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Comparing CAPM and APT in the Chinese Stock MarketZhang, Lina, Li, Qian January 2012 (has links)
As the stock market plays an important role in the global economy and Chinese economy become progressively significant part of the world economy, we are interested in the Chinese stock market. After we compared the methods on the stock market, we choose to use the CAPM and the APT model on Chinese stock market. As a lot papers study on the Main Board of Chinese stock market, we pay our attention on the SME Board and the ChiNext Board of Chinese stock market. We put the samples from the SME Board and the ChiNext Board into the regression models which are based on the CAPM and the APT model, and then we can use the regression models to forecast the long returns. Comparing the forecast ln returns with the true ln returns, we may find that the CAMP or the APT model can forecast better on the SME Board and the ChiNext Board. The systematic risk is the only factor we put the regression model based on the CAPM. For the regression model based on the APT model, we use three factors which are the systematic risk, daily exchange volume and the volatility. Our results show that the APT model can explain factors better than the CAPM for the samples from the SME Board and the ChiNext Board. On the other hand, we could not find evidence that the APT Model can forecast better than the CAPM for the SME Board and the ChiNext Board.
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智慧資本對財務績效之影響 -以中國創業板上市企業為例 / The Impacts of Intellectual Capital on Performance: An Empirical Investigation of Chinext listed companies王男, Wang, Nan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討智慧資本對財務績效的影響。隨著大陸知識經濟時代的到來,智慧資本的影響力遠超從前,相關利益方對其關注日益增強。學界認為,由企業持有或者部分持有的有價值的無形資源,且可為企業帶來競爭優勢或者增加企業財富與價值者,皆為智慧資本。參照前人研究成果,本研究將智慧資本分為人力資本、創新資本、流程資本和關係資本。又以大陸創業板上市企業做為研究對象,從國泰安數據庫及公開財報抓取數據,使用複迴歸方式進行實證分析。研究結果顯示:智慧資本對於企業績效存在正向影響,不同項目影響程度存在差異。未來企業需要加強自身智慧資本的建構和維護,以期提升自身財務績效。 / This study explore the effect of intellectual capital on the financial performance. With the coming era of knowledge economy, intellectual capital influence on the economy far more than in the past. Stakeholders growing attention to it. Scholars believe those valuable intangible resources holding by company or part holding by company, and can provide a competitive advantage or increase their wealth and value are all intellectual capital. Referring to previous research, this study divided intellectual capital into human capital, innovation capital, process capital and relational capital. In Chinext listed companies as the research object, get the data from the CSMAR databases and company's financial statements, using multiple regression to analysis. The empirical results show that intellectual capital does affect performance on the financial performance, and each intellectual capital element has different impact on corporate performance. In the future, Companies need to strengthen their intellectual capital construction and maintenance, in order to improve their financial performance.
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大陸創業板市場發展對台商回台上市之影響分析陳端慧 Unknown Date (has links)
最後建議未來台灣證券市場應積極爭取與兩岸三地證券市場更密切的接觸,以「區域整合」作為當前的發展方向,若能合作組成「大中華區域證券市場」─雙邊掛牌機制甚或多邊掛牌,以兩岸三地之間的優勢互補,更能達到競合、更甚是綜效的效果。 / After the second return of the governing party in Taiwan, the new government released some beneficial programs and deregulated some laws to attract Taiwanese enterprises to IPO in Taiwan. In the meanwhile, ChiNext opened in 2009 for the purpose of offering an efficient capital-raising platform for those newly-formed enterprises. ChiNext gives Taiwanese enterprises an attractive opportunity to IPO in China, and therefore Taiwanese enterprises may decrease their willing to IPO in Taiwan. This paper starts from the opinion of Taiwanese enterprises who make a decision to IPO in Taiwan or ChiNext, analyzing by the side of regulation, market and environment to determine whether ChiNext will affect the willing of Taiwanese enterprises to IPO in Taiwan or not.
What attracts Taiwanese enterprises to IPO in ChiNext is its excellent PE ratio, high turnover rate and being easy to be qualified. In addition, owing to the rapid growth in Chinese economy, enterprises will raise much more capital in ChiNext. Contrary to ChiNext, Taiwan stock market is such a mature stock market that it could not expand rapidly as ChiNex. Also because of its maturity, Taiwan stock market is much steadier and much more international than ChiNext. To sum up, Taiwan stock market is still more outstanding than ChiNext, the appearance of ChiNext does not affect the willing of Taiwanese enterprises to IPO in Taiwan at present.
Finally, this paper makes a suggestion of "region conformity" as a direction for Taiwan government. Taiwan government should connect with Chinese-area stock market more intensely. If the stock market of Taiwan, Hong Kong and China could form a "Chinese-area Stock Exchange" like NYSE Euronext or other else, it will create an effect of synergy in Chinese-area stock market.
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