based techniques for spectrum sensing in wireless cooperative cognitive radio networks

Ζαμπούνη, Αικατερίνη 01 July 2015 (has links)
Είναι γνωστό από τη Θεωρία της Πληροφορίας, πως η δειγματοληψία σημάτων ακολουθεί το Θεώρημα των Shannon-Nyquist. Σύμφωνα με το θεώρημα αυτό, για την εκτέλεση της δειγματοληψίας ενός σήματος χωρίς απώλεια πληροφορίας, ο ρυθμός δειγματοληψίας αυτού θα πρέπει να είναι τουλάχιστον δύο φορές μεγαλύτερος από τη μεγαλύτερη συχνότητα που εμφανίζεται στο φάσμα του σήματος. Αυτή τη θεωρία κατάφερε – κατά κάποιο τρόπο - να ανατρέψει το 2006 μια νέα, αυτή της Συμπιεσμένης Καταγραφής που ξεκίνησε από δύο επιστημονικές εργασίες των Donoho, Candes, Romberg και Tao και η οποία έρχεται να αλλάξει τα έως σήμερα δεδομένα. Σήμερα, λίγα έτη αργότερα, μια αφθονία θεωρητικών πτυχών της συμπιεσμένης καταγραφής εξερευνάται ήδη σε περισσότερες από 1000 δημοσιεύσεις. Οι εφαρμογές αυτής της τεχνικής εκτείνονται και σε άλλα πεδία όπως η επεξεργασία εικόνας, η μαγνητική τομογραφία, η ανάλυση γεωφυσικών δεδομένων, η επεξεργασία εικόνας radar, η αστρονομία κ.α. Η μέθοδος της συμπιεσμένης καταγραφής ή αλλιώς Compressed Sensing ή Compressed Sampling, όπως αυτή είναι γνωστή στη βιβλιογραφία, στηρίζεται στη δυνατότητα ανακατασκευής αραιών σημάτων από πλήθος δειγμάτων αισθητά κατώτερο από αυτό που προβλέπει το θεωρητικό όριο του Nyquist. Έχει αποδειχθεί ότι, η ανακατασκευή αυτή είναι δυνατή όταν το σήμα ή έστω κάποιος μετασχηματισμός του περιέχει λίγα μη μηδενικά στοιχεία σε σχέση με το μήκος του. Στα πλαίσια αυτής της εργασίας παρουσιάζονται οι βασικές αρχές που διέπουν την ανακατασκευή αραιών σημάτων μέσω της επίλυσης υπο-ορισμένων συστημάτων γραμμικών εξισώσεων. Στη συγκεκριμένη εργασία, γίνεται μία προσπάθεια εφαρμογής της εν λόγω μεθόδου στα ανερχόμενα Cognitive Radio δίκτυα (Cognitive Radio Networks - CRN) τα οποία εμφανίζουν την ιδιότητα Spectrum Sharing. Σύμφωνα με αυτή την ιδιότητα, δηλαδή, το διαμοιρασμό του διαθέσιμου φάσματος, ο πρωταρχικός στόχος, είναι η ανίχνευση και η αναγνώριση των λεγόμενων spectrum holes σε ασύρματο περιβάλλον. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, παρουσιάζεται μια Distributed (κατανεμημένη) προσέγγιση συμπιεσμένης καταγραφής φάσματος για (τα ultra-) Wideband Cognitive Radio δίκτυα. Η τεχνική Compressed Sensing εφαρμόζεται σε τοπικά CRs του δικτύου, προκειμένου να ανιχνεύσει το υπερ-ευρύ φάσμα (ultra-wideband) με ρεαλιστική πολυπλοκότητα ανάκτησης του αρχικού σήματος. Οι φασματικές εκτιμήσεις από πολλαπλούς τοπικούς CRs του δικτύου «συνενώνονται» για να αποκομίσουν το χωρικό κέρδος ποικιλομορφίας (spatial diversity gain), το οποίο όσο αυξάνεται, βελτιώνει την ποιότητα ανίχνευσης, ειδικά στην περίπτωση των υπό εξασθένιση καναλιών (channel fading effect). Αρχικά, μελετάται ένας κατανεμημένος αλγόριθμος πλειοψηφίας (Distributed Consensus Algorithm) για να επιτευχθεί η συνεργασία κατά το στάδιο της ανίχνευσης της πληροφορίας που μεταφέρεται στο δίκτυο και έπειτα η αποστολή αυτής σε ένα fusion center. Αυτού του είδους ο distributed αλγόριθμος που χρησιμοποιεί μόνο one-hop επικοινωνία, συγκλίνει γρήγορα σε συνολικά βέλτιστες λύσεις που λειτουργούν με χαμηλό φόρτο επικοινωνίας και υπολογισμού που είναι ανάλογο του μεγέθους του δικτύου. Ένα σενάριο που εξετάζεται στο πλαίσιο αυτής της εργασίας, είναι η συγκεντρωτική ανίχνευση φάσματος ευρείας ζώνης με επικαλυπτόμενες συχνότητες ή αλλιώς κανάλια που είναι κοινά (frequency overlapping) σε Cognitive Radio δίκτυα