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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'influence du droit de la concurrence français et européen sur la réglementation antitrust des pays arabes : l'exemple du Maroc / The influence of French and EU Competition law on competition law of Arab countries : the case of Morocco

Mansour, Mohammed Amine 23 November 2017 (has links)
La thèse propose une analyse de l’influence du droit français et de l’UE de la concurrence sur celui des pays en voie de développement en s’appuyant sur une étude du cas marocain ainsi que d’autres pays arabes. Au niveau mondial, le droit de la concurrence est actuellement dominé par deux régimes : le premier est américain, le second est européen. Dans ce contexte, les pays en voie de développement qui souhaitent adopter un régime de droit de la concurrence ou réformer celui préexistant se tournent naturellement vers l’un de ces deux modèles dominants. En s’appuyant sur l’expérience européenne en matière du droit de la concurrence, le Maroc et d’autres pays arabes ne dérogent pas à cette règle. Par conséquent, il devient nécessaire de s’interroger sur la logique d’un tel phénomène. En s’appuyant sur une étude du cas marocain, cette recherche tend, dans un premier temps, à identifier non seulement comment le phénomène d’influence se manifeste mais également les facteurs lui permettant de prendre place. En procédant de la sorte, l’objectif est de révéler, dans un second temps, si une telle influence est en ligne avec les besoins d’un pays en voie de développement comme le Maroc. / This research focuses on the influence of EU competition law on developing countries by taking Morocco and other Arabic countries as a case study.On the world stage, the field of competition law is currently dominated by two main regimes: one is American, the other is European. In this context, developing countries intending to acquire a sound competition regime naturally turn to one of the dominant models. Morocco as a developing country, do not derogate from this rule and rely on the European experience so that it seems relevant to wonder whether this phenomenon could somehow be questioned.This dissertation has two folds. By taking Morocco as case study, the Thesis investigates first not only how does this influence manifest itself but also the factors allowing it to take roots. Second, it critically assesses whether such influence is in line with the needs of developing countries such as Morocco.

Regulação e concorrência nas telecomunicações da União Europeia : evoluções e perspectivas em busca de um mercado interno no setor

Moraes, Ricardo Leal de January 2012 (has links)
O trabalho é focado no setor de telecomunicações na União Europeia, sendo analisado como este vem sendo disciplinado no bloco e quais são as perspectivas para sua disciplina no futuro, inclusive considerando os objetivos específicos da União Europeia, dentre os quais se destaca a constituição de mercados internos do setor. O setor de telecomunicações possui relevante característica dúplice: além de uma atividade econômica específica, também é um meio indispensável ao desenvolvimento de inúmeras outras atividades. Desde a década de 1980, sua disciplina vem em constante transformação. A maioria dos países superou o entendimento de que o setor constitui um monopólio natural e introduziu, ou está introduzindo, a concorrência em seus mercados. O mesmo está ocorrendo na União Europeia, na qual este processo já está em avançado estágio. Assim, no trabalho é apresentado o modelo comunitário de introdução da concorrência nas telecomunicações, baseado na edição de diretivas, com sucessivas etapas de graduais reformas na disciplina do setor. A análise da aplicação do modelo revela uma aproximação do direito da concorrência e da regulação setorial específica, com diminuição e, inclusive, abolição desta, quando constatada concorrência efetiva. Sob o ponto de vista prático, os resultados da aplicação deste modelo são positivos, com melhoria das telecomunicações comunitárias em diferentes indicadores. Contudo, também são observadas imperfeições e aspectos a serem aprimorados. Neste trabalho é demonstrado que, mesmo nos atuais mercados de telecomunicações competitivos na União Europeia, há espaço para a aplicação concomitante do direito da concorrência e da regulação específica do setor. É exposto que a perspectiva para o futuro da disciplina das telecomunicações na União Europeia consiste no fortalecimento da aplicação do direito da concorrência em mercados com concorrência efetiva, mas com manutenção e, inclusive, fortalecimento da regulação específica, no que tange aos aspectos mais técnicos e peculiares do setor, com vistas ao funcionamento de uma verdadeira rede virtual europeia. Para tanto, aponta-se que deverão ser aprimorados aspectos relacionados à constituição de mercados transfronteiriços, especialmente com tecnologias sem fio, à constituição de infraestruturas alternativas, aos incentivos às redes de próxima geração, ao foco em mercados grossistas, à defesa dos consumidores e ao melhor funcionamento das autoridades setoriais. / This study is focused on the European Union telecommunications sector, with an analysis of how it has been governed in that region and the prospects for its treatment in the future, taking into account the specific objectives of the European Union, mainly in relation to the establishment of the internal market. The telecommunications sector has a double relevant characteristic: besides being a specific economic activity, it is also an indispensable means to the development of countless other activities. Since the 1980s, its regulation has come in constant transformation. Most countries have overcome the understanding that the sector constitutes one natural monopoly and have introduced, or are introducing, competition in their markets. The same is occurring in the European Union, where this process is already in an advanced stage. Therefore, this study presents the community model of introducing competition in telecommunications, based on the issuance of directives, with successive stages of gradual reforms in the sector. The analysis of its enforcement shows an approximation of competition law and sector specific regulation, with a reduction and even abolition of the latter, when effective competition is found. From the practical point of view, the results of enforcing this model are positive, with improvement of community telecommunications in different indicators. However, some flaws and improvement aspects are also observed. This study demonstrates that even in today's competitive telecommunications markets in the European Union, there is room for the enforcement of both competition law and sector specific regulation. It shows that the outlook for the future of the telecommunications in the European Union is to enforce the competition law in markets with effective competition, maintaining and even strengthening, however, specific regulation regarding the more technical and peculiar aspects of the sector, aiming at true European virtual networks. To this end, aspects such as the establishment of internal markets, especially with wireless technologies, the provision of alternative infrastructure, incentives for nextgeneration networks, wholesale markets, consumer protection and better functioning of authorities should be improved.

