Spelling suggestions: "subject:"centrifugal pumps."" "subject:"zentrifugal pumps.""
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Оптимални дијагностички пакет параметара за детекцију кавитацијских режима у центрифугалним пумпама / Optimalni dijagnostički paket parametara za detekciju kavitacijskih režima u centrifugalnim pumpama / Optimal diagnostic set of parameters for cavitation detection in centrifugal pumpsTašin Slobodan 24 November 2016 (has links)
<p>Кавитација један од главних проблема који угрожавају рад центрифугалних пумпи, пре свега због последица које је прате: ерозија материјала, нестабилан рад, бука, вибрације итд. Познато је да кавитацијски индуковане вибрације кућишта пумпи показују карактеристичан тренд са повећањем интензитета кавитације. Експериментална истраживања урађена у оквиру дисертације, показала су да је у реалним радним условима могуће из мерног сигнала виб-рација издвојити оне параметре који указују на развој кавитације у центри-фугалним пумпама. Посебно добре резултате дала је нормирана укупна ефективна вибрацијска брзина, која је у оквиру дисертације предложена као параметар за детекцију кавитације у центрифугалним пумпама.</p> / <p>Kavitacija jedan od glavnih problema koji ugrožavaju rad centrifugalnih pumpi, pre svega zbog posledica koje je prate: erozija materijala, nestabilan rad, buka, vibracije itd. Poznato je da kavitacijski indukovane vibracije kućišta pumpi pokazuju karakterističan trend sa povećanjem intenziteta kavitacije. Eksperimentalna istraživanja urađena u okviru disertacije, pokazala su da je u realnim radnim uslovima moguće iz mernog signala vib-racija izdvojiti one parametre koji ukazuju na razvoj kavitacije u centri-fugalnim pumpama. Posebno dobre rezultate dala je normirana ukupna efektivna vibracijska brzina, koja je u okviru disertacije predložena kao parametar za detekciju kavitacije u centrifugalnim pumpama.</p> / <p>Cavitation is one of the main problems which could jeopardize the operation of centrifugal pumps, primarily due to its consequences: material erosion, unsteady operation, noise, vibrations, etc. It is known that cavitation induced vibrations of the pump casing shows characteristic trend with increasing cavitation intensity. Field measurements and carried out within the thesis, showed that it is possible to extract from the measured vibration signal specific parameters which points to cavitation inception and intensification in pumps. Particularly good results were obtained using normalized effective vibration velocity, which is proposed within the thesis as the parameter for the cavitation detection in centrifugal pumps.</p>
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[pt] Grande parte dos sistemas de bombeamento existentes em refinarias é do tipo centrífuga com rotor em balanço. Alguns desses sistemas, que foram fabricadas antes da década de 80, ainda estão sendo usadas em refinarias no Brasil. Tipicamente estes equipamentos possuem rotores muito flexíveis. Isto ocorre devido ao alto valor da razão entre a distância entre mancais e o diâmetro do eixo e também por causa da substituição de gaxetas, que oferecem rigidez, por selos mecânicos. Como consequência, a resposta dinâmica destes equipamentos é sensível à pequenas variações da folga entre os anéis de desgaste. O desgaste devido a erosão e ao contato entre as superfícies aumentam a folga, causando aumento da vibração e redução de eficiência, pois aumenta a vazão através dos anéis. Visando contribuir para a solução destes inconvenientes na operação de bombas centrífugas, o presente trabalho investigou a viabilidade de substituir o anel de desgaste estático por flutuante através de análise rotodinâmica com o auxílio dos softwares ROMAC e XLTRC2. A anel flutuante proporcionaria a redução da erosão e aumento da eficiência de bombeio, proporcionado pela montagem com folga reduzida. Outra vantagem é a redução da resposta ao desbalanceamento causado pelo aumento da rigidez e amortecimento. A desvantagem de usar anel flutuante é que este deve ser projetado para cada condição operacional. / [en] A major pumping systems used in refineries is overhung centrifugal pump. Some of them, which were manufactured before 80 s, are still being used in refineries in Brazil. Usually theses equipments have flexible rotors since the ratio L/D is high and the packing, that offers stiffness, was replaced by mechanical seals in order to get more safety. As consequence, the dynamic response of these pumps is very sensitive to any variation of the wear ring clearance.Weariness due to erosion and surfaces in contact increase the diametral clearance of the wear ring, that increases the vibration and reduces the efficiency of the pump since the flow through the seals rises. So, in order to solve these two concerns (vibration and efficiency) this study investigated the feasibility of replacing the static ring by the floating wear ring through rotordynamic analyses using the following software: ROMAC and XLTRC2. Floating wear ring reduces the erosion and increases the efficiency of the pump since it permits to minimize the radial clearance. The disadvantage of using floating wear ring is that each one has to be designed for a specific operation condition.
