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Untersuchung der Wirkung von Surfactant auf das Atemnotsyndrom von Frühgeborenen in Gegenwart einer histologisch nachgewiesenen Chorioamnionitis / The effect of surfactant on the respiratory distress syndrome of preterm infants in the presence of chorioamnionitisDartsch, Sabine January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Bei bis zur Hälfte aller mit einer Frühgeburt vor 32 Gestationswochen endenden Schwangerschaften wird die Geburt durch eine Infektion auslöst. Die angestoßene Inflammationsreaktion kann bei der Schwangeren neben einer vorzeitigen Wehentätigkeit auch mit Fieber und dem Nachweis systemischer Entzündungszeichen einhergehen. Das ungeborene Kind ist zu einer eigenen Inflammationsreaktion fähig. Der histologische Nachweis einer Entzündungsreaktion in Chorion, Amnion und auch der Nabelschnur wird dabei als Nachweis der fetalen Amnioninfektion gewertet. Es wird angenommen, dass die pränatal einsetzende Inflammationsreaktion sowohl die frühpostnatale Lungenfunktion, als auch die Wirksamkeit exogen zugeführter Surfactantpräparationen zur Behandlung des Atemnotsyndroms reduziert.
Vom 01.01.2007 bis zum 31.12.2010 wurden im Perinatalzentrum des Universitätsklinikums Würzburg insgesamt 243 Frühgeborene < 32+0 Schwangerschaftswochen (SSW) behandelt. In eine retrospektive Untersuchung konnten 83 Frühgeborene eingeschlossen werden, die maschinell beatmet worden waren und Surfactant erhalten hatten sowie eine histologische Untersuchung der Plazenta, Eihäute und Nabelschnur vorlag. Bei 14/83 Frühgeborenen lag eine histologische Chorioamnionitis vor. Diese bildeten die Chorioamnionits-Gruppe. Weitere 69 Frühgeborene ohne histologische Chorioamnionitis bildeten die Kontrollgruppe.
Für die folgenden Charakteristika bestanden keine Gruppenunterschiede: Rate einer pränatalen Steroidgabe zur Lungenreifeinduktion; Tokolyse; Gestationsalter; Geschlecht; Anzahl von Mehrlingen; Geburtsgewicht. Allerdings fand sich in der Chorioamnionits-Gruppe kein hypotrophes Frühgeborenes (0/14), in der Kontrollgruppe jedoch 25/69 (p=0,008). In der Chorioamnionitis-Gruppe waren 8 von 14 Frühgeborene spontan geboren, in der Kontrollgruppe 12 von 69 (p=0,004). Ein vorzeitiger Blasensprung > 12 Stunden war der Geburt von 7/14 (50%) der Frühgeborenen in der Chorioamnionitis-Gruppe vorausgegangen (vs. 10/69 (14,5%) in der Kontrollgruppe; p=0,007).
Es konnten keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen der Chorioamnionitis-Gruppe und der Kontrollgruppe für den radiologischen Schweregrad des RDS, der Anzahl wiederholter Surfactantsubstitutionen, der Beatmungsdauer, des zusätzlichen Sauerstoffbedarfs und der Beatmungsdrücke 12 und 24 Stunden nach Surfactantgabe gefunden werden. Es bestand lediglich ein Trend zu einer verzögerten und damit prolongierten Reduktion der Beatmungsdrücke in der Chorioamnionitis-Gruppe mit einem signifikant niedrigen Mittelwert der Beatmungsdrücke in der Chorioamnionitis-Gruppe 2 Stunden nach Surfactantgabe (22,8±6,3mbar vs. 19,2±4,3mbar; p=0,03). Ebenso bestanden keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den Gruppen bzgl. Sterblichkeit, moderater und schwerer BPD, ROP und IVH.
In der vorliegenden Untersuchung konnten keine signifikanten Unterschiede in der frühpostnatalen Schwere der Lungenerkrankung oder in der Rate chronischer Erkrankungen Frühgeborener < 32 SSW mit bzw. ohne histologische Chorioamnionits gefunden werden. / Up to the half of all preterm births < 32 weeks of gestational age are caused by an infection.
