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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“ Session 1: The What, Why, Where, and When of Clinical and Didactic Evaluation”

Webb, Melessia D. 03 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

“Session 2: The How of Clinical and Didactic Evaluation”

Webb, Melessia D. 03 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Preliminary clinical evaluation: Where are we? An international scoping review

Harcus, James, Stevens, B., Pantic, V., Hewis, J. 27 August 2024 (has links)
Yes / Background: The College of Radiographers’ vision was that diagnostic radiographers in the UK would be writing preliminary clinical evaluations (PCE) on images. Their 2013 policy supporting the use of PCE has not been updated in a decade and it might be suggested PCE practices in the UK have not really moved on, though elsewhere it appears to have gained traction. The aim of this scoping review was to establish the current global status of the use of PCE. Method: The Arksey and O'Malley scoping review framework and PRISMA-ScR guidelines were used to develop a protocol to identify studies between January 2013 to January 2024 using six databases. Collated literature was analysed using content analysis to identify themes. Results: 52 relevant studies were identified for inclusion. Studies focused predominantly on evaluating accuracy, education, perceptions, and new initiatives. Themes identified a developing role in the use of PCE internationally, perhaps more than in the UK, and in a range of modalities and clinical settings though projectional radiography remains the mainstay. Barriers and drivers to the use of PCE were identified in addition to some quality mechanisms used to support PCE implementation, though impact of implementation was not well explored. Conclusion: Considering PCE has been an aspiration for more than a decade, it remains relatively infrequently researched. There is growing scope internationally, particularly in Australia, yet there is no real evaluation of the impact and role that PCE may have. Implications for practice: Until further research into the potential impact of PCE and barriers to its implementation, it is likely practices may not evolve with the risk AI technologies may supersede necessity for the practice.

Indices d'amélioration dans les conditions de la vie quotidienne chez les déments vu par les soignants / Indicate of improvement in the conditions of the everyday life at the dementia patients seen by the nursing

Badila Kouendolo, Diaz Patrice 14 December 2015 (has links)
La maladie d’Alzheimer et les pathologies apparentées, en évoluant génèrent une altération de l’état général, et une dépendance générale. Le patient, dont les capacités d’adaptation sont altérées par la maladie risque, à tous les stades de la maladie de réagir par des troubles du comportement. Ce sont ces troubles qui le conduisent généralement à entrer en institution spécialisée. L’institution doit alors prendre en charge la dépendance physique et psychique du patient. Elle doit, mettre en place une prévention des complications de la maladie. Avec parmi celles-ci les manifestations comportementales perturbantes. Cela nécessite à la fois des équipes spécialement formées et des établissements ou des unités de soins adaptés à cette prise en charge spécifique. Cette thèse tente de répondre à une question simple : sur quoi s’appuient au quotidien les soignants pour parler d’ « amélioration » ou d’ « aggravation », sans recourir à l’évaluation avec des tests en condition standard ? Et cela, en sachant que les conditions standard qui sont valides pour la recherche, sont des conditions artificielles qui ne permettent pas de caractériser toutes les potentialités des malades. Le présent travail, effectué dans une unité spécialisée, a pour objectif de tenter de décoder ce qui détermine subjectivement le jugement des soignants à partir d’une analyse de leur discours dans le cadre d’entretiens semi-directifs. Ce discours a successivement fait l’objet d’une analyse informatique au moyen du logiciel « Alceste » puis d’une analyse thématique de contenu, dite : « manuelle ». Les résultats de ces deux analyses sont exposés en miroir de ceux des tests « standards » (MMS ; GDS ; NPI/ES ZARIT). Tests qui ont permis de distinguer quels patients, d’un point de vue classique, avaient été stables, mais aussi s’étaient améliorés ou aggravés en six mois. La seconde analyse a permis de mettre très explicitement en évidence que les préoccupations dominantes des soignants portaient sur des éléments descriptifs. C’est-à-dire sur les tâches qu’ils ont à faire matériellement. Il apparait que pour les soignants la notion d’amélioration ou d’aggravation du malade est en résumé associée à la charge de travail que son état implique. Cela, avec entre autres des références aux conduites gênantes et aux problèmes médicaux. On observe de plus que le patient est peu considéré comme un sujet auquel s’identifier. Des facteurs psychologiques peuvent cependant être envisagés par les soignants lorsqu’il s’agit d’expliquer certaines conduites perturbantes. / The Alzheimer's disease and the related pathologies, by evolving, generate a change of the the overall condition of the patient, and a general dependence. The patient, whose capacities of adaptation are affected by the disease risks, in all the stages of the disease, to react by behavior disorders. It is these disorders which lead him generally to enter specialized institution.The institution then has to take care of the physical and psychic dependence of the patient. She owes to set up a prevention of the complications of the disease. With among these the disturbing behavioral manifestations. It requires at the same time specially trained teams and establishments or units of care adapted to this specific management.This thesis tries to answer a simple question: on what base themselves, on a daily basis, the nursing to speak about "improvement" or about "worsening", without using of the evaluation with tests in standard condition?And these, by knowing that the standard conditions which are valid for the search, are artificial conditions which do not allow to characterize all the potentialities of the disease.The present work, made in a specialized unit, aims to decode what determines subjectively the assessment of the nursing from an analysis of their discourse within semi-directive discussions.This discourse was successively the object of an IT analysis by the software "Alceste", then a thematic analysis of contents, called: "manual".The results of these two analyses are mirrored with those of the "standard" tests (MMS; GDS; NPI/ES ZARIT). Tests which allowed to distinguish which patients, from a classic point of view, had been stable, but also had improved or deteriorated in six months.The second analysis allowed to highlight very explicitly that the dominant concerns of the nursing was about descriptive elements. That is on the tasks which they have to do materially.It seems that for the nursing the notion of improvement or worsening of the patient is, in summary, correlated to the workload it involves. Due, among others, to the annoying behavior and to the medical problems…We observe, furthermore, that the patient is a bit considered as a subject in which become identified. Psychological factors can be however envisaged by the nursing when it is a question of explaining certain disturbing behavior.

