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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aprendizagem cooperativa no ensino de química: investigando uma atividade didática elaborada no formato jigsaw / Cooperative learning in chemistry teaching: investigating a didactic activity elaborate on jigsaw format

Teodoro, Daniel Lino 10 February 2011 (has links)
Desde o início da década de setenta, a discussão a respeito das formas de organização e da efetividade das atividades didáticas pautadas nos princípios da aprendizagem cooperativa vem se destacando em vários países europeus e na América do Norte, entretanto no Brasil são ainda escassas as pesquisas dedicadas à temática, especialmente no ensino de Química.<br /> A aprendizagem cooperativa apresenta como característica chave a sua natureza social, pois os estudantes interagem e compartilham suas ideias melhorando sua compreensão individual e mútua. Nesse contexto, aplicamos uma atividade didática de caráter cooperativo (formato jigsaw), em disciplina de comunicação científica oferecida a graduandos em Química, na qual investigamos a dinâmica das interações estabelecidas entre os alunos, dentro dos seus respectivos grupos, a partir da análise das seguintes dimensões: funções da fala, processamento cognitivo e processamento social. Para tanto, nos baseamos no Modelo Analítico proposto por Kumpulainen e Mutanen. De forma complementar, analisamos as percepções dos alunos com relação à atividade.<br /> As interações foram realizadas apresentando como predominante o processamento social do tipo colaborativo e os alunos fizeram uso das funções de fala de forma igualitária. Estas foram também marcadas pela presença do processamento cognitivo exploratório, que somado ao uso de funções de fala do tipo críticas, indicam que a atividade foi rica em possibilidades cognitivas.<br /> Desta forma, as três dimensões analisadas sugerem que a atividade se mostrou efetiva, no que diz respeito ao desenvolvimento de condições para aprendizagem cooperativa com foco no desenvolvimento de habilidades sociais, sem, no entanto, comprometer o aprendizado de conteúdos da disciplina. As percepções dos alunos com relação à atividade indicaram a sua boa receptividade. Ademais, os alunos destacaram a importância da sua realização para uma melhor resolução dos problemas propostos. Assim, acreditamos que atividades cooperativas, especialmente aquelas no formato jigsaw, podem ser realizadas com sucesso no ensino superior de Química, sendo relevantes para a formação dos graduandos. / Since the beginning of the 70s, the discussion about ways of organization and effectiveness of learning activities based on cooperative learning has been growing in many European countries and in North America; however in Brazil, there is a dearth of studies on this topic, especially in chemistry teaching.<br /> One of the key characteristics of cooperative learning is social nature since students interact and share their ideas increasing their individual and mutual comprehension. In this context, we applied a didactic activity based on cooperative learning principles (jigsaw format) in a scientific communication course offered to undergraduate chemistry students. Based on the analytic framework proposed by Kumpulainen and Mutanen, we investigated the dynamic of interactions among the students within the groups focusing on the following dimensions: cognitive processing, social processing, and verbal interactions. We also analyzed the students\' perceptions related to this activity.<br /> The major cognitive processing observed was interpretative, whereas the social processing was collaborative, which indicate that the activity was rich of cognitive possibilities. Therefore, the dimensions analyzed suggest that the activity was effective in cooperative learning perspective without compromising the learning of the course contents.<br /> The students\' perceptions indicated the success of the activity. Moreover, the students highlighted its importance to solve the problems proposed. In sum, we believe that cooperative activities, especially in the jigsaw format, can be effectively used in undergraduate chemistry teaching.

Programas de Pós-Graduação em Ensino, Educação e Química no Brasil: Análise da Produção Discente sobre a Experimentação no Ensino de Química (2004 a 2013) / Postgraduate Programs in Teaching, Education and Chemistry in Brazil: Analysis of Student Production on Experimentation in Chemistry Teaching (2004 a 2013)

