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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Visualizing pediatric obesity data to determine treatment strategy effectiveness and improvements / Visualisering av data om pediatrisk fetma för att fastställa behandlingsstrategins effektivitet och förbättringar

Le Tullier, Octav January 2023 (has links)
Pediatric obesity is skyrocketing nowadays worldwide. Therefore, helping and supporting clinicians in curing children is needed. As Health IT is soaring thanks to the emergence of a cutting-edge technology, treatments can now be followed closely and daily to give a personalized therapy. Thus, this thesis investigates how to build a clinical decision support tool to address this issue. The study was carried with the company Evira by following the user-centered design thinking method. The user research, carried out with semi-structured interviews at Martina Barnsjukhuset and Capio Vårdcentral Zinkensdamm, provided the users needs. A prototype was developed with considering this user research and requirements. Next, it was tested by experts during task-based and semi-structured interviews. This evaluation phase concluded that the prototype was intuitive and effective. By using different metrics, it allowed clinicians to see the activity of the patients, the irregularities and variation of their weight, their weighting habits, and the gender distribution of the patients. The final tool corrected some of the requests obtained during the evaluation. Thus, the proposed interface could support the decision of clinicians to improve treatment effectiveness and enable better resource planning. Further research can still be carried out in order to fine-tune this tool. / Fetma hos barn ökar kraftigt i dag över hela världen. Därför behövs det hjälp och stöd till kliniker för att behandla barn. Eftersom hälso- och sjukvårdsinformatik är på frammarsch tack vare framväxten av en banbrytande teknik kan behandlingar nu följas noga och dagligen för att ge en personlig behandling. I denna avhandling undersöks värdet av ett kliniskt beslutsstöd för att lösa detta problem. Studien genomfördes tillsammans med företaget Evira genom att följa metoden för användarcentrerat designtänkande. Användar- forskningen, som genomfördes med semistrukturerade intervjuer på Martina Barnsjukhuset och Capio Vårdcentral Zinkensdamm, gav användarnas behov. En prototyp utvecklades med hänsyn till denna användarundersökning och dessa krav. Därefter testades den av experter under uppgiftsbaserade och semistrukturerade intervjuer. I denna utvärderingsfas konstaterades att prototypen var intuitiv och effektiv. Den gjorde det möjligt för kliniker att se patienternas aktivitet och effektiviteten i behandlingen. Det slutliga verktyget korrigerade några av de önskemål som framkom under utvärderingen. Det föreslagna gränssnittet ökade således behandlingseffektiviteten och möjliggjorde bättre resursplanering. Ytterligare forskning kan fortfarande utföras för att finslipa detta verktyg.

Stödsystem/riktlinjer för riskbedömning av oral hälsa

Kvist, Linda, Gillhof, Sara January 2013 (has links)
Riskbedömning är en väsentlig del av klinikerns vardag. Varje patient ska riskbedömas och riskgrupperas, vilket sedan utgör grund för val av behandling, behandlare och revisionsintervall. I tandvården i Sverige idag används det ett flertal olika stödsystem eller riktlinjer för riskbedömning av oral hälsa. Syftet med studien var att ta reda på vilka stödsystem/riktlinjer som finns för riskbedömning av oral hälsa i Sverige idag och ge en beskrivning av de mest frekvent använda systemen samt göra en jämförelse av dessa. Syftet var också att undersöka huruvida dessa system är evidensbaserade och utvärderade samt att kartlägga kunskapsläget, gällande evidensbasering och utvärdering av stödsystem/riktlinjer, för riskbedömning av oral hälsa. För att skapa oss en allmän bild av stödsystem/riktlinjer för riskbedömning inleddes vårt arbete med en litteraturgenomgång. För att svara på frågeställningen om kunskapsläget över stödsystemens/riktlinjernas evidens och utvärdering, gjordes en systematisk litteraturöversikt. En kartläggning över Folktandvården och kontakt med Praktikertjänst gav oss en bild över vilka system som är aktuella i Sverige idag. För information om de utvalda systemen kontaktades så kallade nyckelpersoner för intervju. Data från intervjuerna har sedan analyserats i relation till vår litteraturgenomgång. Resultaten visar att Beslutsstöd R2 är det system som används mest frekvent inom Folktandvården. Andra förekommande system är Datorstödd Riskbedömning Effica och DentiGroup. Inom Praktikertjänst finns ett system tillgängligt för alla som använder sig av Opus journalsystem. Vår slutsats är att det vetenskapliga underlaget, gällande evidensbasering och utvärdering av stödsystem/riktlinjer, är bristfälligt. / Risk assessment is an essential part of dental practice today. Each patient should be assessed and stratified into a well defined group according to risk. This risk assessment should then affect the choice of prevention and treatment, and intervals for recalls and appropriate level of care. Today, in Swedish dental healthcare, different guidelines are being used as support in the assessment of a patient’s oral health. The aim of this study was to find out, compare and describe the most frequent used guidelines/systems for risk assessment of oral health in Sweden today. A second aim was to examine whether these systems are evidence-based and evaluated, and to identify existing knowledge about evidence-based supporting systems for risk assessment of oral health. A systematic review was made where articles published more than 10 years ago and papers which didn’t involve risk assessment of the whole patient were excluded. The Public Dental Service and Praktikertjänst were contacted and enquired about which systems if any were in use. For more in depth information on these systems, persons with key knowledge were interviewed. The information received was then analyzed in relation to the literature review. The results show that the system most frequently used in the Public Dental Service today is Beslutsstöd R2. Other computerbased systems are Datorstödd riskgruppering Effica and DentiGroup. In Praktikertjänst a system is available for all users of Opus Dental practice management system. Our conclusion is that the scientific evidence, regarding evidence-based and evaluation of support / guidelines are inadequate.

