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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dynamique de séparation de charges à l'hétérojonction de semi-conducteurs organiques

Provencher, Françoise 08 1900 (has links)
Une compréhension profonde de la séparation de charge à l’hétérojonction de semi-con- ducteurs organiques est nécessaire pour le développement de diodes photovoltaïques organiques plus efficaces, ce qui serait une grande avancée pour répondre aux besoins mondiaux en énergie durable. L’objectif de cette thèse est de décrire les processus impliqués dans la séparation de charges à hétérojonctions de semi-conducteurs organiques, en prenant en exemple le cas particulier du PCDTBT: PCBM. Nous sondons les excitations d’interface à l’aide de méthodes spectroscopiques résolues en temps couvrant des échelles de temps de 100 femto- secondes à 1 milliseconde. Ces principales méthodes spectroscopiques sont la spectroscopie Raman stimulée femtoseconde, la fluorescence résolue en temps et l’absorption transitoire. Nos résultats montrent clairement que le transfert de charge du PCDTBT au PCBM a lieu avant que l’exciton ne soit relaxé et localisé, un fait expérimental irréconciliable avec la théorie de Marcus semi-classique. La paire de charges qui est créée se divise en deux catégories : les paires de polarons géminales non piégées et les paires profondément piégées. Les premiers se relaxent rapidement vers l’exciton à transfert de charge, qui se recombine radiativement avec une constante de temps de 1– 2 nanoseconde, alors que les seconds se relaxent sur de plus longues échelles de temps via l’effet tunnel. Notre modèle photophysique quantitatif démontre que 2 % de l’excitation créée ne peut jamais se dissocier en porteurs de charge libre, un chiffre qui est en accord avec les rendements élevés rapportés pour ce type de système. / A deep understanding of charge separation at organic semiconductor heterojunctions is instrumental in developing organic photovoltaic diodes with higher power conversion efficiencies, which could be a game changer for meeting sustainable global energy needs. The goal of this thesis is to describe the processes involved in charge separation at organic semiconductor heterojonctions, taking the special case of PCDTBT:PCBM as an example. We probe interfacial excitations using time-resolved spectroscopic methods covering timescales from 100 femtoseconds to 1 millisecond. These main spectroscopic methods are femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy, time resolved fluorescence and transient absorption. Our results unambiguously show that charge transfer from PCDTBT to PCBM happens before the exciton is relaxed and localised, an experimental fact that in irreconcilable with semi-classical Marcus theory. The charge pair that is created then falls into two categories : un-trapped geminate polaron pairs or deeply trapped geminate polaron pairs. The former quickly relax to charge transfer exciton, which relax radiatively with a time constant of 1–2 nanosecond, while the latter form a charge transfer exciton on much longer timescales via tunneling. Our quantitative photo-physical model demonstrate that 2% of created excitation can never dissociate into free charge carrier, a figure that is in agreement with the high efficiencies reported for this type of system.

Theoretical characterization of charge transport in organic molecular crystals

Sánchez-Carrera, Roel S. 25 August 2008 (has links)
In this thesis, a first-principles methodology to investigate the impact of electron-phonon interactions on the charge-carrier mobilities in organic molecular crystals has been developed. Well-known organic materials such as oligoacene and oligothienoacene derivatives were studied in detail. The nature of the intramolecular vibronic coupling in oligoacenes and oligothienoacenes was studied using an approach that combines high-resolution gas-phase photo-electron spectroscopy measurements with first-principles quantum-mechanical calculations. The electron interactions with optical phonons in oligoacene single crystals were investigated using both density functional theory and empirical force field methods. The low-frequency optical modes are found to play a significant role in dictating the temperature dependence of the charge-transport properties in the oligoacene crystals. The microscopic charge-transport parameters in the pentathienoacene, 1,4-diiodobenzene, and 2,6-diiodo-dithieno[3,2-<i>b</i>:2',3'-<i>d</i>]thiophene crystals were also investigated. It was found that the intrinsic charge transport properties in the pentathienoacene crystal might be higher than that in two benchmark high-mobility organic crystals, i.e., pentacene and sexithienyl. For 1,4-diiodobenzene crystal, a detailed quantum-mechanical study indicated that its high mobility is primarily associated with the iodine atoms. In the 2,6-diiododithieno[3,2-<i>b</i>:2',3'-<i>d</i>]thiophene crystal, the main source of electronic interactions were found along the π-stacking direction. For negatively charged carriers, the halogen-functionalized molecular crystals show a very large polaron binding energy, which suggests significantly low charge-transport mobility for electrons.