Zpřístupnění důkazů v rámci sporů o náhradu škody způsobené porušením soutěžního práva. / Disclosure of evidence in relation to an action based on competition law infringements.

Růžek, Mikoláš January 2018 (has links)
Disclosure of evidence in relation to an action based on competition law infringements Abstract This thesis is about private competition law enforcement and its procedural aspects. The topic is analyzed in the context of transposition of the Directive on actions for damages for competition law infringements into Czech law. Specifically, the thesis analyzes disclosure of evidence in the context of information asymmetry between parties to a civil litigation. Information asymmetry is being understood in the thesis as a situation in which the information relevant for case of one party to a dispute is controlled by the other party, while latter does not have any incentive to introduce this information to the proceedings. Solution to this issue is analyzed by comparison with the solution utilized in the US system, which is unique in its reliance on private enforcement. The thesis firstly introduces possible solutions to information asymmetry in the civil procedure and notes advantages and disadvantages of each solution. It also discusses the way these different solutions affect cost effectiveness of the proceedings. The thesis then continues to discuss American discovery in more detail; it describes its evolution and its criticism. After this introduction of the American system, the thesis moves on to discuss the...

Dohody narušující hospodářskou soutěž v mezinárodním prostředí / Cross-border Anti-competitive Agreements

Tupá, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT Cross-border Anti-competitive Agreements Functional market mechanism, as an essential element of a market economy, is a prerequisite for the economic prosperity of advanced democratic states. A completely crucial element of its functionality is free competition, the protection of which is regulated by competition law. However, competition does not apply consistently across all sectors. In this thesis I focuse on its application within the financial services area. This sector`s nature is very specific because we must always strive to maintain financial stability when implementing any measures. How should legislation respond to these aspects respond and how should the competition policy itself be shaped? Is regulation of this area necessary or does the competition intself represent a thread to the financial stability of the system? In order to fully understand the specifics of this area, it is firstly necessary to become familiar with the economic aspect of competition law and the nature of these white-collar crimes. Consequently, I will focus on the application of the competition law on financial services, taking into account new technologies and their influence on the structure of this market. The impact of competition on the banking sector is one of the core parts of this thesis. Based on an...

