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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Em busca da governança do turismo antártico / The Quest for Governance of Antarctic Tourism

Sano, Nara Nanae 04 July 2011 (has links)
O objetivo central da tese é discutir a governança do turismo antártico. Com o crescente turismo no Continente Antártico, surge a ameaça da tragédia dos comuns, ou seja, na ausência de uma regulamentação internacional específica sobre o turismo na Antártica, o aumento desenfreado do fluxo turístico poderia ser insustentável levando a danos permanentes ao meio-ambiente da região. A partir de ampla revisão bibliográfica, documental de entrevistas com atores envolvidos e da execução do trabalho de campo a bordo do MS Veendam da Holland America a hipótese da tragédia dos comuns em curso foi rejeitada, pois foi possível observar que o turismo antártico tem uma governança dada pela existência de uma rede público privada de governança (RPPG). / The main objective of this work is to discuss Antarctics tourism governance. With the growing number of tourists visiting the Antarctic Continent increases the threat of the tragedy of commons. In other words, in the absence of a specific international regulation on Antarctic tourism the rapid influx of tourists may be unsustainable leading to permanent damages to the environment. After a thoughtful literature and documental revision, semistructured interviews with actors involved in the question and field work aboard MS Veendam from Holland America I rejected the hypothesis of an ongoing tragedy of commons. There is already in place a system of governance of Antarctic tourism through a network of public private governance (NPPG).

Baixios de viadutos como desafios urbanísticos: uma leitura da \"terras de ninguém\" nos viadutos Alcântara Machado e do Glicério / Under viaducts as urban challenge: interpreting residual areas in viaducts Alcântara Machado and Glicério

Aguiar, Victor Martins de 18 April 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho ocupa-se das áreas inferiores de viadutos, os chamados baixios. Tratados quase sempre pelo poder público e pela literatura acadêmica como espaços residuais,os baixios de viadutos não foram considerados historicamente como recursos territoriais passíveis de utilização pública. Mas, como na metrópole não existem espaços inteiramente desocupados, os baixios exibem usos e ocupações, ainda que pautados na informalidade. Diversos grupos fazem desses territórios locais de encontros e de atividades no curso diário de suas vidas, dotando-os, ao transgredir seu uso original, de qualidades não previstas.Ao analisar os usos e as ocupações nos baixios dos viadutos Alcântara Machado e do Glicério, em São Paulo, esta dissertação procura mostrar a complexidade de territórios que, justamente por serem intersticiais, constituíram-se como oportunidades para atuações espontâneas promovidas por atores sociais. Ao inserir e manter iniciativas nos baixios, esses atores conseguiram estabelecer ali espaços públicos. A literatura acadêmica tem demonstrado que a apropriação do espaço público pode gerar um senso de coletividade a partir de sua gestão, caso ela seja compartilhada. Esta dissertação contrastou as iniciativas de uso dos baixios com a conceituação de \"commons\" presente no debate contemporâneo sobre o assunto, em que a ação voluntária e a autoresponsabilização permitem a mobilização de recursos para a ocupação. A escolha dos baixios, áreas da cidade onde a ocupação espontânea é relativamente antiga, teve como objetivo gerar subsídios para a compreensão de10processos mais recentes de qualificação e de ativação dos espaços públicos, ou \"comuns urbanos\", apoiados no ideal do \"bem comum\". Esses processos ainda são vistos como fenômenos precários e/ou transitórios, embora tenham potencial para gerar possibilidades efetivas de uso e para tornar seus promotores agentes aptos a exercer papel mais ativo na ordenação do espaço urbano. / The present study focuses on the residual areas under viaducts. Often seen by city councils and academic literature only as residual spaces, these areas have not been historically considered as resources suitable for public use. Nonetheless, as there is no such a thing as completely vacant land in the metropolis, the residual area bellow viaducts do show some use and occupations, even though non formal; different groups use such territories as places for gathering and other activities. By subverting their purported use (or non-use), they fill them with unexpected qualities. By analyzing uses and occupations in the areas bellow Alcântara Machado and Glicério viaducts in the city of São Paulo, this dissertation aims at demonstrating the complexity of these portions of the municipality territory which, for the very reason of being interstitial, became opportunities for spontaneous actions and projects developed by different social stakeholders. By introducing and maintaining initiatives in these \"baixios\" (as such spaces are called in Brazil) these social stakeholders were able to stablish public spaces on them. The academic literature has demonstrated that this kind of appropriation of common but non-used space in the city can generate a sense of community deriving from its management, provided it is performed in a collective manner. The present work analyzed such initiatives by confronting them with the concept of \"commons\" applied in recent studies about this subject in which spontaneous and self-12responsible action enabled the mobilization of such territories resources into urban occupations. The \"baixios\" where chosen for investigation as they have been historically occupied in as spontaneous fashion in São Paulo. For this reason, they have the potential to illuminate more recent processes of public space qualification and activation aiming at the common good.

