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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Smart Products: Technological Applications Vs User Expectations

Atacan Pamir, Naz 01 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis focuses on the technological trends in smart products, and analyzes their conformity to the user expectations. The advances in computation technologies have totally revolutionized the product concept, and with the integration of microchips, software and sensors into the classical everyday objects, smart products, able to sense the context, reason about the sensed data and act according to the situation, have emerged. This new way of computing basing on the ubiquitous and calm computing visions, has distributed the digital information into the surrounding environment, and once freed from the limited resources provided by the classical desktop based computing, attempted to enhance user product communication and collaboration in everyday environments. Via their sensing - decision making - acting process and advanced interaction capabilities, smart products have gained the ability to better interpret user needs and intuitively communicate with users through simplified interfaces involving the majority of the senses without even disturbing or overburdening their users. The study first, throughout a literature review, examines these improvements in computation technologies and determines the trends related to smart products. An empirical research is then conducted to find out to what extend user expectations from smart products overlap with the ongoing researches in this area. The findings including users&rsquo / conception about smartness and expectations from different types of smart products are analyzed regarding to the technological trends to deduce the coherence between literature&rsquo / s orientation and user preferences. The study considered the technological trends as a database and takes the user expectations as the design motivation.

The Extensive Subject File a Study of User Expectations in a Theological Library

White, Cecil R. (Cecil Ray) 08 1900 (has links)
This study is concerned with determining how library patrons decide which entries to select from a subject card file which consists of numerous bibliographic records. Patrons are expected to select certain records based on elements that are objective (displayed directly by the record and requiring little or no interpretation) or subjective (recognized because of the user's special knowledge of the field).

Digital förberedelse inför ett bilköp : En studie kring användarförväntningar online / Online preparation for a car purchase : User expetations online

Bank, Niklas January 2021 (has links)
Digitaliseringen har bidragit till att man inför ett köpbeslut kan inhämta information från en mängd olika håll och i samband med det har forskningsbegrepp som elektronisk mun-till-mun marknadsföring (eWom) börjat äga rum genom att människor recenserar produkter, skriver om dom på sociala medier och betygsätter varorna. Dessa aspekter bidrar till att man kan bygga upp en trygghet inför sitt köp. Inom bilköp har digitaliseringen av köpprocessen inte fortskridit i samma takt som andra varor, men information inhämtas med hjälp av internet i hög grad inför ett köp. Detta examensarbete tittar närmare på förberedelse av bilköp med stöd från online-recensioner och diskussionsforum online och hur dessa påverkar användarförväntningarna. Användarförväntningar (User Expectations) är en del av användarupplevelsen (User Experience) och bygger på hur vi förväntar oss att vårt användande av en produkt eller tjänst kommer att se ut. Inom User Experience Design kan man genom att studera specifika kontexter, som exempelvis förberedelse av ett köp på ett mer noggrant sätt få en ökad förståelse för användarnas behov ur både ett pragmatiskt och hedoniskt perspektiv. Användarförväntningar påverkas av såväl tidigare erfarenheter och upplevelsersom av andra användare, dessutom formas användarförväntningar under själva upplevelsen. Målet med studien är att vidare undersöka hur en digital och social kontext inverkar på användarförväntningarna och utifrån det har en problemformulering med en forskningsfråga tagits fram. Forskningsfrågan för arbetet är Hur påverkas användarförväntningar inför ett bilköp av onlinerecensioneroch diskussionsforum online? Frågan besvaras med hjälp av en kvalitativ datainsamling i form av enkät och djupintervjuer sex av personerna som besvarade enkäten. Datainsamlingen visar att man använder diskussionsforum föratt få ”vanliga människors” upplevelser av bilar och att den största påverkan på hur man föreställer sig användandet är genom andra människors beskrivningar av deras användande i form av hur man löst ett problem eller att med en elbil åkt på bilsemester ner i Europa. Man tenderar att ta till sig information från särskilda användare, baserat på de uppfattas ha en stor kompetens på området eller att de påminner om en själv. Genom att hitta människor som påminner om en själv i forumen kan man med större säkerhet se sin egen framtida användning av den bil man tänkt införskaffa. / There is a digitalization proceeding which affects us in different ways, in order to make purchase decisions we are now able to gather information from many sources. As a result of this terms like electronic word of mouth marketing (eWom) started to appear in science, which means that people have started to review products online or discuss products in online forums or other kinds of social media. This has made buying easier in a lot of ways because one can assure oneself before the purchase through the experiences and opinions of other users. Regarding cars though, digitalizationis not as far ahead as other goods when it comes to actually purchase cars online, but the research process before the purchase is in many ways already a digital process. This thesis investigates the research process regarding car purchases, with a focus on the social aspects coming from other users through online-reviews and online forums to see how they affect the User Expectations. User Expectations is a part of the User Experience can be explained as how we as users build expectations about a product or a service through anticipating the use of it. Within User Experience context isrelevant, in this case the context is how users conduct the research process before buying a car, inorder to reach a deeper understanding of the users pragmatic and hedonic needs. User Expectations are affected by both past experiences and other users and User Expectations is also formed during the User Experience. The aim of this study is to explore how a digital and social context affects the User Expectations and in order to explore this a research question has been formulated which is: When conducting product research before buying a car, how do online-reviews and online forums affect the User Expectations? The research question is answered with a qualitative study through a survey and in depth interviews with six of the survey respondents. The sampled data show that one uses online forum in order toget “ordinary people’s” experiences of cars and that the main impact on anticipating the use of one’s future cars is through usage examples or how another user solved a problem, for example regarding electric cars how another user described how they went on a car trip through Europe only on electricity. The respondents tends to be more susceptible to information from specific users, these users are either regarded very competent or they tend to have a lot of similarities in life with the respondents. By finding other users in similar situations the respondents get more assured and are able to anticipate their use of the specific car in mind.