Souza, Renata Faria de 27 April 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a produção acadêmica expressa em dissertações e teses sobre a experimentação no ensino de química, defendidas em Programas de Pós-Graduação (PPG) vinculados às áreas de Ensino (área 46), Educação (área 38) e Química (área 4) da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), no período de 2004 a 2013. Foram analisadas 122 dissertações e 21 teses em sua integralidade com base nos seguintes descritores: ano de defesa; grau de titulação acadêmica; região geográfica; instituição e PPG de origem; orientador, nível de escolaridade e foco temático. Os resultados evidenciam o significativo crescimento no número de pesquisas sobre o tema em questão. No conjunto dos trabalhos predomina a produção da USP (12,6%), seguida da UnB (12,0%), UFSCar (10,5%) e UNICAMP (7,0%). Existem dissertações de mestrado defendidas em todas as regiões geográficas brasileiras, sendo, no entanto, muito baixa a representatividade da região Norte, com apenas dois trabalhos da UFPA, indicando a premência da necessidade de investigações sobre o assunto na região. Os níveis de escolaridade mais investigados foram o ensino médio (68,5%) e superior (27,3%), ao passo que os focos temáticos privilegiados foram experimentação como estratégia didática (58,3%) e experimentação em materiais didáticos (20,2%), revelando o entendimento dos pesquisadores sobre o potencial da experimentação como recurso metodológico para a construção do conhecimento químico. A experimentação vinculada à formação inicial e continuada de professores foi abordada de forma ainda incipiente, 7,1% e 13,1% da produção, respectivamente, permitindo inferir que essa é uma importante lacuna a ser preenchida por estudos futuros. Nessa perspectiva, a presente tese foi desenvolvida tendo em vista a contribuição para o entendimento da evolução das pesquisas sobre a experimentação no ensino de química, das suas tendências temáticas e áreas ainda pouco exploradas, indicando novos rumos de investigação, dentre outros aspectos. / The aim of this thesis is to analyze the academic production expressed in dissertations and thesis on experimentation in Chemistry teaching, defended in Postgraduate Programs related to the areas of Teaching (area 46), Education (area 38) and Chemistry (area 4) of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) from 2004 to 2013. We analyzed 122 dissertations and 21 theses completely based on the following descriptors: year of defense; level of academic qualification; geographical region; institution and postgraduate programs of origin; supervisor, educational level and thematic focus. The results showed a significant growth in the number of studies on the subject in question. Production from USP (12.6%) predominated, followed by UnB (12.0%), UFSCar (10.5%) and UNICAMP (7.0%). Master\'s dissertations have been defended in all Brazilian geographic regions, but the representation from the Northern region is very low, with only two UFPA studies, showing the urgent need for research on the subject in the region. The most researched levels of education were high school (68.5%) and higher education (27.3%), whereas the most important thematic focus was experimentation as a didactic strategy (58.3%) and experimentation in teaching materials (20.2%), revealing the researchers\' understanding of the potential of experimentation as a methodological resource for constructing chemical knowledge. Experimentation related to initial and continuous teacher education was still incipient, 7.1% and 13.1% of production, respectively, enabling us to infer that this is an important gap to be filled by future studies. In this perspective, this thesis was developed in order to contribute to the understanding of the evolution of research on experimentation in Chemistry teaching, its thematic tendencies and areas not yet explored, indicating new directions for research, among other aspects.

Conceptual change in secondary chemistry : the role of multiple analogical models of atoms and molecules.

