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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Internet e política: estudos a partir do netativismo e do comum digital / -

Erick Andre Roza 23 May 2017 (has links)
O trabalho pretende apresentar a tese de que o netativismo pode ser lido a partir de três conceitos complementares: a Dádiva e a Reciprocidade, O Contra-Estado e o Comum. Sustentamos que é a articulação entre esses três elementos que permite uma chave de entendimento ampla à política nas redes digitais. Para desenvolver essa tese propomos um percurso histórico constitutivo da sociedade digital. Nesse processo, apresentamos uma metodologia que se ancora no princípio das afinidades ecológicas para debater o quadro histórico que nos trouxe até aqui. Feito isso o trabalho divide o netativismo em dois períodos distintos e, ao final, de posso desse conjunto apresentamos algumas expressões da política e do netativismo e suas repercussões no nosso cotidiano. / This work intends to support the thesis that netactivism can be read from three complementary concepts: \'Gift and Reciprocity\', \'Against-State\' and \'Commons\'. We allege that it is the articulation between these three elements that allows for a broad understanding of politics in digital networks.In order to develop this idea, we propose a historical background of digital society. The methodology used in doing so is anchored in the principle of ecological affinities, which is used to discuss the historical context that brought us to this moment. We then divide netactivism into two distinct eras and, in conclusion, we present some expressions of politics and netactivism and what their repercussions on our daily lives are.

Em busca da governança do turismo antártico / The Quest for Governance of Antarctic Tourism

Nara Nanae Sano 04 July 2011 (has links)
O objetivo central da tese é discutir a governança do turismo antártico. Com o crescente turismo no Continente Antártico, surge a ameaça da tragédia dos comuns, ou seja, na ausência de uma regulamentação internacional específica sobre o turismo na Antártica, o aumento desenfreado do fluxo turístico poderia ser insustentável levando a danos permanentes ao meio-ambiente da região. A partir de ampla revisão bibliográfica, documental de entrevistas com atores envolvidos e da execução do trabalho de campo a bordo do MS Veendam da Holland America a hipótese da tragédia dos comuns em curso foi rejeitada, pois foi possível observar que o turismo antártico tem uma governança dada pela existência de uma rede público privada de governança (RPPG). / The main objective of this work is to discuss Antarctics tourism governance. With the growing number of tourists visiting the Antarctic Continent increases the threat of the tragedy of commons. In other words, in the absence of a specific international regulation on Antarctic tourism the rapid influx of tourists may be unsustainable leading to permanent damages to the environment. After a thoughtful literature and documental revision, semistructured interviews with actors involved in the question and field work aboard MS Veendam from Holland America I rejected the hypothesis of an ongoing tragedy of commons. There is already in place a system of governance of Antarctic tourism through a network of public private governance (NPPG).

Party Switching in the Canadian House of Commons

Snagovsky, Feodor January 2015 (has links)
This thesis seeks to explain the phenomenon of party switching (or floor-crossing) in the understudied case of the Canadian House of Commons. It uses Müller and Strøm’s “Policy, Office or Votes?” framework at the individual level of analysis and a mixed methods approach that combines document analysis and econometrics to assess the effects of individual and institutional variables on the decision to switch parties. The results inform a wider discussion regarding individual political behavior as well as the role, influence and evolution of political parties in the Canadian state. The research demonstrates that the electorate is adept at recognizing opportunism and tends to respect MPs who switch parties on principle while punishing those that switch for more self-centered reasons.

Estudo comparado da gestão das visitações nos parques estaduais turísticos do Alto do Ribeira (PETAR) e Intervales (PEI) / Comparative Study of Management of Visits of State Parks - Parque Estadual Turísticos do Alto da Ribeira (PETAR) e Parque Estadual Intervales (PEI)