Photophysics of fluorescent silver nanoclusters

Patel, Sandeep A. 03 April 2009 (has links)
Fluorescence imaging has been increasingly relied upon as the method of choice for many biological and medical applications. As demands for more sensitive and higher resolution imaging are ever-increasing, it is critical that photostable, and robust fluorophores capable of delivering high emission rates are available. Fluorescent silver nanoclusters offer an attractive compromise between the photostability and brightness of quantum dots and the compact versatility of organic chromophores. They have been shown to be superior in many roles, including as single molecule fluorophores and bulk multiphoton biological staining agents. The two-photon absorption cross sections are several orders of magnitude larger than commercially-available dyes, and they have demonstrated superior photostability under high intensity irradiation. In addition to the endogenous effects of the cluster, its small size of only a few atoms renders it highly susceptible to surface and environmental effects, which manifests, for example, in the observed photoinduced charge transfer between the silver cluster and oligonucleotide. This state has been shown to be highly advantageous in imaging applications, as control of this state enables better control over the time-averaged emission rate of the molecule. The mechanism of charge transfer, and the possible means by which this state can be controlled will be also be investigated in this work.

Carotenoid Excited State Processes by Femtosecond Time-Resolved Pump-Probe and Multi-Pulse Spectroscopies

WEST, Robert G. January 2018 (has links)
This Ph.D. thesis is an exploration of carotenoids by ultrafast, time-resolved absorption spectroscopy to investigate their complicated relaxation processes, means of energy transfer, and dependence on structure. The introduction begins with an overview of carotenoids, intended for the reader to appreciate their importance and their complexity as revealed by decades of research in carotenoid photophysics. To understand the primary concerns of this research field, the reader is guided through basic theory of energetic processes, the experimental method, and methods of analysis. The main body of the text is the Research Chapter, containing four sections, each describing research using varied ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopies on carotenoids in solution and when bound to a host protein. Section 2.1 concerns an equilibration phenomenon in the lowest excited state of the carotenoid fucoxanthin in various solutions and temperatures by a multi-pulse transient absorption method. The same method is applied to fucoxanthin in a host antennae protein of the pennate diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum to investigate the function of the equilibration in energy transfer to Chlorophyll a in Section 2.2. The next two sections regard the effect of carotenoid structure on its relaxation dynamics. Section 2.3 investigates the effect of the non-conjugated acyloxy group of two fucoxanthin derivatives in various solvents. Here, one of the energetic states involved in the equilibrium mentioned above is seen drastically affected. Lastly, Section 2.4 investigates alloxanthin, a carotenoid with an unusual pair of carbon-carbon triple bonds. Their effect on the conjugation is evaluated based upon the molecules' decay dynamics. A general summary and conclusion is provided at the end.

