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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Blogs de Educadores: perspectivas inovadoras na formação continuada de professores? / Blogs for educators: inovative perspectives on training continuing teacher?

Maria Cristina de Oliveira Silveira 02 April 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho discute as perspectivas para a formação de professores presentes nos blogs de educadores, que buscam e transmitem conhecimentos, em uma rede colaborativa que desponta como uma nova modalidade de formação continuada. Optou-se pela abordagem metodológica qualitativa, dada as características do objeto de estudo e pela possibilidade de ampliação do diálogo entre a teorização e os dados coletados. Procedeu-se uma discursão a partir do discurso dos professores blogueiros entrevistados e da observação de seus blogs. Os 31 blogs que se teve acesso foram classificados segundo suas características preponderantes. Responderam o questionário proposto 27 blogueiros. Pode-se afirmar que os blogs dados seus aspectos de ferramentas de interação, de fácil acesso e uso e de aglutinação de pessoas em razão de interesses comuns, têm efeitos sobre a prática docente. Embora se tenha identificado nos blogs a prevalência de uma concepção compensatória, eles se mostram como ações de autogerenciamento por parte dos docentes, que não mais se isolam com suas dúvidas, incertezas e insegurança, mas, valendo-se da democratização da informática, lançam-se na internet para socializar saberes, partilhar práticas em uma rede de colaboração mútua. / This paper discusses the prospects for the formation of teachers present in the blogs of educators who seek and transmit knowledge in a collaborative network that is emerging as a new form of continuing education. We opted for the qualitative methodological approach, given the characteristics of the object of study and the possibility of expanding the dialogue between theory and data collected. Proceeded from one discursão speech of bloggers interviewed teachers and observing their blogs. The 31 blogs that had access were classified according to their predominant characteristics. Answered the questionnaire proposed 27 bloggers. It can be argued that blogs data aspects of interaction tools, easy to access and use and assemblage of persons on grounds of common interests, have effects on teaching practice. Although it has been identified in the prevalence of blogs compensatory conception, they show how self-management actions on the part of teachers that no longer isolate themselves with their doubts, uncertainty and insecurity, but taking advantage of the democratization of computing, throw on the internet to socialize knowledge, sharing practices in a network of mutual collaboration.

Rede colaborativa entre autores em odontologia: docentes dos programas de pós-graduação credenciados em universidades participantes do sistema de informação especializado na área de odontologia (SIEO) / Collaborative networks between authors in dentistry: professors of post graduation programs accredited in participant universities of the Information System Specialized in Dentistry

