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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The utilisation of community work within a military context : the role of the social worker

Bagnall, Karen 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSocialWork)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Community work fulfils definite functions within the social work milieu and develops according to a process. The SANDF does not possess any definite guidelines regarding community work. The resultant consequence is that community work is not utilised to its full potential in that the client system does not always receive a quality service. The purpose of this study was to compose a framework for the Directorate of Social Work within the SANDF, which can serve as a guideline for the possible formulation of a policy document on community work within social work practice. The objectives of the study are firstly to provide theoretical and practical guidelines which social workers in a military setting can follow when utilising community work as a social work method of intervention. Secondly, to explore the knowledge and skills of social workers in the military within the SANDF regarding community work. Thirdly, the need for guidelines with regard to community work within the SANDF, was explored. This study was confined geographically to the social workers in the military of the Western Province. An exploratory study was executed in order to achieve the stated goal and objectives. The research methodology was a quantitative design being a data collection instrument in the form of a questionnaire. The questionnaire was used to probe skills, knowledge perceptions and attitudes relating to community work and to determine the impact of existing community programmes. The empirical study enabled the researcher to draw certain conclusions. Although certain misconceptions were evident, the respondents understood the term developmental social work, community and community work, as well as the systems involved in the community work process and the practice models. The most utilised social work method was casework. The respondents who utilised community work made use of a community work process. Most of the respondents utilised the social community education model in the military. Most of the respondents indicated that guidelines for community work within the SANDF would be helpful. Approximately thirty percent of the respondents experienced problems while making use of community work as a social work method of intervention. A number of recommendations stem from the findings and conclusions. The social workers knowledge with regard to community work needs to be updated. Practical opportunities need to be provided to afford the social worker the opportunity to implement the newly acquired knowledge. Community work guidelines need to be determined within the SANDF, and need to be formulated into a policy document. Specific community work posts, which include all disciplines, need to be created within the SANDF. Post-graduates studies should be undertaken by social workers before being promoted into managerial positions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gemeenskapswerk is een van die drie primere metodes van maatskaplike werk. Gemeenskapswerk is 'n proses wat mense help om hulle probleme en behoeftes duidelik te identifiseer en wat die gemeenskap verder help om potensialiteite en vermoëns te ontwikkel om probleme en behoeftes self te kan hanteer, op te los en te voorkom. Gemeenskapswerk het 'n bepaalde funksie binne die maatskaplike werk milieu en verloop volgens 'n proses. Die SANW beskik nie oor geskrewe riglyne vir gemeenskapswerk nie. Dit kan die kwaliteit van dienslewering aan die kliëntsisteem beinvloed. Die doel van hierdie studie is om 'n raamwerk vir die Direktoraat Maatskaplikewerk Dienste in die Suid Afrikaanse Nationale Weermag(SANW) op te stel wat as riglyne vir gemeenskapswerk in die maatskaplike-praktyk benut kan word, en aangewend kan word om 'n beleidsdokument saam te stel. Die doelwitte van die studie is eerstens om 'n teoretiese uiteensetting van verskeie praktyk modelle van gemeenskapswerk en die proses van gemeenskapswerk in die maatskaplike-praktyk aan te bied. Tweedens is beoog om deur middel van 'n ondersoek te bepaal oor watter kennis van en vaardigheid in gemeenskapwerk , maatskaplike werkers in die SANW beskik. In die derde plek is die behoefte aan riglyne vir gemeenskapswerk in die SANW ondersoek. Die studie is begrens tot maatskaplike wekers in die militêr verbonde aan die Westelike Provinsie. 'n Verkennende studie is onderneem om die gestelde doelstelling en doelwitte te bereik. 'n Vraelys is benut as instrument ter insameling van die data. Die empiriese ondersoek is gedoen deur die benutting van kwantitatiewe navorsing om die voorkoms van die werklikhede te bespreek. Na aanleiding van die empiriese ondersoek is bepaalde gevolgtrekkings gemaak. Alhoewel die respondente die terme gemeenskapswerk, gemeenskappe en gemeenskapwerk modelle en die vier sisteme binne gemeenskapswerk verstaan, het verwarring wel voorgekom. Daar is bevind dat die gevallewerkmetode deur die oorgrote meederheid van die respondente gebruik word. Daar is ook bevind dat gemeenskapswerk verloop volgens 'n proses. Die gemeenskaps-opvoedkundige model word deur die meerderheid van die respondente benut. Daar is bevind dat riglyne vir gemeenskapswerk in die SANW bruikbaar sal wees, omdat ongeveer dertig persent van die respondente probleme ondervind tydens die benutting van die gemeenskapswerk proses. Aanbevelings na aanleiding van die bevindinge en gevolgtrekkings sluit in dat maatskaplike werkers in die militêr se teoretiese kennis oor gemeenskapswerk uitgebrei moet word, waarna opleiding benodig word om hierdie kennis toe te pas. Riglyne vir gemeenskapswerk in die SANW moet opgestel word en in 'n beleidsdokument saamgevat word. Die SANW moet spesifieke gemeenskapswerkposte skep wat alle dissiplines sal insluit. Voorts moet nagraadse studie ook 'n vereiste wees vir maatskaplikewerk-personeel om tot 'n bestuursposisie bevorder te kan word.