Sistemas informatizados de apoio à decisão clínica baseada em evidência e centrada no paciente: uma revisão sistemática / Evidence-based and patient-oriented clinical decision support systems: a systematic review

Monaco, Cauê Freitas 15 December 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A Medicina Baseada em Evidências, apesar da grande profusão de publicações da área, enfrenta desafios no intuito de melhorar a qualidade da assistência à saúde. O conhecimento gerado por suas publicações demora a ser posta em prática. Os softwares CDSS de apoio à decisão clínica, podem ser a solução de incorporação das evidências na prática clínica. Esses sistemas já foram associados a melhorias na qualidade de diversos aspectos da assistência à saúde, como a organização, minimização de erros, redução de custos, aumento da eficiência dos cuidados, mas pesquisas com desfechos centrados no paciente ainda são raras. Como outra qualquer intervenção em saúde, as afirmações de que os CDSS são benéficos para o paciente necessitam de confirmação por ensaios clínicos. Objetivos: Verificar se o uso dos CDSS com base em evidências, está associado com melhores resultados clínicos orientados para o paciente. Métodos: Revisão sistemática da literatura dos ensaios clínicos controlados e randomizados que compararam diretamente o uso de CDSS com práticas clínicas convencionais considerando os desfechos clínicos classificados como orientados para o paciente. Resultados: Nossa estratégia de pesquisa identificou 51283 artigos na base MEDLINE-PubMed, sendo 311 selecionados para leitura de título e resumo após a aplicação do filtro para ensaio clínico randomizado, 45 selecionados para leitura do texto completo, dos quais 19 preencheram o critério de elegibilidade. Outros 9 ensaios foram incluídos através da realização de um overview das revisões sistemáticas anteriores. Os ensaios foram publicados entre os anos de 1995 e 2015 e realizados em cinco contextos assistenciais, com duração máxima de 12 meses. A maioria das fontes de evidências que alimentaram os sistemas foram diretrizes de órgão governamental ou sociedades de especialidades. Doze ensaios avaliaram mortalidade, 14 avaliaram hospitalizações ou atendimento de emergência e 6 avaliaram desfechos relacionados a presença de sintomas. Foram realizadas meta-análises de acordo com o contexto assistencial e o tipo de desfecho. Somente uma meta-análise envolvendo a mortalidade de pacientes tratados em ambulatório por diferentes condições clínicas se mostrou estatisticamente significante, favorável ao grupo CDSS, em 3 ensaios randomizados por aglomerado, com risco de viés considerado moderado, que compromete a qualidade da evidência. Conclusões Apesar do potencial dos CDSS no apoio de intervenções de saúde, não há evidência de boa qualidade de que sejam efetivos para aumentar a sobrevida ou a qualidade de vida dos pacientes. O número de ensaios que avaliam esses desfechos, os períodos de tempo pelos quais os pacientes foram seguidos, o número insuficiente de participantes, bem como a heterogeneidade entre os estudos analisados quanto aos cenários clínicos e as fontes de informação que alimentam os softwares não permitiram resultados mais conclusivos / Background: In spite of the wealth of publications in the field, Evidence-Based Medicine faces challenges in order to improve quality of health care. It takes too long for knowledge produced by its publications to be put into practice. Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) may be a solution for incorporation of evidence into clinical practice. These systems have been associated with improvements in quality of various aspects of health care, including its organization, error minimizations, cost reductions and increases in its efficiency, but patient-oriented outcomes are still rare in research literature. Like any other healthcare intervention, claims that CDSS are beneficial for patients need to be confirmed by clinical trials. Objective: To verify whether the use of evidence-based Clinical Decision Support Systems is associated with improved patient-oriented clinical outcomes. Methods: Systematic literature review of randomized controlled trials that directly compared the use of CDSS with usual practice considering clinical outcomes classified as patient-oriented. Results: Our search strategy has identified 51,283 entries in MEDLINE-PubMed and, after filtering for randomized controlled trials 311 papers were selected for title and abstract reading. Forty-five were selected for full-text reading of which 19 have met eligibility criteria. Another nine trials were included after an overview of previous systematic reviews. Trials were published between 1995 and 2015 and performed in five care settings with a maximum follow-up of 12 months. Most evidence sources feeding systems´ knowledge bases were government agency guidelines or specialty societies. Twelve trials have assessed mortality, 14 have assessed hospital admissions and/or emergency visits and nine have assessed symptom-related outcomes. Meta-analyses were performed according to trials´ care setting and outcome types. Only a meta-analysis of three cluster-randomized trials involving mortality among outpatients with different clinical conditions was statistically significant, favouring CDSS group, but risk of bias was moderate, compromising the quality of evidence. Conclusions: Despite the potential of CDSS to improve healthcare quality there is no reliable evidence that they improve patients´ life extension or quality. The insufficient numbers of trials assessing these outcomes, studies´ subjects and follow-up periods, the heterogeneities of clinical settings across studies and knowledge bases feeding the systems impede achieving results that are more conclusive

