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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Potential for low temperature district heating system : Integrating 4th generation district heating system with existing technology

Kamal, Majd January 2017 (has links)
This project presents a feasibility study and an investigation of the potential for low temperature district heating system in Västerås. The investigation treats integrations possibilities for 4GDH (4th Generation District Heating) in Kungsängens area in Västerås, which is undergoing a large-scale building-up and construction.  The study is conducted for the company Mälarenergi AB. The advantages of 4GDH technology are identified and analyzed, where energy effectiveness and economic benefits aspects were concluded. Problems with existing technology and higher cooling demand expectations drive 4GDH to be an interesting and necessary technology in the future. Four Different integration solutions between old and new networks are presented, analyzed and discussed. Quantitative analysis conducted where initial cost for the four technical solutions were estimated and compared. The results show that low temperature district heating could lead to reduction in the initial cost for the network by using PEX instead of steel as pipe material. The results show also that one solution using heat exchanger as exchange stations has the lowest cost between the four solutions. The results show that the cost for the retention flow that is linked with 4GDH stands for 20%-30% of the total cost. The importance of the retention flow pipe is investigated using two physical models in OpenModelica and Excel, where simulations were conducted. It is concluded that it is possible to provide Kungsängen area with low temperature district heating without having the retention flow pipe. Three parameters were identified to be critical which are, geographical placement of the consumers, pattern variation for the heat demand and heat systems installed inside consumer’s buildings. The results show also that it might be critical to have a variate and optimized supply temperature for the area, depending on the demand. The simulations of a fictive area that could present a future heat demand for Kungsängen area shows that a temperature of 55°C is satisfying during winter season where the demand is high and a temperature between 60-65°C must be available during spring/autumn seasons and specially during summer. The variation depends directly on the temperature drop through the supply pipes to the consumers. The temperature drop is directly linked with water velocity inside the pipes. The losses increase during summer nights when the heat demand is low which lead to low water velocities.

Comparação de indicadores de eficiência energética e exergética em duas indústrias do setor sucroalcooleiro / Comparison of indicatives of energetic and exergetic efficiency in two industries of sugar-alcohol sector

Schirmer, Florian 27 June 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T19:25:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Florian Schirmer.pdf: 2016231 bytes, checksum: 57aa2561433d1c4c0448c03930721ca7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-06-27 / This work has an objective to study and to compare energetic and exergetic indicatives of two sugar and alcohol sector industry. The study was realized in 2005 harvest time at both industries. It was opted in doing the experiment collecting datas from individual boilers in each industry, quantity of ground cane, properties of cane and bagasse, quantity of energy involved in process per sectors, commercialized energy with the concession of each region and characteristics of each equipment involved in the process. The data were collected from respective department data-bank and through interviews with the responsibles for each sector, being the work based on studies done by diary and monthly average from collected data. The results pointed that each analyzed industry has different indicators for each studied data. The study states that both factories need more efficient equipments. And exergetic indicators presented results next to the studies done to Vale do Rosário Factory and mentioned on this work. / Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar e comparar indicativos energéticos e exergéticos de duas indústrias do setor sucroalcooleiro. O estudo foi realizado no período de safra 2005 em ambas as indústrias. Optou-se em se fazer o experimento utilizando-se dados das caldeiras individualmente em cada indústria, quantidade de cana moída, propriedades da cana e do bagaço, quantidade de energia envolvida no processo por setores, energia comercializada com a concessionária de cada região e características de cada equipamento envolvido no processo. Os dados foram colhidos dos bancos de dados dos respectivos departamentos e por meio de entrevistas com os responsáveis de cada setor, sendo o trabalho baseado em estudos feitos pelas médias diárias e mensais dos dados coletados. Os resultados apontaram que cada indústria analisada tem indicadores diferentes para cada dado estudado. O estudo comprova que ambas as usinas necessitam de equipamentos mais eficientes. Já os indicadores exergéticos apresentaram resultados muito próximos aos do estudo feito para a Usina Vale do Rosário e mencionados neste trabalho.