Digitizing Sound Archives at Royal Library of Belgium: Challenges and difficulties encountered during a major digitization project

Lemmers, Frédéric 03 December 2019 (has links)
Music in general and recorded music in particular are rarely a priority for libraries’ digitization policies, although wax cylinders and 78rpm discs might be digitized for preservation and accessibility reasons. The respect of the original recording technique during the digitization process will ensure the scientific and artistic credibility of the digitized sources. The Royal Library of Belgium started in 2016 the digitization of its whole collection of 78rpm. Realized by subcontracting, this project of about 4,000 hours will constitute a large corpus of sources for the digital musicology upcoming needs. / Musikalien im Allgemeinen und Tonträger im Besonderen erhalten in bibliothekarischen Digitalisierungsstrategien häufig nur wenig Beachtung, obwohl gerade für Wachszylinder und Schellackplatten sowohl aus Gründen der Bestandserhaltung als auch zur Verbesserung der Zugänglichkeit ihre Digitalisierung dringend geboten wäre. Um bei der Retrodigitalisierung von historischen Tonaufnahmen künstlerisch und wissenschaftlich zuverlässige Ergebnisse zu erreichen, ist den originalen Aufnahmetechniken große Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken. Die Königliche Bibliothek Belgiens lässt seit 2016 ihre vollständige Sammlung an Schellackplatten digitalisieren. Mithilfe eines Dienstleisters werden ca. 4 000 Stunden Tonaufnahmen produziert, die für aufkommende Forschungsfragen der digitalen Musikwissenschaft einen gewichtigen Quellenkorpus darstellen.

Hello Trivia Friend: Understanding Human-Agent Dynamics Through Design Provocation

McNulty, Charlotte, Dalli, Kevin C January 2024 (has links)
This study leverages a critical provocation design approach to examine user interactions with intelligent agents, specifically focusing on how non-conventional agent behaviours impact user perceptions. By embedding playful, challenging, and mischievous elements into the user experience, the research aims to uncover insights that traditional methods might miss. The experimental design involved participants interacting with a trivia game agent named Trivia Friend, which intentionally provided false feedback to provoke reactions and gain insights on user perceptions. Key findings highlight the emotional spectrum elicited by the agent’s behaviour, ranging from frustration and mistrust to amusement and engagement. The study reveals that user perceptions of fairness and communication style are influenced by the agent’s provocations. Furthermore, the research underscores the importance of managing user expectations. A provocative design can stimulate engagement. However, real world implementations of intelligent agents must be designed with fairness and transparency to ensure positive user experiences. The study calls for incorporating efforts towards emotional understanding, clear communication, and ethical considerations when implementing socially capable intelligent agents. This research contributes to the development of adaptive, user-friendly, and ethically sound intelligent AI based agents by offering valuable insights into the complex dynamics of human-agent interactions.