Vania Martins Bueno de Oliveira Funaro 13 April 2010 (has links)
A produção científica gerada e publicada por docentes das Faculdades de Odontologia pertencentes ao SIEO e vinculados aos Programas de pós-graduação credenciados pela CAPES, é analisada neste trabalho com vistas à verificação da rede colaborativa entre autores. Objetivos: Identificar a visibilidade da produção brasileira de artigos científicos da área de Odontologia, indexada em bases de dados internacionais no período de 2000 a 2008, de autoria dos docentes dos programas de pós-graduação, atuando nas faculdades que integram o SIEO; Traçar a rede colaborativa entre os autores que publicaram artigos em co-autoria; Analisar o tipo de autoria (única ou múltipla) para publicação de artigos científicos publicados em revistas brasileiras e estrangeiras indexadas nas fontes internacionais: Medline, Web of Science e Embase; Verificar os autores que mais colaboraram entre si, a partir da rede dos autores mais produtivos de cada programa de pós-graduação e identificar a afiliação destes colaboradores. Método: a produção científica dos docentes credenciados pela CAPES, foi verificada em três bases de dados internacionais: Medline, Web of Science e Embase, no período de 2000 a 2008. Identificou-se em cada programa, o docente com maior número de trabalhos publicados neste período. A partir da sua produção foram identificados os artigos de autoria única e múltipla. As coautorias permitiram elaborar a rede colaborativa entre autores caracterizando os mais produtivos como autores nó de cada Programa. Resultados: de um total de 29 Programas de pós-graduação na área de Odontologia, das Instituições que compõe o SIEO, estão vinculados 492 docentes credenciados. De acordo com a sua produção científica, 24 deles foram selecionados como docentes nó da rede colaborativa. Do total de 1.422 artigos publicados por esses autores, a rede mostrou que apenas 8 dos trabalhos (0,5%) foram escritos por autoria única. Conclusões: as bases de dados internacionais Medline, Web of Science e Embase indexam e dão visibilidade à produção científica indexada, dos artigos de autoria dos docentes da área de Odontologia, pertencentes ao SIEO; a autoria única mostrou estar, na área Odontológica, cada vez menos frequente, dando espaço para a colaboração entre autores; foi confirmada a autoria múltipla como predominante ente docentes brasileiros dessa área; a análise das redes colaborativas entre autores mostrou ser adequada para identificar as relações existentes entre eles; quanto à distribuição geográfica, foi confirmada a maior concentração de Programas e de docentes de pós-graduação na região Sudeste; a predominância de colaboração foi identificada entre os autores dos departamentos da mesma instituição, e com menor frequência entre faculdades, universidades e outros tipos de instituição; a rede colaborativa não se estabeleceu entre autores de Programas credenciados em Faculdades diferentes. / The scientific production generated and published by professors of the Dentistry Colleges belonging to SIEO and linked to the Post Graduation programme accredited by CAPES, is analyzed in this study with the aim to verify the collaborative network between authors. Objectives: To identify the perceptibility of the Brazilian production of scientific articles in the field of Dentistry, indexed in international databases from 2000 to 2008, authored by professors of post-graduation programme, working in the colleges of the SIEO; To plot the collaborative network between the authors who published co-authored articles; to analyze the type of authorship (single or multiple) for the publication of scientific articles published in Brazilian and foreign journals indexed in international sources: MEDLINE, Web of Science and Embase; to check the most cooperating authors among each other, from the network of the most productive authors of each post graduation program and to identify the affiliation of these collaborators. Method: the scientific production of accredited CAPES professors was verified in three international databases: MEDLINE, Web of Science and Embase from 2000 to 2008. We identified in each program the professor with the highest number of papers published in this period and from this production, the publications of single or multiple authorship were identified. Through the collaborative network, it was able to verify the major collaborators of the authors \"knots\" of each program as well as the form of authorship of articles: single or multiple. Results: In 29 post graduation programme in the Dentistry major area, and from the Institutions composing the SIEO, there are 492 certified professors. According to their scientific production, 24 were selected as teachers \"knots\" of the collaborative network. Out of 1,422 published articles, the network showed that only 8 (0.5%) were written as single authorship. Conclusions: The international databases MEDLINE, Web of Science and Embase index and provide visibility to the indexed scientific production, from the articles authored by members in the field of Dentistry, belonging to SIEO; the single authorship showed to be, in Dentistry, less frequent, giving rise to co-operation among authors; collaboration resulting in multiple authorship is prevalent among Brazilian professors in the field of dentistry, where the development and dissemination of their research analysis of collaborative networks among authors, is adequate to identify the relationship between them: There is a greater concentration of programme and post graduation professors in the Southeast; the predominance of collaboration was identified among authors of the departments within the same institution, and less frequently, between colleges, universities and other institutions, the strong endogenous showed in 16.6% of the authors (the same department). A collaborative network is not established between authors of accredited programs in different faculties.

Modelo de referência para integração de redes interorganizacionais com sistemas ERP / Reference model to integrate networks intercompany with ERP systems