The facilitation of social integration on community level : a social work perspective

Pretorius, Mornay Charl 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / Some digitised pages may appear illegible due to the condition of the original hard copy. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Currently much attention is given in South African welfare legislation and in recent local and intemationalliterature and research to the process of social integration and the formation of social capital as one of the ideational outcomes of a social development approach, and therefore also a key practice element of developmental social work. Very little research have been undertaken to document the changes in social work practice brought about by the transition to a social development approach in South Africa. The purpose of this study is to formulate social work practice guidelines on the facilitation of social integration on community level. It therefore constitutes an attempt to illuminate how social workers could contribute to the national thrust toward the social integration of communities and provide valuable guidelines to social workers on the practical realization of this key element of developmental social work. In order to gain new insight and to clarify central concepts relating to this relatively unfamiliar research area, an exploratory research design was utilised. The population for the study consisted of practising social workers in welfare agencies subsidised by the Department of Social Services in the Cape Metropolitan area. From the population a sample was drawn utilising sampling strategies from both the probability and non-probability sampling procedures. The study was both qualitative and quantitative in nature and in-dept interviews were chosen as the method of datacollection. The interview schedule was compiled from the literature survey. In this survey the relation between the social development approach to welfare and social integration was explained, and some of the core focus areas for the social integration of South African communities were identified. Furthermore a discussion was given on community intervention strategies as a core method of social work as well as its practice implications for developmental social work. From this literature survey structured and unstructured questions were formulated and compiled in an interview schedule. This measurement instrument was utilised to explore how social workers can facilitate the social integration of communities through community intervention strategies. From the analysis ofthe results of the empirical study, social work practice guidelines on the facilitation of social integration on community level were formulated. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Huidige Suid-Afrikaanse welsynsbeleid asook kontemporêre plaaslike en internasionale literatuur en navorsing plaas verhoogde klem op die proses van maatskaplike integrasie en die vorming van sosiale kapitaal as een van die uitkomste van 'n sosiale ontwikkeling benadering en 'n kern praktyk element van ontwikkelingsgerigte maatskaplike werk. Tans is daar nog min navorsing gedoen wat poog om die praktyk implikasies, wat die skuifna 'n ontwikkelingsgerigte benadering vir maatskaplike werk inhou, te dokumenteer. Die doel van hierdie studie is om maatskaplike werk praktykriglyne vir die fasilitering van maatskaplike integrasie op gemeenskapsvlak te formuleer. Die studie vergestalt dus 'n poging om die rol van maatskaplike werkers in die strewe na die maatskaplike integrasie van gemeenskappe te probeer verhelder, asook om aan maatskaplike werkers waardevolle riglyne te voorsien rondom die praktiese realisering van hierdie kern element van ontwikkelingsgerigte maatskaplike werk. Ten einde nuwe insigte te ontwikkel en belangrike konsepte binne hierdie relatief onbekende navorsingsveld te klarifiseer, is 'n verkennende navoringsontwerp gebruik. Die universum vir hierdie studie het bestaan uit praktiserende maatskaplike werkers in diens van welsynsorganisasies in die Kaapse Metropool wat deur die Provinsiale Departement van Welsyn subsidieer word. Vanuit die universum is 'n steekproef getrek deur beide waarskynlikheid- en nie-waarskynlikheid steekproef trekking prosedures te benut. Die studie was beide kwalitatief en kwantitatief van aard en in-diepte onderhoude is gebruik as metode van data-versameling. Die onderhoude was gevoer aan die hand van onderhoudskedules wat op grond van die literatuur ondersoek opgestel is. In die literatuur ondersoek is die verhouding tussen die sosiale ontwikkeling benadering tot welsyn en maatskaplike integrasie ondersoek, asook kern areas vir die maatskaplike integrasie van Suid-Afrikaanse gemeenskappe identifiseer. Verder is gemeenskapsintervensiestrategieë as 'n kern metode in die maatskaplike werk, asook die implikasies daarvan vir ontwikkelingsgerigte maatskaplike werk, bespreek. Die onderhoudskedule is gebruik om te eksploreer hoe maatskaplike werkers deur middel van hulle gemeenskapswerk intervensie kan bydrae tot die fasilitering van maatskaplike integrasie. Die versamelde data is analiseer en maatskaplikewerk praktykriglyne vir die fasilitering van maatskaplike integrasie op gemeenskapsvlak is geformuleer.