Parada circulatória total em cães por diferentes períodos de tempo através da técnica de \"Inflow Occlusion\". Avaliação clínica e hemogasométrica / Total circulatory arrest in dogs for different periods of time using \"Inflow Occlusion\" technique. Clinical and hemogasometric evaluation

Garcia, Daniel Cardoso 01 December 2006 (has links)
A técnica de \"Inflow Occlusion\" pode ser utilizada em cirurgias cardíacas quando se pretende manter o coração aberto apenas por alguns minutos, para realização de pequenos reparos. No entanto, a parada circulatória total, evento decorrente da técnica em questão, pode acarretar severas alterações metabólicas e neurológicas, sendo necessária monitorização trans e pósoperatória do paciente. Neste estudo foram utilizados 12 cães sem raça definida, os quais foram divididos em dois grupos, A e B, submetidos a 7 e 8 minutos de parada circulatória total, respectivamente, utilizando-se da técnica de \"Inflow Occlusion\". Tentou-se estabelecer normotermia dos animais durante os procedimentos cirúrgicos. Foram realizados exames hemogasométricos, e avaliações clínica e neurológica nos momentos preconizados. Alterações neurológicas transitórias foram observadas em ambos os grupos. Ocorreram dois óbitos transoperatórios no grupo B, e um animal do mesmo grupo apresentou cegueira permanente no período pós-operatório. Apesar da acidose metabólica observada durante os procedimentos, o pH, pressão parcial de dióxido de carbono no sangue arterial, e bicarbonato plasmático arterial de ambos os grupos, retornaram aos valores normais após trinta minutos da parada circulatória. Apesar das alterações observadas, é lícito afirmar que o \"Inflow Occlusion\" é seguro por até 7 minutos. Após este período, no entanto, é contra-indicado, segundo resultados obtidos e óbitos transoperatórios relatados. / \"Inflow Occlusion\" technique can be used in heart surgeries when heart is required to be opened just for few minutes, to allow quick repairs. However, circulatory arrest, event occasioned by this technique, can produce serious metabolic and neurologic consequences to the patient, and monitorization on trans, and postoperatory moments is well recommended. In this study, 12 mongrel dogs were used, and were divided into two groups, A and B, submmited to 7 and 8 minutes of total circulatory arrest, respectively, using \"Inflow Occlusion\" technique. Normothermia was tried during surgical procedures. Hemogasometric analysis, and clinical and neurological exams were made, each of them, on the moments established for the experiment. There were some transitory neurological problems related to both groups. There were two transoperatory deaths in group B and one case of permanent blindness in the same group, on postoperatory period. Despite metabolic acidosis occurred during procedures, pH values, arterial dioxide carbon parcial pressure, and arterial plasmatic bicarbonate related to both groups, returned to basal levels thirty minutes after surgery. Even occuring some hemogasometric and neurologic alterations, we can say that \"Inflow Occlusion\" is safe for periods up to 7 minutes. After this period of time, however, it is contraindicated, as seen after these results and because transoperatory deaths.