Ultrafast spectroscopy of new organic molecules for photovoltaic applications / Spectroscopie ultra-rapide de nouvelles molécules organiques à visées photovoltaïques

Roland, Thomas 10 April 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l'étude de nouvelles molécules organiques par différentes méthodes de spectroscopie. La combinaison de techniques de fluorescence résolue en temps, d'absorption différentielle résolue en temps et de spectro-électro-chimie avec des méthodes d'analyse globale permet de déterminer la photo-dynamique des molécules étudiées.Deux familles de molécules ont été étudiées. La première est une antenne de type donneur basée sur le pigment BODIPY. La seconde consiste en une triade donneur-accepteur-donneur (DAD) ayant des propriétés d'auto-organisation. Après une première génération de mol écules dont on a montré les limitations (temps de vie de l'état transfert de charge très court, d'environ 55 ps), une seconde génération de mol écules a été développée, incluant de nombreuses variations du groupe donneur, ce qui a permis de déterminer l'impact des-dites variations. Entre autres, un temps de vie de l'état transfert de charge de plus d'une nanoseconde est observé. / The topic of this thesis is the study -through different spectroscopy methods- of new organic molecules for photovoltaic applications. Combination of time resolved fuorescence, time resolved differential absorption and spectro-electro-chemistry with global analysis methods allowed to determine the photo-dynamics of the studied molecules. Two familiesof molecules have been studied. The first one is a donor-type antenna based on the BODIPY dye. The second consists in a donor-acceptor-donor (DAD) triad, with self-organizing properties. After a first generation of molecules that we proved to be limited by a short life time of its charge transfer state (about 55 ps), a second generation of molecules wasdeveloped, including several variation of the donor group, which allowed to study the impact of said variation. Among others, a charge transfer state lifetime longer than 1 nanosecond was observed.

Synthèses et études de nouveaux matériaux magnétiques et photomagnétiques

Gutium Ababei, Rodica 30 March 2011 (has links)
Le développement récent de l’électronique exige la mise au point de composants de plus en plus efficaces, de plus en plus rapides et de plus en plus réduits en taille. Dès les années 1970, il a été montré que l'on pourrait utiliser la molécule comme composante électronique élémentaire. Dans ce domaine, le chimiste sait aujourd’hui créer des molécules douées de propriétés remarquables, comme par exemple les molécules-aimants et les chaines-aimants qui montrent une bistabilité magnétique à basse température (T < 10 K) liée à la relaxation lente de leur aimantation, leur conférant ainsi la capacité de conserver l’information. Dans ce contexte, l’idée d’organiser des molécules-aimants par des connecteurs moléculaires photocommutables permet à la fois d’ajouter une propriété magnétique supplémentaire au matériau, mais également de photo-contrôler la bistabilité magnétique de ces objets. Dans ces travaux de thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés à l’association de molécules-aimants avec deux types de liens : les complexes à transfert de charge Na2[Fe(CN)5NO] et à conversion de spin [Fe(LN5)(CN)2] et [Fe(LN3O2)(CN)2] (LN5 et LN3O2 étant des ligands pentadentes) dans le but de photo-contrôler les propriétés magnétiques. Les résultats obtenus dans la partie dédiée à l’organisation des complexes [MnIII(BS)]+ via le précurseur photo-actif nitroprussiate se sont révélés décevants du point de vue photomagnétisme. Toutefois, un des nouveaux composés 2D présente un comportement magnétique de type molécule-aimant. La stratégie de connecter les précurseurs de [MnIII(BS)]+par des complexes photomagnétiques [Fe(LN3O2)(CN)2] et [Fe(LN5)(CN)2] pour synthétiser de nouveaux systèmes photosensibles a porté ces fruits puisque neuf nouveaux systèmes ont été synthétisés. Permi les résultats les plus significatifs, nous avons obtenu un système unidimensionnel dans lequel les unité dimères [MnIII2(BS)2]2+ sont connectées par l’entité photomagnétique et qui présente un comportement de molécule-aimant. On retiendra aussi un autre système unidimentionnel qui présente un ordre antiferromagnétique et de la relaxation lente de l’aimantation. D’autre part, les études photomagnétiques ont clairement montré des comportements photoinduits pour les cinq composés qui contiennent les centres FeII à l’état bas spin. Pour conclure, le développement de notre stratégie est prometteur pour la création de nouveaux matériaux photomagnétiques dans les années à venir. / The exponential growth of technological demands for information storage capacity is at the origin of the nanosciences and the development of the molecular electronics. Since more than 40 years, the main objective in this field of research is mainly to store as fast as possible more information in a smaller volume. Nowadays, chemists know how to create molecules with remarkable properties, such as Single–Molecule Magnets (SMMs) and Single–Chain Magnets (SCMs), which show magnetic bistability at low temperature (T < 10 K) providing a memory effect. Therefore, the design of novel materials with original physical properties, based on molecular magnetic objects, became the focus of many researches around the world. Following this approach, the design of SMM linked by active bridges that can switch between two magnetic states under external stimuli (temperature, pressure, light...), should favor additional properties and allow an external control (by irradiation) of the magnetic properties of the final SMM-based materials. The goal of this thesis is to organize SMMs by assembling them with two types of linkers: electron-transfer building blocks (Na2[Fe(CN)5NO]) and spin-crossover complexes ([Fe(LN5)(CN)2] and [Fe(LN3O2)(CN)2]). Three new materials obtained from the organization of [MnIII(BS)]+ complexes with the [Fe(CN)5NO]2- building-block, showed no significant photoactivity unlike the Na2[Fe(CN)5NO] precursor. Nevertheless, one of these organized systems exhibits Single-Molecule Magnet behaviour. The employed strategy to link [MnIII(BS)]+ units with photomagnetic [Fe(LN5)(CN)2] and [Fe(LN3O2)(CN)2] spin-crossover complexes, leads to nine new interesting compounds. The most significant novelty from a structural point of view is the various topologies of compounds obtained from molecular complexes to one-dimensional architectures with different arrangements. All compounds exhibit interesting magnetic properties. For example, one of the unidimensional networks shows an antiferromagnetic order followed by a slow relaxation of the magnetization that has been observed for the first time in a canted system. On the other hand, magnetic investigations under light irradiation have revealed remarkable photoinduced properties in the case of five systems based on FeII units in their low spin state. In conclusion, the synthetic strategy used in this thesis has been experimentally validated and opens new perspectives for future photomagnetic SMM and SCM systems.