L'action collective locale et la gestion des forêts communautaires : cas des communautés rurales de Djoum au Sud Cameroun / Local collective action and community forest management : case of Djoum's rural communities in southern Cameroon

Ngoumou Mbarga, Hubert 02 April 2014 (has links)
La recherche porte sur l’action collective locale et la gestion des forêts communautaires à Djoum au Sud Cameroun. Elle analyse l’approche gouvernementale d’octroi et de gestion communautaire des ressources forestières, afin de responsabiliser et d’autonomiser les communautés villageoises dans la prise en charge des activités de production économique pour réduire la pauvreté, améliorer les conditions de vie et assurer le développement local. L’objectif est de rendre compte de la capacité des forêts communautaires à fournir des avantages économiques pour répondre à ce défi. C’est aussi pour rendre compte des territoires villageois, vus comme l’échelle de référence pour la gouvernance des forêts communautaires et de l’influence de l’identité spatiale sur l’organisation communautaire de cette gestion. La méthodologie mise en œuvre est pluridisciplinaire. Les résultats de notre étude montrent plusieurs faiblesses structurelles. Les forêts communautaires étudiées sont des espaces spécialisés en plusieurs zones, correspondant chacune à des usages particuliers. Cette perspective exclue l’exploitation du bois d’œuvre sur toute la surface de l’espace forestier. Pourtant toutes les forêts communautaires sont divisées en secteurs quinquennaux, eux-mêmes divisés en parcelles annuelles d’exploitation de bois. Ensuite, ces forêts ont été fortement perturbées dans le passé, un indicateur qui devrait les destiner plus à la conservation qu’à l’exploitation. Mais ce n’est pas le cas, toutes les communautés ou presque, ayant opté pour leur exploitation. De même, les volumes de bois exploités dans ces forêts sont très faibles, ce qui atteste clairement que les possibilités qu’on leur attribue dans les plans simples de gestion sont fausses. Au plan des réalisations socioéconomiques et des emplois créés, le bilan est très loin des espoirs engendrés. Les quelques emplois créés sont de type temporaire, précaires et non qualifiés. Par ailleurs, l’exploitation du bois d’œuvre n’a généré jusqu’ici, aucune infrastructure ni réalisation socioéconomique collectives, puisque les revenus ex post générés restent largement inférieurs aux prévisions financières ex ante. Enfin, ces forêts sont assises sur des espaces appropriés. Cette situation soulève des équivoques sur leur statut supposé de biens communs et pose la question du partage de leurs retombées économiques. D’autres faiblesses dites conjoncturelles existent et expliquent la léthargie dans laquelle sombre l’organisation communautaire de la gestion des forêts. Nos résultats ont montré la défaillance des acteurs communautaires à se situer par rapport à leur objectif. Leurs capacités à s’approprier un projet et à mettre en œuvre une vraie stratégie de mobilisation collective sont également défaillantes. Le manque de solidarité communautaire et la non valorisation des savoirs et savoir-faire locaux rendent les communautés vulnérables dans les partenariats qu’ils nouent et renforcent le poids et l’influence des acteurs extérieurs. Sur les territoires villageois comme échelle de référence pour la gouvernance des forêts communautaires, l’étude a montré que ceux-ci apparaissent comme des lieux d’expression des divisions, des dissensions, de fabrique des soupçons et gouvernés par l’individualisme. Les organisations communautaires sont à leur tour décrites comme des dispositifs de mise à distance, minés par les pressions exercées par les acteurs porteurs de logiques différentes, des stéréotypes et des représentations qui inhibent plutôt l’action collective communautaire. Ce sont aussi des dispositifs contrôlés par l’appât du gain. Les forêts communautaires produisant peu ou pas d’argent, la démobilisation collective ici prend alors tout son sens.L’étude s’achève avec les perspectives à envisager pour faire de l'action collective locale l'outil sans lequel l’atteinte des objectifs d’amélioration des conditions de vie, de réduction de la pauvreté et les perspectives de développement local, n'est pas envisageable. / The research focuses on local collective action and management of community forests in southern Cameroon, at Djoum. It analyzes the government’s approach for granting and community management of forest resources, in order to empower and empowering village communities in the management of economic production activities to reduce poverty, improve living conditions and ensure local development. The objective is to realize the capacity of community forests to provide economic benefits to meet this challenge. It is also to account for village territories, seen as the reference scale for the governance of community forests and the influence of the spatial identity on community organization of this management. The implementation methodology is multidisciplinary. The results of our study show several structural weaknesses. First, it appears that the studied community forests are spaces specialized in several areas, each corresponding to particular uses. This perspective excludes timber exploitation on the entire surface of forest area. Yet all Community forests are divided into five-year sectors, themselves divided into annual surfaces of timber exploitation. Then, these forests have been heavily disturbed in the past, an indicator that should send these more to conservation than the exploitation. But this is not the case, all communities or almost, having opted for their exploitation. Similarly, the volumes of wood exploited in these forests are very low, which clearly demonstrates that the possibilities that ascribed to them in the management simple plan are false. In terms of socio-economic achievements and jobs created, the balance sheet is very far from begotten hopes. The few jobs created are temporary, precarious and unqualified. Moreover, the exploitation of timber has generated so far here, neither infrastructure nor collective socio-economic achievement, since ex post generated incomes remain far below ex-ante financial forecast of timber exploitation. Finally, these forests are sitting on appropriate spaces. This raises ambiguities about their supposed status of common goods and raises the question of sharing of their benefits. Others cyclical said weaknesses exist and explain the lethargy into which sinks community organization of forest management. Our results showed the failure of community actors to position themselves in relation to their objective. Their capacities to take a project and to implement a genuine strategy of collective mobilization are also failing. The lack of Community solidarity and the not valorization of local knowledge make vulnerable communities in the partnerships they formed and strengthen the weight and influence of external actors. On village territories as reference scale for the governance of community forests, the study showed that these appear as places of expression of divisions, conflict, and factory of the suspicions and governed by individualism. Community organizations are in turn, described as devices remotely, undermined by pressures from actors of different logics, stereotypes and representations that inhibit rather community collective action. They are also devices controlled by the lure of profit. Community forests producing little or no money, the collective demobilization here makes sense then. The study ends with the perspective to consider for making the local collective action the tool without which the achievement of the objectives of improving the living conditions, poverty reduction and the prospects for local development, is not possible.

Narrative Processes in Urban Planning: A Case Study of Swamp Gravy in Colquitt, Georgia