Sind wir fit für das 21. Jahrhundert? : Die aus den neuen Technologien erwachsenden Anforderungen an die Archive / Are we prepared for the 21st century : the challenges for archives arising due to new technologies

17 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Der Tagungsband beschäftigt sich mit den aus den neuen Technologien erwachsenden Anforderungen an die Archive. Er fasst mehrere Aufsätze zusammen, die sich aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven mit diesen Herausforderungen beschäftigen. Das Eingangsreferat von Norbert Becker wertet eine Umfrage zu Erwartungen der Benutzer im Hinblick auf die modernen Medien und Informationstechnologien aus. Kerstin Arnold stellt das Projekt zur Schaffung eines Archivportals für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland vor. In zwei weiteren Beiträgen werden konkrete Digitalisierungsprojekte bzw. –strategien vorgestellt. Susanne Knoblich, Berlin, stellt einen Werkstattbericht zur Übernahme von elektronischen Unterlagen in das Landesarchiv Berlin vor. Abgerundet wird der Band durch einen Beitrag von Kerstin Orantek zu den Problemen des Datenschutzes in einer digitalisierten Welt. / The proceedings of the conference are concerned with the requirements for archives arising due to new technologies. It comprises several papers addressing these challenges from different perspectives. The opening address by Norbert Becker evaluates a survey on user expectations concerning modern media and information technologies. Kerstin Arnold describes a project to create the archive portal of the Federal Republic of Germany. In two other contributions, specific digitisation projects or strategies are discussed. Susanne Knoblich from Berlin presents a working report on the transfer of electronic documents for the National Archives of Berlin. Kerstin Orantek completes the volume with a contribution on the problem of data protection in a digital world.

Effektiviteti gränssnitt : Mentalamodellers inverkan på klickkostnad

Nesterud, Mårten, Svanlund, Andreas January 2017 (has links)
Efficiency as a   part of usability is a much researched topic. How we design user interfaces   though, is often a matter of convention rather than scientifically validated   patterns. There is however a reason for this; research has shown that users   form clear mental models, or expectations of how an interface should look and   work. Designing with these models in mind should therefore yield efficient   results according to some researchers. This study aimed to test the extent to   which these models affect efficiency through a quantitative quasi-experiment. The experiment   was designed to measure click cost while designing for, or contrary to, the   mental models. This was achieved by adding or subtracting the variables:   placement conventions, saliency, clutter, appearance conventions and help   text to an experimental group and a control group respectively. To ascertain   the impact of these independent variables the click cost in milliseconds has   been recorded in a web questionnaire environment, aggregated and   comparatively analyzed between the groups. The result is a clearer picture of   each variables independent effect on click costs and efficiency. The main   result show a tendency towards higher click costs for badly handled placement   conventions, saliency and appearance conventions, however the differences are   small. In the case of clutter no increase in click cost could be recoded. The   single largest increase in click cost is incurred when help texts are   omitted. / Effektivitet,som en del av användbarhet, är ett väl undersökt område. Hur gränssnittutformas grundar sig oftast i allmänt accepterade normer snarare än påvetenskapliga validerade mönster. Det finns dock en anledning till detta:forskningEffektivitet,som en del av användbarhet, är ett väl undersökt område. Hur gränssnittutformas grundar sig oftast i allmänt accepterade normer snarare än påvetenskapliga validerade mönster. Det finns dock en anledning till detta:forskning visar att användare skapar mentala modeller eller förväntningar på hur ett gränssnitt bör se ut och fungera vid interaktion. Att utforma gränssnitt med dessa modeller i åtanke bör därför, enligt vissa forskare, ge effektiva resultat. Syftet med denna studie var att testa i vilken utsträckning dessa mentala modeller har en inverkan på effektiviteten i gränssnitt genom ett kvantitativt kvasiexperiment. Experimentet utformades för att mäta klickkostnaden i gränssnitt som överensstämmer med, eller strider mot, de mentala modellerna. Detta uppnåddes genom att tillföra eller ta bort variablerna: placeringspraxis, visuellt framträdande, brus, utseendepraxis och hjälptext till en testgrupp och en kontrollgrupp. För att fastställa till vilken grad dessa oberoende variabler påverkar har klickkostnaden i millisekunder uppmätts i ett webenkätsgränssnitt, aggregerats och jämförts mellan grupperna. Resultatet är en tydligare bild av varje variabels grad av påverkan på klickkostnad och effektivitet. Det huvudsakliga resultatet visar på en tendens till högre klickkostnad när placeringspraxis, visuellt framträdande och utseendepraxis frångår normerna. Differenserna är dock små. Vad gäller brus har ingen ökning i klickkostnad kunnat uppmätas. Den enskilt största ökningen i klickkostand sker när hjälptext utelämnas.

