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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudos de síntese e processamento de compósitos de óxido de níquel-céria dopada utilizados como anodo de células a combustível de óxido sólido de temperatura intermediária (IT-SOFC) / Synthesis and processing study of nickel oxide - doped ceria composites used as anode of intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells (IT-SOFC)

ARAKAKI, ALEXANDER R. 10 November 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Claudinei Pracidelli (cpracide@ipen.br) on 2014-11-10T12:31:52Z No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-11-10T12:31:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Este trabalho compreendeu os estudos de síntese química de pós por via úmida, de processamento cerâmico e de redução do óxido de níquel contido nos compósitos de céria dopada com samária e gadolínia, aplicados, principalmente, como anodos de Células a Combustível de Óxido Sólido. A rota adotada para a preparação dos pós com composição Ce0,8(SmGd)0,2O1,9/NiO e proporção em massa de 40 : 60% foi a coprecipitação de hidróxidos associada ao tratamento solvotérmico, utilizando-se como matérias-primas cloretos de cério, níquel, samário e gadolínio. O surfactante aniônico brometo de cetil trimetil amônio (CTAB) também foi utilizado na etapa de precipitação na relação molar Metal / CTAB entre 1 e 3. A influência do solvente orgânico utilizado no tratamento solvotérmico dos pós foi analisada utilizando o etanol, propanol e o butanol, nas condições de temperatura de 150ºC por 16 h, com e sem calcinação a 600ºC por 1h, e moagem em moinho de bolas. As amostras compactadas foram sinterizadas em temperaturas entre 1200 e 1400ºC por 1h. A redução in situ do NiO-SGDC foi estudada na amostra cerâmica preparada nas seguintes condições: síntese por coprecipitação usando ou não o CTAB, tratamento solvotérmico em butanol, calcinação a 600ºC, prensagem e sinterização a 1350ºC por 1h. O processo de redução das amostras sintetizadas em butanol foi avaliado em forno tubular em atmosfera dinâmica de 4%H2/Ar, fixando-se a temperatura a 900°C e variando-se o tempo entre 10 e 120 minutos. A redução também foi relizada nos compósitos sintetizados utilizando o CTAB na proporção Metal/CTAB = 2, tratados termicamente em etanol e butanol, após calcinação, prensagem e sinterização em forno tubular sob atmosfera de H2/Ar em isotermas de 700, 800 e 900°C por períodos entre 2 e 240 minutos. Os pós, as cerâmicas e os compósitos sintetizados em laboratório foram comparados com os materiais compósitos produzidos com pós de origem comercial. A caracterização dos pós foi realizada por difração de raios X (DRX), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), área de superfície específica por adsorção gasosa de nitrogênio (BET), análise térmica (TG/DTA) e distribuição granulométrica por espalhamento de feixe laser (Cilas). As cerâmicas foram analisadas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura, DRX e medidas de densidade pela técnica de imersão em água (método de Arquimedes). As cerâmicas e os compósitos foram caracterizados eletricamente por medidas de resistência elétrica pelo método de quatro pontas DC. Os resultados mostraram que os pós sem calcinação apresentaram as estruturas cristalinas características da céria e do hidróxido de níquel, e elevada área de superfície específica (80 m2/g). As cerâmicas provenientes dos pós tratados com etanol e propanol apresentaram boa homogeneidade química, estrutural e valores de densidade de 99% em relação a densidade teórica. Verificou-se que 80 a 90% do NiO é reduzido e as porosidades atingidas pelos compósitos são da ordem de 30%. A caracterização elétrica mostrou que a condutividade iônica da fase cerâmica do anodo, sintetizado solvotermicamente em butanol, possui valor de 0,03S.cm-1 na temperatura de 600°C, valor superior aos encontrados na literatura. A caracterização elétrica dos compósitos reduzidos revelou alta condutividade elétrica característica do níquel metálico, indicando percolação adequada da fase de níquel e distribuição homogênea de ambas fases cerâmica e metálica. As rotas de síntese e os materiais estudados são, portanto, adequados para a aplicação como anodo das IT-SOFCs. / Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Proteção contra a corrosão de ligas de alumínio com recobrimentos à base de cério e polímero condutor / Corrosion protection of aluminium alloys by cerium-based and conducting polymer coatings