Dani Marcelo Nonato Marques 24 August 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo propor um modelo de referência para a integração da cadeia de suprimentos de empresas que possuem sistemas Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), sob o recorte analítico das redes colaborativas. Para tanto foi realizada uma pesquisa multifacetada nos principais atores que compõem esta rede colaborativa. A contextualização teórica permeia os conceitos dos sistemas ERP, de integração de cadeia de suprimentos e de redes colaborativas. O trabalho está estruturado em quatro perspectivas. A primeira perspectiva apresenta uma abordagem da percepção das empresas fabricantes de sistemas ERP em relação aos conceitos inseridos em seus sistemas para fomentar a integração da cadeia de suprimentos dos usuários finais desses sistemas. A segunda trata da perspectiva das empresas implantadoras desses sistemas sob a mesma óptica. Na terceira perspectiva, a abordagem é feita nas empresas que utilizam os sistemas ERP e, por fim, na quarta perspectiva, o enfoque é dado na perspectiva transversal levando em consideração as perspectivas desses 3 atores. As conclusões e os resultados se deram por meio de modelagem organizacional das perspectivas. A construção do modelo de referência foi realizada utilizando uma metodologia de modelagem organizacional chamada Enterprise Knowledge Development (EKD). A abordagem sistêmica do contexto pôde contribuir no entendimento da integração da cadeia de suprimentos sob as perspectivas estudadas. / The propose of this research is aim a reference model for the integration of the supply chain of companies with Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERP), under the analytical approach of collaborative networks. Therefore a survey was conducted in major multifaceted actors that make up this collaborative network. The theoretical context permeates the concepts of ERP systems, integration of supply chain and collaborative networks. The work is divided into four perspectives. The first perspective presents an approach to the perception of ERP systems manufacturing companies in relation to the concepts inserted in their systems to foster the integration of the supply chain from end users of these systems. The second comes from the consultant companies\' perspective these systems under the same optics. In the third perspective, the approach is made in companies using ERP systems and, finally, the fourth perspective, the focus is on cross-cutting perspective taking into account the perspectives of these three actors. The conclusions and results are given through modeling organizational perspectives. The construction of the reference model was performed using an organizational modeling methodology called Enterprise Knowledge Development (EKD). The systemic approach of context might help in understanding the integration of the supply chain from the perspectives studied.

Modelo de referência para operacionalização e reconfiguração de redes de construção civil / Reference model for operation and reconfiguration of construction networks

Larissa Elaine Dantas de Araújo 17 August 2012 (has links)
A construção civil é um setor econômico que depende de relacionamentos interorganizacionais para viabilizar o seu produto. É comum a formação de consórcios para obras de grande porte de infraestrutura, estabelecendo relacionamentos flexíveis de cooperação. Entretanto, existe uma carência de estudos sob o recorte analítico de redes considerado o seu ciclo de vida e especificamente as fases de operacionalização e reconfiguração da construção. A tese tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um modelo de referência para as fases de operacionalização e reconfiguração de redes de construção civil, e especificamente obras de infraestrutura urbana de metrô. O Modelo foi desenvolvido seguindo um processo de elaboração, contemplando: revisão bibliográfica, elaboração de estrutura conceitual de referência, representação de uma realidade atual, definições de mudança e descrição do Modelo de Referência. Foram utilizados o Modelo de Conceitos, Modelo de Processos e Modelo de Atores e Recursos da Metodologia EKD (Enterprise Knowledge Development) apoiando a representação dos resultados. A estrutura conceitual de referência e a representação de uma realidade atual utilizaram o método de Estudo de Caso. Como resultado obteve-se um Modelo de Referência que permite a coordenação das atividades da rede sob a ótica da colaboração. / The construction is an industry that depends on interorganizational relationships to enable its product. It is common the consolidation of consortia for major works of infrastructure, establishing flexible relationships for cooperation. However, there is a lack of studies on the analytical approach of networks considered their life cycle and the specific steps for the operation and reconfiguration of the construction phases. The thesis aims at developing a Reference Model for the phases of operation and reconfiguration of construction network, and specifically subway infrastructure works. The model was developed following a development process comprising: a literature review, the development of conceptual framework of reference, a representation of current reality, changing definitions and description of the Reference Model. The Concepts Model, the Process Model and the Actors and Resources Model from the EKD (Enterprise Knowledge Development) Methodology were used, supporting the representation of the results. The conceptual framework of reference and the representation of a current reality used the case study method. As a result a Reference Model was obtained. It allows the coordination of network activities from the perspective of collaboration.

