Spelling suggestions: "subject:"competencybased"" "subject:"competencybased""
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An investigation of library literacy levels of flexible learners at the Canberra Institute of Technology: a pilot studyZobec, Helena, helena.zobec@canberra.edu.au January 1998 (has links)
The present study attempted to measure library literacy levels of open or flexible
learners at the Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) during the 1995 academic year,
and to investigate to what extent the information skills component of TAFE open
learning modules influence adult learners' library literacy levels.
To address these issues, a quasi-experimental research methodology was used to
measure library literacy levels at the beginning and, again, on or near course
completion to ascertain whether any change had occurred, through the administration
of a questionnaire. A number of participants were then interviewed to further validate
the responses fiom the questionnaires.
The study attempted to show that though courses claim to address key competencies
in a vocational education and training environment, one component of the key
competencies, the ability to collect, analyse and organise information, was not being
met. That one component was the ability to locate (or collect) information.
No strong correlations resulted fiom the library literacy levels measured and the
degree to which the key competency was addressed within course modules. No
statistical measures were possible due to the small sample population that eventuated,
though it was almost half the original targeted population. No real gain was achieved
in library literacy levels between the pretest and posttest stages of the research for
either the Experimental or Control groups. Though a highly suitable research
methodology, the quasi-experimental research design did have some limitations in this
piece of research. The CIT flexible learning environment at the time of the study
contributed to the limitations of the study.
However, a number of recommendations were made on the basis of the research
results, advocating some strategies that might be implemented to improve the library
literacy levels of learners undertaking open or flexible delivery courses within CIT,
and suggestions to change the research environment to avoid many of the problems
The CIT pilot study was the first known formally documented study of library literacy
levels in an Australian TAFE environment of its kind. The study reflects the literature
published at the time of the study. At that time, the research in this field was minimal.
Many publications and research have emerged since 1995 when this study was
conducted, indicating this is an area of great interest.
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Implementation of project based learning in a training package contextWright, Julie, j.wright@rmit.edu.au January 2008 (has links)
Training Packages form the basis upon which practitioners in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector in Australia develop their pedagogical processes. As workplaces adapt their practices to compete globally, demand for skilled and knowledgeable workers places pressure on institutional training providers such as TAFE to develop training programs that support the acquisition of higher order thinking skills in graduates. Using a competence based framework as a backdrop, the research centres on the notion of the place of Project Based Learning in a Training Package context. The research proposes that learning through projects is an effective means of integrating Training Package outcomes with an instructional model that engages learners in independent, flexible and reflective learning. The research was conducted retrospectively from a case study of an AQF Level 6 Textile, Clothing and Footwear Training Package Program at RMIT University TAFE. An Action Research approach underpins the investigation, resulting in the profiling of teaching, learning and assessment as areas in need of further examination. These defining themes are explored in the context of the Project Based Learning model developed at RMIT, with consideration given to the potential for broader application. The discussion concludes with a theoretical review of the new understandings of pedagogy. The study aims to establish that a constructive alignment exists between the behaviourist approach of Training Packages and the more constructivist theories behind Project Based Learning; rendering it a suitable instructional model that meets the needs of 21st century learners.
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An investigative study in the systematic application of effectiveness indicators for institutional improvement in northwest community collegesSorensen, James E. 15 April 1998 (has links)
In 1990, the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges moved to an
accreditation model based on outcomes, their assessment and deliberative attempts at
institutional change and improvement. No study existed in northwest community colleges
which identified the systematic application of effectiveness indicators for institutional
change and improvement. This study was conducted with primary administrators in
northwest community colleges that have completed the regional accreditation process
since 1990. It examined the perceived importance of using effectiveness indicators for
assessing institutional outcomes, and their congruence with actual or potential use in
making institutional change and improvements.
This study shows there is a positive relationship in community colleges between
the development of institutional effectiveness indicators and institutional change and
improvement. All administrators believed they should be using effectiveness indicators but
used them in varying degrees for planning, improving services, budgeting, accreditation,
program review and other decision making processes essential to the functioning of
community colleges. Although the use varied by category and administrative subgroup,
those administrators who had used effectiveness indicators believed their use led to
positive institutional change.