Oligopolies in private spectrum commons: analysis and regulatory implications

Kavurmacioglu, Emir 17 February 2016 (has links)
In an effort to make more spectrum available, recent initiatives by the FCC let mobile providers offer spot service of their licensed spectrum to secondary users, hence paving the way to dynamic secondary spectrum markets. This dissertation investigates secondary spectrum markets under different regulatory regimes by identifying profitability conditions and possible competitive outcomes in an oligopoly model. We consider pricing in a market where multiple providers compete for secondary demand. First, we analyze the market outcomes when providers adopt a coordinated access policy, where, besides pricing, a provider can elect to apply admission control on secondary users based on the state of its network. We next consider a competition when providers implement an uncoordinated access policy (i.e., no admission control). Through our analysis, we identify profitability conditions and fundamental price thresholds, including break-even and market sharing prices. We prove that regardless of the specific form of the secondary demand function, competition under coordinated access always leads to a price war outcome. In contrast, under uncoordinated access, market sharing becomes a viable market outcome if the intervals of prices for which the providers are willing to share the market overlap. We then turn our attention to how a network provider use carrier (spectrum) aggregation in order to lower its break-even price and gain an edge over its competition. To this end, we determine the optimal (minimum) level of carrier aggregation that a smaller provider needs. Under a quality-driven (QD) regime, we establish an efficient way of numerically calculating the optimal carrier aggregation and derive scaling laws. We extend the results to delay-related metrics and show their applications to profitable pricing in secondary spectrum markets. Finally, we consider the problem of profitability over a spatial topology, where identifying system behavior suffers from the curse of dimensionality. Hence, we propose an approximation model that captures system behavior to the first-order and provide an expression to calculate the break-even price at each network location and provide simulation results for accuracy comparison. All of our results hold for general forms of demand, thus avoid restricting assumptions of customer preferences and the valuation of the spectrum.

The potential of watershed development for enhancing agricultural livelihood : three essays from the semi-arid regions of India

Bhangaonkar, Rekha Avinash January 2020 (has links)
The Watershed Development Programme has gained growing support among development policy planners since the 1980s in India. This programme is designed to facilitate sustainable rural development by building irrigation capacity of the, otherwise, rainfed agricultural regions. Irrigation capacity is built via the adoption of various soil and water conservation measures, which then facilitate recharge of groundwater tables within an identified micro-watershed (typically consisting of one or two village communities). The recharged groundwater table becomes the natural resource base from which farming households draw water for irrigation by investing in wells or other such assets. The management of micro-watersheds are based on the principles of community based natural resource management. However, the irrigation access (wells) to this common pool resource of groundwater is privately and individually owned which deters effective monitoring of resource use through collective action. This thesis is built on Ostrom's sustainability of socio-ecological systems (SES) framework and uses a three-essay format. Each essay uses econometric techniques in an attempt to identify particular factors that enable self-organizing ability of communities dependent on groundwater-based irrigation system for generating better livelihoods. The fieldwork was conducted in three villages belonging to the semi-arid districts of Ahmednagar and Jalna in the state of Maharashtra. Quantitative and some qualitative data was collected from nearly 670 households through household surveys. The thesis is organised as three core essays and three supporting chapters. Chapter 1 provides a background to WDP in India and sets the context for the research questions. Chapter 2 presents the literature survey and provides the rationale for choosing SES framework over sustainable livelihoods. It also discusses the broader research methodology. At the end, chapter 3 includes a consolidation of inferences drawn from each of the three essays, and identifies their potential applications and future research direction. The three essays address the research questions raised in this thesis. The first essay analyses the role that knowledge of the resource system (micro-watershed) among resource users, plays in modifying individual farmer's irrigation demand (modelled as crop choice). Two watershed communities located on either side of the ridge line of the watershed are compared. The second essay analyses the role that social capital plays in encouraging self-organization in the community. Social capital is modelled as social betweenness scores calculated by applying Social Network Analysis. A comparison between two villages located in two districts belonging to two different rainfall zones is made. The third essay conceptualizes 'water stack' (collection of irrigation access points) that a farming household owns. The relation between the water stack of the households and the resource use norms in the community is analysed. A comparative analysis between all the three villages is made in this essay. Knowledge of the resource system, social capital and continued support from the agricultural extension agency were found to encourage self-organization and enforcement of resource use norms, resulting in good health of the micro-watershed system.