Modelo de referência para operacionalização de ambientes para a criação de organizações virtuais / Reference model for operational environments for creating virtual organizations

Angelita Moutin Segoria Gasparotto 13 September 2013 (has links)
As transformações na sociedade contemporânea mundial levam as empresas a diminuírem seus ciclos de projeto-desenvolvimento-produto, com o objetivo de se manterem flexíveis, dinâmicas e, por conseguinte, competitivas no mercado. Nesse novo cenário surgem as redes, que são alianças constituídas por entidades geograficamente distribuídas e heterogêneas, e que por meio do trabalho colaborativo, compartilham recursos, riscos e competências, visando o alcance de metas comuns. Entre as diversas manifestações de redes colaborativas presentes na literatura, a rede denominada Ambiente de Criação de Organizações Virtuais (Virtual Breeding Environment - VBE) tem um destaque no cenário econômico mundial, uma vez que ela pode propiciar a criação de organizações virtuais. O objetivo desta pesquisa é propor um modelo de referência para operacionalização de ambientes para a criação de organizações virtuais, sob o recorte analítico de redes colaborativas. O método de pesquisa empregado foi o de estudo de múltiplos casos, por meio da análise de oito VBEs. A metodologia que deu suporte à criação do modelo de referência denomina-se EKD (Enterprise Knowledge Development), a qual possui os modelos de objetivos, de conceitos, de regras de negócio, de atores e recursos, de processos de negócios e de componentes e requisitos técnicos. A pesquisa permitiu identificar que apesar dos VBEs manterem o foco na criação de organizações virtuais, a maioria das práticas recomendadas pela literatura sobre o assunto, ainda não são seguidas, não sendo práticas correntes do trabalho colaborativo. Nesse sentido a pesquisa contribuiu para a melhoria do referencial teórico sobre redes colaborativas, permitindo uma visão mais ampla e integrada dos diferentes elementos que compõem a criação de organizações virtuais. Essa contribuição foi possível por meio das visões que cada modelo da metodologia EKD trouxe à pesquisa. O modelo de referência permitiu apresentar os objetivos, os conceitos, as regras de negócios, os processos, os atores, os recursos, os requisitos e os componentes técnicos, relativos à criação de organizações virtuais. / The transformations in contemporary society worldwide lead companies to lower their design cycles-product-development in order to remain flexible, dynamic and therefore competitive in market. In this new scenario arise networks, alliances that are formed by entities geographically distributed, heterogeneous, and through collaborative work, share resources, risks and responsibilities, in order to reach common goals. Among the various manifestations of collaborative networks in the literature, the network called Virtual Breeding Environment-VBE is a highlight in the global economy, since its operation enables the creation of virtual organizations. The objective of this research is to propose a reference model for operationalizing environments to create virtual organizations, under the analytical approach of collaborative networks. The research method used was the study of multiple cases by analyzing eight VBEs. The methodology that supported the creation of reference model called EKD (Enterprise Knowledge Development), which has models of goals, concepts, business rules, actors and resources, business processes and components and technical requirements. The research identified that despite VBEs keep the focus on the creation of virtual organizations, most of the practices recommended in the literature on the subject, are not followed, it is not a current practice of collaborative work. In this sense the research contributed to the improvement of the theoretical referential on collaborative networks, enabling a broader and integrated of the different elements that make up the creation of virtual organizations. This contribution was made possible by the visions that each model of the EKD methodology brought to the research The reference model presents the objectives, concepts, business rules, processes, actors, resources, requirements and technical components, on the creation of virtual organizations.