The reaction to inflammation can cause preterm labor as well as fever or systemic signs of infection within the mother. The unborn child is able to an own inflammation reaction. The histologic findings of an infection within the chorion, the amnion or the umbilical cord are the proof of fetal infection of the amnion. It is believed, that the prenatal beginning of inflammation reaction reduces the early postnatal lungfunction as well as the effect of supplied surfactant for the treatment of respiratory distress syndrome.
From 01.01.2007 until 31.12.2010 243 preterms < 32 weeks of gestation were treated at the neonatal intensive care unit at the university hospital in Würzburg. In this retrospective study 83 preterm infant were included, which were venilated, had received surfactant and had a histologic examination of their placenta, their membranes and their umbilical cord. 14 out of these 83 preterms showed histologic signs of chorioamnionitis. These preterms formed the choriomanionitis-group. The other 69 preterms without histologic signs of chorioamnionits formed the control group.
Concerning the following characteristics there were no differences within the groups: rate of prenatal application of steroids to induce lung materation; tocolysis; gestational age; gender; number of twins; birthweight. Although there were no hypotrophic preterms within the chorioamnionits-group (0/14), but in the control group 25/69 (p=0,008). 8 out of 14 preterms within the chorioamnionitis group compared with 12 out of 69 preterms in the control group were delivered spontaneous (p=0,004). Delivery of 7 out of 14 preterms in the chorioamnionitis group followed rupture of the membranes > 12 hours before delivery (50%) compared to 10 out of 69 preterms in the control group ( 14,5%; p=0,007).
There were no significant differences between the groups concerning the radiologic findings of respiratory distress syndrome, the number of surfactant applications, duration of ventilation, the need of additional oxygen or the ventilation pressures needed 12 and 24 hours after application of surfactant. There was just a trend of delayed and as a consequence prolonged reduction on needed ventilation pressure within the chorioamnionitis group with an significantly lower average of needed ventilation pressure 2 hours after application of surfactant (22,8+-6,3 mbar vs 19,2+-4,3 mbar; p=0,03). There were no significant differences within the groups concerning mortality, moderate or severe BPD, ROP or IVH.
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Minimizing Antibiotic Exposure In Infants At Risk For Early Onset Sepsis.Sooter, Rachel 01 January 2016 (has links)
Current guidelines published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommend empiric antibiotics for all neonates born to mothers with a diagnosis of chorioamnionitis due to the risk of early onset sepsis (EOS). EOS is difficult to diagnose due to nonspecific symptoms and a lack of reliable tests, can progress quickly, and is potentially fatal or have neurodevelopmental consequences for survivors.
Antibiotics are frequently prescribed in the hospital and are lifesaving in the setting of a serious infection. Conversely, overuse of antibiotics has potential negative effects to individuals and the population as a whole. Antibiotic resistant infections are a consequence of antibiotic misuse, are costly and difficult to treat, and pose a risk to patients hospitalized.
To examine this problem at The University of Vermont Medical Center (UVMMC) a retrospective chart review was preformed. Data on the maternal risk factors associated with EOS were collected in addition to clinical characteristics of their neonates and entered into a neonatal early onset sepsis (NEOS) calculator to determine the specific risk of infection to each infant. Treatment of the infant was compared to the NEOS calculator and CDC recommendations. Using posterior probability to determine a more specific risk profile better targets antibiotic therapy to ensure all infants that need treatment receive it, while reducing the number of infants treated empirically.
UVMMC currently treats 78% of infants according to CDC guidelines. Use of the NEOS calculator would reduce antibiotic treatment to 18% of term neonates born to mothers with a diagnosis of chorioamnionitis. Using a new tool to determine risk of EOS may safely reduce the number of infants receiving antibiotic treatment.