Harrison, Allan G. January 1996 (has links)
Chemistry textbooks and teachers frequently use a variety of metaphors, analogies and models to describe atomic and molecular structures and processes. While it is widely believed that multiple analogical models encourage students to construct appropriate mental models of chemical phenomena, uncritical use of multiple analogical models may actually be responsible for a number of alternative conceptions in chemistry. Students hear and read about electron clouds and shells, atoms that are like miniature solar systems and balls, and molecules that are simultaneously represented by balls-and-sticks, joined spheres, electron-dot and structural diagrams. A strong case has been made that students try to integrate these diverse analogical models resulting in the generation of unscientific synthetic models. Conceptual change research programs also propose that carefully designed teaching and learning activities can stimulate students to exchange their intuitive and synthetic conceptions for more scientific conceptions.This thesis investigates the occurrence of students' intuitive and synthetic mental models of atoms and molecules at both a general and specific level. The investigations consisted in the first phase of semi-structured interviews with 48 Year 8-10 science students. While the data were predominantly qualitative the interviews also generated simple quantitative data. The second phase was wholly qualitative and involved the researcher as teacher' in the Year 11 class. Portfolios were compiled for each student in the class and six portfolios were interpreted to produce a set of case studies describing the students' learning about atoms, molecules and bonds. These data were derived from transcripts of class discussions and individual interviews; pre-tests, formative tests and post-tests; student essays and worksheets and analogical teaching events. The data were ++ / interpreted from a constructivist viewpoint with attention given to credibility, viability and transferability, and dependability. The desire to collect every piece of useful data was constrained by the ethical need to minimise the disruptive effect of the research on the students' normal learning.The first or general phase of this study investigated the question: With what models of atoms and molecules are lower secondary science students familiar? The interviews about atomic and molecular conceptions held by the Year 8-10 students found, for example, that some students confused atoms with cells because both have a nucleus, while others believed that electron shells enclose and protect the atom. All but two students visualised atoms with large nuclei and close static electrons. A majority of this student sample were confused by ball-and- stick molecular models and had a strong preference for space-filling molecular models because they were more 'real'.The second or specific phase of this study consisted of an in-depth study of the development of mental models of atoms, molecules and bonds by six Year 11 chemistry students over 40 weeks of instruction. This study investigated the question: Do systematically presented multiple analogical models help students change their conceptions of atoms, molecules and bonds in favour of the scientific view? The students' prior mental models of an atom were dominated by a solar system model with the electrons in simple shells. A variety of metaphors, analogical models and explanations emphasising the diffuse spaciousness of atoms helped three students restructure their conceptions in favour of the scientific concept. Students also were encouraged to identify the shared and unshared attributes of familiar molecular models and, in time, three students became competent multiple modellers. It is claimed that these three students ++ / changed their conceptions of atoms and molecules in the sense that they realised that models are thinking and communicative tools, not reality itself. The significant change in these students' thinking was their recognition that atomic and molecular analogical models are context-dependent.The phase two study's pre-occupation with conceptual change or knowledge restructuring raised an important methodological question: Is a multi-dimensional approach a better way to interpret conceptual change learning? or, are the various theoretical perspectives on conceptual change complementary? The study's theoretical framework found that conceptual change learning can be interpreted from epistemological, ontological, motivational, holistic explanatory and developmental perspectives. The collection and analysis of the data showed that student modelling ability and Perry's model of intellectual development were powerful interpretive tools when data needed to be examined from multiple perspectives. The six case studies support the assertion that multi-dimensional interpretive frameworks have superior credibility and viability compared to uni-dimensional studies.Finally, the research raised several questions requiring further investigation. No direct support was found for the claim that dissatisfaction is central to conceptual change. This issue needs much more study due to the popularity of discrepant event teaching. While a multi-dimensional conceptual change model has been synthesised, this model needs further refinement as does the issue of how to monitor the status of students' conceptions. A most promising line of pedagogical research is the value of teaching scientific modelling through the use of multiple systematic analogical models.

Reconceptualizing a college chemistry course to improve teaching and learning.

Gallos, Marilou R. January 2002 (has links)
This thesis describes the process of course and faculty development in college chemistry at the University of San Carlos in the Philippines. The aim of the research was to increase intellectual engagement through the implementation of a simple instructional cycle to replace a dominant lecture approach. The cycle consisted of three phases: (a) a plenary which is a short presentation of the subject matter, (b) seatwork activity where students work on problems, questions or activities with the instructor moving around the classroom, and (c) closure or summary which includes reactions to learning difficulties encountered by the instructor during phase b. The approach was designed to improve basic teaching skills and to enhance instructors' knowledge of student learning problems. The research employed qualitative and quantitative methods utilising multiple sources of data collection. Validation and reliability criteria were addressed through pluralistic epistemologies; triangulation, use of external observers, member checks, peer commentaries, and case studies. Likewise, the instructors' adaptation to the three phases in the approach were analysed together with students' perceptions of the teaching approaches in the new course. Two instructors, who were involved in the case study, taught the first version of the course having been coached by the researcher who attended almost all lessons within the semester. Analysis of the data indicated that the instructors developed teaching skills applicable in this instructional cycle approach. Problems in the implementation of the cycle were identified and used as the basis for the reconceptualization of a year-long, departmental study involving 13 instructors each of whom applied the instructional cycle to some degree. / Three instructors were able to significantly change their teaching and apply meaningful student seatwork in their lessons. Nine instructors, who were moderately successful implementers, exhibited some pedagogical growth but still had problems in maintaining a well-organised classroom environment. The other three instructors had considerable trouble in applying the new approach. The shift from lecturing to applying the instructional cycle might seem like a relatively small change, yet it is a huge step for instructors who have predominantly taught using lectures for over ten years. This situation called for support by effective intervention through a realistic and practical faculty development program. After an initial training of instructors, extensive coaching in the classroom was used during the implementation phase as well as weekly small group meetings and monthly large group seminars. The course and faculty development process led to a strong increase in chemistry and chemistry pedagogy discussions in the faculty room with increasing collegiality. After the initial implementation, the process of change has continued. Every semester more improvements are made and several other Chemistry courses have been revised using the instructional cycle model of instruction.