Modelo de referência para operacionalização e reconfiguração de redes de construção civil / Reference model for operation and reconfiguration of construction networks

Araújo, Larissa Elaine Dantas de 17 August 2012 (has links)
A construção civil é um setor econômico que depende de relacionamentos interorganizacionais para viabilizar o seu produto. É comum a formação de consórcios para obras de grande porte de infraestrutura, estabelecendo relacionamentos flexíveis de cooperação. Entretanto, existe uma carência de estudos sob o recorte analítico de redes considerado o seu ciclo de vida e especificamente as fases de operacionalização e reconfiguração da construção. A tese tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um modelo de referência para as fases de operacionalização e reconfiguração de redes de construção civil, e especificamente obras de infraestrutura urbana de metrô. O Modelo foi desenvolvido seguindo um processo de elaboração, contemplando: revisão bibliográfica, elaboração de estrutura conceitual de referência, representação de uma realidade atual, definições de mudança e descrição do Modelo de Referência. Foram utilizados o Modelo de Conceitos, Modelo de Processos e Modelo de Atores e Recursos da Metodologia EKD (Enterprise Knowledge Development) apoiando a representação dos resultados. A estrutura conceitual de referência e a representação de uma realidade atual utilizaram o método de Estudo de Caso. Como resultado obteve-se um Modelo de Referência que permite a coordenação das atividades da rede sob a ótica da colaboração. / The construction is an industry that depends on interorganizational relationships to enable its product. It is common the consolidation of consortia for major works of infrastructure, establishing flexible relationships for cooperation. However, there is a lack of studies on the analytical approach of networks considered their life cycle and the specific steps for the operation and reconfiguration of the construction phases. The thesis aims at developing a Reference Model for the phases of operation and reconfiguration of construction network, and specifically subway infrastructure works. The model was developed following a development process comprising: a literature review, the development of conceptual framework of reference, a representation of current reality, changing definitions and description of the Reference Model. The Concepts Model, the Process Model and the Actors and Resources Model from the EKD (Enterprise Knowledge Development) Methodology were used, supporting the representation of the results. The conceptual framework of reference and the representation of a current reality used the case study method. As a result a Reference Model was obtained. It allows the coordination of network activities from the perspective of collaboration.

Value as a Motivating Factor for Collaboration : The case of a collaborative network for wind asset owners for potential big data sharing

Kenjangada Kariappa, Ganapathy, Bjersér, Marcus January 2019 (has links)
The world's need for energy is increasing while we realize the consequences of existing unsustainable methods for energy production. Wind power is a potential partial solution, but it is a relatively new source of energy. Advances in technology and innovation can be one solution, but the wind energy industry is embracing them too slow due to, among other reasons, lack of incentives in terms of the added value provided. Collaboration and big data may possibly provide a key to overcome this. However, to our knowledge, this research area has received little attention, especially in the context of the wind energy industry.   The purpose of this study is to explore value as a motivating factor for potential big data collaboration via a collaborative network. This will be explored within the context of big data collaboration, and the collaborative network for wind asset owners O2O WIND International. A cross sectional, multi-method qualitative single in-depth case study is conducted. The data collected and analyzed is based on four semi-structured interviews and a set of rich documentary secondary data on the 25 of the participants in the collaborative network in the form of 3866 pages and 124 web pages visited.  The main findings are as follows. The 25 participants of the collaborative network were evaluated and their approach to three different types of value were visualized through a novel model: A three-dimensional value approach space. From this visualization clusters of participants resulting in 6 different approaches to value can be distinguished amongst the 25 participants.  Furthermore, 14 different categories of value as the participants express are possible to create through the collaborative network has been identified. These values have been categorized based on fundamental types of value, their dimensions and four value processes. As well as analyzed for patterns and similarities amongst them. The classification results in a unique categorization of participants of a collaborative network. These categories prove as customer  segments that the focal firm of the collaborative network can target.  The interviews resulted in insights about the current state of the industry, existing and future market problems and needs as well as existing and future market opportunities. Then possible business model implications originating from our findings, for the focal firm behind the collaborative network O2O WIND International as well as the participants of the collaboration, has been discussed. We conclude that big data and collaborative networks has potential for value creation in the wind power sector, if the business model of those involved takes it into account. However, more future research is necessary, and suggestions are made.