In order for this study to have an affect on northwest community colleges, several
important conditions need to be addressed. The Northwest Association of Schools and
Colleges must enforce Policy Statement 2.2, Policy on Educational Assessment, which
requires the adoption of an institutional effectiveness model. Community colleges must
embrace this model as a mechanism useful for the continuous improvement process.
Faculty, staff, administrators and boards must be trained in the application and use of the
institutional effectiveness model. Boards must establish outcomes or institutional goals
based on their unique mission and must hold the community college president accountable
for the achievement of institutional outcomes and the implementation of an assessment
process. Assessment must be completed at all levels of the institution. Institutions must
adopt an assessment model that reflects the institutions goals and objectives, and place its
responsibility prominently within the organization. Finally, measures must be developed at
each level or process by the persons closest to the process.
Failure to enforce accreditation standards will lead to publicly enacted performance
indicators aimed at achieving institutional effectiveness or accountability. / Graduation date: 1998
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Les perceptions d’étudiants au baccalauréat en sciences infirmières de l’utilisation du journal d’apprentissageBouchard, Luc 06 1900 (has links)
L’approche par compétences est de plus en plus choisie pour guider les curriculums universitaires de formation professionnelle. Accordant un intérêt primordial au développement des compétences, les responsables des programmes élaborés selon cette approche doivent déterminer les stratégies pédagogiques qui seront les plus efficaces et qui permettront une participation active de l’étudiant. Depuis plus de 30 années (Cameron et Mitchell, 1993; Wellard et Bethune, 1996), le journal d’apprentissage favorise la construction des savoirs en pratique clinique et le développement de la pensée réflexive, une compétence nécessaire à la pratique des infirmières qui s’inspirent d’une vision spécifique de la discipline, comme celle du modèle de McGill (Kravitz et Frey, 1989; Thorpe, 2003). Malgré cela, les études sur les perceptions d’étudiants relativement au journal d’apprentissage sont rares, et ce, surtout au Canada (Epp, 2008). Il importe de s’intéresser aux perceptions d’étudiants afin d’atteindre l’efficacité optimale de l’outil. Le but de cette étude était d’explorer les perceptions d’étudiants au baccalauréat en sciences infirmières de l’utilisation du journal d’apprentissage. Elle a été réalisée auprès d’étudiants de 2e et 3e année, selon un devis de type qualitatif exploratoire. Les participants (n=52) ont rempli un formulaire constitué d’une mise en situation comprenant 5 questions ouvertes. L’analyse des données a fait émerger trois thèmes principaux de l’utilisation du journal soit : un outil personnel, un outil de communication et un outil d’apprentissage de la pratique. Des recommandations pour la formation et la recherche sont formulées. / The competency-based approach is increasingly chosen to guide university curriculum. In according an essential interest to the competency development, the responsible for programs developed using this approach must determine the most effective learning strategy. In the last 30 years (Cameron et Mitchell, 1993; Wellard et Bethune, 1996), the learning journal promote the building of clinical knowledge and the development of reflexive thinking, a competency that is necessary to the practice nurses inspired by a specific vision of the discipline, like the McGill model (Kravitz et Frey, 1989; Thorpe, 2003). Despite this, the studies on the student’s perceptions on the learning journal are rare, especially in Canada (Epp, 2008). It is important to look at student’s perceptions to attain the optimal efficacy of the tool. The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions of undergraduate students in nursing of the utilization of learning journal. It was realized with 2nd and 3rd year undergraduate students in nursing, using a qualitative exploratory research design. The participants (N=52) completed a form presenting a simulated situation that contained 5 open ended questions. The three main themes that emerged during data analysis on the utilization of the learning journal were: a personal tool, a communication tool and a learning practice tool. Recommendations for education and future research are offered.
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Construcció de la identitat professional del tutor o la tutora de secundàriaGiner, Antoni 01 June 2011 (has links)
La Tesis Doctoral que s’ha realitzat aporta nous elements en la construcció de l’orientació al sistema escolar i en la consolidació i definició competencial dels tutors dels centres de secundària.
