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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Consolidation theories for saturated-unsaturated soils and numerical simulation of residential buildings on expansive soils

Zhang, Xiong 01 November 2005 (has links)
The coupled and uncoupled consolidation theories for saturated-unsaturated soils have been discussed. A new method for constructing the constitutive surfaces for saturated-unsaturated soils has been proposed. The consolidation processes for saturated-unsaturated soils have been explained by thermodynamic analogue. One dimensional consolidation theory for saturated-unsaturated soils is presented and a new method is proposed to calculate the immediate settlement, total settlement and the time history of the consolidation settlement manually in the same way as what we have done for saturated soils with a higher accuracy. It makes the consolidation theory of unsaturated soils as applicable as that of saturated soils. This method can also be used to perform uncoupled two or three dimensional consolidation calculation for both expansive soils and collapsible soils. From the analysis, the equivalent effective stress and excessive pore water pressure can be easily calculated. At the same time, the physical meanings for the parameters in the constitutive laws for saturated-unsaturated are illustrated. A new set of the differential equations for the coupled two or three dimensional consolidation of saturated-unsaturated soils are proposed, together with the corresponding method to solve the differential equations. It is also proved numerically and analytically that during the consolidation process the Mandel-Cryer effect exists for unsaturated expansive soils and there is a ??reverse?? Mandel-Cryer effect for unsaturated collapsible soils. A new method is proposed to estimate the volume change of expansive soils. A complete system is proposed for the numerical simulation of residential buildings on expansive soils. The strength of this method lies in its use of simple and readily available historic weather data such as daily temperature, solar radiation, relative humidity, wind speed and rainfall as input. Accurate three dimensional predictions are obtained by integrating a number of different analytical and numerical techniques: different simulation methods for different boundary conditions such as tree, grass, and bare soils, coupled hydro-mechanical stress analysis to describe deformation of saturated-unsaturated soils, jointed elements simulation of soil-structure interaction, analysis of structure stress moment by general shell elements, and to assess structural damage by the smeared cracking model. The real-time and dynamic simulation results are consistent with filed measurements.