Decision support in dementia care : developing systems for interactive reasoning

Lindgren, Helena January 2007 (has links)
Demensvården i Sverige och i andra delar av världen har på olika sätt varit i fokus de senaste åren där man påtalat behovet att utveckla metoder och riktlinjer för hur vården ska bedrivas. Detta för att möta den växande andelen äldre människor som också utvecklar demenssjukdomar. Nationella projekt har drivits, företrädesvis i syfte att förbättra vård och omsorg av personer med demenssjukdom, men även för att förbättra diagnosticering och behandling. I denna avhandling beskrivs utvecklingen av det dator-baserade beslutsstödet för demensutredning, DMSS (Dementia Management and Support System), som syftar till att fungera som ett stöd för personer som arbetar med att diagnosticera och behandla personer med kognitiv sjukdom. Domänen valdes även på grund av dess komplicerade kunskapsinnehåll, där bland annat en spännvidd av olika typer av symptom, komplexa kliniska mätmetoder sett ur ett formaliseringsperspektiv, starkt teamorienterat arbetssätt, ställer krav på hur kunskap ska och är möjlig att formaliseras och integreras i ett beslutsstödsystem för att det ska bli användbart i kliniskt arbete. De olika studierna och delprojekten som beskrivs i avhandlingen syftar till att tillsammans skapa en grund för utveckling av ett kliniskt kognitivt verktyg som stödjer och utvecklar användarens kognitiva processer (lärande, beslutsfattande, resonemang, etc.), samtidigt som det stödjer utvecklingen av det kliniska arbetet vari systemet ingår. I detta arbete fokuseras demensutredning som applikationsomr åde. Analyser har gjorts av den vidare användarkontexten, resonemangsprocesser, domän- och processkunskapen uttryckt i evidensbaserad litteratur och integrerad i klinisk praktik, terminologier samt formaliseringstekniker som kan hantera domänkunskapens egenskaper och användarsituationens krav. Prototyper har utvecklats och utvärderats i en iterativ process i samarbete med domänexperter, för användande i klinisk praktik i Sverige och Japan. För dessa studier har kvalitativa metoder använts i syfte att fånga så många olika aspekter som möjligt angående formalisering och interaktion, samt av praktiska skäl då det funnits begränsad tillgång till expertanvändare och patienter. Triangulering av metoder har tillämpats för att validera resultat. Kliniska utredningsverksamheter är komplexa processer, som är situerade, emergenta och styrda av individens behov, men även begränsade eller möjliggjorda av tillgängliga resurser på olika vårdnivåer i vårdprocessen. Det behövs metoder och verktyg som kan användas vid utveckling av system som syftar till att stödja dessa verksamheter. Det finns exempel på metoder som utvecklats för transformation av informell klinisk kunskap till en formell struktur som kan implementeras i ett beslutsstödsystem, där verktyg har utvecklats primärt i syfte att hjälpa kliniska experter att transformera sin kunskap till något en systemutvecklare kan använda. Den största nackdelen med dessa angreppssätt är att de är tidskrävande för experterna att sätta sej in i och använda. En metod har tillämpats i detta arbete där en teoribildning, som är gemensam för flera forskningsområden, använts för att strukturera klinisk process- och domänkunskap i en form som kan användas i formaliseringsarbete. Den konceptuella modellen av kliniskt arbete som utvecklats är baserad på verksamhetsteorin, kompletterad med general logics som kategoriskt, formellt teoretiskt ramverk för att möjliggöra transformationer mellan olika logiska språk och flexibel representation av riktlinjer och kunskap. Genom att göra en grundlig verksamhetsanalys utifrån ett aktivitetsperspektiv med hjälp av modellen, kan komponenter identifieras som kan formaliseras i en kunskapsbas och/eller kompletteras genom en design och implementation av ett gränssnitt som stödjer ett interaktivt resonemang och den kliniska processen. Resultatet av verkamhetsanalys och andra studier som presenteras i denna avhandling kommer att ligga till grund för vidare utveckling av DMSS för olika användarmiljöer, till att börja med i Sverige och Japan. Extensioner av systemet kommer att utvecklas som stödjer