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[pt] Uma bomba centrífuga, depois de concluída a sua
instalação, deve vencer uma elevação constante. A variação
da rotação vai alterar diretamente a descarga. Como bomba
centrífuga é acionada por motor de indução, a variação da
freqüência não acarreta variação proporcional na rotação
devido a que a nova rotação implica em outro valor da
descarga que somente ocorre com torque diferente do
anterior e em conseqüência, o deslizamento deve se ajustar
para igualar o torque fornecido pelo motor com o novo
torque requerido pela bomba.
A análise parte dos estudos que relacionam a descarga com
a rotação para relacionar a descarga com a freqüência. / [en] Once installation is concluded, a centrifugal pump should
withstand constant head. The variation of rotation
directly alters the discharge. Since centrifugal pump
operates by induction motor, the variation in frequency
does not lead to proporcional variation in rotation due to
the new rotation being of another discharge value which
only occurs with a different torque. Consequently, the
sllep should adjust itself to equalize the torque provided
by the motor to the new torque required by the pump.
The analisis derives from studies which related the
discharge to the rotation in order to relate the discharge
to the frequency.
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CFD analysis and redesign of centrifugal impeller flows for rocket pumpsLupi, Alessandro 30 June 2009 (has links)
The analysis and redesign of a centrifugal impeller for a rocket pump is presented in this thesis. A baseline impeller was designed by Rocketdyne for the NASA Marshall Pump Consortium. Initially, the objective was to reduce the circumferential exit flow distortion of the baseline impeller. Later in the study, the objective became raising the head coefficient of the impeller. The study presented in this thesis was also undertaken to demonstrate current CFD capabilities for impeller design.
A literature review includes an overview of centrifugal impeller geometries and configurations. Centrifugal impeller performance and secondary flows are discussed, and a summary of studies on the effects of impeller exit and diffuser inlet velocity distortion on diffuser performance is also presented.
The flow calculation details and the results of the baseline impeller flow calculations are described. Fourteen redesigned impeller geometries were analyzed using the Moore Elliptic Flow Program, and the results were compared to the baseline geometry in terms of head rise, losses, and exit flow distortions. A final geometry was chosen; this geometry will be built and tested by Rocketdyne.
The results show that backward blade lean can be effective in red using the exit flow distortion of the impeller. Tip slots or holes were not beneficial because of the large inlet boundary layer. Also, it appears possible to raise the head coefficient of the baseline impeller without creating excessive flow distortion. The planned testing is necessary to verify the predictions of the flow code. / Master of Science
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Proposição de uma metodologia para avaliação de inversores de freqüência em estações elevatórias de água: estudo de casos no sistema de abastecimento de água de São José dos Campos. / Proposal of methodology to evaluation of variable frequency drives in water pumping stations: case study in water supply system in the city of São José dos Campos.Gurgel, Breno Botelho Ferraz do Amaral 19 October 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho avalia a aplicação de inversores de freqüência realizada em estações elevatórias de água tratada da cidade de São José dos Campos que são monitoradas pelo Centro de Controle Operacional da Sabesp. Foram estudadas as características técnicas de quatro sistemas de bombeamento que operam com velocidade variável. O trabalho apresenta uma proposta de metodologia para a seleção de inversores de freqüência, com base na metodologia recomendada pelo EUROPUMP e HYDRAULIC INSTITUTE (2004) aplicada em quatro sistemas da cidade de São José dos Campos. Essa proposta de metodologia foi executada através da avaliação seqüencial de um fluxograma e da análise gráfica das informações instantâneas e históricas dos parâmetros de vazão, pressão e freqüência de rotação, existentes no banco de dados dos servidores de supervisão e controle do Centro de Controle Operacional de São José dos Campos. Após a aplicação dessa metodologia, conclui-se que, a aplicação de inversores de freqüência nos sistemas estudados estava adequada e recomenda-se a sua aplicação em sistemas de bombeamento semelhantes. / The main purpose of this work is to evaluate the application of Variable Frequency Drives ? VFD, carried out in water pumping stations managed by SABESP ? Companhia de Saneamento Básico do Estado de São Paulo, located in the city of Sâo José dos Campos that are monitored by the Operational Control Center ? O.C.C. Technical characteristics of four pumping systems were studied, mainly those operating with fixed or changeable speed. It proposes a new methodology for VFD selection, based on the methodology recommended by EUROPUMP and HYDRAULIC INSTITUTE (2004), used on the systems mentioned before. This proposal of methodology were done using instantaneous and historical information of flow, pressure and rotation frequency parameters stored on data base installed on supervision and control servers installed. After this application, we also concluded that the use of VFD on the evaluated systems was correct and through this we recommend its use on similar pumping systems.