και τα οποία, χρησιμοποιούν την τεχνική Compressed Sensing καθώς επίσης και την από κοινού ανακατασκευή (Joint Reconstruction) του αρχικού σήματος. Τέλος, προτείνεται ένα σενάριο, μιας κατανεμημένης αυτή τη φορά, τεχνικής ανίχνευσης φάσματος, που βασίζεται σε κανόνες πλειοψηφίας. Τα αποτελέσματα της προσομοίωσης, σε περιβάλλον Matlab, επιβεβαιώνουν την αποτελεσματικότητα αυτής της προτεινόμενης προσέγγισης, δηλαδή την ανίχνευση φάσματος, από συνδυασμό Cognitive Radio δικτύων με αραιά επικαλυπτόμενες συχνότητες. / It is well known from Information Theory, that the sampling of signals should be performed as dictated by the celebrated Shannon – Nyquist theorem. According to this theorem, in order to fully recover a signal from its samples, it must be sampled at a sampling rate that should be at least twice the bandwidth of the signal. This theory has been significantly extended over the past few years by the advent of the so-called Compressed Sensing theory, which first appeared in seminal scientific articles of Donoho, Candes, Romberg and Tao in 2006. Nowadays, an abundance of theoretical aspects of compressed sensing is already explored in more than 1000 articles. Τhis technique has been applied in various fields such as image processing, magnetic tomography, analysis of geophysical data, radar image processing, astronomy etc. The method of Compressed Sensing, also known as Compressed Sampling, is related to the reconstruction of sparse signals from far fewer samples or measurements than what the theoretical limit of Nyquist suggests. It has been proved that, this reconstruction is possible when the signal or a transformation of it, contains just a few non-zero elements with respect to its length. In this work, we firstly summarize the basic principles that condition the reconstruction of sparse signals via the solution of underdetermined systems of linear equations. Next, in this Master Thesis we aim at implementing Compressed Sensing method in emerging Cognitive Radio (CR) networks with spectrum sharing. The first cognitive task preceding any dynamic spectrum access is the sensing and identification of spectral holes in wireless environments. In more detail, this work is mainly concerned with a distributed compressed spectrum sensing approach for (ultra-)wideband CR networks. Compressed sensing is performed at local CRs to scan the very wide spectrum at practical signal-acquisition complexity. Meanwhile, spectral estimates from multiple local CR detectors are fused to collect spatial diversity gain, which improves the sensing quality especially under fading channels. Initially, a distributed consensus algorithm is analyzed for collaborative sensing and fusion in a scenario where all nodes are estimating the same spectral bands. Using only one-hop local communications, this distributed algorithm converges fast to the globally optimal solutions, at low communication and computation load scalable to the network size. Another scenario that has been investigated in this thesis is the joint wideband spectrum sensing in frequency overlapping cognitive radio networks, using centralized compressive sensing techniques. Finally, for the latter scenario, a distributed compressive sensing technique, based on consensus, has been proposed. Simulation results in Matlab environment verify the effectiveness of proposed joint spectrum sensing approach in jointly sparse frequency overlapping cognitive radio networks.