Comparação de indicadores de eficiência energética e exergética em duas indústrias do setor sucroalcooleiro / Comparison of indicatives of energetic and exergetic efficiency in two industries of sugar-alcohol sector

Schirmer, Florian 27 June 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-12T14:48:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Florian Schirmer.pdf: 2016231 bytes, checksum: 57aa2561433d1c4c0448c03930721ca7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-06-27 / This work has an objective to study and to compare energetic and exergetic indicatives of two sugar and alcohol sector industry. The study was realized in 2005 harvest time at both industries. It was opted in doing the experiment collecting datas from individual boilers in each industry, quantity of ground cane, properties of cane and bagasse, quantity of energy involved in process per sectors, commercialized energy with the concession of each region and characteristics of each equipment involved in the process. The data were collected from respective department data-bank and through interviews with the responsibles for each sector, being the work based on studies done by diary and monthly average from collected data. The results pointed that each analyzed industry has different indicators for each studied data. The study states that both factories need more efficient equipments. And exergetic indicators presented results next to the studies done to Vale do Rosário Factory and mentioned on this work. / Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar e comparar indicativos energéticos e exergéticos de duas indústrias do setor sucroalcooleiro. O estudo foi realizado no período de safra 2005 em ambas as indústrias. Optou-se em se fazer o experimento utilizando-se dados das caldeiras individualmente em cada indústria, quantidade de cana moída, propriedades da cana e do bagaço, quantidade de energia envolvida no processo por setores, energia comercializada com a concessionária de cada região e características de cada equipamento envolvido no processo. Os dados foram colhidos dos bancos de dados dos respectivos departamentos e por meio de entrevistas com os responsáveis de cada setor, sendo o trabalho baseado em estudos feitos pelas médias diárias e mensais dos dados coletados. Os resultados apontaram que cada indústria analisada tem indicadores diferentes para cada dado estudado. O estudo comprova que ambas as usinas necessitam de equipamentos mais eficientes. Já os indicadores exergéticos apresentaram resultados muito próximos aos do estudo feito para a Usina Vale do Rosário e mencionados neste trabalho.

Development, characterisation and verification of an integrated design tool for a power source of a soya business unit / J.A. Botes

Botes, Jan Adriaan January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.Ing. (Mechanical Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.

Regional Energy Systems with Retrofitted Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Plants