Nara Nanae Sano 14 June 2007 (has links)
O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é investigar porque dois parques estaduais relativamente semelhantes (PETAR e PEI) apresentam graus de conservação tão distintos. As variáveis consideradas nesta análise foram: as formas de gestão das visitações, os recursos humanos disponíveis para esta atividade e os fluxos de visitação. A hipótese central é que as diferenças podem ser explicadas em função das gestões diferentes, ou seja, o PEI é mais conservado que o PETAR pois, sua gestão é conduzida pela Fundação Florestal com a participação da comunidade local através de uma cooperativa. Tal arranjo institucional acabaria, ao mesmo tempo, resolvendo um problema de responsabilidade estatal de conservação do meio ambiente natural e visitação pública com fins educacionais, com o interesse econômico da comunidade local. Por outro lado, no PETAR, a falta de coordenação entre o interesse público e o econômico teria levado a exploração descontrolada do parque. A análise dos dados e do resultado da pesquisa de campo nos leva a concluir que o PETAR está sofrendo um processo de deterioração de suas cavernas abertas a visitação e de seu entorno fruto da intensificação do turismo, configurando assim a incidência da tragédia dos comuns. Já no caso do PEI foi constatada uma visitação mais controlada e limitada e, portanto, um grau de preservação do complexo turístico bastante superior. Constatamos que dentre os diversos fatores que podem explicar as diferenças entre os parques, essencialmente, podem ser divididos entre diferenças em infra-estrutura turística e modelo jurídico de gestão dos parques. Sendo que o PEI tem um infra-estrutura turística limitada, o que naturalmente limita as visitações e ser submetido a Fundação Florestal, o que significa autonomia de gestão. Já o PETAR, tem assistido a um crescimento exploratório e sem planejamento da sua infra-estrutura turística, o que tem levado a deterioração de cavernas e do entorno do parque, além disso o gestor do parque tem pouca autonomia na sua gestão dada as amarras jurídicas de ligação com Instituto Florestal que, por sua vez, é controlado pela SMA e suas dotações orçamentárias. / The main objective of this research is to investigate why two similar state\'s parks (PETAR and PEI) presents different states of conservation. The variables took into consideration in this analysis were: the forms of management, the available human resources and the fluxes of visitation. The main hypothesis is that the differences in their state of preservation may be explained due to the differences in their form of visitors management. PEI is more preserved than PETAR since its management is conducted by Fundação Florestal within the participation of local communities through a cooperative. Such institutional arrangement, at the same time, solves a question of state responsibility of conservation of the natural environment and public visitations with educational purposes, together with the economic interests of the local community. On the other hand, at PETAR, the lack of coordination between the public interest and the economic interest has lead to a chaotic exploitation of the park. The analysis of the data and the results of the fields work make us to conclude that PETAR is suffering a deterioration process of its caves opens to visitation and its surrounds due this chaotic exploitation of tourism. Therefore, we clearly see the occurrence of the tragedy of commons. While at PEI we observed a controlled and limited visitation that may explains the higher level of preservation of this park. Among the many differences that can explain this situation we found mainly two: differences in the infra-structure of visitation and differences in the legal model of park\'s management. At PEI we can see a limited touristic infra-structure which contained the visitations. Moreover, the park is under the management of Fundação Florestal, which means more freedom to manage the park. On the other hand, PETAR, has faced a little planned growth of its tourist infra-structure which lead to a deterioration of the caves and surrounds. Furthermore, the park manager has little autonomy due to the legal restrictions imposed by the control of the Instituto Florestal that is also controlled by the SMA and its budget limitations.