Collapse Behaviour Of Red Soils Of Bangalore District

Revanasiddappa, K 05 1900 (has links)
Collapse phenomenon is exhibited by two types of residual soils. The first category of collapsing residual soils is believed to be transported soils that have undergone post-depositional pedogenesis. The second category of collapsing residual soils is highly weathered and leached soils formed by in-situ weathering of parent rock. Residual red soils occur in Bangalore District of Karnataka State. Physical and chemical weathering of the gneissic parent rock formed the residual soils of Bangalore District. The red soils of Bangalore District are generally moderate to very highly porous (porosity range 35-50%). These soils are also unsaturated owing to presence of alternate wet and dry seasons and low ground water table. Moderately to highly porous, unsaturated red soils occur in Pernambuco State of Brazil. These residual soils formed by weathering of gneissic rock significantly collapse on wetting under external pressures. Kaolinite is predominant clay mineral in the red soils of Bangalore and Pernambuco Districts. Similarities exist in the mode of soil formation, clay mineralogy, porosity and degree of saturation (Sr) values of the red soils from Pernambuco State, Brazil, and Bangalore District. Given the collapsible nature of red soils from Pernambuco State, Brazil, the red soils from Bangalore District also deserve to be examined for their potential to collapse in the compacted and undisturbed conditions. The roles of initial dry density, compaction water content, clay content and flooding pressure (the external stress at which a laboratory specimen is inundated is termed as flooding pressure in this thesis) in determining the collapse behaviour of compacted soils are well recognized. However, the influences of above parameters on the collapse behaviour of compacted red soil specimens from Bangalore District are lacking. Such studies are essential as they help to identify the critical compaction parameters (dry density and water content), soil composition, and applied stress level that needs to be controlled by the fill designer in order to minimize wetting-induced collapse. The importance of matric suction in the collapse behaviour of unsaturated soils is well recognized. Yet, the influence of matric suction in the collapse behaviour of compacted soils has only been indirectly examined by varying the compaction water content/degree of saturation of the soil specimens. The climate of Bangalore District is characterized by alternate wet and dry seasons which affects the soil microstructure and the matric suction. Both these parameters have a significant influence on collapse behaviour of unsaturated soils. Cyclic wetting and drying is expected to have a significant bearing on the collapse behaviour of residual soils and is therefore examined. The red soil deposits of Bangalore District are important from foundation engineering view point as they are subjected to structural loading. Owing to the presence of alternate wet and dry seasons and low ground water table, red soil deposits of Bangalore District are more often than not unsaturated. These foundation soils would however be susceptible to increase in moisture content from causes such as infiltration of rainwater, leakage of pipes or watering of lawns and plants. Given the porous and unsaturated nature of undisturbed red soils from Bangalore district, their collapsible nature deserves to be examined for reliable estimation of foundation settlements. To achieve the above objectives, experiments are performed that study: 1.The influence of variations in compaction dry density, initial water content and matric suction, clay content and flooding pressure on the collapse behaviour of a representative red soil sample from Bangalore District. 2.The influence of repeated wetting and drying on the collapse behaviour of compacted red soil specimens. 3.The collapsible nature of undisturbed red soil samples from different locations in Bangalore District. The organization of this thesis is as follows: After the first introductory chapter, a detailed review of literature highlighting the need to study the collapse behaviour of unsaturated red soils of Bangalore District, Karnataka in the compacted and undisturbed states comprises Chapter 2. Chapter 3 presents a detailed experimental programme of the study. Details of representative and undisturbed red soil samples from Bangalore District, Karnataka State, India were used in the study are provided. Determination of collapse potential of compacted and undisturbed soil specimens using conventional oedometer is discussed. Determination of matric suction of compacted and undisturbed specimens by ASTM Filter paper method and pore size distributions by mercury intrusion porosimetry is detailed. Methods to perform cyclic wetting and drying of compacted red soil specimens in modified oedometer assemblies is detailed. These experiments are performed to examine the influence of cyclic wetting and drying on the collapse behaviour of compacted red soil specimens. Chapter 4 examines the collapse behaviour of a compacted red soil from Bangalore District. The influence of variations in compaction dry density, initial water content and matric suction, flooding pressure and clay content on the collapse behaviour of the representative red soil from Bangalore District are examined. Besides measuring the initial matric suction of the compacted red soil specimens, mercury intrusion porosimetry was performed on selected compacted red soil specimens. Experimental results showed that compacted red soils from Bangalore District exhibited tendency to swell and collapse at the experimental range of densities and water contents. Red soil specimens compacted to relative compactions > 90 % at water contents below OMC swelled at flooding pressures lower than 200 kPa. Red soil specimens compacted to relative compactions < 90 % at water contents below OMC significantly collapsed at flooding pressures larger than 200 kPa. Hence maintenance of the design water content during construction of compacted red soil fills is essential to minimize wetting induced volume changes. Experiments showed that the relative abundance of coarse pores (60 to 6 μm, pore radius) were mainly affected on increasing the relative compaction of the specimens from 84 % (dry density = 1.49 Mg/m3) to 100 % (dry density = 1.77 Mg/m3). The relative abundance of the coarse and fine (0.01 to 0.002 μm) pores were both affected on increasing the compaction water content from 10.6 to 26.4 %. These variations in pore size distributions provided better insight into the variations of collapse potential with variations in compaction parameters. ASTM filter paper method showed that for the selected compaction conditions the initial matric suction of the compacted red soil specimens varied between 60 and 10,000 kPa. Further, variations in degree of saturation at a constant relative compaction or variations in relative compaction at a constant degree of soil saturation notably affected the matric suction of the compacted soil specimens. It was also inferred that a clay soil with a higher liquid limit is characterized by a higher matric suction at a given water content. Variations in clay content affected the collapse potentials of soil specimens compacted to dry densities of 1.49 and 1.66 Mg/m3. These specimens exhibited maximum collapse at about 26 % clay content. It is suggested that greater destabilization of inter-particle contacts caused by loss of matric suction on flooding was primarily responsible for the soil specimen containing the critical clay content of 26 % to exhibit maximum collapse potential. Increase in initial dry density, initial water content, clay content of the soil specimen and flooding pressure increased the time-duration of collapse of the compacted soil specimens. The time-duration of collapse was observed to range between 3 and 100 minutes for the tested specimens. Chapter 5 examines the influence of alternate wetting and drying on the collapse behaviour of compacted red soil specimens of Bangalore District. The compacted specimens were subjected to alternate wetting and drying cycles at surcharge pressures of 6.25 and 50 kPa in modified oedometer assemblies. Studies were also performed to examine whether the initial placement conditions have any bearing on the collapse behaviour of red soil specimens subjected to four cycles of wetting and drying. Mercury intrusion porosimetry was performed on a few desiccated red soil specimens. Experimental results showed that cyclic wetting and drying caused the desiccated specimens to exhibit similar or lower swell and collapse potentials than the compacted specimens. Such a behaviour resulted despite the desiccated specimens (specimens subjected to four cycles of wetting and drying are termed as desiccated specimens) possessing similar void ratios but much lower water contents than the compacted specimens. The restraining influence of the desiccation bonds and alteration of soil structure is considered responsible for the reduced swell and collapse tendencies of the desiccated specimens. The desiccation bonds imparted higher apparent preconsolidation pressures to the desiccated specimens. The initial compaction conditions also have a strong bearing on the collapse potentials of the desiccated specimens. Compacted red soil specimens subjected to cyclic wetting and drying under a higher surcharge pressure of 50 kPa exhibited larger swell potentials and lower collapse potentials than specimens desiccated at 6.25 kPa. Besides their lower void ratios, the presence of stronger desiccation bonds also contributed to their lower collapse potentials. The presence of stronger desiccation bonds in specimens desiccated under higher surcharge pressure was indicated by their higher apparent preconsolidation pressures. Chapter 6 examines the collapse behaviour of undisturbed red soil specimens from three locations in Bangalore District at a range of flooding pressures. Studies on the variations in initial water content and effect of remoulding on the collapse behaviour of the undisturbed specimens is supplemented by measuring the initial matric suction and performing mercury intrusion porosimetry experiments. Experimental results showed that based on their collapse potential at 200 kPa, the undisturbed red soils of Bangalore District classified as troublesome to moderately troublesome foundation soils. The bonded structure of the undisturbed red soil specimens imparted them higher apparent preconsolidation pressures and lower swell/collapse potentials than their remoulded counterparts. Variations in in-situ dry density, degree of saturation and relative distribution of pore sizes affected the matric suction and collapse potentials of the undisturbed specimens Chapter 7 summarizes the conclusions of this thesis.