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The effect of partial-flow operation on the axial vibration of double-suction centrifugal pumpsHodkiewicz, Melinda R. January 2005 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] Centrifugal pumps are designed to operate at a capacity that maximizes the efficiency of the pump. Operation below this design capacity results in reduction of pump efficiency as the geometric configuration of the impeller and casing no longer provide an ideal flow pattern. Consequently there are changes in the flow field within the pump, including flow separation and regions of localized, non-uniform, unsteady flow. This flow interacts with rotating and stationary components inside the pump creating additional disturbance and hydraulic excitation. It is anticipated that the local hydrodynamic and global hydroacoustic excitation due to partial-flow operation will affect the structural vibration measured on the pump. In this study, the effects of partial-flow operation on the vibration signal at the pump bearing housing are measured on a number of industrial double-suction pump units. These are a particular class of centrifugal pump commonly used in high volume applications such as water distribution. The aims are to understand how the vibration signals change at the different operating conditions and to determine which parameters are best suited to monitoring the observed changes. Comparison is made between the response, under similar operating conditions, of pumps both within sets of identical size and design, across sets of similar design and different sizes, and between different designs. The pumps are all in-service industrial units. In double-suction pumps the impeller motion in the axial direction (along the line of the shaft) is not constrained. Due to symmetry in impeller design, axial stability is maintained by equal and opposite hydraulic forces on the two opposing sides of the impeller. The potential for loss of axial hydraulic balance during partial-flow operation is examined from a theoretical perspective, based on a literature review, and by measurement of the axial displacement of the shaft. Structural vibration is measured using accelerometers mounted at the non-drive end bearing housing in the horizontal and axial orientations. Changes in signal contribution and characteristics are examined using a variety of qualitative and quantitative techniques. Test signals are used to assess the limitations of the techniques and the effect of parameter selection on the interpretation of the signals.
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Πειραματική και υπολογιστική διερεύνηση ροϊκής συμπεριφοράς φυγοκεντρικών αντλιών : επίδραση της γωνίας εισόδου των πτερυγίων στη σπηλαίωση και την απόδοση της αντλίαςΚυπαρίσσης, Σπυρίδων 01 February 2013 (has links)
Αντικείμενο της παρούσας διδακτορικής διατριβής είναι η πειραματική και η υπολογιστική διερεύνηση της επίδρασης της γωνίας εισόδου των πτερυγίων στη σπηλαίωση και την απόδοση μίας φυγοκεντρικής αντλίας. Στην εργασία αυτή πραγματοποιείται ο σχεδιασμός των πτερυγίων εφαρμόζοντας μία νέα μέθοδο, το σύνθετο διπλό κυκλικό τόξο(Double-Arc Synthetic Method - DASM), η οποία συνδυάζει δύο μεθόδους σχεδιασμού κατά Pfleiderer. Για την υλοποίηση της πειραματικής μελέτης, κατασκευάζονται τρία διαφορετικά στροφεία με γωνία εισόδου των πτερυγίων 9, 15 και 21 μοίρες, από κράμα αλουμινίου και από πλεξιγκλάς. Κατασκευάζεται πειραματική εγκατάσταση αντλίας και εξοπλίζεται με μεγάλης ακρίβειας όργανα μέτρησης. Διαφανή μέρη της πειραματικής εγκατάστασης επιτρέπουν την παρατήρηση της ροής και της σπηλαίωσης στο εξεταζόμενο στροφείο της αντλίας και με τη βοήθεια ενός στροβοσκόπιου φωτογραφίζεται η σπηλαίωση που αναπτύσσεται στα πτερύγια.