Plataforma biossensora eletroquímica baseada em eletrodo de carbono vítreo modificada por pontos quânticos

RIBEIRO, Jessika Fernanda Ferreira 29 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2016-09-20T12:53:17Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) DISSERTAÇÃO- VERSÃO FINAL -Biblioteca.pdf: 3304564 bytes, checksum: be295edea976cdf452e4a26cacd96e9e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-20T12:53:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) DISSERTAÇÃO- VERSÃO FINAL -Biblioteca.pdf: 3304564 bytes, checksum: be295edea976cdf452e4a26cacd96e9e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-29 / FACEPE / Com o avanço da nanotecnologia, o uso de nanopartículas (NPs) metálicas, e semicondutoras, no desenvolvimento de biossensores vem aumentando nos últimos anos. Sua utilização vem proporcionando um aumento da área superficial, promovendo uma imobilização mais efetiva de biomoléculas, e espécies eletroativas, a fim de melhorar a sensibilidade de detecção do biossensor. Dentre essas NPs, estão os pontos quânticos (PQs), nanocristais com propriedades ópticas e semicondutoras únicas, as quais podem ser moduladas por seu tamanho. Os PQs podem ser utilizados em plataformas para biossensores eletroquímicos através de sua imobilização como intermediários entre o bioreceptor e a superfície do eletrodo. Nesse contexto, esse trabalho objetivou empregar e avaliar a utilização de PQs de CdTe carboxilados em uma plataforma biossensora eletroquímica baseada em eletrodo de carbono vítreo modificado com polipirrol aminado. Posteriormente, o anticorpo IgG (Imunoglobulina G Humana) foi imobilizado e a plataforma foi aplicada na detecção do anti-IgG. A imobilização dos PQs e do IgG foi avaliada de forma covalente e por adsorção. No primeiro caso, o eletrodo modificado pelo pirrol aminado foi imerso por 24 horas em uma solução contendo 2 mmol L-1 de EDC e 5 mmol L-1 de Sulfo-NHS para a formação de ligações amidas entre os PQs e a superfície modificada. Antes da imobilização do IgG, foram realizados estudos de conjugação em meio homogêneo a partir do ensaio fluorescente em microplaca (EFM). Esse estudo foi realizado a fim de correlacionar a conjugação nos meios homogêneo/heterogêneo e desenvolver um método com fins de aprimorar com maior rapidez a imobilização de biomoléculas na plataforma biossensora. Dessa forma, após o EFM, a superfície modificada por PQs foi avaliada frente a diferentes quantidades de IgG, EDC e Sulfo-NHS, adquiridas através da melhor e pior condição da EFM. A partir do resultado do EFM, foi adotada como melhor condição a do sistema com a maior quantidade de EDC e Sulfo-NHS e menor concentração de IgG, o qual apresentou um aumento relativo da fluorescência de 960%, enquanto que a pior condição foi obtida a partir da menor quantidade de agentes de acoplamento e de IgG, com aumento relativo da fluorescência de 80%. Todas as etapas de modificações do eletrodo foram monitoradas por voltametria cíclica (VC) e espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica (EIE). Para o eletrodo de carbono vítreo modificado com polipirrol aminado, as análises eletroquímicas não apresentaram grandes variações em relação ao eletrodo limpo. Já com a imobilização dos PQs de CdTe carboxilados, os resultados indicaram uma redução no processo de transferência de carga, evidenciado através da diminuição e do deslocamento da corrente de pico na região de oxidação da voltametria cíclica, e do aumento do semicírculo apresentado nos dados da impedância eletroquímica. Posteriormente, a voltametria cíclica na presença do anticorpo IgG apresentou também uma diminuição e um deslocamento gradual das correntes de pico catódicas e anódicas, indicando a imobilização dessa biomolécula na superfície do eletrodo. As análises de EIE foram coerentes com as da VC. Foi observada