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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A methodology for the application of an automated and interactive reification process in a virtual Community of Practice

Rauffet, Philippe 09 October 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Communities of practices are particular and identified knowledge networks involved in a new global, virtual and digital framework. The study of their specific characteristics, the Legitimate Peripheral Participation and the duality Reification/Participation, provides the necessary background to understand and formalize the barriers and the limits in this new context. <br />In order to overcome these ones, the analysis of the tools and the methods for computerized reification (content analysis, information architecture, information visualization) and for enrichment and assessment of content and users (Human-Computer Interactions, Collaborative filtering) enables to develop a methodology to support the application of an automated and interactive reification process in a virtual Communities of Practices.

Examining knowledge and environmental practices of adults in relation to the installation of electricity in Shitlhelani Village

Baloyi, Vonani Michael 07 March 2008 (has links)
ABSTRACT This phenomenological study examines knowledge acquisition and the environmental practices of Shitlhelani community members in relation to the uses and benefits of electricity. Prior to the installation of electricity, the main source of fuel was wood which villagers gathered from the natural vegetation surrounding their village. ESKOM installed electricity to the village in 1985 and 1994, however deforestation of the surrounding area continued. This research study draws primarily on a qualitative research paradigm, using participant observation; semi-structured interviews and document analysis, to investigate the relationship between knowledge and the development of healthy environmental practices. The qualitative research paradigm allows insight into the social context and experiences of the Shitlhelani villagers in order to understand the complexities and diversity of their daily lives. The study’s main findings highlight the need to recognise and value the existence of social networks, and the importance of fostering collaborative learning within communities to achieve collective action. Developing social capital as a framework that supports the process of learning through interaction is necessary if the Shitlhelani villagers wish to develop their community educationally, socially, economically and environmentally.

Developing an online learning community of practices with ten-year-old pupils

Porthouse, Gillian January 2010 (has links)
This submission sets out a narrative of how a practitioner in the field of education identified and implemented the changes required, both in research methodology and in practice, in order to answer the question ‘how do I improve my practice?’ (Whitehead and McNiff, 2004) while remaining true to a personal value system by not teaching or researching in ‘a living contradiction’ (Ibid: 5) where a value system and a practice are not working in harmony. This submission chronicles a self-study journey to improve practice by identifying and reflecting on the changes required to improve that practice when ‘teaching’ ten-year-old pupils historical enquiry online. The narrative demonstrates how a practice can be reconceptualised and illustrates the outcomes of that re-conceptualisation. The particular practice in question was set within the context of technological advances in the Internet over the last half decade: in the early research the pupils used the Internet as an online encyclopaedia while in the later stages of the research they used the Internet as a means to access online authoring sites on the read-write resource Web 2.0. The journey of change follows the practitioner from teaching historical enquiry within a classroom setting to that of teaching historical enquiry within an online authoring site, called a wiki. To achieve those changes many key concepts (that had informed teaching practices at the beginning of the research journey) had to be deconstructed and subsequently restructured using an alternative design. The learning process was one of the key concepts teased apart and reconstructed using Wenger’s ‘communities of practice’ approach as a template for designing a small community of practices. It was the emerging small community of practices on the wiki that developed into a new perspective on how to promote the learning process most effectively in an online context. The submission also narrates the ontological dimension to the journey where the practitioner’s key personal values were used in the change process to create a living theory. This value driven methodology created living standards of judgement. The submission identifies, then critically reflects on, the two voices representing the significance of the developing perspectives of the writer as researcher and as practitioner. It then uses journal entries, articles and interviews to follow the practitioner journey from perspective point one to perspective point two. It reflects critically on the change process being experienced and the growing confidence that emerged as the practitioner and researcher voices began, in combination, to challenge accepted practice and develop a new single voice that impacts upon both the professional context and the field of educational theory. It leads to the acceptance of some of Wenger’s assertions that underpin his notion that meaning is negotiated in communities of practice and examines the changes in thinking that eventually led to this model being interpreted as a reference point only and to the suggestion of a new perspective on the learning process. The contribution to knowledge is, then, to be found in this new perspective of what is meant by a community of practices and the learning processes it generates with reference to teaching historical enquiry skills to ten-year-old pupils on an online authoring site called a wiki.

