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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The relationship between the development of motor skills on the self-concept of at-risk children

Hugo, Karin 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScSportSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of participation in a sport development programme on the sport skills and self-concept of28 at-risk primary school children from a disadvantaged community. All 28 participants were pre-tested, then received a six-week (12 lesson) intervention programme, after which all children were post-tested. Data collection for the dependent variables was completed using the Latchaw Motor Achievement Test and the Catty Self-Concept Scale. Results of this study revealed that at-risk children realised the following outcomes of participation in a sport skill development programme: • Four of six components of motor achievement improved significantly. • The self-concept of the children did not show a significant improvement. • Three of six components of motor achievement showed a significant correlation with self-concept. Based on the results, it was concluded that participation in a sport skill development programme could not make a significant contribution to the motor development of at-risk primary school children. However more research is needed in this specific area in order to determine how skill development can be implemented to enhance the self-concept of at-risk children. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om die invloed van deelname aan 'n sport ontwikkelings program op die sportvaardighede en self-konsep van 28 hoë-risiko laerskool kinders vanuit 'n minderbevoorregte gemeenskap te ondersoek. Al 28 deelnemers was gepretoets en daarna 'n intervensie program van ses weke (12 lesse) gevolg, waarna die kinders weer almal gepost-toets is. Dataversameling vir al die afhanklike veranderlikes is voltooi deur die gebruik van die Latchaw Motoriese toets vir die toetsing van motoriese vaardighdede en die Cratty Selfkonsep toets. Resultate van hierdie studie het aangetoon dat die hoê-risiko kinders die volgende uitkomste met betrekking tot deelname aán die sport ontwikkelings program, behaal het: • Vier van die ses motoriese prestasie komponente het beduidend verbeter • Die selfkonsep van die kinders het nie 'n betekenisvolle verbetering getoon nie. • Drie van die ses motoriese prestasie komponente het 'n betekenisvolle korrelasie getoon met selfkonsep. Gebaseer op hierdie resultate, is daar tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat deelname aan 'n sport vaardigheid ontwikkelings program geen defnitiewe bydrae gelewer het tot die motoriese ontwikkeling van hoë-risiko laerskool kinders nie. Verdere navorsing word benodig in hierdie spesifieke area om vas te stel hoe 'n vaardigheids ontwikkeling program geimplimenteer kan word om selfkonsep van hoë-risiko kinders te verbeter.

Die ondersteuning van leerders uit hoe risiko-gemeenskappe in primere skole

De Jager, Leon 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There are learners in the South African education system that reside and live within highrisk situations. These high-risk situations impact on the family-, scholastic and community contexts and also the relationship variables existing between these systems. The risk situations in which these learners live, cause and/or on occasion lead to early school exiting, teenage pregnancy, alcohol and substance abuse, the choice of living on the streets, youth misbehaviour and gangsterism. It is therefore important to determine and recognize the environmental contexts in which these learners find themselves to on the one hand reach a better understanding of this phenomenon, and on the other hand to organise effective aid and assistance initiatives. The following can be reported in this regard: Inconclusive evidence exists with respect to the exact nature of the problems, which confront primary school learners from high-risk situations. A shortage of effective strategies exists to support primary school learners from high-risk situations. This research is undertaken from a social constructionist, contextual ecosystemic perspective. The research is founded on a combination of both qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches and is undertaken within the interpretive research paradigm. An encompassing literature review was undertaken during which the following aspects were described and determined, namely: The problems encountered by learners from high risk situations. Recommendations from South African state departments regarding the assistance and support for learners from high-risk situations. Guidelines collected from the literature regarding the assistance and support for learners from high-risk situations. The empirical investigation is aimed at identifying the nature and extent of the prominent problems being experienced by learners from high-risk situations. Guidelines were developed by which learners from high-risk situations can be assisted and supported. These guidelines were developed on the basis of the research results yielded by the empirical investigation and a synthesis derived from literature exploration and the integration of empirical findings. The research focuses on Grade Seven learners from ten selected primary schools in the Boland region. The investigative instruments used during this research were the questionnaire, photo analysis and the focus interview. The research findings have shown that learners are more inclined to leave the school prematurely because of insufficient relationships that exists between the family, the community and the school. An integrated approach between these contexts is therefore essential to develop strategies in order to prevent learners from dropping out of school. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is leerders in die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwyssisteem wat 10 hoë risikoomstandighede woon en leef Hierdie risiko-omstandighede het 'n impak op hulle gesins-, skolastiese en gemeenskapskontekste asook die verhoudingsveranderlikes wat daar tussen hierdie sisteme bestaan. Die risiko-omstandighede waarin hierdie leerders leef, veroorsaak en/of lei soms tot byvoorbeeld voortydige skoolverlating, tienerswangerskappe, drank- en dwelmmisbruik, die keuse van 'n lewe op straat, jeugwangedrag en bendevorming. Dit is van belang om die omgewingskontekste van hierdie leerders te begryp en te verreken om enersyds tot 'n beter begrip van die fenomeen te kom, maar om andersyds effektiewe hulpverleningsinisiatiewe te ontwikkel. Die volgende kan in hierdie verband gemeld word: daar bestaan onvoldoende inligting ten opsigte van die wesenlike aard van die probleme wat leerders uit hoë risiko-omstandighede aan primêre skole ervaar; daar is 'n gebrek aan effektiewe strategieë om leerders uit hoë risiko-omstandighede aan primêre skole te ondersteun. Hierdie navorsing word onderneem vanuit 'n sosiaal-konstruksionisties, kontekstueelekosistemiese perspektief Die navorsing steun op 'n kombinasie van beide kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe metodologiese benaderings en word onderneem vanuit die interpreterende navorsingsparadigma. 'n Omvattende literatuurstudie is onderneem waartydens die volgende aspekte beskryfen beredeneer is: die probleme wat leerders uit hoë risiko-omstandighede ervaar. aanbevelings uit staatsdepartemente in Suid-Afrika oor die ondersteuning van leerders uit hoë risiko-omstandighede. riglyne vanuit die literatuur oor die ondersteuning van leerders uit hoë risikoomstandighede. Die empiriese ondersoek is daarop gemik om die aard en omvang van die prominente probleme wat leerders uit hoë risiko-omstandighede aan primêre skole ervaar te identifiseer. Riglyne waardeur hierdie leerders ondersteun kan word, is ontwikkel. Hierdie riglyne is ontwikkelop grond van die navorsingsresultate van die empiriese ondersoek en 'n sintese vanuit die literatuurverkenning en die integrasie van die empiriese bevindings. Die navorsing fokus op graad sewe-leerders aan tien geselekteerde primêre skole in die Boland-streek. Drie ondersoekinstrumente word tydens hierdie navorsing gebruik, naamlik die vraelys, foto-analise en die fokus-onderhoud. Die navorsingsresultate het getoon dat leerders meer geneig is om die skool voortydig te verlaat as gevolg van gebrekkige verhoudinge tussen die gesin, die gemeenskap en die skool. 'n Geïntegreerde benadering tussen hierdie kontekste is daarom belangrik om strategieë te ontwikkel wat sal verhoed dat leerders die skool voortydig verlaat.

