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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Statistical modeling of protein sequences beyond structural prediction : high dimensional inference with correlated data / Modélisation statistique des séquences de protéines au-delà de la prédiction structurelle : inférence en haute dimension avec des données corrélées

Coucke, Alice 10 October 2016 (has links)
Grâce aux progrès des techniques de séquençage, les bases de données génomiques ont connu une croissance exponentielle depuis la fin des années 1990. Un grand nombre d'outils statistiques ont été développés à l'interface entre bioinformatique, apprentissage automatique et physique statistique, dans le but d'extraire de l'information de ce déluge de données. Plusieurs approches de physique statistique ont été récemment introduites dans le contexte précis de la modélisation de séquences de protéines, dont l'analyse en couplages directs. Cette méthode d'inférence statistique globale fondée sur le principe d'entropie maximale, s'est récemment montrée d'une efficacité redoutable pour prédire la structure tridimensionnelle de protéines, à partir de considérations purement statistiques.Dans cette thèse, nous présentons les méthodes d'inférence en question, et encouragés par leur succès, explorons d'autres domaines complexes dans lesquels elles pourraient être appliquées, comme la détection d'homologies. Contrairement à la prédiction des contacts entre résidus qui se limite à une information topologique sur le réseau d'interactions, ces nouveaux champs d'application exigent des considérations énergétiques globales et donc un modèle plus quantitatif et détaillé. À travers une étude approfondie sur des donnéesartificielles et biologiques, nous proposons une meilleure interpretation des paramètres centraux de ces méthodes d'inférence, jusqu'ici mal compris, notamment dans le cas d'un échantillonnage limité. Enfin, nous présentons une nouvelle procédure plus précise d'inférence de modèles génératifs, qui mène à des avancées importantes pour des données réelles en quantité limitée. / Over the last decades, genomic databases have grown exponentially in size thanks to the constant progress of modern DNA sequencing. A large variety of statistical tools have been developed, at the interface between bioinformatics, machine learning, and statistical physics, to extract information from these ever increasing datasets. In the specific context of protein sequence data, several approaches have been recently introduced by statistical physicists, such as direct-coupling analysis, a global statistical inference method based on the maximum-entropy principle, that has proven to be extremely effective in predicting the three-dimensional structure of proteins from purely statistical considerations.In this dissertation, we review the relevant inference methods and, encouraged by their success, discuss their extension to other challenging fields, such as sequence folding prediction and homology detection. Contrary to residue-residue contact prediction, which relies on an intrinsically topological information about the network of interactions, these fields require global energetic considerations and therefore a more quantitative and detailed model. Through an extensive study on both artificial and biological data, we provide a better interpretation of the central inferred parameters, up to now poorly understood, especially in the limited sampling regime. Finally, we present a new and more precise procedure for the inference of generative models, which leads to further improvements on real, finitely sampled data.

Stochastic models for collective motions of populations / Modèles stochastiques pour des mouvements collectifs de populations