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Steady-State Cord and Amniotic Fluid Ceftizoxime Levels Continuously Surpass Maternal LevelsFortunato, Stephen J., Bawdon, Robert E., Welt, Selman I., Swan, Kenneth F. 01 January 1988 (has links)
As part of our management protocol for preterm premature rupture of membranes, ceftizoxime and tocolysis were used to prolong the latent period and prevent or treat concomitant infection. Ceftizoxime was selected for this protocol based on its physiochemical properties, which favor placental transfer of the drug. Patients achieving steady-state pharmacodynamics (more than three doses of the drug) were considered eligible for study. Ceftizoxime levels were determined by reverse-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography. All levels measured after the first hour of treatment were indicative of the relative concentration of ceftizoxime in the fetal and amniotic fluid compartments when compared with the maternal compartment. Mean (±SEM) ceftizoxime levels were 11.96 + 2.35 μg/ml in maternal serum, 24.54 ± 4.78 μg/ml in cord serum, and 43.45 ± 4.97 μg/ml in amniotic fluid. Based on its broad antibacterial activity and its high concentration in fetal blood and amniotic fluid, ceftizoxime appears to be an ideal agent for treatment of the intrauterine environment.
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Veränderungen des fetalen Thymus bei Chorioamnionitis im Schafmodell / Thymic changes after chorioamnionitis in fetal sheepGlogger, Kerstin Marisa January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Regulatorische T-Lymphozyten differenzieren sich im fetalen Thymus unter dem Einfluss des Transkriptionsfaktors FoxP3. Sie sind für die Aufrechterhaltung des Gleichgewichts des Immunsystems wichtig. Es wurde untersucht ob eine Chorioamnionitis, induziert durch intraamniotische Endotoxingabe, die fetale Thymusentwicklung beeinflusst. Den Mutterschafen wurde fünf Tage, zwei Tage, einen Tag oder fünf Stunden vor der Sectio cesarea 10mg Endotoxin intraamniotisch verabreicht. Die Sectio cesarea wurde bei einem Gestationsalter von 123 Tagen durchgeführt. Der entnommene Thymus wurde gewogen, Nabelschnurblutlymphozyten und Plamakortisolwerte wurden bestimmt. Glukokortikoidrezeptoren, aktivierte Caspase-3-, Ki67-, PCNA-, NFkB- und FoxP3-positive Zellen wurden immunohistochemisch nachgewiesen. Das Thymusgewicht war im Verhältnis zum Körpergewicht der Lämmer nach intraamniotischer Endotoxingabe zu allen gemessenen Zeitpunkten verringert. Die zirkulierenden Lymphozyten im Nabelschnurblut nahmen einen Tag nach Endotoxingabe um 40% ab. Die Endotoxingabe führte zu einem vorübergehenden Anstieg der Plasmakortisolwerte, zu einer Verdoppelung NFkB positiver Zellen und zu einer Abnahme Foxp3 positiver Zellen in der Thymusrinde einen Tag nach Endotoxingabe. Die intraamniotische Verabreichung eines Endotoxins führte im Schafmodell zu Veränderungen im fetalen Thymus. / Regulatory T-lymphocytes differentiate in the fetal thymus under the control of the transcription factor FoxP3. T-lymphocytes mediate homeostasis of the immune system. The objective was whether chorioamnionitis, caused by endotoxin,would modulate fetal thymus development. An intaamniotic injection of 10mg endotoxin was given to the sheep five days, two days, one day or five hours before delivery at 123 gestation days. Thymus weight, cord blood lymphocytes and plasma cortisol were measured. Glucocorticoid receptor-, activated caspase-3-, Ki67-, proliferating cell nuclear antigen-, nuclear factor kB-, and FoxP3-positive cells were immunohistochemically evaluated. Thymus-to-body weight ratios were reduced in all endotoxin groups. There was a decrease of circulation lymphoctes after intraamniotic endotoxin exposure by 40% after one day. Plasma cortisol concentration increased transiently, nuclear factor kB positive cells in thymic cortex doubled and FoxP3 positive cells were reduced one day after endotoxin exposure. Intraamniotic exposure to endotoxin induced thymic changes in fetal sheep.