de olika ingående professionerna på olika vårdnivåer. Den konceptuella modellen kommer att utvecklas och tillämpas i framtida utvecklingsprojekt där beslutsstöd är en central komponent. Det formella ramverket kommer att utvecklas i syfte att kunna analysera och förfina kunskap i perspektivet av exempelvis olika set av kliniska riktlinjer som ställer olika krav på komplexitet hos logiken. Stödet till ett interaktivt resonemang vid användandet av systemet ska utvecklas med en kunskapsbas och ett dynamiskt gränssnitt speciellt utformat för ändamålet. Hittills har i första hand kvalitativa aspekter och syften varit i fokus i de olika projekten. Därför behöver varje utvecklingslinje ytterligare utvecklas med kvantitativa mål. Utvidgade utvärderingsstudier pågår, som syftar till att undersöka fördelning mellan olika nivåer av komplexitet hos patienter och vilken typ av stöd som behövs för respektive. När systemet är integrerat i daglig verksamhet kan faktorer som hur användande av systemet påverkar användaren och verksamheten undersökas. / There is a need to improve dementia care in Sweden. The main issues discussed are how to improve the competence of medical personnel and the quality of diagnosis and intervention. In this thesis the process of developing a decision-support system for the investigation of dementia is described, as one means to meet the need. The resulting prototype system DMSS (Dementia Management Support System) has been developed in cooperation with domain experts, and has been evaluated and redesigned in the process in an iterative development process. The process involves the assessment of evidence-based domain knowledge and its characteristics, the assessment of the procedural knowledge residing in clinical practice, and reasoning processes. Further, the terminology and main reasoning process integrated in the system have been validated. Qualitative methods have been used for these parts of the project for the purpose of assessing as many different aspects as possible, and for practical reasons due to the limited access to domain experts, patients and primary care physicians in the area. Triangulation of methods has been applied in order to validate results in the process. The development has been extended to also include prototypes for Japanese clinical environments. Clinical investigation activities are complex processes, which are situated, emergent and directed by the individual need of the patient, but also restricted or enhanced by the available resources at different points and at different care levels in the process. For the purpose of creating a system which provides support throughout the investigation process, the domain knowledge and the clinical investigation process was analysed and formalised in a conceptual model of clinical activity, developed based on activity theory and case studies of patients. The need for methods for the transformation of informal results from field studies into formal knowledge and design is addressed by providing the framework, which integrates the conceptual model of clinical activity and a method for the assessment and transformation of the knowledge to be integrated in a decision-support system. The model was used to identify actions and their characteristics suitable for formalisation in a decision-support system. Several sources of domain knowledge need to be integrated that express the knowledge differently, which increases the demands on a formalism for representation. The work towards formalising the diagnostic reasoning process in both typical and atypical patient's cases is presented, where the evidence in ambiguous cases is valued within different frames of references in order to improve specificity. Different logical frameworks have been applied, evaluated and developed using case studies of patients. Two lines of work towards a dementia logic and flexible guideline representation is presented; the defeasible, non-monotonic approach where many-valued dictionaries are used in a context-based argumentation framework; and the monotonic approach of integrating reasoning in a fundamental view of transformations between logics, using general logics as generalised and categorical framework.