Ofem, Brandon 01 January 2014 (has links)
In this mixed-method study, I explore the idea that an entrepreneurial orientation serves as a key driver of nonprofit organizational performance, and that a focal nonprofit’s set of collaborative ties moderates that relationship. I theorize that for nonprofits operating in an environment characterized by resource scarcity, possessing an EO is vital. More specifically, I theorize that organizations with smaller and less heterogeneous sets of collaborative ties benefit more from an EO than those with larger and more heterogeneous sets. I also explore the possibility that a focal nonprofit’s pattern of collaborative ties may be a function of that nonprofit’s EO. These ideas are tested using an original data set collected from a sample of the estimated 200 economic development organizations operating in eastern Kentucky. This is an area where economic growth has been particularly elusive, and where a deeper understanding of the entrepreneurial and collaborative practices of nonprofits might be especially valuable. The results reveal some significant empirical support for these ideas, and point to a promising research program aiming to uncover the interactive effects of EO, collaborative networks, and nonprofit performance across a range of organizational contexts.

La capacité d'absorption des PMEs intégrées dans des réseaux d'innovation collaboratifs : évaluation à travers une grille de maturité / Absorptive capacity of SMEs embedded in a collaborative innovation networks : assessment through a maturity grid

Benhayoun-Sadafiyine, Lamiae 17 October 2017 (has links)
Afin de faire face à la concurrence accrue dans leurs marchés, de plus en plus PMEs innovent dans des réseaux d'innovation collaboratifs (RICs). En effet, ces derniers leur permettent d'accéder à des connaissances complémentaires nécessaires pour mener à bien leurs projets innovants. La contribution d'une PME à un tel réseau nécessite une absorption des connaissances externes, apportées par les autres participants et éventuellement de connaissances externes au réseau constitué.L'objet de cette thèse est de construire un outil de maturité pour évaluer la capacité d'absorption des PMEs intégrées dans de tels contextes. Cette évaluation les aidera à contribuer efficacement au projet et favorisera ainsi le succès de l'innovation. Elle les guidera également vers les bonnes pratiques pour capitaliser sur leurs expériences dans des RICs et améliorer la performance de leurs propres organisations à la lumière des apprentissages issus de ce dernier.Une approche méthodologique mixte a été adoptée pour le développement de cet outil. Une première phase qualitative a permis d'identifier les pratiques d'absorption d'une PME dans un projet de co-innovation. Cette phase est principalement composée d'une revue de littérature approfondie, de 20 entretiens semi-directifs auprès de 13 PMEs dans les régions Rhône-Alpes en France et Yorkshire au Royaume-Uni et de deux demi-journées de travail avec des experts chercheurs et praticiens. Une seconde phase quantitative avait pour objectif d'évaluer la pertinence de ces pratiques pour chaque situation possible de participation d'une PME à un réseau d'innovation collaboratif. Dans ce sens, un questionnaire d'enquête a été d'abord testé auprès de 2 praticiens et 2 chercheurs, puis administré auprès de PMEs ayant opéré dans des contextes de réseaux similaires. Les données collectées ont été analysées suivant une approche PLS-SEM et ont permis de formuler, pour chaque pratique d'absorption, une équation de prédiction de sa pertinence en fonction du contexte de participation d'une PME à un réseau d'innovation collaboratif. Les pratiques issues de la phase qualitative et les équations déterminées suite à l'approche quantitative ont ensuite été opérationnalisées sous la forme d'un outil de grille de maturité. Ce dernier sera affiné itérativement au fur et à mesure de sa mise en œuvre avec des PMEs intégrées dans des RICs.Cette recherche comporte des contributions à plusieurs niveaux. D'un point de vue théorique, elle confirme la proéminence pour l'innovation du concept de capacité d'absorption, en le caractérisant pour le contexte d'une PME intégrée dans un RIC. D'un point de vue pratique, la mise en œuvre de cette caractérisation via un outil à l'usage de PMEs permet de favoriser le succès de leurs expériences dans ces réseaux, en les guidant vers les pratiques appropriées aux contextes de leurs participations à ces derniers. Enfin d'un point de vue méthodologique, l'adoption d'une démarche quantitative pour contextualiser une grille de maturité constitue une approche novatrice dans le champ de développement de tels outils d'amélioration de la performance. / In order to face the increased market competition, SMEs are joining collaborative innovation networks (CINs). In fact, these sturcutres enable them access to complementary knowledge that is necessary to conduct their innovation projects. The contribution of an SME to such a network requires an absorption of the knowledge brought by the other participants and eventually of knowledge external to the constituted network.The aim of this thesis is to develop a maturity tool to assess the absorptive capacity of SMEs operating in such contexts. This evaluation will help them contribute effectively to the project and foster the innovation success of this latter. It will also guide them towards the best practices to capitalize on their experiences within these networks and hence improve the performance of their own organizationsA mixed method has been adopted for the development of this tool. A first qualitative phase enabled the identification of absorption practices for an SME embedded in a CIN. This phase is mainly composed of an in-depth literature review, 20 semi-directive interviews with 13 SMEs in the Rhône-Alpes region of France and the Yorkshire region in the UK and two working sessions with expert researchers and practitioners. A second quantitative phase aimed at evaluating the relevance of these practices for each possible situation of an SME's participation in a CIN. To this end, a survey questionnaire was first tested with 2 practitioners and 2 researchers and then administered to a sample of SMEs who had operated in similar contexts. The collected data was analyzed according to a PLS-SEM approach and enabled formulating a prediction equation for each absorption practice, according to the context of the SME's participation within the network. The practices resulting from the qualitative phase combined with the formulas steming from the quantitative one were then operationalized through a maturity grid. The latter will be iteratively improved through successive applications with SMEs embedded in CINs.This thesis implies contributions at several levels. From a theoretical point of view, it confirms the prominence for innovation of the concept of absorptive capacity, through its characterization for the context of an SME embedded in a CIN. From a practical point of view, the implementation of this characterization through a tool for the use of SMEs helps them foster the success of their experiences within such networks. Finally, from a methodological point of view, the adoption of a quantitative approach to contextualize a maturity grid is a novel methodology in the development stream of such performance improvement tools.