Pate, Ronald David 01 January 2012 (has links)
In 1990 many in Colquitt, Georgia considered themselves to be a dying town due to the loss of jobs and outmigration that occurred when labor intensive farming transitioned to the machine. In response citizens brought in a theater director from Chicago who helped them launch a performance series of inclusive stories that were acted by local volunteers. The resulting series called Swamp Gravy has run from 1992 to present (2012), and has led to purported claims of community revitalization. The purpose of this study was to discover what this ongoing narrative community engagement meant to the people of Colquitt in regards to: community experiences that produced new relationships (including those between Blacks and Whites); personal empowerment; the coproduction of an emerging and diverse community identity; and institutional and economic development. Methods for this case study included narrative interviews of participants, attendees and local citizens, as well as observation of the town and the performances, and document analysis. Many participant volunteers and attendees became Swamp Gravy enthusiasts, and describe their experiences as coming out into a meaningful experience of community, which included forming relationships with diverse others (including those of a different race). The enthusiasts speak of growing into larger community responsibilities with others for the common good, and feel that ongoing and inclusive storytelling is very important to coproducing a diverse heritage that informs the future of their city. Other attendees (predominantly the business community) describe the benefits of Swamp Gravy as instrumental to having given the town recognition (identity) as an entertaining tourist attraction that exposed individual talent, boosted individual confidence, and enhanced social connectivity. Others in Colquitt were indifferent or resistive to the coming out that the performances invite. Most everyone recognizes that Swamp Gravy has attracted outside tourists which has boosted economic development, occasioned the renovation of downtown Colquitt square and the formation of institutions to continue to attract and accommodate visitors from afar. This case is theorized in terms of the emerging communicative turn in planning that juxtaposes the planner as mediator or facilitator, and stakeholders as co-producers. The findings in this case study support that the Swamp Gravy form of narrative process has some potential for guiding stakeholders to a just diversity in cities, neighborhoods and towns, and as such should be studied further. Urban planning in situations of urban renewal may be one place where utilizing this form of meaningful engagement could lead to discovery of new identities, which may both inform and motivate a just plan to be coproduced.

An analysis of two community development agencies in Hong Kong.

Mak, Hoi-wah, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.W.)--University of Hong Kong, 1978.

Constitution des acteurs collectifs et dynamique de développement régional : le cas d'une association régionale en santé et services sociaux /

Duperré, Martine. January 2002 (has links)
Thèse (D.D.R.)-- Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 2002. / Document électronique également accessible en format PDF. CaQCU

Les organisations venant en aide aux enfants en domesticité en Haïti : obstacles à l’intervention et pistes de solutions

