Spelling suggestions: "subject:"charakteristika"" "subject:"risscharakteristika""
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Psychosociální práce s vězni v seniorském věku / Psychosocial work with prisoners in senior ageJELÍNKOVÁ, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with psychosocial work with prisoners in senior age. The theoretical part focuses on the performance of the prison system in general, its development, legal and organizational structure, penal principles and specifics of specialized departments. The theoretical part also contain psychosocial characteristics of senior age, which includes psychological aspects and specifics of social work in prison. Research section includes interviews with convicted seniors that focus on the evaluation of psychosocial work with them. The aim of thesis is make a conclusion whether the theoretical bases correspond with actual practice.
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Secesní písmo v teorii a praxi / The secession typeface in theory and practiseZDRÁHALOVÁ, Lenka January 2008 (has links)
A degree work called The secession typeface in theory and practise contain two parts. In theory part I deal with characterization of secession, development of typeface, analysis of secession typeface and its use in usual graphic production in Europe. I concentrate on a poster, a newspaper and other form of advertising, a calendar and an utilization of secession typeface like artistic component in architecture. Practise part content my two alphabets, which emit from Mucha´s secession poster type and can be applicable in graphic production at the present times. Both of alphabets are written by capital letter and the second one contein in addition punctuation marks.
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Plazmatický výboj generovaný surfatronem s frekvencí 2,45 GHz / Plasma discharge generated by surfatron with frequency 2,45 GHzHOUSER, František January 2007 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals mainly with utilization of plasma in technological aplications. The introductory part is apllied to the theoretical description of plasma generated by the surfatron. This launcher works with the frequency of 2,45 GHz and it is able to excite the surface wave, that sustains plasma column in a quartz tube. Plasma generated by surfatron was used for modification of surface properties of polyethylen to change its surface energy. By changing of surface energy it was reached of higher hydrophilicity. Plasma generated by surfatron was diagnosed in detail during experiments in a continual regime as well as in a pulse one with a help of a single {--} probe and a double {--} probe Langmuir measurement. In this diploma thesis there is discussed influence of pressure, power and other experimental options.
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"Gibt es einen Großstadtfaktor in der Armutsgefährdung und Deprivation älterer Menschen". Eine empirische Analyse für Österreich.Heitzmann, Karin, Eiffe, Franz F. January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Ziel des Artikels ist es, mit Hilfe des EU-SILC 2005 zu untersuchen, welche Faktoren für die Armut älterer Menschen (55+), die in urbanen Regionen Österreichs (Wien, Großstädte, Regionen mit dichter Besiedelung) leben, verantwortlich sind und inwiefern sich diese Faktoren von den Armutsursachen der älteren Bevölkerung am Land unterscheiden. Armut wird einerseits als relative Armutsgefährdung (d.h. einer im Verhältnis zur Durchschnittsbevölkerung unterdurchschnittlichen Ausstattung mit Einkommen) operationalisiert, andererseits als Deprivation (d.h. als multidimensionale Benachteiligung). Die Ergebnisse auf Basis von binären logistischen Regressionen legen nahe, dass individuelle Merkmale (z.B. Alter, Geschlecht, Gesundheitszustand, Haupttätigkeit etc.) ebenso Unterschiede zwischen von Armutsgefährdung und Deprivation betroffenen und nicht-betroffenen älteren Personen erklären wie Haushaltsmerkmale (z.B. Zusammensetzung des Haushalts, Rechtsverhältnis an der Wohnung etc.). Signifikante Unterschiede zwischen urbanen und ländlichen Regionen zeigen sich demgegenüber nicht. In Österreich dürfte es daher keinen ausgeprägten Großstadtfaktor zur Erklärung von Unterschieden in den aggregierten Armutsraten zwischen der ländlichen und der städtischen Bevölkerung geben. Diese dürften damit vornehmlich auf die unterschiedliche Bevölkerungsstruktur in urbanen und ländlichen Regionen zurückgehen. (Autorenabstract) / Series: Forschungsberichte des Forschungsinstituts für Altersökonomie
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Hudebně dramatické náměty pro spolupráci mateřské školy a rodiny / Musical dramatic suggestions for kindergarten and family cooperationBobková, Petra January 2016 (has links)
The thesis will provide suggestion for cooperation of a kindergarten and a family in contemporary life conditions by the means of authorial musical dramatic script. The diplomate will partially utilise results of her bachelor's thesis that she will elaborate theoretically, methodically and practically. She will carry out the pedagogical-psychological characteristics of a preschool age child from the point of view of his or her ethical profile and aesthetic feeling creation especially through the medium of project teaching. The practical part will consist of authorial script that the student will design as an integration of musical, dramatic and artistic activities in a creative cooperation of preschool age children, parents, grandparents and other contributors. The results of this thesis will be realised artistically and publicly. The diplomate will examine the efficacy of this artistic aesthetic aim by the means of analysis authorial script, surveys and interviews with actors and the audience.
