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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

台灣原住民保留地劃設保留區之研究─高雄縣桃源鄉個案分析 / Study of Setting the Indigenous Reserved Area: Case in Taoyuan Township of Kaohsiung County

城忠志 Unknown Date (has links)
原住民族長期生活於山村地區,有著特殊民族文化維繫個人或團體間長期的互動,惟日本時期沿襲迄今的保留地制度,無論是空間區位的選擇或增劃編地點的決定,原住民族毫無參與的餘地,導致無法妥善勘選區位適當的土地作為原住民保留地使用,進而使文化傳承、經濟生活所依賴的母土逐漸流失;近年來受國外原住民保留地經營管理成功案例的激勵及民族意識的興起下,原住民發起三次還我土地運動,而政府部門在增劃編的回應中,也認真的思索保留地興革的建議,遂在學者專家及原住民族菁英的討論過程,凝聚回復傳統產權共有舊制的共識。   憲法增修條文第十條第十二項對原住民族基本權的規範,含有「制度保障」之意涵,因此原住民族土地管理法規,是有提昇為法律位階之必要性,爰由內政部研定「原住民族土地開發管理條例」草案,刻正依法定程序送請立法院審議中。按該條例草案異於前之管理辦法者,在於增加了「原住民族保留區」的制度設計,新制在原住民族社會已有共識,惟尚缺乏個案研究的實證分析,因此難以辨別制度可能引發的後遺症,爰有本研究就桃源鄉進行個案分析驗證。   本研究以國外學者Elinor Ostrom在制度經濟學對共用資源共管機制的制度設計原則,來檢驗分析個案在保留區新制實施過程中,可能衍生的問題,以實地問卷訪談的方式進行調查;嗣經得知劃設原住民族保留區可以解決桃源鄉現存的保留地問題,而劃設地點以該鄉梅山村及寶山村最適宜,惟應建立一套劃設指標據以實施且應有相關配套措施,最後根據當地原住民的意見反應,證明集體決策理論觀點,適合運用在劃設原住民族保留區的決策過程。   此外,在後續研究的部分,本研究亦建議:桃源鄉小規模群體自主治理的資源利用方式,可否全面運用到保留區新制,有待與其他個案比較分析及探討,而欲達此政策目的,必須選定實驗區域,進行試驗及檢討,方得確保制度設計成為法律後,能夠彌補現行保留地措施肇致政府失靈與市場失靈的缺失。 / Taiwan indigenous people have lived in mountainous area for centuries. The interactions between their individuals and groups are regulated by specific cultures. However, the Reserved Land Institution began with Japan Colonist Era does not allow indigenous people to chose the place they live in by themselves. It made improper zoning. urthermore, it led to the land, which had supported their cultural and economic life lapsed gradually. In past twenty years, encouraged by the international indigenous movements and domestic ideology wakening, Taiwan indigenous people had held the Return My Land Demonstrations for three times. Government began to deliberate the reform of Indigenous Reserved Land Institution, and acquired conclusions after long-term discussion between government, scholars and indigenous elites. One of the conclusions is to revert to the traditional land tenure co-owning institution.   According to the Added Article of the Constitution (article 10, item 12) , this country has obligation to protect the basic rights of indigenous people with formal institutions. It means the Indigenous Reserved Land Developing and Managing Regulation needs to be promoted to a formal law. At this moment, The Legislative Yuan is deliberating the Indigenous Reserved Land Developing and Managing Law drafted by the Exclusive Yuan. A new designing named Reserved Area was made in it. This new designing was agreed by most of indigenous people. However, there is no empirical analysis to it and its side effect so far. Therefore, this research examined the Reserved Area Institution by case study in Taoyuan Township of Kaohsiung County.   The theoretical basis of this research is the institution designing principles of common pool resources self-governance, which addressed by Elinor Ostrom. Meanwhile, the investigation was processed by questionnaires. After the analysis, this research pointed that Indigenous Reserved Area Institution can solve the problems of Reserved land in Taoyuan Township now. The most proper locations of Indigenous Reserved Area are May-Shan and Pao-Shan villages. In farther step, it needs relative supporting measures and concrete area setting index. Beside, base on the responses of local residences, the research proved that Collective Action Theory is proper to be applied in the decision making process of setting the Indigenous Reserved Area.   In the end, the research suggested: the way people in Taoyuan Township governing their resource is not definitely proper to other indigenous groups. The precondition of implementing the new designing is to make more case tudies, compares and analysis. It is necessary to have small-scale experiments in advance. In the way, it can just correct the market failure and government failure caused by on going regulation when the new designing becomes a formal new law.