Dynamiques de construction des pratiques porteuses d'innovation : analyse des pratiques d'apprentissage dans les formations d'ingénieur et des pratiques professionnelles des ingénieurs-innovateurs en France, en Allemagne, en Espagne et en Suède / How to build dynamics supporting human innovation : a comparative analysis between learning practices of students in engineering in higher education and the vocational skills owned by innovators by innovators-engineers in France, in Germany, in Spain and in Sweden

Chambon-Aubier, Catherine 10 December 2008 (has links)
Dans la première partie, nous posons le contexte de notre problématique à partir du contexte micro et macro éducatif posé par l’environnement européen. Nous nous interrogeons sur la réalité d’un « esprit ingénieur » qui singulariserait la population étudiée. Nous en venons alors à comparer les modes de formation et de certification suivant les quatre pays choisis. Cela nous amène de façon incidente à interroger les valeurs sociétales et sous-jacentes aux différents modèles de formation abordés. Nous proposons alors l’étude des notions de compétence, de culture et d’innovation, avant de détailler et de poser un cadre scientifique à notre démarche : celui des pratiques, des dimensions du cadre de référence puis du paradigme professionnel. Dans la seconde partie, nous exposons notre méthodologie, alliant la mise en œuvre à notre discours théorisant, nous exposons nos activités pédagogiques pour mettre à l’épreuve nos intuitions au travers d’une recherche-action. Cette partie se clôt par l’analyse et l’interprétation des données, ce qui nous permet de tester nos hypothèses. La conclusion définit la notion de pratiques porteuses d’innovation ainsi que celle de communautés de pratiques avant d’évoquer quelques idées de poursuite d’activités de recherche ultérieures / In the first step of the survey, we exposed the context of our scientific question according to macro and micro-educative systems in Europe. We questioned the reality for an « engineer spirit » that could define the studied population. Then we compared the different educational systems in France, in Germany, in Spain and in Sweden through societal and cultural values impacting the higher education. We chose to study several notions and concepts such as skills, culture and innovation before detailing and exposing our scientific framework: the framework of practices and the engineer vocational paradigm. In the second step of our research, we explained our methodology based on a theoretical approach linked to our pedagogical activities. This part of our study is closed by the analysis of our data in order to test our hypothesis. To conclude we have defined the notion of “human practices supporting innovation” and the concept of “community of practices in innovation”

A construção de fortalecimento comunitário e a participação política nos CRAS do município de Várzea Paulista / The construction of strengthening and political participation by CRAS in Várzea Paulista city.

