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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Úspěšná lobbingová strategie Inventury demokracie, případová studie lobbingu organizace občanské společnosti / Successful lobbying strategy of Inventura demokracie, case study of NGO's lobbying

Šedivý, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The study aims to describe comprehensively the lobbing strategy of student's nongovernmental organization called Inventura demokracie. The first part determinates basic terms. The second part examines the theory of lobbing, civil society, and state. The third part analyses lobbing of Inventura demokracie in practice. Finally, the fourth part brings us conclusions and recommendations. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Dopady programu Rok jinak na vztah jeho absolventů k organizacím občanského sektoru / Impacts of the program World of Difference on the relationship of its graduates to the organizations of the civil sector

Valentová, Denisa January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is focused on impacts of the program World of Difference on the relationship of its graduates to the organizations of the civil sector. This paper consists of three main parts. The first one describes the theoretical definitions of the concepts connected with civil sector, organizations of the civil sector, business sector, cooperation between the sectors, values and motivation of the employees in the civil sector and management of Human Resources in civil sector. The second part is focused on methodology of the research, data analysis and the activities of the Vodafone Foundation and the program World of Difference. There are presented the outcomes of the research in the last part. The research is focused on the graduates of the program World of Difference and the fact if they remain in the civil sector after finishing the program. The research is focused on the specifics which they had to meet during the program and if they changed their opinion about the civil sector. According to the research questions, I chose the qualitative research and used methods of semi-structured in-depth interviews. Key words: non-profit sector, civil sector, non-for-profit organizations, motivation, World of Difference

Skuggsamhällets välfärdssystem : Papperslösa som välfärdsstatens blinda fläck och den ideella sektorns byråkratisering

Thoor Juhlin, My January 2015 (has links)
This study explores undocumented migrant’s access to social welfare and income support distributed by the non-profit and public sector in Stockholm. The study is conducted through interviews with representatives from the non-profit sector whose organisations and networks come in contact with undocumented migrants. According to Swedish law the social services have a responsibility to assist everyone who temporarily resides within the county. Consequently undocumented migrants have the right to assistance in acute situations. According to the testimonies given from the non-profit sector undocumented migrants have much difficulties acquiring all forms of aid from the social services. The respondents experiences show a multi-layered complex of problems giving reason for bureaucrats representing the public authority narrowing their services to undocumented migrants. The main focal points presented in this study are bureaucrats confusion regarding their own mission in relation to the migration board as well as the services restricted resources. Since undocumented migrants have difficulties claiming their rights in regard to the public sector, many turn to the non-profit sector for support. The result in the study shows that the non- profit sector functions as an informal social service bureau without the economical or legal framework to support it.

Spolupráce státu a OOS na programu MEDEVAC / The Cooperation of the State and NGOs on the MEDEVAC program

Šindlerová, Markéta January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the possible cooperation between the state and NGOs on the program of medical evacuation MEDEVAC during last three years. The aim of this study is to bring a coherent view on the MEDEVAC program and mainly to look into a relation between the state and NGOs which provide services to the state so they play irreplaceable role in this interaction, all through the analysis of interview with particular representatives. The discovered findings from the research and evaluated achieved aims are placed in the conclusion of the thesis.

Model spolupráce NNO s Probační a mediační službou v Liberci při výkonu trestu obecně prospěšných prací / Cooperation Model between NGOs and Probation Service Liberec in the Punishment of Public Works

Vastlová, Markéta January 2019 (has links)
The objective of this diploma thesis is study of cooperation between Probation service Liberec, which represents public sector, and the NGOs as representatives of civil sector. These organisations provide means for people who are sentenced to punishment of community service. The aim of this study is identification of a model of cooperation, show the development of this model since its beginning in 2002, and finally, to introduce the external environment that influences this model. The theoretical basis crucial for this thesis is a Bryson, Crosby and Stones's concept of Governing Public-Nonprofit Collaborations. They focus on governing structure, governing processes, rules and external environment, which makes the structure of my study. The design of the research used in this diploma thesis is a case study. Data were gathered by method of semi-structured interviews of probation workers and by analysing of documents related to laws, methodical standards and other resources.