Mapeamento da suscetibilidade a eventos perigosos de natureza geológica e hidrológica em São Carlos - SP / Susceptibility mapping of geological and hydrological dangerous events in São Carlos - SP

Cahio Guimarães Seabra Eiras 07 July 2017 (has links)
Com a urbanização crescente no Brasil, o mapeamento de eventos perigosos mostra-se cada vez mais necessário para que se reduzam transtornos socioeconômicos nos municípios brasileiros. O objetivo principal da pesquisa foi elaborar mapas de suscetibilidade a eventos perigosos de natureza geológica e hidrológica, para a área urbana e de expansão urbana (148,97 km²) do município de São Carlos &#8211; SP. A análise foi feita em ambiente de SIG (Sistemas de Informação Geográfica), e combinou abordagens qualitativas e quantitativas de mapeamento de eventos perigosos, propostas pelo Working Group Committee on Risk Assessment (1997). Como método, analisou-se a freqüência dos eventos históricos em função da área (km²) dos condicionantes cartografados nos mapas temáticos (probabilidades iniciais). Os condicionantes foram analisados isoladamente e combinados, na forma de classes de terreno. O inventário dos registros históricos (482 registros) dos eventos foi feito com os dados de jornais, defesa civil e imagens de satélite entre os anos de 1965 a 2016. Foram elaborados os mapas de suscetibilidade para: movimentos de encosta, erosão pluvial, solos colapsíveis e enchentes/inundações. O método utilizado mostrou-se eficiente, visto que os objetivos da pesquisa foram alcançados. Foi possível validar os mapas de suscetibilidade, com as características do meio físico observadas em trabalhos de campo e dados de ensaios geotécnicos. Os eventos mais críticos para o município são as enchentes/inundações e alagamentos, erosões pluviais e movimentos de encostas causam pequenos transtornos, principalmente em consequência do relevo suave da região. Apesar da base cartográfica estar na escala 1:10.000, os mapas são apresentados na escala 1:20.000, com o objetivo destes serem impressos em papéis no formato A1. / With the increasing urbanization in Brazil, hazardous events mapping has become increasingly necessary to reduce socioeconomic disorders in Brazilian citys. The main goal of the research was to elaborate susceptibility maps to dangerous events of geological and hydrological nature, for the urban area and urban expansion (148,97 km²) to the city of São Carlos - SP. The analysis was done in a GIS environment (Geographic Information Systems), and combined qualitative and quantitative approaches of hazardous events mapping, proposed by the Working Group Committee on Risk Assessment (1997). The frequency of historical events was analyzed according to the area of the conditioners mapped on the thematic maps (prior probabilitys). The conditioners were analyzed separately and then combined, in the form of land classes. The inventory of historical records (482 records) of events was done with acquired data from newspapers, civil defense and satellite images between the years 1965 to 2016. Susceptibility maps were developed for slope movements, water erosion, collapsible soils and floods. This method proved to be efficient, since the research objectives were achieved. It was possible to validate the susceptibility maps, with the characteristics of the physical environment observed in field work and geotechnical data. The most critical events in São Carlos are floods, rainfall erosions and slope movements cause minor damage, as a result of the region\'s soft relief. Although the cartographic base is in the 1:10.000 scale, the maps are presented in the 1:20.000 scale, with the purpose of being printed on A1 format paper.