Taffarello, Ingrid Matzembacher Stocker 13 April 2015 (has links)
O Sistema de Proteção Social brasileiro logrou um avanço desde a Constituição Federal de 1988, desafiando os paradigmas enraizados até então do conceito de pobreza e de ações assistencialistas configuradas sob a lógica da tutela, do clientelismo e da urgência, fornecendo bases para as ações socioassistenciais no país. O Ministério de Desenvolvimento Social e Combate à Fome (MDS) tem buscado consolidar a importância da proteção social, enquanto política de direito na defesa, garantia e promoção de suas ações na abrangência do território nacional. Os serviços de proteção social básica possuem como objetivo fundamental a prevenção às situações de risco pessoal e social por meio do desenvolvimento de ações psicossociais que atuam no fortalecimento dos vínculos familiares e comunitários, prestados pelo Centro de Referência de Assistência Social (CRAS). Tendo em conta tal realidade, este projeto visa identificar os limites e possibilidades das práticas psicossociais comunitárias desenvolvidas nos CRAS do Município de Várzea Paulista, a partir de uma análise crítica, sob o referencial teórico-metodológico da psicologia política, acerca das intervenções destinadas às famílias atendidas no campo da Assistência Social. Vale ressaltar que esta pesquisa teve como norte analisar as especificidades produzidas por Várzea Paulista que, entre os anos de 2008 a 2012, fundamentou suas ações buscando promover a educação popular e a participação política, através da implantação de ferramentas como o Orçamento Participativo e os Conselhos Municipais. A fim de propiciar uma inclusão produtiva das famílias acompanhadas pelos CRAS, introduziu-se a metodologia da Economia Solidária, como estratégia de superação das situações de vulnerabilidades. Por meio de uma pesquisa de campo realizada nos CRAS do Município de Várzea Paulista, procuramos investigar se as práticas comunitárias contribuem ou não para o desenvolvimento de processos de autonomia e participação política das famílias acompanhadas pelos Centros de Referência de Assistência Social CRAS. Para tanto, realizamos uma entrevista exploratória com a Gestora da Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Social, que nos forneceu dados sobre os trabalhos desenvolvidos, ajudando-nos a caracterizar as ações de Proteção Social Básica. Realizamos também entrevistas semiestruturadas com profissionais que participaram das ações dos CRAS durante o período em estudo, além de um grupo focal com alunas das oficinas, a fim de garantir o olhar sob a perspectiva de participantes das ações promovidas pela Economia Solidária. O grupo focal propiciou discussões a respeito de temas como: CRAS, participação, autonomia e fortalecimento comunitário. Utilizamos a análise de discurso para respaldarmo-nos teórico-metodologicamente, tendo em vista identificar os sentidos produzidos nas entrevistas e no grupo, analisando os dilemas, tensões e desdobramentos das práticas psicossociais comunitárias nos CRAS. Em seus discursos as participantes, apontaram algumas contribuições que, segundo elas, propiciaram uma melhora na qualidade de suas vidas. Dentre estas contribuições destacamos: novos aprendizados técnicos, aprendizados referente à comercialização, ampliação na sociabilização e o envolvimento com novas atividades anteriormente restritas ao ambiente doméstico. Contudo, percebemos que estas práticas ainda focam em estratégias de inserção no mundo do trabalho, reforçando uma perspectiva neoliberal e mantenedora do status quo. Além disso, analisamos que tais práticas não propiciaram a ampliação de um envolvimento comunitário e político, que segundo Martin-Baró (1998) e Montero (2004, 2006) são fundamentais para ações que se dizem fortalecedoras e emancipadoras, a fim de romper com estruturas fatalistas e excludentes. / The Brazilian Social Protection System achieved advancement since the Federal Constitution of 1988, challenging the so far entrenched concept of poverty and assistentialist actions configured under the logic of tutelage, clientelism and urgency, and providing new bases for the social assistance projects in the country. The Ministry of Social Development and Hunger Alleviation (Ministério de Desenvolvimento Social e Combate à Fome MDS) has sought to consolidate the importance of social protection, as legal policy in the defense, security and promotion of its actions on the range of the national territory. The basic social protection services have as main objective to prevent situations of personal and social risk through the development of psychosocial activities that work on strengthening of both family and community ties, actions developed by the Reference Center of Social Assistance (CRAS). Due to this reality, this project aims to promote a reflection on the limits and possibilities of the community psychosocial practices developed at the CRAS of Várzea Paulista city, from a critical analysis, under the theoretical and methodological referencial of the political psychology, about interventions to familiesunder the supervision of Social Services Bureau. It is worth mentioning that this research is focused in analyzing the particularities produced in Várzea Paulista between the years 2008-2012, particularly on the actions that have sought to promote popular education and political participation, through the implementation of tools such as Participatory Budget and municipal councils. In order to enable a productive inclusion of CRAS´s monitored families, it was introduced the methodology of the Solidarity Economy as a strategy to overcome the situations of vulnerability. In this context, we conducted an exploratory interview with the Manager of the Social Development Bureau, which provided us data about the projects developed, helping us to characterize the actions of Basic Social Protection. Likewise, semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted with professionals who participated in the CRAS´s actions during that period, besides focus groups with the workshop´s students, in order to ensure the look under the perspective of participants in the actions promoted by the Solidarity Economy. The focus group led discussions on topics such as: the CRAS itself and the community participation, its autonomy and empowerment. In this context, the discourse analysis was used in order to achieve a theoretical and methodological foundation, seeking to identify the meanings produced in the interviews and in the groups, analyzing the dilemmas, tensions and consequences of Community psychosocial practices developed at the CRAS. Therefore, some contributions were raised by the participants and, in their points of view, they have provided a better quality of their lives. Among these contributions we emphasize: new technical learnings, knowledge-acquiring processes on the products commercialization, expansion in the socialization and engagement with new activities previously restricted to the domestic environment. However, analysing from a dialectical perspective, we notice that these practices still focus on the strategies of integration into the labor market, reinforcing a neoliberal perspective and maintaining thestatus quo. Furthermore, we analyzed that such practices did not promote the expansion of a community and political involvement, which according Martin-Baró(1998) and Montero (2004, 2006) are fundamental to actions that are said to be empowering and emancipatory in order to break with fatalistic and excluding structures.