L'intervention en contexte de réduction des méfaits et consommation de drogue : ethnographie des négociations morales des intervenantes d'un organisme communautaire.

Baridon, Anaïs 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Die benutting van die projekbestuursproses binne die maatskaplike gemeenskapsontwikkelingsproses

Deyzel, C. C. 30 November 2006 (has links)
No abstract available / Social Work / M.Diac. (Social Work)

An investigation into factors affecting staff turnover amongst professional staff in NGO's in Malawi

Malunga, Chiku Watchman 30 June 2003 (has links)
The study set out to investigate the factors influencing turnover among professional staff in some selected NGOs in Malawi. Using qualitative and participatory methods, the study used the levels of complexity model to analyse the factors leading to the problem of staff turnover in the selected NGOs. The main findings were that: · Professional staff turnover was 50% within a period of 18 months across all the NGOs interviewed. · For the professional staff, the main factors contributing to staff turnover were: ineffective organisational policies, systems and procedures; poor relationships and communication; and poor organisational values and culture. · In addressing the problem, NGO leaders tend to concentrate on efforts to improve salaries and other monetary benefits; and training opportunities. In order to more comprehensively address the problem of staff turnover among the professional staff however, NGO leaders must adopt a process or an Organisation Development (OD) approach. / Public Administration and Development Studies / M.A. (Development Studies)

Civil society organisations and societal transformation in Africa : the case of Ethiopia

Feleke Tadele 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with civil society organisations (CSOs) and the challenges of facilitating sustainable societal transformation in Africa, focusing on the case of Ethiopia. The thesis underlines the fact that the conceptualisation of civil society is controversial. Some western scholars argue that the Enlightenment period in Europe provided the bedrock for the foundation of „modern‟ CSOs. As a result, they believed that the life patterns and „traditional‟ social organising practices of Africans, Asians and other societies of the world are incompatible with the civilised world. This outlook constitutes the mainstream view that has played an uncontested role in the decades of development in Africa. Proponents of African and „traditional‟ perspectives of civil society, however, argue that many nations in Africa have centuries-old humanism and a history of volunteerism and civic institutions, which form the backbone of their social fabric. They argue that Africa has its own rich culture and civilisation which is the bedrock for generating and developing healthy human societies and effectively functioning CSOs on the continent. These African civic cultures nurture character and intellect within communities and social spaces despite the challenges of colonialism, globalisation and other external pressures. For this reason, they challenge western-based perspectives on „modern‟ CSOs. Given the predominance of and the tension in these two perspectives, this thesis calls for a re-examination of the concepts, meanings and practices of CSOs and the exploration of the role of „traditional‟ CSOs in facilitating societal transformation in contemporary Ethiopia, Africa. In so doing, it critically examines how the tensions in various international development agendas have led to the legitimisation and proliferation of „modern‟ and western-based non-governmental organisation (NGO) interventions in Africa, and then discusses the way the civil society sector, particularly „traditional‟ CSOs, is side-lined owing to the funding formulas that regard western-based NGOs as preferred development partners. For this, the thesis takes a case-based approach to the study of „traditional‟ CSOs in Ethiopia, and examines their goals and practices leading to social transformation experiences by reviewing the political history, genesis and civic functions of CSOs and the social changes at grassroots levels. The thesis also analyses the ways in which local communities organise their „traditional‟ associations and collectively engage in social action to transform their communities. It also highlights the negative implications of the neoliberal theoretical discourses and the developmental state approaches in relation to „traditional‟ African CSOs. In conclusion, the thesis suggests critical pathways for harnessing the role of „traditional‟ African CSOs in the future societal transformation process in Africa. / Development Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Development Studies)

La protection de l’ordre juridique sous-régional par les Cours de justice : contribution à l’étude de la fonction judiciaire dans les organisations ouest-africaines d’intégration / Protection the sub regional legal environment by the Courts : contribution to the judicial function study in the West African integration organizations.