Sind wir fit für das 21. Jahrhundert? : Die aus den neuen Technologien erwachsenden Anforderungen an die Archive

Luther, Stephan 17 March 2011 (has links)
Der Tagungsband beschäftigt sich mit den aus den neuen Technologien erwachsenden Anforderungen an die Archive. Er fasst mehrere Aufsätze zusammen, die sich aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven mit diesen Herausforderungen beschäftigen. Das Eingangsreferat von Norbert Becker wertet eine Umfrage zu Erwartungen der Benutzer im Hinblick auf die modernen Medien und Informationstechnologien aus. Kerstin Arnold stellt das Projekt zur Schaffung eines Archivportals für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland vor. In zwei weiteren Beiträgen werden konkrete Digitalisierungsprojekte bzw. –strategien vorgestellt. Susanne Knoblich, Berlin, stellt einen Werkstattbericht zur Übernahme von elektronischen Unterlagen in das Landesarchiv Berlin vor. Abgerundet wird der Band durch einen Beitrag von Kerstin Orantek zu den Problemen des Datenschutzes in einer digitalisierten Welt.:Stephan Luther: Einleitung 7 Norbert Becker: Perspektiven, Benutzererwartungen und neue Aufgaben der Archive zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts. Ergebnisse einer Benutzerumfrage 11 Kerstin Arnold: Auf dem Weg zum Archivportal Deutschland. Die Referenzanwendung aus dem DFG-Projekt zum „Ausbau des Netzwerks SED-/FDGB-Archivgut“ 37 Marek Ďurčanský: Die tschechischen Spezialarchive und die Digitalisierung 53 Matthias Röschner: Auf dem Weg ins Internet – Digitalisierungsprojekte im Archiv 65 Susanne Knoblich: Übernahme und Archivierung elektronischer Unterlagen durch das Landesarchiv Berlin – Ein Werkstattbericht 83 Kerstin Orantek: Probleme des Datenschutzes in einer digitalisierten Welt – Neue Anforderungen für Archive? 91 / The proceedings of the conference are concerned with the requirements for archives arising due to new technologies. It comprises several papers addressing these challenges from different perspectives. The opening address by Norbert Becker evaluates a survey on user expectations concerning modern media and information technologies. Kerstin Arnold describes a project to create the archive portal of the Federal Republic of Germany. In two other contributions, specific digitisation projects or strategies are discussed. Susanne Knoblich from Berlin presents a working report on the transfer of electronic documents for the National Archives of Berlin. Kerstin Orantek completes the volume with a contribution on the problem of data protection in a digital world.:Stephan Luther: Einleitung 7 Norbert Becker: Perspektiven, Benutzererwartungen und neue Aufgaben der Archive zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts. Ergebnisse einer Benutzerumfrage 11 Kerstin Arnold: Auf dem Weg zum Archivportal Deutschland. Die Referenzanwendung aus dem DFG-Projekt zum „Ausbau des Netzwerks SED-/FDGB-Archivgut“ 37 Marek Ďurčanský: Die tschechischen Spezialarchive und die Digitalisierung 53 Matthias Röschner: Auf dem Weg ins Internet – Digitalisierungsprojekte im Archiv 65 Susanne Knoblich: Übernahme und Archivierung elektronischer Unterlagen durch das Landesarchiv Berlin – Ein Werkstattbericht 83 Kerstin Orantek: Probleme des Datenschutzes in einer digitalisierten Welt – Neue Anforderungen für Archive? 91

Physicians' expectations of future clinical decision support systems : Exploring the expected user experience of physicians in interaction with future decision support systems: Qualitative study.