O CCA como uma comunidade de praticas : uma analise das interações do Centro de Convivencia de Afasicos / CCA as a community of practices : an analysis of the interactions at the Aphasic Social Centre

Mira, Caio Cesar Costa Ribeiro, 1981- 08 March 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Anna Christina Bentes da Silva / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-08T17:59:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mira_CaioCesarCostaRibeiro_M.pdf: 775823 bytes, checksum: fa993fc31a66e71fb79d556a64f9cadb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: As práticas interativas do Centro de Convivência dos Afásicos, (doravante, CCA) constituem um locus bastante interessante para análise da relação entre linguagem, cognição e vida social. O CCA, que funciona no Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem da UNICAMP, é um espaço de interação entre afásicos e não afásicos que procura, metodologicamente, evocar em encontros semanais, rotinas significativas de vida em sociedade, o que envolve variados processos de significação (verbais e não verbais) e diversas práticas de linguagem, que mobilizam recursos pragmáticos, textuais e discursivos. Diante deste cenário, este trabalho procura analisar e descrever as práticas de linguagem do CCA segundo as propriedades do conceito de comunidade de práticas (Wenger, 1998), a saber: i) o engajamento mútuo (que diz respeito a uma interação regular, cotidiana); ii) o empreendimento conjunto (que diz respeito não a um objetivo compartilhado a priori, mas a um empreendimento negociado que envolve complexas relações de mútuos ajustes e acordos); iii) o repertório compartilhado de recursos conjuntos para a negociação do sentido social. Para tal tarefa, iremos pontuar os contrastes do conceito de comunidade de práticas em relação a um conceito metodológico amplamente difundido na literatura sociolingüística: o conceito de comunidade de fala. Pretendemos a partir da análise de fragmentos de interação entre sujeitos afásicos e não afásicos, salientar o ganho que o conceito de comunidade de práticas agrega para análise das interações no campo da Sociolingüística e os desdobramentos da caracterização do CCA como uma comunidade de práticas para algumas questões específicas do campo da Neurolingüística / Abstract: The interactive practices of the Aphasic Social Centre (henceforth, CCA), constitute a matter, which is rather interesting for the analysis of the relation among language, cognition and social life. CCA, which is in the Institute of Language Studies at UNICAMP, is an area of interaction between aphasic and non-aphasic people, which aims to, methodologically, evoke in weekly meetings, significant routines of life in society, which involves several signification processes (verbal and non-verbal) as well as many language practices, that mobilize pragmatic, textual and speech resources. Throughout this view, this work aims to analyze and describe the CCA language practices according to the community of practice concept properties (Wenger, 1998), hereafter: i) the mutual engagement (which is about a regular, routine interaction); ii) the joined enterprise (which is not about a shared aim in the beginning, but to a negotiated enterprise that involves complex relations of mutual adjustments and deals); iii) the joined resource shared report for the negotiation of the social view. For such task, we will mention the contrasts of the community of practice concept related to a methodological concept which is widely spread in the sociolinguistic literature; the concept of speech community. We intend, through an analysis of the fragments of interaction between aphasic and non-aphasic subjects, emphasize the gain that the community of practice concept aggregates for the analysis of interactions in the field of Sociolinguistic and the expanding of CCA characterization as a community of practices for some specific questions in the field of Neurolinguistic / Mestrado / Mestre em Linguística

A construção de fortalecimento comunitário e a participação política nos CRAS do município de Várzea Paulista / The construction of strengthening and political participation by CRAS in Várzea Paulista city.