Han, Song January 2012 (has links)
Fossil fuel depletion, economic development, urban expansion and climate change present tough challenges to municipal- and regional-scale energy systems. Regional energy system planning, including waste treatment, renewable energy supply, energy efficiency, and climate change, are considered essential to meet these challenges and move toward a sustainable society. This thesis includes studies on energy system from municipal waste, potential for a fossil fuel-independent regional energy system with increased renewable energy products using waste as one of energy sources, and the performance of biomass-fired combined heat and power (CHP) plants. A top-down method is adopted to organize the studies, from national waste-to-energy (WtE) scenarios to individual energy plants. The first study considers the overall potential contribution of WtE to energy supply and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions mitigation in Sweden until 2050 under several different scenarios. Depending on WtE scenario considered, the study shows that WtE can supply energy between 38 and 186 TWh and mitigate between CO2 of 1 and 12 Mt per year by 2050 based on the baseline of year 2010. At a regional level, static and dynamic optimization models with a focus on WtE are developed for two regions in Sweden and Finland. The former is used to investigate the possibilities of optimal positioning of new energy plants, retrofitting existing energy plants and planting energy crops. The latter case study is on regional heat and power production using biogas generated from agricultural and livestock wastes. Centralized biogas production units perform better than distributed production regarding energy and carbon balance though the net energy output is negligible. However, a significant GHG emission can be reduced compared to the present status. Retrofitting existing conventional CHP plants is another option for improving regional energy system. The study shows that integrating heat-demanded processes such as drying, bioethanol and pellet production with existing CHP plants can improve overall energy efficiency and power output, increase annual operation time and reduce production cost as well as mitigate GHG emissions.  It is recommended that building new WtE/energy plants at optimum sites, upgrading the existing energy plants, expanding the agricultural/forestry waste/residues output (biomass) and planting more energy crops shall be taken into considerations for the future regional energy systems. / Utarmning av fossila bränslekällor, ekonomisk utveckling, städernas utbredning och klimatförändring är svåra utmaningar för kommunala- och regionala energisystem. Planering av det regionala energisystemet, inklusive avfallshantering, förnyelsebara energikällor, energieffektivisering och hänsyn till klimatförändringar, anses avgörande för att möta dessa utmaningar och gå mot ett hållbart samhälle. Denna avhandling innehåller studier av energisystem centrerad kring hushållsavfall, potentialet för fossilbränslefria regionala energisystem som utnyttjar ökad andel förnyelsebara energiprodukter med avfall som en energikälla och prestandautvärdering av ett biomassa-eldat kraftvärmeverk. Studierna har organiserats efter storlek på system, från nationella avfall-till-energi scenarier till enskilda kraftverk.   Den första studien behandlar övergripande möjligheten att genom avfall-till-energi bidra till energiförsörjningen och begränsa utsläppet av växthusgaser i Sverige till 2050 under flera olika scenarier. Beroendet på avfall-till-energiscenario visar studien att genom att utnyttja avfall kan mellan 38 och 186 TWh energi levereras och dessutom kan koldioxidutsläppen reduceras med 1-12 miljoner ton till år 2050 med 2010 som basår.   På den regionala nivån, statiska och dynamiska optimeringsmodeller, med fokus på avfall-till-energi, är utvecklats för två regioner, en i Sverige och en i Finland. Det första modellen används för hitta den optimala placeringen av nya energianläggningar, anpassning av befintliga anläggningar och placering av odlingar av energigrödor. Den senare ingår i en fallstudie av den regionala kraft- och värmeproduktionen genom utnyttjande av biogas producerad från jordbruksavfall och djurgödsel. Centraliserade biogasanläggningar presterar bättre än decentraliserad anläggningar när det gäller energi – och kolbalanser även om i båda fallen så är skillnaden mellan konsumerad mängd bränsle, värme och el och producerad värme och el försumbar. Däremot kan en betydande mängd av växthusgasutsläppet i båda fallen undvikas jämfört med nuläget.   Anpassning av befintliga konventionella kraftvärmeverk är ett annat alternativ för att förbättra det regionala energisystemet. Studien visar att genom att integrera värmekrävande processer såsom torkning, bioetanol- och pelletsproduktion med befintliga kraftvärmeverk kan den totala energieffektiviten och uteffekten förbättras, öka den årliga drifftiden och minska produktionskostnaderna och utsläppen av växthusgaser.   Rekommendationen är att för de framtida regionala energisystemen överväga att bygga nya avfall-till-energianläggningar med optimal placering, uppgradera befintliga energianläggningar utöka insamlandet av avfall/restprodukter från jord- och skogbruk och plantera mer energigrödor.

Modeling, control, and optimization of combined heat and power plants

Kim, Jong Suk 25 June 2014 (has links)
Combined heat and power (CHP) is a technology that decreases total fuel consumption and related greenhouse gas emissions by producing both electricity and useful thermal energy from a single energy source. In the industrial and commercial sectors, a typical CHP site relies upon the electricity distribution network for significant periods, i.e., for purchasing power from the grid during periods of high demand or when off-peak electricity tariffs are available. On the other hand, in some cases, a CHP plant is allowed to sell surplus power to the grid during on-peak hours when electricity prices are highest while all operating constraints and local demands are satisfied. Therefore, if the plant is connected with the external grid and allowed to participate in open energy markets in the future, it could yield significant economic benefits by selling/buying power depending on market conditions. This is achieved by solving the power system generation scheduling problem using mathematical programming. In this work, we present the application of mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) approach for scheduling of a CHP plant in the day-ahead wholesale energy markets. This work employs first principles models to describe the nonlinear dynamics of a CHP plant and its individual components (gas and steam turbines, heat recovery steam generators, and auxiliary boilers). The MINLP framework includes practical constraints such as minimum/maximum power output and steam flow restrictions, minimum up/down times, start-up and shut-down procedures, and fuel limits. We provide case studies involving the Hal C. Weaver power plant complex at the University of Texas at Austin to demonstrate this methodology. The results show that the optimized operating strategies can yield substantial net incomes from electricity sales and purchases. This work also highlights the application of a nonlinear model predictive control scheme to a heavy-duty gas turbine power plant for frequency and temperature control. This scheme is compared to a classical PID/logic based control scheme and is found to provide superior output responses with smaller settling times and less oscillatory behavior in response to disturbances in electric loads. / text