Η πειραματική ανάλυση επικεντρώνεται στη μελέτη της μονοφασικής ροής και της σπηλαίωσης. Συγκεκριμένα, για την πειραματική μελέτη της μονοφασικής ροής, εξετάζεται η μεταβολή του μανομετρικού και του βαθμού απόδοσης της αντλίας συναρτήσει της παροχής της. Επιπλέον, μελετάται η μεταβολή του μανομετρικού και του βαθμού απόδοσης της αντλίας συναρτήσει της γωνίας εισόδου των πτερυγίων, για τρεις διαφορετικές εξεταζόμενες παροχές. Εξετάζεται η απόκλιση των πειραματικών αποτελεσμάτων του μανομετρικού από τα αντίστοιχα αποτελέσματα που προκύπτουν από το νόμο ομοιότητας. Τέλος, υπολογίζεται η αβεβαιότητα των μετρήσεων και συγκεκριμένα του μανομετρικού και του βαθμού απόδοσης της αντλίας. Μελετώντας πειραματικά τη σπηλαίωση, επικεντρωνόμαστε στη μεταβολή του μανομετρικού και του βαθμού απόδοσης της αντλίας συναρτήσει του διαθέσιμου καθαρού θετικού ύψους αναρρόφησης, για διάφορες παροχές της αντλίας. Μελετάται η μεταβολή του μανομετρικού και του βαθμού απόδοσης της αντλίας συναρτήσει της γωνίας εισόδου των πτερυγίων, για τρεις διαφορετικές τιμές του διαθέσιμου καθαρού θετικού ύψους αναρρόφησης. Στη συνέχεια εξετάζεται το ποσοστό πτώσης του μανομετρικού τη στιγμή που ξεκινάει η σπηλαίωση, αλλά και το μέγιστο ποσοστό πτώσης του, για τη μεγαλύτερη εξεταζόμενη παροχή. Εξετάζεται η μεταβολή του απαιτούμενου καθαρού θετικού ύψους αναρρόφησης και του κρίσιμου αριθμού σπηλαίωσης συναρτήσει της παροχής της αντλίας, για τις τρεις γωνίες εισόδου των πτερυγίων. Τέλος, υπολογίζεται η αβεβαιότητα των μετρήσεων και συγκεκριμένα του μανομετρικού, του διαθέσιμου καθαρού θετικού ύψους αναρρόφησης και του βαθμού απόδοσης της αντλίας. Επιπλέον, στην παρούσα διδακτορική διατριβή πραγματοποιείται υπολογιστική ανάλυση τρισδιάστατων μοντέλων φυγοκεντρικής αντλίας με δομημένο πλέγμα, χρησιμοποιώντας το υπολογιστικό πακέτο ANSYS CFD-Fluent, για τη μελέτη της μονοφασικής ροής και της σπηλαίωσης των εξεταζόμενων στροφείων της αντλίας. Η υπολογιστική μελέτη της μονοφασικής ροής για τα τρία διαφορετικά εξεταζόμενα στροφεία της φυγοκεντρικής αντλίας επικεντρώνεται στη μεταβολή του μανομετρικού της αντλίας συναρτήσει της παροχής της και εξετάζεται η απόκλιση των υπολογιστικών αποτελεσμάτων του μανομετρικού από τα αντίστοιχα αποτελέσματα που προκύπτουν από τα πειράματα. Μελετάται η κατανομή της απόλυτης πίεσης στο μέσο επίπεδο των εξεταζόμενων στροφείων της αντλίας και η αδιάστατη κατανομή της απόλυτης πίεσης γύρω από το μέσο επίπεδο των στροφείων, για τη μέγιστη εξεταζόμενη παροχή.