Financování humanitárních neziskových organizací se zaměřením na Člověka v tísni / Funding humanitarian non-profit organizations with a focus on People in Need

Typlová, Jarmila January 2020 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is to describe function of non-profit organizations, answer a question if these organizations are sufficiently financed and what is their place in society when there is no help from a state. In this text I will write about humanitarian non-governmental non- profit organizations and their unquestionable place in society. The goal of this text is to answer question on their fundraising, who supports them, how are the resources used and in general if the resources are spent efficiently. I will focus on non-profit organization People in need, its financing and relationship to the civil sector. The reason why I have chosen this topic is my interest in non-profit organization and humanitarian organizations in general - the criticism and skepticism towards these organizations was one of the reasons why I have decided to research about non-profit organizations. With regard to the length of work I will also briefly describe progression of People in need since its foundation and its fundraising by the Czech Republic.

Problematika domácího násilí a její řešení z pohledu státního a občanského sektoru v Hradci Králové / The Issue of Domestic Violence and Its Solutions in Practice from the Perspective of Public and Civil Sector in Hradec Kralove

Baštová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
The work is dedicated to solving the problem of domestic violence in Hradec Králové. The issue is seen from the practice in social work and provides insight into the stakeholders, namely the staff of the organizations or institutions of civil and public sector. The main focus is generally not only effective solution, but also specific assumptions success, and convenient tools, motivation and attitudes. Generally, all facts and factors affecting appropriate solution to the social problem in that region are examined. The approach of Hradec Králové appears to be an example of good practice, while the research seeks to clarify what is really involved. The view of the main involved actors, their motives and ways to engage themselves is also relevant. The first part describes the theoretical background, current approaches and solutions to institutional preconditions in terms of field research. The second part of the thesis based on research answers to research questions explains what exactly is behind the successful resolution of the issues. The aim is not a detailed theoretical description of the phenomenon of domestic violence, but the work is focused on specific subjects and conditions, especially the kind of outreach in the form of studying the behavior of individuals with the motivation to engage in social...

Mediální reprezentace organizací občanské společnosti / Media representation of civil society organizations

Hartová, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
This thesis introduces media representations of civil society organizations (CSOs) through quantitative content analysis of four dailies (HN, LN, MFD and Právo). The aim is to analyze and describe CSOs media representations in relation to media elements that characterize these representations, as well as through space and priority, organizations and actors that are associated with. The selected method allows the comparison of media representations for particular newspapers. The study builds on a social-constructivist paradigm, focusing on the agenda-setting theory, gatekeeping and news values. Thesis also discusses specifics of the CSOs and non-profit logic in relation to media and journalistic logic and their influence on the final CSOs media representations, including potential nonprofit dilemmas. The media representations are strongly determined by regionality and relationship with other sectors. CSOs are presented through positive and uncontroversial theme of good deeds. Regionality is together with social themes the most frequent topics associated with CSOs.

Role občanského sektoru při realizaci inovativních projektů a jejich přínos / The role of NGO's in the process of implementation of innovative projects, and their outcomes

Pešatová, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
The thesis addresses subject of innovative projects of NGOs in the field of parental support to return to the labour market after maternity leave. The main purpose of the thesis is to deliver a report about the role of the NGO in the process of implementation of innovative projects by using case studies. The objective of the thesis is to identify outcomes and level of innovation of these projects on the basis of testimonies of active participants. The theoretical part of the thesis describes NGOs and their basic functions, definition of innovation, and definition of social innovation. Another part of the thesis discusses issues related to the return to the labour market after maternity leave, family politics in the Czech Republic, and its support in the form of the Structural Funds of the European Union. Main findings of the research is that NGOs in the Czech Republic have mainly linking function between individuals and corporations. Networking enables mutual exchange of information and experience. It is a highly important contribution of these projects. Key words Civil Society, Civil Sector, Non-profit Sector, Function of NGO's, Innovation, Social Innovation, Labour Market, Equal Employment Opportunity, Work Life balance.

Boj proti korupci v Praze - protikorupční strategie státní správy a občanské společnosti za "Nečasovy vlády" / The Fight against Corruption in Prague - the Anti-corruption Strategy of Government and Civil Society during the "Necas's government".

Urbanová, Hana January 2012 (has links)
Presented work deals with the issue of fighting against corruption. In a theoretical level the work informs about the causes of corruption and the tools that are currently used for its persecuting. In the practical part I try to find out the way of improvement of corruption range seen throgh the eyes of actors that operate in Prague city. The aim of the work is to identify possibilities of efficiency improvement of nonprofit organizations and the public sector in the field of fighting against the corruption. The analytical part of the work, therefore, maps the situation in relations between selected non-profit organizations and relations between them and the public administration, which is in this work represented by the Prague City Hall - an institution which represents by the local government activities.

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