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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Números fracionários : a construção dos diferentes significados por alunos de 4ª a 8ª series de uma escola do ensino fundamental

Vasconcelos, Isabel Cristina P. January 2007 (has links)
A presente pesquisa investiga a aquisição do conceito de número racional na sua representação fracionária. O estudo justifica-se devido ao alto índice de dificuldades apresentadas pelos alunos na compreensão do conceito de número racional, que faz parte do pensamento multiplicativo. Apontamos a conexão entre os números fracionários e o raciocínio multiplicativo, destacando que as frações são números produzidos por divisões que resultam sempre em partes iguais. Nosso objetivo de pesquisa é comparar as estratégias cognitivas utilizadas por alunos com bom desempenho em Matemática com as estratégias cognitivas utilizadas por alunos que apresentam baixo desempenho escolar em Matemática, durante o processo de aquisição dos diferentes significados dos números fracionários: parte-todo, quociente e operador multiplicativo. Descrevemos as estratégias cognitivas utilizadas por cinqüenta alunos, de 4ª à 8ª séries do Ensino Fundamental, de uma escola privada da cidade de Porto Alegre. Verificamos a desconexão entre a compreensão dos alunos sobre a divisão e a aprendizagem de frações e a relacionamos à tendência metodológica de ensinar o conceito de número fracionário enfatizando somente o significado parte-todo. Constatamos que existem semelhanças na utilização das estratégias pelos alunos dos dois grupos. Percebemos que, embora as estratégias sejam comuns, os resultados mostram diferenças na recuperação automática de fatos na memória, que afetam a resolução de problemas mais complexos. A pesquisa aponta a necessidade de explorar a aquisição dos números fracionários em várias situações e em diferentes contextos, repensando o ensino de fração na escola. Tal ensino deve levar em consideração os conhecimentos informais, valorizar as diferentes estratégias utilizadas pelos alunos, promover interações entre eles para observar suas estratégias, proporcionar diversidade de ensino e reflexão das estratégias utilizadas, possibilitando um avanço no sentido de estratégias mais eficientes e econômicas. / The present research investigates the acquisition of the concept of rational number in its fractional representation. This study is justified due to the high degree of difficulty presented by students in understanding the concept of rational number, which is part of the multiplicative thought, observing that fractions are numbers produced by divisions which always result in equal parts. The objective of this research is to compare the cognitive strategies used by two groups of students: one with high performances in Math and the other one with low performance, during the process of learning different meanings of fractional numbers such as: whole-part, quotient’ and multiplicative operator. Cognitive strategies of fifty 4th to 8th Elementary School students from a private school in Porto Alegre were studied. A disconnection between the students’ understanding of division and their learning about fractions was verified. There is a tendency of teaching students the fractional number concept only emphasizing the meaning of the whole-part. Results of the research suggest that both groups of students used similar strategies and although strategies were alike, the results showed differences in the automatic retrieval of facts in the memory which affects solving higher complexity problems. The research shows the need of exploring the acquisition of fractional numbers in different situations and contexts, rethinking the teaching of fractions in schools. Such teaching should take into consideration informal knowledge, emphasize different strategies used by students, promote interaction between students in order to observe their strategies, and stimulate diversity in teaching and reflection on strategies used by students. Thus, more efficient and economical strategies would be possible.

Achievement goals and cognitive learning strategies in dynamic contexts of learning