Η υπολογιστική μελέτη της σπηλαίωσης επικεντρώνεται, κυρίως, στη μεταβολή του μανομετρικού της αντλίας συναρτήσει του διαθέσιμου καθαρού θετικού ύψους αναρρόφησης και εξετάζεται η απόκλιση των υπολογιστικών αποτελεσμάτων του μανομετρικού από τα αντίστοιχα αποτελέσματα που προκύπτουν από τα πειράματα. Εξετάζεται η κατανομή της απόλυτης πίεσης στο μέσο επίπεδο των εξεταζόμενων στροφείων της αντλίας και η αδιάστατη κατανομή της απόλυτης πίεσης γύρω από το μέσο επίπεδο των στροφείων, για τη μέγιστη εξεταζόμενη παροχή. Τέλος, παρουσιάζονται οι κατανομές της σπηλαίωσης, που προκύπτουν από τα υπολογιστικά αποτελέσματα και συγκρίνονται με τις αντίστοιχες φωτογραφίες με σπηλαίωση που ελήφθησαν με τη βοήθεια του στροβοσκόπιου κατά τη διάρκεια των πειραμάτων, για τις τρεις γωνίες εισόδου των πτερυγίων.
Από τα αποτελέσματα της πειραματικής και της υπολογιστικής διερεύνησης παρατηρούμε ότι η απόκλιση των υπολογιστικών αποτελεσμάτων από τα αντίστοιχα πειραματικά είναι πολύ μικρή. Επομένως, η υπολογιστική ανάλυση που αναπτύσσεται στην παρούσα εργασία αποτελεί ένα αξιόπιστο εργαλείο διερεύνησης των ροϊκών μεγεθών και της σπηλαίωσης σε φυγοκεντρικές αντλίες και αποσκοπεί σε μελλοντικές μελέτες, όπως την παραμετρική διερεύνηση και τη βελτιστοποίηση του σχεδιασμού μίας αντλίας. / Object of the present doctoral thesis constitutes the experimental and computational study of the effect of the blade leading edge angle to the cavitation and performance of a centrifugal pump.
In this study, the blade design is realized, applying a new blade design method (Double-Arc Synthetic Method - DASM), that combines two Pfleiderer' s design methods. For the realization of the experimental study, three different centrifugal pump impellers, with blade leading edge angle of 9, 15 and 21 deg, are constructed by aluminium alloy and plexiglas. A pump test rig is constructed and equipped with high accuracy instrumentation. Transparent parts of the pump test rig allow the observation of fluid flow inside the examined impeller and the photography of the cavitation that is developed in the blades, using a stroboscope.
The experimental analysis is focused on the study of the one-phase flow and cavitation. Concretely, for the experimental study of the one-phase flow, the change of the total head and performance of the pump with respect to the flow rate is examined. Moreover, the change of the total head and performance of the pump with respect to the blade leading edge angle is studied, for three different flow rates. The deviation of the experimental results of the total head from the corresponding results of the affinity law is investigated. Lastly, the uncertainty of the measurements and concretely of the total head and performance of the pump is calculated. Studying experimentally the cavitation, we focus on the change of the total head and performance of the pump with respect to the net positive suction head available, for different flow rates. The change of the total head and performance of the pump with respect to the blade leading edge angle, for three different values of the net positive suction head available is tested. Afterwards, the percentage of the total head drop is examined, when cavitation begins. Moreover, the maximum percentage of the total head drop is studied for the greatest tested flow rate. The change of the net positive suction head required and the crucial cavitation number with respect to the flow rate is studied, for three different blade leading edge angles. Lastly, the uncertainty of the measurements and concretely of the total head, the net positive suction head available and the performance of the pump is calculated. Furthermore, in the present doctoral thesis the computational analysis of three-dimensional centrifugal pump with structured mesh is realized using the computational package ANSYS CFD-Fluent, for the study of both the one-phase flow and the cavitation, of the tested centrifugal pump impellers. The computational study of the one-phase flow for the three different examined centrifugal pump impellers, is focused on the change of the total head with respect to the flow rate. Furthermore, the deviation of the computational results of the total head from the corresponding results of the experimental study is investigated. The absolute pressure distribution inside the tested centrifugal pump impellers at the middle span and the dimensionless pressure distribution around the impellers, at the middle span, are investigated for the greatest flow rate. The computational study of the cavitation, is mainly focused on the change of the total head with respect to the net positive suction head available. Moreover, the deviation of the computational results of the total head from the corresponding results of the experimental study is investigated. The absolute pressure distribution inside the tested centrifugal pump impellers at the middle span and the dimensionless pressure distribution around the impellers, at the middle span, are investigated for the greatest flow rate. Lastly, the vapour distributions are resulted by the computational analysis and are compared with the corresponding photographs of cavitation that were snapped with the aid of the stroboscope, during the experiments, for the three blade leading edge angles. From the experimental and computational results, we observe that the deviation of the computational results from the corresponding experimental results is very small. Thus, the computational analysis that is developed in the present work constitutes a reliable tool of the investigation of the flowfield and cavitation in centrifugal pumps and it aims at future studies, such as parametric investigation and optimization of pump design.
