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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution à la caractérisation des profils de dangers physico-chimiques des liquides ioniques / Contribution to the characterization of physico-chemical hazards profiles of ionic liquids

Diallo, Alpha Oumar 12 December 2013 (has links)
Les liquides ioniques sont des produits chimiques avancés promis selon de nombreuses personnes à un brillant avenir dans un certain nombre d’applications stratégiques qui pourraient servir un avenir plus vert dans la chimie et les développements technologiques liés à l'énergie. Cependant, le manque de données thermodynamiques appropriées ainsi que les discours réducteurs portant sur une haute stabilité thermique et l’absence de tout danger intrinsèque comme tendances absolues de ces produits chimiques ont conduit à entreprendre ce travail de thèse avec comme objectif de développer une méthodologie dédiée et pertinente visant à caractériser les profils de dangers physico-chimiques de ces molécules chimiques. En effet, étant donné le nombre potentiellement élevé de liquides ioniques, une meilleure stratégie consistant à explorer les propriétés réelles de ces matériaux, sans négliger les risques physico-chimiques potentiels, y compris les risques d’incendie, constitue une contribution de taille à leur utilisation verte. A cet effet, des outils expérimentaux ont été mis en œuvre et utilisés, les résultats obtenus confirment jusqu’ici que le potentiel de dangers physico-chimiques doit être évalué au cas par cas.Finalement, les perspectives concernant les travaux futurs en ce qui concerne une meilleure connaissance et une appréciation des questionnements liés aux dangers physico-chimiques sont donnés dans le but de servir une conception et une utilisation durable des liquides ioniques. / Ionic liquids are advanced chemicals promised according to many people to a brilliant future in a number of strategic applications that might serve greener future in chemistry and energy related technological developments. However, lack of appropriate thermodynamic data as well as some what misleading discourse advocating on high thermal stability and absence ofany intrinsic hazard as absolute trends of these chemicals have led to initiate this thesis workwith the objective to develop a dedicated and pertinent methodology aiming at characterizing the comprehensive physico-chemical hazards profile of such chemical.Indeed, given the huge potential number of ionic liquids, a better strategy consists in exploring real world properties of these materials, not neglecting potential physico-chemical hazards,including the fire hazards, as to contribute to their green use. For that purpose, experimental tools have been implemented and used; obtained results so far confirm that the physico-chemical hazards potential must be assessed on a case by case approach. Finally, perspectives regarding future work with regard to better knowledge and assessmentof ionic liquids physico-chemical related issues are given with the aim of serving sustainable design and use of ionic liquids.

Concreto polímero com resina reciclada de PET: influência na combustibilidade frente à adição de resíduos industriais