Sistemas informatizados de apoio à decisão clínica baseada em evidência e centrada no paciente: uma revisão sistemática / Evidence-based and patient-oriented clinical decision support systems: a systematic review

Cauê Freitas Monaco 15 December 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A Medicina Baseada em Evidências, apesar da grande profusão de publicações da área, enfrenta desafios no intuito de melhorar a qualidade da assistência à saúde. O conhecimento gerado por suas publicações demora a ser posta em prática. Os softwares CDSS de apoio à decisão clínica, podem ser a solução de incorporação das evidências na prática clínica. Esses sistemas já foram associados a melhorias na qualidade de diversos aspectos da assistência à saúde, como a organização, minimização de erros, redução de custos, aumento da eficiência dos cuidados, mas pesquisas com desfechos centrados no paciente ainda são raras. Como outra qualquer intervenção em saúde, as afirmações de que os CDSS são benéficos para o paciente necessitam de confirmação por ensaios clínicos. Objetivos: Verificar se o uso dos CDSS com base em evidências, está associado com melhores resultados clínicos orientados para o paciente. Métodos: Revisão sistemática da literatura dos ensaios clínicos controlados e randomizados que compararam diretamente o uso de CDSS com práticas clínicas convencionais considerando os desfechos clínicos classificados como orientados para o paciente. Resultados: Nossa estratégia de pesquisa identificou 51283 artigos na base MEDLINE-PubMed, sendo 311 selecionados para leitura de título e resumo após a aplicação do filtro para ensaio clínico randomizado, 45 selecionados para leitura do texto completo, dos quais 19 preencheram o critério de elegibilidade. Outros 9 ensaios foram incluídos através da realização de um overview das revisões sistemáticas anteriores. Os ensaios foram publicados entre os anos de 1995 e 2015 e realizados em cinco contextos assistenciais, com duração máxima de 12 meses. A maioria das fontes de evidências que alimentaram os sistemas foram diretrizes de órgão governamental ou sociedades de especialidades. Doze ensaios avaliaram mortalidade, 14 avaliaram hospitalizações ou atendimento de emergência e 6 avaliaram desfechos relacionados a presença de sintomas. Foram realizadas meta-análises de acordo com o contexto assistencial e o tipo de desfecho. Somente uma meta-análise envolvendo a mortalidade de pacientes tratados em ambulatório por diferentes condições clínicas se mostrou estatisticamente significante, favorável ao grupo CDSS, em 3 ensaios randomizados por aglomerado, com risco de viés considerado moderado, que compromete a qualidade da evidência. Conclusões Apesar do potencial dos CDSS no apoio de intervenções de saúde, não há evidência de boa qualidade de que sejam efetivos para aumentar a sobrevida ou a qualidade de vida dos pacientes. O número de ensaios que avaliam esses desfechos, os períodos de tempo pelos quais os pacientes foram seguidos, o número insuficiente de participantes, bem como a heterogeneidade entre os estudos analisados quanto aos cenários clínicos e as fontes de informação que alimentam os softwares não permitiram resultados mais conclusivos / Background: In spite of the wealth of publications in the field, Evidence-Based Medicine faces challenges in order to improve quality of health care. It takes too long for knowledge produced by its publications to be put into practice. Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) may be a solution for incorporation of evidence into clinical practice. These systems have been associated with improvements in quality of various aspects of health care, including its organization, error minimizations, cost reductions and increases in its efficiency, but patient-oriented outcomes are still rare in research literature. Like any other healthcare intervention, claims that CDSS are beneficial for patients need to be confirmed by clinical trials. Objective: To verify whether the use of evidence-based Clinical Decision Support Systems is associated with improved patient-oriented clinical outcomes. Methods: Systematic literature review of randomized controlled trials that directly compared the use of CDSS with usual practice considering clinical outcomes classified as patient-oriented. Results: Our search strategy has identified 51,283 entries in MEDLINE-PubMed and, after filtering for randomized controlled trials 311 papers were selected for title and abstract reading. Forty-five were selected for full-text reading of which 19 have met eligibility criteria. Another nine trials were included after an overview of previous systematic reviews. Trials were published between 1995 and 2015 and performed in five care settings with a maximum follow-up of 12 months. Most evidence sources feeding systems´ knowledge bases were government agency guidelines or specialty societies. Twelve trials have assessed mortality, 14 have assessed hospital admissions and/or emergency visits and nine have assessed symptom-related outcomes. Meta-analyses were performed according to trials´ care setting and outcome types. Only a meta-analysis of three cluster-randomized trials involving mortality among outpatients with different clinical conditions was statistically significant, favouring CDSS group, but risk of bias was moderate, compromising the quality of evidence. Conclusions: Despite the potential of CDSS to improve healthcare quality there is no reliable evidence that they improve patients´ life extension or quality. The insufficient numbers of trials assessing these outcomes, studies´ subjects and follow-up periods, the heterogeneities of clinical settings across studies and knowledge bases feeding the systems impede achieving results that are more conclusive