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Centrifugal pump derating non-Newtonian slurries: analysis of the viscosity to be used in the hydraulic institute methodKalombo, Jean-Jacques Ntambwe January 2013 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Chemical Engineering))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2013 / Centrifugal pumps are the most commonly used pumps in slurry transport systems. The design of pumping systems dealing with liquids more viscous than water requires a reliable method of pump performance prediction for the pump selection. For Newtonian fluids, the Hydraulic Institute method is well established, but there is no generally accepted method for non-Newtonian fluids. Many authors have fallen back on using the Hydraulic Institute method for non-Newtonian fluids. This requires a constant viscosity while non-Newtonian fluid viscosity varies with the shear rate. The question arises: What viscosity should be used in this method for non-Newtonian fluids? Two approaches have been developed: the use of a Bingham plastic viscosity made by Walker and Goulas (1984) and the use of the apparent viscosity calculated using an “equivalent hydraulic pipe” diameter, designed by Pullum et al. (2007).
Previous results obtained from these two approaches are not in agreement. Therefore, the aim of this study is to explore a suitable procedure to determine a representative non-Newtonian viscosity to be used in the Hydraulic Institute method to predict the pump performance. To achieve this goal, a set of data was experimentally obtained and the existing data were reused. Test work was conducted using the pump test rig in the Flow Process Research Centre at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology. A Warman 4/3 pump was tested, using four concentrations of kaolin suspension and three concentrations of CMC solution. Five pump speeds were chosen to run these tests: 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800, and 2000 rpm. An additional data set obtained by testing two submersible centrifugal pumps with eight concentrations of sludge, in Stockholm, Sweden, was also analysed. These sets of data were analysed firstly according to the Walker and Goulas (1984) approach and secondly according to the Pullum et al. (2007) approach.
The use of the apparent viscosity led to the better pump head prediction. The results of this prediction were close to those obtained in the Pullum et al. (2007) work, and even better in some cases. On the other hand, the use of the Bingham plastic viscosity showed better pump efficiency prediction, although the Walker and Goulas (1984) efficiency prediction range was achieved only for one pump out of five. The apparent viscosity reflected the non-Newtonian behaviour but it could not represent alone the non-Newtonian viscosity because of the poor efficiency predictions and the sensitivity of the Pullum et al. (2007) approach to a change in viscosity. From the results of this work, it is advisable that the pump performance prediction be done using both apparent and Bingham plastic viscosity, the apparent viscosity for the head prediction and the Bingham plastic viscosity for the efficiency prediction.