correlação entre as avaliações no eletrodo e na EFM, indicando que a melhor condição no EFM será uma escolha efetiva para a plataforma. Os resultados também indicaram que os PQs e IgGs foram imobilizados preferencialmente de forma covalente. As avaliações preliminares também indicaram que a interface modificada por pirrol aminado e PQs carboxilados foi capaz de detectar anti-IgGs na faixa de ng mL-1, revelando-se como um potencial para ser utilizada na detecção de biomarcadores de diagnóstico. / The use of metallic, and semiconductor, nanoparticles (NPs) for developing biosensors has been expanding in recent years. NPs can provide an increase of the biosensors’ surface area, by promoting a more effective immobilization of biomolecules, as well as electroactive species, in order to improve the sensitivity of these devices. Among these NPs, there are the quantum dots (QDs), nanocrystals with unique optical and semiconductor properties that can be applied in electrochemical biosensors platforms as intermediaries between bioreceptors and the electrode surface. Thus, in this context, this study aimed to evaluate and employ carboxyl-coated CdTe PQs in an electrochemical platform based on a vitreous carbon electrode modified by amino functionalized polypyrrole. Subsequently, the IgG (human immunoglobulin G) antibody was immobilized on the platform that was tested by detecting anti-IgG biomolecules. The QDs, as well as the IgG, immobilization was evaluated by covalent coupling and by adsorption. In the first case, the electrode modified by polypyrrole was immersed, for 24 hours, in a solution containing 2 mmol L-1 of EDC and 5 mmol L-1 of Sulfo-NHS to promote amide bonds between the modified surface and QDs. Before IgG immobilization, conjugation experiments were also performed in homogeneous medium by using the fluorescent microplate assay (FMA). This study was conducted to correlate the conjugations in homogeneous/heterogeneous media in order to develop a method for improving more quickly the biomolecules’ immobilization on the biosensor platform. Thus, after the EFM, the electrode modified by QDs was evaluated by using different amounts of IgG, EDC and Sulfo-NHS, acquired from the best and the worst condition of FMA. From the result of the FMA, it was adopted as the best system that one composed by the greatest amount of EDC and Sulfo-NHS and by the lower concentration of IgG (which had a relative fluorescence increase of 960%), while the worst condition was obtained by the one that used the lower amounts of coupling agents and IgG (with relative increase in the fluorescence of 80%). All stages of the electrode modifications were monitored by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The electrochemical analysis for the vitreous carbon electrode modified with amino functionalized polypyrrole showed no differences compared to the clean electrode. However, after the immobilization of CdTe carboxylate QDs, the results showed a decrease in the charge transfer process. Subsequently, the cyclic voltammetry in the presence of the IgG antibody also presented a decrease and a gradual displacement of the cathodic and anodic peak currents, indicating the immobilization of this biomolecule on the electrode surface. EIS analyses were consistent with those performed by VC. A correlation was observed between the evaluations in the electrode and the FMA, indicating that the best condition in the FMA is an effective choice for the platform. The results also indicated that QDs and IgGs were preferably immobilized by covalent coupling. Preliminary evaluations have also indicated that the platform, modified by amino functionalized pyrroles and carboxyl-coated QDs, was able to detect anti-IgG in the range of ng mL-1, showing to be a potential platform for the detection of diagnostic biomarkers.

