Spelling suggestions: "subject:"coffinmanson"" "subject:"kinmanson""
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Fatigue Lifes of Sn/Pb and Sn/Ag/Cu Solder BallsWu, Cheng-Hua 24 July 2004 (has links)
The Coffin-Manson equations of Sn/Ag/Cu and Sn/Pb solder joints are presented in this thesis. The experimental results of CSP thermal cycle fatigue test and ball shear test are used to formulate Coffin-Manson equations. The maximum amplitude of equivalent plastic shear strain corresponding to these two experiments are employed. The MARC finite element package is used to calculate the plastic shear strain. Different published fatigue experiment results have been used to show the accuracy and the feasibility of these proposed equations. The 3-D finite element models of the BGA type¡¦s CSP and VCSEL assembly are employed to simulate the thermal cycling fatigue. Results indicate that the fatigue lifes of solder predicted by using the proposed equations have good agreement with those measured from experimental tests.
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[pt] O método EN baseia-se na quantificação do dano causado pela deformação
decorrente do histórico de carregamento. O objetivo desse modelo consiste em
estimar o número de ciclos para iniciar uma trinca por fadiga. Diferente do método
SN o número de variáveis envolvidas nesse modelo é menor. Entretanto, requer um
número maior de constantes, que nem sempre podem ser obtidas
experimentalmente. Esse fato levou a formulação de diversos modelos que se
propõem a estimar as constantes de Coffin-Manson, que na maioria dos casos levam
a previsões de vida não conservativas, como visto em outros trabalhos. Contudo a
maioria dos casos existentes na literatura não abordam o efeito de regiões de
concentração de tensão e a influência de carregamentos com amplitudes variáveis.
A metodologia usada nessas pesquisas consiste em avaliar a influência desses
aspectos através da comparação entre a vida em fadiga experimental e a estimada
segundo as constantes de Coffin-Manson medidas e estimadas segundo diferentes
modelos. Esse estudo avalia o dano à fadiga segundo 2 tipos de concentradores de
tensão e quatro históricos de carregamentos de amplitude variável. Considerando
os modelos de Manson, Muralindhran-Manson, Bäumel-Seeger and Meggiolaro-Castro os resultados mostram que a vida em fadiga prevista usando os parâmetros
de Coffin Manson obtidos segundo o método de Meggiolado-Castro e por Baumel-Segger são os que mais se aproximam das vidas estimadas baseada nas constantes
experimentais. Nos demais casos nota-se que a regra de concentração de tensão
exerce uma maior influência no resultado e levam a vidas à fadiga não
conservativas. / [en] The strain-life designed is based on the damaged caused by the strain as a
result of a loading history. The purpose of this approach is estimating the number
of cycles to initiate a fatigue crack. Compared with the stress life method the EN
needs a lower number of variables. However, it needs a large number of parameters
that are not directly measurable properties of a material and conduct the necessary
number of tests to obtain them is not always an option. This fact leads to the
formulation of different models to estimate Coffin- Manson s constants, which in
most of the cases can result in a non-conservative fatigue life prediction, as seen in
several papers. However, in these studies, it is not considered a specimen with a
stress concentration factor neither under a variable amplitude loading history. The
methodology used in this research is evaluating the influence of these aspects by
comparing the fatigue life experimental with the estimated by using the Coffin Manson s experimental constants and the fatigue life calculated with different
models to estimate the Coffin-Manson s parameters. This study evaluated the
fatigue damage based on four load histories and two types of samples with different
stress risers. Considering the models of Manson, Muralidharan-Manson, Bäumel-Seeger, and Meggiolaro-Castro the results indicated that the fatigue life predicted
using the Coffin Manson s parameter obtained by Meggiolaro-Castro and Baumel-Segger s model are more similar to the life calculated with the experimental
constants. The other models are more influenced by the stress concentration s rule
and can lead to not conservative fatigue life.