Detecção de disfagia na fase aguda do acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico. Proposição de conduta baseada na caracterização dos fatores de risco / Detection of dysphagia during the acute phase of ischemic cerebrovascular accident. Proposition of behavior based on the characterization of risk factors

Okubo, Paula de Carvalho Macedo Issa 03 April 2008 (has links)
A disfagia orofaríngea é uma manifestação comum apresentada na fase aguda do acidente vascular cerebral (AVC). A aspiração decorrente das dificuldades de deglutição é um sintoma que deve ser considerado devido à freqüente presença de pneumonias aspirativas que podem influenciar na recuperação do paciente trazendo complicações ao seu quadro clínico em geral e até mesmo risco de morte. A caracterização clínica precoce das alterações de deglutição pode auxiliar na definição de condutas e evitar a administração de dieta por via oral oferecendo riscos ao paciente. O presente estudo teve por objetivo, propor a via mais segura de alimentação na fase aguda do acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico (AVCI) com o intuito de minimizar complicações, utilizando a escala de AVC proposta pelo \"National Institutes of Health\", o NIHSS e considerando alguns fatores de risco para disfagia na clínica apresentada por estes pacientes, com a formulação de um algoritmo. Para tanto, foram avaliados 50 pacientes internados na Unidade de Emergência do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo com diagnóstico de AVCI confirmado, clinicamente, por um médico neurologista, dentro de, no máximo, 48 horas entre o início dos sintomas e a avaliação. Os pacientes foram avaliados desde que se enquadrassem nos critérios propostos, sendo 25 do gênero feminino e 25 do masculino, com idade média de 64,90 anos (variação de 26 a 91 anos). Uma anamnese foi realizada antes da participação do paciente no estudo, para que fosse assegurada a ausência de história de dificuldades de deglutição anteriores ao quadro atual. A avaliação clínica fonoaudiológica foi realizada à beira do leito através de um protocolo constituído por dados de identificação do paciente, data do início dos sintomas, data de entrada no hospital, escore da escala de coma de Glasgow (ECG) e do NIHSS obtidos na avaliação neurológica inicial e no dia da avaliação, fatores de risco para AVC, achados clínicos obtidos na avaliação neurológica do paciente, resultado do exame de imagem (tomografia computadorizada ou ressonância magnética). A segunda parte foi destinada à escala do NIHSS e, por fim, a terceira parte constou da avaliação da deglutição, sendo subdividida em estrutural e funcional. Para a avaliação funcional da deglutição foram utilizadas as consistências alimentares pastosa, líquida e sólida (quando possível, dependendo das condições apresentadas pelo paciente). O volume da oferta também dependeu das possibilidades apresentadas: aqueles pacientes que não ofereciam condições clínicas para a realização da avaliação, como os que se encontravam com intubação orotraqueal, estado de sonolência profunda ou em estado de coma, esta foi contra-indicada. Após a avaliação clínica, com a obtenção dos dados estruturais e funcionais, concluiu-se se a avaliação clínica da deglutição apresentava-se normal ou alterada. A partir de então, era concluído sobre a possibilidade de introdução de dieta por via oral. Para a análise estatística foi utilizado o teste exato de Fisher, verificando a associação entre as variáveis. Para avaliar se o escore do NIHSS caracterizaria um indicador de fator de risco para a disfagia, foi construída a curva ROC visando obter características quanto à sensibilidade e especificidade da escala para este propósito. Os resultados demonstraram que a disfagia é uma manifestação freqüente na fase aguda do AVCI, presente em 32% dos pacientes analisados. A avaliação clínica da deglutição é um método confiável de detecção das dificuldades de deglutição. Entretanto, os fatores preditivos de risco para a função devem ser ponderados, devendo ser considerada a gravidade do quadro, o nível de consciência e a presença de comorbidades pré-existentes. A hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS) demonstrou ser o principal fator de risco para o AVC apresentada por 72% dos pacientes, seguida do tabagismo (36%), etilismo (20%) e diabete melito (20%). Gênero e hemisfério cerebral acometido não tiveram associação estatisticamente significante com a presença de disfagia. Idade, NIHSS, ECG, alterações de fala e linguagem e topografia da lesão são fatores preditivos de disfagia apresentando diferenças estatisticamente significantes. Pacientes com lesões em território carotídeo apresentaram maior prevalência quanto à presença de disfagia (58,88%). O NIHSS apresenta alta sensibilidade (88%) e especificidade (85%) para detecção de disfagia considerando 12 como valor de corte