Salovaara, H. (Hanna) 08 June 2005 (has links)
Abstract This study investigates secondary school students' motivational achievement goals and cognitive learning strategies in inquiry-based computer supported collaborative learning. The study undertakes a contextual approach where students' context specific interpretations are highlighted. Achievement goals and cognitive learning strategies are introduced within a theoretical framework of self-regulated learning to explain their interrelationship and magnitude within a learning process. The research design was a longitudinal, quasi intervention design involving multiple methods, namely quantitative self-reports and qualitative process oriented interviews. Empirical parts of the study are reported in four individual articles. The purpose of Study I was to recognise strategic patterns emerging in students' computer supported collaborative inquiries. The results indicated that strategies were adjusted according to the demands of the learning situation. Although students' inquiry processes were dominated by surface-level strategies, also deeper level and metacognitive strategies were reported. Study II investigated students' use of cognitive learning strategies in two pedagogically different learning contexts. The results suggest that inquiry-based computer supported collaborative learning activities may enhance the use of deeper level cognitive strategies, such as monitoring, sharing information and creating representations. Study III examined the changes in students' motivational achievement goal interpretations and the situational dynamics of students' goals and strategies over a period of three years. The data show how the students' interpretations of their goals and strategies vary during different years of the study. The students seem to develop both individual and contextual goals, as well as strategies, to self-regulate in the new pedagogical culture. Study IV looked at the congruence between students' general achievement goals and their context specific goals. The findings indicate incongruence between general level goal orientations and contextual goal interpretations and, thus, underline the importance of subjective interpretations of achievement goals. The results indicate that both achievement goals and cognitive learning strategies have contextual characteristics and illustrate the need to understand the interplay of motivational and cognitive processes. The results also show the importance of longitudinal research for pointing out some of the motivational and cognitive effects of the pedagogical interventions. Finally, the results of the study suggest that the social dimension of students' cognitive and motivational processes and self-regulation should be studied in more detail. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan yläasteen oppilaiden motivationaalisia tavoitteita ja kognitiivisia oppimisstrategioita tietokoneavusteisen kollaboratiivisen oppimisen sekä tutkivan pedagogisen lähestymistavan periaatteita noudattavissa oppimistilanteissa. Teoreettisesti tutkimus nojautuu sosiokognitiiviseen näkemykseen oppimisesta ja korostaa kontekstuaalista lähestymistapaa, jossa painotetaan oppijoiden yksilöllisten ja kontekstiin sidottujen tulkintojen merkitystä. Taustalla on näkemys oppimisen kontekstien ainutlaatuisuudesta, jatkuvasta muuttumisesta ja dynaamisuudesta, joka puolestaan vaikuttaa oppimisen motivationaalisiin ja tiedollisiin prosesseihin. Tutkimus koostuu neljästä itsenäisestä empiirisestä artikkelista sekä tutkimuksen teoreettisen taustan, tavoitteet, menetelmät ja tulokset kokoavasta yhteenveto-osasta. Tutkimuksen teoreettisessa osassa pyritään hahmottamaan motivationaalisten saavutustavoitteiden sekä kognitiivisten oppimisstrategoiden välisiä yhteyksiä sekä niiden merkitystä oppimisprosessin kokonaisuudessa. Tutkimuksen keskeiset käsitteet, motivationaaliset tavoitteet ja kognitiiviset oppimisstrategiat esitetään osana oppimisen itsesäätelyn teoreettista viitekehystä. Kolmivuotisessa tutkimuksessa toteutettiin pedagoginen interventio, jossa ryhmä oppilaita työskenteli yläasteen ajan tietokoneavusteisen kollaboratiivisen oppimisympäristön tukemana tutkivan oppimisen mallia noudattaen äidinkielen tunneilla. Oppilaiden motivaatiota ja kognitiivisia oppimistrategioita tarkasteltiin useiden menetelmien avulla. Pääosan tutkimuksen aineistosta muodostavat oppilaiden toistetut kvantitatiiviset itsearviot sekä kvalitatiiviset prosessisuuntautuneet haastattelut. Kokonaisuudessaan neljässä empiirisessä artikkelissa raportoidun tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että sekä motivationaalisiin tavoitteisiin että kognitiivisiin oppimisstrategioihin liittyy tilannesidonnainen ulottuvuus, jossa oppijoiden omilla henkilökohtaisilla tulkinnoilla on suuri merkitys. Lisäksi tutkimuksen tulokset kuvasivat motivaation ja kognitiivisten strategioiden vuorovaikutusta oppimisessa ja nostivat esiin tarpeen tarkastella oppimista eri osaprosessien välisen dynamiikan kautta. Tutkimuksen pitkittäistulokset osoittavat pitkäjänteisen tutkimuksen olevan tarpeen pedagogisten interventioiden sekä oppimiskontekstien dynamiikan tutkimisessa. Erityisesti haastatteluaineistosta esiin nostetut tulokset osoittavat sosiaalisen kontekstin merkitystä oppimisen kognitiivisissa ja motivationaalisissa prosesseissa sekä oppimisen itsesäätelyssä.