Electronic Prescribing Management System for Rural Settings of Developing Countries : A Patient Centric System

Dronamraj, Saritha January 2012 (has links)
During the last decade, electronic prescribing has been a point of focus in healthcare industry and is rapidly becoming a standard of practice. It has proven as an important element in improving the quality of patient care, mitigating or eliminating the phone calls back and forth from pharmacies to point of care/health centers. Many e-prescribing systems were developed and marketed but these usually were unsuccessful because of the lack of direct electronic connectivity to local pharmacies and the lack of up-to-date formulary information, clinical guidelines, health plans & services among other reasons. Despite their benefits, the adoption and usage of electronic prescribing systems has been low. In some of the developing countries like Uganda, the problem is even worst. Due to lack of essential resources and manpower, healthcare services have significantly impacted on the productivity and quality of patient care.In an effort to improve, promote and maintain the quality of health services in rural settings of developing countries like Uganda, a high level design for e-prescribing system has been proposed. Design specifications for Electronic Prescribing Management System (EPMS) along with functional prototype are built based on ICT4MPOWER project requirements and previous research and publications in this area.Initially research began with Drug and Stock Management System and EPMS emerged as one of its essential components. In order to strengthen and establish connection between ongoing electronic health record system and drug and stock management development, EPMS component came into lime light. Mare prescription management is not enough to serve patient centric needs. Hence, clinical decision support has been introduced into e- prescribing system to improve the quality of prescribing decisions. In order to develop a patient-centric e-prescribing system that is self-evolving and self sustaining, it is important to update the clinical decision-support system, formularies & guidelines on regular basis. In order to make it usable, it is required to formulate effective health plans and increase associations between pharmacies and other health organizational units. The principal benefit of introducing E-prescribing system into Electronic Health Record (EHR) System is to connect open ended systems to form a strong knowledge base for future. / ICT4MPOWER

Élaboration et validation d’une base de données haute résolution destinée à la calibration d’un patient virtuel utilisable pour l’enseignement et la prise en charge personnalisée des patients en réanimation pédiatrique

Brossier, David 07 1900 (has links)
Cotutelle internationale avec l'université de Caen / La complexité des patients de réanimation justifie le recours à des systèmes d’aide à la décision thérapeutique. Ces systèmes rassemblent des protocoles automatisés de prise en charge permettant le respect des recommandations et des simulateurs physiologiques ou patients virtuels, utilisables pour personnaliser de façon sécuritaire les prises en charge. Ces dispositifs fonctionnant à partir d’algorithmes et d’équations mathématiques ne peuvent être développés qu’à partir d’un grand nombre de données de patients. Le principal objectif de cette thèse était la mise en place d’une base de données haute résolution automatiquement collectée de patients de réanimation pédiatrique dont le but sera de servir au développement et à la validation d’un simulateur physiologique : SimulResp©. Ce travail présente l’ensemble du processus de mise en place de la base de données, du concept jusqu’à son utilisation. / The complexity of the patients in the intensive care unit requires the use of clinical decision support systems. These systems bring together automated management protocols that enable adherence to guidelines and virtual physiological or patient simulators that can be used to safely customize management. These devices operating from algorithms and mathematical equations can only be developed from a large number of patients’ data. The main objective of the work was the elaboration of a high resolution database automatically collected from critically ill children. This database will be used to develop and validate a physiological simulator called SimulResp© . This manuscript presents the whole process of setting up the database from concept to use.