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The aim of this study was to further investigate the role of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the pathogenesis of fetal cererbral white matter injury associated with chorioamnionitis by charaterizing the time course of the cytokine response in the pregnant guinea pig following a maternal inflammatory insult. Chorioamnionitis increases the risk for fetal brain injury. In the guinea pig, a threshold maternal inflammatory response must be reached for significant fetal brain injury to occur. However, a previous study demonstrated that, by seven days after an acute maternal inflammatory insult, cytokine levels in both maternal and fetal compartments are not different from controls. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to test the hypothesis that a significant cytokine response occurs within the first seven days following an acute maternal inflammatory response. Pregnant guinea pigs (n=34) were injected intraperitoneally with 100µg/kg lipopolysaccharide (LPS) at 70% gestation and euthanized at 24 hours, 48 hours or 5 days following endotoxin exposure. Control animals were euthanized at 70% gestation without exposure. Concentrations of interleukin-6, interleukin 1-β and tumour necrosis factor-α (IL-6, IL-1β, TNF-α) were quantified in the maternal serum and amniotic fluid by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. IL-6 and IL-1β concentrations were elevated in the maternal serum at 24 hours and returned to control levels by five days. In the amniotic fluid, IL-6 peaked at 48 hours and IL-1β at 24 hours. TNF-α levels were not significantly increased. A single maternal LPS injection produces transient increases in cytokine concentrations in the maternal serum and amniotic fluid. This further implicates the cytokines as potential mediators of fetal white matter damage. Although this response might not be sufficient to produce the brain injury itself, it may initiate harmful pro-inflammatory cytokine cascades, which could even continue to harm the fetus following delivery. A human diagnostic protocol was developed to assess the use of serial serum biomarkers, including IL-6 and TNF-α, in the prediction of histological chorioamnionitis. Preliminary analysis of the pilot study suggests that certain biomarkers might be worthy of further investigation in a larger-scale study. / Thesis (Master, Anatomy & Cell Biology) -- Queen's University, 2007-11-28 08:23:04.327
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LPS induced chorioamnionitis promotes IL-1 and TNF dependent recruitment of MAIT cells in fetal lungIsaacs, Travis 16 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Der Einfluss intravenös applizierten Lipopolysaccharids auf die Lungenreifung im Modell des frühgeborenen Lammes / The influence of intravenous lipopolysaccharide on lung maturation in the model of the fetal lambLadenburger, Andreas January 2022 (has links) (PDF)
Eine intrauterine Infektion ist eine ernstzunehmende Erkrankung mit möglicherweise schwerwiegenden Folgen für den Feten. Frühgeborene, die einer Chorioamnionitis ausgesetzt waren, haben jedoch eine geringere Mortalitätsrate mit biochemischen und strukturellen Veränderungen während der Lungenentwicklung.
Vorhergehende experimentelle Arbeiten belegen die Initiierung einer Lungenreifung durch intraamniotisch verabreichtes Lipopolysaccharid. Hierbei wurde durch Aspiration der Amnionflüssigkeit eine fetale pulmonale Inflammationsreaktion in Gang gesetzt.
Die Hypothese der vorliegenden Arbeit lautete, dass eine durch intravenös appliziertes Lipopolysaccharid induzierte fetale systemische Inflammation die intrauterine Lungenreifung ebenfalls beeinflusst.
Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit durchgeführten Versuche erfolgten an 21 fetalen Schafen mit einem Gestationsalter von 107 Tagen. Alle Tiere wurden zunächst mit intrauterinen Kathetern versehen. Nach einer Erholungsphase von 3 Tagen erhielten die Kontrolltiere (N=12) Kochsalzlösung und die Tiere der Versuchsgruppe (N=9) 100ng Lipopolysaccharid intravenös. Lungenstruktur und Lungenreifung der fetalen Schafe wurden mittels biochemischer und histologischer Untersuchungen nach 3 (N=5) und nach 7 (N=4) Tagen beurteilt.
Die Infusion der Lipopolysaccharidlösung hatte zumindest innerhalb des Versuchszeitraums keinen Einfluss auf das Körpergewicht des Feten. Die systemische Entzündung trägt jedoch zu einer pränatalen Verletzung mit strukturellen pulmonalen Veränderungen bei. Sowohl eine Lungenreifung als auch eine gestörte strukturelle Lungenentwicklung traten nach einer kurzfristigen fetalen Inflammation ein.