Els canvis socials comporten una nova realitat a les aules i unes noves necessitats de l’alumnat. Saber què s’ha de fer, com s’ha de fer quan s’ha de fer, per a què s’ha de fer, són qüestions fonamentals per desenvolupar un treball tutorial de qualitat.
La construcció de la identitat professional i competencial dels docents en l’àmbit tutorial per donar resposta a aquestes necessitats és fa del tot necessari. La identitat docent s’inicia en la formació inicial del docent i es dona al llarg de tota la vida professional. Aquesta identitat no sorgeix automàticament com a resultat d’un títol professional, ans el contrari, cal construir-la.
Una construcció de la identitat professional i competencial que ve donada per una necessitat de donar respostes a situacions que sempre són diferents, a prendre decisions de les quals ningú els ha ensenyat la resposta, a plantejar-se uns valors que condicionaran la resolució dels diferents conflictes; en definitiva, a saber ser autònom i eficaç en el treball tutorial.
L’ICE de la UB porta a terme el curs de postgrau “La tutoria i la seva pràctica” per donar resposta a la necessitat formativa del tutor o tutora esmentada anteriorment. El seu inici va ser el curs 2005/06. Aquesta formació és de caire professionalitzador i té per finalitat aprofundir en la construcció professional dels docents com a tutors o tutores de centres educatius en secundària.
La construcció professional dels tutors precisa d’una formació estructurada i personalitzada que aporti el canvi d’actituds, l’adquisició de coneixements i el desenvolupament de les habilitats que calguin per ser competent en aquells aspectes necessaris per ser un bon tutor o tutora en el segle XXI.
La recerca que es presenta té una doble finalitat, en un primer moment aporta la construcció d’una categorització competencial del tutor o tutora, i en un segon moment avaluar, des dels seus inicis, la proposta formativa, el procés formatiu i els resultats que s’han desprenen en el camp professional. En definitiva, s’ha volgut saber si els tutors i tutores que han realitzat la formació tenen adquirides les competències necessàries per donar resposta a les necessitats professionals com a tutor o tutora del segle XXI.
La recerca parteix definint un marc conceptual amb les implicacions socials, educatives i d’orientació en la construcció del marc competencial tutorial.
La metodologia emprada ha estat diversa. En la construcció del marc competencial s’ha utilitzat el mètode Delphi amb doble comissió d’experts. Per portar a terme la recerca avaluativa del programa formatiu s’ha utilitzat el model CIPP de Stufflebeam com a model d’avaluació sistèmica, i en concret l’avaluació de producte, s’ha basat en el model d’avaluació de resultats de Kirkpatrick.
Els resultats obtinguts han estat molt nombrosos i significatius. La categorització competencial ha estat validada per la comunitat professional i científica. Ha quedat de manifest la importància de certes competències per sobre d’altres, però en definitiva, totes són necessàries per portar a terme la tasca tutorial. S’han recollit un nombre significatiu d’indicadors de resultats d’aprenentatge de cadascuna de les competències. Les dades recollides en la recerca avaluativa del programa formatiu han estat molt amplies i significatives. Destacar que la recerca aporta dades significatives de l’aprenentatge competencial que ha realitzat el professorat de secundària al realitzat el procés formatiu. La formació rebuda pel professorat compensa les diferencies significatives que es donen a la població control en referència a les diferents variables que s’han seguit: gènere, edat, experiència docent, experiència tutorial, etapa educativa, titularitat del centre educatiu, titulació del professorat, àmbit docent i formació permanent.
La recerca presenta un capítol de propostes de millora i prospectives. / This Doctoral Thesis brings new elements in the construction of the school system orientation and the definition and consolidation of the tutors’ competencies in the secondary education centres. The professional construction of teachers in the tutorship field starts with the teacher’s initial training and it goes all throughout their professional life.