Herbert Duchatsch Johansen 11 November 2013 (has links)
As ligas de alumínio vêm sendo amplamente usadas nas indústrias aeronáuticas e automobilísticas por suas propriedades mecânicas superiores às do metal puro. Entretanto, como as propriedades de corrosão dessas ligas variam, sendo piores do que as do alumínio puro, surge a necessidade de estudos de diferentes métodos de proteção contra a corrosão. O uso de coberturas protetoras é uma alternativa para diminuir os processos corrosivos e, desta maneira, aumentar a vida útil desses materiais. Das coberturas de conversão existentes, as mais usadas ainda são à base de cromo, porém o cromo tem se mostrado danoso ao meio ambiente e à saúde humana. Por outro lado, as coberturas de conversão à base de óxidos de cério, ambientalmente mais corretas e menos nocivas, já têm sido usadas com sucesso para este propósito. Ademais, partindo do consenso sobre o bom desempenho da polianilina (PAni) em proteger metais oxidáveis contra a corrosão, inclusive o alumínio e suas ligas, o presente estudo propõe o desenvolvimento de proteção anticorrosiva de ligas de alumínio pela combinação de camadas de conversão à base de óxidos de cério associada com camadas de PAni nas ligas de alumínio das séries AA1xxx e AA6xxx. A combinação de camadas duplex surge como uma alternativa promissora por: (i) possibilitar a formação de pontos de ancoragem sobre a superfície, promovidos pelas camadas de conversão à base de óxidos de cério, para a posterior deposição de PAni; (ii) ampliar o uso das camadas de conversão à base de óxidos de cério isoladamente ou combinadas com PAni e (iii) promover o melhor sinergismo na proteção contra a corrosão das ligas de alumínio e de outros materiais pela associação e maior interação desses sistemas. / Aluminium alloys have been widely used in automobile and aircraft industries for their superior mechanical properties to the pure metal. However, as the corrosion properties of these alloys vary, being worse than those of pure aluminium, there is a need for studies of different methods of corrosion protection. The use of protective coverings appears as an alternative to reduce the corrosion process and thereby increase the useful life of these materials. Conversion of existing coverage, the most used are still based on chrome, but chrome has proven harmful to the environment and human health. Furthermore, coverage of cerium-based conversion, more environmentally friendly and healthy, have already been successfully used for this purpose. Furthermore, based on the consensus on the proper performance of polyaniline (PAni) to protect oxidizable metals against corrosion, including aluminium and its alloys, this study proposes the development of corrosion protection of aluminium alloys by combining layers of cerium conversion associated with layers of polyaniline on aluminium alloys AA1xxx and AA6xxx series. The combination of double layers arises as a promising alternative, which may: (i) facilitating formation of anchor points on the surface, driven by layers of cerium conversion, for the subsequent deposition of PAni (ii) expand the use of cerium conversion coatings alone or combined with PAni and (iii) promote synergy in protection against corrosion of aluminium alloys and other materials by the association and greater interaction of these systems.

Catalytic wet air oxidation of industrial wastewaters:oxidation of bisphenol A over cerium supported metal catalysts