La preuve en droit des pratiques anticoncurrentielles / Proof and evidence in antitrust law litigation

Baillat, Mathilde 10 December 2014 (has links)
Droit répressif, droit des entreprises et du marché, situé aux confins du juridique et de l'économique, à la charnière des procédures et à la croisée des ordres juridiques nationaux et européens, le droit de la concurrence est un domaine original et complexe. Ces caractères laissent assurément leur empreinte sur la preuve, qui doit alors relever de nouveaux défis. La violation d'une règle de concurrence porte d'abord atteinte à l'ordre public économique; elle constitue aussi une atteinte aux intérêts privés et individuels des victimes de ces agissements anticoncurrentiels. Si ces deux volets, public et privé, du droit des pratiques anticoncurrentielles sont donc complémentaires et que l'effectivité du second contribue en effet à l'efficacité du premier, les difficultés relatives à la preuve se posent cependant en des termes différents. Dès lors, la recherche d'une cohérence des règles relatives à la preuve en droit des pratiques anticoncurrentielles impliquait une approche globale, seule permettant d'atteindre un équilibre dynamique, entre les exigences et garanties du droit de la preuve et les impératifs du droit de la concurrence. Il ressort des évolutions récentes qu'un tel équilibre peut être aujourd'hui constaté entre les règles substantielles et les règles processuelles de preuve applicables, tant dans le contentieux public que privé. L'étude de la preuve en droit des pratiques anticoncurrentielles permet ainsi de révéler que le droit de la concurrence tend aujourd'hui mieux qu'hier à concilier l'efficacité de sa mise en œuvre et la protection des droits de ses acteurs. / Competition law is markedly complex and original. Addressing both companies and markets, it combines punitive and regulative features, uses economic as well as legal tools of analysis and stands at the intersection of national and European law in both its procedural and substantial provisions. These features undoubtedly affect its use of evidence and proof. While competition law's fi st aim is to protect public economic policy, it also ensures the protection of private and individual interests against anti-competitive practices. Combining aspects of both private and public law in a complementary way, it effectively protects the interests of public policy by ensuring the protection of private actors against anti-competitive practices. While the double nature of the law on anti-competitive practices entails a different treatment of proof and evidence in the respective fields of public and private enforcement, both aspects need to be addressed together in order to reach a dynamic balance between the imperatives of competition law on the one hand and the requirements and guarantees embodied by the rules on proof and evidence on the other hand. Recent developments show that a balance between substantial and procedural rules on proof and evidence has indeed been reached in the fields of both public and private enforcement. A close study of the law on proof and evidence in the field of anti­competitive practices thus shows that today's competition law tends towards ensuring its efficient implementation as well as protecting the rights of its actors.

Direito concorrencial na República Popular da China: abuso de posição dominante das empresas estatais chinesas no cenário internacional

