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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

China-Africa Relations and Imperialism: Towards an End of the Debate : Testing Imperialism Theory on The Case Of China And Angola

Gustavsson, Benjamin January 2021 (has links)
This study assesses the popular claim that Chinese engagement in Africa is imperialism through a case study of relations between China and Angola. Using Marxist imperialism theory as point of departure, it develops a comprehensive theoretical framework for testing the hypothesis that China is imperialist in its relations with Angola. This necessitates two areas of examination: the export of capital as the principal method of expansion, exploitation and extraction, and neocolonialism as the principal mode of control and domination. Whereas the former must in effect cause underdevelopment, the latter must in effect facilitate and maintain the current order. The empirical assessment finds no substantial support for the hypothesis that China is imperialist in Angola. Although multiple problematic aspects are identified in terms of debt levels, resource dependence, employment patterns and capacity building, no strong causal link is found between Chinese capital export and underdevelopment in Angola, or strong indication of neo-colonialist means of control and domination for the facilitation and maintenance of such relations. Rather, the assessment finds more empirical support for China-Angola relations being of mutual benefit development-wise, as their principal arrangement of oil-backed loans for infrastructure projects guarantees China a relatively stable market for oil import in exchange for sorely needed national reconstruction following decades of civil war. Although China and Angola are unequal powerwise, the conclusion is that they do engage on fairly equal terms in a way that cannot be deemed imperialist. This puts the general applicability of imperialism theory on China-Africa relations into question, inferring that they may indeed be more beneficial than regularly assumed. It also signals that a more careful, critical and evidence-based approach must be demanded from those that are quick to assert Chinese engagement in Africa as imperialist based on unfounded, biased or dogmatic notions rather than theoretical-empirical consideration. More case studies based on a framework such as the one developed here are encouraged to substantiate these results, with the hope of finally reaching a constructive end to this debate.

La recherche d'un équilibre entre l'investisseur chinois et l'Etat africain d'accueil de l'investissement / The mitigation of risks by both the Chinese investor and the African host state

Sodalo, Rosalie 19 December 2013 (has links)
La présence chinoise en Afrique est généralement présentée par les médias occidentaux sous un angle défavorable. Les Chinois porteraient atteinte à la bonne gouvernance locale, ils ne respecteraient pas les droit africains du travail ou ne transféreraient pas suffisamment leur technologie. La thèse confirme l'existence de ces risques en démontrant notamment le manque de transparence des investissements directs chinois et les difficultés de l'Afrique subsaharienne à protéger ses intérêts. Mais à travers l'analyse du système juridique sud-africain et camerounais, l'auteur prouve que les risques que peuvent présenter les investissements chinois pour les Africains diffèrent d'un pays à l'autre, en fonction du droit local des affaires. La démonstration soulève par ailleurs un point peu traité des relations Chine-Afrique : les investissements directs chinois à destination du continent noir nécessitent, plus que ceux des Occidentaux, d'être sécurisés. L'auteur y voit deux raisons. Premièrement, la coopération juridique et judiciaire sino-africaine, par rapport à celle qui existe entre l'Occident et l'Afrique, est limitée. Deuxièmement, les investissements chinois en Afrique soulèvent des problèmes de droit international privé inédits. Entre autres, la détermination de la loi applicable peut être difficile en cas de litige opposant un investisseur chinois à son cocontractant africain. Face à cette situation de risques partagés entre l'investisseur chinois et l’État africain hôte de l'investissement, l'auteur souligne les limites du droit international et des traités bilatéraux d'investissement sino-africains tout en proposant des solutions pour équilibrer les contrats. / Western media typically portrays Chinese presence in Africa unfavorably. Chinese are accused of impairing good governance, breaching local labour laws, and impeding the transfer of technologies. This PhD thesis examines these risks; including the Jack of transparency on the part of Chinese investors and the difficulties faced by African states in protecting their interests. Analysis of South African and Cameroonian legal systems shows that the degree of risk facing African countries depends greatly on local business laws. In addition, the thesis makes a point seldom raised in debates about China-Africa relations: Chinese direct investments need, more than western countries, to be secured. According to the author, this is for two reasons. Firstly, Sino-African legal and judiciary cooperation, compared to existing relationships between the West and Africa, is limited. Secondly, Chinese investments into Africa present unanticipated problems with private international law. Among others, determining applicable laws can be problematic in the event of a conflict between a Chinese investor and his African partner. In situations where risks are shared by both the Chinese investor and the African host state, the author addresses the limits of international investment law, as well as the failings of Sino-African bilateral investment treaties, and proposes solutions to balance the scales and mitigate risks.

Les migrants chinois en Afrique : Etudes des relations et interactions avec le Nigéria / Chinese migrants in Africa : study of the relations and interactions with Nigeria

Xu, Yang 04 December 2015 (has links)
L’influence montante de la Chine en Afrique est souvent analysée comme la simple exprsssion d’unevolonté étatique chinoise. Le rôle des migrants et diasporas contribue pourtant de manière primordialeau dynamisme des échanges. C’est notamment le cas des Chinois au Nigér ia. Entre la Chine et leNigéria, les relations inter-étatiques sont peu significatives, contrairement aux échanges initiés par laprésence de migrants et entrepreneurs chinois. Implantées solidement dans les tissus économiques duNigéria, les communautés chinoises créent une dynamique forte qui associe affaires et politique. Lathèse met en lumière et analyse à partir d’observations participantes et d’entretiens (formels etinformels) , le rôle d’impulsion joué par une « diaspora économique » largement autonome par rapportaux relations officielles. Elle décrypte les stratégies du quotidien et l'importance de ces individusordinaires et leurs actions, entretenus essentiellement par les réseaux de toute nature, dans l’animationdes relations sino-nigérianes. / The rising influence of China in Africa is often considered as the mere expression of the will theChinese state. The role of migrants and Diasporas contributes decisively to the dynamism of theseinteractions. This is notably the case of the Chinese in Nigeria. Between China and Nigeria, inter-staterelations carry little significance, unlike the interactions associated with the presence of Chinesemigrants and entrepreneurs. The Chinese communities are solidly anchored in the Nigerian economicissue, and they create a momentum that combines business with politics. The thesis highlights anddiscusses, through observer-participant observations and interviews (both formally and informallyconducted) the impulse given by an 'economic Diaspora' that remains largely autonomous vis a visofficial relations. We analyze daily strategies and contrast these with official relations. In doing so, thethesis decrypts the daily strategies and the importance of ordinary individuals and their networks in thedevelopment of a diversity of networks that contribute, in their own way, to deepen Sino-Nigerianinteractions.

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