The ICE of the UB conducts a graduates’ course named “The tutorship and its practice” to give an answer to the tutors’ need of their ongoing training. It is a course of a professional nature and it aims to go further in helping teachers improve as tutors of secondary education schools.
This investigation has a dual purpose: in the first place to categorize the competences a tutor should have and secondly to evaluate the training programme, the training process and the results obtained in the professional field. It starts with the definition of the conceptual framework with the social, educational and of guidance implications in building the tutor’s competencies framework.
The methodologies used have been diverse. The Delphi method with double jury of experts has been the one used in the building of the competencies framework. The Stufflebeam’s CIPP method has been used to carry out the evaluation-research of the training programme, as a systemic evaluation model; finally, to specifically evaluate the product, the Kirkpatrick’s results’ evaluation model has been employed.
The results obtained have been very numerous and significant.
The categorization of competencies has been validated by the scientific and professional community. An important number of indicators of the training results of each competency has been obtained.
The data collected in the research of the educational programme have been very extensive, evaluative and meaningful. Note that the search brings significant data of the competence learning to perform the training process.
The training received by teachers makes up for the significant differences that occur in the control group regarding the different variables followed: genre, age, teaching experience, tutorial experience, education, ownership of the educational centre, teachers’ qualifications, teaching field and permanent training.
The research includes a chapter of suggestions for improvement and forward-looking proposals.
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A sense of being /Lange, Deborah. January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc. (Hons.)) -- University of Western Sydney, 2000. / "A thesis for the degree of Master in Applied Science" Bibliography : leaves 209-219.
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Understanding workplace-based learning contexts to inform curriculum development : the case of a Level 5 Environmental Education, Training and Development Practice Qualification /Wigley, Jonathan James. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M. Ed. (Education))--Rhodes University, 2006. / Half-thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Education (Environmental Education).
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Uitkomsgebaseerde onderwys vir leerders met verstandelik erg-gestremdheidDorfling, Pieter Stephanus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since 2001 an inclusive approach is being followed in education in South Africa.
According to this approach all learners must be taught in one education system and
according to the same curriculum, namely the National Curriculum Statement
Grades R to 9 (Schools). To ensure that this outcomes-based curriculum is relevant
and effective in the teaching of learners with a severe intellectual disability, it is
important to evaluate the curriculum and to adapt it if necessary.
Learners with a severe intellectual disability form a distinctive educational community
marked by their high need for continuous support, specific educational strategies and
appropriate learning content. In the past, these learners received their education
outside the mainstream of education according to an own, appropriate curriculum.
However, since 2004 they have been required to receive their education according to
the National Curriculum Statement Grades R to 9 (Schools).
The aim of this research was to establish the effectiveness and relevance of the
National Curriculum Statement Grades R to 9 (Schools) in the education of learners
with a severe intellectual disability. A mixed-method research design, which included
a literature survey, an empirical, as well as focus group interviews, was applied.
By means of the literature survey, the demands were determined that are made on
the curriculum by learners with a severe intellectual disability, their parents, the
community, and the work community. The demands that educators make on the
curriculum were determined by means of an empirical survey. This survey revealed
that outcomes-based education is not generally implemented in the 21 schools
included in this study. These findings formed the basis on which curriculum
evaluation criteria were developed and according to which the National Curriculum
Statement Grades R to 9 (Schools) was evaluated.
By applying these criteria it was established that in some instances the National
Curriculum Statement Grades R to 9 (Schools) does not comply with the demands of
the determinants. The deduction could however be made that the National
Curriculum Statement Grades R to 9 (Schools) has sufficient adaptable built-in
features to be effective and relevant for learners with a severe intellectual disability.
Recommendations were made on how best to make the necessary adaptations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In Suid-Afrika word sedert 2001 'n meer inklusiewe benadering tot onderrig gevolg.
Hiervolgens moet alle leerders binne een onderwysstelsel volgens een kurrikulum,
naamlik die Nasionale Kurrikulumverklaring Graad R tot 9 (Skole), onderrig word.