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The Effect of CTE Mismatch on Solder Ball in Optoelectronic PackagingLiu, An-Chan 25 July 2003 (has links)
Two subjects are included in this thesis; one is to construct the Coffin-Manson equation of the unleaded SnAgCu solder according to the experimental results provided by the Metal Research Laboratory (MRL) of Industrial Technologies Research Institute (ITRI). The results of CSP thermal cycle fatigue and SOJ pull tests and the corresponding stress and strain distributions solved from FEM analyses have been used to derive the Coffin-Manson equation for the SnAgCu solder. The other subject is to investigate the effect of CTE mismatch on the fatigue life of solder balls in the opto-electronic packaging. The solidified shapes of the different solder balls after undergoing the re-flow process are predicted by employing the Surface Evolver package program. The FEA meshes of the solidified solder balls in opto-electronic packaging are built according to the output results of the Surface Evolver program. The maximum equivalent plastic shear strain range of the solder after under one thermal cycle process is calculated by employing the MARC finite element package. The fatigue lives of solder balls under different arrangements are estimated according to the proposed Coffin-Manson equation. The effect of solder ball parameters, i.e. solder volume, solder offset distance, solder DNP and solder material on the reliability of different solder balls has also been explored in this thesis.
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[pt] Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar a vida-fadiga de
dois ferros fundidos
nodulares modificados metalurgicamente, sendo uma classe
predominantemente ferrítica e
outra.perlítica. Inicialmente, amostra dos dois ferros
fundidos nodulares ferrítico e perlítico
foram fundidas adotando-se moldação em areia na geometria
padrão Y-block. Em
seqüência, corpos de prova para ensaios mecânicos e de
fadiga foram usinados das
amostras ferríticas e perlíticas. Após os ensaios de tração
e dureza, realizaram-se análises
metalográficas qualitativas e quantitativas em ambos os
materiais, com o intuito de se
determinar suas características metalúrgicas, tais como
contagem, distribuição e classe dos
nódulos de grafita, bem como quantidade da matriz ferrítica
e perlítica. Dando
continuidade a etapa experimental, as curvas tensão versus
número de ciclos para a falha do
ferro fundido nodular ferrítico e do ferro fundido nodular
perlítico foram levantadas por
meio de ensaios de flexão rotativa. A vida útil em fadiga
dos dois materiais foi relacionada
com as suas características metalúrgicas. Quanto a
resistência à fadiga, as amostras do ferro
fundido nodular perlítico tiveram um melhor comportamento
sob carregamento cíclico do
que as amostras do ferro fundido nodular ferrítico. Tal
comportamento superior foi
atribuído a maior microdureza da matriz e a presença da
estrutura olho-de-boi.
Finalmente, as curvas experimentais tensão versus número de
ciclos para a falha dos ferros
fundidos nodulares ferrítico e perlítico foram modeladas
pela equação de Coffin-Manson,
que se mostrou eficiente no tratamento de dados
experimentais da vida em fadiga de ambos
os materiais. / [en] The objective of the present work was to evaluate the
fatigue life of two nodular cast
irons with metallurgical modifications and resulting in
ferritic and perlitic different classes of
material. Initially, samples of both materials were cast in
sand moulds adopting the
standard Y-block geometry. In the sequence, tensile and
fatigue specimens were
machined from the ferritic and perlitic samples. After the
tensile and hardness tests, the
microstructure of the both materials were analyzed by
qualitative and quantitative
metallography, aiming to characterize their metallurgical
aspects as content, distribution
and class of graphite nodules, as well as the contents of
the ferritic and perlitic matrix.
Following the metallurgical characterization, rolating bend
fatigue tests were performed in
order to estabilish the stress-life curves of the ferritic
and perlitic nodular cast irons.
Regarding the fatigue resistance, the specimens machined
from the perlitic nodular
sample showed a longer fatigue life than that related to
the ferritic nodular specimens. The
longer fatigue life of the perlitic nodular specimens was
associated with a higher
microhardness of the perlitic matrix and the preserve of
the bull`s-eye structure. Finally,
the experimental stress-life curves of the ferritic and
perlitic nodular cast irons were
modeled adopting the Coffin-Manson law, which was
considered efficient in fitting
experimental fatigue life data of both materials.