Internet e política: estudos a partir do netativismo e do comum digital / -

Roza, Erick Andre 23 May 2017 (has links)
O trabalho pretende apresentar a tese de que o netativismo pode ser lido a partir de três conceitos complementares: a Dádiva e a Reciprocidade, O Contra-Estado e o Comum. Sustentamos que é a articulação entre esses três elementos que permite uma chave de entendimento ampla à política nas redes digitais. Para desenvolver essa tese propomos um percurso histórico constitutivo da sociedade digital. Nesse processo, apresentamos uma metodologia que se ancora no princípio das afinidades ecológicas para debater o quadro histórico que nos trouxe até aqui. Feito isso o trabalho divide o netativismo em dois períodos distintos e, ao final, de posso desse conjunto apresentamos algumas expressões da política e do netativismo e suas repercussões no nosso cotidiano. / This work intends to support the thesis that netactivism can be read from three complementary concepts: \'Gift and Reciprocity\', \'Against-State\' and \'Commons\'. We allege that it is the articulation between these three elements that allows for a broad understanding of politics in digital networks.In order to develop this idea, we propose a historical background of digital society. The methodology used in doing so is anchored in the principle of ecological affinities, which is used to discuss the historical context that brought us to this moment. We then divide netactivism into two distinct eras and, in conclusion, we present some expressions of politics and netactivism and what their repercussions on our daily lives are.

Estudo comparado da gestão das visitações nos parques estaduais turísticos do Alto do Ribeira (PETAR) e Intervales (PEI) / Comparative Study of Management of Visits of State Parks - Parque Estadual Turísticos do Alto da Ribeira (PETAR) e Parque Estadual Intervales (PEI)

Sano, Nara Nanae 14 June 2007 (has links)
O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é investigar porque dois parques estaduais relativamente semelhantes (PETAR e PEI) apresentam graus de conservação tão distintos. As variáveis consideradas nesta análise foram: as formas de gestão das visitações, os recursos humanos disponíveis para esta atividade e os fluxos de visitação. A hipótese central é que as diferenças podem ser explicadas em função das gestões diferentes, ou seja, o PEI é mais conservado que o PETAR pois, sua gestão é conduzida pela Fundação Florestal com a participação da comunidade local através de uma cooperativa. Tal arranjo institucional acabaria, ao mesmo tempo, resolvendo um problema de responsabilidade estatal de conservação do meio ambiente natural e visitação pública com fins educacionais, com o interesse econômico da comunidade local. Por outro lado, no PETAR, a falta de coordenação entre o interesse público e o econômico teria levado a exploração descontrolada do parque. A análise dos dados e do resultado da pesquisa de campo nos leva a concluir que o PETAR está sofrendo um processo de deterioração de suas cavernas abertas a visitação e de seu entorno fruto da intensificação do turismo, configurando assim a incidência da tragédia dos comuns. Já no caso do PEI foi constatada uma visitação mais controlada e limitada e, portanto, um grau de preservação do complexo turístico bastante superior. Constatamos que dentre os diversos fatores que podem explicar as diferenças entre os parques, essencialmente, podem ser divididos entre diferenças em infra-estrutura turística e modelo jurídico de gestão dos parques. Sendo que o PEI tem um infra-estrutura turística limitada, o que naturalmente limita as visitações e ser submetido a Fundação Florestal, o que significa autonomia de gestão. Já o PETAR, tem assistido a um crescimento exploratório e sem planejamento da sua infra-estrutura turística, o que tem levado a deterioração de cavernas e do entorno do parque, além disso o gestor do parque tem pouca autonomia na sua gestão dada as amarras jurídicas de ligação com Instituto Florestal que, por sua vez, é controlado pela SMA e suas dotações orçamentárias. / The main objective of this research is to investigate why two similar state\'s parks (PETAR and PEI) presents different states of conservation. The variables took into consideration in this analysis were: the forms of management, the available human resources and the fluxes of visitation. The main hypothesis is that the differences in their state of preservation may be explained due to the differences in their form of visitors management. PEI is more preserved than PETAR since its management is conducted by Fundação Florestal within the participation of local communities through a cooperative. Such institutional arrangement, at the same time, solves a question of state responsibility of conservation of the natural environment and public visitations with educational purposes, together with the economic interests of the local community. On the other hand, at PETAR, the lack of coordination between the public interest and the economic interest has lead to a chaotic exploitation of the park. The analysis of the data and the results of the fields work make us to conclude that PETAR is suffering a deterioration process of its caves opens to visitation and its surrounds due this chaotic exploitation of tourism. Therefore, we clearly see the occurrence of the tragedy of commons. While at PEI we observed a controlled and limited visitation that may explains the higher level of preservation of this park. Among the many differences that can explain this situation we found mainly two: differences in the infra-structure of visitation and differences in the legal model of park\'s management. At PEI we can see a limited touristic infra-structure which contained the visitations. Moreover, the park is under the management of Fundação Florestal, which means more freedom to manage the park. On the other hand, PETAR, has faced a little planned growth of its tourist infra-structure which lead to a deterioration of the caves and surrounds. Furthermore, the park manager has little autonomy due to the legal restrictions imposed by the control of the Instituto Florestal that is also controlled by the SMA and its budget limitations.