Age Matters: The Cognitive Strategies and Benefits of Learning Among College-Degreed Older Adults

Campbell, Bruce 24 February 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Improving Implicit Learning and Explicit Instruction of Adult and Child Learners of Chinese

Kuo, Li-Hui 20 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This study explored the main effects and interaction effects of implicit learning and explicit instructional approaches on the language acquisition of beginning adult and child learners of Chinese and analyzed the successful adult and child learners' learning styles in their information processing time, second language acquisition techniques, and cognitive strategies. Volunteers from Brigham Young University and Wasatch Elementary School were randomly assigned to either an Explicit Instruction Treatment (EIT) or an Implicit Learning Treatment (ILT). Following the treatment, the participants completed an online survey and a vocabulary application test. Results from a 2 x 2 factorial ANOVA indicated that adults performed significantly better than children on the listening and vocabulary tests scores (F (1, 135) =158.901, p<.001), and the EIT was significantly more effective than the ILT. There was no interaction between maturity and treatment factors. Results from a 3 x 2 factorial MANOVA indicated that in the Learning Phase, adults in the high and mid performance groups spent significantly longer processing information than those in the low performance group, and adults in the EIT also spent a longer time than those in the ILT. Results from the stepwise regression showed that for successful adult and child learners, Phonological Processing was the most frequently used second language strategy for both adults and children, which was strongly correlated with their vocabulary application test scores. Guessing was the most popular cognitive strategy. Successful children spent significantly less time than the low performing children in the Testing Phase.

Cognitive Strategies Used During Moderate Intensity Running

Jones, Matthew Steven 27 July 2015 (has links)
No description available.

The Role of Cognitive, Metacognitive, and Motivational Variables in Conceptual Change: Preservice Early Childhood Teachers’ Conceptual Understanding of the Cause of Lunar Phases

Sackes, Mesut 15 December 2010 (has links)
No description available.

La fonction éducative des musées dans la société numérique : analyse comparative de l'offre pédagogique en ligne de huit musées nationaux dans quatre pays (France, Angleterre, Australie, Etats-Unis) / The educational function of museums in Digital Society : a comparative analysis of the educational online offer of eight national museums in four countries (France, United Kingdom, Australia and United States)