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Prognostics and health management of power electronicsAlghassi, Alireza January 2016 (has links)
Prognostics and health management (PHM) is a major tool enabling systems to evaluate their reliability in real-time operation. Despite ground-breaking advances in most engineering and scientific disciplines during the past decades, reliability engineering has not seen significant breakthroughs or noticeable advances. Therefore, self-awareness of the embedded system is also often required in the sense that the system should be able to assess its own health state and failure records, and those of its main components, and take action appropriately. This thesis presents a radically new prognostics approach to reliable system design that will revolutionise complex power electronic systems with robust prognostics capability enhanced Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBT) in applications where reliability is significantly challenging and critical. The IGBT is considered as one of the components that is mainly damaged in converters and experiences a number of failure mechanisms, such as bond wire lift off, die attached solder crack, loose gate control voltage, etc. The resulting effects mentioned are complex. For instance, solder crack growth results in increasing the IGBT’s thermal junction which becomes a source of heat turns to wire bond lift off. As a result, the indication of this failure can be seen often in increasing on-state resistance relating to the voltage drop between on-state collector-emitter. On the other hand, hot carrier injection is increased due to electrical stress. Additionally, IGBTs are components that mainly work under high stress, temperature and power consumptions due to the higher range of load that these devices need to switch. This accelerates the degradation mechanism in the power switches in discrete fashion till reaches failure state which fail after several hundred cycles. To this end, exploiting failure mechanism knowledge of IGBTs and identifying failure parameter indication are background information of developing failure model and prognostics algorithm to calculate remaining useful life (RUL) along with ±10% confidence bounds. A number of various prognostics models have been developed for forecasting time to failure of IGBTs and the performance of the presented estimation models has been evaluated based on two different evaluation metrics. The results show significant improvement in health monitoring capability for power switches. Furthermore, the reliability of the power switch was calculated and conducted to fully describe health state of the converter and reconfigure the control parameter using adaptive algorithm under degradation and load mission limitation. As a result, the life expectancy of devices has been increased. These all allow condition-monitoring facilities to minimise stress levels and predict future failure which greatly reduces the likelihood of power switch failures in the first place.
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No description available.
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Electromechanical fatigue properties of dielectric elastomer stretch sensors under orthopaedic loading conditionsPersons, Andrea Karen 05 May 2022 (has links)
Fatigue testing of stretch sensors often focuses on high amplitude, low-cycle fatigue (LCF) behavior; however, when used for orthopaedic, athletic, or ergonomic assessments, stretch sensors are subjected to low amplitude, high-cycle fatigue (HCF) conditions. As an added layer of complexity, the fatigue testing of stretch sensors is not only focused on the life of the material comprising the sensor, but also on the reliability of the signal produced during the extension and relaxation of the sensor. Research into the development of a smart sock that can be used to measure the range of motion (ROM) of the ankle joint during athletic practices and competitions using stretch sensors is ongoing at Mississippi State University. The current smart sock prototype utilizes StretchSense™ StretchFABRIC capacitive dielectric elastomer sensors. These sensors are no longer manufactured, and FlexSense stretch sensors are being investigated as a potential replacement.
To assess the reliability of the signal of the StretchFABRIC sensors currently used in the prototype, two sensors were subjected to 25,000 cycles of fatigue, under with simultaneous capture of the capacitance. The capacitances of the fatigued sensors were then compared to the capacitance of an unfatigued StretchFABRIC sensor during participant trials. Participants completed four static movements and six dynamic gait trials using either the fatigued or unfatigued sensor. Following completion of the initial static and dynamic movements, the movements were repeated using the opposite sensor. Comparison of the fatigued sensor to the unfatigued sensor revealed an upward drift in the capacitance of the fatigued sensor for all trials.