Ingrid Matzembacher Stocker Taffarello 13 April 2015 (has links)
O Sistema de Proteção Social brasileiro logrou um avanço desde a Constituição Federal de 1988, desafiando os paradigmas enraizados até então do conceito de pobreza e de ações assistencialistas configuradas sob a lógica da tutela, do clientelismo e da urgência, fornecendo bases para as ações socioassistenciais no país. O Ministério de Desenvolvimento Social e Combate à Fome (MDS) tem buscado consolidar a importância da proteção social, enquanto política de direito na defesa, garantia e promoção de suas ações na abrangência do território nacional. Os serviços de proteção social básica possuem como objetivo fundamental a prevenção às situações de risco pessoal e social por meio do desenvolvimento de ações psicossociais que atuam no fortalecimento dos vínculos familiares e comunitários, prestados pelo Centro de Referência de Assistência Social (CRAS). Tendo em conta tal realidade, este projeto visa identificar os limites e possibilidades das práticas psicossociais comunitárias desenvolvidas nos CRAS do Município de Várzea Paulista, a partir de uma análise crítica, sob o referencial teórico-metodológico da psicologia política, acerca das intervenções destinadas às famílias atendidas no campo da Assistência Social. Vale ressaltar que esta pesquisa teve como norte analisar as especificidades produzidas por Várzea Paulista que, entre os anos de 2008 a 2012, fundamentou suas ações buscando promover a educação popular e a participação política, através da implantação de ferramentas como o Orçamento Participativo e os Conselhos Municipais. A fim de propiciar uma inclusão produtiva das famílias acompanhadas pelos CRAS, introduziu-se a metodologia da Economia Solidária, como estratégia de superação das situações de vulnerabilidades. Por meio de uma pesquisa de campo realizada nos CRAS do Município de Várzea Paulista, procuramos investigar se as práticas comunitárias contribuem ou não para o desenvolvimento de processos de autonomia e participação política das famílias acompanhadas pelos Centros de Referência de Assistência Social CRAS. Para tanto, realizamos uma entrevista exploratória com a Gestora da Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Social, que nos forneceu dados sobre os trabalhos desenvolvidos, ajudando-nos a caracterizar as ações de Proteção Social Básica. Realizamos também entrevistas semiestruturadas com profissionais que participaram das ações dos CRAS durante o período em estudo, além de um grupo focal com alunas das oficinas, a fim de garantir o olhar sob a perspectiva de participantes das ações promovidas pela Economia Solidária. O grupo focal propiciou discussões a respeito de temas como: CRAS, participação, autonomia e fortalecimento comunitário. Utilizamos a análise de discurso para respaldarmo-nos teórico-metodologicamente, tendo em vista identificar os sentidos produzidos nas entrevistas e no grupo, analisando os dilemas, tensões e desdobramentos das práticas psicossociais comunitárias nos CRAS. Em seus discursos as participantes, apontaram algumas contribuições que, segundo elas, propiciaram uma melhora na qualidade de suas vidas. Dentre estas contribuições destacamos: novos aprendizados técnicos, aprendizados referente à comercialização, ampliação na sociabilização e o envolvimento com novas atividades anteriormente restritas ao ambiente doméstico. Contudo, percebemos que estas práticas ainda focam em estratégias de inserção no mundo do trabalho, reforçando uma perspectiva neoliberal e mantenedora do status quo. Além disso, analisamos que tais práticas não propiciaram a ampliação de um envolvimento comunitário e político, que segundo Martin-Baró (1998) e Montero (2004, 2006) são fundamentais para ações que se dizem fortalecedoras e emancipadoras, a fim de romper com estruturas fatalistas e excludentes. / The Brazilian Social Protection System achieved advancement since the Federal Constitution of 1988, challenging the so far entrenched concept of poverty and assistentialist actions configured under the logic of tutelage, clientelism and urgency, and providing new bases for the social assistance projects in the country. The Ministry of Social Development and Hunger Alleviation (Ministério de Desenvolvimento Social e Combate à Fome MDS) has sought to consolidate the importance of social protection, as legal policy in the defense, security and promotion of its actions on the range of the national territory. The basic social protection services have as main objective to prevent situations of personal and social risk through the development of psychosocial activities that work on strengthening of both family and community ties, actions developed by the Reference Center of Social Assistance (CRAS). Due to this reality, this project aims to promote a reflection on the limits and possibilities of the community psychosocial practices developed at the CRAS of Várzea Paulista city, from a critical analysis, under the theoretical and methodological referencial of the political psychology, about interventions to familiesunder the supervision of Social Services Bureau. It is worth mentioning that this research is focused in analyzing the particularities produced in Várzea Paulista between the years 2008-2012, particularly on the actions that have sought to promote popular education and political participation, through the implementation of tools such as Participatory Budget and municipal councils. In order to enable a productive inclusion of CRAS´s monitored families, it was introduced the methodology of the Solidarity Economy as a strategy to overcome the situations of vulnerability. In this context, we conducted an exploratory interview with the Manager of the Social Development Bureau, which provided us data about the projects developed, helping us to characterize the actions of Basic Social Protection. Likewise, semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted with professionals who participated in the CRAS´s actions during that period, besides focus groups with the workshop´s students, in order to ensure the look under the perspective of participants in the actions promoted by the Solidarity Economy. The focus group led discussions on topics such as: the CRAS itself and the community participation, its autonomy and empowerment. In this context, the discourse analysis was used in order to achieve a theoretical and methodological foundation, seeking to identify the meanings produced in the interviews and in the groups, analyzing the dilemmas, tensions and consequences of Community psychosocial practices developed at the CRAS. Therefore, some contributions were raised by the participants and, in their points of view, they have provided a better quality of their lives. Among these contributions we emphasize: new technical learnings, knowledge-acquiring processes on the products commercialization, expansion in the socialization and engagement with new activities previously restricted to the domestic environment. However, analysing from a dialectical perspective, we notice that these practices still focus on the strategies of integration into the labor market, reinforcing a neoliberal perspective and maintaining thestatus quo. Furthermore, we analyzed that such practices did not promote the expansion of a community and political involvement, which according Martin-Baró(1998) and Montero (2004, 2006) are fundamental to actions that are said to be empowering and emancipatory in order to break with fatalistic and excluding structures.