Aplicação de inteligência computacional na resolução de problemas de sistemas elétricos de potência /

Lopez Sepulveda, Gloria Patricia. January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Marcos Julio Rider Flores / Resumo: Nesta tese são utilizados algoritmos de Inteligência Computacional para resolver quatro problemas da área de sistemas elétricos de potência, com o intuito de automatizar a tomada de decisões em processos que normalmente são realizados por especialistas humanos ajudados de métodos computacionais clássicos. Nesta tese são utilizados os algoritmos de aprendizado de máquina: árvores de decisão, redes neurais artificiais e máquinas de vetor de suporte, para realizar o processo de aprendizado dos sistemas inteligentes e para realizar a mineração de dados. Estes algoritmos podem ser treinados a partir das medições disponíveis e ações registradas nos centros de controle dos sistemas de potência. Sistemas Inteligentes foram utilizados para realizar: a) o controle centralizado Volt-VAr em modernos sistemas de distribuição de energia elétrica em tempo real usando medições elétricas; b) a detecção de fraudes nas redes de distribuição de energia elétrica realizando um processo de mineração de dados para estabelecer padrões de consumo que levem a possíveis clientes fraudadores; c) a localização de faltas nos sistemas de transmissão de energia elétrica automatizando o processo de localização e ajudando para que uma ação de controle da falta seja realizada de forma rápida e eficiente; e d) a coordenação de carga inteligente de veículos elétricos e dispositivos de armazenamento em tempo real utilizando a tecnologia V2G, nos sistemas de distribuição de energia elétrica a partir de medições elé... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: In this thesis Computational Intelligence algorithms are used to solve four problems of the area of power electrical systems, in order to automate decision making in processes that are usually performed by human experts aided by classical computational methods. In this thesis the machine learning algorithms are used: decision trees, artificial neural networks and support vector machines to carry out the learning process of Intelligent Systems and to perform Data Mining. These algorithms are trained from the available measurements and actions recorded in the control centers of the systems. Intelligent Systems were used to perform: a) the centralized control Volt-VAr in modern systems of distribution of electrical energy in real time using electrical measurements; b) detection of fraud in electricity distribution networks by performing a data mining process to establish patterns of consumption that lead to possible fraudulent customers; c) fault location in electric power transmission systems by automating the localization process and helping to ensure that a fault control action is performed quickly and efficiently; and d) coordination of intelligent charging of electric vehicles and storage devices using V2G technology in real-time, in electric power distribution systems using electrical measurements. For the centralized control problem Volt-VAr was tested in 42-node distribution system, for the problem of loading electric vehicles and storage devices the tests were performed... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Development of models for inegrating renewables and energy storage components in smart grid applications / Développement des modèles pour l'intégration des énergies renouvelables et des composants de stockage d'énergie dans les applications Smart Grid

Barakat, Mahmoud 26 June 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse présente un modèle unique du MASG (Modèle d’Architecture du Smart Grid) en considérant l 'état de l’art des différentes directives de recherche du smart grid. Le système hybride de génération d'énergie active marine-hydrogène a été modélisé pour représenter la couche de composants du MASG. Le système intègre l'électrolyseur à membrane d’échange de proton (à l’échelle de méga watt) et les systèmes de piles à combustible en tant que composants principaux du bilan énergétique. La batterie LiFePO4 est utilisée pour couvrir la dynamique rapide de l'énergie électrique. En outre, la thèse analyse le système de gestion de l'énergie centralisé et décentralisé. Le système multi-agents représente le paradigme du système décentralisé. La plate-forme JADE est utilisée pour développer le système multi-agents, en raison de son domaine d'application général, de ses logiciels à licence libre, de son interface avec MATLAB et de sa calculabilité avec les standards de la Fondation des Agents Physiques Intelligentes. Le système de gestion d'énergie basé sur JADE équilibre l'énergie entre la génération (système de conversion d'énergie marine-courant) et la demande (profil de charge résidentielle) pendant les modes de fonctionnement autonome et connecté au réseau. Le modèle proposé du MASG peut être considéré comme une étude de cas pilote qui permet l'analyse détaillée et les applications des différentes directions de recherche du smart grid. / This thesis presents a unique model of the SGAM (Smart Grid Architecture Model) with considering the state of the art of the different research directions of the smart grid and. The hybrid marine-hydrogen active power generation system has been modeled to represent the component layer of the SGAM. The system integrates the MW scale PEM electrolyzer and fuel cell systems as the main energy balance components. The LiFePO4 battery is used to cover the fast dynamics of the electrical energy. Moreover, the thesis analyzes the centralized and the decentralized energy management system. The MAS (Multi-Agent Systems) represents the paradigm of the decentralized system. The JADE platform is used to develop the MAS due to its general domain of application, open source and free license software, interface with MATLAB and the computability with the FIPA (Foundation of Intelligent Physical Agent) standards. The JADE based energy management system balances the energy between the generation (marine-current energy conversion system) and the demand side (residential load profile) during the stand-alone and the grid-connected modes of operation. The proposed model of the SGAM can be considered as a pilot case study that enables the detailed analysis and the applications of the different smart grid research directions.