Heponiemi, A. (Anne) 15 September 2015 (has links)
Abstract The large amounts of industrial wastewaters, contaminated by hazardous and toxic compounds together with ever tightening legislation, have challenged traditional wastewater treatment methods. Therefore, the development of discharge limits under, cost-effective and ecological wastewater treatment has become an essential concern. Catalytic water phase technologies are interesting alternatives for traditional wastewater treatment. Among them catalytic wet air oxidation (CWAO) has been used successfully in the management of various industrial effluents. However, the development of an active and stable catalyst for the severe reaction conditions of CWAO has proved truly challenging. The aim of this thesis was to study the activity and stability of laboratory prepared cerium supported metal catalysts in the catalytic wet air and wet peroxide oxidation of aqueous organic pollutants. Ru supported on Ce-Zr mixed oxides and commercial activated carbon as reference were used in CWAO and catalytic wet peroxide oxidation (CWPO) of surface plating industry wastewater. Ag/Ce-Zr and Pt/Ce-Ti catalysts were catalyzed CWAO of aqueous solution of bisphenol A (BPA). Both CWAO and CWPO improved the abatement of organic compounds from surface plating industry wastewater when comparing the non-catalytic experiments. Moreover, catalytic oxidation enhanced the biodegradability of organic matter in the wastewaters. According to the results, Pt/Ce-Ti catalysts performed with higher activity in CWAO of BPA than Ag/Ce-Zr catalysts and almost 100% removal of BPA was achieved. The leaching of active metal during oxidation experiments affected the activity of Ag/Ce-Zr catalysts. Moreover, CWAO of BPA was not a surface area specific reaction but the activity of catalysts was related to the chemisorbed oxygen content on the catalysts’ surface. The results of this thesis showed that cerium supported metal catalysts are active and stable catalysts in CWAO of BPA and also in the treatment of industrial wastewater. Therefore, these catalysts could be applied next to pilot scale applications. / Tiivistelmä Teollisuuden jätevedet sisältävät usein haitallisia ja myrkyllisiä yhdisteitä, joiden käsittely perinteisillä jäteveden käsittelymenetelmillä on hyvin haastavaa. Lisäksi alati kiristyvä ympäristölainsäädäntö asettaa omat vaatimuksensa jäteveden käsittelylle. Katalyyttiset vedenkäsittelymenetelmät ovat viime vuosina herättäneet paljon kiinnostusta. Yksi lupaavimmista tekniikoista on katalyyttinen märkähapetus, jota on käytetty sekä lukuisten malliaineiden että teollisten jätevesien käsittelyssä. Märkähapetuksen vaativissa reaktio-olosuhteissa aktiivisena säilyvän katalyyttimateriaalin kehittäminen on kuitenkin osoittautunut varsin haasteelliseksi. Väitöskirjatutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kehittää aktiivisia ja kestäviä ceriumpohjaisia katalyyttimateriaaleja märkähapetusreaktioon. Tutkimuksessa valmistettiin Ru-, Pt- ja Ag-katalyyttejä, jotka impregnoitiin Ce-Zr- ja Ce-Ti-sekaoksideille. Ru/Ce-Zr-katalyyttejä sekä kaupallista aktiivihiiltä vertailumateriaalina käytettiin pintakäsittelyteollisuuden jäteveden märkähapetuksessa ja märkäperoksidihapetuksessa. Bisfenoli A:n (BPA) vesiliuoksen märkähapetusta katalysoitiin sekä Ag/Ce-Zr- että Pt/Ce-Ti-katalyyteillä. Katalyyttisellä märkähapetuksella ja märkäperoksidihapetuksella pintakäsittelyteollisuuden jäteveden orgaanisten yhdisteiden konsentraatio väheni enemmän verrattuna ilman katalyyttiä suoritettuihin hapetuksiin. Lisäksi käsitellyn vesinäytteen biohajoavuusaste nousi eli jäteveden sisältämät orgaaniset yhdisteet olivat hapettuneet helpommin biohajoavaan muotoon. Pt/Ce-Ti-katalyytit olivat Ag/Ce-Zr-katalyyttejä aktiivisempia BPA:n märkähapetusreaktiossa. Pt-katalyyttisessä reaktiossa saavutettiin lähes 100 % reduktio BPA:n pitoisuudessa. Ag-katalyyttien aktiivisuuteen vaikutti hopean osittainen liukeneminen hapetettavaan liuokseen märkähapetusreaktion aikana. Lisäksi havaittiin, että BPA:n märkähapetusreaktiossa katalyytin aktiivisuus oli riippuvainen katalyyttipintaan kemiallisesti sitoutuneen hapen määrästä eikä niinkään katalyytin pinta-alasta. Väitöskirjatutkimuksessa saatujen tulosten perusteella valmistetut ceriumpohjaiset metallikatalyytit olivat aktiivisia ja kestäviä. Katalysoiduissa hapetusreaktiossa sekä BPA:n että pintakäsittelyteollisuuden jäteveden orgaaninen kuormitus pieneni. Siksi valmistettuja katalyyttimateriaaleja voitaisiin tutkia seuraavaksi pilotti-mittakaavan sovellutuksissa.