Facteurs de pérennisation d'un réseau de formation par les pairs : le cas des Réseaux d'Echanges Réciproques de Savoirs / Long-term factors of a peer learning network : the case of reciprocal knowledge exchanges networks

Le Boucher, Caroline 14 December 2015 (has links)
L’innovation sociale résiste mal à l'épreuve du temps. Quand la plupart des expériences s’épuisent et disparaissent rapidement, certaines parviennent à se pérenniser. Le cas des réseaux de formation entre pairs pose encore d’autres questions. Qu’il s’agisse de réseaux d'apprentissage, de communautés de pratiques, de dispositifs collaboratifs, de Massives Open Online Courses (MOOCs), de groupes d'entraide mutuelle ou de formations par les pairs, ils sont particulièrement soumis à des transformations en fonction des besoins, des actualisations de contenu ou des engagements : quelles sont les caractéristiques particulières de ces dispositifs ? Quelles logiques les acteurs mettent-ils en oeuvre pour les inscrire dans la durée ? Peut-on dégager de leur analyse des facteurs de pérennisation ?C'est principalement à ces questions que cette thèse apporte des éléments de réponse, en prenant appuis sur le cas des Réseaux d’Echanges Réciproques de Savoirs (RERS). Elle présente successivement : une approche sociohistorique des différentes formes de coformation depuis le 19ème siècle ; une revue de la littérature dans le domaine ; un cadre théorique principalement appuyé sur la sociologie des organisations et l’approche sociotechnique ; la méthodologie principalement inspirée de la théorie ancrée ; les résultats les plus pertinents.Ce que cette recherche montre est l’importance des convergences de valeurs, conceptions, récits, aspirations, types d'organisation et outils qui fondent identité du collectif d’acteur engagés qui combinent ces éléments dans des formes locales d’appropriation qui permettent une réinvention du sens des actions et des pratiques. / Social innovation stands up with difficulty to the test of time. While most experiments run down and disappear quickly, some of them perpetuate. The case of knowledge exchanges networks between peers raises other questions. Whether in the case of learning networks, of communities of practice, of collaborative devices, of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), of mutual help groups or fo training by peers, these networks are particularly subject to change according to needs, according to content updating or to commitments. How are these devices characterized? What are their actors’ logics in order to make them perpetuate? Can we bring to light, from their analysis, some factors of perpetuation? Our doctoral thesis tries to provides some answers to these questions, through the example of knowledge exchanges networks. We present research studies about peer training after having described their different forms since the 19th century, in a socio-historical perspective. Based on a methodology inspired from grounded theory, this thesis articulates research studies from the organisational sociology with the socio-technical approach of training. The case of knowledge exchanges networks brings to light the role of shared values, of conceptions, of narratives, of expectations, of types of organisation and of tools that forge a national identity, combined with local forms of appropriation of these components that allow to reinvent the sense of actions and practices.