Boudjema, Cédric 25 April 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les sites internet des musées et plus particulièrement les sections pédagogiques de huit institutions nationales de quatre pays différents et s’attache à montrer que les musées sont, en ligne, des acteurs de contenus pédagogiques. L’enjeu est d’étudier les sections pédagogiques de ces sites en privilégiant une analyse de contenu et en mettant en œuvre une démarche comparative entre les quatre pays et les types de sites internet afin de saisir les pratiques - et notamment ce que Jean Davallon a appelé « l’anticipation par le destinateur » de ce que fera le visiteur (le destinateur visant par exemple à retenir l’intention de ce dernier ou à le guider dans le contenu), la typologie des contenus, les stratégies pédagogiques mises en œuvre par les institutions muséales en ligne. L’offre pédagogique en ligne est ici définie comme une activité permanente à distance de critiques, de construction de savoirs, de consultation et de divertissement, à propos des ressources muséales. Cette offre se construit également selon des règles cohérentes de design Web. Nous avons choisi d’étudier la pédagogie en ligne autrement selon une démarche constructiviste qui nous conduit à privilégier certains concepts clés : parcours d’apprentissage individualisés, processus d’apprentissage, stratégies cognitives, stratégies métacognitives, « learning styles », taxonomie. D’un point de vue méthodologique, cette thèse s’appuie sur une démarche qualitative et privilégie l’analyse de contenu à partir d’une grille d’analyse comportant 11 catégories : le corpus se compose de huit sites internet et de deux types de musées nationaux : les musées d’art et les musées de sciences avec une section pédagogique. La thèse se compose en deux tomes. Le tome 2 contient l’analyse complète des sites et le tome 1 comporte trois parties. Dans une première partie, la thèse se concentre sur la vocation éducative des musées en prenant en compte ses spécificités et ses complexités. Cette partie précise le contexte historique de la fonction éducative des musées qui ont très tôt développé une stratégie pédagogique en direction du public. Elle s’attache aussi à montrer la spécificité du musée dans l’éducation informelle en le situant en tant que lieu d’apprentissage de concepts et de développement qui développe deux types de médiation. Le musée favorise la formulation de questions, il oriente la réflexion et suscite des interrogations. Elle montre ensuite le musée en tant que partenaire important et complémentaire de l’école. Enfin, cette partie précise le contexte historique des musées en ligne dans les quatre pays de notre analyse et le développement progressif des politiques culturelles d'aujourd’hui et les actions progressives mises en opération par les musées. Dans un second temps, la thèse porte sur l’analyse thématique des sites internet et de leurs sections pédagogiques et s’attache à montrer les étapes successives de l'analyse de contenu via la grille d’analyse conçue pour cette recherche. Dans un premier, temps, il s’agit donc de présenter l’ergonomie générale des sites pour progressivement arriver au traitement général des sections pédagogiques des sites c’est à dire d’identifier les mécanismes sous jacents des sites internet et de leurs sections pédagogiques et dans un second temps d’identifier les différences entre les types de musées et les pays. Enfin, la troisième partie de la thèse attache de l’importance à la typologie des contenus pédagogiques en ligne et se focalise sur les stratégies mises en œuvre sur les sites ainsi que sur la pédagogie déployée. Les sites internet sont ainsi vus comme des éléments interconnectés, destinés à un public cible et renforçant le rôle social du musée. Les publics scolaires et les enseignants sont publics privilégiées, une place prépondérante à ces publics est soulignée. / This research studies museum internet sites and in particular the pedagogy of eight national institutions in four different countries and suggests that online museums are educational content players.The interest is to investigate the educational content of the internet sites using a content analysis and implementing a comparison between the four countries and the types of internet sites to be able to understand the practices – and especially what Jean Davallon calls « the anticipation by the “sender” » that the visitor will engage in (the sender aiming for example to keep the attention of the latter or to provide guidance in the contents), the typology of content and the teaching strategies put in place by the online museum institutions. The online educational offer is defined here as a permanent activity as a source of building knowledge, consultation, criticism, and entertainment, from the museum resources. This offer is also constructed according to the consistent rules of Web design.We have chosen to study the online pedagogy according to a constructivist approach that drives us to privilege certain key concepts : individual learning ways, learning processes, cognitive strategies, meta-cognitive strategies, {learning styles}, taxonomy. From a methodological point of view, this thesis relies on a qualitative approach and privileges a content analysis from an analysis grid with eleven categories : the corpus is composed of eight internet sites and of two types of national museums : the art museums and the science museums with an educational section. The thesis is composed of two tomes. The tome 2 contains the complete analysis of the sites and the tome 1 includes three parts. In the first part, the research discusses the educational role of museums with its specificities and complexities. This part defines the historical context of the educational function of museums that very early on developed an educational strategy for the public. It also shows the specificity of museums in informal education as a place of learning concepts and development that develop two types of mediation. The museum favours the formulation of questions; it orientates reflexion and raises questions. It then shows the museum as an important partner and complementary to school. Finally, this part precises the historical context of online museums of the four countries from our analysis and the progressive development of the cultural policies of the present and the progressive actions put into place by the museums.Secondly, the research focuses on the thematic analysis of the internet sites and on their educational sections and attempts to show the successive steps of the content analysis via the analysis grid constructed for this research. Firstly, it is about showing the ergonomics of the sites to progressively arrive upon the general treatment of the educational sections of the sites, that is to say to identify the mechanisms of underlying internet sites and of their educational sections and secondly to identify the differences between the types of museums and their countries. Finally, the third part of the research attaches importance to the typology of the online educational content and focuses on the strategies put into place in the sites as well as the pedagogy deployed. The internet sites are thus viewed as interconnected elements, intended for a target audience and reinforcing the social role of the museum. The schools and the teaching body are a privileged population; a prominent place for them is underlined.