Pédèches, Laure 11 July 2017 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, on s'intéresse à des systèmes stochastiques modélisant un des phénomènes biologiques les plus mystérieux, les mouvements collectifs de populations. Pour un groupe de N individus, vus comme des particules sans poids ni volume, on étudie deux types de comportements asymptotiques : d'un côté, en temps long, les propriétés d'ergodicité et de flocking, de l'autre, quand le nombre de particules N tend vers l'infini, les phénomènes de propagation du chaos. Le modèle, déterministe, de Cucker-Smale, un modèle cinétique de champ moyen pour une population sans structure hiérarchique, est notre point de départ : les deux premiers chapitres sont consacrés à la compréhension de diverses dynamiques stochastiques qui s'en inspirent, du bruit étant rajouté sous différentes formes. Le troisième chapitre, originellement une tentative d'amélioration de ces résultats, est basé sur la méthode du développement en amas, un outil de physique statistique. On prouve l'ergodicité exponentielle de certains processus non- markoviens à drift non-régulier. Dans la dernière partie, on démontre l'existence d'une solution, unique dans un certain sens, pour un système stochastique de particules associé au modèle chimiotactique de Keller et Segel. / In this thesis, stochastic dynamics modelling collective motions of populations, one of the most mysterious type of biological phenomena, are considered. For a system of N particle-like individuals, two kinds of asymptotic behaviours are studied: ergodicity and flocking properties, in long time, and propagation of chaos, when the number N of agents goes to infinity. Cucker and Smale, deterministic, mean-field kinetic model for a population without a hierarchical structure is the starting point of our journey: the fist two chapters are dedicated to the understanding of various stochastic dynamics it inspires, with random noise added in different ways. The third chapter, an attempt to improve those results, is built upon the cluster expansion method, a technique from statistical mechanics. Exponential ergodicity is obtained for a class of non-Markovian process with non-regular drift. In the final part, the focus shifts onto a stochastic system of interacting particles derived from Keller and Segel 2-D parabolic-elliptic model for chemotaxis. Existence and weak uniqueness are proven.

Electronic transport properties of thermoelectric materials with a focus on clathrate compounds

Troppenz, Maria 12 October 2021 (has links)
Thermoelektrische Bauelemente ermöglichen die Erzeugung von Elektrizität aus überschüssiger Wärme, wie sie in großen Mengen in Geräten und Prozessen entsteht. Effiziente Thermoelektrika benötigen eine hohe thermoelektrische Gütezahl, die durch elektronische und thermische Transporteigenschaften der Materialien bestimmt wird. Die Dissertation untersucht zunächst die elektronischen Transporteigenschaften zweier hochaktueller thermoelektrischer Materialien, des Schichtsystems SnSe und einer komplexen Klathrat-Legierung. Deren theoretische Beschreibung benötigt unterschiedliche Methoden, die während dieses Dissertationsprojektes implementiert, erweitert oder entwickelt wurden. Die Temperaturabhängigkeit der Leitfähigkeit von SnSe wurde mittels der Boltzmann-Transportmethode in Relaxationszeitnäherung untersucht. Wir zeigen, dass nur bei gleichzeitiger Einbeziehung von thermischer Ausdehnung des Kristallgitters und Elektron-Phonon-Streuprozessen eine gute Übereinstimmung mit Experimenten erreicht wird. Die Eigenschaften des Typ-I-Klathrats Ba8AlxSi46-x sind sowohl von der Stöchiometrie als auch von der Al-Konfiguration, d.h. der Anordnung der Al-Atome im Wirtsgitter, abhängig. Für x=16 wurde der Grundzustand als hableitend bestimmt, während Konfigurationen mit höheren Energien metallisch sind. Wir erhalten eine zuverlässige Beschreibung der elektronischen, strukturellen und Transporteigenschaften von Ba8AlxSi46-x bei endlichen Temperaturen durch Mittlungen über Konfigurationen. Mittels einer neu entwickelten Methode zur Berechnung der temperaturabhängigen effektiven Bandstruktur von Legierungen beobachten wir ein temperaturbedingtes Schließen der Bandlücke bei x=16, was mit einem Phasenübergang von partieller Ordnung zu Unordnung bei 582K einher geht. Basierend auf Gedächtnisfunktions-Modellen präsentieren wir ferner eine neue Ab-initio-Methode zur Berechnung der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit von Festkörpern mit einem Unordungspotential beliebiger Kopplungsstärke. / Thermoelectric devices convert heat into electricity, thus enabling the reuse of waste heat produced by all kinds of engines. To make this conversion process profitable, materials with a high thermoelectric figure of merit, ZT, are demanded. ZT depends on electronic and thermal transport properties. In this thesis, we study the electronic transport properties of two emerging thermoelectric materials, the layered material SnSe and a complex type-I clathrate alloy. Their reliable description requires different methodologies, that has been implemented, extended, or developed during this PhD project. For SnSe, the temperature dependence of the conductivity and the Seebeck coefficient is studied using the Boltzmann transport approach in the relaxation time approximation. We show that only by simultaneously accounting for thermal lattice expansion and electron-phonon coupling, a good agreement with experiment is reached. The properties of the type-I clathrate Ba8AlxSi46-x are determined, on the one hand, by its composition, and, on the other hand, by the configuration, i.e., the arrangement of the Al atoms in the host lattice. At the charge-compensated composition x=16, the ground-state configuration is found to be semiconducting, while configurations higher in energy are metallic. We obtain a realistic description of the electronic, structural, and transport properties of Ba8AlxSi46-x at finite temperature by using configurational thermodynamic averages. From a newly developed method to compute the finite-temperature effective band structure of alloys, we observe a temperature-driven closing of the band gap for x=16, which is concomitant with a partial order-disorder phase transition at 582K. We further present a novel ab initio memory-function approach for solids that enables the calculation of the electrical conductivity of solids in a disorder potential at arbitrary coupling strength. An application of the developed formalism is demonstrated with the example of sodium.