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Osobní zážitek SPU jako prostředek porozumění žákovým (individuálním) projevům / The personal experience of Specific Learning Difficulties as the way how to understand student's abilitiesPálenská, Jana January 2015 (has links)
This Master's Diploma Thesis The personal experience of Specific Learning Difficulties as the way how to understand student's abilities is devoted to educating students with specific learning disabilities. The special emphasis of the work is on the impact of disabilities on psychical, social, educational and professional life of an individual. The aim of the first part of the Research Project was to comprehend how students with specific learning disabilities perceive individual manifestations of their learning difficulties. The data were applied to a scheme and realization of an experimental workshop for primary school teachers with the aim of helping to improve the relationship between teachers and students. The purpose of the second part of research was to hold an experimental workshop offering its participants a subjective experience of specific developmental learning disabilities, their identification with students' learning difficulties and a future introduction of new didactic and psycho-social procedures into their teaching process. The thesis is divided into theoretical and empirical parts. The former is devoted to different psycho-social aspects of specific learning difficulties from the position of a student and an individual, the empirical part includes qualitative research conducted in...
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Historický vývoj školy Bedřicha Hrozného v Lysé nad Labem na pozadí vývoje regionu / Historical development of the Bedrich Hrozny School in Lysa nad Labem within the regional developmentMinaříková, Lenka January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the development of education in the town of Lysá nad Labem, taking into account the historical development of the town and the region. The thesis also describes the history of Lysá nad Labem with an emphasis on education. The aim of the thesis is to map the historical development of the oldest elementary school in Lysá nad Labem. The main source of the work are school chronicles and memorial books, which are kept in the depository of the State district archive - Nymburk, located in Lysá nad Labem. The work deals with the historical development of this school in a particular period namely the years 1878-1945. The work is of a historical character, and the original sources and archival documents were used in its creation. Methodologically, the thesis is based on the historical comparative method, as well as the analysis and synthesis. Historical work is not divided into a theoretical and practical part, but is predominantly theoretical in its character. Keywords: Historical development, basic education, primary documents (chronicles, memorial books, school documentation, periodicals), statutory norms, Lysá nad Labem and regional history.
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Analýza prístupu krajín strednej a východnej Európy k členstvu v bankovej únii / Analysis of the approaches of Central and Eastern European countries towards their membership in the Banking unionSamuelis, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to analyze the approaches of countries in Central and Eastern European region towards their membership in the Banking Union. The selected topic has been investigated based on structural characteristics of the banking sectors of the impacted countries. The comparison of these characteristics resulted in identification of inconsistencies between the 2 standpoints (Opt-in and Opt-out). The thesis monitors the motivation of banks in choosing or changing the legal form of 'their' banks in host markets. The work identifies areas in which the host government can act to prevent banks from converting into branches, thus retaining the regulatory powers in local authorities. The thesis in the first 2 chapters maps the first and the second pillar of the Banking Union, Single Supervisory Mechanism and the Single Resolution Mechanism respectively. Furthermore, it summarizes the results of the European Central Bank in carrying out the Comprehensive Assessment exercise.
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Brazílie jako obchodní partner ČR se zaměřením na cestovní ruch / Brazil as a Trade Partner of the Czech Republic, Special Focus on TourismZahranová, Jana January 2008 (has links)
The first chapter informs about the territory, population and the administrative division of Brazil. The second chapter characterizes the economy of the country, the third chapter describes its foreign trade. The fourth chapter discusses the way negotiations are held in Brazil and the facts to consider when entering the Brazilian market. The fifth chapter deals with trade relations between Brazil and the Czech Republic, the sixth chapter with tourism from Brazil to the Czech Republic and vice versa. The last chapter suggests an unconventional vacation in Brazil introducing the destination and the core activities first, giving details about the trip and the price calculation next and finally assessing the interest in this vacation based on a survey conducted via internet.
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Zvláštní ekonomické zóny v Číně: aktuální trendy a výkonnost vybraných ekonomických zón / Special economic zones in China: current trends and performance of selected economic zonesPapugová, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
Special Economic Zones have been a popular instrument for fostering economic growth. The SEZ's main aim is to attract foreign investors into the country, thus providing necessary capital for economic development. Diploma thesis focuses on application of this approach in China and provides analysis of origin, economic situation and future prospects of these areas. At first, the concept of special economic zone is theoretically defined for the further usage in chinese context. Thesis also offers a comparison with export processing zones and SEZs in India to provide a broader perspective of the concept of special economic zones in the world. Hereafter, the development and performance of SEZs in chinese provinces Guangdong, Fujian and Hainan are presented. Furthermore, the current challenges for the zones to face are identified. Those challenges will be crucial for zones to cope with in order to keep up the pace with today's trend of liberalisation and international cooperation in the worldwide economy.
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