Atrito lateral e resistência de base em tubulões a céu aberto em solos colapsíveis / Skin friction and base resistance of large diameter bored piles in collapsible soils

Túlia Ribeiro da Silva Santos 13 June 2001 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta resultados de provas de carga em tubulões a céu aberto, com o monitoramento do teor de umidade através do processo de tradagem, a cada metro, até uma profundidade de 9,0 m, em um maciço de solo não-saturado e colapsível, representativo da região centro-oeste do interior do Estado de São Paulo. Ao todo, realizaram-se dez provas de carga, no Campo Experimental de Fundações da EESC/USP, com e sem inundação do terreno, com carregamento do fuste, foram introduzidas placas de isopor (E.P.S) a fim de, durante a realização dos ensaios, obter separadamente as parcelas de resistência de base e por atrito lateral. A partir dos dados obtidos, procedeu-se uma análise da influência da pressão de sucção, da inundação do terreno e do intervalo de tempo entre a escavação e os outros dois, concretados logo após a etapa de escavação. Observou-se que a sucção tem um efeito importante no comportamento dos tubulões a céu aberto: com o aumento da sucção maiores se tornam as resistências de base e por atrito lateral. Consequentemente, a influência do colapso apresenta-se mais significativa com o aumento da pressão de sucção. / This work presents results of static load tests, in large diameter bored piles, with measurements of soil moisture content in an unsatured collapsible soil, considered as representative of the middle - west region of the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Ten load tests were performed at Foundation Experimental Field of the EESC/USP, with and without wetting of the pit and the with quick maintained load (QML). In the large diameter bored piles were introduction, between the base and the shaft, an layer of \"isopor\", to separate the skin friction and the base resistance, during the static load tests. The gathered data allowed an assessment of the influence the soil suction, of the soil soaking and the effect between excavation and concrete in the behaviour these isolate elements of foundation.

Modelagens física e numérica de solo colapsível reforçado por colunas de solo laterítico compactado / Physical and numerical modelling of a collapsible soil reinforced with compacted lateritic soil columns

