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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessing Appropriate Technology Handwashing Stations in Mali, West Africa

Naughton, Colleen Claire 14 January 2014 (has links)
<p> Proper hand hygiene is the most effective and efficient method to prevent over 1.3 million deaths annually from diarrheal disease and Acute Respiratory Infections (ARIs). Hand hygiene is also indispensable in achieving the fourth Millennium Development Goal (MDG) to reduce the childhood mortality rate by 2/3rds between 1990 and 2015. Handwashing has been found in a systematic review of studies to reduce diarrhea by 47% and is, thus, capable of preventing a million deaths (Curtis et. al., 2003). Despite this evidence, hand washing rates remain seriously low in the developing world (Scott et al., 2008). </p><p> This study developed and implemented a comprehensive monitoring strategy of five usage variables (i.e., soap usage, functionality, presence of cleansing agent, ground wetness under station, amount of water in the jug) for 42-64 appropriate technology handwashing stations. These stations were monitored throughout 2011-2013 in two communities in Mali, West Africa. Statistically significant (p &lt; 0.05) results include: 1) a 29% decrease in soap usage from dry (October&ndash;June) to rainy seasons (July&ndash;September), 2) 35% decrease in stations with presence of cleansing agent between 2011 and 2012, 3) higher station usage for stations in households with higher scores on the Progress out of Poverty Index<sup>&reg;</sup>, 4) 27% less of the stations far from a water source (35 meters&ndash;172 meters away) had a cleansing agent present than stations close to a water source (less than 35 meters) during the rainy season. Station usage also differed based on gender of the handwashing station owner in the two communities where stations built by women were used more in Zeala than those in Nci'bugu. In contrast to Zeala, handwashing stations built by men in Nci'bugu had higher soap usage and usage variable proportions than those built by women. Handwashing training and promotions resulted in 98% of households reporting that they wash their hands with soap in 2012 from 0% in 2011. Altogether, this study designed and implemented a robust monitoring system that succeeded in quantifying handwashing station usage for over two years. In-depth analysis of the data established six sustainability factors for handwashing stations (gender, training, water, seasonality, wealth, and monitoring) that are critical for lasting handwashing behavior change and successful hygiene interventions to save lives.</p>

Peering into the culture of a civil engineering discipline and finding the white rabbit

Gorman, Sharon 01 July 2014 (has links)
<p> The representation of female students and students of color within the civil engineering discipline has been relatively stagnant during the last thirty years. <i>Leaky pipeline</i> approaches attempt to provide measures or programs that try to reduce the exiting of female students or students of color without necessarily addressing the social complexities of the environment itself. This ethnographically informed case study provides an explanation of social complexities that may prevent female students and students of color from fully fitting inside their civil engineering discipline. </p><p> Specifically, this study explored how female students and students of color navigated their civil engineering discipline as juniors or seniors at a medium-sized public university in the United States Southwest. During 2013, five staff members (all female) and eight students&mdash;both male and female&mdash;were interviewed. In addition, the researcher observed two upper division classes for a month and half, three times a week. The researcher also observed public spaces inside the engineering building. Finally, the researcher reviewed and analyzed public websites, syllabi, degree progression plans, and newsletters to further support findings. </p><p> Using a Grounded Theory approach and informed by critical and post-structural feminist and race theory, the researcher adapted a Grounded Theory Paradigm Model (Strauss &amp; Corbin, 1990) to expose contradictions for explaining the social complexities of the context. The researcher found that students who identified outside the dominant white male role saw nuances of the context because of their Border Identities. Border identities, which evolved as a result of students coming from a different ethnicity, community background, and gender, allowed contradictions to be exposed and examined. As a result, the researcher discovered that highly regulatory educational contexts such as a civil engineering discipline support rituals leading to professionalization of students (in this case, as future engineers). Professionalization, which espouses values of sameness as related to the individual, in fact penalizes "the different." Through the professionalization of students, values of hard work, productivity, meritocracy, and effort intend to homogenize the experience of civil engineering students across the board, despite differences of identity, in order to maintain and preserve the dominant white male context.</p>