Growth and characterization of Ce doped LuAG single crystal fibers by the micropulling down technique / Croissance et caractérisation des fibres monocristallines LuAG dopées par la technique de micro-pulling down

Faraj, Sara 02 March 2017 (has links)
Les fibres monocristallines d'oxyde de lutécium et aluminium (Lu3Al5O12 - LuAG), non dopées ou intentionnellement dopées au cérium, élaborées par la technique de micro-pulling down sont de sérieuses candidates pour le développement de nouvelles générations de calorimètres à scintillation. Cependant, cette technique de croissance est complexe et nécessite une étude approfondie pour améliorer les propriétés optiques de ces fibres. Après avoir ajusté la température de croissance, les paramètres principaux étudiés furent la concentration en Cerium, la vitesse de croissance et l'orientation du cristal (fixé par le germe). Les meilleurs résultats ont été obtenus en combinant une vitesse de croissance relativement lente (0,25 mm/min), une teneur en Ce assez faible (~0.01 at.%) et une orientation <111> du cristal de LuAG. Ces fibres optimisées, de diamètre 1 ou 2 mm et de longueur atteignant 22 cm, présentaient une surface plus lisse et une densité de défauts et/ou cracks réduite. Dans les meilleurs cas, les mesures d'atténuation lumineuse ont montré une longueur d'atténuation pouvant dépasser 30 cm. Ces fibres se sont montrées également plus résistantes aux radiations / Single crystalline Cerium doped and undoped lutetium aluminum garnet fibers (Lu3Al5O12 - LuAG) grown by the micro-pulling-down technique show promising results for the development of future calorimeters due to its high scintillation properties. But this growth technique is complex and requires deep investigation for improving further the light properties of the grown fiber. After adjusting the growth temperature, the three main parameters studied were the cerium concentration, the growth rate, and the crystal orientation (fixed by the see). Best results were obtained by a combination of relatively low pulling speed (0.25mm/min), diluted cerium content of ~0.01 at.% and <111> oriented LuAG seed. These optimized fibers, which could be of 1 or 2 mm diameter and up to 22 cm long, showed a much smoother surface and reduced cracks and/or defects. In the best cases, light attenuation measurements indicated enhanced attenuation length which could be higher than 30 cm. Moreover, these fibers were found to display improved radiation hardness

Electrical resistivity of the kondo systems (Ce1−xREx)In3, RE = Gd, Tb, Dy AND Ce(Pt1−xNix)Si2

Tshabalala, Kamohelo George January 2008 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / The present study investigates the strength of the hybridization by substituting Ce atom in Kondo lattice CeIn3 with Gd, Tb, and Dy and by changing the chemical environment around the Ce atom in substituting Pt with Ni in CePtSi2. This thesis covers four chapters outline as follows: Chapter 1 introduces the theoretical background in rare earths elements, and an overview of the physics of heavy-fermion and Kondo systems. Chapter 2 presents the experimental details used in this thesis. Chapter 3 report the effect of substituting Ce with moment bearing rare-earth elements RE = Gd, Tb and Dy in CeIn3, through x-ray diffraction (XRD) and electrical resistivity measurements

Structure And Oxygen Storage Capacity Of Ce1-xMxO2-δ(M=Sn, Zr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, La, Y, Pd, Pt, Ru) : Experimental And Density Functional Theoritical Study