Die Konzentration an Interleukin-6 in der bronchoalveolären Lavage stieg 3 Tage nach Applikation des Lipopolysaccharids mehr als 40fach an. Sowohl die Prozessierung von Pro-Surfactant Protein (SP)-B zu reifem SP-B als auch erhöhte Konzentrationen an SP-B konnten nach 7 Tagen nachgewiesen werden. Ebenfalls war eine Steigerung des phosphorylierten STAT-3 im Lungengewebe zu erkennen. Die Ablagerung von Elastinfasern an Septierungsstellen der Alveolen wurde innerhalb von 3 Tagen nach Lipopolysaccharidapplikation negativ beeinflusst.
Aus den Erkenntnissen dieser Arbeit könnten neue Therapieansätze sowohl für das Atemnotsyndrom des Frühgeborenen als auch der bronchopulmonalen Dysplasie resultieren, die eine Modulation der Entzündungsreaktion zum Ziel haben. Alle therapeutischen Ansätze werden einen Weg zwischen den positiven Effekten der Lungenreifung mit gesteigerter Compliance, reduzierter Alveolarwanddicke und vermehrtem prozessiertem SP-B und den schädlichen Einwirkungen auf die Lungenstruktur mit veränderter Elastinverteilung und kapillärer Leckage finden müssen. Bedauerlicherweise können die erhobenen Daten nicht klären, ob die einmalige Infusion von LPS eine anhaltende oder permanente Störung der alveolären Entwicklung hervorbringt. Die strukturellen Veränderungen des Lungengewebes, die denen einer BPD ähneln, lassen jedoch eine permanente Organschädigung befürchten. / Intrauterine infection is a serious condition with potentially severe consequences for the fetus. However, preterm infants exposed to chorioamnionitis have a lower mortality rate associated with biochemical and structural changes during lung development.
Previous studies demonstrated the initiation of lung maturation by intraamniotically administered lipopolysaccharide. The fetal pulmonary inflammatory response was initiated by aspiration of amniotic fluid.
The hypothesis of the present study was that fetal systemic inflammation induced by intravenously applied lipopolysaccharide would also influence intrauterine lung maturation.
The experiments were performed on 21 fetal sheep at a gestational age of 107 days. All animals were instrumented with intrauterine catheters. After a recovery period of 3 days, the control animals (N=12) received saline and the animals in the study group (N=9) received 100ng lipopolysaccharide intravenously. Lung structure and lung maturation were assessed by biochemical and histological examinations after 3 (N=5) and 7 (N=4) days.
Fetal body weight was not affected, at least within the experimental period. However, the systemic inflammation contributed to prenatal injury with structural pulmonary changes. Both lung maturation and impaired structural lung development occurred after short-term fetal inflammation.
The concentration of interleukin-6 in the bronchoalveolar lavage increased more than 40-fold 3 days after application of lipopolysaccharide. Both processing of pro-surfactant protein (SP)-B to mature SP-B and increased concentrations of SP-B were detected after 7 days. Furthermore, an increase of phosphorylated STAT-3 in lung tissue occurred. Elastin deposition was negatively affected within 3 days after lipopolysaccharide application.
The findings of this study may result in new therapeutic approaches for both respiratory distress syndrome and bronchopulmonary dysplasia that aim to modulate the inflammatory response. All therapeutic approaches will have to find a way between the beneficial effects of lung maturation with increased compliance, reduced alveolar wall thickness, and increased processed SP-B and the deleterious effects on lung structure with altered elastin deposition and capillary leakage. Regrettably, the data collected cannot clarify whether the single infusion of LPS results in persistent or permanent disruption of alveolar development. However, structural changes in lung tissue similar to those seen in BPD indicate permanent organ damage.