Exploring opportunities for improving clinical decision support systems in diabetes care consultations : A case study of public diabetes care in Sweden / Utforskning av möjligheter att förbättra kliniska beslutsstödsystem i besöken hos diabetesvården : En fallstudie av offentlig diabetesvård i Sverige

Gisseman, Tim January 2023 (has links)
This study explored the needs and challenges faced by diabetics and healthcare personnel in the context of diabetes consultations in Sweden, with the aim of identifying improvements for Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS). Given the global prevalence of diabetes, understanding the use and implications of CDSS in patient consultations is crucial. This research aimed to fill that knowledge gap by exploring ways to improve CDSS, considering the needs of both diabetics and healthcare workers. A qualitative approach was used, including 12 interviews, 1 observation, and 6 document reviews. A thematic analysis revealed four key themes which highlighted various challenges and needs, experienced from both diabetics and healthcare personnel. The underlying causes of these challenges were linked to recent technological advancements and the increase in available data points. This results infrustration, suboptimal care outcomes, and an increased reliance on alternative solutions by both parties. The DeLone and McLean IS Success Model was used to identify potential technological solutions and provides a clear recommendation on what needs to be improved for future solutions. The findings contribute significantly to understanding the utilization of CDSS in diabetes care and associated challenges. The study is particularly relevant for healthcare personnel, diabetics, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and scholars interested in healthcare information systems. Future studies should focus on generalizing these findings by exploring other healthcare systems and to what extent this findings are applicable for type 2 diabetics, as well as practically exploring how new systems can address the identified needs in this study. Ultimately, this study contributes to the potential for improved care and quality of life for diabetics. / Denna studie utforskade behov och utmaningar som diabetiker och sjukvårdspersonal står inför i samband med diabeteskonsultationer i Sverige, med målet att identifiera förbättringar för kliniska beslutsstödssystem (CDSS). Med tanke på diabetes globala prevalens, är det avgörande att förstå användningen och implikationerna av CDSS i patientkonsultationer. Denna forskning syftade till att fylla detta kunskapsgap genom att utforska möjligheter att förbättra CDSS, med hänsyn till både diabetikers och vårdgivares behov. Kvalitativa metoder användes, inklusive intervjuer, observationer och dokumentgranskningar. En tematisk analys identifierade fyra nyckelteman som belyste flera utmaningar och behov från både diabetiker och sjukvårdspersonal. De underliggande orsakerna till dessa utmaningar var kopplade till tekniska utveckling och ökningen av tillgängliga datapunkter. Detta resulterade i frustration, suboptimala vårdresultat och en ökad användning av alternativa lösningar från båda parter. DeLone och McLean IS Success Model användes för att översätta behoven till tekniska krav för potentiella framtida lösningar. Studiens resultat bidrar till förståelsen av användningen av CDSS inom diabetesvård och relaterade utmaningar. Studien är särskilt relevant för sjukvårdspersonal, diabetiker, politiker, entreprenörer och forskare som är intresserade av hälso- och sjukvårdsinformationssystem. Framtida studier bör fokusera på att generalisera dessa resultat genom att undersöka andra sjukvårdssystem och i samband med typ 2 diabetes, samt utforska hur mer praktiskt utveckling av nya system kan gå till för möta de identifierade behoven i denna studie. Slutligen bidrar denna studie till potentialen för förbättrad vård och livskvalitet för diabetiker.

The design and validation of a clinical decision-support algorithm for the prescribing of Renin-Angiotensin- Aldosterone system inhibitors for diabetic nephroprotection for older patients

