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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Predictor variables discriminating with success or failure of handicapped students on the retest of the Maryland Functional Mathematics Test

Strosnider, Roberta Atha January 1986 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine which pupil and program characteristics discriminate with the success of learning disabled and mildly mentally retarded students on the retest of the Maryland Functional Mathematics Test (MFMT). A secondary purpose was to provide Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) with added knowledge to utilize in planning for handicapped students' Individualized Educational Program (IEP) . The sample consisted of 270 handicapped ninth grade students who failed the MFMT in the fall of 1985 and took the retest in the spring of 1986. Students taking the retest were divided into those who passed and those who failed. Data were collected describing the pupil's general ability, mathematics ability, race, sex, age, attendance, handicapping condition, level of special education services received, mathematics grade, and type of appropriate assistance received . Data were analyzed by employing a step-wise discriminant analysis. It was concluded that general ability, handicapping condition, sex, mathematics ability, mathematics grade, and race when in conjunction with each other discriminated with success on the retest of the MFMT. A model for utilizing the information in decision making was offered for school systems determining on an individual basis whether handicapped students will work toward a regular diploma or Certificate of Attendance. / Ed. D.

Computer-assisted Chapter 1 instruction

Ewing, Rosalyn P. January 1984 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Chapter 1 computer-assisted instruction (CAI) upon the achievement of elementary educationally disadvantaged students. Specifically, this study determined the effects of CAI upon the academic performance of Chapter 1 sixth-grade students in reading and language arts. The sample consisted of 514 sixth-grade students from an eastern-USA LEA's Chapter 1 program--257 low-achieving students in the experimental group and 257 moderate to high achieving students in the control group. Each treatment group received reading and language arts instruction through the LEA's Chapter 1 program; however, the experimental group's reading and language arts program was supplemented via CAI. The non-equivalent control group design when subjects are growing, Type 2, as developed by Bryk and Weisberg, was employed to analyze the pretest/posttest data and to test the hypotheses presented in the study. In this design, observed standardized gain scores were used to estimate posttest scores generated by predictions made using control group relationships. The mean growth curve fan spread linear model made adjustments based on an estimated regression coefficient between growth status at pretest and growth status at posttest. The Science Research Associates Assessment Series served as the measuring instrument / Ed. D.

Sports coaches as mentors : a resource for social work service to adolescents

Rosselloty, Lyndele Dorothy 06 1900 (has links)
The research was motivated by social workers’ need to develop additional resources to address the problems of adolescents in disadvantaged communities. The main goal was to explore mentors as a potential resource. More specifically whether sports coaches could be considered natural mentors in terms of the social support they provided to their adolescent players. The types of social support the literature ascribed to mentors were used to analyze the experiences of a sample of 10coaches and 63 adolescents drawn from six schools. The data was gathered through individual interviews with coaches and single focus groups with the adolescents. The findings suggested sports coaches were competent to provide guidance on certain moral, social and educational topics in a group mentoring situation as well as one on one mentoring to individual cases as part of a multi disciplinary team. / Social Work / M. A. (Social Sciences (Mental Health))

Investigating excessive aggression during the preschool years through multiple data sources

Venter, Yolande 02 1900 (has links)
Although aggression as social phenomenon is widely researched, this research study aimed to illuminate the importance of early identification of excessively aggressive children specifically. The aim was to explore and gain an in-depth understanding of excessive aggressive behaviour during the preschool years. A qualitative research methodology was employed consisting of a parent interview, observations of the research participant and numerous play sessions consisting of various activities including free drawings; ‘Draw-a-Person ‘, a family drawing; the ‘Children’s Apperception Test’, and free play activities. The study explored various factors possibly leading to the onset and continuation of excessive aggressive behaviour. It seems clear that no single factor is responsible for the display of excessive aggression, but rather, multiple factors contribute to the problem of aggression as a whole. Play therapy is suggested as an effective method in the assessment and counselling of excessive aggressive behaviour in preschool children / Psychology / M.Sc. (Psychology)

n Ondersoek na die belangstellingsprofiele en verklaarde beroepskeuses van 'n groep Afrikaanssprekende graad nege leerders uit die histories benadeelde bruin gemeenskap van die Kaapse Weskusstreek