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Proposição de uma metodologia para avaliação de inversores de freqüência em estações elevatórias de água: estudo de casos no sistema de abastecimento de água de São José dos Campos. / Proposal of methodology to evaluation of variable frequency drives in water pumping stations: case study in water supply system in the city of São José dos Campos.Breno Botelho Ferraz do Amaral Gurgel 19 October 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho avalia a aplicação de inversores de freqüência realizada em estações elevatórias de água tratada da cidade de São José dos Campos que são monitoradas pelo Centro de Controle Operacional da Sabesp. Foram estudadas as características técnicas de quatro sistemas de bombeamento que operam com velocidade variável. O trabalho apresenta uma proposta de metodologia para a seleção de inversores de freqüência, com base na metodologia recomendada pelo EUROPUMP e HYDRAULIC INSTITUTE (2004) aplicada em quatro sistemas da cidade de São José dos Campos. Essa proposta de metodologia foi executada através da avaliação seqüencial de um fluxograma e da análise gráfica das informações instantâneas e históricas dos parâmetros de vazão, pressão e freqüência de rotação, existentes no banco de dados dos servidores de supervisão e controle do Centro de Controle Operacional de São José dos Campos. Após a aplicação dessa metodologia, conclui-se que, a aplicação de inversores de freqüência nos sistemas estudados estava adequada e recomenda-se a sua aplicação em sistemas de bombeamento semelhantes. / The main purpose of this work is to evaluate the application of Variable Frequency Drives ? VFD, carried out in water pumping stations managed by SABESP ? Companhia de Saneamento Básico do Estado de São Paulo, located in the city of Sâo José dos Campos that are monitored by the Operational Control Center ? O.C.C. Technical characteristics of four pumping systems were studied, mainly those operating with fixed or changeable speed. It proposes a new methodology for VFD selection, based on the methodology recommended by EUROPUMP and HYDRAULIC INSTITUTE (2004), used on the systems mentioned before. This proposal of methodology were done using instantaneous and historical information of flow, pressure and rotation frequency parameters stored on data base installed on supervision and control servers installed. After this application, we also concluded that the use of VFD on the evaluated systems was correct and through this we recommend its use on similar pumping systems.
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Simulação do controle de escoamento multifásico em uma bomba centrífuga submersa - BCS : Simulation control of multiphase flow an electrical submersible pump - EPS / Simulation control of multiphase flow an electrical submersible pump - EPSCastañeda Jimenez, German Efrain, 1988- 24 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Janito Vaqueiro Ferreira / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T20:57:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Na indústria do petróleo é comum à utilização de bombas centrífugas submersas (BCS) operando em escoamento multifásico líquido-gás. A presença de elevadas vazões de gás causam uma degradação severa no desempenho da bomba, gerando instabilidades nas curvas de pressão-vazão, como o `surging¿ e o `gas locking¿. Portanto o conhecimento destas instabilidades é fundamental para a adequada operação da bomba e assim evitar falhas prematuras no equipamento. Na atualidade não existem modelos matemáticos que representem de forma adequada o comportamento da BCS na região de `surging¿ e no `gas locking¿, gerando a necessidade de empregar circuitos de testes para fazer o levantamento das curvas de desempenho das bombas. A maioria dos circuitos de testes é operada de forma manual para obter às condições de operação da bomba, tornando os ensaios repetitivos, cansativos e trabalhosos. Por isto nasce a necessidade de automatizar estas bancadas com a finalidade de facilitar o processo do levantamento das curvas de desempenho das bombas. Este trabalho apresenta o projeto e simulação de um controle robusto tipo H_? que permita manter o escoamento multifásico na entrada de uma BCS em diferentes condições de operação da bomba. Este controlador é projetado a partir de um circuito de testes para BCS virtual que é modelado empregando formulações físicas e modelos ajustados mediante dados experimentais usando algoritmos de aprendizagem de máquinas baseados em máquinas de suporte vetorial para regressão (SVMr). Após o projeto de controle, o controlador projetado é testado no circuito de testes virtual mediante simulações em tempo real `software in the loop¿ (SIL) / Abstract: In the oil industry, it is common to use electrical submersible pumps (ESP) operating with gas -liquid multiphase flow. The presence of high gas flows cause severe degradation in performance of the pump, generating instabilities in the flow-pressure curves, as "surging" and "gas locking". Therefore knowledge of these instabilities is essential for the proper functioning of the pump and thereby prevents premature failure of the equipment. Currently there are no mathematical models that adequately represent the behavior of the EPS in the region of "surging" and "gas locking", creating the need to use test circuits to make a study of the performance curves of the pumps. Most test circuits are operated manually to reach the operating conditions of the pump, making repetitive, tedious and laborious trials. Therefore there is a need to automate these circuits in order to facilitate the process of obtaining the performance curve of the pump. In this paper the project and simulation of a robust control type H_? for keeping the multiphase flow in the entrance of a EPS operating at different conditions is performed. This controller is designed based on a test circuit virtual for EPS which is modeled using physical formulations and adjusted models obtained by experimental data using machine learning algorithms based on support vector machines for regression (SVMR). After the controller design, the control is tested in the virtual test circuits using simulations in real time "software in the loop" (SIL) / Mestrado / Mecanica dos Sólidos e Projeto Mecanico / Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
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