Gupta, Asha 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Ceria (CeO2) containing materials are the subject of numerous investigations recently owing to their broad range of applications in various fields. Ceria is one of the most important components of three-way catalysts (TWC). Two unique features are responsible for making CeO2 a promising material for use either as a support or as an active catalyst: (a) the Ce3+/Ce4+ redox couple, and (b) its ability to shift between CeO2 and CeO2–δ under oxidizing and reducing conditions retaining fluorite structure. Despite widespread applications, pure CeO2 has a serious problem of degradation in performance with time at elevated temperatures. CeO2 undergoes rapid sintering under high operating temperatures, which leads to loss of oxygen buffer capacity and deactivation of the catalyst. In addition, the amount of lattice oxygen taking part in the redox reactions is small (δ ~ 0.05), and therefore unsatisfactory for practical applications. Therefore further improvement of OSC of CeO2 has led to development of new CeO2-based oxygen storage materials. Modifications of CeO2 with isovalent or aliovalent ion (noble metal, rare-earth or transition metal) confer new properties to the catalysts, such as better resistance to sintering and high catalytic activity. The demand for ceria-based oxygen storage materials were accelerated in the 1970s with the introduction of strict automotives exhaust treatment worldwide to combat the obnoxious gases released in the atmosphere causing deterioration of air quality. Significant developments have occurred in this field leading to better understanding of the catalysts synthesis, structure and improved catalytic activity. The introductory chapter 1 is a compendium to provide an overview of the topic, examine the critical lacunae in the field and the proposal for future developments. In chapter 2 we present the studies on synthesis and catalytic properties of Ce1– xSnxO2 (x= 0.1–0.5) solid solution and its Pd substituted analogue. A brief description of the single step solution combustion synthesis, catalysts characterization techniques such as powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) are given. Design and fabrication of temperature programmed reduction by hydrogen (H2-TPR) system in this laboratory is given in details. The home-made temperature programmed catalytic reaction system with a quadrupole mass spectrometer and an on-line gas-chromatograph for gas analysis is described. For the synthesis of Ce1–xSnxO2 solid solution by a single-step solution combustion method we have used tin oxalate as precursor for Sn. The compounds were characterized by XRD, XPS and TEM. Oxygen storage capacity of the Ce1–xSnxO2 solid solution was measured by H2-TPR. The cubic fluorite structure remained intact up to 50% of Sn substitution in CeO2, and the compounds were stable up to 700 °C. Oxygen storage capacity of Ce1–xSnxO2 was found to be much higher than that of Ce1–xZrxO2 due to accessible Ce4+/Ce3+ and Sn4+/Sn2+ redox couples at temperatures between 200 to 400 °C. Pd2+ ions in Ce0.78Sn0.2Pd0.02O2-δare highly ionic, and the lattice oxygen of this catalyst is highly labile, leading to low temperature CO to CO2 conversion. The rate of CO oxidation was 2 μmolg–1s–1 at 50 °C. NO reduction by CO with 70% N2 selectivity was observed at ~200 °C and 100% N2 selectivity below 260 °C with 1000-5000 ppm NO. Pd2+ ion substituted Ce1–xSnxO2 catalyst can be used for low temperature exhaust applications due to the involvement of the Sn2+/Sn4+ redox couple along with Pd2+/Pd0 and Ce4+/Ce3+ couples. With the goal to understand the improved OSC for Ce1–xSnxO2 solid solution, we have investigated the structure and its relative stability based on first-principles density functional calculations. In chapter 3, we present our studies on the relative stability of Ce1–xSnxO2 solid solution in fluorite in comparison to rutile structure of the other end-member SnO2. Analysis of relative energies of fluorite and rutile phases of CeO2, SnO2, and Ce1–xSnxO2 indicates that fluorite structure is most stable for Ce1–xSnxO2 solid solution. An analysis of local structural distortions reflected in phonon dispersion show that SnO2 in fluorite structure is highly unstable while CeO2 in rutile structure is only weakly unstable. Thus, Sn in Ce1–xSnxO2-fluorite structure is associated with high local structural distortion whereas Ce in Ce1–xSnxO2-rutile structure, if formed, will show only marginal local distortion. Determination of M–O (M = Ce or Sn) bond lengths and analysis of Born effective charges for the optimized structure of Ce1–xSnxO2 show that local coordination of these cations changes from ideal eight-fold coordination expected of Ce4+ ion in fluorite lattice, leading to generation of long and short Ce–O and Sn–O bonds in the doped structure. Bond valence analyses for all ions show the presence of oxygen with bond valence ~1.84. These weakly bonded oxygen ions are relevant for enhanced oxygen storage/release properties observed in Ce1–xSnxO2 solid solution. In chapter 4, we present detailed structural analysis of Ce1–xSnxO2 and Ce1–x– ySnxPdyO2–δsolid solutions based on our DFT calculations supported with EXAFS studies. Both EXAFS analysis and DFT calculation reveal that in the solid solution Ce exhibits 4 + 4 coordination, Sn exhibits 4 + 2 + 2 coordination and Pd has 4 + 3 coordination. While the oxygen in the first four coordination with short M—O bonds are strongly held in the lattice, the oxygens in the second and higher coordinations with long M—O bonds are weakly bound, and they are the activated oxygen in the lattice. Bond valence analysis shows that oxygen with valencies as low as 1.65 are created by the Sn and Pd ion substitution. Another interesting observation is that H2-TPR experiment of Ce1–xSnxO2 shows a broad peak starting from 200 to 500 oC, while the same reduction is achieved in a single step at ~110 oC in presence Pd2+ ion. Substitution of Pd2+ ion thus facilitates synergistic reduction of the catalyst at lower temperature. We have shown that simultaneous reduction of the Ce4+ and Sn4+ ions by Pd0 is the synergistic interaction leading to high oxygen storage capacity at low temperature. In chapter 5, we present the effect