System Study and CO2 Emissions Analysis of a Waste Energy Recovery System for Natural Gas Letdown Station Application

BABASOLA, ADEGBOYEGA 31 August 2010 (has links)
A CO2 emission analysis and system investigation of a direct fuel cell waste energy recovery and power generation system (DFC-ERG) for pressure letdown stations was undertaken. The hybrid system developed by FuelCell Energy Inc. is an integrated turboexpander and a direct internal reforming molten carbonate fuel cell system in a combined circle. At pressure letdown stations, popularly called city gates, the pressure of natural gas transported on long pipelines is reduced by traditional pressure regulating systems. Energy is lost as a result of pressure reduction. Pressure reduction also results in severe cooling of the gas due to the Joule Thompson effect, thus, requiring preheating of the natural gas using traditional gas fired-burners. The thermal energy generated results in the emission of green house gases. The DFC-ERG system is a novel waste energy recovery and green house gas mitigation system that can replace traditional pressure regulating systems on city gates. A DFC-ERG system has been simulated using UniSim Design process simulation software. A case study using data from Utilities Kingston’s city gate at Glenburnie was analysed. The waste energy recovery system was modelled using the design specifications of the FuelCell Energy Inc’s DFC 300 system and turboexpander design characteristics of Cryostar TG120. The Fuel Cell system sizing was based on the required thermal output, electrical power output, available configuration and cost. The predicted performance of the fuel cell system was simulated at a current density of 140mA/cm2, steam to carbon ratio of 3, fuel utilization of 75% and oxygen utilization of 30%. The power output of the turboexpander was found to strongly depend on the high pressure natural gas flowrate, temperature and pressure. The simulated DFC-ERG system was found to reduce CO2 emissions when the electrical power generated by the DFC-ERG system replaced electrical power generated by a coal fired plant. / Thesis (Master, Chemical Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2010-08-31 02:02:11.392

LowEx-Fernwärme / LowEx District Heating - a comparative assesment of measures for a efficient, multifunctional district heating system

Robbi, Steffen 02 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Vor dem Hintergrund zunehmender Wärmedämmmaßnahmen im Wohnungsbau, das heißt sinkender Heizlasten, und gleichzeitigem Bestreben nach Netzausbau und –verdichtung steht die Fernwärmeversorgung neuen Problemstellungen gegenüber. Es gilt Lösungsansätze für das Spannungsfeld niedriger Liniendichten, steigender Brennstoffpreise und der Forderung nach erneuerbaren Energien in der Wärmeversorgung zu entwickeln. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht in einer vergleichenden Simulationsstudie diverse Fahrweisen der Fernwärmeversorgung auf unterschiedlichen Temperaturniveaus. Befindet sich die Fernwärmevorlauftemperatur unter der aus Gründen des Legionellenschutzes notwendigen Temperatur der Trinkwassererwärmung, erfolgt eine dezentrale Nacherwärmung. Diese geschieht innerhalb der sogenannten LowEx-Fahrweise mittels elektrischen Heizstabs oder einem Wärmepumpen-Speicherladesystem mit Wärmequelle Fernwärme. Als Referenzsysteme finden die als Konventionelle-Fahrweise mit Speicherladesystem und die als Niedertemperatur-Fahrweise mit Wohnungsanschlussstation im Durchflussprinzip bezeichneten Betriebsweisen Anwendung. Neben der Senkung der Netzwärmeverluste und ggf. einer Steigerung der Erzeugungswirkungsgrade ermöglicht die LowEx-Fahrweise die dezentrale Einspeisung von Abwärme oder erneuerbaren Energien bei effizientem Betrieb der Energiebereitstellungsanlagen. Das Fernwärmenetz dient damit der gekoppelten Wärmeversorgung und auch Wärmeentsorgung. Beispielhaft wird die Abwärmeeinspeisung von Klimakälteprozessen mit sowohl Kompressionskälteanlagen als auch Absorptionskältenlagen untersucht. Anhand Solarthermie wird das Für und Wider der Einspeisung erneuerbarer Energien hinsichtlich der Senkung des Primärenergiebedarfs und der Verdrängung von Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungsanlagen diskutiert. Die Analysen erfolgen mit Hilfe modifizierter und neu entwickelter Modelle in der Simulationsumgebung TRNSYS-TUD.

