Spelling suggestions: "subject:"collaborative 8trategic breading"" "subject:"collaborative 8trategic bleading""
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The interactive behaviors and perceptions of Korean English language learners in collaborative strategic readingShin, Mikyung 03 September 2009 (has links)
This study described how three English language learners from Korean cultural backgrounds in first grade (7 years old) learned and interacted by applying Collaborative Strategic Reading to their reading comprehension instruction. This article also reported the perceptions of three Korean English language learners in cultural aspects of group work. The theoretical framework of Collaborative Strategic Reading relied on reciprocal teaching and cooperative learning. As an instrumental intervention and strategy, this method has been formed to help English language learners and students with reading disabilities improve their ability to comprehend texts. Before examining the impact of Collaborative Strategic Reading, this research focused on the nature of collaborative importance in multicultural consideration by providing students with opportunities to develop more collaborative abilities. / text
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An examination of collaborative strategic reading-high school (CSR-HS) intervention in students with ASDEl Zein, Farah 06 November 2014 (has links)
This study investigates the effects of implementing Collaborative Strategic Reading–High School (CSR–HS) on reading comprehension and challenging behavior outcomes for three high school students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Using a combined single subject research design consisting of a delayed, concurrent multiple-baseline and an alternating treatments with reversal, three high school students with ASD were paired with neurotypical reading partners to learn and use reading strategies with informational text two to three times per week. The alternating treatment conditions were CSR-HS with choice of text (i.e., CSR-HS-C) and CSR-HS without the opportunity to choose the reading text (i.e., CSR-HS-NC). Daily comprehension checks were collected and visually inspected along with data on occurrences of various challenging behaviors exhibited by each participant during intervention. Fidelity of implementation was also measured. Increased reading comprehension scores and decreased incidences of challenges behaviors were detected for the three participants upon implementation of intervention conditions. As for the influence of the choice component on the measured outcomes, no clear differentiation between conditions was observed in terms of reading comprehension gains and reduction in challenging behavior across the three participants, suggesting that the addition of choice did not show an added value to CSR-HS intervention. / text
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Collaborative Strategic Reading som modell för att främja elevers läsförståelse och delaktighetHarbich, Jutta, Rodrick Cengic, Anna January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Metakognicija i kognitivne strategije urazumevanju teksta u univerzitetskoj nastaviengleskog jezika / Metacognition and cognitive strategies duringreading comprehension at the university level ofEFLTopalov Jagoda 01 March 2016 (has links)
<p>Predmet istraživanja ove disertacije jesu strategije čitanja na engleskom jeziku<br />koje čitaoci koriste prilikom razumevanja pročitanog teksta. Osnovni cilj istraživanja<br />jeste najpre prikaz strategija čitanja koje koriste studenti koji pohađaju nastavu<br />engleskog na univerzitetskom nivou, a zatim i analiza uspešnosti posebno<br />koncipiranog programa pod nazivom Kolaborativno strategijsko čitanje – KSČ<br />(Klingner & Vaughn, 1996) u razvijanju veštine čitanja na engleskom jeziku, inventara<br />strategija čitanja tekstova na engleskom i učestalosti u njegovom korišćenju.<br />Istraživanje sprovedeno za potrebe ove disertacije postavljeno je u kognitivni teorijski<br />okvir koji čitaoce tretira kao razumne, aktivne učesnike u procesu čitanja. U takvom<br />okviru najpre se tumači veština čitanja na stranom jeziku i analizira se na koji način<br />različite kognitivne sposobnosti doprinose razumevanju pročitanog teksta; zatim se<br />razmatraju strategije u okviru šireg teorijskog koncepta samoregulacije; konačno,<br />Hipotezom inputa i interakcije postavlja se okvir za tumačenje interakcije u procesu<br />čitanja na stranom jeziku.<br />Četiri ključna pitanja na koje je ovo istraživanje pokušalo da pruži odgovor su:<br />(1) U kojoj meri je razvijeno strategijsko znanje u razumevanju teksta kod studenata<br />koji pohađaju časove engleskog jezika na univerzitetskom nivou? (2) Da li postoji<br />značajna razlika u razumevanju pročitanog teksta kod studenata koji su izloženi<br />strukturisanom strategijskom inputu u okviru kooperativnih aktivnosti i onih koji su<br />takvom inputu izloženi u okviru tradicionalne, frontalne metode nastave? (3) Da li<br />postoji značajna razlika između metakognicije i strateške kompetencije u razumevanju<br />pročitanog teksta kod studenata koji su izloženi strukturisanom strategijskom inputu u<br />okviru kooperativnih aktivnosti i onih koji su takvom inputu izloženi u okviru<br />tradicionalne, frontalne metode nastave? (4) Da li postoji razlika između strategija<br />čitanja koje koriste uspešni i manje uspešni čitaoci prilikom razumevanja teksta na<br />engleskom jeziku u zavisnosti od nastavne metode kojoj su čitaoci bili izloženi?