of substituting aliovalent Fe3+ ion on OSC and catalytic activity of ceria. Ce0.9Fe0.1O2–δ and Ce0.89Fe0.1Pd0.01O2–δ solid solutions have been synthesized by solution combustion method, which show higher oxygen storage/release property compared to CeO2 and Ce0.8Zr0.2O2. Temperature programmed reduction and XPS study reveal that the presence of Pd ion in Ce0.9Fe0.1O2–δ facilitates complete reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+ state and partial reduction of Ce4+ to Ce3+ state at temperatures as low as 105 oC compared to 400 oC for monometal-ionic Ce0.9Fe0.1O2–δ. Fe3+ ion is reduced to Fe2 and not to Fe0 due to favorable redox potential for Ce4 + Fe2൅ → Ce3 + Fe3 reaction. Using first-principles density functional theory calculation we determine M—O (M = Pd, Fe, Ce) bond lengths, and find that bond lengths vary from shorter (2.16 Å) to longer (2.9 Å) bond distances compared to mean Ce—O bond distance of 2.34 Åfor CeO2. Using these results in bond valence analysis, we show that oxygen with bond valences as low as –1.55 are created, leading to activation of lattice oxygen in the bimetal ionic catalyst. Temperatures of CO oxidation and NO reduction by CO/H2 are lower with the bimetal ionic Ce0.89Fe0.1Pd0.01O2–δ catalyst compared to monometal-ionic Ce0.9Fe0.1O2–δ and Ce0.99Pd0.01O2–δ catalysts. From XPS studies of Pd impregnated on CeO2 and Fe2O3 oxides, we show that the synergism leading to low temperature activation of lattice oxygen in bimetal-ionic catalyst Ce0.89Fe0.1Pd0.01O2–δ is due to low-temperature reduction of Pd2 to Pd0, followed by Pd0 + 2Fe3൅ → Pd2 +2Fe2, Pd0 + 2Ce4൅ → Pd2 + 2Ce3redox reaction. In chapter 6, we simulate the structure of Ce1–xMxO2–δ (M = transition metal, noble metal and rare–earth ions) for theoretical understanding of origin of OSC in these oxides and to draw a general criteria required to increase the OSC in ceria. The relationship between the OSC and structural changes induced by the dopant ion was investigated by H2-TPR and first-principles based density functional calculations. Transition metal and noble metal ions substitution in ceria greatly enhances the reducibility of Ce1–xMxO2–δ (M = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Pd, Pt, Ru), whereas rare–earth ions substituted Ce1–xAxO2–δ (A = La, Y) have very little effect in improving the OSC. Our simulated optimized structure shows deviation in cation–oxygen bond length from ideal bond length of 2.34 Å (for CeO2). For example, our calculation for Ce28Mn4O62 structure shows that Mn—O bonds are in 4+2 coordination with average bond lengths of 2.0 and 3.06 Å respectively. While the four short Mn–O bond lengths for the calculated structure spans the bond distance region of Mn2O3, and the other two Mn–O bonds are moved to longer distances. The dopant transition and noble metal ions also affects Ce coordination shell and results in the formation of longer Ce—O bonds as well. Thus longer cation-oxygen bond lengths for both dopant and host ions results in enhanced synergistic reduction of the solid solution. With Pd ion substitution in Ce1–xMxO2–δ (M = Mn Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) further enhancement in OSC is observed in H2–TPR. This effect is reflected in our calculations by the presence of still longer bonds compared to the model without Pd ion doping. Synergistic effect is, therefore, due to enhanced reducibility of both dopant and host ion induced due to structural distortion of fluorite lattice in presence of dopant ion. For RE ions (RE = Y, La) our calculations show very little deviation of bonds lengths from ideal fluorite structure. The absence of longer Y— O/La—O and Ce–O bonds make the structure very less susceptible to reduction [8]. Since Pd substituted Ce1–xSnxO2 showed high OSC and catalytic activity towards CO oxidation and NO reduction, we tested this catalyst for water-gas shift (WGS) reaction and the results are presented in chapter 7. Over 99.5 % CO conversion to H2 is observed at 300 ± 25 oC. Based on different characterization techniques we found that the present catalyst is resistant to deactivation due to carbonate formation and sintering of Pt on the surface when subjected to longer duration of reaction conditions. The catalyst does not require any pre-treatment or activation between start-up/shut-down reaction operations. Formation of side products such as methane, methanol, formaldehyde, coke etc. was not observed under the WGS reaction conditions indicating the high selectivity of the catalyst for H2. Temperature programmed reduction of the catalyst in hydrogen (H2–TPR) shows reversible reduction of Ce4+ to Ce3+, Sn4+ to Sn2+ and Pt4+ to Pt0 oxidation state with oxygen storage capacity (OSC) of 3500 μmol g–1 at 80 oC. Such high value of OSC indicates the presence of highly activated lattice oxygen. CO oxidation in presence of stoichiometric O2 shows 100 % conversion to CO2 at room temperature. The catalyst also exhibits 100% selectivity for CO2 at room temperature towards preferential oxidation (PROX) of residual CO in presence of excess hydrogen in the feed. To further validate our DFT results presented in the thesis, DFT calculations on Ce2Zr2O8–Ce2Zr2O7 system were performed and the results are given in the last chapter 8. Ce2Zr2O7 does not show any oxygen storage/release property unlike Ce2Zr2O8 (=Ce0.5Zr0.5O2). Bond lengths obtained from DFT simulation on Ce2Zr2O7 structure showed well-defined Ce—O and Zr—O bonds expected of the pyrochlore structure, unlike distribution of bond lengths as has been observed for Ce1–xMxO2–δ case. Absence of bonds distribution indicates that the oxygen sublattice is not distorted in Ce2Zr2O7 in agreement with its closed packed structure. Filling of the 1/8 of the tetrahedral oxide ion vacancies will result in Ce2Zr2O8 structure, and DFT calculation for this structure show wide distribution of bond lengths. Long Ce—O and Zr—O bonds appear in the bond-distribution plot, suggesting substantial distortion of the oxygen sublattice. Thus absence of longer cation-oxygen bond in pyrochlore structure validates the structural calculations presented in this thesis. Based on the results derived in all the chapters, a critical review of the work is presented and major conclusions are given in the last chapter