Cooperative wireless communications in the presence of limited feedback / Communications sans fil coopératives en présence de voies de retour à débit limité

Cerovic, Stefan 25 September 2019 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, les techniques de coopération ont été étudiées pour un canal multi-accès multi-relais composé d'au moins deux sources qui communiquent avec une seule destination à l'aide d'au moins deux nœuds de relayage en mode semi-duplex. Le multiplexage par répartition dans le temps est supposé. Tout d'abord, l’algorithme d’adaptation de lien est exécuté par l'ordonnanceur centralisé. Durant la première phase de transmission, les sources transmettent chacune à leur tour leur message respectif pendant des intervalles de temps consécutifs. Dans chaque intervalle de temps dans la deuxième phase, la destination planifie un nœud pour transmettre les redondances, mettant en œuvre un protocole coopératif d'Hybrid Automatic Repeat reQuest (HARQ), où les canaux de contrôle limités bidirectionnels sont disponibles depuis les sources et les relais vers la destination. Dans la première partie de la thèse, les stratégies de sélection des nœuds centralisé sont proposées pour la deuxième phase de transmission. Les décisions d’ordonnancement sont prises en fonction de la connaissance des ensembles de sources correctement décodées par chaque noeud et ayant comme objectif de maximiser l’efficacité spectrale moyenne. L'analyse de la probabilité de coupure de l'information ainsi que les simulations Monte-Carlo (MC) sont effectués afin de valider ces stratégies. Dans la seconde partie, un algorithme d’adaptation de lien lent est proposé afin de maximiser l’efficacité spectrale moyenne sous contrainte de vérification d'une qualité de service individuelle cible pour une famille donnée de schémas de modulation et de codage, réposant sur l'information sur la distribution des canaux signalée. Les débits des sources discrets sont déterminés en utilisant l’approche "Genie-Aided" suivie d’un algorithme itératif de correction de débit. Les simulations MC montrent que l’algorithme d’adaptation de lien proposé offre des performances proches de celles de la recherche exhaustive. Dans la troisième partie, les performances de protocole HARQ à redondance incrémentale (IR) avec codage mono et multi-utilisateur, ainsi que l'HARQ de type Chase Combining avec codage mono-utilisateur sont comparées. Les simulations MC montrent que l'IR-HARQ avec codage mono-utilisateur offre le meilleur compromis entre performance et complexité pour le scénario de petit nombre de sources. Un schéma de codage pratique est proposé et validé à l'aide de simulations MC. / In this thesis, cooperation techniques have been studied for Multiple Access Multiple Relay Channel, consisted of at least two sources which communicate with a single destination with the help of at least two half-duplex relaying nodes. Time Division Multiplexing is assumed. First, the link adaptation algorithm is performed at the centralised scheduler. Sources transmit in turns in consecutive time slots during the first transmission phase. In each time slot of the second phase, the destination schedules a node to transmit redundancies, implementing a cooperative Hybrid Automatic Repeat reQuest (HARQ) protocol, where bidirectional limited control channels are available from sources and relays towards the destination. In the first part of the thesis, centralized node selection strategies are proposed for the second phase. The scheduling decisions are made based on the knowledge of the correctly decoded source sets of each node, with the goal to maximize the average spectral efficiency. An information outage analysis is conducted and Monte-Carlo (MC) simulations are performed to evaluate their performance. In the second part, a slow-link adaptation algorithm is proposed which aims at maximizing the average spectral efficiency under individual QoS targets for a given modulation and coding scheme family relying on the reported Channel Distribution Information of all channels. Discrete source rates are first determined using the "Genie-Aided" assumption, which is followed by an iterative rate correction algorithm. The resulting link adaptation algorithm yields performance close to the exhaustive search approach as demonstrated by MC simulations. In the third part, performances of Incremental Redundancy (IR) HARQ with Single and Multi User encoding, as well as the Chase Combining HARQ with Single User encoding are compared. MC simulations demonstrate that IR-HARQ with Single User encoding offers the best trade-off between performance and complexity for a small number of sources in our setting. Practical coding scheme is proposed and validated using MC simulations.