平尾, 公彦, 中辻, 博 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:一般研究(B) 課題番号:01470008 研究代表者:平尾 公彦 研究期間:1989-1990年度

Solid-Solution Strengthening and Suzuki Segregation in Co- and Ni-based Alloys

Dongsheng Wen (12463488) 29 April 2022 (has links)
<p>Co and Ni are two major elements in high temperature structural alloys that include superalloys for turbine engines and hard metals for cutting tools. The recent development of complex concentrated alloys (CCAs), loosely defined as alloys without a single principal element (e.g. CoNiFeMn), offers additional opportunities in designing new alloys through extensive composition and structure modifications. Within CCAs and Co- and Ni-based superalloys, solid-solution strengthening and stacking fault energy engineering are two of the most important strengthening mechanisms. While studied for decades, the potency and quantitative materials properties of these mechanisms remain elusive. </p> <p><br></p> <p>Solid-solution strengthening originates from stress field interactions between dislocations and solute of various species in the alloy. These stress fields can be engineered by composition modification in CCAs, and therefore a wide range of alloys with promising mechanical strength may be designed. This thesis initially reports on experimental and computational validation of newly developed theories for solid-solution strengthening in 3d transition metal (MnFeCoNi) alloys. The strengthening effects of Al, Ti, V, Cr, Cu and Mo as alloying elements are quantified by coupling the Labusch-type strengthening model and experimental measurements. With large atomic misfits with the base alloy, Al, Ti, Mo, and Cr present strong strengthening effects comparable to other Cantor alloys. </p> <p> </p> <p>Stacking fault energy engineering can enable novel deformation mechanisms and exceptional strength in face-centered cubic (FCC) materials such as austenitic TRIP/TWIP steels and CoNi-based superalloys exhibiting local phase transformation strengthening via Suzuki segregation. We employed first-principles calculations to investigate the Suzuki segregation and stacking fault energy of the FCC Co-Ni binary alloys at finite temperatures and concentrations. We quantitatively predicted the Co segregation in the innermost plane of the intrinsic stacking fault (ISF). We further quantified the decrease of stacking fault energy due to segregation.  </p> <p><br></p> <p>We further investigated the driving force of segregation and the origin of the segregation behaviors of 3d, 4d and 5d elements in the Co- and Ni-alloys. Using first-principles calculations, we calculated the ground-state solute-ISF interaction energies and revealed the trends across the periodic table. We discussed the relationships between the interaction energies and the local lattice distortions, charge density redistribution, density of states and local magnetization of the solutes. </p> <p><br></p> <p>Finally, this thesis reports on new methodologies to accelerate first-principles calculations utilizing active learning techniques, such as Bayesian optimization, to efficiently search for the ground-state energy line of the system with limited computational resources. Based on the expected improvement method, new acquisition strategies were developed and will be compared and presented. </p>

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