Tourillon-Gingras, Stéphanie 02 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire porte sur les enfants en domesticité en Haïti, plus précisément sur les organisations qui leur viennent en aide. Il cherche à comprendre les obstacles auxquels elles sont confrontées, en plus de prendre connaissance des initiatives qu’elles mènent dans la lutte contre la domesticité infantile. Cette recherche fut menée en Haïti, auprès de dix acteurs sociaux œuvrant au sein d’organisations – pour la plupart locales – venant en aide aux enfants en domesticité et leur famille. Les résultats de cette recherche montrent que les obstacles rencontrés par ces organisations sont attribuables aux différentes perceptions de la domesticité infantile en Haïti, à l’État haïtien ainsi qu’à la présence de l’aide internationale au pays. Cette recherche démontre que les solutions envisagées par les organisations pour lutter contre la domesticité infantile se situent à la fois en amont du phénomène (dans les communautés reculées) qu’en aval (auprès des enfants en domesticité et leur famille d’accueil). Les obstacles et les solutions présentés dans ce mémoire sont analysés selon le cadre théorique critique; les conditions de vie des familles d’enfants en domesticité en Haïti étant intrinsèquement liées aux contextes sociohistorique, politique et économique du pays. La conclusion de ce mémoire porte sur la pertinence de l’approche d’organisation communautaire, favorisée par certaines organisations locales en Haïti, pour lutter contre les mécanismes d’oppression subis par les familles d’enfants en domesticité en Haïti. / This thesis focuses on domestic children in Haiti, specifically on organizations that support them. It seeks to understand the barriers they face, in addition to gaining an understanding of the initiatives they undertake in the fight against child domesticity. This research was conducted in Haiti, alongside ten aid workers working in organizations – for the most part local – supporting domestic children and their families. The results of this research show that the barriers experienced by these organizations are due to the different perceptions of child domesticity in Haiti, the Haitian government and the presence of international aid in the country. This research demonstrates that the solutions envisioned by the organizations to fight against child domesticity can be found both upstream of the phenomenon (in remote communities) and downstream (with domestic children and their host families). The obstacles and solutions presented in this thesis are analyzed using the critical theoretical framework; the living conditions of the families of domestic children in Haiti are intrinsically linked to the country’s socio-historical, political and economic contexts. The conclusion of this thesis focuses on the relevance of community organizations’ approach, aided by local organizations in Haiti, to fight against the mechanisms of oppression suffered by the families of domestic children in Haiti. / Dokiman sa se yon memwa, sa vle di yon rechèch ke yon moun fè e ke li chwazi ekri e prezante rezilta li jwenn yo nan lide pou li fè lòt moun konnen sa li tap chèche a. Dokiman sila pale sou kesyon timoun an ayiti ke yo bay ti non “restavèk”, li sitou pale de òganizasyon ki abitye bay èd a timoun sa yo. Memwa sa ap chèche konprann ki jan de pwoblèm ke òganizasyon sa yo ap andire, anplis lap chèche konnen tou ki kalite aktivite ke òganizasyon sa yo rive reyalize nan batay ke yap mennen kont koze restavèk la. Rechèch sa te reyalize nan peyi Dayiti avèk patisipasyon moun kap travay nan òganizasyon, sitou sila yo rele òganizasyon lokal yo, ki abitye pote sipò a timoun restavèk yo ak fanmiy yo tou. Rezilta rechèch sa montre ke plizyè fason ke yo konprann koze restavèk la, leta ayisyen ak prezans èd entènasyonal nan peyi a lakòz ke òganizasyon yo rankontre anpil obstak. Anplis, rechèch sa a montre aklè ke solisyon ke òganizasyon kap lite kont zafè timoun restavèk yo chita alafwa de kote ki se nan seksyon riral yo oubyen nan zòn andeyò yo kote timoun sa yo soti e ak bò kote timoun yo menm nan fanmiy ki akeyi yo a. Obstak ak solisyon ke nou prezante nan memwa sa te analize selon sa moun ki save yo rele kad teyorik kritik ki fè konnen ke kondisyon lavi timoun restavèk yo nan peyi Dayiti mare kòd lonbrit li ak kontèks sosyal, istorik, politik, ekonomik peyi a. Daprè rezilta rechèch la, memwa sa vle atire atansyon nou sou nesesite ki genyen pou ke òganizasyon lokal yo jwenn plis bourad ak plis sipò nan lide pou yo ka vin n pi fò e ka kontinye lite pi byen kont zafè restavèk la nan peyi Dayiti.