Studium fyzikálních vlastostí magnetických oxidů spektroskopickými metodami / Studium fyzikálních vlastostí magnetických oxidů spektroskopickými metodami

Zahradník, Martin January 2014 (has links)
Two groups of magnetic oxides were investigated in this thesis. Thin films of La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 (LSMO) deposited by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) on SrTiO3 (STO) substrates were characterized by polar and longitudinal magneto-optical (MO) Kerr spectroscopy. Experimental results were compared to theoretical calculations based on the transfer matrix formalism. A very good agreement between experimental and theoretical data revealed high magnetic ordering down to 5 nm of film thickness as well as a mechanism of suppression of double exchange interaction near the LSMO/STO interface. Magnetically doped Ce1-xCoxO2-δ films deposited by PLD on MgO (x = 0.05 and 0.10) and oxidized Si (x = 0.20) substrates were studied by combination of spectroscopic ellipsometry and MO Faraday and Kerr spectroscopy. Both diagonal and off-diagonal permittivity tensor components were obtained and verified by theoretical calculations confronted with experimental data. Diagonal spectra revealed two optical transitions from oxygen to cerium states. Off-diagonal spectra revealed two paramagnetic transitions involving cobalt ions. An essential influence of cobalt doping on the resulting ferromagnetic properties of CeO2 was observed.

Příprava a charekterizace porézních dvojvrstev ceroxid/uhlík na křemíkových substrátech / Preparation and Characterization of Porous Cerium Oxide/Carbon Bilayers on Silion Substrates

Dubau, Martin January 2016 (has links)
This doctoral thesis concerns the preparation of porous cerium oxide/carbon bilayers on silicon substrates. In this regard, carbonaceous films in the form of amorphous carbon (a-C) and nitrogenated amorphous carbon (CNx) are considered. The influence of various process parameters of the cerium oxide deposition on the morphology of the final cerium oxide/carbon bilayer is investigated. A correlation could be found between the morphol- ogy of the bilayer and the stoichiometry of the cerium oxide film determined by means of XPS. Furthermore, a study regarding the chemical composition of the used carbonaceous films by means of various spectroscopic techniques is presented. It was found that the chemical composition of the carbonaceous films strongly depends on the deposition con- ditions of these films and influences the behaviour of these films during oxygen plasma treatment and cerium oxide deposition, respectively. 1

Role povrchových defektů v katalýze na oxidech ceru / Role of surface defects in ceria-based catalysis