Alsalemi, Noor 11 1900 (has links)
Contexte : Les patients âgés atteints de néphropathie diabétique ne reçoivent souvent pas un traitement pharmacologique optimal. Les directives de pratique clinique actuelles n'intègrent pas le concept de soins personnalisés. Les algorithmes d'aide à la décision clinique (ADC) qui tiennent compte à la fois des preuves et des soins personnalisés pour améliorer les résultats des patients peuvent améliorer les soins aux personnes âgées. L'objectif de cette recherche est de concevoir et de valider un algorithme ADC pour la prescription d'inhibiteurs du système rénineangiotensine- aldostérone (ISRAA) pour les patients âgés atteints de diabète. Méthodes : La conception de l'algorithme ADC comprenait trois phases principales. Dans la première phase, nous avons recherché, examiné et évalué les preuves actuelles sur plusieurs sujets liés aux décisions de prescription pour les patients âgés et à l'adhésion des cliniciens aux directives de pratique. Nous avons également procédé à un examen systématique et à une méta-analyse d'essais cliniques randomisés afin de déterminer les valeurs du nombre de patients à traiter (NPT) et du délai d'obtention d'un avantage (DOA) applicables à notre population cible en vue de leur utilisation dans l'algorithme. Dans la deuxième phase, nous avons exploré les points de vue des patients et des prestataires de soins de santé sur les outils ADC en menant des entretiens avec les patients et une enquête transversale auprès des prestataires de soins de santé. Dans la troisième et dernière phase, les résultats des études réalisées dans les phases un et deux ont été utilisés pour informer le développement de l'algorithme ADC qui a ensuite été validé dans une étude Delphi. Résultats : Nous avons créé un algorithme ADC qui couvrait 16 scénarios possibles. Neuf scénarios correspondaient à des recommandations de méta-analyses, tandis que cinq scénarios correspondaient à des directives de pratique clinique. Pour les neuf cas, nous avons généré 36 recommandations personnalisées et neuf recommandations générales sur la base des valeurs NPT et DOA calculées et appariées. En outre, nous avons pris en compte l'espérance de vie et la capacité fonctionnelle du patient. L'algorithme a été validé lors de trois tours d'une étude Delphi. Conclusion : Nous avons conçu un algorithme de CDS fondé sur des preuves qui intègre des considérations souvent négligées dans les directives de pratique clinique, notamment l'espérance de vie restante, la charge médicamenteuse et l'état fonctionnel. Les prochaines étapes consistent à le tester dans le cadre d'un essai clinique afin d'étudier s'il est capable d'atteindre des objectifs cliniques prévisibles et réalistes, de maintenir la qualité de vie des personnes âgées et de réduire l'utilisation et le coût du système de santé. / Background: Older patients with diabetic nephropathy often do not receive optimal pharmacological treatment. Current clinical practice guidelines do not incorporate the concept of personalized care. Clinical decision support (CDS) algorithms that consider both evidence and personalized care to improve patient outcomes can improve the care of older adults. The aim of this research is to design and validate a CDS algorithm for prescribing renin-angiotensin aldosterone system inhibitors (RAASi) for older patients with diabetes. Methods: The design of the CDS algorithm included three main phases. In phase one, we searched, reviewed, and evaluated current evidence on several topics related to prescribing decisions for older patients and clinicians' adherence to practice guidelines. We also conducted a systematic review and a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials to determine the number needed to treat (NNT) and time-to-benefit (TTB) values applicable to our target population for use in the algorithm. In phase two, we explored the views of patients and healthcare providers on CDS tools through conducting patient interviews and a cross-sectional survey of healthcare providers. In the third and final phase, findings from studies completed in phases one and two were used to inform the development of the CDS algorithm which was then validated using modified Delphi methodology. Results: We have created a CDS algorithm that covered 16 possible scenarios. There were nine scenarios matched to meta-analysis recommendations, while five scenarios were matched to clinical practice guidelines. For the nine cases, we have generated 36 personalized and nine general recommendations based on the calculated and matched NNT and TTB values. In addition, we have considered the patient’s life expectancy and functional capacity. The algorithm was validated in three rounds of a modified Delphi study. Conclusion: We designed an evidenceinformed CDS algorithm that integrates considerations often overlooked in clinical practice guidelines, including remaining life expectancy, medication burden, and functional status. The next steps include testing in a clinical trial to study if it is able to achieve predictable and realistic clinical goals, maintaining quality of life in older adults, and reducing healthcare system use and cost.

Physicians' expectations of future clinical decision support systems : Exploring the expected user experience of physicians in interaction with future decision support systems: Qualitative study.

Wassouf, Manar January 2022 (has links)
Research has focused heavily on the study of Clinical Decision Support Systems. However, CDS systems have generally had little impact on clinical practice. One of the most important reasons is the lack of human-computer interaction (HCI) considerations in designing these systems. Although physicians play an essential role in healthcare decision-making, there is little literature describing physicians' expectations and preferences prior to the development of these systems, which is an essential phase in user-centered design.This study aims to answer the following research question: What do physicians expect of interacting with future clinical decision support systems? An exploratory qualitative study was conducted, and data were collected by interviewing 9 physicians practicing in Sweden. A thematic analysis was used for data analysis, and the findings are four themes: 1) physicians' Expectations related to clinical practice; 2) physicians' expectations related to physician-patient relationship; 3) physicians' expectations related to the physician's role 4) physicians' expectations related to CDS governance.The research findings contribute to the knowledge of Anticipated UX in the context of healthcare and CDS systems. The empirical findings on potential user expectations are valuable for understanding the diversity of user experience and user expectations as phenomena in the specific domain of CDS systems. Service designers can utilize and build on the empirical findings to develop positive user experiences of future CDS systems

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