Wassouf, Manar January 2022 (has links)
Research has focused heavily on the study of Clinical Decision Support Systems. However, CDS systems have generally had little impact on clinical practice. One of the most important reasons is the lack of human-computer interaction (HCI) considerations in designing these systems. Although physicians play an essential role in healthcare decision-making, there is little literature describing physicians' expectations and preferences prior to the development of these systems, which is an essential phase in user-centered design.This study aims to answer the following research question: What do physicians expect of interacting with future clinical decision support systems? An exploratory qualitative study was conducted, and data were collected by interviewing 9 physicians practicing in Sweden. A thematic analysis was used for data analysis, and the findings are four themes: 1) physicians' Expectations related to clinical practice; 2) physicians' expectations related to physician-patient relationship; 3) physicians' expectations related to the physician's role 4) physicians' expectations related to CDS governance.The research findings contribute to the knowledge of Anticipated UX in the context of healthcare and CDS systems. The empirical findings on potential user expectations are valuable for understanding the diversity of user experience and user expectations as phenomena in the specific domain of CDS systems. Service designers can utilize and build on the empirical findings to develop positive user experiences of future CDS systems

La calidad en formación especializada en interpretación: análisis de los criterios de evaluación de un jurado en un posgrado de interpretación de conferencia médica

Soler Caamaño, Emma 25 November 2006 (has links)
L'avaluació de la qualitat en interpretació al final del procés formatiu de postgrau hauria de coincidir, si més no majoritàriament, amb les expectatives de qualitat professionals respecte a un intèrpret novell. Partint d'aquesta hipòtesi, i inspirant-nos tan en estudis de satisfacció o expectatives de qualitat d'usuaris d'interpretació (perspectiva professional) com en els protocols d'avaluació aplicats a diverses universitats (perspectiva acadèmica), així com en els Models dels esforços de Daniel Gile, la nostra recerca empírica i observacional suposa una contribució a la identificació dels criteris de qualitat en interpretació. Es va enregistrar i transcriure un ampli corpus amb un total de 69 avaluacions de 18 estudiants davant d'un total de 7 examinadors en un postgrau d'interpretació de conferència mèdica. Després d'identificar els indicadors de qualitat (67) considerats pels avaluadors, es va dur a terme una anàlisi estadística, l'establiment de categories (6) i la identificació de trets distintius entre els avaluadors. La innovació rau en el fet d'haver desgranat els criteris de qualitat implícits a partir del corpus (avaluacions en un postgrau d'especialitat), en el mètode emprat per identificar les categories i en el seu processament. Els resultats mostren, entre altres qüestions, que la quantitat de comentaris positius o negatius fets pels avaluadors pràcticament no influeixen en la puntuació atorgada als estudiants. / La evaluación de la calidad en interpretación al final del proceso formativo de posgrado debería coincidir, al menos mayoritariamente, con las expectativas de calidad profesionales respecto a un intérprete novel. Partiendo de esta hipótesis, e inspirándonos tanto en estudios sobre satisfacción o expectativas de calidad de usuarios de interpretación (perspectiva profesional) como en los protocolos de evaluación aplicados en distintas universidades (perspectiva académica), así como en los Modelos de los esfuerzos de Daniel Gile, nuestra investigación empírica y observacional supone una contribución a la identificación de los criterios de calidad en interpretación. Se grabó y se transcribió un amplio corpus con un total de 69 evaluaciones de 18 estudiantes ante un total de 7 examinadores en un posgrado de interpretación de conferencia médica. Tras identificar los indicadores de calidad (67) considerados por los evaluadores, se procedió a un análisis estadístico, al establecimiento de categorías (6) y a la identificación de rasgos distintivos entre los evaluadores. La innovación radica en haber desgranado los criterios de calidad implícitos a partir del corpus (evaluaciones en un posgrado de especialidad), en el método utilizado para identificar las categorías y en su procesamiento. Los resultados muestran, entre otros extremos, que la cantidad de comentarios positivos o negativos realizados apenas influyen en la puntuación que otorgan a los estudiantes. / Assessing interpreting quality at the final stages of a student's training process at the postgraduate level should be, for the most part, in keeping with quality expectations for novel practitioners. On the basis of such hypothesis, and inspired by studies on quality satisfaction or users' expectations (professional approach), assessment protocols used in different training schools (academic approach), and Daniel Gile's Efforts Model, our research -empirical and observational- aims to contribute to identify quality-defining criteria in interpreting. A large corpus was recorded and transcribed, with a total of 69 post-exercise assessments of 18 interpreters taking a specialization course in medical interpreting by 7 instructors. The assessments were scrutinized for evaluative comments which were analyzed statistically. This involved also classifying them in categories (67) and later merging them into 6 category groups. The innovation lies in the very concept of working backwards from a corpus towards implicit quality criteria, in the work on this corpus type (assessments during a postgraduate training course), in the method used to identify categories and in the further processing of the categories. The findings give some solid indications and show that assessors are not too influenced by the number of positive or negative comments they make when deciding what mark they will grant to the students.

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