Two FlexSense sensors were then subjected to either 450,000 or 250,000 cycles of fatigue with simultaneous capture of the signal from the sensor. To assess the signal, the peak capacitance recorded during the fatigue test was compared to the peak stretch percentage produced by the sensor. The peak displacement remained tight about the mean, while the peak stretch percentage exhibited a high level of scatter. From a materials standpoint, the sensors conformed to the Rabinowitz-Beardmore model of polymer fatigue where an initial monotonic overload of the material is followed by a transition to cyclic stability of the material.
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Contribution à la mise au point d'une démarche rationnelle de sélection des traitements de surface : illustration dans le cas des dispositifs de fonderie de l'aluminium. Contribution to a comprehensive selection of surface treatments: the case of aluminium foundry devices.D'Ans, Pierre J.D. 09 January 2009 (has links)
Sélectionner des traitements de surface pour l’industrie nécessite de prendre en compte : les propriétés à conférer au substrat, la nature et la géométrie de celui-ci et les caractéristiques du milieu extérieur. Certaines combinaisons de ces paramètres rendent difficile la sélection d’un traitement unique, d’où le recours à des multitraitements de surface. Dès lors, se posent les questions suivantes :
- Utiliser des multitraitements de surface peut se faire en scindant les différentes requêtes en sous-ensembles, de manière à ce que chaque traitement réponde à l’un d’eux. Dans quel ordre ces requêtes doivent-elles être introduites par rapport au substrat ?
- Comment sélectionner les traitements de surface répondant à chaque requête individuelle ?
- Comment classer des multitraitements en termes d’adéquation au problème posé ?
Dans ce travail, les première et troisième questions sont abordées, en explorant les requêtes concernant habituellement les dispositifs de moulage de l’aluminium :
- Résistance aux contraintes d’origine thermique.
- Résistance à la corrosion par les métaux fondus.
- Résistance au frottement.
L’analyse de la bibliographie relative aux traitements de surface utilisés dans ces systèmes a été analysée et des « architectures »-types ont été identifiées (chapitre 3). On prévoit, par exemple, un traitement conférant la résistance à la fatigue superficielle, ainsi qu’un revêtement étanche et résistant à l’aluminium fondu. Une barrière thermique est parfois préconisée.
Pour chacune des architectures, des traitements de surface individuels peuvent être sélectionnés. Un « facteur de performance » permettant de classer les solutions par rapport au problème de la fatigue thermique a été construit (chapitre 4) et discuté dans deux situations :
- Lorsqu’un revêtement est présent, et que les contraintes d’origine thermique (différence de dilatation thermique couche-substrat) menacent de le rompre lors de l’immersion dans un milieu corrosif à haute température. Des essais de corrosion dans de l’aluminium fondu ont été réalisés sur un acier revêtu par du nitrure de chrome dopé à l’aluminium, synthétisé par déposition physique en phase vapeur (chapitre 5 – collaboration : Inasmet).
- Lorsque des variations thermiques rapides menacent de rompre le substrat et la (les) couches. Des essais de fatigue thermique ont été réalisés sur de l’acier à outils pour travail à chaud non traité, boruré ou recouvert d’un multitraitements (zircone yttriée / NiCrAlY / boruration / acier). Le revêtement en zircone yttriée a été obtenu par projection par plasma. L’essai de fatigue thermique a été modélisé et le facteur de performance, discuté (chapitre 6).
Au chapitre 7, les architectures-types ont été introduites dans une méthodologie de sélection des multi-traitements de surface, qui a été appliquée dans deux cas :
- Celui des moules de fonderie, devant résister à la fatigue thermique et à la corrosion par l’aluminium fondu. Le facteur de performance a été extrapolé à d’autres situations qu’aux chapitres 5 et 6. Les solutions habituellement proposées pour résoudre ce problème sont retrouvées.
- Celui de deux pièces en acier frottant l’une contre l’autre en présence d’aluminium fondu.