Tonet, Karina Guerra 16 April 2009 (has links)
Submitted by Mariana Dornelles Vargas (marianadv) on 2015-05-15T13:16:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 concreto_polimero.pdf: 4719718 bytes, checksum: 2d7016e7eb764275fea0249db0eb55eb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-15T13:16:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 concreto_polimero.pdf: 4719718 bytes, checksum: 2d7016e7eb764275fea0249db0eb55eb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A reciclagem e a reincorporação de um rejeito em um processo produtivo são as soluções mais indicadas para o manejo da grande maioria dos resíduos, reduzindo assim custos, além de preservar recursos naturais não renováveis. A construção civil tem absorvido parte destes resíduos, transformando-os em subprodutos importantes, os quais podem ser igualmente eficientes, além de ecologicamente corretos. Dentre as aplicações mais comuns, destacam-se a incorporação de rejeitos em matrizes cimentícias e poliméricas. O concreto polímero, o qual tem como aglomerante uma resina polimérica, tornou-se uma boa opção para construção civil em aplicações onde são solicitados alto desempenho mecânico, durabilidade e cura rápida, propriedades importantes para materiais que visam a sustentabilidade das edificações. Apesar dos já comprovados elevados valores mecânicos encontrados nestes compósitos, torna-se necessário estimar e adequar as propriedades de combustibilidade com os tipos de demandas do mercado, pois tal propriedade pode comprometer sua aplicação. Para tanto, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo produzir compósitos de concreto polímero de elevada resistência mecânica, durabilidade e resistentes à ação do fogo. Os compósitos serão produzidos com uma resina poliéster insaturada reciclada a partir do PET, com incorporação de resíduos industriais, comparando-os com componentes comerciais. Para tanto, as propriedades dos compósitos serão estudadas através de ensaios de caracterização mecânica, durabilidade e microestrutura, compreendendo: resistência à compressão, resistência à tração na flexão, porosimetria por intrusão de mercúrio e MEV. Além disso, os corpos-de-prova foram submetidos a ensaios de análise térmica, com a finalidade de avaliar o comportamento das adições frente à ação do fogo e sua contribuição para a redução da flamabilidade destes compósitos. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que, as composições com 60% de adição de retardante de chamas resíduo apresentaram uma redução de 85% em relação ao tempo de propagação da chama dos compósitos sem adição de retardantes, bem como um acréscimo na sua resistência mecânica em comparação aos mesmos. / Recycling and the reincorporation of a waste in a production process are the most indicated for the management of the vast majority of waste, thus reducing costs, and, of course, preserving non-renewable natural resources. The civil construction has absorbed these wastes, turning them into important products, which can also be efficient, and environmentally correct. Among the most common applications, it can emphasize the incorporation of tailings in cementations and polymer matrices. The polymer concrete, which binder is a polymeric resin, has become a good option for construction where are required applications with high mechanical performance, durability and rapid healing, important properties for materials aimed at the sustainability of buildings. Despite the already proven high mechanical values found in these composites, it is necessary to estimate and adjust the properties of combustibility to the kinds of demands of the market, once this property may jeopardize your application. Thus, this research aims to produce polymer concrete composites of high mechanical strength, durability and resistance to the action of fire. The composites were produced with an unsaturated polyester resin from recycled PET, with the addition of industrial waste in comparison to commercial items, making them more attractive economically, and environmentally sustainable. Thus, the properties of the composites were studied by mechanical tests durability, including: compressive strength test, tensile strength, mercury intrusion porosimetry and SEM. Moreover, the samples were tested for thermal analysis in order to know the behavior of the action items with the fire and its contribution to reducing the flammability of these composites. The results obtained in the tests described above showed that, the composites with 60% in addition of waste had a reduction of 85% in the time of spread of flame, and an increase in its mechanical resistance in comparison to composite reference, with no addition of retardants.

Är den standardiserade testmetoden för antändlighet av underlakan applicerbar på påslakan?