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Intrauterine Inflammation affects Brain Development and Cognitive Behavior in a Sex-dependent MannerMakinson, Ryan A. January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Effet du dépistage universel du streptocoque B[bêta]-hémolytique du groupe B sur l'incidence de la chorioamnioniteJohnson, Carolyne January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Morbidade e mortalidade de recém-nascido pré-termo de mães portadoreas de corioamnionite histológica / Morbidity and Mortality of Preterm Newborns of mothers with histological ChorioamnionitisKandler, Ingrid 18 August 2017 (has links)
Introdução: A infecção amniótica e a corioamnionite (CAM) são determinantes de infecções materna e do recém-nascido, parturição e nascimento prematuro, morbidade e mortalidade pós-natal. Embora métodos clínicos, histopatológicos, microbiológicos, bioquímicos e moleculares possam diagnosticar CAM, muitos serviços hospitalares não examinam as placentas das parturientes, permanecendo muitos casos sem diagnóstico. O presente estudo utiliza o exame extemporâneo do cório placentário (EECP) proposto por Blanc em 1959 para o diagnóstico de CAM em mães que tiveram Recém-Nascido Pré- Termo (RNPT) e avaliou a morbidade e mortalidade nesse grupo de pacientes. Objetivo: Verificar a relação entre a CAM histológica e o prognóstico do RNPT nascidos no ano de 2012 no Hospital Universitário Cassiano Antônio de Moraes (HUCAM) em Vitória - ES. Justificativa: A maioria dos óbitos do período neonatal continua sendo por sepse, e esta também leva muitas sequelas no RNPT, assim exames que possam auxiliar no diagnóstico precoce da sepse neonatal ajudarão na instituição rápida do tratamento e consequentemente redução das sequelas, da mortalidade neonatal e redução dos índices de mortalidade neonatal e mortalidade infantil. Hipótese: RNPT filhos de mães com CAM terão mais complicações pós-parto, tais como: sepse neonatal, insuficiência respiratória, asfixia perinatal e óbito do que aqueles cujas mães não tiveram CAM. Metodologia: Estudo transversal, onde todas as placentas examinadas e laudadas no ano de 2012, no laboratório de Patologia do HUCAM em Vitória, ES, foram analisadas em conjunto com a evolução dos RNPT. Os casos foram categorizados por idade gestacional, desfecho perinatal e presença ou ausência de CAM. Resultados: No presente estudo foram selecionados 274 RNPT, desses 61 (22,2%) as placentas foram positivas para CAM e 213 (77,8%) as placentas foram negativas CAM. Quanto ao sexo (51,5%) eram masculinos (48,5%) eram femininos e não houve diferença estatiscamente significante.Quanto ao Apgar 5\', 14 (5,1%) tiveram Apgar menor ou igual a 5 e 260 (94,9%) tiveram Apgar maior do que 5.Quanto ao peso, nos RNPT selecionados 82 (29,9%) foram classificados como PIG, 184 (67,2%) foram classificados como AIG e 8 (2,9%) foram classificados como GIG.Quanto a necessidade de oxigenioterapia 154 (56,2%) necessitaram de suporte ventilatório e oxigênio nas primeiras 72 horas de vida e 116 (42,4%) ficaram em ar ambiente, sem necessidade de oxigênio nas primeiras 72 hs de vida. Quanto a sepse neonatal 140 (51%) tiveram hemograma classificado pelo Escore de Rodwell menor ou igual a 3, ou seja, sem risco para sepse neonatal precoce e 16 (5,9%) tiveram Escore Rodwell maior ou igual a 3, com risco para sepse neonatal precoce. Quanto o desfecho do RNPT, 169 (61,7%) dos casos receberam alta, 78 (28,5%) foram transferidos para outras Unidade de Terapia intensiva Neonatal (UTIN) devido superlotação do HUCAM e 27 (9,9%) dos casos foram a óbito.Teste t para médias e Teste de Mann-Whitney, foi encontrada diferença estatisticamente significante nas variáveis: Idade gestacional, Peso ao nascer, Estatura ao nascimento (EM), Pressão Arterial Média (PAM), número total de leucócitos (LEUCO) e proteína C reativa (PCR), já as variáveis frequência cardíaca (FC), temperatura axilar (TAX), leucócitos imaturos (IMAT), leucócitos segmentados (SEG) e plaquetas (PLAQ) não houve diferença estatística significante entre os grupos com CAM e sem CAM. Discussão: O estudo demonstrou que os RNPT nascidos de mães com CAM são mais graves, pois tem mais chances de nascerem asfixiados, ter insuficiência respiratória grave com necessidade de VPM, sepse neonatal precoce e vão mais a óbito do que os RNPT de mães sem CAM. Conclusão: Se a gestante apresentar sinais clínicos de infecção no trabalho de parto, deve-se ficar atento ao suporte que