<br />Imajući u vidu složenost cilja i istraživačkih pitanja koja iz njega proističu u<br />istraživanju su primenjene mešovite metode istraživanja tokom dve faze. Tokom prve<br />faze izvršeno je kvantitativno istraživanje deskriptivnog tipa s obzirom na to da je cilj<br />bio da se opiše inventar strategija čitanja kod ispitanika i izmeri učestalost u njegovom<br />korišćenju. U prvoj fazi je u istraživanju učestvovalo 487 studenata koji studiraju na<br />filozofskim fakultetima u okviru jednog od tri univerziteta u Srbiji: na Filozofskom<br />fakultetu u Novom Sadu (N1=203), na FILUMu u Kragujevcu (N2=132) i na<br />Filozofskom fakultetu u Nišu (N3=152). Ispitanici su popunili Inventar strategija<br />čitanja (Mokhtari & Sheorey, 2002), putem koga su prikupljeni podaci i izvršena<br />statistička analiza. Za potrebe istraživanja u drugoj fazi usvojen je istraživački nacrt u<br />kome se kombinuju kvantitativne i kvalitativne metode. Primenjena je eksperimentalna<br />metoda nacrta pred-test – post-test sa nejednakom kontrolnom grupom. U drugoj fazi<br />istraživanja učestvovalo je ukupno 50 studenata koji su na prvoj i drugoj godini<br />Filozofskog fakulteta u Novom Sadu pohađali časove vežbanja iz predmeta Engleski<br />4<br />jezik B2.1 i B2.2. U eksperimentalnoj grupi bilo je 24 studenta, dok je u kontrolnoj<br />bilo 26 studenata. U ovoj fazi istraživanja podaci su prikupljeni putem eksperimenta,<br />upitnika i protokola čitanja naglas u cilju smanjenja subjektivnosti pri tumačenju<br />rezultata. Kvantitativni podaci su prikupljeni u tri navrata, i to pre početka<br />eksperimenta, na polovini i po okončanju eksperimenta, dok su kvalitativni podaci<br />prikupljeni nakon eksperimentalnog toka.<br />Rezultati prve faze istraživanja pokazali su da se navike u upotrebi strategija<br />čitanja kod studenata mogu dovesti u vezu sa polom, kontekstom učenja, prethodnom<br />izloženosti strategijama i samoprocenom znanja. Rezultati druge faze istraživanja<br />pokazali su da strukturisana grupna interakcija prilikom čitanja na engleskom jeziku<br />generalno povoljno utiče na razvoj veštine čitanja i razumevanja teksta, kao i na razvoj<br />veština samoregulacije. Glavna pedagoška implikacija sprovedenog istraživanja tiče se<br />izražene potrebe za uvođenjem eksplicitne nastave strategija koje bi učenicima<br />poslužile kao pomoćno sredstvo za postizanje uspeha u razumevanju složenih tekstova<br />i zahtevnih tema.</p> / <p>This dissertation analyzes reading strategies that are employed by readers<br />during the process reading comprehension. The main goals of the research was first to<br />establish which reading strategies are used by students who are taking a course in EFL<br />at the university level and then to analyze the effects of Collaborative strategic<br />reading – CSR (Klingner & Vaughn, 1996), a specially designed instructional<br />treatment aimed at improving students’ reading skills in the English language, their<br />strategic inventory and the frequency of its use. The research reported in this thesis is<br />set within a cognitive theoretical framework, which views readers as logical, active<br />participants in the process of learning. The theoretical considerations first included an<br />analysis of the reading skill in the context of foreign language learning and focused on<br />the ways in which different cognitive processes contributed to reading comprehension,<br />which was followed by an examination of reading strategies within a broader<br />theoretical concept of self-regulation. The introduction of the Input and Interaction<br />Hypothesis set the basis for the interpretation of student interaction in the process of<br />foreign language reading comprehension.<br />The research reported in this dissertation investigated the following questions:<br />(1) What is the extent to which strategic competence is developed among university<br />EFL students? (2) Is there a significant difference in reading comprehension scores<br />between the students who are engaged in cooperative reading activities within a<br />structured strategic framework and the students who are taught within a teachercentered<br />approach to reading instruction? (3) Is there a significant difference between<br />metacognition and strategic competence between the students who are engaged in<br />cooperative reading activities within a structured strategic framework and the students<br />who are taught within a teacher-centered approach to reading instruction? (4) Is there a<br />significant difference between reading strategies used by successful and less successful<br />readers during the process of reading comprehension with respect to the teaching<br />approach the students were exposed to?<br />Bearing in mind the complexity of the research aim and its corresponding<br />research questions, this investigation adopted a mixed methods design during two<br />research phases. The first phase was conducted within a quantitative framework since<br />the goal was to describe the students’ strategic inventory and to measure the frequency<br />of its use. The investigation in the first phase included a total of 487 students studying<br />at the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad (N1=203), at the Faculty of Philology and<br />Arts in Kragujevac (N2=132) and at the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš (N3=152). The<br />instrument used in this phase included the Survey of Reading Strategies developed by<br />Mokhtari and Sheorey (2002). In the second phase, the research included a<br />combination of qualitative and quantitative methods within a pre-test – post-test<br />experimental design. The experiment included a total of 50 first and second year<br />students studying at the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad who were taking a course<br />in English as a faculty requirement. The experimental group included a total of 24<br />students, whereas the control group included 26 students. Data collection methods<br />included reading comprehension tests, questionnaires and think-aloud protocols in<br />order to minimize the risk of a subjective interpretation of the results. The quantitative data were collected before the beginning of the experimental treatment, at the middle</p><p>and in the end of the experiment, whereas the qualitative data were collected after the<br />experimental treatment was completed.<br />The results of the first phase of research indicate that the use of reading<br />strategies among students can be tied to gender, the learning context, the previous<br />exposure to reading strategies and the self-reported proficiency. The results of the<br />second phase imply that the structured group interaction during the process of reading<br />English texts has a favorable effect on the development of the students’ reading and<br />comprehension skills, as well as their self-regulatory techniques. The main<br />pedagogical implication of the research concerns the need to introduce explicit strategy<br />instruction in EFL classes which would enable students to achieve success in<br />comprehending complex texts and difficult topics.</p>
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