Estrutura eletrônica da amino- e dimetilamino-benzonitrila em meio usando métodos híbridos de QM/MM

Herrera, Andrés Medina 06 November 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Cláudia Bueno (claudiamoura18@gmail.com) on 2016-01-15T17:20:21Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Andrés Medina Herrera - 2015.pdf: 11967625 bytes, checksum: 5b7e3f00af20766f822172f92649bc98 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-01-18T09:13:56Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Andrés Medina Herrera - 2015.pdf: 11967625 bytes, checksum: 5b7e3f00af20766f822172f92649bc98 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-18T09:13:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Andrés Medina Herrera - 2015.pdf: 11967625 bytes, checksum: 5b7e3f00af20766f822172f92649bc98 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-11-06 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / In this research we studied the structural and electronic properties of the ground state of molecules amino-benzonitrile (ABN) and dimethylamino-benzonitrile (DMABN), isolated and in different solvents.We performed computer simulations of those molecules in different solvents as cyclohexane, dichloromethane, acetonitrile and water. The structure electronic method MP2 (second order perturbation Møller-Plesset) was used to perform quantum calculations. To study the molecules in solvent we used the hybrid sequential QM/MM method combined with the free energy gradient method. The dual fluorescence to this type of molecules is a process that has been much studied but it is not well clarified that is the cause of the process. We performed the optimization of the molecules in an isolated state and in different solvents to determine the ground state structure. In the case of the DMABN molecule the optimization was performed both at room temperature and at low temperature, near the melting point of the solvent. We studied minimum energy point and some transition states of this molecules associated with the pyramidalization or the rotation of the amino group. The results showed that the molecules are pyramidal when they are isolated, and that in polar solvent they became less pyramidal. The rotation of amino group is unfavored in both molecules, increasing this effect in polar solvents. / Neste trabalho foram estudadas as propriedades estruturais e eletrônicas do estado fundamental das moléculas amino-benzonitrila (ABN) e dimetilamino-benzonitrila (DMABN), isoladas e em diferentes meios solventes. Foram realizadas simulações computacionais das moléculas em diferentes meios como, ciclohexano, diclorometano, acetonitrila e água. O método de estrutura eletrônica MP2 (Møller-Plesset em segunda ordem de perturbação) foi usado para fazer os cálculos quânticos. Para o estudo das moléculas em meio foi utilizado o método hibrido QM/MM sequencial combinado com o método de gradiente de energia livre. A dupla fluorescência para este tipo de moléculas é um processo que tem sido bastante estudado, mas ainda não está bem esclarecido qual é o causador do processo. Foram realizadas as otimizações das moléculas em estado isolado e nos diferentes meios, para determinar a estrutura do estado fundamental. No caso da molécula de DMABN a otimização foi feita tanto em temperatura ambiente como em baixas temperaturas, próximas do ponto de fusão dos solventes. Foram estudados pontos de mínimo e alguns estados de transição dessas moléculas associados à piramidalização ou à rotação do grupo amino. Os resultados mostram que essas moléculas são piramidais quando isoladas, e que em meio polar elas se tornam menos piramidais. A rotação do grupo amino é desfavorável em ambas as moléculas, aumentando esse efeito em meios polares.