The intermediary function of NGOs in HIV/AIDS responses : a case study of the Lady Frere district of the Eastern Cape

Mayekiso, Andile 11 July 2013 (has links)
The HIV/AIDS epidemic has serious effects on society. It has been described as the biggest threat to the development of South Africa, with severe economic, social and human impact. In the Lady Frere District in the Eastern Cape Province, like in many other areas that are greatly affected by the epidemic in this country, young people are considered by the local Department of Health to be a particularly vulnerable group due to various predisposing biological, social, cultural, and economical factors. Despite the efforts that have been made to educate and encourage prevention, especially by the local Masibambane Non-governmental Organisation (MNGO) to inform these communities about the dangers of the epidemic, people's behaviour have been slow to change and the disease continues to spread. This research is conducted against the escalating HIV / AIDS pandemic in the Lady Frere District. The fundamental aim of this project is to examine the intermediary function of the MNGO in HIV/AIDS responses. The study seeks to evaluate the way in which this local NGO operates on the ground in contributing to a community's response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. In other words, the thesis tries to indicate how this local NGO, in dealing with the HIV/AIDS issue, interfaces with the community and related stakeholders. It examines how young people in the Lady Frere District perceive HIV/AIDS. A literature review demonstrates that the specific aims and objectives of this project represent a fairly new area of research in South Africa. I propose in the thesis that a simple act of joining and being regularly involved in a community organisation such as the MNGO will have significant impact on individuals' health and well-being. The thesis is crying for a need to restore the notion of "ubuntu" (meaning humanity) which is fundamentally based on social capital to assist these communities to rebuild trust which is essential in people living with HIV/AIDS. Based on my assessment it seems that intermediary NGOs, like the traditional NGOs and the private sector, will have little impact in terms of changing the conditions of the poor and the marginalised people. This is because in practice, like the conventional NGOs, intermediary NGOs serve the interests of donors and national governments or those who give them financial support to continue existing.