Roux, Therese 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In light of recent South African literature that shows that most adolescents from previously disadvantaged communities have until recently not had access to career guidance interventions, it was decided to do an investigation into the career interests of a group of learners from such a community. It was decided to specifically focus on sex role stereotyping and parental role models, with the purpose of gaining relevant information that can be used in the planning of career guidance curricula. Socio-economic and cultural variables were also considered. The investigation was done with the coloured communities of the Cape West Coast area. Learners from grade nine of 11 senior secondary schools were visited and requested to rank the ten interest fields of the MB 10 interest questionnaire from 1 to lOon grounds of preference. Statistical calculations were used to compare the boys' and girls' fields of interest. The learners were also requested to make a provisional career choice. This information was then compared to their parents' careers in order to ascertain what role parental role models have in their conditional career choices. From the investigation the following become evident: • There is a statistical relevant difference (p<O.O1) between the sexes' interest on al ten MB 10 fields of interests together. • There is a statistical relevant difference (p<O.OI) between the sexes' interest in the following fields: People as individualsIin small groups (In), People in groups or public appearance (Gr), Linguistic (L), Artistic (A), Practical (P) and Animals, biological sciences (Z). • Parental role models do not seem to have a powerful influence on the participants' declared career choices. • Socio-economic and cultural influences seem to playa role in the participants' declared career choices. An attempt was made to contribute to the process of career development of adolescents through making recommendations regarding the development of career guidance curricula. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die lig van resente Suid-Afrikaanse literatuur wat dit duidelik maak dat die meeste adolessente uit histories benadeelde gebiede tot onlangs min en selfs geen toegang tot beroepsvoorligtingintervensies gehad het nie, is besluit om 'n ondersoek te doen na die beroepsbelangstellings van so 'n groep leerders. Daar is besluit om spesifiek op geslagsrolstereotipering en ouerlike rolmodelle te fokus, met die doe Iom sodoende relevante inligting in te win wat in die beplanning van beroepsvoorligting kurrikula 'n rol kan speel. Sosio-ekonomiese en kulturele veranderlikes is ook in ag geneem. Die ondersoek is onder die bruin gemeenskappe van die Kaapse Weskusstreek uitgevoer. Graad nege leerders van Il senior sekondêre skole is besoek en versoek om die tien belangstellingsvelde van die MB 10 belangstellingsvraelys op grond van voorkeur van 1 tot lOte rangorden. Die seuns en meisies se belangstellingsvelde is deur middel van statistiese berekeninge met mekaar vergelyk Die leerders is ook gevra om 'n voorlopige beroepskeuse te maak Hierdie inligting is toe met hulouers se beroepe vergelyk om sodoende vas te stel watter rolouerlike rolmodelle in hul verklaarde beroepskeuses speel. Uit die ondersoek blyk die volgende: • Daar is wel 'n statisties beduidende verskil (p<O.OI) tussen die geslagte se belangstelling op al tien die MB 10 belangstellingsvelde gesamentlik. • Daar is statisties beduidende verskille (p<O.OI) tussen die geslagte se belangstelling in die velde: Mense as individue/in klein groepies (In), Mense in groepe of openbare optrede (Gr), Linguïsties (L), Artisties (A), Prakties (pr) en Diere, biologiese wetenskappe (Z). • Ouerlike rolmodelle blyk nie 'n kragtige invloed op die deelnemers se verklaarde beroepskeuses te hê nie. • Sosio-ekonomiese en kulturele invloede blyk wel 'n rol te speel in die deelnemers se verklaarde keuses van beroep. Daar is gepoog om die proses van beroepsontwikkeling van adolessente aan te spreek deur aanbevelings rondom die ontwikkeling van beroepsvoorligting kurrikula te maak

The effect of a movement programme on selected psychological variables among adolescent girls from previously disadvantaged communities