Civil Education in Taiwan: Liberalism Versus Communitarianism

Kuo, Chin-cheng 28 July 2004 (has links)
This thesis is an attempt to understand the accomplishment and restrictions of present liberalism from the viewpoint of communitarianism. Liberalism (or constitutional democracy) is the representation of the long-term history of mutual influences among political, cultural and economic structures in western civil society. It is not an abstract noun; on the contrary, it represents the result of dialogues among numerous individuals and communities under specific contexts of time and space. Civil society emerges at the same time when individuals depart from the traditional community. Accordingly, there is a qualitative change in the citizenship from active republicanism to passive liberalism. In other words, citizens are no longer interested in political participation, and turn to self-realization in personal matters. On the one hand, it results in a diverse and prosperous society; on the other hand, the positive citizen participation gradually collapses during this process. The phenomenon mentioned above requires us to find an institution or procedure to balance the common goods and private interests. Meanwhile, certain virtues of the citizenry are requisite to maintain the system. If not, no matter how perfect the institution is, it will be threatened by failure. Therefore, in order to promote the virtues of the citizens and to respond to the vigorous individuality and a diverse and prosperous society, constitutional democracy should be taken as the core of our civil education.

La politique racontée aux enfants : des apprentissages pris dans des dispositifs entre consensus et conflit : une étude des sentiers de la (dé) politisation des enfants. / Politics explained for Children : learnings taken in Apparatuses between consensus and conflict : a Study of the Paths to (De)Politicisation of Children

Boone, Damien 02 December 2013 (has links)
Que recouvre la politisation des enfants ? Entendue comme synonyme de la socialisation politique, elle désigne traditionnellement l'ensemble des mécanismes et des processus de formation et de transformation des systèmes individuels de représentations, d'opinions et d'attitudes politiques. Elle est aussi l'attribution aux enfants d'un degré d'intégration au sein du monde politique. Cette thèse étudie les différentes dimensions de la socialisation politique des enfants, en analysant à quelles conception du politique les enfants sont amenés à être exposés. Réfléchir en termes d'expositions suppose de se détacher d'une vision développementaliste qui associerait la socialisation politique à l'acquisition linéaire d'un contenu cumulatif. Dans cette optique, la socialisation politique se présente comme une juxtaposition de moments au cours desquels se présentent diverses conceptions du politique, de la recherche du consensus à la capacité à proposer des situations conflictuelles, en passant par des apprentissages centrés sur les procédures électorales et les institutions. Ainsi, les instances étudiées, deux conseils municipaux d'enfants, des écoles primaires et une association de lecture d'albums pour enfants offrent des épisodes de socialisation politique. Il s'avère que les contenus de chaque type de socialisation dépendent étroitement des représentations que l'on se fait des enfants quant à leur capacité à être des acteurs politiques, et des contraintes sociales de contextes d'étude qui associent à des degrés de facilité divers enfance et politique.Que recouvre la politisation des enfants ? Entendue comme synonyme de la socialisationpolitique, elle désigne traditionnellement l'ensemble des mécanismes et des processus de formation et de transformation des systèmes individuels de représentations, d'opinions et d'attitudes politiques. Elle est aussi l'attribution aux enfants d'un degré d'intégration au sein du monde politique. Cette thèse étudie les différentes dimensions de la socialisation politique des enfants, en analysant à quelles conception du politique les enfants sont amenés à être exposés. Réfléchir en termes d'expositions suppose de se détacher d'une vision développementaliste qui associerait la socialisation politique à l'acquisition linéaire d'un contenu cumulatif. Dans cette optique, la socialisation politique se présente comme une juxtaposition de moments au cours desquels se présentent diverses conceptions du politique, de la recherche du consensus à la capacité à proposer des situations conflictuelles, en passant par des apprentissages centrés sur les procédures électorales et les institutions. Ainsi, les instances étudiées, deux conseils municipaux d'enfants, des écoles primaires et une association de lecture d'albums pour enfants offrent des épisodes de socialisation politique. Il s'avère que les contenus de chaque type de socialisation dépendent étroitement des représentations que l'on se fait des enfants quant à leur capacité à être des acteurs politiques, et des contraintes sociales de contextes d'étude qui associent à des degrés de facilité divers enfance et politique. / What covers children politization? Understood as the synonym of political socialisation, it traditionally points to all the mechanisms and processes of construction and transformation of individual systems of representation, opinions and political behaviour. It is also understood as a certain level of entry of children into the political sphere.This work studied the different dimensions of children's political socialisation, determining which political concept children can be exposed to. Thinking in terms of exposition implies to detach oneself from the vision of associating political socialisation to the accumulation of norms and values that add to each other, implying that once an individual acquires a norm, he will never act against it. With this in mind, political socialisation is also an addition of moments during which various political concepts come by: from the search for an unanimous approval to the capacity of proposing conflictual situations, via trainings focusing on electoral procedures and institutions. Therefore, observed instances, 2 children municipal councils, primary schools and a reading club for children provide political socialisation moments. It turns out that concepts of each type of socialisationdepend strongly on how we consider the children capacity to be political actors, and on social restrictions in a studying environment related to the more or less easy association of childhood and politics.