L’influence des normes sociales sur le comportement : un processus médié par l’élaboration de stratégies

French Bourgeois, Laura 12 1900 (has links)
Chaque jour, nos comportements sont influencés par les normes sociales qui nous entourent. En agissant selon les normes sociales, l’individu agit en conformité avec les comportements les plus consensuels et ainsi reçoit de l’approbation de son groupe. Malgré le fait que les normes sociales sont au coeur de nombreuses recherches, les processus cognitifs qui mènent un individu à agir selon elles sont encore inconnus. Les processus cognitifs expliquant le comportement sont, par ailleurs, expliqués dans la littérature sur les comportements motivés par l’atteinte de buts qui stipule que les stratégies cognitives seraient nécessaires afin d’émettre un comportement. Dans ce travail, nous proposons que les stratégies soient les processus cognitifs qui mènent un individu à agir selon une norme sociale. Deux études ont été menées et les résultats de ces deux études démontrent que les individus agissent selon une norme sociale parce qu’ils peuvent générer les stratégies nécessaires pour y arriver. Les implications théoriques et méthodologiques sont discutées. / Each day our behaviours are influenced by the social norms that surround us. When behaving according to social norms, the individual acts in accordance with the most consensual behaviours and thus receives approval from his/her group members. Notwithstanding the fact that social norms are at the centre of much research, the cognitive processes that lead an individual to act according to them are still unknown. However, the cognitive processes explaining behaviour are present in the literature on goal directed behaviour which states that cognitive strategies are needed achieve a behaviour. In this paper, we propose that strategies are the cognitive processes that lead an individual to act in accordance with a social norm. Two studies were conducted and the results of both studies show that individuals act according to social norms because they can generate the necessary strategies to reach the normative behaviour. The theoretical and methodological implications are discussed.

L’influence des normes sociales sur le comportement : un processus médié par l’élaboration de stratégies

French Bourgeois, Laura 12 1900 (has links)
Chaque jour, nos comportements sont influencés par les normes sociales qui nous entourent. En agissant selon les normes sociales, l’individu agit en conformité avec les comportements les plus consensuels et ainsi reçoit de l’approbation de son groupe. Malgré le fait que les normes sociales sont au coeur de nombreuses recherches, les processus cognitifs qui mènent un individu à agir selon elles sont encore inconnus. Les processus cognitifs expliquant le comportement sont, par ailleurs, expliqués dans la littérature sur les comportements motivés par l’atteinte de buts qui stipule que les stratégies cognitives seraient nécessaires afin d’émettre un comportement. Dans ce travail, nous proposons que les stratégies soient les processus cognitifs qui mènent un individu à agir selon une norme sociale. Deux études ont été menées et les résultats de ces deux études démontrent que les individus agissent selon une norme sociale parce qu’ils peuvent générer les stratégies nécessaires pour y arriver. Les implications théoriques et méthodologiques sont discutées. / Each day our behaviours are influenced by the social norms that surround us. When behaving according to social norms, the individual acts in accordance with the most consensual behaviours and thus receives approval from his/her group members. Notwithstanding the fact that social norms are at the centre of much research, the cognitive processes that lead an individual to act according to them are still unknown. However, the cognitive processes explaining behaviour are present in the literature on goal directed behaviour which states that cognitive strategies are needed achieve a behaviour. In this paper, we propose that strategies are the cognitive processes that lead an individual to act in accordance with a social norm. Two studies were conducted and the results of both studies show that individuals act according to social norms because they can generate the necessary strategies to reach the normative behaviour. The theoretical and methodological implications are discussed.