Ten einde te verseker dat hierdie uitkomsgebaseerde kurrikulum relevant en
doeltreffend is in die onderrig van leerders met verstandelik erg-gestremdheid is dit
noodsaaklik om die kurrikulum te evalueer en dienooreenkomstig die bevindinge aan
te pas, indien nodig.
Leerders met verstandelik erg-gestremdheid vorm vanweë hul intellektuele
vermoëns 'n duidelik herkenbare onderwysgemeenskap wat gekenmerk word deur
hul behoefte aan deurlopende ondersteuning, spesifieke onderrigstrategieë en
toepaslike leerinhoude. In die verlede het hul onderrig buite die hoofstroomonderwys
geskied aan die hand van 'n eie, toepaslike kurrikulum, maar sedert 2004 moet hul
onderrig ook volgens die Nasionale Kurrikulumverklaring Graad R tot 9 (Skole)
Die doel van hierdie navorsing was om die doeltreffendheid en relevansie van die
Nasionale Kurrikulumverklaring Graad R tot 9 (Skole) vir leerders met verstandelik
erg-gestremdheid te bepaal. 'n Gemengde-navorsingsmetode-ontwerp wat 'n
literatuuroorsig, 'n meningsopname asook fokusgroep-onderhoude ingesluit het, is
By wyse van die literatuurondersoek is die eise bepaal wat leerders met verstandelik
erg-gestremdheid, hul ouers, die gemeenskap, en die werkgemeenskap aan die
kurrikulum vir leerders met verstandelik erg-gestremdheid stel. Die eise wat
opvoeders stel is deur middel van 'n empiriese ondersoek bepaal en dui aan dat
uitkomsgebaseerde onderrig nie algemeen aangewend word in die 21 skole in die
ondersoek nie. Aan die hand van hierdie bevindinge is kurrikulumevalueringskriteria
ontwikkel waarmee die Nasionale Kurrikulumverklaring Graad R tot 9 (Skole)
geëvalueer is.
By die toepassing van die kriteria is gevind dat die Nasionale Kurrikulumverklaring
Graad R tot 9 (Skole) in sekere opsigte nie behoorlik aan die eise van die
determinante voldoen nie. Die gevolgtrekking is gemaak dat die Nasionale
Kurrikulumverklaring Graad R tot 9 (Skole) egter genoeg aanpasbaarheidselemente
het om doeltreffend en relevant te wees vir leerders met verstandelik erggestremdheid.
Aanbevelings is gedoen oor hoe die aanpassings gemaak kan word.
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Housing knowledge of final year student teachers at Esikhawini College of Education : implications for the development of housing unit standardsDlamini, Buyi P. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MConsumerScience)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The provision of housing in South Africa is a national priority. As many aspirant homeowners
are first-time homeowners, they are not necessarily informed about the pitfalls of home
ownership. Although the Government has attempted short-term solutions aimed at equipping
these housing consumers with the necessary knowledge and skills to make informed and
responsible housing-related decisions, research pointed to the need for a sustainable longterm
solution in the form of education and training of the housing consumer. There must be a
concentrated effort to provide housing education to consumers, since everyone has a
constitutional right of access to adequate housing. Unless consumers are equipped with
adequate knowledge and information to make informed choices, this right will not be realised
and the housing market shall not function effectively.
The main objective of the research study was to determine the basic housing knowledge of
the senior student teachers of the Esikhawini College of Education in KwaZulu Natal. The
second objective was to develop an illustrative Unit Standard for teacher qualification
programmes on the fifth level of the National Oualificationa Framework (NOF).