Současné trendy služeb na internetu / Contemporary trends of internet services

Fišer, Jan January 2008 (has links)
Internet has been a common part of our private and work-related lives for a rather long time, yet it doesn't seem this is going to change. On the contrary - the importance of Internet is steadily growing as well as number of it's users and only few technologies have similar impact on individuals or even whole businesses and industries. But Internet evolves as well and it is not the same that it was 10 years ago. Today, Internet is more than just email or static (business) presentation on the web; it's more an interactive medium and is often associated with so called "Web 2.0". Yet even this concept isn't likely to last forever. That's why I find important to focus on contemporary Internet trends and try to describe some of the most influential ones regarding the future, i.e. social networking, wiki systems and blogs, APIs and mashups, but also Creative Commons licences and possible solution to multiple online identity issue, the OpenID project. Although I'm going to use particular examples of services in order to describe some of the trends, I would like to avoid unnecessary details. I'm going to focus on features the services have in common, not just considering particular service categories, but across the Internet as a whole as well. The aim is to create a survey, evaluation of contemporary Internet services and describe some approaches to solving specific issues related to this environment. Information resources will be mostly technologically oriented servers, blogs and other contemporary trends or particular product related websites. Obviously I'm going to embed my personal experience as well.

Baixios de viadutos como desafios urbanísticos: uma leitura da \"terras de ninguém\" nos viadutos Alcântara Machado e do Glicério / Under viaducts as urban challenge: interpreting residual areas in viaducts Alcântara Machado and Glicério