Transaction synchronization and privacy aspect in blockchain decentralized applications

Ongkasuwan, Patarawan January 2020 (has links)
The ideas and techniques of cryptography and decentralized storage have seen tremendous growth in many industries, as they have been adopted to improve activities in the organization. That called Blockchain technology, it provides an effective transparency solution. Generally, Blockchain has been used for digital currency or cryptocurrency since its inception. One of the best-known Blockchain protocols is Ethereum, which has invented the smart contract to enable Blockchain’s ability to execute a condition, rather than simply acting as storage. Applications that adopt this technology are called ‘Dapps’ or ‘decentralized applications’. However, there are ongoing arguments about synchronization associated with the system. System synchronization is currently extremely important for applications, because the waiting time for a transaction to be verified can cause dissatisfaction in the user experience. Several studies have revealed that privacy leakage occurs, even though the Blockchain provides a degree of security, as a result of the traditional transaction, which requires approval through an intermediate institution. For instance, a bank needs to process transactions via many constitution parties before receiving the final confirmation, which requires the user to wait for a considerable amount of time. This thesis describes the challenge of transaction synchronization between the user and smart contract, as well as the matter of a privacy strategy for the system and compliance. To approach these two challenges, the first task separates different events and evaluates the results compared to an alternative solution. This is done by testing the smart contract to find the best gas price result, which varies over time. In the Ethereum protocol, gas price is one of the best ways to decrease the transaction time to meet user expectations. The gas price is affected by the code structure and the network. In the smart contract, testing is run based on two cases, and solves platform issues such as runners and user experience and reduces costs. It has also been found that collecting the fee before participating in an auction can prevent the problem of runners. The second case aims to prove that freezing the amount of a bid is the best way to increase the user’s experience, and to achieve the better experience of an online auction. The second challenge mainly focuses on the privacy strategy and risk management for the platform, which involves identifying possible solutions for all risk situations, as well as detecting, forecasting and preventing them. Providing strategies, such as securing the smart contract structure, increasing the encryption method in the database, designing a term sheet and agreement, and authorization, help to prevent system vulnerabilities. Therefore, this research aims to improve and investigate an online auction platform by using a Blockchain smart contract to provide evocative user experiences. / Idéer och tekniker för kryptografi och decentraliserad lagring har haft en enorm tillväxt i många branscher, eftersom de har antagits för att förbättra verksamheten i organisationen. Den som kallas Blockchain-tekniken ger den en effektiv transparenslösning. Generellt har Blockchain använts för digital valuta eller cryptocurrency sedan starten. Ett av de mest kända Blockchainprotokollen är Ethereum, som har uppfunnit det smarta kontraktet för att möjliggöra Blockchains förmåga att utföra ett villkor, snarare än att bara fungera som lagring. Applikationer som använder denna teknik kallas 'Dapps' eller 'decentraliserade applikationer'. Det finns emellertid pågående argument om synkronisering associerad med systemet. Systemsynkronisering är för närvarande oerhört viktigt för applikationer, eftersom väntetiden för att en transaktion ska verifieras kan orsaka missnöje i användarupplevelsen. Flera studier har visat att sekretessläckage inträffar, även om Blockchain ger en viss säkerhet, till följd av den traditionella transaktionen, som kräver godkännande genom en mellaninstitution. Till exempel måste en bank bearbeta transaktioner via många konstitutionspartier innan den får den slutliga bekräftelsen, vilket kräver att användaren väntar en betydande tid. Den här avhandlingen beskriver utmaningen med transaktionssynkronisering mellan användaren och smart kontrakt, samt frågan om en sekretessstrategi för systemet och efterlevnad. För att närma sig dessa två utmaningar separerar den första uppgiften olika händelser och utvärderar resultaten jämfört med en