Leerondersteuningsriglyne vir graad 1-leerders uit 'n historiesbenadeelde omgewing

Verster, Sanet 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Historical disadvantaged learners do not necessarily acquire the necessary skills that are essential for successful enrolling in a school in the primary educational environment. Certain factors in the problematic situation of the historical disadvantaged play an important role in the readiness of the child to learn. Due to the vicious circle of poverty, young children are caught in a web of insufficient education, lack of involvement and illiteracy of parents and are often left emotionally, socially and intellectually deprived. A case study was used in a qualitative research design, which involved a focused study of the Grade 1 class at Vlottenburg Primary, outside Stellenbosch. It was found that factors within the learner's immediate environment frequently inhibit his or her development, but that it can not be separated from the effect of socio-economic factors which filter through to the wider community, family, the school and everyday existence of the learner. Teachers are often not capable to educate and take care of overcrowded classes with learners that are on different levels of readiness and development and to handle the class situation in historical disadvantaged areas. Learning support guidelines, which are based on the research findings, were drawn up to empower teachers from historical disadvantaged communities to work with learners from disadvantaged environments and to give them the opportunity to development to their full potential. In future, there should be a focus on the empowerment of parents to break free from poverty and illiteracy. This will have a positive effect on the education of the child. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Historiesbenadeelde leerders leer nie noodwendig die nodige vaardighede, wat noodsaaklik is vir suksesvolle skooltoetrede in die primere opvoedingsituasie, aan nie. Bepaalde faktore in die problematiese situasie van die historiesbenadeelde speel 'n groot rol in die leergereedheid van die kind: Weens die bose kringloop van armoede is kleuters vasgevang in ontoereikende opvoeding, onbetrokkenheid en ongeletterdheid van ouers en word dikwels emosioneel, sosiaal en intellektueel gedepriveerd gelaat. In 'n kwalitatiewe navorsingsontwerp is gebruik gemaak van 'n gevallestudie wat 'n gefokusde studie van die Graad l-klas by Vlottenburg Primer, in die Stellenboschomgewing, behels het. Daar is gevind dat faktore binne die leerder se onmiddellike omgewing dikwels sy of haar ontwikkeling inhibeer, maar nie losgemaak kan word van die effek van sosio-ekonomiese faktore wat deursyfer na die wye samelewing, gemeenskap, gesin, die skool en alledaagse bestaan van die leerder nie. Die leerkrag se bevoegdheid verleen hom of haar dikwels nie daartoe om 'n groot aantal leerders met verskillende vlakke van gereedheid te onderrig en die klassituasie uit 'n historiesbenadeelde omgewing te kan hanteer nie. Leerondersteuningsriglyne, wat gebaseer is op die navorsingsbevindings, is opgestel om die leerkragte uit historiesbenadeelde omgewings te bemagtig om leerders uit hierdie benadeelde omstandighede te hanteer en aan hulle die geleentheid te gee om optimaal te ontwikkel. Daar behoort in die toekoms gefokus te word op die bemagtiging van die ouers om te breek van armoede en ongeletterdheid, wat weer 'n positiewe effek op die opvoeding van die kind sal he.