Blogs de Educadores: perspectivas inovadoras na formação continuada de professores? / Blogs for educators: inovative perspectives on training continuing teacher?

Maria Cristina de Oliveira Silveira 02 April 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho discute as perspectivas para a formação de professores presentes nos blogs de educadores, que buscam e transmitem conhecimentos, em uma rede colaborativa que desponta como uma nova modalidade de formação continuada. Optou-se pela abordagem metodológica qualitativa, dada as características do objeto de estudo e pela possibilidade de ampliação do diálogo entre a teorização e os dados coletados. Procedeu-se uma discursão a partir do discurso dos professores blogueiros entrevistados e da observação de seus blogs. Os 31 blogs que se teve acesso foram classificados segundo suas características preponderantes. Responderam o questionário proposto 27 blogueiros. Pode-se afirmar que os blogs dados seus aspectos de ferramentas de interação, de fácil acesso e uso e de aglutinação de pessoas em razão de interesses comuns, têm efeitos sobre a prática docente. Embora se tenha identificado nos blogs a prevalência de uma concepção compensatória, eles se mostram como ações de autogerenciamento por parte dos docentes, que não mais se isolam com suas dúvidas, incertezas e insegurança, mas, valendo-se da democratização da informática, lançam-se na internet para socializar saberes, partilhar práticas em uma rede de colaboração mútua. / This paper discusses the prospects for the formation of teachers present in the blogs of educators who seek and transmit knowledge in a collaborative network that is emerging as a new form of continuing education. We opted for the qualitative methodological approach, given the characteristics of the object of study and the possibility of expanding the dialogue between theory and data collected. Proceeded from one discursão speech of bloggers interviewed teachers and observing their blogs. The 31 blogs that had access were classified according to their predominant characteristics. Answered the questionnaire proposed 27 bloggers. It can be argued that blogs data aspects of interaction tools, easy to access and use and assemblage of persons on grounds of common interests, have effects on teaching practice. Although it has been identified in the prevalence of blogs compensatory conception, they show how self-management actions on the part of teachers that no longer isolate themselves with their doubts, uncertainty and insecurity, but taking advantage of the democratization of computing, throw on the internet to socialize knowledge, sharing practices in a network of mutual collaboration.

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