Incorporating distributed generation into distribution network planning : the challenges and opportunities for distribution network operators

Wang, David Tse-Chi January 2010 (has links)
Diversification of the energy mix is one of the main challenges in the energy agenda of governments worldwide. Technology advances together with environmental concerns have paved the way for the increasing integration of Distributed Generation (DG) seen over recent years. Combined heat and power and renewable technologies are being encouraged and their penetration in distribution networks is increasing. This scenario presents Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) with several technical challenges in order to properly accommodate DG developments. However, depending on various factors, such as location, size, technology and robustness of the network, DG might also be beneficial to DNOs. In this thesis, the impact of DG on network planning is analysed and the implications for DNOs in incorporating DG within the network planning process are identified. In the first part, various impacts of DG to the network, such as network thermal capacity release, security of supply and on voltage, are quantified through network planning by using a modified successive elimination method and voltage sensitivity analysis. The results would potentially assist DNOs in assessing the possibilities and effort required to utilise privately-owned DG to improve network efficiency and save investment. The quantified values would also act as a fundamental element in deriving effective distribution network charging schemes. In the second part, a novel balanced genetic algorithm is introduced as an efficient means of tackling the problem of optimum network planning considering future uncertainties. The approach is used to analyse the possibilities, potential benefits and challenges to strategic network planning by considering the presence of DG in the future when the characteristics of DG are uncertain.

Development, characterisation and verification of an integrated design tool for a power source of a soya business unit / J.A. Botes

Botes, Jan Adriaan January 2007 (has links)
Selecting a suitable power source, during the design process, for a stand-alone soya business unit is challenging and complex. Especially with the aim of optimizing electrical and thermal energy, as well as minimizing the life cycle cost. During the design and development of a soya business unit it was realized that a design tool is needed to assist with the decision making process when selecting a power source. Waste heat can be recovered from either or both the exhaust gas and cooling system of the power source and can be utilized in the soya process. Research of available literature revealed no design tool to assist with the decision making process of the stand-alone business unit and consequently lead to this study. This dissertation presents different possible power sources that could be utilized in supplying energy to the business unit, as well as design tools available. Advantages and disadvantages of the different power sources are discussed. The shortfalls of a number of the available design tools are also discussed. A diesel generator set was selected as the preferred power source for the business unit. Criteria for this selection included the price per kWhe generated, the ease of maintenance, the availability of the diesel generators in rural areas and the availability of diesel as a fuel. The diesel engine was characterized through experimental work for a more in depth understanding of the energy profile of the engine at part load conditions. These results were used as guidelines in the development of the design tool. The design tool was developed with the aim of being user friendly and versatile. The time intervals of the required load of the business unit are flexible. Different types of power sources and fuels can be used within the design tool. User defined heat exchangers are utilized to calculate the possible heat recovery from the power source. The design tool matches the available energy of different power sources at part load conditions with the required load profile of the soya business unit. It then eliminates power sources that would not be able to deliver the minimum required energy. The running cost is calculated for each of the remaining power sources and the power source with the minimum annualized cost, which includes capital cost, maintenance cost and fuel cost, is suggested. The design tool was verified against a base load condition of the soya business unit and the suggested power source showed a saving of 31,4% in electrical energy, an increased overall efficiency of 24,9% and a saving in annualized cost of 27,3%. The design tool can be used to optimize specific components and design options within a combined heat and power system. Sensitivity analysis can be performed with the design tool to determine various influences on the designed system. / Thesis (M.Ing. (Mechanical Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.

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