para sua existência. A formulação de um algoritmo para detecção de disfagia na fase aguda do AVCI poderá auxiliar na definição de condutas quanto à melhor via de administração da dieta enquanto se aguarda uma avaliação fonoaudiológica especializada. / Oropharyngeal Dysphagia is a common manifestation presented in the acute phase of cerebrovascular accident (CVA). The aspiration resulting from the difficulties of deglutition is a symptom that should be considered due to the frequent occurrence of aspirative pneumonia that could influence the patient\'s recovery, causing complications to the general clinical and even the risk of death. The early clinical characterization of deglutition alterations can help to specify the proper behavior and to avoid the prescription of a diet that could offer the patients risks. The present study had as objective to propose the most secure feeding for the patient in the acute phase of the ischemic cerebrovascular accident (ICVA) with the aim to minimize complications, using the CVA scale proposed by the National Institutes of Health (NIHSS) and considering some risk factors of dysphagia in the practice presented by these patients, with the creation of an algorithm. Thus, 50 inpatients were evaluated at the Unidade de Emergência do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo with clinically confirmed ICVA diagnosis by a neurologist, within, at most, 48 hours from the onset of the symptoms and the evaluation. The patients were assessed randomly as long as, in which 25 were women and 25 were men, and 64,90 years old were the average ages (variation from 26 to 91 years old). An anamnesis was carried out before the patient\'s participation in the study, so that the previously absence of the history of deglutition difficulties was ensured. The clinical phonoaudiological assessment was carried out on bed side through a protocol constituted by patients identification data, symptoms onset date, admission date in the hospital, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) and NIHSS score obtained in the initial neurological evaluation and in the evaluation\'s day, risk factors for CVA, clinical findings obtained from the patient\'s neurological evaluation, result of the screenings (computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging). The second part was designed to the NIHSS scale and, the third part was constituted by the clinical deglutition evaluation, subdivided in structural and functional. For the functional deglutition evaluation the pasty, liquid and solid feeding consistencies were used (when possible, depending on the conditions presented by the patient). The volume of the offer also depended on the presented possibilities: those patients who did not present clinical conditions for the evaluation, such as the ones who were with orotraqueal intubation, deep sleep state or coma; it was counter-indicated. After the clinical evaluation, with the structural and functional data obtained, it was concluded whether the clinical deglutition evaluation was normal or altered. Since then, it was concluded the possibility of a diet prescription. For the statistical analysis the Fisher exact test was used to verify the association between variables. To evaluate if the NIHSS score would characterize a risk factor indicator for dysphagia, the curve ROC was built aiming to obtain characteristics related to the sensitivity and specificity of the scale for this purpose. The study allowed us to conclude that dysphagia is a frequent manifestation in the acute phase of ICVA, present in 32% of the analyzed patients. The clinical deglutition evaluation is a reliable method of difficulties deglutition detection. However, the predicting risk factors for the function should be balanced and the severity of the clinical picture, the consciousness level and the presence of preexistent comorbidities should be considered. The systemic arterial hypertension (SAH) demonstrated to be the main risk factor for the CVA presented by 72% of the patients, followed by tabagism (36%), alcoholism (20%) e diabetes mellitus (20%). Gender and damaged cerebral hemisphere did not have a statistically significant association to the presence of dysphagia. Age, NIHSS, GCS, speaking and language alterations and lesion topography are predicting factors of dysphagia presenting statistically significant differences. Patients with lesions in the carotid territory presented more prevalence regards the presence of dysphagia (58,88%). NIHSS presents high sensitivity (88%) and specificity (85%) to the detection of dysphagia considering 12 as the cutoff value for its existence. The creation of an algorithm to detect dysphagia in the acute phase of ICVA will be able to help the definition of the proper behavior regards the prescription of a diet while a specialized speech pathological evaluation is awaited.