Alexander, Leonieke Franziska 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to determine if the participation in a movement programme, utilising 21 life skill development strategies would make a significant contribution to adolescent girls' self-esteem. The adolescent girls participating in the programme were from a previously disadvantaged community in the Western Cape, South Africa, and considered to be at-risk youth. The movement divisions through which the life skill strategies of the five and one half month programme were presented to the experimental group, were designed by the investigator, and included: modern dance, swimming, self-defence and an individual session of team building. Harter's (1985) Self-perception Profile for Children was used to measure the six subscales of self-competence/esteem of a control group (n = 8) and an experimental group (n = 13) of girls between ages 13 - 16. The six dimensions of self-esteem measured, included: global self-worth; scholastic competence; social acceptance; athletic competence; physical appearance, and; behavioural conduct. On completion of the movement intervention programme by the experimental group, all the girls (N = 21) were post tested, using the same quantitative measurement instrument. The experimental group completed an additional open-ended Life Skill Questionnaire, designed by the investigator, to see if there had been a cognitive transferral of the life skills used in the movement programme from the movement experience to everyday life activities. Following the comparison between the pre- and post-test data of Harter's (1985) Se/fperception Profile for Children, it was concluded that participation in the movement programme had an overall positive and significant affect on the six sub-scales of the girls' self-esteem. On analysis of the girls' responses to the Life Skill Questionnaire it was found that they had been able to utilise all 21 life skills in the various movement components offered in the programme, and that cognitive transferral of the skills had taken place to their everyday environment. Conceming the movement division, the statements revolving around the utilisation of the skills predominantly revolved around ii Stellenbosch University http://scholar.sun.ac.za the swimming, followed by dance and lastly self-defence. The life skills that were most widely used in their everyday environment were highlighted by the themes of perseverance, commitment and academics. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om vas te stel of die deelname aan 'n bewegingsprogram, waartydens 21 lewensvaardigheid-ontwikkelingstrategiee gebruik word, beduidende bydrae tot die selfagting van die adolessente meisie sou lewer. Die adolessente meisies wat aan die program deelgeneem het, kom vanuit 'n voorheenbenadeelde gemeenskap in die Wes-Kaap, Suid-Afrika, en word as hoe-risiko jeug beskou. Die bewegingsverdelings waarmee die lewensvaardigheidstrategiee van die vyf en 'n half maandelange program vir die eksperimentele groep aangebied is, is deur die navorser ontwerp en sluit die volgende in: mode me dans, swem, selfverdediging en 'n individuele sessie van spanbou. Harter (1985) se "Sett-perception Profile for Children" is gebruik om die ses sub-skale van self-bevoegdheid/agting van 'n kontrolegroep (n = 8) en 'n eksperimentele groep (n = 13) van meisies tussen die ouderdomme van 13 - 16 te meet. Die ses dimensies van selfagting wat gemeet is, het die volgende ingesluit: globale selfwaardigheid, akademiese bevoegdheid, sosiale aanvaarding, atletiese bevoegdheid, fisieke voorkoms en gedragsbeheer. Na die afhandeling van die bewegings-intervensieprogram deur die eksperimentele groep is al die meisies (N = 21) getoets met behulp van dieselfde kwantitatiewe meetinstrument. Die eksperimentele groep het In addisionele Lewensvaardigheidsvraelys voltooi, wat deur die navorser ontwerp is om te sien of daar 'n kognitiewe oordrag van die lewensvaardighede was wat in die bewegingsprogram vanaf die bewegingservaring tot daaglikse aktiwiteite gebruik is. Na die vergelyking van die voor- en na-toetsdata van Harter (1985) se "Self-perception Profile for Children" is gevind dat deelname aan die bewegingsprogram 'n algehele positiewe en beduidende effek het op die ses sub-skate van die meisies se selfagting. Die analise van die meisies se terugvoer op die Lewensvaardigheidsvraelys het getoon dat hulle instaat was om al die 21 lewensvaardighede in die verskeie bewegingskomponente te gebruik wat in die program aangebied is en dat kognitiewe oordrag van die vaardighede plaasvind na hul daaglikse omgewing. Wat die bewegingsverdeling betref, het die stellings aangaande die gebruik van die vaardighede hoofsaaklik gehandel oor die swem, gevolg deur dans en laastens selfverdediging. Die lewensvaardighede wat die meeste gebruik is in hul daaglikse omgewing is sterk na vore gebring deur temas soos deursetlingsvermoe, verpligting en akademie.