Pereira, Mara Sarro 05 July 2018 (has links)
Normalmente fundações diretas não são utilizadas em solos colapsáveis devido à falta de soluções econômicas e eficientes para melhorar essa condição crítica de terreno. Quando estes solos são inundados, a água afeta sua estrutura provocando uma redução de volume, e consequentemente grandes recalques nas fundações. Por outro lado, a maioria dos solos colapsíveis em regiões tropicais está sujeita a intenso intemperismo e laterização, os quais são responsáveis por melhorar as propriedades do solo após compactação. Por esta razão, solos lateríticos colapsíveis em forma compactada são comumente usados como aterros e materiais de construção em estradas, e têm sido empregados no Brasil para possibilitar a construção de fundações diretas. A pesquisa atual foi planejada para avaliar um aprimoramento desta técnica, que seria o uso de grupos de colunas de solos lateríticos compactados, ao invés de camadas compactadas de solo muito espessas, para permitir o uso de fundações diretas. Para este estudo, ensaios edométricos simples e duplos e de modelagem física em centrífuga foram conduzidos em um solo laterítico colapsível típico do sudeste brasileiro. Complementarmente, um modelo numérico foi ajustado, usando-se os resultados dos ensaios em centrífuga, para estimar a melhoria nas propriedades do solo reforçado. Por fim, os resultados experimentais mostraram que a técnica proposta pode reduzir os recalques de colapso induzidos por umedecimento do solo, e também melhorar o comportamento carga-recalque de fundações diretas apoiadas no solo investigado. / Normally, shallow foundations are not used in collapsible lateritic soils due to the lack of economic and efficient solutions to improve this critical ground condition. When these soils become wetted, the water breaks down soil arrangement and causes the soil to compress, and consequent large settlement of the foundations supported by them. In contrast, most collapsible soils in tropical regions are subject to intense weathering and laterization, which are responsible for good soil properties after compaction. For this reason, collapsible lateritic soils in compacted form are commonly used as fills and road construction materials, and have been utilised in Brazil to allow the construction of shallow foundations. The current research was designed in order to evaluate an enhancement of this technique, which is the use of groups of compacted lateritic soil columns, instead of very thick compacted soil layers, to allow the use of shallow foundations. For this study, single-point and double oedometer and physical model tests in centrifuge were conducted on a collapsible lateritic soil typical in the southeastern part of Brazil. Additionally, a numerical model was adjusted using the data from the centrifuge tests to estimate the improvement of the reinforced soil. The experimental results show that the proposed technique can reduce wetting-induced collapse settlements and also improve the loaddisplacement performance of shallow foundations in the soil investigated.

Collapsible Home : Celebrate life again / Hopfällbara Hem

Kalantari, Meisam January 2016 (has links)
There has been significant increase in the occurrence of earthquakes and other disasters around the world recently. With record-breaking storms and natural disasters destroying different parts of the world, many people have to deal with the repercussions of the aftermaths; and homelessness is one of the facts of such incidence. This master thesis is aimed at creating living solution for the victims of earthquakes and other kind of disasters; natural or human-made (war), providing accommodation for homeless people after an earthquake or a housing alternative for refugees. The design of the collapsible home is basically a new concept of emergency hut for accommodating people in emergency after the event of disaster with easy assembling and quick installation feature. Considering the situation of homeless people after catastrophic disasters who need to be accommodated, the design and creation of a quick, accommodating and low-cost emergency hut is advantageous.  This project also provides a living service for both refugees and homeless people. It is low cost, modular, and easy to use. More than that it is feasible and it makes it possible to accommodate people for a longer period of time, rather than a very short temporary housing solution such as tents. / Det har skett en signifikant ökning av jordbävningar och andra katastrofer i världen. Med rekordstora stormar och naturkatastrofer som förstör i delar av världen måste många människor nu hantera efterverkningar och återuppbyggande, och hemlöshet är en av de faktorer som uppstår och som påverkar människor mest. Det här examensarbetet syftar till att skapa en boendelösning för offer för jordbävning och andra naturkatastrofer och krig. Det hopfällbara hemmets design är ett koncept för krisboende med enkelt montage och installering. Om man betänker den situation som människor hamnar i som blir hemlösa vid en katastrof, kan en design av en snabb och billig boendelösning som krisboende ge enormt mycket. Projektet kan också vara en boendeservice till flyktingar och människor som är hemlösa av andra anledningar än katastrofer. Det tillverkas för en låg kostnad och är möjlig att använda som modul och enkel att sätta upp. Men viktigare än det är att den ger möjlighet att härbergera människor under en längre tid till skillnad från mer temporära lösningar som exempelvis tält. Det hopfällbara hemmet är gjort av hållbart material, den använder grön energi och lyser upp staden. Den är utrustad med vertikala trädgårdar för att användarna ska kunna odla egna grönsaker och den återvinner vatten från regn. Den innehåller basala hopfällbara möbler och rumsavdelare som ger känsla av hemtrevnad och bekvämlighet.

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