Desenvolvimento de estratégias cognitivas implicadas na aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira no contexto de oficinas de jogos

Silva, Sirley Trugilho da 24 February 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-23T14:37:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao final.pdf: 663595 bytes, checksum: f747868d261af7202f50ca933efa8094 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-02-24 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O propósito desta pesquisa foi o de investigar se o desenvolvimento de estratégias cognitivas implicadas na aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira poderia ser facilitado por meio da prática de jogos de regras durante oficinas. Várias pesquisas anteriores fizeram uso desse instrumento para desenvolvimento de habilidades de raciocínio. Três alunos de um curso de inglês como língua estrangeira que estavam em uma classe iniciante participaram da pesquisa. Por terem pouco contato anterior com a língua e sentirem uma dificuldade inicial nesta, supôs-se que as mudanças quanto à construção de estratégias de aprendizagem seriam significativas nesse período. Os professores dos participantes preencheram uma ficha com considerações sobre o desempenho anterior e posterior a participação dos alunos nas oficinas, que foram realizadas semanalmente, com duração de uma hora, perfazendo dez encontros, utilizando-se as modalidades de jogos de senha: abc e palavra oculta , além do jogo da memória. Durante as oficinas, monitorou-se os participantes e preencheu-se um protocolo de observação; um diário foi mantido no qual informações pertinentes foram anotadas, e as partidas jogadas foram registradas em formulários específicos. De uma maneira geral, os participantes tiveram um desempenho razoável nas oficinas. As principais questões que surgiram durante os encontros foram referentes a falta de atenção, timidez e falta de confiança. Contudo, foi possível observar a construção de novas estratégias cognitivas em vários momentos dos encontros, o que parece ter refletido no desempenho de cada um dos participantes em sala de aula, como foi enfatizado pelos respectivos professores. Concluiu-se, portanto, que a prática de jogos de regras pode realmente auxiliar o desenvolvimento de estratégias cognitivas implicadas no aprendizado de uma língua estrangeira de uma maneira bastante interessante. / The purpose of this research was to investigate whether the development of cognitive strategies implied in foreign language learning could be facilitated by the practice of games of rules during workshops. Previous research had used this instrument to develop reasoning abilities. Three students of an English as a foreign language course who were in the beginners classes participated in this research. Since they had no previous contact with the language and felt some initial problems with English, it was assumed that the changes regarding the buildup of specific learning strategies would be significant during this period. The participants teachers filled in a form with some considerations about their performance prior to and following the participation of the students in the workshops, which were held weekly, during one hour, amounting to 10 meetings, using the versions of the Mastermind game, known as: abc and hidden word , besides the memory game. During the workshops, the participants were monitored and an observation protocol was filled in; a diary was kept in which pertinent information was noted, and the matches played were registered on specific forms. In general, the participants demonstrated a reasonable level of performance in the workshops. The main questions that appeared during the meetings were related to lack of attention, shyness and lack of confidence. However, it was possible to observe the construction of new cognitive strategies many times during the meetings, which seems to have affected the performance of each participant in the classroom, as the respective teachers emphasized. The conclusion, therefore, is that the practice of games of rules can in fact help the development of cognitive strategies implied in foreign language learning in a very interesting way.

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