A study to develop a typology of the perceived teaching styles of Hong Kong secondary school chemistry teachers using a technique of cluster analysis /

Lo, Mun-ling. January 1980 (has links)
Thesis (M. Ed.)--University of Hong Kong, 1980. / Includes bibliographical references (leaf 217-218).

A study to develop a typology of the perceived teaching styles of Hong Kong secondary school chemistry teachers using a technique of cluster analysis

Fung Lo, Mun-ling. January 1980 (has links)
Thesis (M.Ed.)--University of Hong Kong, 1980. / Includes bibliographical references (leaf 217-218). Also available in print.

Educação ambiental no ensino de Química: propostas curriculares brasileiras

Santos, Ederson Miranda dos [UNESP] 21 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:24:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2011-12-21Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:47:05Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 santos_ems_me_rcla.pdf: 729853 bytes, checksum: f5e7fa8cbee82b42c288a44aaa16175d (MD5) / Atualmente, temos enfrentado uma crise que ultrapassa a estreita relação entre o ser humano e a natureza: trata-se de uma crise socioambiental que está diretamente ligada ao modelo de sociedade e de desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico da modernidade. Essa crise e outros temas emergentes indicam a necessidade de que os processos de ensino-aprendizagem estabeleçam um diálogo permanente com as situações reais buscando formas de incorporá-las ao currículo escolar. Nesse sentido, acreditamos que a inserção e a problematização das questões ambientais no currículo escolar, particularmente no currículo de Química, objeto de nossa investigação, possa proporcionar uma efetiva contribuição para criar caminhos que possibilitem repensarmos o modelo de sociedade vigente. Portanto, é de suma importancia a revisão crítica dos conhecimentos e tecnologias de que dispomos e um posicionamento crítico e político diante da crise socioambiental vivenciada atualmente. Considerando essas relações, o objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar quais aspectos da temática ambiental estão incluídos nas propostas curriculares atuais apresentadas em nível federal, pelo Ministério da Educação, e em nível estadual, pelas Secretarias Estaduais de Educação, especificamente para o ensino de Química no Ensino Médio. Por meio deste trabalho buscamos identificar aproximações ou distanciamentos desses documentos em relação à Educação Ambiental, entendendo a abordagem qualitativa de pesquisa como o caminho mais apropriado para essa tarefa. Ao explorar processos de “construção de sentidos”, a investigação procura explicitar sentidos produzidos a partir da análise de propostas curriculares de Química quando estas estabelecem explícita ou implicitamente relações com a temática ambiental. Algumas reflexões sobre... / Nowadays we are facing a crisis that goes beyond the tight relationship between human being and nature: it is a social and environmental crisis directly related to the modern model of society and scientific and technological development. This crisis and other emerging themes indicate the need for teaching and learning processes to establish a permanent dialogue with real situations, which could be achieved by incorporating such situations into the school curriculum. In that regard, we understand that including and questioning environmental issues in the school curriculum – particularly in the Chemistry curriculum, which is our object of investigation – can provide an effective contribution to creating ways to rethink the current model of society. Therefore, it is extremely important to carry out a critical review of our knowledge and technology and to adopt a critical and political attitude towards the ongoing social and environmental crisis. Considering all these relationships, the aim of this research is to analyse what aspects of the environmental theme are included in the actual curriculum proposals presented at federal level, by the Ministry of Education, and state level, by the State Departments of Education, specifically for Chemistry teaching in High School. By carrying out this work, we try to identify the points where such documents move towards or away from Environmental Education, understanding that a qualitative research approach is the most appropriate method for this task. By dealing with “construction of meanings”, this investigation seeks to identify meanings produced from the analysis of proposals for the Chemistry curriculum in which there are points explicitly or implicitly related to the environmental theme. Some reflections on the results allow us to note that a greening process of the current... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Educação ambiental no ensino de Química : propostas curriculares brasileiras /