Avaliação clínica de restaurações em lesões cervicais não cariosas realizadas por diferentes operadores e estratégias adesivas: estudo multicêntrico / Clínical performance evaluation of cervical restorations realized by different operator and adhesive strategies: Multicenter clínical study.

Martinez, Issis Virginia Luque 06 February 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-24T19:21:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Issis Virginia Luque Martinez.pdf: 3361417 bytes, checksum: 156619314581540b56d87cc160052e1b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-06 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / There is controversy over which of the adhesive strategies available today (2and 3 steps etch-and-rinse; 1 and 2 steps self-etching steps) provides a better clínical performance, identifying the importance of conducting longitudinal clínical studies to evaluate these strategies adhesive in a controlled environment and in practice daily clinic. However, there is a void in the influence of the operator. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the operator's experience level (student, professional) and adhesive strategy (conventional 2:03 steps, self-etching steps 1 and 2) in the clínical performance of composite restorations in non-carious cervical lesions (NCCL) applied in models of randomized clínical trial (ECA) and Practice-based Clinic trial (ECBPC) held in two centers (Brazil and Chile), for a period of up to 6-month evaluation. A total of 185 patients with at least four NCCL were selected for the study according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria to conform 5 clínical trials: In Brazil center, 70 patients were allocated into two groups ECA (n=35), second operator: student (ECA-A-Brazil) and professional (ECA-P-Brazil); In Chile center, 80 patients conformed the ECA-A-Chile and ACE-P-Chile (n=40) and 35 patients participated in the ECBPC (only in Chile). The 4 adhesive strategies were applied at random in each patient according to the manufacturer's instructions. The restorations were assessed immediately and after 6 months performed by blind evaluators for adhesive strategy, using the FDI criteria while: fracture/retention; marginal adaptation; postoperative sensitivity; and caries adjacent to the restoration. A total of 781 restorations of composite resin were placed during the execution of five clínical trials of this project. There was 100% attendance of patients evaluations. In ECA-P-Brazil 5 restorations were lost (4.3% loss rates for FL, 2.7% for SP, 4.5% and 0.0% for XTR and AIO) and 7 restorations in ECA-A- Brazil (0.0% to FL, 3.2% for SP, 6.5% for XTR, and 12.5% for the AIO); For ECA-P-Chile, 16 restorations were lost (7.5% loss rates for FL, 7.5% for SP, 5.0% for XTR, and 20.0% for the AIO) and the ECA-A-Chile, a total of 10 restorations (12.5% for FL; 0.0% for SP, 7.5% to XTR, and 7.5% for OIA). Compared the different times for each adhesive, just was statistical difference for AIO in ECA-P-Chile and ECBPC (p=0.005). When the centers are different compared ECA-P-Chile present 3 times fall that ECA-P-Brazil (p=0.006). The adhesive