alternativ lösning. Detta görs genom att testa det smarta kontraktet för att hitta det bästa gasprisresultatet, som varierar över tiden. I Ethereum-protokollet är gaspriset ett av de bästa sätten att minska transaktionstiden för att möta användarens förväntningar. Gaspriset påverkas av kodstrukturen och nätverket. I det smarta kontraktet körs test baserat på två fall och löser plattformsproblem som löpare och användarupplevelse och minskar kostnaderna. Det har också visat sig att insamlingen av avgiften innan du deltar i en auktion kan förhindra löparproblemet. Det andra fallet syftar till att bevisa att frysning av budbeloppet är det bästa sättet att öka användarens upplevelse och att uppnå en bättre upplevelse av en online auktion. Den andra utmaningen fokuserar huvudsakligen på sekretessstrategin och riskhanteringen för plattformen, som innebär att identifiera möjliga lösningar för alla risksituationer, samt att upptäcka, förutse och förhindra dem. Tillhandahållande av strategier, som att säkra den smarta kontraktsstrukturen, öka krypteringsmetoden i databasen, utforma ett termblad och avtal och godkännande, hjälper till att förhindra systemets sårbarheter. Därför syftar denna forskning till att förbättra och undersöka en online-auktionsplattform genom att använda ett smart avtal med Blockchain för att ge upplevande användarupplevelser.

Operations research models for the management of supply chains of perishable and heterogeneous products in uncertain contexts. Application to the agri-food and ceramic sectors

Esteso Álvarez, Ana 12 March 2022 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Algunos productos se caracterizan por su falta de homogeneidad, lo que significa que productos con diferentes características pueden ser obtenidos de un mismo proceso de producción debido a factores incontrolables como la naturaleza de las materias primas o las condiciones ambientales durante la producción. Hay cuatro aspectos que caracterizan la falta de homogeneidad en el producto: los subtipos homogéneos que se obtienen de un mismo lote de producción, la cantidad de productos que componen cada subtipo, el valor de cada uno de los subtipos, y el estado de los productos. La falta de homogeneidad en el producto dificulta la gestión de los procesos de las empresas y cadenas de suministro en el momento en el que los clientes requieren homogeneidad entre las unidades de producto que adquieren. Un ejemplo de esto se produce en el sector de la cerámica, en el que los clientes requieren que todas las unidades que van a ser ensambladas juntas tengan el mismo color, espesor y calidad por razones estéticas y de seguridad. Otro ejemplo es el extraído del sector agroalimentario, en el que el mercado final requiere productos que cumplan con un tamaño mínimo, un color particular, o sabor en el caso de las frutas. Además, el sector agroalimentario tiene la complejidad añadida producida por el deterioro de los productos a lo largo del tiempo, y la necesidad de los mercados de ofrecer a los clientes productos con una mínima duración tras su venta. En esta Tesis, se define como productos heterogéneos a aquellos productos que se pueden clasificar en subtipos homogéneos con una cantidad variable, mientras que los productos perecederos son aquellos que, además de ser heterogéneos, tienen falta de homogeneidad en su estado. De acuerdo con estos conceptos, el sector cerámico comercializa productos heterogéneos mientras que el sector agroalimentario comercializa productos perecederos. Esta Tesis propone marcos conceptuales y modelos de Investigación Operativa que soporten la gestión de cadenas de suministro con productos heterogéneos y perecederos en la toma de decisiones centralizada y distribuidas relacionadas con los niveles de decisión estratégica, táctica y operativa. El objetivo es mejorar la competitividad, sostenibilidad y flexibilidad de la cadena de suministro para adaptarse a los requerimientos del mercado bajo condiciones de incertidumbre. Para esto, se han propuesto modelos de Investigación Operativa deterministas e inciertos, cuyos resultados se comparan concluyendo que los resultados obtenidos con los modelos inciertos se adaptan mejor al comportamiento real de las cadenas de suministros.Los modelos de Investigación Operativa propuestos han contribuido a tres áreas de investigación: problemas operativos en el sector cerámico, problemas estratégicos en el sector agroalimentario y problemas de planificación en el sector agroalimentario. Las principales novedades en los problemas operativos en el sector cerámico son el modelado de las características de las baldosas cerámicas, la consideración de los