Habib, Nadja, Leander, Maja January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie handlar om textila materials brännbarhet och antändlighet, framförallt bäddtextilier i bomull. Idag finns det lagkrav på att utföra antändlighetstester enligt SS- EN ISO 12952-1:2010 på bland annat fyllda bäddtextilier, till exempel täcke och kudde. Ikea of Sweden (IoS) har beslutat om att göra ytterligare antändlighetstester på ofyllda bäddtextilier så som underlakan, påslakan och örngott i säkerhetssyfte. Då det inte finns en testmetod för ofyllda påslakan i standarden har metoden för underlakan använts för test av påslakan. I detta arbete undersöks testmetodens relevans för test av påslakan. Det primära problemet med detta utförandet är att tester enligt ISO 12952-1 på ofyllda produkter resulterat i en stor spridning i utfallen mellan replikaten. Studien syftar därför till att undersöka om det finns faktorer som kan påverka denna inkonsekvens. För att göra denna undersökning har IoS egna testrapporter analyserats och testresultat sammanställts från år 2017. Ett urval av de produkter som visade spridda resultat valdes ut användes som testmaterial i egna utförda antändlighetstester enligt ISO 12952-1 på RISE, Research Institute of Sweden, i Borås. Litteratursökning, datainsamling och tester har legat till grund för denna studie. Projektet i sin helhet består av två delar; dels undersöks vilka faktorer som kan påverka utfallet och dels utreds frågan om testmetoden för lakan är relevant för test av påslakan. En hypotes om att val av tvättmedel kunde påverka testresultatet undersöktes närmare genom att fyra replikat tvättades med ett fosfatinnehållande tvättmedel före test. Tre test av fyra utförda tester visade godkänt resultat (75%), vilket ledde till slutsatsen om att tvättmedel är en känslig parameter och därför bör ej tvättmedlet avvika från standardens rekommendationer. Resterande tester, som tvättats enligt standardens rekommendationer, visade 100 % godkänt resultat, oavsett om lakan, påslakan (dubbelt lager) och påslakan (enkelt lager) testades. Utifrån testresultatet på de resterande testerna drogs en slutsats om att testmetoden för lakan är relevant för test av påslakan, oberoende om dubbelt eller enkelt lager testas. Dock ifrågasätts testets relevans ur ett miljöperspektiv, samt om tillräckligt många tester har utförts för att säkerställa trovärdigheten. / This study regards the combustibility and ignitability of textile materials, especially cotton bedlinens. Today, there is legal requirements for performing flammability tests according to SS-EN ISO 12952-1: 2010 on filled bedlinen, such as blankets and pillows. Ikea of Sweden (IoS) decided to make additional ignitability tests on unfilled bedlinen such as sheets, duvet covers and pillow cases for safety purposes. Since there is no test method for unfilled bed linens in the standard, the method for sheets was used for test of the duvet cover. In this report, the test method's relevance for the test of the duvet covers is examined. The primary problem with this is that tests according to ISO 12952-1 of unfilled products results in a spread in the output between replicates. Therefore the study aims to investigate if there is any factors that may cause this inconsistency. IoS test reports from yeas 2017 was analysed and complied. A few of the products that showed dispersed results were selected as test material for ignitability tests according to SS-EN ISO 12952-1: 2010 made at RISE, Research Institute of Sweden, in Borås. Literature research, data and test results have been the solid ground for this study.   The project consists of two main parts, one aims at investigating whether there are parameters that can affect the outcome of test results and the other analyses whether the test method for sheets is relevant for test of duvet covers. A hypothesis that choice of detergent had an effect on the result was further investigated by washing four replicates with a phosphate containing detergent before testing. Three tests of four showed approved results (75%), which led to the conclusion that detergent can be a sensitive parameter, thus the detergent should not deviate from the standard recommendations. The remaining tests, which were washed according to standard recommendations, showed 100% approved results, regardless of which test product. whether the sheet, duvet cover (double layer) and duvet cover (single layer) were tested. Based on the results of this study, the conclusion is given that the test method for the sheet is relevant for the test of the cover, regardless of double or single layer. However, the relevance of the test is questioned from an environmental perspective, and if enough tests have been conducted to strengthen credibility.

The investigation of factors governing ignition and development of fires in heathland vegetation

Plucinski, Matthew Paul, Mathematics & Statistics, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2003 (has links)
Heathlands typically experience regimes consisting of frequent and intense fires. These fire regimes play important roles in the lifecycles and population dynamics of all species in these communities. Prescribed fire is commonly applied to heathlands to minimise the risk of wildfires as well as to promote biodiversity. Ignitions in heathlands tend to either be unsustainable, or quickly develop into rapidly spreading intense fires. This presents a major problem for the application of prescribed fire and is the primary focus of this thesis. Heathland ignition has been investigated in three sections; litter ignition; vertical development of fire into the shrub layer; and horizontal spread through the shrub layer. These were studied in laboratory experiments using miniature versions of field fuels. Ignition success in litter layers was related to the dead fuel moisture content. Litter type, ignition source, and presence of wind were found to affect the range of ignitable fuel moisture contents of a litter bed. The effect of litter type was best explained by density. Dense litter beds required drier conditions for ignition than low density litter beds. The vertical development of fire into shrubs was mostly dependent on live fuel moisture content, but crown base height, presence of wind, ignition source, shrub height and the percentage of dead elevated fuel were also important. Horizontal spread of fires through shrub layers was most affected by the presence of a litter layer, with nearly all ignitions successful when there was an underlying litter fire. Fire spread would only occur in shrubs without a litter layer when the shrub layer was dense and dry, or had a substantial dead fuel component. Spread was more likely to be sustained when there was wind. Models predicting the moisture content of dead fuels were tested in heathlands, and as would be expected those that can be calibrated for different fuel types were found to have the best performance. Fuel moisture content and fuel load models were reviewed for heathlands, and a number of recommendations for future research were made.

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