Dispersão Raman de um sistema doador-aceptor em diferentes solventes / Raman dispersion of a donor-acceptor system in different solvents

Fernanda Pereira Carli 16 August 2016 (has links)
Sistemas push-pull são caracterizados pela presença de uma transição eletrônica de transferência de carga, o que justifica a grande diferença de polaridade entre os estados fundamental e excitado. Isso os torna sondas moleculares promissoras para a obtenção de informações espectroscópicas sobre a fase condensada. Alguns desses sistemas apresentam modos vibracionais cuja frequência depende da energia de excitação nos espectros Raman. Neste estudo, através de uma sonda molecular push-pull, objetivou-se analisar as características do meio que definem tal dependência. A sonda utilizada, 4-dimetilamino-&#946;-nitroestireno apresentou deslocamento batocrômico no espectro de absorção eletrônico e a dependência da largura de banda com o solvente, o que mostrou sua sensibilidade ao meio, juntamente com uma dependência do modo de estiramento simétrico do grupo nitro com o solvente. Através do modelo do estado de solvatação seletivo, variando a energia de excitação do laser, foi possível observar a dependência do número de onda do modo de estiramento simétrico do NO2. Essa dependência foi, no entanto, mais significativa em solventes próticos polares, os quais apresentam os maiores valores de tempo de relaxação do solvente. Alguns solventes polares apróticos também apresentaram, mas com menor deslocamento, o que poderia estar relacionado com o tempo de relaxação. Solventes com dinâmicas de solvatação mais lentas e com forte interação, provocando uma diminuição na energia de transição eletrônica, são os principais fatores para ocorrência da dispersão Raman em sistemas push-pull. / The push-pulls systems are characcterized by the presence of a charge transfer electronic transition, it explain the large difference in polarity between the ground and excited states. They are promising molecular probes to obtain spectroscopic information on the condensed phase because of that characteristic. Some of these systems have vibrational modes whose frequency depends on the excitation energy in the resonant Raman spectra. The objective of this study was to analyze the vibrational frequency dependence of the molecular probe caused by environment. The 4-dimethylamino-&#946;-nitrostyrene as a probe was sensitive to the medium showing bathochromic shift on electronic spectrum and bandwidth dependence with the solvent as well as the dependency of the nitro symmetric stretching mode in the vibrational spectrum. Based on the selective solvation state model, the laser excitation energy was varied and the dependence of the wave number of the symmetric stretching mode NO2 was observed. This dependency is, however, more significant in polar protic solvents which have the highest relaxation time values of the solvent. Some aprotic polar solvents presented that characteristic with less degree, which may be related to the relaxation time. The main factor for the occurrence of Raman scattering in push-pull solvation systems is the slower solvation dynamics and strong interaction that are capable to diminishing the energy electronic transition. The main factors for the occurrence of Raman dispersion in push-pull solvation systems are the slower solvation dynamics and strong probe/solvent interaction that are capable to diminishing the electronic transition energy.