requerimientos de homogeneidad entre unidades de diferentes líneas de pedido, y la posibilidad de realizar entregas parciales y entregas con retraso. Esta Tesis contribuye a los problemas estratégicos en el sector agroalimentario al diseñar una cadena de suministro completa de productos agroalimentarios frescos considerando el aspecto perecedero de los productos e integrando decisiones tácticas, y determinando el impacto real que tiene considerar el aspecto perecedero de los productos durante el diseño de la cadena de suministro ... / [CA] Alguns productes es caracteritzen per la seua falta d'homogeneïtat, el que significa que productes amb diferents característiques poden ser obtinguts d'un mateix procés de producció degut a factors incontrolables com la naturalesa de les matèries primeres o les condicions ambientals durant la producció. Hi ha quatre aspectes que caracteritzen la falta d'homogeneïtat en el producte: els subtipus homogenis que s'obtenen d'un mateix lot de producció, la quantitat de productes que componen cada subtipus, el valor de cada un dels subtipus, i l'estat dels productes. La falta d'homogeneïtat en el producte dificulta la gestió dels processos de les empreses i cadenes de subministrament en el moment en què els clients requerixen homogeneïtat entre les unitats de producte que adquirixen. Un exemple d'açò es produïx en el sector de la ceràmica, en el que els clients requerixen que totes les unitats que seran acoblades juntes tinguen el mateix color, grossària i qualitat per raons estètiques i de seguretat. Un altre exemple és l'extret del sector agroalimentari, en el que el mercat final requerix productes que complisquen amb una grandària mínima, un color particular, o sabor en el cas de les fruites. A més, el sector agroalimentari té la complexitat afegida produïda pel deteriorament dels productes al llarg del temps, i la necessitat dels mercats d'oferir als clients productes amb una mínima duració després de la seua venda. En aquesta Tesi, es definix com a productes heterogenis a aquells productes que es poden classificar en subtipus homogenis amb una quantitat variable, mentres que els productes peribles són aquells que, a més de ser heterogenis, tenen falta d'homogeneïtat en el seu estat. D'acord amb aquests conceptes, el sector ceràmic comercialitza productes heterogenis mentres que el sector agroalimentari comercialitza productes peribles. Aquesta Tesi proposa marcs conceptuals i models d'Investigació Operativa que suporten la gestió de cadenes de subministrament amb productes heterogenis i peribles en la presa de decisions centralitzada i distribuïdes relacionades amb els nivells de decisió estratègica, tàctica i operativa. L'objectiu és millorar la competitivitat, sostenibilitat i flexibilitat de la cadena de subministrament per adaptar-se als requeriments del mercat sota condicions d'incertesa. Per a açò, s'han proposat models d'Investigació Operativa deterministes i incerts, els resultats es comparen concloent que els resultats obtinguts amb els models incerts s'adapten millor al comportament real de les cadenes de subministraments. Els models d'Investigació Operativa proposats han contribuït a tres àrees d'investigació: problemes operatius en el sector ceràmic, problemes estratègics en el sector agroalimentari i problemes de planificació en el sector agroalimentari. Les principals novetats en els problemes operatius en el sector ceràmic són el modelatge de les característiques de les rajoles ceràmiques, la consideració dels requeriments d'homogeneïtat entre unitats de diferents línies de comanda, i la possibilitat de realitzar lliuraments parcials i lliuraments amb retard. Aquesta Tesi contribueix als problemes estratègics en el sector agroalimentari al dissenyar una cadena de subministrament completa de productes agroalimentaris frescos considerant l'aspecte perible dels productes, integrant decisions tàctiques, i determinant l'impacte real que té considerar l'aspecte perible dels productes durant el disseny de la cadena de subministrament ... / [EN] Some products are characterised by their lack of homogeneity, what means that products with different characteristics can be obtained from the same production process due to uncontrollable factors such as the nature of raw materials or the environmental conditions during production. There are four aspects that characterize the lack of homogeneity in the product: the homogeneous subtypes to be obtained from a production lot, the quantity of products that belong to each subtype, the value related to each of the subtypes and the state of the products. The lack of homogeneity in the product hinders the management of