Tovt, Andrii January 2018 (has links)
Title: Role of surface defects in ceria-based catalysis Author: Andrii Tovt Department: Department of Surface and Plasma Science Supervisor of the doctoral thesis: doc. Mgr. Josef Mysliveček Ph.D., Department of Surface and Plasma Science Abstract: This work concentrates on the analysis of fundamental physicochemical properties of Pt-CeOx, single-atom Pt1 /CeOx, and inverse CeOx/Cu(111) catalysts. Preparation method for stabilized atomically-dispersed Pt2+ ions on ceria was developed and adsorption sites for Pt ions were thoroughly studied using advanced surface science techniques supported by theoretical methods. The mechanism of Pt2+ stabilization on ceria steps was revealed and the step capacity towards Pt2+ ions was estimated. Also, the preparation method for well-ordered cerium oxide ultrathin films with different stoichiometry and ordering of surface oxygen vacancies was developed, and the Ceria/Cu(111) interaction was investigated. Key words: heterogeneous catalysis, model systems, single-atom catalysis, platinum ions, cerium oxide.

Production d'hydrogène à basse température par reformage à sec et reformage oxydant du méthane sur divers catalyseurs à base de nickel / Hydrogen production at low temperature by dry reforming and oxidative dry reforming of methane on various Ni-based catalysts

Wei, Yaqian 20 December 2017 (has links)
Afin de développer une économie basée sur l'hydrogène, il est souhaitable de pouvoir le produire à partir de biogaz (CH4 and CO2) ou de gaz à effet de serre (GES). Le reformage à sec (DRM) et le reformage oxydant du méthane (ODRM) sont des voies prometteuses pour produire H2 et CO à partir des GES et suscitent une grande attention en raison de préoccupations environnementales. Ces réactions ont été étudiées à basse température (600 -700 ° C) sur des oxydes mixtes CeNiX(AlZ)OY, NiXMg2AlOY, et des catalyseurs supportés Ni/SBA-15. Diverses techniques physico-chimiques ont été utilisées pour caractériser les catalyseurs, tels que DRX, XPS, TPR et Raman. L’influence de différents paramètres a été examinée, telles que la température de réaction, le prétraitement sous H2, la teneur en Ni, la masse de catalyseur et les concentrations en réactifs. En particulier, les réactions ont été étudiées à 600 °C, sans dilution des réactifs et sur 10 mg de catalyseur. Les meilleures activités catalytiques et sélectivités sont obtenues sur des catalyseurs partiellement réduits à température appropriée. L'addition d'O2 augmente la conversion du CH4 mais diminue la conversion du CO2, et O2/CH4 =0,3 apparaît comme la condition optimisée en raison de l'activité et de la sélectivité élevées et de la faible formation de carbone. Enfin, un site actif impliquant des espèces Ni en interaction forte avec d'autres cations est proposé. Il est obtenu sur un catalyseur partiellement réduit formé pendant le traitement in situ sous H2 ou sous flux de CH4, il implique des lacunes anioniques, des espèces O2- et des cations / In order to develop a sustainable hydrogen economy, it is desirable to produce hydrogen from biogas (CH4 and CO2) or greenhouses gases (GHG). Dry reforming (DRM) and oxidative dry reforming of methane (ODRM) are promising routes to produce H2 and CO from GHG and have received much attention due environment concerns. Herein, these reactions were studied at low temperatures (600 -700 °C) over CeNiX(AlZ)OY, NiXMg2AlOY mixed oxides and Ni/SBA-15 supported catalysts. Various physico-chemical techniques were employed to characterize the catalysts, such as XRD, XPS, H2-TPR and Raman. The influences of different parameters were examined, such as reaction temperature, pretreatment in H2, Ni content, mass of catalyst and reactants concentration, in particular, at 600°C in harsh conditions (feed gases without dilution) on low mass of catalyst (10 mg). The best catalytic activity and selectivity are obtained on partially reduced catalysts at appropriate temperature. The addition of O2 increases CH4 conversion but decreases CO2 conversion, and O2/CH4 = 0.3 could be the optimized condition due to high activity, selectivity and low carbon formation. Finally, an active site involving Ni species in close interactions with other cations is proposed. It is related to a partially reduced catalyst involving anionic vacancies, O2- species, and cations, which is formed during the in situ H2 treatment or CH4 flow

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