Agrobiodiversidade e agroindústria familiar rural : espaços de diálogo sobre os produtos da agricultura familiar no Litoral Norte do Rio Grande do Sul

Luz, Lidiane Fernandes da January 2012 (has links)
O Litoral Norte do Rio Grande do Sul caracteriza-se por ser uma região diversificada ecológica e culturalmente, relacionada à formação Mata Atlântica, sobreposta à presença de diferentes etnias e grupos sociais com seus saberes e práticas. Diversas organizações estão atuando nessa região no que se refere, principalmente, a encontrar alternativas de renda que possam ser compatíveis com as normas estabelecidas para a conservação da Mata Atlântica e a viabilização das práticas dos agricultores. Essas organizações (associações, cooperativas, organizações não-governamentais e governamentais) estabeleceram um espaço de diálogo acerca dos produtos da agricultura familiar, que neste trabalho foram denominados de produtos da agrobiodiversidade. Sendo assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo geral analisar como diferentes atores sociais atuantes no Litoral Norte estão criando espaços de diálogo para viabilizar a produção de alimentos provenientes da agrobiodiversidade. Este objetivo geral contempla as prioridades desta pesquisa, que são: apontar as organizações que estão tratando desse tema, as relações que estabelecem entre si, o processo de diálogo que estão criando e o que está sendo debatido neste contexto. Os espaços de diálogo criados por estas organizações atuando em rede foram discutidos através da abordagem das comunidades de práticas, por caracterizarem-se enquanto ambientes de aprendizagem coletiva e construção de conhecimento. As complexas relações estabelecidas entre as organizações que atuam no espaço de diálogo sobre agrobiodiversidade apontam as divergências entre os envolvidos com esses produtos, valorizando seus aspectos culturais ou somente àqueles relacionados às normas sanitárias. No entanto, algumas semelhanças entre suas trajetórias, como uma maior proximidade com a agricultura familiar, podem ser um fator de coerência para avançarem enquanto grupo e construírem conjuntamente propostas em prol da agricultura familiar. Os agricultores se beneficiam desses encontros, principalmente no que se refere ao fomento à sua produção, que respaldam algumas de suas atividades, conferindo maior autonomia a essas pessoas e a reafirmação da importância do trabalho que desenvolvem. As formas de construir conhecimento coletivamente baseiam-se nos contatos sucessivos que possam propiciar uma interface entre os conhecimentos, técnico e local, a fim de atender as prioridades dos envolvidos. No entanto, constata-se que esse processo ocorre a longo prazo, o que não impede os agricultores de seguirem com suas práticas. Além disso, o fato de adequarem-se a legislação para a produção e comercialização de seus produtos apresenta algumas contradições, se por um lado pode legitimar as atividades dos agricultores familiares, por outro pode inibir algumas possibilidades criativas, restringindo-as à norma estabelecida. / The North Coast of Rio Grande do Sul State is characterized as a diversified ecological and cultural region, related to the formation of the Atlantic Forest, superimposed on the presence of different ethnicities and social groups with their various knowledges and practices. Diverse organizations are attending to their region mainly in regards to finding alternative income compatible with the standards of conservation of the Atlantic Forest and viability of the practices of farmers. These organizations (associations, cooperatives, organizations non-governmental and governmental organizations) have established a dialogue regarding the products of family farms, which in this work is labled products of agrobiodiversity. Thus, the general objective of this work is to analize how different social actors operating in the North Coast are creating dialogue to enable the viability of food production from the agrobiodiversity. This general objective contemplates the priorities of the research, that are: to highlight the organizations that are operating with in this theme, the relationships they establish between themselves, the process of dialogue that they are creating, and what is being discussed in this context. The spaces of dialogue created for these organizations operating in their network discusses the community practice, characterized as an environment of collective learning and knowledge building. The complex relationships established between the organizations that operate in this dialogue regarding agrobiodiversity highlight the divergence between those involved with these products, enhancing their cultural aspects or at least those related to health standards. However, some similarities between their trajectories, such as a greater proximity with family farming, may be a factor of coherence to advance this group and construct together proposals in favor of family farming. The farmers benefit from these meetings, particularly with regards to the increase in their production, that support some of their activities, giving more autonomy to these people and the re-affirmation of their work. The ways to collectively construct knowledge are based on the successive contacts that could provide an interface between knowledge, technical and local, to meet the priorities of those involved. However, though it appears that this process occurs in the long term, it does not impede the farmers to continue their practices. Moreover, the fact of conforming to the rules of production and marketing of their products does present some contradictions, on the one hand it may legitimize the activities of the farmers, on the other, it could inhibit some creative possibilities, restricting them to the established norm.