'n Verkennende ondersoek na maatskaplikewerkprogramme vir straatkinders

Swart, Mariette 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSocialWork)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study attempts to gain insight into social welfare programmes for street children. In order to achieve this, a literature study was undertaken to explore social welfare programmes for street children and to describe street children as a social phenomenon. An empirical study was undertaken by means of interviewing through a structured questionnaire. The study indicates that the majority of street children have contact with their parents. The street children are mostly males between 13 and 16 years of age. The dominant socioeconomic aspects contributing to this social phenomenon are housing problems, unemployment and a lack of means. The following socio-cultural aspects were identified: the composition of the family, social pathology as well as an absent father figure. The majority of the street children have limited education and were not encouraged to continue their education. It was found that the street children and their families did not take part in prevention programmes that focus on the direct causes of family disintegration and support services. Welfare organisations had been involved with the majority of the families even before the children moved to the streets. The street children have the necessary knowledge regarding outreach programmes and take part in such programmes. It was found that street children would like to contribute to the compilation of these programmes. The study indicates that educational as well as occupational and vocational programmes are experienced as an opportunity for self-maintenance. It was found that the majority of street children do not want to return to their families and seek alternative care. It was concluded that street children come from families that do not have definite boundaries and structures. The majority of the street children do not experience their family setup as pleasant. The children developed insight into the correlation between education and selfimprovement only after they had left school. The needs of street children can be divided into two categories, namely the need for self-development and the need for better family circumstances. Recommendations are made regarding social welfare service / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie is ondersoek na die maatskaplikewerkprogramme vir straatkinders ingestel. 'n Literatuurstudie ten opsigte van die straatkind as maatskaplike verskynsel en maatskaplikewerkprogramme vir straatkinders is onderneem. Daarna is 'n empiriese studie deur middel van onderhoudvoering met 'n gestruktureerde vraelys gedoen. Navorsing dui aan dat die meerderheid straatkinders wel kontak met hulle ouers het. Die straatkinders is meestal seuns tussen die ouderdom van 13 en 16 jaar. Die prominentste sosio-ekonomiese aspekte wat tot hierdie maatskaplike verskynsel aanleiding gee, is behuisingsprobleme, werkloosheid en 'n gebrek aan bestaansmiddele. Die volgende sosiokulturele aspekte is ge'identifiseer: gesinsamestelling, sosiale patologie, en die afwesige vaderfiguur. Die meerderheid straatkinders het beperkte skoolopleiding ontvang en is nie aangemoedig om terug te keer skool toe nie. Daar is bevind dat straatkinders en hulle gesinne nie ingeskakel het by voorkomingsprogramme wat op die direkte oorsake van gesinsverbrokkeling en ondersteuningsdienste fokus nie. Welsynsorganisasies was reeds by die meeste van die gesinne betrokke voordat die kinders na die straat beweeg het. Die straatkinders is bekend met en neem deel aan uitreikprogramme. Daar is ook bevind dat die straatkinders wel 'n bydrae tot die samestelling van sodanige programme wil lewer. Die navorsing dui daarop dat opvoedkundige programme asook beroeps- en ambagontwikkeling beskou word as 'n ontwikkelingsgeleentheid om selfonderhoudend te wees. Daar is bevind dat die meerderheid straatkinders nie na hulle ouerhuis wil terugkeer nie, maar van alternatiewe versorging wil gebruik maak. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat straatkinders uit gesinne kom waar daar nie definitiewe grense en strukture in plek is nie. Die meerderheid van die straatkinders ervaar nie hulle gesinsopset as positief nie. Nadat die straatkinders die skool verlaat het, het insigontwikkeling plaasgevind rakende die verband tussen skoolopleiding en die verbetering van eie funksionering en ontwikkeling. Die behoeftes van straatkinders kan in twee kategoriee verdeel word, naamlik die behoefte aan eie ontwikkeling en die behoefte aan beter gesinsomstandighede. Aanbevelings word ten opsigte van maatskaplikewerkdienslewering in gasheergemeenskappe asook gesinsherenigings- en voorkomingsdienste gemaak.

An Evaluation of the University of North Texas' "Youth Opportunities Unlimited" Program (a Compensatory Education Program for At-Risk, Secondary School Students)

Stovall, Pat Weeks 08 1900 (has links)
Even though the Youth Opportunities Unlimited program has been in effect for ten years, there exists no current, comprehensive, effectiveness research on YOU. Such analysis is needed to determine the value of the YOU program. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the YOU program. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods are used in this study. Quantitative analysis is provided through factual data collected through an alumni survey. Qualitative analysis is provided through personal opinion information obtained from YOU alumni through the survey and by personal interview. The YOU program at UNT is a successful compensatory education program that helps improve the education and the lives of America's at-risk students.

Who is Helping Our Children? Development of a Model for the Training of Tutors for America Reads

Coleman, Janet E. 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this research study was to examine the effectiveness of training for college work study students who participated in an America Reads program, which was designed to help at-risk children struggling with reading. Two groups participated in this research study. One group of college tutors had minimal training in reading strategies at the beginning of the study and the other group of college tutors had continuous training and feedback throughout the study. The research study sought to answer the following questions: 1) Will training for college student tutors in the area of reading, more specifically in the strategies and skills, help improve their comprehension and vocabulary? And 2) Will training for college student tutors in the area of reading, more specifically in strategies and skills, significantly improve the comprehension and vocabulary scores of the children being tutored? This was a quasi-experimental research design, used to examine the effectiveness of training college students participating in the America Reads program. The tutors were pre-and post-tested, measuring both their vocabulary and comprehension knowledge at the beginning and the end of the study. The children being tutored were also pre- and post-tested, measuring both their vocabulary and comprehension knowledge at the beginning and the end of the study. The statistical analysis for this design was the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The ANCOVA was used to handle the main threat to the internal validity of this research design, due to the fact that the tutors for the control and experimental group were not selected randomly. The tutors and the children were randomly assigned to two groups. The control group of tutors received minimal training (11 hours) and the experimental group received the same minimal training with extra (21 hours) weekly training added. The study began in October 1999 and ended in December 1999. The tutoring sessions were 1 ½ hours long, three days a week. The training for the experimental group was for 1 ½ to 2 hours weekly. The results from this study found no significant difference between the control and experimental groups on comprehension, as measured by the assessment instruments. The results from this study did find, however, a significant difference between the control and the experimental groups on vocabulary, as measured by the assessment instruments.

The Effect of Time on Computer-Assisted Instruction For At-Risk Students

Salerno, Christopher A. (Christopher Alfred) 12 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was to determine if the mathematics achievement of at-risk students using computer-assisted instruction (CAI) differed significantly from other groups of students.

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