Sow, Idrissa 18 September 2013 (has links)
Aux lendemains des indépendances, les Etats de l’Afrique de l’Ouest ont constitués entre eux des organisations d’intégration économique dans le but de favoriser leur développement économique et social.Ces organisations conçues pour la plupart à partir du modèle Européen dispose d’une personnalité juridique autonome et d’un corps de règles propres ayant vocation à s’insérer de façon uniforme dans l’ordre juridique interne des différents Etats membres. Le fonctionnement harmonieux de ce système suppose l’existence d’un organe indépendant chargé, entre autres, de veiller à l’équilibre général du dispositif et d’assurer une interprétation uniforme des normes communautaires.Dans le cadre de l’UEMOA comme de La CEDEAO, cette fonction de protection est exercée par des organes juridictionnels intégrés dont la mission principale consiste à veiller au respect du droit dans l’interprétation et dans l’application des Traités constitutifs.L’objectif visé, à travers cette contribution, est de faire observer que le dispositif de protection mis en place fonctionne, d’une part, par les mécanismes de coopération institués entre les cours de justice et les autres composantes du système communautaire et d’autre part par le contrôle juridictionnel exercé sur les organes communautaires et les Etats membres. / After being freed from colonization, the West African States have set up commonly economic integration organizations to promote their economic and social development.The creation of the majority of those organizations is based on the European example and they have an independent legal personality and a body with specific rules in charge of integrating uniformly the internal legal environment of the different Member States.The harmonious functioning of the system requires, among others, the existence of an independent structure designed to take control of the general balance organization and achieve a uniform interpretation of the Community norms. Within the framework of the WAEMU as well as in the ECOWAS, this protective function is delegated to integrated judicial bodies whose main mission consists in making sure that a submission to the law related to the interpretation and compliance with Treaties is effective.The goal of such a contribution is to point out that the settled protection device is functioning, on the one hand, by the cooperation mechanisms introduced by justice courts and the other components of the Community system and, on the other hand, by the judicial control over the community structures and the Member States.

Do convento a um barraco na “Planeta dos Macacos”: a participação das irmãs Beneditinas da Virgem Maria no movimento político de organização social das favelas do Recife (1970-1980)

Silva, Severina Madalena da 31 January 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Biblioteca Central (biblioteca@unicap.br) on 2018-04-09T17:39:09Z No. of bitstreams: 2 severina_madalena_silva.pdf: 2399597 bytes, checksum: 543c44527c942519e81b9f975e3d043c (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-09T17:39:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 severina_madalena_silva.pdf: 2399597 bytes, checksum: 543c44527c942519e81b9f975e3d043c (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-01-31 / The focus of this research was the investigation of the participation of the Catholic Church through the engagement of a group of sisters and postulants of the Congregation of the Benedictines of the Virgin Mary in the Slum Movement active in the mid-70s and 80s of the 20th century in the region Metropolitan of Recife, focusing on the community now known as Planet of the Apes, located in the neighborhood of Jardim São Paulo. It sought to discern the dialogical relationship between the social challenges of that moment and the symbolic contents of the Catholic religion, as interpreted and lived during the episcopate of Dom Helder Pessoa Camara (1964- 1985). The question that was asked was how the Congregation of the Benedictine Sisters of the Virgin Mary was involved, through non-assistential social actions, in the transformation of an occupation into a community, in the troubled political scenario that was our country. For this, bibliographical research was used, with authors representing Liberation Theology, and the exploitation of documentary and imagery records deposited over the years in the archives of the Community Center of the Planet of the Apes Community. / O foco dessa pesquisa foi a investigação da participação da Igreja Católica, através do engajamento de um grupo de irmãs e postulantes da Congregação das Beneditinas da Virgem Maria, no Movimento de Favelas ativo em meados das décadas de 70 e 80 do século XX, na região metropolitana do Recife, tendo como foco a comunidade hoje conhecida como Planeta dos Macacos, situada no bairro de Jardim São Paulo. Buscou-se discernir a relação dialógica entre os desafios sociais daquele momento e os conteúdos simbólicos da religião católica, tais como interpretados e vividos durante o episcopado de Dom Helder Pessoa Camara (1964- 1985). A pergunta a que se buscou responder foi como a Congregação das Irmãs Beneditinas da Virgem Maria envolveu-se, através de ações sociais não assistencialistas, na transformação de uma ocupação em uma comunidade, no conturbado cenário político em que se encontrava nosso país. Para isso, recorreu-se à pesquisa bibliográfica, com autores representantes da Teologia da Libertação, e à exploração de registros documentais e imagéticos depositados, ao longo desses anos, nos arquivos do Centro Comunitário da Comunidade Planeta dos Macacos.

L’insécurité alimentaire à Montréal-Nord : un enjeu de démocratie alimentaire?