The sixteen housing education and training core concepts identified by Serfontein (2001 :120)
namely Basic Housing Technology, Community, Cultural Aspects of Housing, Environment,
Financial Aspects of Housing, Housing Consumerism, Housing Design and Decoration,
Housing Market, Housing Needs, Housing Policy, Legal Aspects of Housing, Resource
Management, Role-players in Housing, Sources of Housing Information, Tenure Options and
Types of Housing were used to compile a questionnaire which was administered to the senior
students of Esikhawini College of Education. The aim was to determine the basic knowledge
that respondents possessed. The data collected formed the background for the illustrative
Unit Standard for Housing Education that was developed in this research study. The
development of Unit Standards for Housing Education is very necessary and timely as the
Department of Housing, who seeks to develop a systematic housing consumer education
framework for South Africa, have recommended that Housing Education should be included in
the formal education curriculum. If the recommendations of the Department of Housing are implemented and housing
education is included in the school curriculum, well-qualified and trained teachers would be
needed to facilitate the learning of the content. Therefore housing education should be
included in student teacher training programmes. The illustrative Unit Standard for Housing
Education developed in this research study is ideally suited for this purpose. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die beskikbaarstelling van behuising in Suid-Afrika is 'n nasionale prioriteit. Aangesien baie
aspirant huiseienaars nog nie vantevore huise besit het nie, is hulle nie noodwendig ingelig
oor die struikelblokke van huiseienaarskap nie. Alhoewel die regering korttermyn pogings
aangewend het om behuisingverbruikers toe te rus met die nodige kennis en vaardighede om
ingeligte en verantwoordelike behuisingsbesluite te kan neem, toon navorsing dat daar 'n
behoefte is aan 'n langtermyn, standhoudende oplossing in die vorm van opvoeding en die
opleiding van behuisingsverbruikers. Daar moet 'n doelgerigte strewe wees om
behuisingsopvoeding aan verbruikers te verskaf aangesien almal die konstitusionele reg tot
gepaste behuising het. Tensy verbruikers toegerus word met gepaste kennis en inligting om
ingeligte besluite te kan neem, sal hierdie reg nie gerealiseer kan word nie, en sal die
behuisingsmark nie effektief kan funksioneer nie.
Die hoofdoelwit van die navorsingstudie was om die basiese behuisingskennis van senior
onderwysstudente aan die Esikhawini College of Education in KwaZulu Natal te bepaal. Die
tweede doelwit was om 'n Eenheidstandaard vir Behuisingsopvoeding vir
onderwysprogramme op die vyfde vlak van die Nasionale Kwalifikasie Raamwerk (NKR) te
Die sestien Behuisingsopvoeding en -opleiding kernkonsepte wat deur Serfontein (2001: 120)
geïdentifiseer is, naamlik Basiese Behuisingstegnologie, Gemeenskap, Kulturele Aspekte van
Behuising, Omgewing, Finansiële Aspekte van Behuising, Behuisingsverbruik,
Behuisingsontwerp en -versiering, Behuisingsmark, Behuisingsbehoeftes, Behuisingsbeleid,
Regsaspekte van Behuising, Hulpbronbestuur, Rolspelers in Behuising, Bronne van
behuisingsinformasie, Huisverblyfopsies en Tipes Behuising is gebruik om 'n vraelys op te
stel wat ingevul is deur die senior onderwysstudente aan die Esikhawini College of Education.
Die doel was om die basiese kennis van die respondente te bepaal. Die data wat ingesamel
is, het die onderbou gevorm van die Behuising Eenheidstandaard wat in dié navorsingstudie
ontwikkel is. Die ontwikkeling van Eenheidstandaarde vir Behuisingsopvoeding en Opleiding
is noodsaaklik en tydig vir die Departement van Behuising, aangesien hulle poog om 'n sistematiese behuisingsverbruikers-opvoedingsraamwerk vir Suid-Afrika daar te stel. Die
Departement het aanbeveel dat behuisingsopvoeding ingesluit moet word in die formele
As die aanbevelings van die Departement van Behuising geïmplementeer word, en
behuisingsopvoeding in die skoolkurrikulum ingesluit word, sal goedgekwalifiseerde,
opgeleide onderwysers benodig word om hierdie inligting aan die leerders voor te hou. Om
hierdie rede moet behuisingsopvoeding ingesluit word in die opleidingsprogramme van
onderwysstudente. Die Eenheidstandaard vir Behuising wat in hierdie studie ontwikkel is, sou
optimaal aangewend kon word vir hierdie doel.
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La profession d'interprète Langue des signes québécoise-français : vers un profil de sortie de la formationTrudeau, Frédérick 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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