Torres, Rafael Nery January 2016 (has links)
O Direito Internacional da Concorrência é o ramo do direito que protege o exercício da liberdade de concorrência. Liberdade esta que, com o desenvolvimento do mundo globalizado, vem sendo atacada pelas multinacionais, causando prejuízo às economias tanto locais quanto internacionais, assim como aos consumidores, se fazendo necessária a intervenção estatal para regulação desses conflitos. Entretanto, emerge um novo conflito quando o Estado detém o controle acionário de uma empresa, como é o caso das empresas estatais. Tal panorama vem se agravando e causando conflitos concorrenciais no cenário global. A China, país em que tradicionalmente o governo detinha controle de todas as empresas nele constituídas, após a abertura de mercado, vem adotando constantes reformas de políticas de mercado com o viés de introduzir a alta tecnologia e expandir as relações comerciais com os demais países do mundo. Hodiernamente, após as reformas comerciais e estruturais das empresas estatais, a China determinou que setores-chave considerados importantes para segurança econômica chinesa serão de controle estatal, isto é, com monopólio estatal. Isto posto, a presente investigação procurou verificar se as empresas estatais chinesas estariam abusando de sua posição dominante para além das fronteiras e infringindo, sobretudo, a própria legislação concorrencial da China, cuja promulgação fora exigida pelos demais membros da Organização Mundial do Comércio. A investigação se dividiu em três partes essenciais: primeiro sobre as transformações econômicas, mercantis, sociais e jurídicas chinesas, principalmente no período posterior ao século XX; na segunda parte, se tratou do direito concorrencial na China, confrontando-o com as empresas estatais; e no último capítulo, foram verificados casos administrativos e judiciais perante os órgãos de regulamentação concorrencial. Pretendeu-se, pelo método dedutivo de pesquisa, verificar se a dicotomia formada entre a proteção governamental às empresas estatais fere a liberdade de um mercado competitivo. Buscou-se, assim, verificar se a atividade das empresas estatais chinesas ocupou fatia relevante de mercado a ponto de abusar da sua posição dominante e se é a China um palco para a aplicação de penalidades, visando à ordem e à liberdade concorrencial. Conclui-se que ocorre tratamento desigual na imposição de penalidades por práticas de abuso de posição dominante quando se tratam de empresas estrangeiras e empresas estatais chinesas. Denotou-se por meio da análise casuística que os esforços dos órgãos de fiscalização concorrencial chineses no combate a práticas anticoncorrenciais são alcançados, até o presente momento, quando versam sobre empresas estrangeiras, enquanto que as empresas estatais recebem tratamento dessemelhante e permissivo às práticas monopolistas. / The International Competition Law is the law that protects the freedom of competition. Freedom of which, with the development of the globalized world, comes under attack by multinationals, causing damage to the economies both local and international, as well as consumers, making it necessary the state intervention to regulate these conflicts. However, emerges into a new conflict when the state holds a controlling stake of the company, such as state-owned enterprises. This scenario has been growing worse and causing conflicts competitive on the global stage. China, which traditionally held control of all companies set up in it, after the opening of the market, has been adopting constant market policy reforms with the bias to introduce high technology and expanding trade relations with other countries worldwide. In our times, after trade and structural reforms of state-owned enterprises, China has determined that key sectors of the economy considered important to China's economic security will be of state control. Accordingly, the present investigation sought to ascertain whether chinese state-owned enterprises were abusing their dominant position beyond the borders and in particular violating China's own competition law, which was demanded by the other members of the World Trade Organization The investigation was divided into three essential parts: first on the chinese economic, mercantile, social and legal transformations, mainly in the period after the twentieth century; on the second part, it dealt with competition law in China, confronting it with state enterprises; and in the last chapter, administrative and judicial cases were verified before the regulatory bodies of competition. It was intended, by the deductive method of research, to verify if the dichotomy formed between governmental protection of state-owned enterprises hurts the freedom of a competitive market. It was therefore sought to ascertain whether the activity of Chinese state-owned enterprises occupied a relevant market share to the extent of abusing its dominant position and whether China is a stage for the application of penalties for order and competitive freedom. It is concluded that there is unequal treatment in the imposition of consequences for abuse of dominant positions when dealing with foreign companies and chinese state-owned enterprises. The case-by-case analysis has shown that the efforts of Chinese competition authorities in the fight against anticompetitive practices have so far been reached when dealing with foreign companies, while state-owned enterprises are treated differently and permissively from monopoly practices.

Soutěžněprávní aspekty technické standardizace, užívání a ochrany práv duševního vlastnictví / Competition law aspects of technical standardization, use and protection of intellectual property rights

Pelcman, Lukáš January 2018 (has links)
Competition law aspects of technical standardization, use and protection of intellectual property rights Abstract The thesis deals with mutual relationship between intellectual property law and competition law in the context of technical standardization - i.e. process which gives rise to a significant number of potential conflicts between the two legal areas. It is analysed, in the context of technical standardization, in what way are subjective rights of intellectual property right owners limited by competition law regulation. It falls within the ambit of this thesis to evaluate whether respective legal framework fulfils necessary requirements on legal certainty and whether it is applied in the same manner to each undertaking, or if there are any discrepancies as to the application of the legal framework dependent on the kind of the undertaking. This thesis particularly concerns with competition law aspects of standardization in information and communication technology sector and selected issues related to use or protection of intellectual property rights in connection to article 101 and 102 TFEU. First chapter explains what the term technical standard entails, introduces de facto and de jure standards, describes the process of their creation and analyses potential effects of this process on the...

Direito concorrencial na República Popular da China: abuso de posição dominante das empresas estatais chinesas no cenário internacional