To select surface treatments, one must account for the required functional properties, the substrate features and the solicitations the substrate must endure. Certain combinations of these parameters make it difficult to select a single surface treatment, a reason why several successive treatments are preferred. To select them, one needs to determine:
- How to divide the several requests into groups and how to stack up these groups from the substrate to the outer surface, so that each treatment deals with one specific group of requests/properties.
- How to select individual layers for each group of properties.
- How to rank the multi-treatments in terms of relevance for a given application.
In this work, one tries to answer the first and the third questions, by studying the case of aluminium foundry, in which the industrial devices frequently face the following solicitations:
- Thermal stress (thermal fatigue, thermal expansion mismatch).
- Presence of corrosive molten metal.
- Sliding wear.
In the literature, several “standard” architectures are proposed (chapter 3), like a diffusion layer reducing superficial fatigue plus a corrosion barrier layer. A thermal barrier coating is also sometimes proposed.
For each of these architectures, one can select individual treatments. To rank them, one devised a “performance index” for thermal stress (chap.4), which is discussed for two cases:
- For large differences between layer and substrate thermal expansion coefficients, when both are put into contact with a high temperature corrosive medium, the layer may be damaged. One discusses this case by examining the corrosion caused by molten aluminium for a steel substrate coated by anticorrosive chromium nitride doped with aluminium. The layer is produced by physical vapour deposition (chap. 5 – cooperation: Inasmet).
- Repeated fast surface temperature transients can also damage the substrate and/or the layer by thermal fatigue. One conducted thermal fatigue tests with samples of hot work tool steel, respectively untreated, simply borided and protected by a multilayer. In the last case, top coat is yttria stabilised zirconia, followed by a nickel superalloy and then a borided layer (undercoat). One synthesized the zirconia coating by plasma spray and one modelled the thermal fatigue (chap. 6).
In chap. 7, architectures from chap. 2 are introduced in a multi-treatment selection routine, which is applied in two cases:
- Foundry moulds for molten aluminium, withstanding both thermal fatigue and corrosion. The devised performance index is extrapolated beyond the tests of chap. 5 and 6 to treatments for this industrial application, thereby quantifying their respective merits.
- A foundry device exposed to molten metal and sliding wear.
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Contribution à la mise au point d'une démarche rationnelle de sélection des traitements de surface: illustration dans le cas des dispositifs de fonderie de l'aluminium / Contribution to a comprehensive selection of surface treatments: the case of aluminium foundry devices.D'Ans, Pierre 09 January 2009 (has links)
Sélectionner des traitements de surface pour l’industrie nécessite de prendre en compte :les propriétés à conférer au substrat, la nature et la géométrie de celui-ci et les caractéristiques du milieu extérieur. Certaines combinaisons de ces paramètres rendent difficile la sélection d’un traitement unique, d’où le recours à des multitraitements de surface. Dès lors, se posent les questions suivantes :<p>- Utiliser des multitraitements de surface peut se faire en scindant les différentes requêtes en sous-ensembles, de manière à ce que chaque traitement réponde à l’un d’eux. Dans quel ordre ces requêtes doivent-elles être introduites par rapport au substrat ?<p>- Comment sélectionner les traitements de surface répondant à chaque requête individuelle ?<p>- Comment classer des multitraitements en termes d’adéquation au problème posé ?<p>Dans ce travail, les première et troisième questions sont abordées, en explorant les requêtes concernant habituellement les dispositifs de moulage de l’aluminium :<p>- Résistance aux contraintes d’origine thermique.<p>- Résistance à la corrosion par les métaux fondus.<p>- Résistance au frottement.<p>L’analyse de la bibliographie relative aux traitements de surface utilisés dans ces systèmes a été analysée et des « architectures »-types ont été identifiées (chapitre 3). On prévoit, par exemple, un traitement conférant la résistance à la fatigue superficielle, ainsi qu’un revêtement étanche et résistant à l’aluminium fondu. Une barrière thermique est parfois préconisée.