Santos, Ederson Miranda dos. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Luiz Marcelo de Carvalho / Banca: Luciano Fernandes Silva / Banca: Vania Gomes Zuin / Resumo: Atualmente, temos enfrentado uma crise que ultrapassa a estreita relação entre o ser humano e a natureza: trata-se de uma crise socioambiental que está diretamente ligada ao modelo de sociedade e de desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico da modernidade. Essa crise e outros temas emergentes indicam a necessidade de que os processos de ensino-aprendizagem estabeleçam um diálogo permanente com as situações reais buscando formas de incorporá-las ao currículo escolar. Nesse sentido, acreditamos que a inserção e a problematização das questões ambientais no currículo escolar, particularmente no currículo de Química, objeto de nossa investigação, possa proporcionar uma efetiva contribuição para criar caminhos que possibilitem repensarmos o modelo de sociedade vigente. Portanto, é de suma importancia a revisão crítica dos conhecimentos e tecnologias de que dispomos e um posicionamento crítico e político diante da crise socioambiental vivenciada atualmente. Considerando essas relações, o objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar quais aspectos da temática ambiental estão incluídos nas propostas curriculares atuais apresentadas em nível federal, pelo Ministério da Educação, e em nível estadual, pelas Secretarias Estaduais de Educação, especificamente para o ensino de Química no Ensino Médio. Por meio deste trabalho buscamos identificar aproximações ou distanciamentos desses documentos em relação à Educação Ambiental, entendendo a abordagem qualitativa de pesquisa como o caminho mais apropriado para essa tarefa. Ao explorar processos de "construção de sentidos", a investigação procura explicitar sentidos produzidos a partir da análise de propostas curriculares de Química quando estas estabelecem explícita ou implicitamente relações com a temática ambiental. Algumas reflexões sobre... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Nowadays we are facing a crisis that goes beyond the tight relationship between human being and nature: it is a social and environmental crisis directly related to the modern model of society and scientific and technological development. This crisis and other emerging themes indicate the need for teaching and learning processes to establish a permanent dialogue with real situations, which could be achieved by incorporating such situations into the school curriculum. In that regard, we understand that including and questioning environmental issues in the school curriculum - particularly in the Chemistry curriculum, which is our object of investigation - can provide an effective contribution to creating ways to rethink the current model of society. Therefore, it is extremely important to carry out a critical review of our knowledge and technology and to adopt a critical and political attitude towards the ongoing social and environmental crisis. Considering all these relationships, the aim of this research is to analyse what aspects of the environmental theme are included in the actual curriculum proposals presented at federal level, by the Ministry of Education, and state level, by the State Departments of Education, specifically for Chemistry teaching in High School. By carrying out this work, we try to identify the points where such documents move towards or away from Environmental Education, understanding that a qualitative research approach is the most appropriate method for this task. By dealing with "construction of meanings", this investigation seeks to identify meanings produced from the analysis of proposals for the Chemistry curriculum in which there are points explicitly or implicitly related to the environmental theme. Some reflections on the results allow us to note that a greening process of the current... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Aprendizagem cooperativa no ensino de química: investigando uma atividade didática elaborada no formato jigsaw / Cooperative learning in chemistry teaching: investigating a didactic activity elaborate on jigsaw format