technique AIO seems to have difficulties in applying for professional’s operators, having a negative influence on the retention rate. Thus longer evaluation periods are needed to clarify these differences. / Existe controvérsia sobre qual das estratégias adesivas disponíveis na atualidade (convencional de 2 e 3 passos e autocondicionante de 1 e 2 passos) apresenta melhor desempenho clínico, identificando-se a importância de realizar estudos clínicos longitudinais que permitam avaliar estas estratégias adesivas no ambiente controlado e na pratica clínica diária. Contudo, existe um vazio na influencia do operador. Sendo assim, o objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a influencia do nível de experiência do operador (aluno, profissional) e da estratégia adesiva (convencionais 2 e 3 passos; autocondicionante 1 e 2 passos) no desempenho clínico de restaurações de resina composta em lesões cervicais não cariosas (LCNC) aplicadas em modelos de Ensaio Clínico aleatorizado (ECA) e Baseado na Pratica Clínica (ECBPC) realizadas em dois centros (Brasil e Chile), por um período de até 6 meses de avaliação. Um total de 185 pacientes com pelo menos quatro LCNC foram selecionados para o estudo segundo os critérios de inclusão e exclusão para conformar 5 ensaios clínicos: No centro Brasil, 70 pacientes foram alocados aletoriamente em dois ECA (n=35), segundo operador Aluno (ECA-A-Brasil) e profissional (ECA-PBrasil); No centro Chile, 80 pacientes conformaram o ECAS-A-Chile e ECA-PChile (n=40) e 35 pacientes participaram no Ensaio Clínico Baseado na Pratica Clínica (ECBPC – unicamente no Chile). As 4 estratégias adesivas foram aplicadas aleatoriamente nas LCNC de cada paciente, seguindo as instruções do fabricante. As restaurações foram avaliadas imediatamente e após 6 meses de realizadas, por avaliadores cegos em relação a estratégia adesiva, utilizando os critérios FDI enquanto a: fratura/retenção; adaptação marginal;sensibilidade pós- operatória; e cárie adjacente à restauração. Um total de 781 restaurações de resina composta foram colocadas durante a execução dos 5 ensaios clínicos do presente projeto. Observou-se 100% de comparecimento dos pacientes as avaliações. No ECA-P-Brasil 5 restaurações foram perdidas (taxas de queda de 4,3% para FL, 2,7% para SP, 4,5% para XTR e 0,0% para o AIO) e no ECA-A-Brasil 7 restaurações (0,0% para FL; 3,2% para SP; 6,5% para XTR; e 12,5% para o AIO); Para o ECA-P-Chile, 16 restaurações foram perdidas (taxas de perda de retenção de 7,5% para FL; 7,5% para SP; 5,0% para XTR; e 20,0% para o AIO) e no ECA-A-Chile, um total de 10 restaurações (12,5% para FL; 0,0% para SP; 7,5% para XTR; e 7,5% para AIO). Comparados os diferentes tempos para cada adesivo, apenas houve diferença estatística para AIO no ECA-P-Chile e ECBPC (p = 0,005). Quando os diferentes centros foram comparados ECA-P-Chile apresento 3 vezes mais queda que ECA-P-Brasil (p = 0,006). A técnica adesiva AIO parece apresentar dificuldades na aplicação para os operadores professionais, influindo negativamente na taxa de retenção. Assim períodos mais longos de avaliação precisam ser realizados para esclarecer estas diferenças.