Agrobiodiversidade e agroindústria familiar rural : espaços de diálogo sobre os produtos da agricultura familiar no Litoral Norte do Rio Grande do Sul

Luz, Lidiane Fernandes da January 2012 (has links)
O Litoral Norte do Rio Grande do Sul caracteriza-se por ser uma região diversificada ecológica e culturalmente, relacionada à formação Mata Atlântica, sobreposta à presença de diferentes etnias e grupos sociais com seus saberes e práticas. Diversas organizações estão atuando nessa região no que se refere, principalmente, a encontrar alternativas de renda que possam ser compatíveis com as normas estabelecidas para a conservação da Mata Atlântica e a viabilização das práticas dos agricultores. Essas organizações (associações, cooperativas, organizações não-governamentais e governamentais) estabeleceram um espaço de diálogo acerca dos produtos da agricultura familiar, que neste trabalho foram denominados de produtos da agrobiodiversidade. Sendo assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo geral analisar como diferentes atores sociais atuantes no Litoral Norte estão criando espaços de diálogo para viabilizar a produção de alimentos provenientes da agrobiodiversidade. Este objetivo geral contempla as prioridades desta pesquisa, que são: apontar as organizações que estão tratando desse tema, as relações que estabelecem entre si, o processo de diálogo que estão criando e o que está sendo debatido neste contexto. Os espaços de diálogo criados por estas organizações atuando em rede foram discutidos através da abordagem das comunidades de práticas, por caracterizarem-se enquanto ambientes de aprendizagem coletiva e construção de conhecimento. As complexas relações estabelecidas entre as organizações que atuam no espaço de diálogo sobre agrobiodiversidade apontam as divergências entre os envolvidos com esses produtos, valorizando seus aspectos culturais ou somente àqueles relacionados às normas sanitárias. No entanto, algumas semelhanças entre suas trajetórias, como uma maior proximidade com a agricultura familiar, podem ser um fator de coerência para avançarem enquanto grupo e construírem conjuntamente propostas em prol da agricultura familiar. Os agricultores se beneficiam desses encontros, principalmente no que se refere ao fomento à sua produção, que respaldam algumas de suas atividades, conferindo maior autonomia a essas pessoas e a reafirmação da importância do trabalho que desenvolvem. As formas de construir conhecimento coletivamente baseiam-se nos contatos sucessivos que possam propiciar uma interface entre os conhecimentos, técnico e local, a fim de atender as prioridades dos envolvidos. No entanto, constata-se que esse processo ocorre a longo prazo, o que não impede os agricultores de seguirem com suas práticas. Além disso, o fato de adequarem-se a legislação para a produção e comercialização de seus produtos apresenta algumas contradições, se por um lado pode legitimar as atividades dos agricultores familiares, por outro pode inibir algumas possibilidades criativas, restringindo-as à norma estabelecida. / The North Coast of Rio Grande do Sul State is characterized as a diversified ecological and cultural region, related to the formation of the Atlantic Forest, superimposed on the presence of different ethnicities and social groups with their various knowledges and practices. Diverse organizations are attending to their region mainly in regards to finding alternative income compatible with the standards of conservation of the Atlantic Forest and viability of the practices of farmers. These organizations (associations, cooperatives, organizations non-governmental and governmental organizations) have established a dialogue regarding the products of family farms, which in this work is labled products of agrobiodiversity. Thus, the general objective of this work is to analize how different social actors operating in the North Coast are creating dialogue to enable the viability of food production from the agrobiodiversity. This general objective contemplates the priorities of the research, that are: to highlight the organizations that are operating with in this theme, the relationships they establish between themselves, the process of dialogue that they are creating, and what is being discussed in this context. The spaces of dialogue created for these organizations operating in their network discusses the community practice, characterized as an environment of collective learning and knowledge building. The complex relationships established between the organizations that operate in this dialogue regarding agrobiodiversity highlight the divergence between those involved with these products, enhancing their cultural aspects or at least those related to health standards. However, some similarities between their trajectories, such as a greater proximity with family farming, may be a factor of coherence to advance this group and construct together proposals in favor of family farming. The farmers benefit from these meetings, particularly with regards to the increase in their production, that support some of their activities, giving more autonomy to these people and the re-affirmation of their work. The ways to collectively construct knowledge are based on the successive contacts that could provide an interface between knowledge, technical and local, to meet the priorities of those involved. However, though it appears that this process occurs in the long term, it does not impede the farmers to continue their practices. Moreover, the fact of conforming to the rules of production and marketing of their products does present some contradictions, on the one hand it may legitimize the activities of the farmers, on the other, it could inhibit some creative possibilities, restricting them to the established norm.

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