Daniel Lino Teodoro 10 February 2011 (has links)
Desde o início da década de setenta, a discussão a respeito das formas de organização e da efetividade das atividades didáticas pautadas nos princípios da aprendizagem cooperativa vem se destacando em vários países europeus e na América do Norte, entretanto no Brasil são ainda escassas as pesquisas dedicadas à temática, especialmente no ensino de Química.<br /> A aprendizagem cooperativa apresenta como característica chave a sua natureza social, pois os estudantes interagem e compartilham suas ideias melhorando sua compreensão individual e mútua. Nesse contexto, aplicamos uma atividade didática de caráter cooperativo (formato jigsaw), em disciplina de comunicação científica oferecida a graduandos em Química, na qual investigamos a dinâmica das interações estabelecidas entre os alunos, dentro dos seus respectivos grupos, a partir da análise das seguintes dimensões: funções da fala, processamento cognitivo e processamento social. Para tanto, nos baseamos no Modelo Analítico proposto por Kumpulainen e Mutanen. De forma complementar, analisamos as percepções dos alunos com relação à atividade.<br /> As interações foram realizadas apresentando como predominante o processamento social do tipo colaborativo e os alunos fizeram uso das funções de fala de forma igualitária. Estas foram também marcadas pela presença do processamento cognitivo exploratório, que somado ao uso de funções de fala do tipo críticas, indicam que a atividade foi rica em possibilidades cognitivas.<br /> Desta forma, as três dimensões analisadas sugerem que a atividade se mostrou efetiva, no que diz respeito ao desenvolvimento de condições para aprendizagem cooperativa com foco no desenvolvimento de habilidades sociais, sem, no entanto, comprometer o aprendizado de conteúdos da disciplina. As percepções dos alunos com relação à atividade indicaram a sua boa receptividade. Ademais, os alunos destacaram a importância da sua realização para uma melhor resolução dos problemas propostos. Assim, acreditamos que atividades cooperativas, especialmente aquelas no formato jigsaw, podem ser realizadas com sucesso no ensino superior de Química, sendo relevantes para a formação dos graduandos. / Since the beginning of the 70s, the discussion about ways of organization and effectiveness of learning activities based on cooperative learning has been growing in many European countries and in North America; however in Brazil, there is a dearth of studies on this topic, especially in chemistry teaching.<br /> One of the key characteristics of cooperative learning is social nature since students interact and share their ideas increasing their individual and mutual comprehension. In this context, we applied a didactic activity based on cooperative learning principles (jigsaw format) in a scientific communication course offered to undergraduate chemistry students. Based on the analytic framework proposed by Kumpulainen and Mutanen, we investigated the dynamic of interactions among the students within the groups focusing on the following dimensions: cognitive processing, social processing, and verbal interactions. We also analyzed the students\' perceptions related to this activity.<br /> The major cognitive processing observed was interpretative, whereas the social processing was collaborative, which indicate that the activity was rich of cognitive possibilities. Therefore, the dimensions analyzed suggest that the activity was effective in cooperative learning perspective without compromising the learning of the course contents.<br /> The students\' perceptions indicated the success of the activity. Moreover, the students highlighted its importance to solve the problems proposed. In sum, we believe that cooperative activities, especially in the jigsaw format, can be effectively used in undergraduate chemistry teaching.

O uso do recurso multimídia no ensino de Química para alunos de ensino médio sobre o conteúdo de ligações intermoleculares / The usage of the multimedia resource at chemistry teaching of intermolecular forces content to pupils of secondary school.

Claudia Ayres 03 June 2011 (has links)
Este estudo é uma pesquisa qualitativa, que busca indícios sobre a possibilidade de a inserção do recurso multimídia favorecer (ou não) a elaboração de conceitos sobre ligações intermoleculares para alunos do ensino médio. Foi aplicado em um grupo de 22 alunos do segundo ano, do ensino médio, de uma escola particular da zona sul da cidade de São Paulo. A metodologia foi organizada em dois momentos, contemplando a metodologia de ensino, onde se detalha o material usado e a sequência didática empregada, e a metodologia de pesquisa, onde se detalha os instrumentos de pesquisa utilizados. Como a nossa questão principal envolvia a elaboração conceitual de representações pictográficas e textuais sobre alguns sistemas, fez-se uso de dois questionários, sendo um aplicado antes e outro após o uso do recurso multimídia, de forma a possibilitar ao aluno a chance de reelaborar seus registros viabilizando obtermos informações mais consistentes acerca da possível melhora na elaboração conceitual. Com os questionários respondidos e analisados, percebemos que seria relevante realizarmos entrevistas, ao menos com alguns alunos, visando realizar a triangulação dos dados. De acordo com os resultados houve melhora nas representações macroscópicas e, principalmente, nas representações submicroscópicas, denotando que houve melhora na elaboração conceitual, pois quando há mudança no registro pictográfico, possivelmente o aluno reorganizou seu modelo mental aprimorando-o e isto foi externalizado na sua representação. / This study is a qualitative research, that attempts to find appointments about the possibility of the insertion of multimedia resource to favor (or not) the conceptual elaboration of intermolecular forces by pupils of secondary school. It was applied in a group of 22 pupils of second year of secondary school in a private school of the south zone of São Paulo city. Development was organized in two moments, including methodology of teaching, in which material and the didactic sequence employed were detailed, and the research methodology, in which instruments of research were described. As our main question involved the conceptual elaboration of pictographic and literal representations of some systems, two questionnaires were applied, one before and the other after the use of the multimedia resource to support pupils in reorganizing registers in such a way, that it would be possible to get more consistent information concerning the possible improvement of the conceptual elaboration. Based on the data answered and analyzed from the questionnaires, we have realize that it would be relevant to carry on interviews, at least with some pupils, in order to make the triangulation of results. According to results the macrocospic representations were improved and, mainly, the submicroscopics representations, showing the improvement of conceptual elaboration. Therefore, when it these is change in the pictographic register, the pupil has possibly reorganized his/her mental model, improving it as externalized in its representation.

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