ANÁLISE IN VITRO E IN VIVO DE DIFERENTES FORMAS DE APLICAÇÃO DE SISTEMAS ADESIVOS AUTOCONDICIONANTES / Analysis in vitro and in vivo of the different forms of pplication of the self-etching adhesives systems

Amaral, Roberto César do 25 March 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-24T19:22:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ROBERTOAMARAL.pdf: 3642079 bytes, checksum: 8d0b5d5330120eb300a8c6e7ed3ff428 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-03-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different modes of application (active vs. inactive) of one step self-etch adhesives under in vitro conditions (resindentin bond strength [BS] and nanoleakage under Scaning Electron Microscopy [SEM]) and in vivo conditions (in non carious class V restorations) in the immediate [IM] and 6 month period [6M]. For the in vitro test, 32 human third molars (20 for BS and 12 for SEM) had their occlusal dentin exposed by wet abrasion with 600-grit SiC paper. The following adhesives Adper Prompt [AP] and Xeno II [XE] were applied under inactive [I] or following vigorous application mode [V] in two coats, which were then ligh-cured for the recommended time. Composite “crowns” were incrementally constructed and the after storage (37C/24 h) the specimens were sectioned in both “x” and “y” direction to obtain bonded sticks (0.8 mm2) to be tested in tension (0.5 mm/min). Half of the specimens were tested I or after 6M of water storage. A threeway ANOVA and Tukey test was used to statistically evaluate the data (0,05). For the clinical study, 120 restorations were placed in non carious cervical lesions in 30 patients, in a way that all four experimental conditions were placed in the same patient. The restorations were evaluated according the modified USPHS. The differences for each adhesive at baseline and 6 months were analysed Fisher’s (0,05) and the performance of each mode of application for each adhesive at each period of evaluation was evaluated by Mc Nemar’s test ( 0,05). In the immediate time, an increase in the BS and lower nanoleakage was observed when both adhesive were applied under A mode. However, after 6 months, the BS were reduced ad a higher nanoleakage occurred for both adhesives regardless the mode of application. Under the in vitro part of the study, 29 patients attended the 6 month recall. Only one AP restoration debonded after 6 months in the inactive mode. Based on the results of the present investigation one can conclude that: 1) although the vigorous application improves the immediate performance of the adhesive systems tested, no improvement was observed after 6 months of water storage. 2) After the short-term evaluation of 6 months no significant difference was observed in none of the USPHS items for the experimental conditions. / O objetivo do presente estudo é avaliar, in vitro (resistência de união [RU] por microtração e análise ultramorfológica pela impregnação de nitrato de prata em microscopia eletrônica de varredura [INP]) e in vivo (avaliação clínica), o efeito da forma de aplicação (inativa vs. ativa) de adesivos autocondicionantes de passo único na dentina nos tempos imediato (baseline) e 6 meses. Para o teste in vitro, trinta e dois terceiros molares humanos (20 para o teste de RU e 12 para MEV) tiveram a dentina exposta com lixas carbeto de silício de granulação 180 e 600 para obter uma smear layer padronizada. Os adesivos (Adper Prompt [AP], e Xeno III [XE]) foram aplicados sobre a superfície dentinária em duas camadas de forma inativa ou sob vigorosa agitação por todo substrato (forma ativa). Após serem restaurados, os dentes foram seccionados em eixos “x” e “y” para obtenção dos corpos-de-prova (cps) com média de (0,8 mm2) e testados sob tração (0,5 mm/min). Metades dos cps obtidos foram testados imediatamente e a outra metade armazenada em água para ser testada após seis meses. Os dados de RU foram submetidos a uma análise de variância de 3 fatores e teste de Tukey (α = 0,05). Para avaliar a efetividade clínica dos sistemas adesivos, 120 lesões cervicais não cariosas foram restauradas em trinta pacientes (n=4), sendo distribuídas aleatoriamente de acordo com cada condição experimental (AP inativa = 30; AP ativa = 30; XE inativa = 30 e XE ativa = 30). As restaurações foram avaliadas de acordo com os critérios USPHS modificado. As diferenças nos índices das duas formas de aplicação testada para cada adesivo após cada tempo (baseline e 6 meses) foram submetidos ao teste exato de Fisher′s (0,05) e a performance dos modos de aplicação para cada adesivo no momento e após 6 meses foi avaliado pelo teste de Mc Nemar′s ( 0,05). Na análise in vitro, os fatores técnica e tempo foram significantes (p < 0,05). No tempo imediato houve um aumento da RU e menor INP para os dois adesivos testados quando foram aplicados de forma ativa, entretanto após 6 meses, houve uma diminuição da RU e aumento da INP para os dois adesivos independentemente da técnica de aplicação. No estudo in vivo, 29 pacientes foram avaliados no período de 6 meses. A única diferença registrada foi à queda de uma restauração para o AP inativa, sendo classificado como critério C (Charlie). Conclui-se que: a RU e uma menor INP pode ser conseguida no período imediato quando os adesivos são aplicados sob vigorosa aplicação, entretanto após 6 meses a técnica de aplicação não se mostrou eficaz e na avaliação clínica nenhuma diferença foi observada no tempo de 6 meses.

Avaliação clínica de cães com cardiomiopatia dilatada idiopática, submetidos ao tratamento com carvedilol / Clinical avaliation of dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) treated by carvedilol