Síntese, caracterização, estudos fotofísicos e acompanhamento in situ da reação de formação do corante (E)-2-[3-[4-(difenilamina)-fenil]-1-(p-tolil)-alilideno] malononitrila por microscopia de fluorescência / Synthesis, characterization, photophysics studies and monitoring in situ of the dye forming reaction (E) -2- [3- [4- (diphenylamine) phenyl] -1- (p-tolyl) -alilideno] malononitrile by fluorescence microscopy

Aline Monteiro Lino 18 February 2016 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi sintetizado o corante (E)-2-[3-[4-(difenilamina)-fenil]-1-(p-tolil)- alilideno]-malononitrila (DFTAM), a partir da reação de condensação entre 4- (difenilamino)-benzaldeído e 2- [1- (4- metilfenil)-etilideno]-malononitrila, com catálise básica de piperidina. O produto obtido foi purificado por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (HPLC) e caracterizado pelas técnicas de espectrometria de massas, ressonância magnética nuclear de 13C e 1H e espectroscopia no infravermelho com transformada de Fourier. Para estudar suas propriedades fotofísicas, espectros de absorção e emissão de fluorescência, decaimento de fluorescência e espectro de absorção de transientes foram feitos em diferentes solventes, variando-se a polaridade e viscosidade do meio. Duas bandas de absorção foram observadas, uma em 303 nm e outra em cerca de 490 nm, a qual apresentou deslocamento batocrômico com o aumento da polaridade do solvente. Para essa região de excitação a banda de emissão variou entre 517 e 630 nm, com o aumento da polaridade do meio. Os decaimentos de fluorescência mostraram duas componentes, uma na ordem de picossegundos e a outra de nanossegundos. Os experimentos de absorção de transientes apresentaram três espécies, uma mais longa (maior que 10 ms) e duas outras de cerca 2 e 22 &mu;s. Surfactantes catiônicos, não iônico, e aniônico também foram usados para produzir micelas e fazer os experimentos já citados. Pôde-se observar que o corante interagiu com as micelas, melhorando sua fluorescência e aumentando o tempo de vida do estado singleto. Por fim, acompanhou-se in situ, através da técnica de microscopia TIRF, a reação de formação de DFTAM a nível single molecule com catalise básica de nanopartículas de MgO e lamínulas de vidro funcionalizadas com piperazina. Através da intermitência de fluorescência dos filmes feitos de ambas as amostras, observou-se a formação de moléculas do corante através de ciclos de catálise da piperazina. / In this project the synthesis of (E) -2- [3- [4- (diphenylamine) phenyl] -1- (p-tolyl) - allylidene] -malononitrile (DFTAM) dye, from the condensation reaction between 4- (diphenylamino) benzaldehyde and 2- [1- (4-methylphenyl) ethylidene]-malononitrile using piperidine basic catalysis has been achieved. The dye was purified by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and characterized by mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance 13C and 1H and Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy techniques. To study DFTAM photophysical properties, absorption and fluorescence emission spectra, fluorescence decay and transient absorption spectrum were recorded in solvents with different polarity and viscosity. Two absorption bands of DFTAM were observed, the first one at 303 nm was solvent independent while the second one at about 490 nm, had bathochromic shift with increasing polarity of the medium. In the visible region of excitation the maximum of the dye emission band observed varied between 517 and 630 nm, upon increasing solvent polarity. Fluorescence decays showed two distinct components, a fast one in picosecond time scale and a slow one in nanoseconds. Transient absorption experiments indicated the presence of three species with different lifetimes, one longer than 10 ms and the other two with lifetimes about 2 and 22 &mu;s. Cationic, nonionic, anionic surfactants were also used to produce micelles for easy solubilization of DFTAM. It was observed that the dye interacted with the micelles, improving its fluorescence yield and lifetime. Finally, the DFTAM formation reaction was monitored in situby TIRF wide field microscopy technique at single molecule level. The basic catalysis was tested for MgO nanoparticles and glass surface functionalized with bound piperazine. Through the fluorescence intermittency time trace obtained from TIRF movies, the discrete formation of dye molecules was only observed in the case of piperazine catalytic cycles.

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