台灣宗教教育之合憲性研究-國民教育之分析 / On Constitutionality of Taiwanese Religious Education--An Analysis of the Civil Education

張源泉 Unknown Date (has links)
本文探究的主題為宗教教育之合憲性,這個主題在本論文中包含三個子題:一、公立學校可否實施具有宗教信仰內涵的生命教育?二、國家可否禁止私立中小學開設宗教教育?三、憲法是否賦予新約教徒有權拒絕接受牴觸其宗教信仰之教育,而選擇在家教育的權利?針對這些問題,本論文首先從歷史分析的角度,探討宗教教育之發展。其次,闡釋宗教教育之合憲性基礎。最後,基於上述的研究基礎,再進一步判斷宗教教育之合憲性。   在公立學校之宗教教育方面。若依據政教分離之限定分離說觀點,生命教育的實施,如果能對於各種宗教信仰廣為介紹,保障學校成為一個以學生自我實現為核心之多元、開放、中立而寬容之場域,尚不至於違憲;但若只提供某一特定宗教信仰的內涵,使學生沒有選擇的可能性,將會違反政教分離原則。若從徹底分離說的觀點,生命教育的教材內容,如果其內容蘊含一特定宗教信仰內涵時,將會違反憲法之政教分離原則。   在私立學校之宗教教育方面。在公立學校以外的宗教教育,由於並不涉及政教分離原則,而為憲法宗教自由之保障對象;而且,私立學校基於其辦學之目的,得自由選擇教師及學生,且已事先告知其應接受之宗教教育課程,故私立學校得自由開設宗教教育課程;因此,我國禁止私立學校開設宗教教育課程,實已違反憲法對於宗教自由的保障。   在新約教會之案例方面。當父母之宗教信仰與學校之價值體系有衝突時,為保障父母之宗教自由,應承認父母享有入學義務拒絕權,而可以主張在家教育;但為了保障子女之受教育權,此種取代學校教育之在家教育,必須除了宗教內容之課程外,也必須提供相當於一般公、私立學校所實施之國民教育內容及程度,使其子女享有與一般學校學生同值之教育。 / The motif of the thesis is to investigate the constitutionality of the religious education. This thesis includes three sub-thesis: 1. could the public schools enforce the education of the life with the significance of the religion?2. could the state forbid the private primary and junior high schools to establish the religious education? 3.does the constitution authorize the Xinyue Protestants to decline the general education which offends against their religious beliefs and choose to be educated at home? Aiming at these problems, this thesis sets out from the stance of the historical analysis to inquire into the development of the religious education. Then, the thesis explicates the foundation of the constitutionality of the religious education. Finally, basing upon the aforesaid results, then further discuss the constitutionality of the religious education.   With the respect of religious education in the public schools, if according to the standpoint of the separation of church and state, the enforcement of the life education should spread various religions, secure the schools to provide a place for targeting the self-realization of the students and for the diversified, broadminded, neutralism and tolerance sphere, the aforesaid religious education is unlikely to unconstitutionality. But if the schools provide the one and only religious education, make the students have no selective possibility, and then these schools have acted against the principle of the separation of church and state . If from the standpoint of thorough split, the content of the teaching materials of the life education includes the courses of the one and only religion, then it acts against the constitutionality of the principle of the separation of church and state .   With the respect of religious education in the private schools, because the schools don’t involve the principle of the separation of church and state , therefore, they are targets of protection under the constitution for religious freedom; furthermore, the private schools may depend on its own purpose of establishment to freely select instructors and students and because being notified them about the required courses of religious education in advance, they may freely set up religious courses; our country forbids their setting religious courses have violated constitution.   With the respect of the case study of Xinyue Protestants, when the parents’ religious beliefs and the value system of the schools generate the conflicts, to protect the parents’ religious freedom the state should acknowledge that the parents have the right to decline the registration of their children for the required schooling education and may have right to educate their children at home; while to protect the rights of children for education as well, the substitute schooling education at home should provide similar content and standard of the general civil education as offered by the public and private schools in general in addition to the courses of religious education to let their children may also accept the equivalent education in the general schools.

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