Leomil Neto, Moacir 09 January 2006 (has links)
A cardiomiopatia dilatada (CMD) é uma doença freqüente na clínica veterinária que acomete, principalmente, a espécie canina, habitualmente os machos, jovens ou adultos-jovem, das raças grandes e gigantes, em especial Doberman e Boxer. A doença caracteriza-se por uma redução na contratilidade e, freqüentemente, por arritmias que resultam na diminuição do volume sistólico e do débito cardíaco. O tratamento convencionalmente preconizado para cães acometidos pela CMD consiste na prescrição de vasodilatadores, agentes inotrópicos positivos (digitálico), diuréticos, dieta hipossódica e, quando necessário, antiarrítmicos. A ativação do sistema nervoso simpático (SNAS) ocorre em resposta à redução do débito cardíaco e da pressão arterial observados em casos de insuficiência cardíaca. Porém a partir de um certo grau os efeitos hipertensivos, cronotrópicos e inotrópicos positivos do SNAS geram graves alterações cardíacas como a sobrecarga de pressão e volume nos ventrículos, conseqüente isquemia miocárdica, morte de miócitos com deposição de tecido conjuntivo, diminuição da contratilidade cardíaca e nova sobrecarga de pressão e volume. O carvedilol é um &beta;-bloqueador de 3a geração, não seletivo, que bloqueia igualmente e competitivamente os receptores &beta;1, &beta;2 e &beta;1. O carvedilol produz uma evidente vasodilatação periférica, exerce efeitos anti-oxidantes, removendo radicais livres de oxigênio e prevenindo a peroxidação lipídica nas membranas cardíacas, prevenindo a perda de miócitos e a ocorrência de arritmias e reduzindo a taxa de mortalidade em pacientes humanos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar clínica, eletrocardiográfica, radiográfica e ecocardiograficamente a evolução de cães com cardiomiopatia dilatada (CMD) tratatos com terapia convencional associada ao carvedilol. Para tal foram avaliados 49 cães com CMD divididos em: grupo NT, tratado com terapia convencional, e grupo T, tratado com terapia convencional associada ao carvedilol. Os animais foram submetidos à avaliação clínica e a exames complementares durante o período de um ano. Os resultados demonstraram que a terapia com carvedilol apresentou boa tolerabilidade na dose de 0,3 mg/kg/12-12horas, aumentou a sobrevida dos cães em 30,9%, não alterou as pressões sistólica e diastólica, reduziu a freqüência cardíaca após três semanas de terapia, melhorou significantemente as frações de encurtamento e ejeção após seis meses de tratamento, não promoveu alterações radiográficas e da distância E-septo, diminuiu o índice de letalidade da doença, fato demonstrado pela melhora no escore clínico e na classe funcional dos animais, obtidas após três semanas de terapia com carvedilol. / Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a frequent disease in veterinary clinics which occurs specially in dogs, mostly males, young or young-adults, of big and giant breeds, mainly Dobermans and Boxers. The disease is characterized by a reduction in contractility and, frequently, by arrhythmias resulting in decrease of systolic volume and cardiac output. Commonly prescribed therapy for dogs presenting DCM consists of vasodilators, positive inotropic drugs (digitalics), diuretics, low-sodium diet and, when necessary, anti-arrhythmics. Activation of sympathetic nervous system (SNS) occurs in response to decrease in cardiac output and arterial pressure observed in cases of heart failure. However, after a certain degree, hypotensive, chronotropic and positive inotropic effects of SNS lead to severe heart alterations like pressure and volume overload on ventricles with consequent myocardial ischemia, death of myocytes with connective tissue deposition, decrease in heart contractility, and again pressure and volume overload. Carvedilol is a third generation non-selective ?- blocker which blocks equally and competitively &beta;1, &beta;2 and &beta;1 receptors. Carvedilol produces an evident peripheral vasodilation, exerts anti-oxidative effects, removing free radicals of oxygen and preventing lipidic peroxydation of cardiac membranes, and the loss of myocytes and arrhythmias, as well as reducing mortality rate in human patients. The aim of the present study was to evaluate by physical examination, electrocardiography, radiography, and echocardiography the evolution of dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) treated by conventional therapy associated to carvedilol. Forty-nine dogs with DCM were divided in two groups: group NT: treated with conventional therapy, and group T: treated with conventional therapy associated to carvedilol. The animals were submitted to clinical and complementary examinations during one year. The results demonstrated that carvedilol therapy presented good tolerability on the dose of 0,3 mg/Kg each 12 hours, prolonged lifetime of the dogs in 30,9%, did not alter systolic or diastolic pressure, reduced heart frequency after three weeks of treatment, significantly enhanced shortening and ejection fractions after six months of treatment, did not promote radiographic or E-septum distance alterations, decreased patients letality, as demonstrated by improvement of clinical score and functional class (heart failure according to NYHA) of the animals, obtained three weeks after the beginning of cavedilol therapy.

A retrospective study of the Clinical evaluation of language functions elementary screening test (CELF-S)

Caldwell, Tamara Lynn 01 January 1991 (has links)
One of the more widely-used methods for pinpointing children in need of more in-depth language evaluation is screening. One language screening instrument designed to accomplish this in an effective and efficient way was the Clinical Evaluation of Language Functions Elementary Screening Test (CELF-S) (Semel & Wiig, 1980). The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the CELF-S in identifying those children in a second grade setting, who were in need of more thorough evaluation. This study sought to answer the following questions: 1) What is the percentage of false negatives produced by the CELF-S?, and 2) What is the percentage of false positives produced by the CELF-S?

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