Autonomie et pouvoir dans les pratiques d’intervention en santé mentale en milieux communautaires : perspectives d’intervenantes

Rivet, Camille 12 1900 (has links)
Cette étude sociologique porte sur le travail des intervenantes communautaires en santé mentale en relation avec les personnes qu’elles accompagnent. Le contexte actuel dans lequel se déroulent les pratiques d’intervention en santé mentale est caractérisé par une injonction contraignante à l’autonomisation des personnes accompagnées. C’est pourquoi, nous avons fait le pari de comprendre comment se traduit l’autonomie dans les pratiques d’intervention en santé mentale dans des organismes communautaires, à travers la perspective d’intervenantes. En nous inscrivant dans une démarche exploratoire et analytique, s’appuyant sur un cadre d’analyse interactionniste, incluant les concepts d’autonomie et de la street-level-bureaucracy, nous avons décortiqué d’une part, comment les intervenantes exercent leur pouvoir discrétionnaire dans le cadre d’actions situées, régulées par des contraintes de nature organisationnelle, et d’autre part, comment les interactions d’intervention sont des espaces d’observation des jeux d’autonomie. Pour ce faire, nous avons privilégié une méthode qui nous permet d’entrer au cœur des pratiques des intervenantes communautaires en santé mentale, soit l’entretien d’explicitation. À travers ces entretiens, les interviewées ont produit un récit d’une situation d’intervention choisie. Ces données sont découpées en trois corpus (contextuel, narratif et représentatif) que nous avons analysés sous la forme d’études de cas transversales. Celles-ci nous informent sur les spécificités de la relation dynamique entre l’autonomie des professionnelles et celle des personnes accompagnées, selon les professionnelles de l’intervention. Ainsi, nous concluons que les jeux d’autonomie prennent une forme bidirectionnelle qui découle en « cascade », c’est-à-dire que l’autonomie des professionnelles influence directement celle des personnes accompagnées. Les jeux d’autonomie sont aussi empreints d’une hiérarchie relationnelle, alors que tous et toutes ont une « reddition de compte » à faire pour l’expression de leur autonomie, les intervenantes envers leur milieu de pratique et les personnes accompagnées envers les professionnelles. / This sociological study focuses on relational work of community mental health workers. The current context in which community mental health intervention occurs is characterized by a binding rule to empower the people they accompany. This leads us to seek to better understand how personal autonomy in mental health intervention unfolds in the context of specific situations that arise in community organizations. The thesis presents an exploratory and analytical study, based on an interactionist framework, and guided by two approaches. First, street-level-bureaucracy, which allows us to capture the strategies of relational workers in constraining organisational contexts; and second, the concept of “autonomy” defined as dynamic relational power in contexts of interaction. We analyzed how community mental health workers, on the one hand, exercise their discretionary power within their work milieu, and on the other hand, how they see their own autonomy and that of a person they were accompanying, in the context of a situated intervention. Our principal method of data collection, the explication interview, allowed us to delve deeply into the practices of community mental health workers, as they were invited to produce a detailed narrative of a specific intervention situation. These narratives were then integrated and reconstructed in the form of three textual data sets (contextual, narrative and reflexive) that were coded using both thematic and grounded theory procedures, and analysed transversely to produce insights into the situated autonomy of the community mental health workers, and their negotiated autonomy in the context of intervention interactions. We found that, from the perspective of the community mental health workers we interviewed, autonomy in the context of intervention has a bidirectional dynamic, in that the autonomy of the workers influences that of the people they accompany, but is also conditioned by the autonomy exercised by the people they are helping. There is none the less a hierarchical cascade that can be observed, in so far as the workers must justify their strategic intervention choices to the community organizations in which they work and to their colleagues, while the people they help must justify their choices to them.

The Pueblitos of Palluche Canyon: An Examination of the Ethnic Affiliation of the Pueblito Inhabitants and Results of Archaeological Survey at LA 9073, LA 10732 and LA 86895, New Mexico

Sinkey, Leslie-Lynne 19 March 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The small, above-ground masonry structures of northwestern New Mexico called "pueblitos" first came to the attention of anthropologists in over a century ago. In 1920, the noted archaeologist A.V. Kidder hypothesized that these masonry structures might have been built by Puebloan refugees fleeing Spanish reprisals in the wake of the Spanish reconquest of New Mexico after the Pueblo Revolt, and he proposed that this hypothesis be tested. Over the next several decades, however, the hypothesis remained untested, but it became both accepted as established fact and the basis for most anthropological, archaeological, and historical reconstructions of Navajo history and cultural development.

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