Victor Martins de Aguiar 18 April 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho ocupa-se das áreas inferiores de viadutos, os chamados baixios. Tratados quase sempre pelo poder público e pela literatura acadêmica como espaços residuais,os baixios de viadutos não foram considerados historicamente como recursos territoriais passíveis de utilização pública. Mas, como na metrópole não existem espaços inteiramente desocupados, os baixios exibem usos e ocupações, ainda que pautados na informalidade. Diversos grupos fazem desses territórios locais de encontros e de atividades no curso diário de suas vidas, dotando-os, ao transgredir seu uso original, de qualidades não previstas.Ao analisar os usos e as ocupações nos baixios dos viadutos Alcântara Machado e do Glicério, em São Paulo, esta dissertação procura mostrar a complexidade de territórios que, justamente por serem intersticiais, constituíram-se como oportunidades para atuações espontâneas promovidas por atores sociais. Ao inserir e manter iniciativas nos baixios, esses atores conseguiram estabelecer ali espaços públicos. A literatura acadêmica tem demonstrado que a apropriação do espaço público pode gerar um senso de coletividade a partir de sua gestão, caso ela seja compartilhada. Esta dissertação contrastou as iniciativas de uso dos baixios com a conceituação de \"commons\" presente no debate contemporâneo sobre o assunto, em que a ação voluntária e a autoresponsabilização permitem a mobilização de recursos para a ocupação. A escolha dos baixios, áreas da cidade onde a ocupação espontânea é relativamente antiga, teve como objetivo gerar subsídios para a compreensão de10processos mais recentes de qualificação e de ativação dos espaços públicos, ou \"comuns urbanos\", apoiados no ideal do \"bem comum\". Esses processos ainda são vistos como fenômenos precários e/ou transitórios, embora tenham potencial para gerar possibilidades efetivas de uso e para tornar seus promotores agentes aptos a exercer papel mais ativo na ordenação do espaço urbano. / The present study focuses on the residual areas under viaducts. Often seen by city councils and academic literature only as residual spaces, these areas have not been historically considered as resources suitable for public use. Nonetheless, as there is no such a thing as completely vacant land in the metropolis, the residual area bellow viaducts do show some use and occupations, even though non formal; different groups use such territories as places for gathering and other activities. By subverting their purported use (or non-use), they fill them with unexpected qualities. By analyzing uses and occupations in the areas bellow Alcântara Machado and Glicério viaducts in the city of São Paulo, this dissertation aims at demonstrating the complexity of these portions of the municipality territory which, for the very reason of being interstitial, became opportunities for spontaneous actions and projects developed by different social stakeholders. By introducing and maintaining initiatives in these \"baixios\" (as such spaces are called in Brazil) these social stakeholders were able to stablish public spaces on them. The academic literature has demonstrated that this kind of appropriation of common but non-used space in the city can generate a sense of community deriving from its management, provided it is performed in a collective manner. The present work analyzed such initiatives by confronting them with the concept of \"commons\" applied in recent studies about this subject in which spontaneous and self-12responsible action enabled the mobilization of such territories resources into urban occupations. The \"baixios\" where chosen for investigation as they have been historically occupied in as spontaneous fashion in São Paulo. For this reason, they have the potential to illuminate more recent processes of public space qualification and activation aiming at the common good.

We've Got A Guide for That: Building a Comprehensive Marketing and Support Framework for IR Services

Mortimore, Jeffrey M. 01 June 2018 (has links)
Institutional Repository services require continuous, multi-channel promotion and support to attract and retain conferences, journals, and other campus collections. However, given the relative complexity of the services offered, balancing promotional messaging with a clear representation of repository offerings, policies, and procedures can be a challenge. Providing a flexible but robust marketing and support framework is especially important for institutions that rely on non-repository public services personnel to provide front-line promotion of repository services to faculty and administrators. During this session, we will look at Georgia Southern University's recently-developed Institutional Repository Services LibGuide as a model for providing such a framework (http://georgiasouthern.libguides.com/irservices/overview). This portal simultaneously provides 1) a front-line promotional tool, 2) a client-management tool for setup and support consultations, and 3) a storehouse for repository-related documents, forms, MOUs, and licenses. This portal further integrates with the library's other scholarly communications-related guides, providing seamless representation of these services to patrons. Participants will use this guide as a jumping-off point to discuss strategies and best practices for mediating institutional repository services, and for integrating repository promotion and support into libraries' broader scholarly communications initiatives.

You Can View the Tweets!: Content Analysis of Tweets Mentioning Works in an Institutional Repository

Lowery, Ashley 21 April 2017 (has links)
Academic libraries provide resources scholars can use to measure their scholarly output, including altmetrics products. Altmetrics recently emerged to accommodate the sharing and dissemination of scholarship on the social web. The scholarly community is grappling with understanding and utilizing altmetrics tracked by these products. This study uses altmetrics provided by Plum Analytics products to analyze the content of tweets mentioning works from a Digital Commons institutional repository. Plum Analytics provides quantitative (number of tweets and retweets) and qualitative (content of the tweets) data from Twitter. In this study qualitative data is collected and coded to determine the tone of the tweets (negative, neutral, or positive) and other information including the tweet’s author, the intended audience, and hashtags. Results from the study will help better understand the meaning behind Twitter data and consequently guide scholars on effectively using tweets as scholarship measures.

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