Torres, Rafael Nery January 2016 (has links)
O Direito Internacional da Concorrência é o ramo do direito que protege o exercício da liberdade de concorrência. Liberdade esta que, com o desenvolvimento do mundo globalizado, vem sendo atacada pelas multinacionais, causando prejuízo às economias tanto locais quanto internacionais, assim como aos consumidores, se fazendo necessária a intervenção estatal para regulação desses conflitos. Entretanto, emerge um novo conflito quando o Estado detém o controle acionário de uma empresa, como é o caso das empresas estatais. Tal panorama vem se agravando e causando conflitos concorrenciais no cenário global. A China, país em que tradicionalmente o governo detinha controle de todas as empresas nele constituídas, após a abertura de mercado, vem adotando constantes reformas de políticas de mercado com o viés de introduzir a alta tecnologia e expandir as relações comerciais com os demais países do mundo. Hodiernamente, após as reformas comerciais e estruturais das empresas estatais, a China determinou que setores-chave considerados importantes para segurança econômica chinesa serão de controle estatal, isto é, com monopólio estatal. Isto posto, a presente investigação procurou verificar se as empresas estatais chinesas estariam abusando de sua posição dominante para além das fronteiras e infringindo, sobretudo, a própria legislação concorrencial da China, cuja promulgação fora exigida pelos demais membros da Organização Mundial do Comércio. A investigação se dividiu em três partes essenciais: primeiro sobre as transformações econômicas, mercantis, sociais e jurídicas chinesas, principalmente no período posterior ao século XX; na segunda parte, se tratou do direito concorrencial na China, confrontando-o com as empresas estatais; e no último capítulo, foram verificados casos administrativos e judiciais perante os órgãos de regulamentação concorrencial. Pretendeu-se, pelo método dedutivo de pesquisa, verificar se a dicotomia formada entre a proteção governamental às empresas estatais fere a liberdade de um mercado competitivo. Buscou-se, assim, verificar se a atividade das empresas estatais chinesas ocupou fatia relevante de mercado a ponto de abusar da sua posição dominante e se é a China um palco para a aplicação de penalidades, visando à ordem e à liberdade concorrencial. Conclui-se que ocorre tratamento desigual na imposição de penalidades por práticas de abuso de posição dominante quando se tratam de empresas estrangeiras e empresas estatais chinesas. Denotou-se por meio da análise casuística que os esforços dos órgãos de fiscalização concorrencial chineses no combate a práticas anticoncorrenciais são alcançados, até o presente momento, quando versam sobre empresas estrangeiras, enquanto que as empresas estatais recebem tratamento dessemelhante e permissivo às práticas monopolistas. / The International Competition Law is the law that protects the freedom of competition. Freedom of which, with the development of the globalized world, comes under attack by multinationals, causing damage to the economies both local and international, as well as consumers, making it necessary the state intervention to regulate these conflicts. However, emerges into a new conflict when the state holds a controlling stake of the company, such as state-owned enterprises. This scenario has been growing worse and causing conflicts competitive on the global stage. China, which traditionally held control of all companies set up in it, after the opening of the market, has been adopting constant market policy reforms with the bias to introduce high technology and expanding trade relations with other countries worldwide. In our times, after trade and structural reforms of state-owned enterprises, China has determined that key sectors of the economy considered important to China's economic security will be of state control. Accordingly, the present investigation sought to ascertain whether chinese state-owned enterprises were abusing their dominant position beyond the borders and in particular violating China's own competition law, which was demanded by the other members of the World Trade Organization The investigation was divided into three essential parts: first on the chinese economic, mercantile, social and legal transformations, mainly in the period after the twentieth century; on the second part, it dealt with competition law in China, confronting it with state enterprises; and in the last chapter, administrative and judicial cases were verified before the regulatory bodies of competition. It was intended, by the deductive method of research, to verify if the dichotomy formed between governmental protection of state-owned enterprises hurts the freedom of a competitive market. It was therefore sought to ascertain whether the activity of Chinese state-owned enterprises occupied a relevant market share to the extent of abusing its dominant position and whether China is a stage for the application of penalties for order and competitive freedom. It is concluded that there is unequal treatment in the imposition of consequences for abuse of dominant positions when dealing with foreign companies and chinese state-owned enterprises. The case-by-case analysis has shown that the efforts of Chinese competition authorities in the fight against anticompetitive practices have so far been reached when dealing with foreign companies, while state-owned enterprises are treated differently and permissively from monopoly practices.

Big data a kontrola spojování podniků v EU / Big data and EU merger control

Bosáková, Viktória January 2018 (has links)
BIG DATA AND EU MERGER CONTROL ABSTRACT The significance of "big data" as a factor in the competitive assessment of mergers in EU has attracted more and more attention in the past years. Today's digital economy revolves around the Internet and information technologies that together enabled collecting and processing previously unimaginable sets of data, high in volume, velocity, variety and value. Data started to present a valuable and important asset to various businesses, mainly active on online platforms. Consequently, companies may engage in strategic mergers in order to acquire profitable data from one another. The aim of this master thesis is to research and analyse whether big data could result in the increased market power of the newly merged company or could have detrimental effects on other competitors present on the market or the competition itself. The main research question therefore is whether big data in its essence could constitute a competitive concern when it comes to data-related mergers. This thesis initially clarifies the concept and characteristics of "big data" in general, whilst demonstrating the increasing significance of data used as assets for businesses in the present digital economy. The research then focuses on what role specific features of data could play in various stages of...