será dado ao RNPT, pois ele tem mais chances de apresentar complicações ao nascimento tais como, asfixia e insuficiência respiratória. Assim o EECP deve ser feito o mais rápido possível e o resultado entregue a equipe de Neonatologia do serviço para que a terapêutica antimicrobiana seja instituída precocemente e não precise aguardar alterações no hemograma e PCR e/ou na clínica do paciente para ter o início do tratamento da infecção / Introduction: Amniotic infection and chorioamnionitis (CAM) are determinants of maternal and newborn infections, parturition and preterm birth, postnatal morbidity and mortality. Although clinical, histopathological, microbiological, biochemical and molecular methods can diagnose CAM, many hospital services do not examine the placenta of the parturients, many cases remain undiagnosed. The present study utilizes extemporaneous placental laryngoscopy (ECC) proposed by Blanc in 1959 for the diagnosis of CAM in mothers who had Preterm Newborn (PTNB) and evaluated morbidity and mortality in this group of patients. Objective: To verify the relationship between the histological CAM and the prognosis of the PTNB born in 2012 at the Cassiano Antônio de Moraes University Hospital (HUCAM) in Vitória - ES. Rationale: Most neonatal deaths continue to be sepsis, and this also leads to many sequels in PTNB, so tests that may help in the early diagnosis of neonatal sepsis will aid in the rapid institution of treatment and consequently reduction of sequelae, neonatal mortality, and Reduction of neonatal mortality rates and infant mortality. Hypothesis: Children born to mothers with CAM will have more postpartum complications such as: neonatal sepsis, respiratory failure, perinatal asphyxia and death than those whose mothers did not have CAM. Methodology: Cross-sectional study, in which all the placentas examined and lauded in 2012, in the HUCAM pathology laboratory in Vitória, ES, were analyzed together with the evolution of the PTNBs. The cases were categorized by gestational age, perinatal outcome and presence or absence of CAM. Results: In the present study, 274 PTNBs were selected, of which 61 (22.2%) placentas were positive for CAM and 213 (77.8%) placentas were CAM negative. As for the gender (51.5%) were male (48.5%) were female and there was no statistically significant difference. As for Apgar 5 \', 14 (5.1%) had Apgar less than or equal to 5 and 260 9%) had Apgar greater than 5. Regarding weight, 82 (29.9%) were classified as PIG, 184 (67.2%) were classified as AIG, and 8 (2.9%) were (56.2%) required ventilatory support and oxygen in the first 72 hours of life, and 116 (42.4%) remained in ambient air, with no need for oxygen in the first 72 hours of life. life. As for neonatal sepsis, 140 (51%) had a hemogram classified by Rodwell score less than or equal to 3, that is, without risk for early neonatal sepsis, and 16 (5.9%) had Rodwell score greater than or equal to 3, with risk For early neonatal sepsis. Regarding the outcome of the PTNB, 169 (61.7%) of the cases were discharged, 78 (28.5%) were transferred to other NICUs due to overcrowding of HUCAM and 27 (9.9%) of the cases died. For mean and Mann-Whitney tests, a statistically significant difference was found in the following variables: gestational age, birth weight, height at birth, mean arterial pressure (MAP), total leukocyte count (LEUCO) and C-reactive protein PCR), the variables heart rate (HR), axillary temperature (TAX), immature leukocytes (IMAT), segmented leukocytes (SEG) and platelets (PLAQ) were not statistically significant between CAM and CAM groups. Discussion: The study showed that the infants born to mothers with CAM are more severe, as they are more likely to be asphyxiated, have severe respiratory insufficiency with need for MVP, early neonatal sepsis and more than death of the infants of mothers without CAM. Conclusion: If the pregnant woman presents clinical signs of infection in labor, one should be aware of the support that will be given to the PTNB, since it is more likely to present complications at birth, such as asphyxia and respiratory failure. Thus the EECP must be done as soon as possible and the result delivered to the Neonatology team of the service so that the antimicrobial therapy is instituted early and does not have to wait for changes in the blood count and PCR and / or in the patient\'s clinic to have the beginning of the treatment Infection
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