Nina Paley: La fusión entre la animación 2D y la animación tradicional

Estudillo Molina, Ana María 05 April 2016 (has links)
[EN] NINA PALEY: THE FUSION OF 2D DIGITAL AND TRADITIONAL ANIMATION This thesis is a monographic study on the oeuvre and working methods of Nina Paley: internationally renowned underground artist. The aim of the thesis is to compile and analyse the work of this original animator, examining how she integrates both digital and traditional techniques, and to explore basic animation principles. It is by analysing her work that we will discover how her animations concerning myths and epics, shown in an ironic, irreverent way, encompass phenomena such as optical illusions, graphic and stylistic devices, various animated techniques and bold, social and political criticism. Furthermore, Nina Paley is belligerent towards traditional copyright licences, which are nonsensical in today's technological world. She eludes existing rules and regulations and instead seeks and explores new channels. In doing so she has become a free culture activist and her work is published under the Creative Commons licence. She has also been able to prove that it is possible to work independently, solely through the support of her audience and the donations she receives. Through this project, our humble aim is to add to existing data and in some way contribute towards remedying the lack of information and material in the Spanish language on this animator. / [ES] NINA PALEY: LA FUSION ENTRE LA ANIMACIÓN 2D Y LA ANIMACIÓN TRADICIONAL La presente tesis es un estudio monográfico sobre la obra y la manera de trabajar de Nina Paley, artista underground de reconocido prestigio internacional. El objetivo de la tesis es recopilar y analizar en profundidad la obra de esta original animadora, estudiando la integración de las técnicas empleadas: digitales y tradicionales, así como los principios básicos de animación. Es a través del análisis de su obra donde descubriremos como animaciones sobre mitos y epopeyas mostradas de manera irónica e irreverente, conviven junto a fenómenos como las ilusiones ópticas, recursos gráficos y estilísticos, diferentes técnicas animadas o una audaz critica social y política. Por otro lado, Nina Paley se muestra beligerante con las licencias tradicionales de copyright, que carecen de sentido en el mundo tecnológico actual. Huye de las regulaciones y normas existentes y busca y explora nuevas vías. Así, se convierte en activista del movimiento de Cultura Libre, deja su obra bajo la licencia Creative Commons y además consigue poner de manifiesto que es posible trabajar de forma totalmente autónoma e independiente sólo con el apoyo de su público y de las donaciones que obtiene. Nuestra humilde pretensión con este proyecto es aportar nuevos datos a los ya existentes, y contribuir, de algún modo, a solventar la carencia de información y de material en castellano sobre esta animadora. / [CAT] NINA PALEY: LA FUSIÓ ENTRE L'ANIMACIÓ 2D I L'ANIMACIÓ TRADICIONAL La present tesi és un estudi monogràfic sobre l'obra i la manera de treballar de Nina Paley, artista underground de reconegut prestigi internacional. L'objectiu de la tesi és recopilar i analitzar en profunditat l'obra d'aquesta original animadora, estudiant la integració de les tècniques emprades: digitals i tradicionals, així com els principis bàsics d'animació. És a través de l'anàlisi de la seua obra on descobrirem com animacions sobre mites i epopeies mostrades de manera irònica i irreverent, conviuen al costat de fenòmens com les il·lusions òptiques, recursos gràfics i estilístics, diferents tècniques animades o una audaç crítica social i política. D'altra banda, Nina Paley es mostra bel·ligerant amb les llicències tradicionals de copyright, que no tenen sentit en el món tecnològic actual. Fuig de les regulacions i normes existents i busca i explora noves vies. Així, es converteix en activista del moviment de Cultura Lliure, deixa la seua obra sota la llicència Creative Commons i a més aconsegueix posar de manifest que és possible treballar de forma totalment autònoma i independent només amb el suport del seu públic i de les donacions que obté. La nostra humil pretensió amb aquest projecte és aportar noves dades als ja existents, i contribuir, d'alguna manera, a solucionar la manca d'informació i de material en castellà o valencià sobre esta animadora. / Estudillo Molina, AM. (2016). Nina Paley: La fusión entre la animación 2D y la animación tradicional [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/62177 / TESIS

Donghak and sacramental commons: Eastern learning, creation consciousness, and Korean socioecological ethics

Park, Yongbum 24 September 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to construct a Korean socioecological ethics based on comparative studies of the Eastern indigenous ecological spirituality of Donghak and the Western creation consciousness of sacramental commons. As this thesis examines the significant similarity between Donghak (initiated by 수운 , Su-woon) and sacramental commons (elaborated by John Hart), it highlights their common socioecological understandings of "interrelatedness," "interdependence," "interaction," and "transformation." In the nineteenth century, before the intrusion of Western modernization into traditional Korean society, Donghak's revolutionary egalitarian thinking included liberating and empowering minjung, the common people. Donghak's radical ideas are precursors of socioecological concepts; its social consciousness has affected contemporary Korean ecological spirituality. By virtue of Donghak's spirituality and consciousness, Korean socioecological ethics might overcome the harm of Western anthropocentric influences. This project envisions a utopian socioecological community and a versatile pedagogical program as a socioecological project in Korean contexts. Although Koreans have experienced a conflict between traditional value systems and Western imported ideologies, eco-community movements have been developed that integrate them. These movements emphasize participation, solidarity, and responsibility for local communities, and aim to change daily life through a transformation of cultural consciousness and contextual conduct. The methodological significance of this dissertation lies in the interreligious and transcultural dialogue between Donghak and sacramental commons. Elements of comparative socioecological ethics--themes of "relational community," "relational consciousness," and "interconnectedness"--in both Donghak and sacramental commons reveal their shared, holistic understanding of a socio-ethical relationship among the divine Spirit, humans, and nature. These comparative constructs suggest how socioecological ethics can restore socioecological relationality to a dynamic unity of the divine and the earthly, the infinite and the finite, transcendence and immanence, universality and particularity, and individuality and diversity. Donghak and sacramental commons emphasize relational socioecological consciousness, the role of divine Spirit, and the importance of practice and projects based on this holistic understanding. Their common creation consciousness can provide a shared socioecological vision and have a transformative role in Korean contexts.