Regulação e concorrência nas telecomunicações da União Europeia : evoluções e perspectivas em busca de um mercado interno no setor

Moraes, Ricardo Leal de January 2012 (has links)
O trabalho é focado no setor de telecomunicações na União Europeia, sendo analisado como este vem sendo disciplinado no bloco e quais são as perspectivas para sua disciplina no futuro, inclusive considerando os objetivos específicos da União Europeia, dentre os quais se destaca a constituição de mercados internos do setor. O setor de telecomunicações possui relevante característica dúplice: além de uma atividade econômica específica, também é um meio indispensável ao desenvolvimento de inúmeras outras atividades. Desde a década de 1980, sua disciplina vem em constante transformação. A maioria dos países superou o entendimento de que o setor constitui um monopólio natural e introduziu, ou está introduzindo, a concorrência em seus mercados. O mesmo está ocorrendo na União Europeia, na qual este processo já está em avançado estágio. Assim, no trabalho é apresentado o modelo comunitário de introdução da concorrência nas telecomunicações, baseado na edição de diretivas, com sucessivas etapas de graduais reformas na disciplina do setor. A análise da aplicação do modelo revela uma aproximação do direito da concorrência e da regulação setorial específica, com diminuição e, inclusive, abolição desta, quando constatada concorrência efetiva. Sob o ponto de vista prático, os resultados da aplicação deste modelo são positivos, com melhoria das telecomunicações comunitárias em diferentes indicadores. Contudo, também são observadas imperfeições e aspectos a serem aprimorados. Neste trabalho é demonstrado que, mesmo nos atuais mercados de telecomunicações competitivos na União Europeia, há espaço para a aplicação concomitante do direito da concorrência e da regulação específica do setor. É exposto que a perspectiva para o futuro da disciplina das telecomunicações na União Europeia consiste no fortalecimento da aplicação do direito da concorrência em mercados com concorrência efetiva, mas com manutenção e, inclusive, fortalecimento da regulação específica, no que tange aos aspectos mais técnicos e peculiares do setor, com vistas ao funcionamento de uma verdadeira rede virtual europeia. Para tanto, aponta-se que deverão ser aprimorados aspectos relacionados à constituição de mercados transfronteiriços, especialmente com tecnologias sem fio, à constituição de infraestruturas alternativas, aos incentivos às redes de próxima geração, ao foco em mercados grossistas, à defesa dos consumidores e ao melhor funcionamento das autoridades setoriais. / This study is focused on the European Union telecommunications sector, with an analysis of how it has been governed in that region and the prospects for its treatment in the future, taking into account the specific objectives of the European Union, mainly in relation to the establishment of the internal market. The telecommunications sector has a double relevant characteristic: besides being a specific economic activity, it is also an indispensable means to the development of countless other activities. Since the 1980s, its regulation has come in constant transformation. Most countries have overcome the understanding that the sector constitutes one natural monopoly and have introduced, or are introducing, competition in their markets. The same is occurring in the European Union, where this process is already in an advanced stage. Therefore, this study presents the community model of introducing competition in telecommunications, based on the issuance of directives, with successive stages of gradual reforms in the sector. The analysis of its enforcement shows an approximation of competition law and sector specific regulation, with a reduction and even abolition of the latter, when effective competition is found. From the practical point of view, the results of enforcing this model are positive, with improvement of community telecommunications in different indicators. However, some flaws and improvement aspects are also observed. This study demonstrates that even in today's competitive telecommunications markets in the European Union, there is room for the enforcement of both competition law and sector specific regulation. It shows that the outlook for the future of the telecommunications in the European Union is to enforce the competition law in markets with effective competition, maintaining and even strengthening, however, specific regulation regarding the more technical and peculiar aspects of the sector, aiming at true European virtual networks. To this end, aspects such as the establishment of internal markets, especially with wireless technologies, the provision of alternative infrastructure, incentives for nextgeneration networks, wholesale markets, consumer protection and better functioning of authorities should be improved.

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