Levasseur, Nicholas 05 1900 (has links)
Bien que Montréal soit située dans un pays capitaliste avancé, certains secteurs de la métropole tels que Montréal-Nord sont plus vulnérables sur le plan de l’accès à l’alimentation que d’autres arrondissements montréalais. Caractérisé par une forte population immigrante, un taux de chômage élevé et une forte proportion de citoyens vivant avec un faible revenu, cet arrondissement se distingue par le fait qu’un ménage sur trois est touché par l’insécurité alimentaire. Les études menées sur le sujet tentent généralement d’identifier les zones plus affectées à l’intérieur de l’arrondissement par le biais d’approches quantitatives et d’analyses spatiales. Ce mémoire propose plutôt d’examiner les diverses formes d’interventions qui cherchent à répondre au problème de la faim sur ce territoire en élaborant une typologie permettant de les organiser selon leur degré de remise en question du système alimentaire. Le système alimentaire actuel génère d’importantes inégalités en termes d’accès à l’alimentation. En le réinvestissant, les citoyens Nord-Montréalais développent graduellement une forme de démocratie alimentaire. Le haut niveau d’insécurité alimentaire à Montréal-Nord démontre que l’approche traditionnelle qui s’articule généralement par des solutions allant du haut vers le bas pour répondre au problème de la faim ne suffit pas à adresser la racine du problème. Une nouvelle approche plus radicale et axée sur des solutions provenant du bas vers le haut, se doit d’être identifiée pour commencer à réfléchir aux nouvelles alternatives qui s’offrent aux citoyens de Montréal-Nord afin de réellement s’attaquer aux causes structurelles de l’insécurité alimentaire. / Although Montreal is located in an advanced capitalist country, certain sectors of the metropolis such as Montreal North are more vulnerable in terms of food access than other Montreal boroughs. Characterized by a large immigrant population, a high unemployment rate and a high proportion of citizens living on low income, this district is distinguished by the fact that one in three households is affected by food insecurity. Studies on the subject generally attempt to identify the most affected areas within the borough by means of quantitative approaches and spatial analyzes. This thesis propose rather propose to examine the various forms of intervention which seek to respond to the problem of hunger in this territory by developing a typology allowing them to be organized according to their degree of questioning of the food system. The current food system generates significant inequalities in terms of food access. By reinvesting it, the citizens of North Montreal are gradually developing a form of food democracy. The high level of food insecurity in Montreal-North demonstrates that the traditional approach, which generally revolves around top-down solutions to addressing the problem of hunger, is not enough to address the root of the problem. A new, more radical approach focused on bottom-up solutions must be identified in order to start thinking about the new alternatives available to the citizens of Montreal-North in order to truly tackle the structural causes of food insecurity.

The role of community based organisations in empowering victims of gender based violence : case study of Ikhaya Lethemba Centre, Gauteng Province, South Africa

Rasekgala, Lenkwang Sylvia January 2022 (has links)
Thesis (M.Dev. (Planning and Management)) -- University of Limpopo, 2022 / There is a high rate of gender-based violence in South Africa. The study aimed at examining the effectiveness of Ikhaya Lethemba as a community based organisation in empowering victims of gender-based violence in Gauteng province of the republic. In ensuring that the objectives of this study used predominantly qualitative research approach. The study method has been a case study. Representative of the study were selected purposively and participants were ten staff members including principals of Ikhaya Lethemba along with twenty-four respondents. The sample consisted of thirty-four participants. As this was predominantly qualitative study, data collection was using semi structured in-depth interviews. The narrative data from the interview guide was analysed qualitatively through open-ended questions. Data was also collected by using closed-ended questions for responding to semi-structured questions. Patterns of experiences were noted from the emerged themes. Those emerged themes were then grouped together. The main findings indicated that Ikhaya Lethemba played a significant role in empowering gender-based violence victims in Gauteng province, South Africa. The study discussed the nature of gender based violence experienced by the respondents, the legislative and policy framework in responding to gender based violence within the Republic of South Africa, and to examine the effectiveness of Ikhaya Lethemba as a community based organisation in empowering victims of gender based violence.

Community-based organizations in socio-economic development : the experience of Kasungu district in Malawi

Mgawanyemba, Gamaliel Dalitso 29 October 2009 (has links)
Community-based organizations are considered as one of the major institutions involved in community development apart from the state and non-governmental organizations. The idea of local participation is the one that has resulted into their emergence as participation is considered to be an essential part of human growth. With the advent of democracy in 1994, and the coming in of the HIV and AIDS pandemic in Malawi, there has been a mushrooming of community-based organizations in the country. Now that its over fourteen years since their emergence in Malawi, its high time a study was conducted to establish contributions the community-based organizations are making in the development if the country, identify the challenges they are facing and find possible solutions that can help improve their effectiveness. This thesis presents findings of such a study done in Kasungu district in Malawi. / Development Studies / M.A. (Development Studies)

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