<p>Pour chacune des architectures, des traitements de surface individuels peuvent être sélectionnés. Un « facteur de performance » permettant de classer les solutions par rapport au problème de la fatigue thermique a été construit (chapitre 4) et discuté dans deux situations :<p>- Lorsqu’un revêtement est présent, et que les contraintes d’origine thermique (différence de dilatation thermique couche-substrat) menacent de le rompre lors de l’immersion dans un milieu corrosif à haute température. Des essais de corrosion dans de l’aluminium fondu ont été réalisés sur un acier revêtu par du nitrure de chrome dopé à l’aluminium, synthétisé par déposition physique en phase vapeur (chapitre 5 – collaboration :Inasmet).<p>- Lorsque des variations thermiques rapides menacent de rompre le substrat et la (les) couches. Des essais de fatigue thermique ont été réalisés sur de l’acier à outils pour travail à chaud non traité, boruré ou recouvert d’un multitraitements (zircone yttriée / NiCrAlY / boruration / acier). Le revêtement en zircone yttriée a été obtenu par projection par plasma. L’essai de fatigue thermique a été modélisé et le facteur de performance, discuté (chapitre 6).<p>Au chapitre 7, les architectures-types ont été introduites dans une méthodologie de sélection des multi-traitements de surface, qui a été appliquée dans deux cas :<p>- Celui des moules de fonderie, devant résister à la fatigue thermique et à la corrosion par l’aluminium fondu. Le facteur de performance a été extrapolé à d’autres situations qu’aux chapitres 5 et 6. Les solutions habituellement proposées pour résoudre ce problème sont retrouvées.<p>- Celui de deux pièces en acier frottant l’une contre l’autre en présence d’aluminium fondu.<p><p>To select surface treatments, one must account for the required functional properties, the substrate features and the solicitations the substrate must endure. Certain combinations of these parameters make it difficult to select a single surface treatment, a reason why several successive treatments are preferred. To select them, one needs to determine:<p>- How to divide the several requests into groups and how to stack up these groups from the substrate to the outer surface, so that each treatment deals with one specific group of requests/properties.<p>- How to select individual layers for each group of properties.<p>- How to rank the multi-treatments in terms of relevance for a given application.<p>In this work, one tries to answer the first and the third questions, by studying the case of aluminium foundry, in which the industrial devices frequently face the following solicitations:<p>- Thermal stress (thermal fatigue, thermal expansion mismatch).<p>- Presence of corrosive molten metal.<p>- Sliding wear.<p>In the literature, several “standard” architectures are proposed (chapter 3), like a diffusion layer reducing superficial fatigue plus a corrosion barrier layer. A thermal barrier coating is also sometimes proposed.<p>For each of these architectures, one can select individual treatments. To rank them, one devised a “performance index” for thermal stress (chap.4), which is discussed for two cases:<p>- For large differences between layer and substrate thermal expansion coefficients, when both are put into contact with a high temperature corrosive medium, the layer may be damaged. One discusses this case by examining the corrosion caused by molten aluminium for a steel substrate coated by anticorrosive chromium nitride doped with aluminium. The layer is produced by physical vapour deposition (chap. 5 – cooperation: Inasmet).<p>- Repeated fast surface temperature transients can also damage the substrate and/or the layer by thermal fatigue. One conducted thermal fatigue tests with samples of hot work tool steel, respectively untreated, simply borided and protected by a multilayer. In the last case, top coat is yttria stabilised zirconia, followed by a nickel superalloy and then a borided layer (undercoat). One synthesized the zirconia coating by plasma spray and one modelled the thermal fatigue (chap. 6).<p>In chap. 7, architectures from chap. 2 are introduced in a multi-treatment selection routine, which is applied in two cases:<p>- Foundry moulds for molten aluminium, withstanding both thermal fatigue and corrosion. The devised performance index is extrapolated beyond the tests of chap. 5 and 6 to treatments for this industrial application, thereby quantifying their respective merits.<p>- A foundry device exposed to molten metal and sliding wear.<p><p> / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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