the supply chain or company's processes at the time customers require the homogeneity among the acquired units of product. An example of this is produced in the ceramic tile sector, in which customers need all acquired ceramic tiles that are going to be jointly assembled to have the same colour, thickness and quality for aesthetic and safety reasons. Another example is the extracted from the agri-food sector, in which final markets require products that meet some characteristics such as a minimum size, a particular colour or flavour in the case of fruits. In addition, the agri-food sector has the added complexity produced by the deterioration of products over time, and the need of markets to offer to end consumers products with a minimum durability after sale. In this Thesis, heterogeneous products are defined as products for which different subtypes can be obtained in a variable quantity while perishable products are those that, apart from being heterogeneous, have a lack of homogeneity in their state. According to these concepts, ceramic sectors would commercialize heterogeneous products while the agri-food sector would do so with perishable products. This Thesis proposes conceptual frameworks and Operations Research models to support the management of supply chains with heterogeneous and perishable products in centralized and distributed decision-making processes related to strategic, tactical and operative decisional levels. The objective is to improve the supply chain competitiveness, sustainability and flexibility to adapt to market requirements under uncertain conditions. For this, both deterministic and uncertain Operations Research models have been proposed, whose results are compared concluding that results obtained with uncertain models better fit with the behaviour of real supply chains. The proposed Operations Research models have contributed to three research areas: operational problems in the ceramic sector, strategic problems in the agri-food sector and planning problems in the agri-food sector. Main novelties in the ceramic operational problems are the modelling of the characteristics of ceramic tile products, the consideration of homogeneity requirements between units from different order lines, and the possibility of making partial deliveries and delayed deliveries. This Thesis contributes to strategic problems in agri-food products by designing an entire fresh agri-food supply chain considering the perishability of products and integrating tactical decisions, and by determining the real impact that considering the products' perishability has on the supply chain design process ... / This Thesis has been developed in the Research Centre of Management and Production Engineering (CIGIP, for its acronym in Spanish “Centro de Investigación en Gestión e Ingeniería de Producción”) of the Universitat Politècnica de València with the support of the predoctoral grant Programme of Formation of University Professors (FPU, for its acronym in Spanish “Formación de Profesorado Universitario”) from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Ref. FPU15/03595). The supervisors of this Thesis are Dr. Angel Ortiz, and Dra. María del Mar Alemany Diaz that are Professors in the Research Centre of Management and Production Engineering (CIGIP) of the Universitat Politècnica de València. The FPU grant has been endorsed by the supervisor Dr. Ángel Ortiz. This Thesis has also been supported by the project ‘RUC-APS: Enhancing and implementing Knowledge based ICT solutions within high Risk and Uncertain Conditions for Agriculture Production Systems’ (Ref. 691249) funded by the EU under its funding scheme H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015, the project ‘Methods and models for operations planning and order management in supply chains characterised by uncertainty in production due to the lack of product uniformity’ (PLANGES-FHP) (Ref. DPI2011- 23597) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. The projects RUC-APS and PLANGES-FHP have been led by the one of the supervisors of this Thesis Dr. María del Mar Eva Alemany. In order to obtain the international mention for this Thesis, three months of research stages have been made in the research agency Agenzia Lucana di Sviluppo e di Innovazione in Agricoltora, located in Metaponto (Italy) / Esteso Álvarez, A. (2020). Operations research models for the management of supply chains of perishable and heterogeneous products in uncertain contexts. Application to the agri-food and ceramic sectors [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/141099 / Compendio

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