Analysis of Tweets Mentioning Scholarly Works from an Institutional Repository

Sergiadis, Ashley D.R. 30 June 2018 (has links)
Altmetrics derived from Twitter have potential benefits for institutional repository (IR) stakeholders (faculty, students, administrators, and academic libraries) when metrics aggregators (Altmetric, Plum Analytics) are integrated with IRs. There is limited research on tweets mentioning works in IRs and how the results impact IR stakeholders, specifically libraries. In order to address this gap in the literature, the author conducted a content analysis of tweets tracked by a metrics aggregator (Plum X Metrics) in a Digital Commons IR. The study found that the majority of tweets were neutral in attitude, intended for a general audience, included no hashtags, and were written by users unaffiliated with the works. The results are similar to findings from other studies, including low numbers of tweeted works, high numbers of tweets neutral in attitude, and evidence of self-tweets. The discussion addresses these results in relation to the value of tweets and suggested improvements to Twitter metrics based on IR stakeholders’ needs.

Common Pool Resources Management: Are Common Property Rights a good alternative to external regimes?

Wong, Boris Fernando 07 January 2005 (has links)
As a result of the profound influence of theories of collective action such as The Tragedy of the Commons, The Prisonerâ s Dilemma Game, and The Logic of Collective Action, policy analysts have recommended external management, either by government control or market participation, as the most efficient option to govern common pool resources. However, due to the repeated failure of the external intervention, a new alternative has been considered, the common property rights. Due to their long term interaction with the resources, local users have developed mechanisms, rules, and institutions that can be used to favor the sustainable management of the resources. Recognizing these benefits in places where the government has nationalized the resources, it has started a process of decentralization of property rights of natural resources to local users. The purpose of this paper is twofold, to analyze the potential benefits that a common property right regime has in the management of the environmental resources, and to evaluate which are the key factors for this arrangement to succeed. In this endeavor, the case of the Irrigation systems in Philippines is presented. / Master of Public and International Affairs

Historias sobre el derecho de autor en Chile autor en Chile / Historias sobre copyright en Chile

Valenzuela, Victor January 2009 (has links)
Memoria para optar al título de Periodista / Esta investigación aborda los derechos de autor, pero desde una mirada práctica. A través de un conjunto de casos e historias, ilustra por qué el copyright se está convirtiendo en un obstáculo para la cultura libre. Inspirado por Free Culture, de Lawrence Lessig, este trabajo propone comprobar empírica o testimonialmente que, en el contexto de Internet, el derecho de autor está causando más daños que beneficios: es un obstáculo para el patrimonio o el acceso y una traba a la propia creatividad. La investigación busca “aterrizar” el tema y acercarlo a los lectores; contrasta la realidad de experiencias particulares con los supuestos de la ley o los argumentos de la teoría (que parece predominar en el debate); ofrece, además, un punto de vista comprometido. Es también un trabajo de carácter híbrido, en tanto cita fuentes abigarradas: testimonios, estadísticas, discusiones parlamentarias, leyes actuales y antiguas, ensayos, libros de historia, series de tv, recortes de prensa, novelas, discos, escritos filosóficos, y otros.

Was haben Viehweiden mit Software zu tun? Informationstechnologien und die Allmende

Pentzold, Christian 28 May 2010 (has links)
Der Vortrag wurde zum UNIX-Stammtsich am 25.5.2010 gehalten.

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