South African elementary school learners' perceptions of computers as a technology : with particular reference to learners from economically disadvantaged and historically disenfranchised backgrounds

Mhlane, Hintsa Zwelinzima January 2003 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in compliance with the requirements for the Master of Technology Degree: Education, Durban Institute of Technology, 2003. / The purpose of this research study was to establish firstly, whether elementary school learners from previously disadvantaged communities do have negative perceptions towards computer technology and if these perceptions exist, to what they may be attributed. Secondly, there is a need to provide research-based approaches to the use of computers in education, particularly in the delivery and support of the curriculum. The international education community considers computer technology as a panacea for solving most of the epistemological and operational problems currently beleaguering the education enterprise. The development of learner perception should not be viewed in isolation but rather in the context of the two environments that the elementary school learner is exposed to; home and classroom. These environments are determined, largely, by socio-economic conditions, societal values, educational ideology and classroom praxis. The above determinants are fundamental in shaping the elementary school learner's perception of the learning process in general and the use of computer technology in the learning process in particular. Since the early 1970s, a myriad of teaching and learning programmes known as computerassisted instruction (CAl) and computer-assisted education (CAE) have been developed. Furthermore, computer technology has been used extensively as a pedagogical tool in a number of numeracy and literacy programmes. As a result of these developments it has become necessary to initiate serious research into Technology Education, in general, and the use of computers in education, in particular. / M

The Effectiveness of the Use of Puppets in Oral Language Development of Culturally Disadvantaged First-Grade Children

McGill, Audrey Janet 08 1900 (has links)
The purposes of this study were 1) to ascertain the effectiveness of puppets with instructional media in oral language development of culturally disadvantaged first-grade children, and 2) to derive the implications of this effect for instructors, teachers, and volunteers working in programs for the culturally disadvantaged child.

Music Performance Program Enrollment and Course Availability for Educationally Disadvantaged versus Non-Educationally Disadvantaged High School Students in Texas

Nabb, David B. 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to measure music performance program enrollments and course availability for educationally disadvantaged and non-educationally disadvantaged groups (grades 9-12) in Texas, and to further examine relationships which could help music educators understand the role which music performance programs play in the lives of educationally disadvantaged students. Data analyzed were collected by Texas' Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS). Educationally disadvantaged groups under consideration included economically disadvantaged, at risk (as defined by Texas Education Agency guidelines), limited English proficient, as well as Black and Hispanic students. Separate analyses were conducted for band, choir, and orchestra. Subjects included 907,327 students from 1,048 school districts.

Uncovering potential: dynamic assessment of non-verbal reasoning ability in educationally disadvantaged children

Gewer, Anthony 07 March 2014 (has links)
South African research into dynamic assessment has contributed to the growing body of international research which supports the efficacy of dynamic assessment in uncovering learning capacity in a variety of populations of learners with special needs. This study investigated the application of dynamic assessment to a sample of black children within a South African township clinic setting. Aged 9-15 years (mean age = 10.96) they had been referred to the clinic with learning difficulties. The experimental group (n=48) was exposed to a group dynamic assessment process, using certain tasks of the Learning Propensity Assessment Device (LPAD). Their performance was assessed prior to and following the mediated learning intervention. Using Analysis of Covariance, comparisons of pre and post-test scores combined with an innovative qualitative scoring method designed by Lurie and Kozulin (1996) yielded positive findings for the experimental group as compared with a control (n=24) not exposed to mediation. Results of the Raven's Coloured Progressive Matrices (RCPM) and the Rey-Osterreith Complex Figure Test (ROCFT), suggest that the intervention yielded changes, not only in the scores attained, but also in the quality of the responses on the post-tests.

The effects of a middle school summer school program on the achievement of NCLB identified subgroups /

Opalinski, Gail B. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (D. Ed.)--University of Oregon, 2006. / Typescript. Includes vita and abstract. An analysis of 2 studies of a summer school program in Anchorage, Alaska. The main study compared 8th grade students who attended summer school in 2003 with 8th grade students who did not attend; achievement was measured with the April 2003 CAT 6/Terra Nova examinations and the April 2004 Alaska Benchmarks examinations. The follow up study compared low socio-economic status (SES) 8th grade students who attended summer school in 2004 with low SES 8th grade students who did not attend; reading achievement was measured with the April 2004 CAT 6/Terra Nova reading examination and the fall 2004/05 Gates MacGinitie reading examination. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 124-132). Also available for download via the World Wide Web; free to University of Oregon users.

Harnessing information and communication technology for vulnerable children the redevelopment of the Australian case management systems 'Looking After Children' and 'Supporting Children and Responding to Families' /

Tregeagle, Susan. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Western Sydney, 2009. / A thesis submitted to the University of Western Sydney, College of Arts, Social Justice and Social Change Research Centre, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Includes bibliographical references.

Clothing values of Head Start and private nursery school mothers

Schafer, Patricia Jane, 1947- January 1971 (has links)
No description available.

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